HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-01-06, Page 4We have jest, received another cue ofICKLE
You, will kindly accept
ALARM C1.100118'1our thanks for the very lib -
TME CI,t N'x'ON.
Which we Will sell at $1.00 stick and warrant them for one year. It is only
shunt five months since we got a case of 50 of these olooks; so you can see how
fast we Bell them. We have bought 100 inside of six months.
eral support given us i r e
past, and hope to f t a
still greater share 1 ' the
JOHN B. RUMBALL'S time to come.
oop'°FootWarm „ Dry
We have all the -latest styles of Felt goods in Overshoes, Felt
Boots, Felt Slippers, Sox and Rubbers. First-class goods at Low Prices
'5 per cent off for cash.
Save a Dollar yYhenYou Can
and More if Possible!
'THAT'S--RIGI-IT. Then why sit in the dark when you
.,fan get the celebrated
Which is equal to American at the same price as ordinary
ail. We have just received another car of this Famous Oil
and you can get it either at our new store in the Mackay'
Block or at our old store in the Brick Block.
Try it and be convinced.
We beg to call your attention to a few real live Bargains that we have been
fortunate enough in securing for the benefit of our customers. We guaran-
tee everything in this list; let the figures speak for themselves.
lien's Laced Shoes ..$ 60 Ladies'jFelt Overshoes 1 00
Men's Long Boots.... 1 25 Ladies' Laced Boots.. 65
Men's Felt Boots .... 1 25 Ladies' 'Robbers 30
Men's Laced Boots.... 85 Ladies' Kid But. Boots 1 00
Men's Gaiters 1 00 Ladies'Dongola Button 95
Een's,Overshoes 1 10..Boye Long Boots .... 1 00
Men's Lined Overshoes 1 25-MisseaLaoedBootsllto2 50
worth 1 75-0hitdren's Boots 25
Hen'alRnbbere ...... 50.Ohildren's Slippers 25
others ask 65 Women's Slippers 20
Ladiea'Oarnival0'ahoes 1 26-61bs good Japan Tea1 00
venally 2 00 Pot Barley per" 3
This stot e wishes you all a very
Happy New Year and hopes that you
may always enjoy peace, prosperity
and plenty.
We want to tell you that
we have a few very fine
Mantles Fur Trim'd
Which would be better sold.
We offer them at half price
to clear
Bird Seed per Ib 5
Canned Peaches 12,1
8 Cans Mackerel 26
4 cane Corn, Peas, Ap-
ples, Tomatoes or Pum -
kine 25
3 Cans Sardines 25
3 Bars Soap 15
8 bars Eleotric Soap 25
4 Packages of Corn or •
Laundry Staroh 25
500 Black Tea at 40
See our 50c Shoe Counter. Largest and best assortment
we ever had.
TERMS --Cash, Eggs or Batter in 1 or 2 ib rolls.
H. W. JESSOP, Cash Merchant, BL YTH
Cultivate a Taste for the
Have you a place in the room you like most to make the
cheerful room of the house ? The room where you delight to
-.see your family conversing in love and innocence. Is there
a place!in this room you think might be improved by the ad-
dition of a cheerful PICTURE? If so, call and see the line
of beautiful
Size 25 a 33 in. We offer this line at $1
TT p.
r+el t ti
We have also some well -made
For Men, Youth's and Boys' left
still, which we are going to sell
if price will do it. See them.
We have sold a pile of
this fall, still we have a few desirable
piles left yRt.. They all must go and
price will do it.
We have only Ten Pairs
Fine All Wool Blankets
left. Still these ten must go.
Price will send them out
Jt1n111t1" �,� 8O8 a„
We have 15 dozen too many
Wool Shfrts i PaU
Now these will get out of the door is
a hurry when you hear that they
must go at half price. Now's yo*'
We have Melton Dress Goods
that we are going to sell this
month. Top Shirts, Gloves &
Mitts, only a few yet; all goes
this month of January.
No such chance to get your
wants supplied.
Green Wood Wanted.
Tenders will be received by the undersigned,
up to the 15th of Jan., 1893, for the delivery of
thirty cords of four foot bard wocd a1 the Col-
legiete Institute. JAS SCOTT, Chairman.
ret> ,ker Wanted.
Applications will be received up to the 15th of
Jan. 1893 for the position of caretaker tor the
Clinton Collegiate institute. Applications to
state salary desired. Duties to boerformed
may be learned from the principal, Mr J. Home-
oarton. JAB. SCOTT, Chairman.
The annual meeting of the -HULLE'LT A6I-
RICULTURAL SOCIETY will be held in the
Council Chamber on THURSDAY,JANUAAX
12, 1893, at 2 p.m. W. COATS, Secretary.
Notice to Creditors and next of
kin of the late James Staveley.
Notice is herebygiven pursuant to the Revised
Statutes of Ontario, 1887, Chapter 110. Sec. 36.,
that all Creditors of, and other persons having
chime against, the Estate of James ttaveley, late
of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron,
Gentleman, deceased, are required to send to
Messrs Darrow & Proudfoot, of the Town of Godo-
rish, in the County of Huron and Province of
Ontario, the Solicitors for William Brunedon,
Esq., the Executor of the last will of the said de-
ceased, on or before the 1st day of February 1893,
their ohristian names and surnames, addresses
and descriptions, with full particulars of their
claims, duly attested. with the vouchers upon
which they aro based, and that atter the day last
mentioned the said Executor will proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the said deceased among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only to
those claims of which he shall then have notice
and said executor will not be liable for the said
assets, or any part thereof to any person of whoae
olaim notice shall not have been received by him
at the time of such distribution.
Dated at Goderich the 23rd day of November
Solicitors for the above named Executor
Central Butcher Shop
Subscriber desires to thank the public general-
ly, for the patronage bestowed upon hire ; and
at the same time to say that he is now in a bet
ter position than ever to supply the wants of all.
As he gives personal attention to all the details
of the business customers can rely on th
orders being promptly and satiefaotonlyy 51
His motto is "good meat at reasonable prime.
Choice Sausage, Poultry, &e.,
in season.
Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o.
Albert Bt., Clinton.
—OF A—
YALUABLE FARM in Colborne.
01,I l'TON
Corrected every Thursday afternoon.
Thursday, Jan. 5, 1893.
Wheat old and new
Wheat spring
Floor per bal
Eggs per doz
Potatoes new per bushel
Tuokeys per lb
Geese per lb
Ducks per pair
Chickens per pair
060 a 064
058 a 061
Hay, new
Hides, No. 1 trimmed
Hides, rough
Sheep Skins
Apples, per bag
Wood short
Wood long
There will bo sold, by Public Auction, at
Martin's Hotel, in the town of Goderich; on
1893, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, by John
Knox, Auctioneer, the following valuable farm-
ing land, viz:—Lot Number 14, on the Maitland
Conceetlon of the Township of Colborne, in the
County of Huron, containing 90 acres of land
more ur less, at present occupied, as tenant, by
Thomas Pennington.
Tho land is all cleared. The soil is in part a
clay and in part a sand loam, of easy cultiva-
tion. The buildings consist of a frame dwelling
house and a Bern on a stone foundation, both
in fair repair. Thorn Is a good well and an or-
chard of about ono acro in extent. It is distant
about live miles from the village of Bonmiller,
screen Miles/rem the Town of Clinton, an ex-
cellent market, and three miles from tho village
of 'rohneaville. There is a public school house
abet half a mild -away.
The present tenant's form expires on Febru-
ary 4th, 1896. Tho annual rental le ;140 a year
and taxes. Tho purchaser will bo entitled to•
the lest three years' rent of the torte, and to
any 4rrears on the first two, which remain via
paid at the day of sale.
The Salo will be subject to the said lease. be
Other respectea clear title will bo made.
TE .MS. -20 ppr cont of the purchase money'
on th day of the sale, the balance in ono month
they (ter, without interest. In other respect*,
and Salter as applicable, tho conditions of sale
will be times of tho High Canrt of Justice for
For further_particuters apply to H. hale,
Esq., Linton, Messrs Manning & Scott, )larr'le-
tore, linto and tho nndorsigned, the Execu-
tor's lioi . %ioderioh.
D tb.il at e#leh Ole 10th As, of. Ileo. 192.
now & PROIJDFOOt, \.
toliit far� �p�i Bruton,
'Rillstilyi Brstat4 .
050 a 052
a 430
016 a 018
035 a 040
008 a 010
007 a 009
040 a 070
025 a 040
.. 7 00 II 7 50.
016 a0"16
603 a 700
250 a 350
040 a 100
050 a 075
300 a 350
700 a 760
150 a 200
Farm stock, etc., more than appears on the
bill, of John Govier, lot 41, Con 12 Mullett, on
Wednesday, January 11, 1893. T. M. Carling and
C. Hamilton, Amts.
Farm stock &c., of Mr S. Phipps, (without re.
serve) lot 88, Maitland Con. Goderich township,
on Friday January lath. T. M. Carling, Auct.
Farm Stock, &e., of the late John Meiaaao,
(without reserve) lot 54, Bayfield Con. Goderich
township, on Thursday, January 12th. T. M,
Carling, Anot.
3636R.—in Clinton, on Dec. 31st, the wife of
Mr H. B. Her, of a son.
SCOTT.—In Clinton, on the 8rd inst., the wife
of James Scott, barrieter; of a daughter.
MOFFAT.—In Stanley, on Dec. 29th, the wife
of Mr John Moffat, of a eon,
OANTELON,—In Goderich township, on Dec.
31st, the wife of Mr Albert Cantelon, of a eon.
TIMMINS—WATSON.—At the residence of the
bride's father, by Rev W. H. Watson, James S.
Timmins, Esq. of Bluevale, to Amy, second
daughter of T. T. Watson, Esq., of Wingham.
FI8HER—NEAL.—In Goderich at the Albion
Hotel, on Dee. 28th, by the Rev M. Turnbull,
Charles Fisher, of Colborne township, to Elisa
Neal adopted daughter of Mrs Jonathan Miller.
NELSON—DOAK.—In Seaforth, on Deo, 22nd,
by the Roy A. D. McDonald, D.D., Mr Jae. Neieon,
of Stanley to Miss Margaret Jane Doak, of Port
Austin Mich.
DOD'DS.—McMILLAN.—On Dee. 28th, by the
Rev A. D. McDonald, D.D., at the residence of
the bride's father, Mr Adam Dodds, to Agnes,
daughter of Robt. McMillan, Esq„ both of Mo-
OROO%S—MoHAY.—At the residence of the
bride's mother, 8th eon. of Grey, on Dee. 9811o, by
Rev D. ..B. McRae Mr Albert Crooke, to Miss
Margaret Ann Mcll'sy.
DE V LIN—NORSWORTHY,—At Trinity church
Rectory,Blyth,on Dec. 27th, by Rev T. E. Higley,
Mise Mntle lloreworthy to Mr Benjamin T.
Devlin, both of Hanover.
SW EET—GILL.—At the residence of the bride's
parents, on Deo. 28th, by the Rev A. L. Russel,
Theodore 0. Sweet of Mitchell to Miss Lillian,
second daughter of Mr Frank Gill, of Exeter.
AMEY—HOSHIN8,—At the residence of tho
bride's parents on the 28th Doe, by the Rev A. L.
Russell, Moses Amey, of Stophon,,to Mies Lizzie,
second daughter of Wiliiam Hoskin, Esq.
MoDONALD—FINCH.—In Clinton on Doo.
29th, at the residence of the bride's father, by the
Rov A. Stewart Mr J. J. McDonald, to Miss Ellen
Finch, both of Clinton.
MoKAY—MCCOWAN.—At the roeidenco of the
bride's parents 2nd con. of Stanley, on Deo. 28th
by Rov J. H. Simpson William D, McKay, of
Baltimore Maryland U.k.,to Mise Mary E., daugh-
ter of Mr John McGowan, of Cherry Grove farm
%ERS—SLOMAN,—In Detroit Mieb. on the
3rd inst., Mr Adam Herr, to Mies Clara, daughter,
of Mr W. Sloman, of Clinton,
ANDERSON.—In Morrie,on!Dec 26th,Eliaaboth,
relict of the let° Wm Anderson, aged 85 years, 3
months and 20 da�yys,
GAULEY.—In Clinton, on the 2nd fust., Win.
G. Ganley, aged 27 years, 8 months and 20 days.
FORD.—In Goderich township, on Deo. 30th
Thomas Ford, aged 83 years.
SMITH.—In Goderich townehip,on the let Met.,
Susannah M., wife Of Mr John Smith, aged 25
years and 6 months.
FISHER,—In Colborlie, on the 2nd inst., 13.
Fisher, aged 77 years,1bb montne and 14 days.
MOF'f7AT.—In Stanle , on Deo. :1911, the infant
ton of Mr John Moffat. \
• The finest, compteteet and Ink st line of Etec.°
tricot appliances in the world. 'i'hey have never
failed to cure. Wemy, se•pnsitivllnlIt. (bat wt
Wilt back our belief and Bend you 0 Y Electrical
Appliance new iu the market and c n can try It
for'Thrco Montilla. Largest flet t totr<imendiid';
Mt earth, Send • for honk ttst8.Five,
'W. r. natl. 4b 470.±• `1.4(Itnddt, ' Din. '
Subscriber has now a large stock Of sorillt.#
shore cedar shingles on hand at each,
following places, and they may be proouret
either from himself or from the parties named
Brucedeld, at the station or from R. MeRreuei.
Stanley, and at Londesboro, from hirasalf.—w
H. WHITELY, Londosborough.1
Pour splendid drivers, aged respectively 3. 4
and 5 years, all in good condition, well bred,
etc., will be sold cheap. Also three stock Steers,
and a cow to calve in a mouth. Will exchange
for cash or approved joint notes. C. WILLIAMS,
Maitland Con., Goderich Township, Hoimeeville
Post Office. gat
Go to
For your
No Dull SoasouWitb Us
- —000
\We will not have it. Trade must not lag just about as
many goods moving now as there was before the holi-
days. Still there is a difference. In order to maks
the turn over for January equal that of December, en.
tra inducements must be offered.
We have placed forty pieces, about a thousand yards of
Choice Dress Goods on our Bargain Table, at
prices equal to a reduction of 25 to 50 per cent.
MEN'S OVERCOATS—Etoffe—Tweed orW orsted „*
at 4 to $5 each.
All other lines of goods that have shown a tendency to sling
to the' shelves have had the prices pruned. We do not
make any noise about selling at or below cost.
So long as we give you best value for your money, you aro
not interested in what we may gain or lose by the
transaction. We intend selling these goods, and hav*
the nerve to put them at such prices as will create a
lively demand, leaving it to your judgment as to how
it will pay you to anticipate your wants and buy not
only for present but also for future use.
Come early—choicest goods and best values will be secured
by the early buyers.