HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-12-28, Page 10t4 hd°ni-wr, d(. wa.y,1M..,, •.. -ar yZ„t,.�"'i" �,, ".",' obi X ,#ever rt eilzeti.'tbo. good of a getsileine Ito;!area stat; hiWo 3n -the !seat f sr lnonkhs,. durinkf • l &Ah :bras I have Seafood intensely' from pnellinettla, follgwe4 by itrotlObikip• After . tryst$ yprlgtis :rcme4fes, without ` neft, t, began the ttan of ;Ayerr"111 Clie's Peet4fialt orifi kb* effect luta bcpiinarvidouti a;,tingip 01010I tFUevinjr. to .et cholun wise, • s upas tt tgenii .t lgheidare9t' es•'', A, Ill kgm thrAtir, Crap, .utast telete MulApt lni a Grippe ' "tX:re$E Sprtnff X was tAlten "down wvitli`ia g r?ptrp, Ax'timea Iwo*, cgrotpltete! ,proatrat- udtamX eo dll3•teult Waste ,brea lting That my 4 th spine' "as t s alined ilt an i. ort cage ' I proctlrcd a .bpttieofyor'i cherryPectoral, and no pewter had X eon tatrting It than relief fullOwed, 1 .could net believe that the effect would be so rapid:'; -W. FI. Will1?ins, cook qty. S. D. Lung Tro aWe 't;Fgr more:than twenty.0vq ycare, T was a sufferer from IOW; trouble, attended with coughing sp severe at times as to cause hemorrhage, the poroxysma frequently last - mg three. or four hours. I was induced to try Ager a Cherry Pectoral, and after taking four bottles, was thoroughly cured. I can confidently recommend this medicine." -Franz 1Xofelzuun, Clay Centre, Kane. A'Y:R' Qhe.rry• Pectora 9 Prepared by Dr.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by ail Druggists. Price Si ; six bottles, $5. Prompt to act, $iwra, to cure the Huron News -Record 81,60 a Year -$1.25 in Advance ' 1YedueSav Dcc. t✓8tit 114.►.t. SIXTEEN PAGES. PUT THEM TO WORK. The tramp probletu appears to have broken, out with remarkable viruleece in the neighborhood of Berlin, in this province. A school teacher, on re- turning to his hoine found as tneny as seven dangerous specimens of this order of ruffianism obstructing the way, They had been driven in from the open co+lutry by rho decline of the sea eon, and were in a vicious frame of mind, One of them threatened to shoot the school master, but they all made of when a pistol *as presented at them. Recently" 1lQinoreus acts of intimidation and injury to the person have been reported about tramps, and the correspondents almost iuvariably complain that local justice is altogether too inactive in punishing these offences.Since refuges in the large cities like Toronto have taken up in earnest the idea of getting a return in labor for the driven reluctantly to the other choice of food and shelter that they provide for trampe, these gentry seem to have been evils open to thern,namely the pursuit of• ••'the.ir•-professicrusef vagra7lcy-- t'hleeugh out the winter. If this bo so, then the smaller. centres of population had better stir the mselves. A coup:e of tramps hanging around a small town for four months at a stretch are not desirable sojourners, ' They may be satisfied to beg, but it is altogether likely that they would not hesitate at lawlessness and outrage. Sonne sort of municipal hard labor should be pro- vided for them, and they should be ar- rested an eight,-Einpare. WLIdT IS A PROTESTANT ? There are "protestant" protectants, and there ere "papist'.' protectants. • There are also "protestant" papists and papist papists. A protestant protestant is one who not only in precept but also in prac Hee stands to the principles of civil and religious liberty, and "government by, through and for aim people." He is also a recognized metatter or the pro- testant portion of the community. .He extends to others the same liberty of conscience as he claims for himself, and, like true Orangemen, would not persecute or injure auy man on account of his religious opinions. A papist protestant is a man nomin- ally a protestant. • 't'liat is, he chanced to be born one. But his whore life is in harmony with popery. His con- duct is tyrafinical ; he does not allow his children or others- over whom he bas control the free exercise of their thoughts; he is in short whether in pulpit, pew, or in every day life a tyrant, a papist, pure and simple. He persecutes any man who does not be- long to the same church or if beldng- fog to the same church, who does not • accept his dogmas in all things. Such is the papist pyotestant. The. protestant papist is one eine chances to be a Roman Catholic, yet who in every respect observes the same principles of life as does the protestant Protestant. ' The papist pap.istris like his brother the papiet protestant, a -bigot and a tyrant. Fortunately for the world the second and fourth 8peeireens are gradually be - Coming Less Dumerou. .Mon and wo linen in all spheres are hecoming broad• er end better. They are fearpin2 to stand firmly by measures and' princi• plea no matter by whom advanced. The "to hell with the pope" orange - man is a simple disgrace to the order. Saab a man is in reality endowed with alt the ignorant, superstitious and tryantticnl ideas attributed to the bigot- ed class of Roman Catholics. Bttt 'the world is advancing. We trope to neo the broad liberal men of all Creeds staled out for those principles, end, if tyrants and intolerant people must exist, that they will all label then:101ves whether Protestant or Ro- iiriatl Catholic, what they really are, bigoted papists, -Lindsay Warder. c The Ind to be K Pr AoB{gti iteret;Ard tQ the Iarna fr"orri now moth next Poco.mtxsf You should toebeer(tle,for ,: wkly IiitcrO.ccan d' Tap WQBLP1 4 04.13 ton t!!@ NES'y'�fiWEr v MONT7 S Will' Rbe of ab8or'ing heteE'ese to every) ody an (aSSIII nmaQ01tAlsT Intezzde mailing SPEC4z+ PV,AnTelD QP i A, ptirps Q>i S AF�jn TIE?Oi;:TRAS Will, devote their attention Us the`gaeopettfen, stel , the reader$ of The Weeks!!#' Inter Qoeau wlit in m43101E3%40 have a synopsle ,o1 ail liappemin a azul, fee:et zes of interest on, tie grounds anti eleowAere, wtth iiluatretipns, T110 YOUTHS' DEPARTMENT, won 's Kigii)011, CURIOSITY SHOP, THEM; E, TAO M.,INA FARM, and ail LITERARY YEA 1 ;S STIbt,'tlE MAINTAINED AND IMPROVED, 'owing to the toot, of the orange its the poiittoal ollaraOter of the National 1l cimtntstration, Nl" W}'3 FRAM'Z'HE POLITICAL WOBeLD will be of unusual interest.. THIS WILL BE POUND COMPLETE IN THE INTER OCEAN, In fact, It 1s the intention to iweep The Inter Ocean to the Front as a Paper for the home, And make it such a vistter as wiii be enioyed by EVI1RY =MEER qF' TEE FAMILY', young and old. To make TEE PAPER BETTER TITAN EVER shall be our endeavor. The Price of The Weekly Inter Ocean is - $1.00 Per Year The Price of The Semi -Weekly Inter Ocean is $2.00 Per Year The Weekly is published EVERY TUESDAY. The Semi -Weekly EVERY MONDA` . and TI3II118DAY. Send for sample cOpy ane coo for youreelt. Address all orders THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. " FINANCIAL STATEMENT, Town of Clinton. PUBLISHED PURSUANT TO STATUT, RECEIPTS. 1891 Balance on hand, January, 1892 $1,307 91 Property Account 337 95 Cemetery Account l 57 00 Charity Account . 14 95 Couuty Account 100 69 License Account 921 88 Magistrates Fines 255 00 Arrears of .Taxes 8 76 Street Account, Sales of Lumber Account, Interest on $10,000 deposit Public School Government Grant Bills Payable Collected en Roll previous year Collected on Roll, 1892, present year Sinking Fund'(tal;.en from for Park) Proceeds of Sale of Consolidated Debt Debentures EXPENDITURES. Interest on account of all Debentures Public School Town Grant Public School Government Grand Cemetery Account Street Watering Interest and Discounts Charity Salaries Streets, Sidewalks and Drains Printing Postage and Stationery Property Account Insurance Pound., Fire and Water Accounts Board of Health .Elect i"e"'Light:.- ..._ ,_... a .,.... Incidentals County Rate Taxes Refunded Election Account Mechanics Institute Grant Park Account. . ,, 2,185 85 -Bilis Payable '800 00 To Retire to L. H. & B. Ry. Debenture $500 each. 0 312 00 2,500 00 3,909 52 4,491 00 2,143 35 16,130 01 1,10500 3;100 00 • 312 00 102 85 100 00 28 65 282 92 1,211 75 2,006 69 9325 12 00 10355 70 80 12 00 183 27 500 687 50 228 05 812 74 2 85 LIABILITIES. Maturing before 1st Jan., 1893. Estimated Consolidated Debt Debentures.... Fire and Water Debentures Collegiate Institute Debentures Public School Debentures • ASSETS. Debentures purchased with Sinking Fund. Property -Collegiate Institute , 9,000, Public Schools 8,000 Town Hall and Market Square Fire and Water Appliances Public Park Unpaid Taxes and Cash on hand RECEIPTS.' PAYMENTS. From Dec. 15th to January 1st, 1892. Railway special Atte account.. $ 495 00 13,446 52 y 3 j !dirt; . *&a:UP 'S ' 1\ :r',4G4ZXN't`,+ er.i'.UgrIt4113.lx. sr4seoef•'chiageelae toll` 98 wt'4 aolipue to sushi; talo tha Unrivalled Standard .of, eycoel#euee 'Odell. boa, .obar'aetilrtxed It front the begtteifng, Aineng,the tie?' table folderol of the year there will he now upvlde :by Conan Poyqla, Canadines Fenimore., W,00#n'tl, and > ll#Iarta AO, Ono al orisewitkbe eentributedtemtt4Qi.r writers by of tho day, to ore tD 1ehd! Willies, ulltallgrii Jr�u :int ottvtt, Dxltxlrarbt Ae3and. hoeing Q #i in two, end Memotbfirs, Timillgettated desctlptito Taper'* wily epliir'et' art1elea bx Jubile It u u 3t � 1p. o e it new Southern o ahem at,d.wrnfnrn<pnhjoaas,'by 1'heorlere Chltit on xAt11p; by Tenitlley II) e#oW oft Tiussily andfiernillny; by lti_eliard Fiatlinn:l>ltvis on LondaA_ $easart!.:lis, Caluur)t1.4-jyotiU4ou•Esete6n laciest' 6 .oSe• . 7l tiwip .4,. Abbey's illukttat#ous of ,tihekosprartes Comedies will be eentlened, Lltare$7 artielrs will bo contributed by Charles -?t#'ict tltert, n; tlra,'spew 4`, 7'#i+ldx, WIh1i<Ai oaA IitweUg,!bandit 'Matthews, and others. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. I'o1+ Ycnr; • HAI;PER'S MAGAZINE IIABI'Jslt'S Wyb.It(, ,.,......- IIAitP141t'ri BAZAR..., 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNo2 ItI6OPLL. ,,, 00 Postage Free to all subscribers tat the United States, Cana(la, and Iileatico. • • The Valance Of the Magezino beggin with s Nom - bear, NV ne ora of s mentioned,, enbeeriptiem) wilaltIte and. Decernher of ear), l begin with the Number au rent at the time of receipt of order, Bound Volume» of Harper's Magazine for three genre beak, in neat cloth binding, will be gent by mail, pont-nuld, on receipt of $000 fair volume. Cloth Casio, for binding, 50 vents each- by mail, host -paid. Remittance ghoul' bo made by Post•ufilee Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise- ment without the express order of Harper de Brothers. Address: HAIRPIER *t BROTHERS, Now Yomt! 11193. HARPER'S WEEKLY. ILLUSTRATED. Hurper's Weekly is aekuewledged as standing dint among il•ustrated weolliy periodicals in America.' It ocoupie, a plane between that of the hurried daily paper and that of the less timely moutbly magazine. 1892 It includes both literat,are Red news, and presents 2,775 19 with equal force and felinity the real events of currant 401 1930 history and the irn,egiuutive themes of fiction. tie ao- count of its very complete genes of illustrations of the 80' 00 weed'. Fair, 11 will be ort only the beet guide to the great Exposition, but eine its heist solvenir. "Every "pnblil event of general lntor.•et will be fully illustrated in its pages. Its coutrihntiona being from the best writers and artists in thfs eouutry, it will continue to excel in litrrature, news,' and illustrations, nil other publications of its clews. 50 34 880 80 50 00 89 72 21 04 79 95 301 00 3,000 00 2,227 84 5,353 00 10,000 00 25,310 18 1,4?,t0 87 3,100 00 301 00 51 88 100 00 82 35 271 61 1,264 25 1,801 15 101 75 16 61 258 94 61 00 133 17 35 00 726 00 51 05 839 84 500 100 00• 131 85 2,000 00 10,000 00 22,865 12 3,500 00 16,500 00 6,000 00 9,500 00 1,000 00 '36,500 00 • 3,500 00 17,000 00 12,000, 00 3,000 00 2,000 00 8,769 89• .$46,269 89 J. Wheatelyy accoutlt roll $4,757 Magistrate Fines. -..-.._ 2. Statute Labor. 40 Property account 44 Proceeds sale of)Con. Debs6,435 Proceeds sale of lots in' Ceme- tery 24 35 'Fire and water special rate ac - 00 count 210 00 00 Speeial"rate as..ounti •-e----, O1. 45 Grant to Collegiate Institute. ' 1,500 00 00 Postage and stationery 9 36 18 52 10 50 2 25 • 560 66 00 100 00 11 90 1,700 00 33 47 15 55 477 4,5 7 00 Printing account 00 Incidental account Fire and Water account Charity account Election light account Salaries account Property lic,count Bills Payable Interest and discount Election account SinkinFluid Reflate of Taxes Retiring L. H. and B. Deb.... 6.500 00 $11,302 80 $11,212 60 OF THE TOWNSHIP - OF - STANLEY, In Account with the said Municipality for the rear 1892. The following is the Finanois,l Statement as made out this 15th day o' December, 1892, Receipts from Dec. 15th, 1891, to Dee 31st inclusive $1500 51 Expended on roads and bridges.. ..... $ 38 00 Expended for bharity 5 74 Expended for schools 2388 sG'T' $2440 01 Dec. 15th, 1892. r Balance on hand... .. Total receipts to date . Expended on roads and bridges $1433 35 Expended for charity 268 29 Expended for printing 29 35 Expended for sundries 88 10 Expended for gravel $47 22 Expended for salaries 583 60 Expended for Schools 334.7 36 Expended, borrowed money 650 00 Balance on hand Debts, neunty rate $3318 6s Debts, schools 1495 56 Credits, uncollected tax $4000 29 $879 50 $8312 11 $8747 27 $1561 84 $4812 24 4000 29 JOHN REID, Treasurer. JOHN TORRANCE,,Reeve. .-J HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAGAZINE ' - 14 00 HARPS WS WEEK LY ....................... 4 (t0 If AUL BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 200 Postage Free to ail ,eugscribers in the United Slates, Canada, and Mexico. The Volumes of tl'e Wrekly begin with the nest Number fur ,January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number eurrent at the time of receipt of order... Bound Volumes of Harper'a Weekly for three repro back in neat cloth bindinv, will be sent by mail, poet. age paid, or by express, free of expenec (provided the freight do«e not exceed one holler per volume), for 87 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each'volume, suitable for hinding will be sent by snail, post 181,1, en receipt of 81 00 °soh Remittance should bo anode by Post-offlee Monty Order cr Hiatt, to ovoid chance of loss. Newapape>a are not to copy this advertise- ment without the express order ,of Harper $1, Brothers. • Address : HARPER & BROTHERS. Naw Yn,x. 1893, HARPER'S BAZAR. , ILLUSTRATED. ' Horner's Bazar is journal for the home. It gives the fullest and largest information abort fasbione, and its numerous i1lm.trations,Pariti designs. and pat- to(-n-eueet supplements are indispensable alike to the home dre,e•maker and the professional modiste. No expenoe is spar+'to make its artistic attractiveness of the highest order. Its bright stories, smut ingcorm edits, and thoughtfulways satiety all tastes, and i+s last page le famous as a bgdget of wit and humor. In its weekly issues everything is inebrded which is of intermit to women. The Serials for 11493 will be writ- ten by Walter Reliant and Edna Lyall. Cht•ietine Torhnne Herrick will furnieh a practical series, en. titled "At the Toilet." Grace Icing, Olive Thorne Miller, and Candace Wheeler will ho frequent cnn- trlbutnrs. The work of women in the Columbian Ex- position wili'be fully represented with many illnstra• tion,. T. W. Htggin,nn, in "Women and Men," will please a cultivated audience. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year t HARPER'S M4GAZTNE '. • 84 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HABPER'SBAZAR 4 O+; HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage Free to allsubscribers in the:United States, Canada, and Mexico. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscription, will begin with the Number _current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Vnlnmee oT arye s 13511-rdnY -tht•+ta-yearlf - back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, post- age paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for 87 00 per vol'lme. Cloth Cases fns each volume, Eu11Rb10 for binding, will be sent by mail, poet -paid, on receipt of 8100 each llemittnncee should be made by Post -osteo Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy thio advertise - mint without the express order of Harper & Brothers, Address : HARPER & BROTHERS, New Yonx. EXECUTOR'S SALE -OF- A VALUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE, In the Matter of the Estate of the Late James Stavely. TAere will be sold, by Public Auction at Martin's Hotet,in the Town of Goderich, on SATURDAY, THE 14th DAY OF JANUARY, 1893, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, by John Knox, Auctioneer, the follow. Ing valuable farming land viz: -Lot Number 14, in the Maitland Concession of the Township of Colborne, in the County of Huron, containing 00 acres of land more or less, at pressnt occupied, as tenant, by Thomas Pennington. The land is all cleared. The soli is in pari a Clay and in part a sand loam, of sally cultivation. The buildings conetet of a frame dwelling house and a barn on 8 stone foundation, both is fair repair. Therets a good well and an orchard of about one acro in extent. It is distant about ave mins from the Village of Benmtller, seven miles trmn the Town of Clinton, an eXcetlent market, and three miles tram the Village of Holmesville. There le a public school house about bolts mile away. The present tenant's term expires on February 4th, 1858. me annual rental is 1140.00 a year and taxes. The purchaser will he entitled to the Inst three years rent of the term, and to any arrears on tJle first two, which remain unpaid at the day of sale. The sale will be subject to the said lease. In other respects a clear title will be made. Toon.-20 p4r cent of the pen -chase money on the day of the sale, the balance in one month thereafter, without interest. In other respects, and so far as applicable, the eondittdns of sale will be thole of the ,High Caere of Justice for Ontario. li'or further particulars apply to H. Hale, req„ Cltn n 1i io , es'irb. Manning ':Scott, Bstrf►tors, Clinton, end the underelgned, the Etecutora Sollcitorit, Code. rich. Dated at Goderich this lDth day of December, 1892. OAIUtOW & PRbUDFOOT, WILLIAM BRUNB 10JJ�orl for the Executor Now, '1}i sb6 the season forpreertos, and. wh . <not lcoe itcyo. r' . ifo'si ' r .sen .'o t y 4 .�tt 1x p� .4 #� IigS$ LT+S-(IQ.iai) wiBP.41.4 CAjt 'S t They ,are alio btisw®JO the wolfl6i, ITRifi :, 4 N � tl seen p ,ur Iitcl4lr af.`I`Tsw 'White Steel (4r4r4tsttiff ark, Clot Stee) Orman Ware, O4rvfri in 0tteve Red Be,4HEither' 4Cietiltri4 ja' 04.4044 >tivoe Orktk 440 SpQtttla, » :04004.7- tlltrti; TWf D011iert anti Irshl( ..poQf4r t►ifcl X4a41pg. ,e at#d liAn$ing T.4&mpote The are b4tt tiOs, r sBnTEs, Arnag SRAM. BROS Trop and Ifawctvvare N.Iet'CI#ants, 0littlpn ;Ont, ,' idol for 'Choice Cream Cho Folates: �t. Kul per . Done up in a nice fancy box or 'satchel, also the following Goods at reasonable prices. 500 lbs Royal Mixed Candy, ,200' lbs-'-----_ Mixed Candy, 100 lbs Conversation Lozenges, New Figs, Nuts, Lemons, Oranges. Oysters and Fish direct from Baltimore. Call and see our Stock which is tho largest and roost vari tl in town. Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes in great Variety. CO.AT'S CITY RESTAURANT, CRUICKSIiANK'S OLD STAND, , HE HUB GROCERY. Ye People -•-0 We are going 'to talk to you about Now is :he tithe you aro interested about presents for your friends. Call on us; we have got a fine lot of CHINAWARE, such as CARBARETS, ORALS, SALAD DISHES, CUPS end SAUCERS, MUGS, &c., &o. Mso a package of GLASSWARE in 5 and 10ct. piccee, a Mary„el for value. Our Stock of NEW FRUITS and PEELS are here, such as RAISINS and C.URRANTS, LEMON and CITRON PEELS. All the above Goods at prices to suit the Christmas trade. GEORGE SWALLOW, Cinton. The People's Column Advertisements under this heading 41 fur firat rnont/e,-and40c._eacta subsequent month. C ARETAKER WANTED. wanted, a competent caretaker for the Clinton Eich School. Applicants must state salary. Appli- e,tlons will be received by the undersigned and par. oculars ofduties learned up to .January 15th, 1893. 20 JAMFe Scor, Chalrn•8n,8,,, TENDERS FOR WOOD.. • Wanted, by High School Board, Clinton, tenders for supply of 30 cords 4.foot green hard wood. Ten- ders addressed to the undersigned sill be received up to:January 15th, 1893. 28 Jame Scorr, Chairman. FARMS FOR SALE. The two excellent farms on the 4th concession God- erich Township, well situated and very desirable properties. Only throe nines from Goderich For particulars apply on the premises, or address Gode- rich P. O. MRS. ,ANNE LUNC HB. 785 tf N EW BUTCHER SHOP WHEATLEY d. FINCH We have Openea out for business on HURON STREET, CLINTON, and will be pleased to sup- ply the wants of all in ail kinds of 'moats and poultry in season at the lowest living prices. Highest cash price ppaid' for Bides, Sheepskins, &c. Patronage respectfully solicited. 727 -tf. WHEATLEY d• FINCH. MONEY TO LOAN. _Q.n farm property_at 54 per cent. Apply to C. A. B4.RTT; Clinton, NOTICE. 1 There being some misunderstanding with ,re. gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to me 3 shall -at once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning I shall give. CAPT. WM. BARB. Reeeit•er of Wrecks, Goderich. Goderich, Sept. nil 1891" • WRIiSHIRE BOAR FOR SER. VICE. S W. JACKSON Town Agent G. T. CLINTON For Tickets and information to all points apply to above. a 4' IF YOU Are going to MONTREAL Use the CANADIAN. PACIFIC RAILWAY. OTTAWA Or to USE THE C.P.R. Or to DETROIT USE THE C.P.R. Or to CHICAGO USE THE C.P.R. Or to •t MANITOBA,. i It will pay you if you wish comfort and accommodation. A. T. -Coope'; Agent _ Cl ton The People's Grocery, - Our Stock is now complete and well assorted with Choice. Goods. See our Fruits, Peels and Pure Spices. Our li ancy Cups and Saucers, Tea and Dinner ets are Extra Value. In Price and Quality our Green, Black and Japan Peas and Pure Cofieo. always lead. Our ull stook is cut down to very close prices. Butter, Eggs and Fowl taken in exchange for goods. You can save money by buying from; us. G . J. STEWART. The subscriber has for service on !hie farm, Summerhill, a thoroughbred registered Boar, bred by G. Green, of Fairview. Terme, 81, with privilege of returning. J. J. McLAt01ILIN, • 733.41. 9amnterhlll• t (7 ENERAL SERVANT WANTED, �Wanted,.at once, a good general servant at the Rattenbttry Hotel. Clinton, for general work. Good wagee ,and steady employment to the right person. Apply at the 41 RATTENBURY HOUSE, Clinton. ROAR FORSERV[CE... and on the farm aof ckJohnerkshi0. Elliott, Bell ayfield Owned by Goderititt township. Terme 81, with privilege of returning. J. 0. ELLIOTT. Scientific American llgency for TEASE MARKS DESION PATENTS COPYRIQHTS• etc. E'or 1nfortnattorl and free Handbook write to Oldest bureCO.,, for securing p tente tin Ameer9ca. Every patent taken out by us le brought before the public by a entice given free of charge in the rientatic linertran torrent elreullitlon of any selet tf10 paper fettl werld. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent than ehontd be without 1t. Weekl$.0p roar; $1.50 six months, .AddrelteMUNN & 004 C'nfaslrY. %301 Broadway, New York. Notice to Creditors and Next to in OF THE LATE JAMES STAVELY. Natio is hereby given pursuant to the Revisep Statutes of Ontario, 1887, Chapter 110, Sec. 80., that alt Creditors of, and other persons having claims against, the Estate of James Stavelv,late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, Ceceased, are required to send to Messrs Darrow & Proudtoot, of the Town of Goderich. in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, the Solicitors for WILIAAN BxuNsbos, Esq., the Executor of thei last will of the said deceased, on or before the lot day of February, 1893, theitChrfbtlen name and surnames, addresses and descriptions, with fall part3oulars of their claims, duly attested, with the vouchers upon which they ?tire based, anti that after 61,0 day last mentioned the said F.xecutor will proceed to dls• tribute the assets of the saki deceased among the parties entitled thlireto, having regard only 'to those shims at which he shall then have notlet, and the said exiletrtor will not be. liable for the said assets or any part thinner to any person Of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him at the time et Such distribution. Dated at Goderich, the 28rd dayof NSverhbeI, f892.• °ARROW do 3'I0OUDFOOT, Solicitors for theabove named Etecutor. 784 id,