The Huron News-Record, 1892-12-28, Page 9eaguarrers FOR t u.r second Monthly Bargain Day wil DAY Loi Prioes!. Thursday, January 5th, 1.893. Don't miss it. It will pay you. to be there. 1 We take stock this month and want it as low as possible by February lst. For this reason we have prepared au Extra .:4rray of Bargains .for you. Come and be convinced.that you are money ahead trading with us. Furs. cannot give you etdetailed list of Furs and prices butyoucan depend that what furs' we have, on Bargain Day will go at very low prices„ 3 Fur Caps. Every Far Cap we have on Bargain day will be marked at a price that will sell it. Watch for Bargains lin them you will not be dis- appointed. 4 Cottons. • it Grey and White Cottons we will have some Big Bargains to offer you. $Z.50,$3 HeavyShawls $3.50,$4HeavyShawls $1 Eider Down: Flannel 10c Dress Goods 60 Rin'ts. Dress Goods Down the Dpw�n °�''gan Slid'„ to the Toboggan $1.50 Dpy�n , theSlide to Toboggan the TSlid �',�'� Toboggan a to gan Slide to Down°g the Toboggan ggan Slide to 25 Hm'ts Stanley Cloth 50c Plain Drs Goods wn the T0b0ggan Down the S12de to 50c Plaid Dress Goods Toboggan S Down the Slide to $8 Dress Suits Toboggan Skid DOWn the T„ � e 50 Dress Suits Do bog an slide q �n the T�►b�j, � ► A lot of Gimps Doan t bgan thietq, Children's. Mantles he Toboggan S1 $5 7 20c Towels A Good Towel $2.25 65c 7*c half price half price 25c 25c $4:25 $2,90 .Dr'wn the T�► ode tO o half price half price bi►baa o�'� the `Sl�do � _ Down °bog�'an Slade to Towelings the Toboggan Slide12c Down �. to to 45c Table Linen the Toboggan 5c Doman the r b Olde 50c Table Linen oggan Slide 10c Apron Muslin 10c and 15c i rillings $1 Ladies' Vests $5 Over Coats $6 Over Coats -$9 Over Coats $11 Over Coats $3 Boys' Overcoats A lot of Odd. Vests A lot of Odd Coats $12 Sealette $6 Sealette $2 /Untie Beaver $1.50 Ulster Cloth $1 Honey Comb°Quilts 2 piecesTable0i1Cloth 75c Shirts & Drawers 50c Shirts & Drawers Top Shirts 121c Shaker Flannels 75c Tweeds 60c Tweeds • Dovr�n to the Toboggan Slid D°R't the Tobo a to Dew the Toboggan S W.IheTob —ode to a"Slide t Down T�b�� Slidean to the gain Side to D° Tib°gSUan Side own the Toboggan Sl' t° the Tubo ide t° D0 ggan Side t° Down the Tobo_ an --__ the TobogganSlide to slide to Down the T°bozgan Slide ° the Tobo slide to $8.35 D von the Toboggan aline to DOW/2 the Toboggan Slzde to $8.95 �'niDown the Tobi gay s" ode t� the'aflT�g _ toboy gays de o 65c Downhe Toboggan lide to 20c Down the Toboggan side- tom — 55c Down the Tobozgan sl�de- t °_ 39c Down the Tobogge4 Slide to about' price Down the Tobi l de to 100 Down the Toboggan Slide Tobo to 522c an Slide to 40c These Prices for spot Cash or Produce Only. 5, 5i, 7 and 8.c 32c.. 19c 5c 1 5 Blankets. Odd Comforters and Pairs of Blankets will be cleared out -en Bargain Day at Money Saving Prices for you. 6 Suitings & Pantings. We have a few Odd Suit and Pant Lengths of Tweed, These are Good Colors and Patterns but we have too many, Bargain-Daysee the last of them. Price will do it. 7 5� Remnants. 70c $2,50 $4,25 $5.50 Down the Tob Down gga $7.75 $2 25c $1.50 31.372 $1 We would specially direct your attention to the Remnant table; there you will find short ends of all kinds and some of the Biggest Bargains in the store. 8 Flannels. We will quote you some very low prices on both uray and Fancy Flannels. ESTATE JOHN HOBIENS, Dry -foods Palace, Clinton. t1