HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-12-21, Page 16. HA i' "S' Nu, Batu tof the Georgetown porgt allele, was in 'town lot btus,' 1hltui E sots! froln Paltota, fdrnaerly l•fra, Vitt,' is Ott It visit to frieuda 41' 91111tau. tut'ii pace, Oho Cli'ntoft'hi'quor $too. Tit► kisgti and attiet:ngehetttY.00 ,f e Isr4 R . t • iia'ouad tbgre, +. � .: >:ttTno, • •To ° 4dvert sers� ;4/1 Moos qi :.daottiacments,• to,. fissure 4nferefo.ii, ,she eurre0 issue; • m14$t `bc reveived qt4.0.090 q{ilge not'tato • than S.d l jiD . r' $QO117.. C9l '• terel8a208t'oedivedlater:t1an.SA7 ' X7, 'DAYN00_'trwilt'lzerew%rer,be at. the Acivertaeer's own. risk. A. k. TO».D, ?ui5Usher, The HuronNews-Record • $1,50 a '4eix.•--q1,2111 Advance, - 11 edrensday; Deo. 21st, 1$9!x. --- In and Around the llub,. Titl11/11� �ltXk, room, ',NOTIOEs.—A11 notices in these 'columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding •of .the same,at•which an admission fee is eharged,or from which a'peeuniary benefit is to be derived, will be chased at ten cents per ;rate of the lite; Tut MOST LARGELY OIROULATED PAPER' IN. THIS SECTION.. No LADIES TOILET is complete with. out a. bottle of Cream of Witch Hazel, manufactured . end sold by Jas. IH. Combos. • • CALL and see J. W. IRWIN'S stock of Fancy, China. THE NEWS RECORD has about 20,000 Note and Letter heads at a slight advance on cost, CREAM OF WITCH HAZEL will not ,injure the . most delicate skin. _For chapped hands, sore lips and for use ,after shaving it is unsurpassed. *Robes, horse Clothing, Fancy Woollen and Plush Rugs, are at Bargain prices at 732tf. JOHNSTON ac ARMoua's., IitAs Pseidbfre at "J. W. IftwIN's, Mc- Kay Block. Boo wanted, about 16 years of age. Apply tOJAOKSON B1to., Clothiers: ROBINS BROS. have no goodeat their old, stand,' all their Xmas. business is to be done in the McKay Block BIAS RUITS, New and Fresh, at J. W. cKay_Block. • To -day (Wednesday) is the shorteet day of the /ear. MRs. WALL is confined to the house through illness. Miss LENA SPARLING,. of Blyth{ was svieitor to Clinton last week.. t4tob Tint:i,�4 .' and : Sadie ' Xity,det, Mspio street, Reit y'tielertlay.t`or,t?n•: tante, ,Pat., whore they wiil'in future teetde. , l!fxsof Iowa Ituan'Att; rr, the. Winner of the ;i~atzwke saga you f or ao'ego,, won' the epeutai prize forldtatory awat!l o4 by. teacher. A, .+y4: gooro# ;iu .the. aederiOlt Collegiate Institute, axAAj3t1Toft, o Cfod,eriab, iI as ln�: Clintai#. last. lfridayi, completing itr'. ritngewente! for ,the $3..0gert;Uttder. Urs' 1Yorship'e. ttatrouago •;u the ooataty tP,w. t►, •t#O Dat $.n480. -,Novi lethe itenrt of the -holiday choppertoad° glad by .the judieicus advartieor, Anybody iu ;search of presents needs only (0 :con. /Mit the coluttips of,'L'rtu NEwt3. RECORD to' fix .his choice, . Aoa;tw, MORD Llaax,- Glirtto'a pays' a nice aunt aunually for eloctrto lights, Lately Tai NEws Rao0Rn has called Attention t0 tete foot that the Bidet!) is not giving the satisfaction which ,might .feaaonabl,y be expected. : Wed,, avidity avenin, our business hien were left in complete darkness for s tiiue and. • people had to grope along the streets and jostle each other to• find their way. Thie inconvenience Wight reasonably be borne occasionally. But • our oitilens and business men look and ask for a better seilice.' Agaiu, give us more light—give us • bettor light. FROM DAKOTA. -Mrs; McGregor, who has been in Dakota for seven years, returned last ,'1'hursiay. Her eon has been located ou•a farm in Walsh County, Kinloss town;• for abont eight years, For five years in succession the trope, have been a:• failure. Mr.' 'olcGregor made. a very good ,start and hia pros- pects seemed fair, but the successive crop failure has convinced him that he must try his'iuck elsewhere. Ile will do so with less mooey than he took' to Dakota, though.. Mrs. Mc- Gregor informed THE NEWS RECORD that her son will in all likelihood try hie f,irtunes • in our .Canadian North west. Mrs. McGregor is an old time resident of the 7th con., Goderich township, and while in tawrf was the pleat, of her old and respected neigh bor, Mrs.Thos. 0: Cooper. SoUOoL, .. TALK —The total rate in Clinton is 19 mills, on the ddllar, made up as follows: County rate, 1 ; town rate, 6; special rate, 1 ; ,consoli- dated debt rate, 2; eehool rate, 8. It will be seen that the school rate ie much higher than any of the other four. It is, quite proper that our schools should be kept np t0 4_144 Standard. In fact it is necessary. But, it ie:difficultjust to find why more inter- est is not manifested 'in school mattete. �t the various boards it' is frequently difficult to secure a quorum for the transaction of the ordinary routine business. This is not right or proper or in keeping with the great cost of these necessary .institutions. But the people mani'feet less interest than the trustees. And wh'y' We are looking for a reason. People, many people, we .have .heard complain dur- ing the Iast'fewweeks aboutthe apparent high school rate. But.you never find them interested enough to attend Board meetings. The people should' become more conversant in echool matters. More rivalry should be enthused into trustee elections. ..These Bdarde are more important, in•some respects, than the town council, and- citizens should become more familiar with their doings. ,Then we would hear lees grumbling and probably more practical interest manifested in school work. .- i zi- . • . WW bWvo book tQr). busy to Nv ito advortise a t . ulving the • last tell/ d � ast acs, �. would YY st 1I a o. st :‘ Uiia•h 'wo ai a not a,t our aid stand 41: fix. � {•# but +tiro bity° ve y- fine stgolr of TA d VanerC400dseete,,at' olur new steps ,iii :tit go.1 ay 13i101.. The q,ueotlgn Out altscot • every Berson, you W0Ulct ;meat for ohs last, few w hue been ,, 'What's it going to do ;Rain of Snow 1. ; T'hevele rto. doubt .. now,eta Sno td.., xhat settitd it, Acrt threefourth of the toSoia clo><i 41e:14et1 that some friend would receive a preitent l for attoh;;ta ul eering influence of oenutne winter weatiter that it puts' ;every, d . good, u �or, �¢ teae. people wbo arole 0✓,004 ioaaor wt'i et lav • .. s a Wte atook W ;. h. to reduce ouratolxPf int r IP 001ic..-- ttol• o and •News Depot, McKay. Block Clinton. MUNICIPAL.—TTp to date all seem; speculation. Next Monday will place matters in a more definite Shape. Fon Megoa.—A. great many elect- ors have named Councillor. Geo. D. McTaggart as a good choice for Mayor for 189.• ° 'SPROUAL MEETING.—The council held a special session on Tuesday of last week, at which the closing of the Roll was extended to Jan. 2nd. WHY Nov 1—Why do they not Spell 00 comptroller " c-o-n•troller'1 It ie a compnundrum'of no great cowpsequ- ence; but why eamptpeople have some compsideration for oompciseness 4 ONTARIO ST. METHODIET CHURCH. —We understand"that this church will he beautifully decorated for the Christ- mas services next Sabbath. Tho past- or will preach at both services; in the morning a Christmas Sermon and in the evening on "Christian Unions." Hops OF REFUGE.—Last week Mr. Leishmiin, of Marnook, was a jury- man at Goderich. While going and (returning the gentleman was a caller at ;ht'is office. Mr. Leishman is a gentle. Min of more than ordinary intelligence and oiled the class that is always con- winced from conviction and facts. He went to Goderich opposed to a Home Of, Refuge. The knowledge gained in his official capacity as a jury= Matt and the authentic figures at hia' oouiniand bat led hunt to now be in tav'or Of House of Refuge. He takes into account the gtiestioti in all its hesrings-ufinatIcial, humanitarian, etc. rand hie honest 'conviction is that the fnv'aetment mould be a good one for rho County of Huron. Out fatale', Meads • in Mr. ieishmatn'a neighbor- haod` who ac trot thoroughly under-, gotta the question can get a few glib - bora facts from that., gentleman that *tflbo both reasonable and 'cantina,: r CHRISTMAS CHEI?n.—Cbristmas cheer comes but once a year. Outside of purely businose matters the term is generally taken as 'a matter of fact. But the Christmas cheer in this case that was on its joyful way travelled a great many miles and on the last few yards of its long journey happened with a mishap. Thursday was a very busy day in THE NEws-RECORD° office and a messenger was despatched for the afternoon mail. Among a mase of daily and weekly lit- erature and correspondence was a letter from an esteemed friend and eubsdrib- er at Oxbow, Aim. But the letter was not delivered by the carrier at this office. Her Majesty's reliable - and faithful Canadian mail service had car- ried it safely to the Clinton Post Office and it was delivered to the carrier here but lost on the sidewalk after travel- ling many hundreds of' miles. A gentleman picked it up and knowing the editor and the splen- did location ofTHE NEws-REooRn office handed the letter to the rightful, owner. We sincerely thanked the finder and opened the letter in the presence of, a couple of gentlemen to- ascertain the contents. It was a very welcome epistle, of the genuine Christmas Cheer nature. Hero is what, it said (omitting the signature): Oxbow, Dec. 7,1":i!2. A. M. TODD, Esq. . Procrastination is the thief of time. Enolgsed please find k Five Dollar Bill, part of lily su'beetitlon, which is in arrear§. I will sendd'the balance as quickly eat can. Addret s my papa. to Oxbow, as we have a new town started within:a mile of us which is just a year old, lint has bei~onie tt good tentre..- best West of.Manitoba, Yours truly,. HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS. We have for you a splendid line of Goods suitable fur presents. Plush Sets, Plush Jewel Vases., -. Plush Whisk Holders, at 2 regular price • SILK H:ANDKERCHi-EFS One of the Best Assortlnelits in Town and Prices the Lowest, or if you want to give a nice pair of KID'GLQVES..,: Remember ours are the best for quality, assortment and price and the only Store where you can get the Frenoli LoijiSo. 1ove at X1. 00 E-oery pair made good or money refunded, or you can get a pair of. our llrlySinloCallureGlovc112Sc None better. A nice HAT or BONNETT at Holiday Prices.;; A DRESS CAP •Here aro a few special Naos rvp 9il~er,' e e lar Pr c $ 4.. 0 ao reduced to $ .9.00 each, 4 A.ustral;an 8'eaver. Capes Iegutlar Price, $25,O each, Reduced to •si, ► 00 each. 2 Black Hair Capes, Rtegular Price $9 i 2•NutriaC `.es, ttogular.Parice $21.00, Rea ueedto $16.O Beautiful .foods.' yn ,Astrachan, Persian: and .' R,�ssian• 'tamlb Colle,rs' and .Mins# Her,ember; the Boys: Our :Stock is 'unequalled in Variety in,. ' - . 4 and'- Overcoats. Bdys'SuiTts Special thin s: at .$.2.'40;. '$ .50•and $3.0:0 1n7 ,. • Boys Suits.• A (Great Line of Boys Overcoats' •at • .2.00 'and''. $3.00. . • Or a hundred and one things suitable for presents at our Store. . ...,, TheLades' Favorite EstaI!sftrnent BEESLEY & CO. The Great . Millinery and Dry -Goods Emporium. COMFORTABLE OHAIRS. To bow many people dose the thought ever occur how uncomfortable would be their life if the ordinary every day, straight chair were denied them, not to mention the discomforts attendant with the loss of the modern easy chair, But the sensible people of Clinton and vicinity leave nothing to fear on this account, as it is a well known feet that our stock of High Class Chairs comprise Quality, Variety and Quantity. + We are offering just now a beautiful line of Chairs in Rattan and Oak. There are Special Value. Girls Arm Rockers. at $1.00 SEE OUR KINDERGARTEN CHAIR AT bUe. We buy for cegh and sell on a close Margin. SEE. OUR XMAS' NOVELTIES, JOSEPH CHIDLEY, p11E rl N`ITURE DEA.TiVA, JAG.KSONBR( • CLOTHEES; FURRIERS AND GENTLEMEN'S 2' FURNISHINGS - N. B.—Remember the Stock we carry of Ladies' and Mens Silk Handkerchiefs. ts-76 NOVFL.TIE:, K.4 IN • Silk .and Linen Handkerchiefs, We 'are showing for the Holiday trade. • dr No better Assortment No better values ° • than you will find here 0 -- FANCY BORDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, 5c, each or six a quarter. ,+ BOYS FANCY BORDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, 'Wei'°'' each, or three for quarter. 2 FANCY EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, YOc. each, or three for a quarter. ' FANCY INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS, 10c. each, or three for a quarter. A. BETTER ONE 2 for 25c. SILK HANDKERCH 25c to $1.50 each. • - HAN DliERCHIEFS for everybody, from the cheapest r orlon °' to Attest Silk. ' al ne of Hand Embroidered rel.S PEO1AL19'Irish Linen Handkerchiefs imported hi ourselves tired from the makers in Belfast. There are sotnta beautiful designs and. they are by far the handsomest lot of Handkerchiefs over shown' undoubtedly the finest, most complete and best, assortment of Handkerchief Novelties 'ever' shown hero. One Friel) and 5 per cent of forCash; '�" ESTATE ]TQlflr ilODGE r:t ., r.. it s