HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-12-21, Page 10r $cr # Il a i►. tt lifter etlt1"AL'iniilorAi mit twentyeAverea4 /kohl 1+p1c; 91010 sorsa en the legit and (testa; trying verretet taettiette ceurece Without And, I began he Ass Ayers Saraa ;rine; etee Went Mercers Wee the result" five hat. ei ' Fuldlt'cd to rectos fl to healt).* eetteniface, L ees pe; ^ �7 " GQmmerctt ate San.Antonio ,ia,rrh yttau }ttetwairaf(ilctedfornearlya ea; with catarrh, 'De .,Phyaipians.ycm uaabllott.,, help her, my pastor recommendeder'i '$, alJUrtilt:^'"I'leitmvaeittieadvice,.; Tyhrer months of regular treatment with Ayer', Serseparilig; and Ayers Fills eotn 1ptel; plastered. my daughter,@ health "..-Mrs..oMisr leitt a Canada,' are, Mas;. is, . "Fpr several years, I was troubled wit) idflammatery, rheumatism, being so bad a times as to be entirely helpless. For the las two years, whenever I' felt the, effects of th disease, 1 began to takerAyer'a Sarsaparilla G aed have not had a spell for a long me.'e E. T. fanabrough, Ent Run, Va. For all blood diseases, th4 best remedy' Is • AVER'S Sarsaparilla Prepareh'Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masi Sold by all Druggists, Price ei ; six bottles, $4 Cures others, will cure yet rile Huron; News-Reoora 1.10 a Year -01.2e in Advance Wednesday, Dee. 21111, 1892 - Severe frosts and fretz ng, blasts meet come, thea come frost -cites, with swelling, itehing, burning, for which St. Jacobs Oil is the beet remedy. -Mr. J. W. Bain, Coneterbativo, was re eledted to. the • Co'mtn, ni by 51 majority in Soulauges last week. F.ble and capricious appetites are best re- :gu,ated by the use of Ayer'a Ce.thurtie Pills. They do not deb haste, by exue.sive stimula- tion ; but cause the stem -oh, liver, and . bowers to pelf. rui their funottuua properly. As an atter-dinner pill, they are ueequdlei.. -George J. Gau1d has been elected president of the Manhattan Elevated railroad in place ot his father, the late Jay Gould. People who have tried it, say that there is no better nted.ciee for dyspepsia than Ayer's 3 •raat,aril'a. It may not give cue the stomach of an ostriuh, but it so etrengtheue the alimentary organ. that digestion tf ordiutny food becomes easy and " natural. -Mise .Jensie Climie,. B. A., of .Listowel, has been appointed teacher of modern languages at Windsor, at a salary of $900. ABOUT ANNEXATION, When dyspepsia invades your system and -ball-blood-oceispicr aisisiii fiat Ta your body ,the way out of trouble is to annex a bottle of Buedoek Blood Bitters, the beet remedy for dyspepsia and bad blood, and the only one that cures to stay cured. -From the evidence at the bank robbery preliminary trial in Chatham, it appears that Angus Pannefather, the ex -ledger keeper; stole the,monoy by, using keys which he made himself. - FOR SWELLING AND FELONS. 'GENTLEnee,-My little gee, aged 3, ' had a large dwelling on her user. 1 used }leg- yard'e Yellow Oil ou it and it dinepp'eree 1n a short time. Is also cured a feluu I wee troubled with. MHS C. E. \\'ISN; ovaa, blends, Man. -The Great \lreateru mills, Wood - stook, receut.y destroyed by lire, will be rebuilt by Thos. lvlell ,nald. The council has granted Mr. M.Donald ex emption from taxation and water rates for tee years. PREPARE FOR CHOLERA. CLEANLZNES$,Care and coarege are the re- sources 01 civiltzat tee a,aiustcntde a. Keep the'budy aorupuluee.y close. E.t tint toed. Take Burdock Blood Bitte,a to maiutaiu re- gular cugeation sod ensure pure blood which is the very beet sdfeguard agetnat cholera of any other epidemic•. -Mrs. Storey, daughter of Itev. Canon Johnson, formerly ot Brampton, was murdeteii In Seattle, Nash., ou Tuesday night by 0..R. Moulton. The murderer committed suicide. PROVED BEYOND DISIU IE. • No ono nowdoJr_e that Burdock Rlo.1 Bitter', will cure 11 trptl'ai.,, l.rliouaut-sa, ocnetipatiou, hi ielache or bad b.o,.d. '16e proof is eo thorough and overwhelming that thetlor.bteie have been silenced atd B. L' B. ie seeorcd in its place as the bent lurifyjog tonic and rcgn ntor BYRON HOLT, P.3nG tO'i, Out. -The financial statement of Quebec city has just been puLliabr--d. The civil debt amounts to 81.929,331, the annual interest a trio uit! iitg to 832.5,(IUO,which, enbtracled from .Ibe.tle ;Joss revenue, ,$559,600, leaves only tt balance of $224,000 for till administration of the a11'airs'tif the city. The necessary ex- penditure, iLICludiug tultrest, nrnoulis to $613,500. _ ---�^— CANNOT BI''. DENIt.D The curative iefleence of the pine in lung dieetae" is (vett wirers a•imitterl, and when t:ombeied,with other etf.cria p?•cterr.l ic- mndier.ee in Dr. '\n- 1', N.•ra-ny Pine Syrup the efftet is doubly benetic1U. No ease t f oagl, c. d, aeLhnra, bro,ie hititt or leciersenese ,en r,tist the holing newel of Dr. Wood's N.rtrrry Pin( iSrup. 23 a.d 50e at droggiets. 4OI130.US GQMiNG, MAS,Y.'f • VOW the. $14,13.47 144100 tine an Aul#049 i+bT9 , VJ citstauding t 1 44,The head 4f the ..fentily lingered Itilf QAj%e. • t7lo4d'lyt soixlcthiu) lqy ilea,, en Me mind, Net,' and then he darted a quick leak at the partner .of his joys and eprrows wolves the table tnd coughed lightly, only to turn hie gaze gain into his cup, says the uetroit Vritlarte, ,At length he spoke, "Giros coming, Nary." He seught tv breete the imllressivn that he was vetoing P. oaattal relloutton. The d4• inure lady across the table nodded affirma- tively. "It's u good oircue, I think." • __"It's was ' playing with his fork absently, It was several minutes before he had ;ides thin further to say. f 1I- gum," he observedwith an air wIlie . was only a fair imitation of the off -hand, "that nothing is more instructive than a gond oiroua.----o The careful observer might have noticed a ahadow settling upon the tine face of the matron. No word fell from her lips, bow ever. "Especially for children." . Ho was folding hia napkin carefully. "I sq pose," he sighed, simulating re- gret, "that I'll have to go with our chil- dren." "William 1" The, partner of his joys and sorrows threw large quantities of astonishment, chagrin and reproach into the single word. "After such a strict religious training -as you have had 1" she exclaimed. As he rose from the table he sighed in earnest. Standing irresolutely by the wiry- dow he stared at the landscape, half in sad- ness, half in shame. "William." Her voice was something softer than be- fore. "William—" She cane and trustingly twined hor arms about his neck. "I think--" Site kissed his forehead fondly. "It will need both of us to take the chil- dren to the circus." He strained hereto his breast and their souls united in a community of purpose. Our Advertfaing Fiends. Elevator R.R. Passenger -That's strange -I wonder what that parrot is hanging up there for? Parrot -Ask your grocer for Scrub-ine- the beat soap made -beware of imitations - a prize in every package 1 SHE HAD HIS MEASURE. The Quiet Woman Who Abide a -Crushing Tte�ly,to.ft rreddle'rXIteatmtt:-- The tramp knocked at! the kitchen door and the lady let him in, or rather, says the Detroit Free Press, opened the door and blocked his passage. "What do you, want ?" she inquired harshly. "A great. many things, madam," he re- plied, deferentially, "which I never expect to get, and in that respect I am the equal of the millionaire. However, that is another story. To return to your inquiry, propounded a few seconds ago, I should re- ply that I came to ask you who the people are residing in the house adjoining you on the right?" . "Is it any business of yours!" she in- quired, preparing.te shut the floor. "No, madame," he said, more politely than ever, "but I had some curiosity to (earn, being a stranger in your large• and beautiful city." This compliment to Detroit detained her a moment. "Why do you want to know 1" she ven- tured. "Because, madam, the lady there I am sure, beyond the peradventure of a doubt, is the very homeliest woman my eyes ever rested upon -or, rather, I may say, found only unrest upon -and she dresses in such dreadful taste that really it spoiled my ap- petite and I could not ask of her what 1 so much hungered for." He bowed and smiled expectantly. He had worked that gag many a time and oft. "Well," she replied, so gently that he could almost taste pie, "nobody lives there and hasn't for three months. Beinga stran-• ger in the city, is there anything else you would like to know about ?" There might have been, but if there were the tramp didn't asle it. He actually blush- ed, and, touching his hat, he walked out, and, taking himself around into the alley, he administered thereto a kicking, inter- spersed with remarks derogatory to blame fools and complimentary to sharp Detroit women. A Bad Lookout for a Chicken Dinner. -. as - Deacon Watson. --Doan' yo' t'ink it crule ter -keep dal don chained up all de time? Farmer Stnithers--Oh, I let h;m loose at night ! A Victim of 1'brne q. "Did you ever hear such a long-winded man, or one who expresses himself in such an invo,ved fashion "' " No ; 1 heard him •talk for half an hour." - ,•Agony, wa='n't it t" "Yes ; I felt as if I viers being senteneca to death." MARX' E DE4. 01.1W415 • 1.«x.7ACO i Fah• �FtFf+'►' Ru +pra9n5, 01113S'Ct y Tl1W, OHAl.l., $ A: VOMLE,R COMPAltlY,4 td4:ti.r.,oro, Md.. Cant dies i)epot. T0&401.dTU, YOUR PQS138 CURE A COUGH. GENTLatfaN,-ilrly little hey Waif troubled with avery bad eo , and lady friend nd advised me to try Ilegyard's Pectoral 'Bal. sem. ""I got it at ones and ran truly say 1 did not give more than three er fuer doses until his cough waegone. I have never been without it muco, se 1 find it the beet f rr troublesome oougha. MRs. J. S. RUDDY. Glen Williams, Out. -Dr. Retta Giffo"drd, Owen _Souuti, received word on Saturday that her services were accepted as a missionary to China. She will sail for Shanghai in February, anti will spend oti.e year mastering thea Chinese language. This is the third missionary from the Metho- dist church, Owen Sound, the other two being Misses Alexander and Brackbill. The general verdict of the einokers of Canada is that "Myrtle Navy" ie the finest tobacco they have ever used. There can be no mistake upon this point for it is prov- ed by this tangible evidence. The large de- mand for this tooacoo shows it to he true, and the character of the demand gives fur- ther proof. It has never been of the spas- tbodic kind, up one month and ,'own the nest. It has been a sustained and constant- ly increasing demand, The unsurpassed gtfality cf.the tobacco Accounts f, r this. PHOTOS C. HOARE'S fine new Photograph Gallery being • , now ready for operation, he is furnishing First Class Cabinets at $2 25 tier dozen. Other sizes in proportion. All wanting such come and try him. 0. HOARE - CLINTON. Dissolution , of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing be- tween W. T. W httefy and A. M. Todd as pro- prietors and publishers of THE HURON NEWS - RECORD, a paper published in the town of Clinton, is heiaby dissolved, to take effect from and after the ninth day of November, 1892, the said A. M. Tedd leaving purchased the Interest of the said W. T. Whitely in the said newspaper, Tint HURON NEWS - RECORD, the presses and plant and all the belongings and appurtenances used and in connection with the publishing of the said Minos: News -Recon). A. M. Todd further frgrees to pay all'.liabilities anti claims owing by or against the firm 01 Whitely & Todd, and he is hereby authorized to collect all accounts owing to the said firm of Whitely & Todd up to, Nevember 9th, 1892, in pur- suance of agreement signed in duplicate. W. T. WHITELY, A. M. TODD. Witness, JAMES SCOTT. Clinton, Nov. 9th, 1892. NOTICE. All persons having accounts against the late firm of WHITELY &, Tont), np to November 9th, 1892, are requested to send thes ame to the undersigned. Personal accounts up to same date to be rendered to W.T. Whitely and A. M. Todd individually. A. M. TODD. Clinton, Nov. 9th, 1892. - IIIIPORTUT NOTICE. All persons indebted to the late firm of: WIIITELY et TODD, publishers of THE NEWS -RECORD, for ,nob Printing, subscription and Aayertising, are requested to settle:per- sonally, by Post Office Order or Registered Letter, AT ONCE. New books will be used fr tin Nov. 9th, 1892, and it is imperative that all back accounts be settled forthwith. A. M. TODD. Clinton, Nov, 14th, I802, - BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We rdill• at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in everf locality, not already represented, to .send us RELIABLE news. SVBSCIe.I1111E1 S. Patrons who do not receive tne•ir paper regularly from the carrier or tlirnigh their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting al this office at once. Subscriptions • snits commence at any time. AADVERTiSERS, Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in III)/ later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CI1tCilTl{AT'1ON• TRH NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any oilier paper in this section, and as an advertising medium. has few eipurls• in Ontario. Our books are open to ,diose who mean business. JOB The Job Ce]-artment of this jour. nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very Tont prices. LADIIES. & GENTS WATCHES With Fancy Dials and Sixteen Jewels :-AT- 2�IDT�TQ,] C701VZIS 'E. NELSON '. RITCHIE, P. L. SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, KINCARDINE • - O,NT. OMers left at this offlice promptly attended to. JAS. FERGUSON, PUMP MAKER, - - , CLINTON. (ROSS' OLD STAND) Pumps sold reasonable. ` Cisterns and Tanks put down. Wells dug and cleaned and -Satisfaction Guaranteed. New Flour and Feed Store HANLEY & WALKER beg to announce that they have opened a Flour ai"i'd-Feed-Stors-etitI'ofthe Com- mercial Hotel, Huron Street, Clinton We will keep in stock- the very best of everything in the line, such as Flour, Feed,Seleds, &c., at very reason- able prices. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. We solicit and expect a legitimate share of town and country trade. Remember the location of the Clinton Flour and Feed Store. HANLEY 8t WAL KER BULBS ! - BULBS! BULBS! All kinds of Winter Flowering Bulbs at J. CUNNINGI:iAME'S. CHINESE SACRED LILY, easily grown in water and will bloom in two or three weeks. DOUBLE AND SINGLE HYACINUTS, Blue, Mauve, White, Red, Yellow and Pink. Tulips, mixed, varieties, Narcesstrs, Easter rallies, Ormthogalum or Star of Bethlehem. Crocus, Bawkus and food for tiower,s Ex. cellent Fertilizer for house plants, soluble in water. Free from odor and clean to handle. Better than ordinary manure and no trouble with worms. Will furnish Holly and Mistletoe in time for Xmas by parties leaving orders now. Kept on_ hand. WIN (JIJwMN1GaIAtIL ONLY SCOTCH PAPER IN CANADA -THE- SCOTTISH CANADIAN J WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, AND THE SCOTTISH MINISTREL CONTAINING ITHE FOLLOWING :SONGS, WITH WORDS AND MUSIC: Caller Herrin'+ --Auld Robin Gray -Bonnie Prince Charlie -Flora MacDonald's Lam ent-Nae Luck About the Hoose --Scottish Blue liens -Tek' Yer Auld Clorik About Ye -The Braes o' Yarrow -Bonnie ,iundeo - Dear Land Ayontthe Sea -My biennia, 0- rullochgorum-The Sweetest Word on Earth is Hame-Pibrooh of Donuil Dhu-The Flowers' o' the Forest-Dinna Faith Yer Heed 1 -The Land o' the Leal -Away, ye gay Landscapes -Scotch Dainties : Arose, Parritoh, Keil, Haggis, an Bennocka-Woe's me for Prince Charlie -Oh ! Saw Ye My Wee Thing -Sona of Scotland -When the Kve Comes Hamo-Return, My Darling-- My arlingMy Heart is Scotland's Yet -0 ! Are Ye Sleepin', Maggie -Scots Wha Hoe 1 -Willie's Gane to Melville Castle-Whustle O'er the Lave O't-My Dear Hielan' Laddie, 0 -The Soottieh Emigrant's Farewell -Fear a' Meta; or, The Boatman -Blue Bonnets over the Border. The paper for OND YEAR and the above Song Book for - ONE ®e'. LLAR SEND TO IMRIE & GRAHAM, Publishes, Corner Church and Colborne Streets, TORONTO, ONT. WEEKLY FREE PRESS —AND— FARM AND IOME FOR 1893. $.iQ® BOTII PAPEPS,FJ R Si " r0 ENLARGED AND IMPROVED, A HIGH-CLASS FAMILY PAPER. EACH NUMBER 11'11,1,1'SPN'I'r[tlNi : REV. Da. TAL1Lttr7t'S Sanaiuv dnlivrretl the Sunday previously. \VAK.EMAN'S WAIN DER INUS. AO.T.n'rI.TUnAI. 111A-rl'En -illustrated. Lseies' PAaE-illustrated. A SERIAL TALE, and other intervating reading matter. SUBSCRI 13E . NOW Price, Ono Dollar n tear in ndvanrr for the 'WEEKLY PREF:' 1'R inns fuel FARM, AND ta0iirtT-ln nil In pa;trn. Ralrner of 1'i9.2 free to now anheoell ri s. Agents wanted In every unrepresented diblrict to solicit subscriptions. FREE PRESS PRINTE/ilii CO., London, Ontario. .;„ ajLINT,Oli U�►iptitilt0OX8t ..For rise. Douse .Cleaiiip4 seapoh *s .bavi a 00141ete..81444 of B$»RQ0yI $W S, J)IN>riieltoocvivx $UITSS ' PAiiLl5R SU.I'rl±r , ODD CHAIRS!, '1'ABLBS, BALL RAQ1 PICTUR.l OM, - l'TURE M.U[Tf,DXI�'U C I tTAIIjI POLE'S, k"to.:Pte.) no trashy ' Furniture, yet mil' :prices are away down. Calle. aid #tlepeot our Stack whether you wish to buy or not: Furniture Dealer and,.>)I.plder'taker. - We bundle • . - 0\VS_ FOR NICE RILL NEAD$ FOR OFFICE PgIN'i'iN THE NEWS—RECORD EXCELS: IN ALT, DEPARTMENTS. Onderson's restaurant The Old reliable Confectionery Store. �I�t's'yiElip ARE IN SEASON ilfgr EAT OURS AND YOU WILL HAVE NO OTHER. Fruits, •Confectionery, Biscuits -in endless variety ; Cranberries, Sweet Potatoes Spanish 'Grapes, etc. fiffTOBACCOS, PIPES, CIGARS -GOOD GOODS AT LOSE SELLING PRICES Everything first-clnsa in a first-class store. Don't pass Andersou'a Restad'rant ' Searle's Plock, - Albert Street. 4 Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS -all of the best works mauabip and material. lysf"A11 the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Pr -ices to suit the Mines.. S unes.- c FACTORY --corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657-y NewFall Tailoring Goods. ^O T. JACKSON, Sr., has placed in stock Complete Lines of . Choiee Fall and Winter Tailoring Goods Being a cutter of long experience, satisfaction is guarant ed. 13r We can snit you in quality and price for Pants, a Suit or Overcoat. Perfect cuts and fits. 1'he best goods and trimmings. Workmanship unsurpassed. Call on us before you order. o -- T. -- T. JACKSON., SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. � ,ma Good Cheer Once 'a Year. —O_. -- Our store is well stocked with Xmas and New Year Fruits, SPICES, PEELS, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY, TEAS, COFFEES, dm. Do not neglect to call and sea us. We are the great produce dealers and pay the highest price for everything and sell:our goods at a low living profit. CANTELON BRAS., Wholesale and- Retail Grocers, Clinton. CHINA 'HALL, Clinton. 0 Christmas an New Years. For years China Hall has 'teen noted for keeping the very beat goods at the very lowest prices and 1892-'3 is no exception to our well-earned reputa- tion. CHINA & GLASSWARE. Our Delf, China and Glass Goods comprise some of the handsomest lines and most reasonable in price ever shown itt this section. PEELS, FRU'T'S, SPICES, NUTS. The Goods in these lines that we offer are all fresh and clean and of the very hest quality to be procured, while the prices are such that consumers will surely make a mistake if they do not see and tr-st them. We keep in stock everything to supply the needs of all well regalated families for the Christmas and New Year season. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS. Don't forget that China liallhas the very finest blends and flavors in the market, while our Sugars are from the best makers and of the best brands. Give China Hall a call and we will do our best to please you in quality, price, and shall be pleased to serve you. N. ROBSON, CLINTON. CHRISTMAS IS COMING — GET YOUR New Fruits and Xmas Presents —AT -- d. Irwlirs Orner Store Mi -KAY BLOCK, CLINTON. RAISIN'S -Extra, S."leated Valencia, London Layers, Black Becket and Sultanas. CURRANTS-nestPatens and Vast izza, Peels, Lemon, Orange and Citron. NUT:1— .Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, and Shelled Almonds. TEAS, COFFEES AND SUGARS A SPECIALTY, Crockery Department Having imported direct I am selling at wholesale prices. DiNNER SETS from ee up, TEA SETS at prices that will suit everybody; TOILETS in all Styles and Prices. Some do but don't you tvait until a dny or two before Xmas to make your selec- tions from our well filled tables suitable for Xmas and Wedding Presents. On hand bbl. Salt Herrings, Trout, Salt Water Salmon. 'BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN.