HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-10-24, Page 4Page Feuer n!a.e OlitTO m Abbanct JOAN JOYNT, I't;oprietor A. 0, Sauna, Manager -tom QCTQBZ R 1918 - SUN. MON. 7' L�Ir 0 7 fi 13 14 1"a 20 21 22 27 28 29 30 31 ' 1tiEnTr1v. FRC SAW. 2 3• 4 •._5-- 9 10 11 i 12 . 16 ' 17 18 19 23 24 25) 26 •.. THURSDAY. OCT, 24th, 1918, LIST iOF PRIZE WINNERS Below are the Names of Prize Winners at the Winghaml Pair held on 11tes- day and Wednesday, October 8th and 9th Ii ' AVY HORSES GENERAL PURVOsE Tears in harness, Arch Kirkland, W Murchison, Frank Wilson, • AGRICULTURAL • Brood Mare, Wm Taylor, Jos Forst- er, Adam Robertson, Spring foal, Wm Taylor, Adam Robertson, R McQuillin. One -year-old Filly or Gelding, David Clow. Two-year-old Filly or Gelding, Bert Armstrong, Miller Proctor, John Burchill. Team in Harness, W Hain - stock, Peter Moffatt, Alex McDonald. HEAVY DRAFT Brood Mare, registered C. N. R., Geo Cruickshanka, 1 and 2, David Clow. Brood Mare, J Brydges & San, W J Currie. Spring Foal, Geo Cruickahanks 1 and 2, J Brydge & San. One -year- old Filly or Gelding, J Brydges & Son. Two-year-old Filly or Gelding, Adam Robertson, Wm Taylor. Team in Har- ness. has Forster, J F Davidson, Adam Robeytson. LIGHT HORSES CARRIAGE Brood Mare, A G Bishop. Spring foal, A G Bishop, One -year-old, Paul Powell, R A Currie. • • . • ROADSTxitt,S Single Driver, L Lott, W G Gray, W A MeEvans. Team in Harness, John Weir, J'J; 'ryfogle, Chas Martin, ' • • • CATTLE • SHORTHORN Breeding cow, Robt Harrison 1 and 2: Two-year-old •Reiter, Robt Harrison, One=year=old'' Heifer, Robt Harrison. 11eiferunder•12 months. F II Taylor, Robt Harrison. Bull, udder 12 months, King Bros,' Aged Bull, King Bros. • • HEREFORDS Breeding cow, 11 T Perdue 1 and 2, 'Bull, 'over 12 ,months, W 3 Currie. ' Bull under 12 months, It T Perdue 1 and Beifar, under 12 months, 11 T Per- due 1 and 2. Two-year-old Helfer, Geo Pocock. 'JPRSX OR TIIEIR • GRADES Breeding Cow, John Crandull, W M •Anderson. 'Heifer; over 12 months W M Anderson. HOLSTEINS on THEIR GRADES Breeding Cow, W.14 Anderson. _• . • GRADES • • 'Breeding. Cow, hs Fowler 1 ' and 2, Two-year-old; Heifer, Jas Menzie 1 and 2. One -year-old Heifer, Robt Berri- . on 1 and 2. Heifer Calf Robt Barri- . • • son 1 and 2. Steer Calf, A McKague, Robt.'Harrisan. Ona -year-old Steer, Robt Harrison, Jas Fowler. Two-year- old Steer, Jas Menzie. .FAT • CATTLE Fat Stock Steers, pair, Jas. Menzie, SHEEP LEXCESTERS Aged Ram, Purvis. Bros. 1 and 2. Shearling Ram, R J Ganderson, Purvis E'ro's: Ram Lamb, selling class, Purvis • ., 'Bros, -It. J Sanderson, Aged Ewe, rais- •• ed lamb in 1918, R J Sanderson 1 and 2. • • ,Shearlin5' Ewe, R J banderson 1 and 2. • Ewe 'Lamb, ,R J Sanderson, Purvis • Bros. • • OXFORD DOWNS Aged Ram, Jas Connell. Shearling Barn, Jas Connell and 2nd. Ram Lamb Jas Connell and 2nd. Aged Ewe, Jas Connell and 2nd. Shearling Ewe, Jas Connell and 2nd, Ewe Lamb, Jas Con- nell and 2nd. DOWNS, ANY OTHER Aged Ram, W G Ross, Shearling Ram, W G Roas 1 and 2. Ram Lamb, W G Ross 1 and 2. Aged Ewe, W G Ross 1 and 2, Shearling Ewe, W G Ross 1 and 2. Ewe Lamb, W G Ross, PIGS BERICSIIIREs Boar, prior to 1918, Jas Alton, Sow of 1918, Jas Alton, YoUKSIIIREs Boar of 1918, Jas Alton 1 and 2. Boar prior to 1918,Jas Alton 1 and 2,Breeding Sow, Jas Alton, A McKague, TAMWORrns Boar of 1918, Bert Armstrong, Boar prior to 1918, Bert Armstrong and 2nd. Sow of 1918, Bert Armstrong, Jas Al- ton. Breeding Sow, Bert Armstrong and 2nd. POULTRY Ducks, any other, Haggitt Bros, Jas Alton. Geese, Toulouse, Jas Alton, Haggitt Bros. Bantams, oramental, F W Angus, R J Breen. Bantams, game, any variety, F W Angus and 2nd. Leghorne, brown, Haggitt Bros. Leghorns, white, Haggitt Bros, F W Angus. Minoreas, Haggitt Bros. Or- pingtons. Haggitt Bros. Plymouth Rocke, barred, Jas Alton, HaggittBroa. Rhode Island Reds, J A Anderson, Hag- gitt Bros. Wyandottes, white, F W Angus. Any other standard variety, F W Angus, Haggitt Bros. CHICKENS Ducks, any other, E W Orvis. Ban- tams, game, any variety, F W Angus. Leghorns, brown, Haggitt Bros, Jas Alton, Leghorns, white, J A Ander- son, F W Angus. Plymouth Rocks, barred, Jas Alton, Haggitt Bros. Ply- mouth Rocks. white, flaggitt Bros. Rhode Island Reds. J A Anderson, Hag- gitt Bros. Wyandottes, white, F W Angus 1 and 2, Wyandottes, any oth- er, F W Angus. Any other standard variety, 1' W Angus 1 and 2. Best pair Utility Fowl; F W Angus. Four Cock- erels, bred for export, J A Anderson, F W Angus. AGRICULTUQAL IMPLEMENTS Collection of Agricultural Implements T R Bennett, GRAIN AND SEEDS Timothy. Jas Alton, A Schmidt. Fall Wheat, red, A Schmidt, Chas Carter, Fall Wheat, white, A Schmidt, Jas Al- ton. Spring Wheat, Wm Webster, A McKague, Small White Peas, Wm Webster, Jas.Alton. Peas, any other, Jae Alton, Thos Taylor, White Oats, A Schmidt, Jas Alton. Black Oats, Jas Alton, A Schmidt. Barley, any variety A Schmidt, Wm Webster. Field Corn, Flint, A Schmidt. Stalks EnsilageCorn Wm. Webster. Sheaf of White Oats, A Schmidt, Wm Webster. Collection of grain and seeds, boys under 16 years, Jas Alton, A Schmidt. Collection of Weed Seeds, open to boys or girls un- der 10 years, P Gibbons, A Schmidt, Collection of pressed injurious Weed Plants, open to boys and girls under 16 years of age, W J Currie. Jas G Fyfe. Sheaf of Wheat, Sarni Phillips, Chas Carter. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Beans, small white, 0 V Hayden, A G Bishop. Beans, large white, P Gib• bons. Miss A L Patton. Beans, any other, Jas Powell, A Schmidt. Beets, long red, A Schmidt, Jas Menzies. Beets, any other, Jas Menzies, John T Currie. Carrots, field, A Scbmidt,Chas ,Burford. Carrots, table short, 0 Camp- bell, Chas Burford. Carrotts, table in- termediate,A Schmidt,Jas Poweil.Man- gold-Wurtzell,long,A SebmidtMangold- Wurtzeil, intermediate, A Schmidt, 3 Brvdges & Son, Parsnips, A Schmidt, J A Anderson. Radishes, winter, A Schmidt, Mrs I Stewart. Sugar Man- rold, J Brydges & Son, A Schmidt. I.n.1 , 1I,;1, TAB WING}IAM ASM'ANCF "1,11_I .f4, ...•,. • ,.I-„..,.. p11,1, -,.._w-- -....-., .; --,a;:�wr ,,.-. _ ........ McK.BBON'S bursday, Oct. 14th, 1918 1 wl -. ••,,I • d d,, 4J1 ,61, 1-,.-n:I,il,nni,I,r,d.�Tii,• nm Drug Store w•' eit Drug Store NOTICE The Plan You pay the regular price for One Article and then we give you another of t h e Same Article for One Cent THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OCTOBER 24th, 25th and 26th Owing' to the scar- city and high cost of materials the Uuited Drug Co,. have decided that this will be the last One Cent Sale of Rexall Goods in Wingham under present conditions This ONE CENT SALE Plan was originated by the United Drug Company for the Rexall Drug Stores, They are the largest manufacturers and buyers of •Toilets, Remedies, and Drug Sundries in the world, and this is an,- advertising plan pure and simple, of which they bear most of the expense.j Instead of spending money in the regular way, such as Free Samples, etc., it is their desire that we place full sized packages, or articles,, in your hands, giving you an opportunity to judge the real value of these goods, the cost of which they charge to advertising. We will r only be permitted to run this sale occasionally. So take advantage of this opportunity.. EXTRA SPECIAL — � 65c TrO COFFEE 66 . for C. (200 cups of Tea for 1c.) 65c OPEKO TEA 66 c` 2 pkgs for . . Half Pound in each package Perfumes and Toilet Waters 50c Florida Water 2 for 51 50c Violet Toilet Water 2 for 51 75c Toilet Water 2 for 76 75c oz opt Perfume 2 for 76 t $1.50 Paradise Per- fume , . 2 for 1,51 1.50 oz Facinette I Perfume 2 for .1.51 Rubber Goods Red Rambler Hot Wate Bottle 2 qt size and guanan- teed perfect] Regular $2.00 2 for 2.01 3.00 Doubletex Khaki covered Bottle 2 for 3.01 `50c Sunshine Rubber Gloves . 2 for 51 • 15c Soothers 2 for 16 •e• Brushes 85c Hair Brush 2 for 86 35c Tooth Brush 2 for 36 Soaps 14IEDTCA'TED UNITED ""I SK1l SPAP= '��' DRUG COMPAII' li\ SOS_TON•U•S,A ,, rt, 25c Medicated Skin Soap 2 for 26 2 for 26 25c Tar Soap 15c Toilet Soap 2 for 16 10c Toilet Soap 2 for 11 (6 for 25c) Stationery 35c Box of Fine Linen 14=--- Station- ery 2 for 36c 25c Writing Pads .2 for 26 15c Writing Pads 2 for 16 10c Writing Pads 2 for 11 15c Pk Envelopes 2 for 16 10c Pk Envelopes 2 for 11 35c Playing Cards 2 for 36 Miscellaneous Specials 50c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 2 for 51 35c Tooth Powder 2 for 36 35c Shaving Sticks 2 for 36 25c Blauds Iron Pills 2 for 26 25c Aspirin Tablets 2 for 26 25cABS & CTablets 2 for 26 25cVanishingCream2.for 26 25c Massage Creaml for 26 15c Corn Plaster 2 for 16 10c Toilet Paper 2 for 11 25c Baker's Disen- fectant Powder 2 for 26 5c Spearmint Gum 2 for 06 25c Purgative Water 2 for 26 15c Shaving Soap 2 for 16 40c Hydrogen Per- oxide 2 25 Rubber Sponge 2 25c Cream of Roses 2 10c Boracic Acid 35c Playing Cards 2 50 Cococnut Oil Shampoo 2 for 51 50c Blauds Laxative Tablets (for the blood) 2 for 51 35c Peppermint Tooth Paste 2 for 36 for 41 for 26 for 26 for 11 for 36 $1.00 Rexall Syrup of Hypophosphites 2 for 101 1,00 Rexall Cherry Bark.2',for 101 50c Rexall, Blood Tablets 2 for S1 50c Mentholine Balm2 forp51 35c Rexall Diarrhoea Remedy 2 for 36 35c Rexall Almond Cream 35c Rexall Cola Cream 25c Rexall Little Liver Pills 25c Rexall Corn Solvent 11.1 ;mill, I ..%:L., 2 for 36 2 for 36 2 for 25 2 for26 25c Rexall Hydrogen Peroxide 2 for; 26 f1 $1.00°Rexall Cod Liver • Oil Compound 2 for 1.01 1,00 Wilson's Beef Iron and Wine 2 for 1.01 50c y.exall Kidney s • 2for 51 50I' au.l sLaxat.ve Iron Pills 2 for 51 35c Rexall Charcoal Tablets 2 for 35c Rexall Rubbing Oil 2 for 36 35c Rexall Healing Salve 2 for 36 25c Rexall Stomach and Liver Pills 2 for 26 25c Rexall Headache Powders 2 for 26 25c Rexall Cold Tablets 2 for 26 Suggestions for "Overseas Boxes” $1.75 Rexall Comfort Kits (An assortment of Useful Articles in a box $3.00 Air Pillows for •. 6c Chocolate Bars for - - Box of 24 Bars for $1.15 Auto Strop Safety Razor in leather case and Swan Military Pen with ink tablets - Iu-B-Tween Cigars (a small cigar) TOILETS JON TEEL Talcum Powder Face Cream - Face Powder - - - 35 75 -- - 75 ' $1.35 ready to mail) 2.65. - 5c Mirror $5.00 - - $3.00 50 for $1.25 The Co bination for •, L50 Extra Special $63.00 will buy a Brunswick Phonograph with fiverecords. Reg- ular Price $82.00 Two or three Cabinet Model "Brunswicks" also at special prices for cash. —Every instrument guaranteed -- J. W. McKIBBON, Phm. 6. Irl rli�� EY'E:SPECIALIS WIN GHAM 5 L.•VIULPV TN,,,INIMALroN,. GUARANTE EDTo VICat`*o,b1.OWO O,GES110NU .OIC.4PUMTn••+'�, IIIIIIIINIII11141,,U�IIi u1. EXTRA SPECIAL $3.75 Pail of Inter- nationalStock Food. 2 pails x376 STOCK FOOD POULTRY FOOD HOG FATTENER HORSE SPECIFIC Farmer's Specials' .25 .25 8 lbs Cattle Salts 2 lbs Salt Petre (Nitrate Soda) 5 lb Sulphur 35c International Louse Killer. 4 for $1.15 35c Playing Cards 2 for 36 .25 Tobacco and Cigars 15c Senator Tobacco 2' for .26 10c Cigars 2 for .11 In-B-Tween, Cigars 10 in box 25c 10c Bachelors, 3 for .25 Box of 25, $2.00 Toilet Preparations 25c Liquid 2 for 26 uiLiquidGreen 35c Rexall Tooth Paste Soap 35c Rexall Tooth Powder 25c Talcum Powder 2 for 26 25c Face Cream 2 for 26 25cWitchhazel Cream2for26 25c Almond Cream 2 for 26 25c Cold Cream 2 for 26 25c Vanishinu Cream 2 for26 25c Florida Water 2 for 26 50c Massage Cream2 for 51 50c Quinine hair Tonic 50c Face Powder 2 for 51 2 for 51 $1.00 Face Powder 2for 1.01 7f+iv OR 2 it. 40TH Ilk ANTIS NT [t VENTS. ,N AND.E ,HL TEtT1, vitt, ONit. ,,4.L for 36c. Write your order now. Bring it with you when you co,6-i -i. ONT. -. Turnips, Swede, 3 Brydges & Son, T R Bennett. Turnips, any other kind, A Schmidt. POTATOES Rose type, A Schmidt, R A Graham. type, n...A Schmidt! Long White type, a Schmidt, R A G aham,Round White Type, A Schmidt, R A Graham. Collection of potatoes, A Schmidt. Onions, yellow, Jas Alton, A Schmidt Onions, red, Sas Alton, A Schmidt, Onions, white, Jas Powell, /as Young. Onions, Dutch or Top Sets, RA Graham and 2nd. Onions grown from Dutch or Top Sets, E W Orvis, R A Graham. Onions, any other, R A Graham, A Schmidt. Tomatoes. large red, scarlet or pink, Mrs 1 Stewart. Tomatoes,any others, A Schmidt, Mies Pugeley. Celery, white plume, 13. A Graham. Celery, any other, R A Graham, A Schmidt. Cabbage, early; R W Orvir, A Schmidt. Cabbage, winter, ASchmidt .,..- Mrs I Stewart. Cabbage, pickling, A Schmidt. Citrons, Jas Menzies, Geo Kicbardaon. Cauliflower, 0 Burford, R A Graham. Cucumbers, green or ripe. T R Bennett, 0 Burford. Table Corn six, R A Graham, Mise Pugsley. Musk Mellons, James Menzies, Pumpkin, Yellow one, Jas Menzies. Squash or Mammoth Pumpkin, E W Orvis. Water Melons, Jae Meneie. Collection of gar- den produce, Mies Pugsley. FRUIT A1'PIAN Alexander, Jas Powell, Ee;W Orvis, A O V red, 0 T Perdue, A 0 Bishop, A 0 V greet, or yellow, A G Bishop, James Alton. Baldwin, Jas Alton, Pat Gibbons. Ben Davis, P Gibbons, 3 Alton. Blenheim, P Gibbons, 3 Alton, Cayuga or 20 ounce, Chas; Burford, A It Bishop. grab any variety, J Powell, P Gibbons. Fallawater, 'Phos Taylor, King Bros. Fanieuse or Snow, 0 Campbell, It E Hetherington. Golden Russett, P Gibbons, Cramenstein, Jas Alton, Holland Pippen, P Gibbons Jas Alton. llubbardson, 11 Perdue. King 0 Campbell, It 13 Hetherington. Maid- en Blush, P Gibbons, E W Orvis. Northern Spy, John Burchell, A G Bishop. Ribston, P Gibbons, King Bros, R I Greening, Jas Alton W 3 G errie. Roxboro Russett P Gibbons, Jas Alton. St Lawronee, P Gibbons, 0 Campbell. Tolman Sweets, P Gib- bons, 0 Campbell. Wagner, Miss Pat- ton, 13 G Bishop. Wealthy, Jas Powell Jas Alton. OTIIEIt FRUIT Pears Duchess D'Anguoleme, Jas Alton. Pears, any other Winter var- iety, Jas Alton, A Schmidt. COLLECTION OF FRUIT Varieties of Apples for export, Jas Alton, A G Bishop. Varieties of Ap• pee+, dessert, Jas Alton, A Schmidt, DAIRY AND PROVISIONS Bread, war flour, baked by girl under 16, W. J. Currie, Thomas Leaver; bread, brown, Mrs, L Stewart, Jas. Menzies, G A Richardson; bread, war flour, hotne- made, E W Orvis, Jas Menzies, Mrs. 1 Stewart; plain home-made buns R W Orvis, Jas Menzies; home -nu I tea bis- cuits, 3 W Orvis, Jas Menzies; home- made scone, 13 W Orvis, Jas Menzies; Fruit cake, Jas Menzies, G A Richardson; War or Trench cake,1 W Orvis, Mrs I Stewart; Layer Cake, light inc Menzies, Mrs 1 Stewart; Layer Cake, dark, Mrs I Stewart, Jas. Menzies; Pie, apple, 1: W Orvis, Jas Menzies; pie, pumpkin, L W Orvis, A McEague; pie, lemon, l; W Or - vis, Mrs Jas Menzies; pie, any other, If. W Orvis, Mrs Jas Menzies, 6 Doughnuts, A McKague, Mrs T Stewart; tl Oatmeal cookies,MVlrs 1 Stewart,1 W Orvis; plate of drop clwkies, ;1 varieties, Mrs Menzies, l: W Orvis; short bread, (s A Richardson, t f E=t ,pry, 4''-t VADI ij L W Orvis; Jelly, 1 pint, apple; is W Orvis, A G Bishop; Jelly, 1 pint, any other variety, A G I3ishop, L W Orvis; Maple Syrup, one quart, Miss Patton, E W Orvis; Maple Sugar, 6 lbs, A Schmidt, Jas Menzies; honey itt combs, 5 lbs, A G Bishop; collection preserved fruit,11 vari- eties, Jas Menzies, E W Orvis; Marma- lade, 3 varieties, Mrs I Stewart, Mrs Orvis; tomato catsup, Mrs I Stewart, Mrs Menzies; catsup, any other, Mrs Menzies, Mra Orvis; pickles vegetable, Mrs Men- zies, Mrs Orvis; pickles, fruit, Mrs Orvis, Mrs Menzies; pickles mixed, Mrs Orvis, Mrs Menzies; pickles mustard, Mrs Orvis, Mrs Menzies; herr eggs, J A Anderson, Mrs. Geo Cunningham; utter, crock, Jas Young, Mrs Menzies, Mrs Cun- ningham; butter 5 lbs, in pound prints, 1 J Wright, Jas Young, Jas Menzies; butter, ornamental, ,las Menzies, I; W Orvis; butter 5 lbs, made by girl under 16, Thos Leaver, W J Currie, W M An- derson; best eight articles of food, suit- able for working man's supper, A G Bishop, Mrs I Stewart, Mrs Menzies; 1 u�� 6 ' 1 1 , baking, tel d collection of ba g, by 8 Thomas s canned chicken, t a Leaver; Mrs I Stewart, Mrs Menzies; home-made soap, 1 qt, A McKague, Mrs Menzies. (Continued on page 5.) • .i •.., 1 IoJ I •1. ,I IIIA I. ,.. Qui '.I u. tnii�r�itnitil',r!.'if i i fir dithiiii ll1'; ,t i�ri f, 1,100 PPRION itP II t y }' 4 .'r Ary NM f fi3� lf I 'ttr i is fire/e` g1t 11r r ast'1,1r-'(AlI '•fir Y't- .. �,4a, ar M �. �"'"�=/�r_. r31` . P;_ ° arf�iasS irNirNiXiiiCiri1iilti i' • "- ' 8111111161X311111341111:114 in 1 2:11111 OTl serve yourself and your :glniriliti country—save your money and MUNI promote the Dominion's thrift ; • . •--• +• spirit when you drive an Overland ¢ car. IIMINIC '�� + With an Overland you can do more work in less time, release railroads and speed up your war -winning � = activities. - u �IIN#l�M`' u� You have a car complete in every * 1—' respect,efficient,durable,contfortable 4 . 4i • . and thoroughly modern andprotected PI IC by our ability' to take Care of service la ImaisimAr i anal and parts requirements now and ter. 1t1�1i N111r11tIRt1111 II�.1�ifilr1�iuii1l'�iXr Five points of Overland sa pevloritps • . Appearance, Performance, Comfort, Service and Price •..,+• Lithe Poor Moder po Touring Coe Model po ,5edon Model 834 Touring Cat f , •Lacal Dealer, L Kennedy' ' ' , --i- 7, - I ,. W111ya-tJ�rlancT, Limited ' .:r. , :141 � Wltlys4Crd,rht tnd OrerlMnd Motor Curt mid -s • "-'•d•', i1lt*d M. It i.sxht Cor�rtrtaraial Wttrona Orbic*nd Worka,'iiott'roronto, Ontario -, -.. «.-.-. 1''ranthes, Montreal, Q'ie., Iiinnipuvt.M4,,,, Retitto,Soa4. - ,:. . NU { , { ._2-1_.-'.`__ NU I.n.1 , 1I,;1, TAB WING}IAM ASM'ANCF "1,11_I .f4, ...•,. • ,.I-„..,.. p11,1, -,.._w-- -....-., .; --,a;:�wr ,,.-. _ ........ McK.BBON'S bursday, Oct. 14th, 1918 1 wl -. ••,,I • d d,, 4J1 ,61, 1-,.-n:I,il,nni,I,r,d.�Tii,• nm Drug Store w•' eit Drug Store NOTICE The Plan You pay the regular price for One Article and then we give you another of t h e Same Article for One Cent THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OCTOBER 24th, 25th and 26th Owing' to the scar- city and high cost of materials the Uuited Drug Co,. have decided that this will be the last One Cent Sale of Rexall Goods in Wingham under present conditions This ONE CENT SALE Plan was originated by the United Drug Company for the Rexall Drug Stores, They are the largest manufacturers and buyers of •Toilets, Remedies, and Drug Sundries in the world, and this is an,- advertising plan pure and simple, of which they bear most of the expense.j Instead of spending money in the regular way, such as Free Samples, etc., it is their desire that we place full sized packages, or articles,, in your hands, giving you an opportunity to judge the real value of these goods, the cost of which they charge to advertising. We will r only be permitted to run this sale occasionally. So take advantage of this opportunity.. EXTRA SPECIAL — � 65c TrO COFFEE 66 . for C. (200 cups of Tea for 1c.) 65c OPEKO TEA 66 c` 2 pkgs for . . Half Pound in each package Perfumes and Toilet Waters 50c Florida Water 2 for 51 50c Violet Toilet Water 2 for 51 75c Toilet Water 2 for 76 75c oz opt Perfume 2 for 76 t $1.50 Paradise Per- fume , . 2 for 1,51 1.50 oz Facinette I Perfume 2 for .1.51 Rubber Goods Red Rambler Hot Wate Bottle 2 qt size and guanan- teed perfect] Regular $2.00 2 for 2.01 3.00 Doubletex Khaki covered Bottle 2 for 3.01 `50c Sunshine Rubber Gloves . 2 for 51 • 15c Soothers 2 for 16 •e• Brushes 85c Hair Brush 2 for 86 35c Tooth Brush 2 for 36 Soaps 14IEDTCA'TED UNITED ""I SK1l SPAP= '��' DRUG COMPAII' li\ SOS_TON•U•S,A ,, rt, 25c Medicated Skin Soap 2 for 26 2 for 26 25c Tar Soap 15c Toilet Soap 2 for 16 10c Toilet Soap 2 for 11 (6 for 25c) Stationery 35c Box of Fine Linen 14=--- Station- ery 2 for 36c 25c Writing Pads .2 for 26 15c Writing Pads 2 for 16 10c Writing Pads 2 for 11 15c Pk Envelopes 2 for 16 10c Pk Envelopes 2 for 11 35c Playing Cards 2 for 36 Miscellaneous Specials 50c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 2 for 51 35c Tooth Powder 2 for 36 35c Shaving Sticks 2 for 36 25c Blauds Iron Pills 2 for 26 25c Aspirin Tablets 2 for 26 25cABS & CTablets 2 for 26 25cVanishingCream2.for 26 25c Massage Creaml for 26 15c Corn Plaster 2 for 16 10c Toilet Paper 2 for 11 25c Baker's Disen- fectant Powder 2 for 26 5c Spearmint Gum 2 for 06 25c Purgative Water 2 for 26 15c Shaving Soap 2 for 16 40c Hydrogen Per- oxide 2 25 Rubber Sponge 2 25c Cream of Roses 2 10c Boracic Acid 35c Playing Cards 2 50 Cococnut Oil Shampoo 2 for 51 50c Blauds Laxative Tablets (for the blood) 2 for 51 35c Peppermint Tooth Paste 2 for 36 for 41 for 26 for 26 for 11 for 36 $1.00 Rexall Syrup of Hypophosphites 2 for 101 1,00 Rexall Cherry Bark.2',for 101 50c Rexall, Blood Tablets 2 for S1 50c Mentholine Balm2 forp51 35c Rexall Diarrhoea Remedy 2 for 36 35c Rexall Almond Cream 35c Rexall Cola Cream 25c Rexall Little Liver Pills 25c Rexall Corn Solvent 11.1 ;mill, I ..%:L., 2 for 36 2 for 36 2 for 25 2 for26 25c Rexall Hydrogen Peroxide 2 for; 26 f1 $1.00°Rexall Cod Liver • Oil Compound 2 for 1.01 1,00 Wilson's Beef Iron and Wine 2 for 1.01 50c y.exall Kidney s • 2for 51 50I' au.l sLaxat.ve Iron Pills 2 for 51 35c Rexall Charcoal Tablets 2 for 35c Rexall Rubbing Oil 2 for 36 35c Rexall Healing Salve 2 for 36 25c Rexall Stomach and Liver Pills 2 for 26 25c Rexall Headache Powders 2 for 26 25c Rexall Cold Tablets 2 for 26 Suggestions for "Overseas Boxes” $1.75 Rexall Comfort Kits (An assortment of Useful Articles in a box $3.00 Air Pillows for •. 6c Chocolate Bars for - - Box of 24 Bars for $1.15 Auto Strop Safety Razor in leather case and Swan Military Pen with ink tablets - Iu-B-Tween Cigars (a small cigar) TOILETS JON TEEL Talcum Powder Face Cream - Face Powder - - - 35 75 -- - 75 ' $1.35 ready to mail) 2.65. - 5c Mirror $5.00 - - $3.00 50 for $1.25 The Co bination for •, L50 Extra Special $63.00 will buy a Brunswick Phonograph with fiverecords. Reg- ular Price $82.00 Two or three Cabinet Model "Brunswicks" also at special prices for cash. —Every instrument guaranteed -- J. W. McKIBBON, Phm. 6. Irl rli�� EY'E:SPECIALIS WIN GHAM 5 L.•VIULPV TN,,,INIMALroN,. GUARANTE EDTo VICat`*o,b1.OWO O,GES110NU .OIC.4PUMTn••+'�, IIIIIIIINIII11141,,U�IIi u1. EXTRA SPECIAL $3.75 Pail of Inter- nationalStock Food. 2 pails x376 STOCK FOOD POULTRY FOOD HOG FATTENER HORSE SPECIFIC Farmer's Specials' .25 .25 8 lbs Cattle Salts 2 lbs Salt Petre (Nitrate Soda) 5 lb Sulphur 35c International Louse Killer. 4 for $1.15 35c Playing Cards 2 for 36 .25 Tobacco and Cigars 15c Senator Tobacco 2' for .26 10c Cigars 2 for .11 In-B-Tween, Cigars 10 in box 25c 10c Bachelors, 3 for .25 Box of 25, $2.00 Toilet Preparations 25c Liquid 2 for 26 uiLiquidGreen 35c Rexall Tooth Paste Soap 35c Rexall Tooth Powder 25c Talcum Powder 2 for 26 25c Face Cream 2 for 26 25cWitchhazel Cream2for26 25c Almond Cream 2 for 26 25c Cold Cream 2 for 26 25c Vanishinu Cream 2 for26 25c Florida Water 2 for 26 50c Massage Cream2 for 51 50c Quinine hair Tonic 50c Face Powder 2 for 51 2 for 51 $1.00 Face Powder 2for 1.01 7f+iv OR 2 it. 40TH Ilk ANTIS NT [t VENTS. ,N AND.E ,HL TEtT1, vitt, ONit. ,,4.L for 36c. Write your order now. Bring it with you when you co,6-i -i. ONT. -. Turnips, Swede, 3 Brydges & Son, T R Bennett. Turnips, any other kind, A Schmidt. POTATOES Rose type, A Schmidt, R A Graham. type, n...A Schmidt! Long White type, a Schmidt, R A G aham,Round White Type, A Schmidt, R A Graham. Collection of potatoes, A Schmidt. Onions, yellow, Jas Alton, A Schmidt Onions, red, Sas Alton, A Schmidt, Onions, white, Jas Powell, /as Young. Onions, Dutch or Top Sets, RA Graham and 2nd. Onions grown from Dutch or Top Sets, E W Orvis, R A Graham. Onions, any other, R A Graham, A Schmidt. Tomatoes. large red, scarlet or pink, Mrs 1 Stewart. Tomatoes,any others, A Schmidt, Mies Pugeley. Celery, white plume, 13. A Graham. Celery, any other, R A Graham, A Schmidt. Cabbage, early; R W Orvir, A Schmidt. Cabbage, winter, ASchmidt .,..- Mrs I Stewart. Cabbage, pickling, A Schmidt. Citrons, Jas Menzies, Geo Kicbardaon. Cauliflower, 0 Burford, R A Graham. Cucumbers, green or ripe. T R Bennett, 0 Burford. Table Corn six, R A Graham, Mise Pugsley. Musk Mellons, James Menzies, Pumpkin, Yellow one, Jas Menzies. Squash or Mammoth Pumpkin, E W Orvis. Water Melons, Jae Meneie. Collection of gar- den produce, Mies Pugsley. FRUIT A1'PIAN Alexander, Jas Powell, Ee;W Orvis, A O V red, 0 T Perdue, A 0 Bishop, A 0 V greet, or yellow, A G Bishop, James Alton. Baldwin, Jas Alton, Pat Gibbons. Ben Davis, P Gibbons, 3 Alton. Blenheim, P Gibbons, 3 Alton, Cayuga or 20 ounce, Chas; Burford, A It Bishop. grab any variety, J Powell, P Gibbons. Fallawater, 'Phos Taylor, King Bros. Fanieuse or Snow, 0 Campbell, It E Hetherington. Golden Russett, P Gibbons, Cramenstein, Jas Alton, Holland Pippen, P Gibbons Jas Alton. llubbardson, 11 Perdue. King 0 Campbell, It 13 Hetherington. Maid- en Blush, P Gibbons, E W Orvis. Northern Spy, John Burchell, A G Bishop. Ribston, P Gibbons, King Bros, R I Greening, Jas Alton W 3 G errie. Roxboro Russett P Gibbons, Jas Alton. St Lawronee, P Gibbons, 0 Campbell. Tolman Sweets, P Gib- bons, 0 Campbell. Wagner, Miss Pat- ton, 13 G Bishop. Wealthy, Jas Powell Jas Alton. OTIIEIt FRUIT Pears Duchess D'Anguoleme, Jas Alton. Pears, any other Winter var- iety, Jas Alton, A Schmidt. COLLECTION OF FRUIT Varieties of Apples for export, Jas Alton, A G Bishop. Varieties of Ap• pee+, dessert, Jas Alton, A Schmidt, DAIRY AND PROVISIONS Bread, war flour, baked by girl under 16, W. J. Currie, Thomas Leaver; bread, brown, Mrs, L Stewart, Jas. Menzies, G A Richardson; bread, war flour, hotne- made, E W Orvis, Jas Menzies, Mrs. 1 Stewart; plain home-made buns R W Orvis, Jas Menzies; home -nu I tea bis- cuits, 3 W Orvis, Jas Menzies; home- made scone, 13 W Orvis, Jas Menzies; Fruit cake, Jas Menzies, G A Richardson; War or Trench cake,1 W Orvis, Mrs I Stewart; Layer Cake, light inc Menzies, Mrs 1 Stewart; Layer Cake, dark, Mrs I Stewart, Jas. Menzies; Pie, apple, 1: W Orvis, Jas Menzies; pie, pumpkin, L W Orvis, A McEague; pie, lemon, l; W Or - vis, Mrs Jas Menzies; pie, any other, If. W Orvis, Mrs Jas Menzies, 6 Doughnuts, A McKague, Mrs T Stewart; tl Oatmeal cookies,MVlrs 1 Stewart,1 W Orvis; plate of drop clwkies, ;1 varieties, Mrs Menzies, l: W Orvis; short bread, (s A Richardson, t f E=t ,pry, 4''-t VADI ij L W Orvis; Jelly, 1 pint, apple; is W Orvis, A G Bishop; Jelly, 1 pint, any other variety, A G I3ishop, L W Orvis; Maple Syrup, one quart, Miss Patton, E W Orvis; Maple Sugar, 6 lbs, A Schmidt, Jas Menzies; honey itt combs, 5 lbs, A G Bishop; collection preserved fruit,11 vari- eties, Jas Menzies, E W Orvis; Marma- lade, 3 varieties, Mrs I Stewart, Mrs Orvis; tomato catsup, Mrs I Stewart, Mrs Menzies; catsup, any other, Mrs Menzies, Mra Orvis; pickles vegetable, Mrs Men- zies, Mrs Orvis; pickles, fruit, Mrs Orvis, Mrs Menzies; pickles mixed, Mrs Orvis, Mrs Menzies; pickles mustard, Mrs Orvis, Mrs Menzies; herr eggs, J A Anderson, Mrs. Geo Cunningham; utter, crock, Jas Young, Mrs Menzies, Mrs Cun- ningham; butter 5 lbs, in pound prints, 1 J Wright, Jas Young, Jas Menzies; butter, ornamental, ,las Menzies, I; W Orvis; butter 5 lbs, made by girl under 16, Thos Leaver, W J Currie, W M An- derson; best eight articles of food, suit- able for working man's supper, A G Bishop, Mrs I Stewart, Mrs Menzies; 1 u�� 6 ' 1 1 , baking, tel d collection of ba g, by 8 Thomas s canned chicken, t a Leaver; Mrs I Stewart, Mrs Menzies; home-made soap, 1 qt, A McKague, Mrs Menzies. (Continued on page 5.) •