The Huron News-Record, 1892-12-14, Page 104 A XERRY CIIIIISTilAS 4N»4 Zfl . NEW Utf, Togoloian' is home from Tor, onto for his Christmas hoinlayL gps vo:04, to, 10»e from Flinty igloh9 for, he holidays, She will spend a couple ef weelor4 , SITOtattr XErri2401- Bullett District Ontotm f-mige will hold a *eclat meet- ing in Clinton Orange hall to day, Mas, G.eo. Paierr,from near Orandin, 17,9ntf rass'the .4lintoa Liquor Store. Nee, jo visiting her motheri Mrs. The boot and moo necessary Q9043f3. Deropsey,land other relatiye44and friends . In Clinton. and 'vicinity. flift t be found there, Mlee IDA Pregeteeng is *time well at Rhode Island, where she has graduated' as a professional nurse. She as taken uprooms and is following the prates-- SIOn ot a private nurse, Already " $110 has met with, good success. a 3, W. RITER, . ALBERT STREET, CLINTON ..11.110:14KOMINIZIONIMMI=Mh `011.111111¢.1 To Advertisers. Alt changes oj Advertisements, to insure insertion in, the current issue, must be received at the office not later than SATURDAY .3-01 V. Copy for changes received late • /an SA 7's URDAY NOOXIvill hereafter be at t1 4dvrtsers own risk,. A. M. TODD, Publisher. the Huron News:Record $1.60 a Yoar-81.25 in Advanco- Wedtiesery Dec. 28th 1892. SIXTEEN PAGES. LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the ZOwtt Salk. LOCAL NOTICES. -411 notices in these columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the same,at which en admission fee is charged,or from which a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will be charged at ten cents per rate of the line. Tun 1.40sT LARGELY CIRCULATED PAPER IN THIS SECTION. No LADIES TOILET is complete with out a bottle of Cream of Witch Bezel, manufactured and sold by Jas. H. Combe. CALL and see J. W. IRWIN'S stock Of Fancy China. Tan NEWS RECORD has about 20,000 Note and Letter Heads at a slight advance on cost. CR.EA3I OF WITCH HAZEL will not injure the moat delicate skin. For chapped hands, sore lips and for use after shaving it is unsurpassed. fgerRobes, Horse Clothing, Fancy Woollen ftnd Plush Rugs, are at bargain prices at 732-tf. JOHNSTON tz ARMOUR'S. XMAS PRESENTS at J. W. IRWIN'S, Mc-' . • BOY wanted, about 16 years of age. Apply to JACKSON BRO., Clothiers 'ROBINS Bnos. have no goods at their old, stand, all their Xmas. business is to be done in the McKay Block XMAS Feurrs, New and Fresh, at J. W Timm's, McKay Block. Wu° 7—The Totonto Times of last Saturday had this to say :—.111r. liolattd, a popular fourth-year studprit of 'Varsity, accompanied by his ittIe sister, Etta,' will attend te fashionable wedding et Clinton'nent week, where he will office ate in the cepacity of "best man." Miss Etta will be the little "tivatd of honor" THE NEWS.RECORD carrier, Robert Hillen, will make the usual minimcall on town subscribers next Meeday. Treat him kindly and melte your oontri- button accordingly as he bee served you. New Yeara comes but once a year and none will appreciate your liberality to a greater extent than the Tau NEWS Rum, carrier boy. SANTA CLAUS.—or course Christmas has oome and gone. But old Santa. Claus 'has not yet been forgotten. At least the old geutlonen in Jackson's and Cooper's windows near the post °Like created Iota of amusment for the young; middle aged and even older people and will long be remembered,by hun- duds of people. PROSPERING. —Mr. Joseph Walker, a graduate from THE NEws-Ruccm office, is evidently propering in the windy city —Chicago. For several years he has been a partner in a printing firni there. The old firm has dissolved partnership and "Joe" is now the chief partner of a firm just organized. His many old time friends in Clinton and Blyth will be pleased to learn of his continued progress and prosperity, but none more so than THE NEWS -RECORD. FROM DOKOTA.—Mr. Peck, formerly of Bayfield, but for several years resid n in Dokote, was last week visiting friends and relatives in Clinton and vicini y. He will remain for two or three months. AN OLD RESIDENT GONE.—MR. Robert Russell, one of the old time and most respected residents and pioneers of the County of Huron, has passed to his re- ward. He died at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Wm. Currie, 7th con., Goderich township, last Thursday. His age was 82 and nine months. The funeral took place to Bayfield last Sat. urday. Robert Russell came from Glas- gow, Scotland, and settled on the Cut Road, in the township ot Coclerieh in the year 1829. Later on be settled in Stan- ley township on the Brunsclon Line, near the Lake Shore Road. Sometime after he settled on a farm on the 5th con. of Goderich township. In religion he was a Presbyterian, in politica a Reform- er, and an old time Orangeman. Ever conscientious, upright and honest, made him a desirable citizen. The deceased leaves. a daughter residing in Detroit, Mrs. Ramsay, Mrs. W. Sterling Goderich township, Mrs. A. Robinson ,Duluth, Mrs. Wm. Currie, of Goderich township, son Robert Russell, of Glammis,Ont.. and James Russell, of Sunshine' Ont. One daughter and Mrs. Russellhave been deceased for 26 and 24 years respectiye• Iy. . The late Robert Russell took pert in the the rebellion 01_1837 and travelled from Goderich to Sarnia on foot. We have been too busy to write advertisements during the last few days: We would just like to say that we are.not at our old stand, but we have a very fine stock of. Toys, Fancy Goods, etc., at our new store in the McKay Block. __o__ ST. PAUL'S 'XMAS TREE:—The chil- dren of. St Paul's S. S, were delighted on Tuesday evening of last week. There was a good turnout and the hearts of the little ones ---the future men and women of this fair Dominion— fairly leaped with joy. Mr. W. J. as Santa Claus was, as he always is, a great success. Rev. Mr.. Fraerlie ac- cupied the chair and the intellectual programme was one of the best, ever rendered. It consisted of Christmas carols, recitations, etc, THE DOMINfON DRAUGHT HORSE SOCIETY. —This society held their annual meeting in Clinton an Wednesday last. John McMillan, M. P., occupied the chair. The cauncil's report, which was adopted, ehowed the membership to be 250 and 350 entries for tile third volume. There are no liabilities and a cash balance in the bank of over $1,600. The recom- mendations of the council approved in- clude the suspension of alt members whe are over two years in arrears for annual dues at Feb. let, 1893 no meinberto-he allowed the priviOf regis tratiou unless he be clear of all arrear ages at. the time of making an entry; the reduction of the annual dues from $1 to 50 cents; and other provisions re- garding the issuing of duplicate certifi- cates of registration, and strengthening the safeguards against fraud in pedi- grees. The officers elected are: Mr. John McMillan, president; Mr. D. Mc-. [ntoeh, vice-president; Mr. James Mit- chell, Secretary; Mr. James Connolly, )Goderich township, treasurer. The retiring members of the Council were re-elected, Mr. Thos. McLauchlin, of Greg, taking the place of Mr. J. J. Fisher. AMONG Tnn APPLES. —Mr. John West, of Lucknow, who was the loading packer for- Cook & Cook, of Clinton, apple dealers at Lucknow, enclos- ed cards in about, a dozen barrels, asking the receiver to write him how they turned out.. Mr. West has just reoeiv. ed a reply from one purchaser, a Mr. Lee, of Bolton, Lancashire, England, in which he says I enclose a card written I presume by you, and enclosed in a barrel eiBaldwies; marked Cook & Cook and "horse -shoo" brand. You ask how they turn out? Well, they are tip top, color good, pecking splendid, and have few Iota tiny better. The only fault is that they might be a little larger. eNe better color. The condition was per. fectly bright. I purchased them from Connolly & Co., brokers in fruit, Liver- pool, at 'public sale, on Nov. 22, and in a lot of mixtures got them at 14s. and 3d., which means in Canadian money $3.75 per barrel. Mr. Lee, the writer, goes on to say that he Would be happy to hear from Mr. West, aed if an English- man, would enjoy hunting up his friends in the Old Land. Mr. Lee closes his nice business and friendly combined letter, by Wishing Mr. West "a right down good British merry Xmas. and a most prosperous New Year." ' JOINED THE MAJORITT.—One by one the early residents are passing to their re- ward. Last Wednesday Harriet Pear. son, a well known and respected lady of Clinton, joined the silent majority. For av year or more she suffered extremely from cancer, inwardly. During all that time the best medical skill and the kindest attention,"good care and atten- tive nursing were of no avail. The case was one of the kind that death was the only possible cure or relief for. Her *go was but 47. For many years the de- ceased was a firm and consistent mem- ber of St. Paul's church. To the major - Hy and the best people of Clinton she was long known as e faithful Christian and upright woman. In her profession iv nurse the deceased was endeared to many who will deeply mourn her death. To her daughter Hattie the sym- pathy of our'people is extended. The ffineral took place from the residence of leir. Thos. Sheppard last Friday to St. Nuns church, where service was held, and from thence to Clinton cemetery. There was a good attendance, Rev. Mr. Fairlie conducting the beautiful burial service, and tbe pall bearers being Meagre. R. Irwin, James Sheppard, James TWitehell, Postnvaater Fair, II. E. Walker soot Wm. Dodds: Robins Bros., Book Store and News Dot, McKay Block, Clinton. SCHOOL TALE. —The letter from Prin- cipal Lough tie the Public School Board, which appears in another column, is timely. It goe& to show that the aver- age cost per pupil for the 90 towns of Ontario is $9.70. Clinton costs $6.25, less than 70 Ontario towns, is higher than 18 others and the same as one. Our cost is even lower than neighboring towns. THE, NEWS RECORD is pleased that these figures are made public offici- ally, for they will tend greatly to enlight en the electors of Clinton. But we do not desire our people to understand that Ten News-Re:coup was finding fault with the cost of our Public School sys- tem. Far from it Of coulee we refer- red to the great cost of our sohools and pointed out the lack of interest mani felted in school matters citizens of Clinton. Eight iniof the 19 collected goes for purposes. Many people are disposed to grumble at the coat but stop right there. Mr. Lough is A pains taking and affidiant prineipah manifests deep interest and la a faithful and hard woilter. The people of Clinton know thia and we think are willing to concede. But what Tile NEWS- ReCteite desires is to hays the people manifest more interest in the schools and school Waal matters. • ESLEY & CO. HOLIDAY ATTRACTIO. We have for you a splendid line of Goods suitable for presents. Plush Sets, Plush Jewel Cases, • Plush Whisk Holders, at regular price SILK HA' DKERCHIEFS One of the Best Assortments in Town and Prices the Lowest, or if you want to give a nice pair of KID aLpvEs, Remember ours are the best for quality, assortment and price and the only Store where you can get the French Louise Glove at 1.00 Every pair made good or money refunded, or you can get a pair ot our Sill1110Caslimm glotill2Sc None better. A Dice HAT or BONNETT at Holiday Prices. A DRESS OAP Or a hundred and one things suitable for itresents Store. 0 IA other words we said it was going, to snow; it snowed; the , result to us is that 11, larger sale , • Furs for tia4ies', and Nen's Wear . . 'took place last week ' term we lave klad, in. Man! PreViol -Weeks; still a stock of choice G oods remains, and the bu I who wishes RELIABLE -(4000S may find the -same at his disposal at our Estab1 ishment our The Lanes' Favorite Estahligunent , . 1 EESLEY & CO. The Great Millinery and Dry-GoOds Emporium: patimmtmweetosomicomanammtmott,'.• semomiuneennalomet COMFORTABLE CHAIRS. Longfellow hasimmortalized marriage in the following beauti- ful lines : 011 blissful, Oh happy day When a new household finds it's Owe Among the myried homes of earth, Like a new star just sprung to birth And rolled on it's harmonious way. - But what has Longfellow 's musing to do with the prosial art of -Tailoring. THIS, When a man decides to leave the common walk of single blissfulness and enter upon the untravelled (to Min) ways of matrimony, Ile generally wishes to do Fo looking at his best. It is our mission to "Clothe him Best." "W e make Fine Work a Speciality And our garments are models of Superior Workmanship, Fit • and Quality. An unequalled lineof • Fine Suitings Always Carried. To how man 5 people does the thought ever occur how uncomfortable would be their life if the ordinary every day, straight chair were denied them, not to mention the discomforts attendant with the loss of the modern easy chair. But the sensible people of Clintqn and vicinity have nething to fear on this account, as it is a well known fact that our stock of High Class Chairs comprise Quality, Variety and Quantity. We are offering just now a beautiful line of Chairs in Rattan and Oak. These are Special Value. Girls Arm Rockers at $1 00 SEE OUR KINDERGARTEN CHAIR AT 50e. We buy for cash and sell on a close margin. SEE OUR XX IS NOVELTIES. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, THE FURNITURE DEA LER, CLINTON. 6 JACKSON B OS. CLOTHIRES, FURRIERS AND MEN'S FUENISH- , INGS- CLINTON AND SEAFORTH- 4. 11, NO. 2 Our Second Mornthly Bargain Day will be THURSDAY, Jan. 5th, 1893, for a list of Goods and Prices 4 for that day see large ad. in this Paper. Besides Goods mentioned 4' we will offer many Odd Lines at , very low prices. 1 The prices quoted are for that day, .. Spot Cash or Produce, only. Come, and come as early as you can; by doing so 3rou---will secure first choice and avoid the afternon rush. ESTATE J. 1101)GENS.