HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-12-14, Page 4rill, 71- -5 LC .477:171.1: 94TI An ,' i 3. Pa „ Pam T410 " set pot Right, 1 u #to el l$ IMO Pity i. Photos, O. Hoare. 73iddlccombe. Surveying..—T, N,'Rttolli0. iInistildt%s,.—d 'V•, Irwin. an: S.--a•T; Fargtt.oaa. Ida k cl n8� er -oafs,-•,;BeeSley & Co, OI..t+istmas,—Jaekeort Bros. Novelties. -Gilroy 4 Wiseihtin, • Present$ - -Coo .er CO, • XmasLT, W. Irwin. Cltr'istutas,—W, Coats, Furniture,—Jo.,. Chidley. Merry C11ristmas.--Eiarlaltd Bros. Presents, --Est. J, Hodgens. Iiarper's .Mugezi•ae. Frnist.-3', W. Irwin. New Feed Store.—Hanley. & Walker, • The 1Vlayoralt .--W. Doherty. Chines—T. W, Irwin. Liquors, ••-J. '1V. Biter. The Duron News -Record 1.50 a Year—$1,25 to Advance. Wednesday, 'Dee. 14th, 12t9„', tal64Q 0d by prlootly W04)14410 and • tr.mitted l3iihop McNulty tor doing' the intitiai.tlation by wla leanlo; At the' rordeu'a dinner it ll'ttnliltai last Tbuoday reformers. and Cower. vstiv9.a spike donounoad annexation, The in tt igtotian .from. Caq:eda.'to t•1).a° States N $hQ4n by' the Atueria lu census tci 1}ay.e increased at the rate or ,50 For pout. during • the Mligkonzie Govern; molt and only at the We of 31 per cont since. Id spitei8 t o the u of ra h fa A ti'�it b o IP Walsh, a -bazaar in Dublin in aid Of the Masonic Female Orphau School of Ire)aud,yiel ded a net cum of $150,000, Catholic Ireland eau kick more lustily -against priestly illiberality then the Catholic portione'of Chnada. GOING TO COLRT. During the last few weeks we have sent out a very large number of ac- counts. 'Some have responded and we beg to tender our sincere thanks for their promptness. W'e have before said that all accounts owing the late firm must be .paid at once. And we mean exactly what we said. Next week the first lot of unsettled accounts will positively be plated in our solici- tor's' hands for collection. • It is with regret that we are compelled to do so, but if'there are those. who will not pay in reasonable time the Courts are the oily alternative. Pay up before it is too late. Faithfully yours, A. M. TODD, PUBLISHER. THE ADMINISTRATION. Official intimation IastTuesday after- noon confirmed the list of Cabinet ap- pointments. The new Adtninistration of Sir John Thompson stands thus: Sir John Thompson, Premier and /Minister of Justice. Hon. Mackenzie Sowell, Minister of Trade and Commerce. Hon G. E. Foster, Minister of Fi- nance. Sir. A. P, Caron, Postmaster -General. Hon. John Oostigan, Secretary of State. Hon. C. H. Tupper, Minister of Mar- ine and Fisheries. Y- Hen -John--- I-Taggar-t,--.Minister .-.o£. .Railways and Canals. Hon. J. A. Ouitnet, Minister of Pub- lic Works. ° Hon. J. C. Patterson, Minister of Militia. Hon. T. M. Daly, Minister of the In- terior. Hon. A. R. Angers, Minister of Agri- culture. Hon. W. B. Ives, President of the Privy Council. Hon. John Carling and Hon. Frank Smith, Ministers without portfolio. Hon. J. J. Curran, Solicitor -General. Hon. N, Clark Wallace, Controller of Customs. Hon. J. F. Wood, Controller of Inland Revenue, • THE HON. N. CLA1?KE WALLACE. Hun, N. C. WsIlace, Controller of Customs in Sir John Thompson's .new Cabinet, was given a splendid recce• tion on his return to West York. The ery has gone forth that Mr. Wallace was taken into the Ctibinet because he is a prominent Orangeman. The Grit press of Quebec lay special stress on Mr. Wallace being an Orangeman and that that is hie only qualification. Let us see. Mr. Wallace hire been in nub lie life'for fourteen years.' West York originally was a Reform oonatituency and h Th apparent hopeless op- position. In 1878 West York made a clean sweep for Mr. Wallace and good government. And ever eines hut majority has been increased election after election. In the last general elec tion Mr. Wallace had a majority of 806, almost as large as diie total vote polled by the Reform candidate in 1874, and that candidate had then 600 major ity. Hon Mr. Wallace is a man of undoubted ability and Sir John Pthompeon hes shown his broad -mind• edness and good judgment in elevating him to the position of Controller of Customs. Ability is what Sir John Thompson looks for and requires and Mr. Wallace's elevation will meet gen- . seal approval in Ontario at least. EDITORIAL NOTES. The Domi ion Parliament will like Iy be called roe business the latter part of January. The late Jay Gould rose from a wan- dering bare-footed boy to a railroad king acid died worth $75,000,000. He was aged about 56 yearn. An Irish Judge has declared the election of Fullham invalid .because The Government is both strong and able, Sir John 'Vllompson,;at its head, is a man of great, intellectual gifts, firm in his judgment as to the grand future of the Dominion, and we pre - diet will give what the country requires at this particular tinge,—a firrp, bold and vigorous policy. The choice which surrounds hint should be a sufficient guarantee of all this. President Harrison in delivering his message to Congress last week gave Canadian affairs a particularly promi- nent place. Evidently the progreaaive spirit of this grand Domiuion caused hint to suggest means for preserving the° United States' commerce. Tho canal toile and ti.e C. P. R. are matters of worry to the Americans. The Cana- dian Pacific railway and stearnship ser- vice are making aggressive iuroads and duiug a vast amount of the American transcontinental carry lug trade. The question naturally arises among Canadians What is Canada going to do to meet the altered conditions in the States, _ now that Democrats will have the running of the machine there for the next four years i Canada can do nothing more than she hus•dode. We have a standing offer on our stat utes providing for freer trade relations when the Americans are ready. We cannot force thein. But public opiu- iou ou the other side is forcing them to he neighborly. In • some sections the Democrats promised free food and raw meteriels; ou the Atlantic seaboard free coal and free wool; iu Illinois and other sections of the west free lumber and free iron; in New York state free barley, All Canada has to do is to tYlrnd hem.- bwn--inns nese do -m -hat -eke - can for herself and bide her time as to what the Americans will do. That the Americans will kick a big hole in the McKinley Bill may be taken for granted and that is the most-unneigh- borly, useless and offensive measure ever passed by an American Congress. It worked disadvantageously to several leading induetriee in the States and did uo harrn to;Canada,againet which several of its provisions were aimed at. Can: ada can afford lo bide her time and adopt a tnaeterly inactivity with the fellows whose grasping activity is now recoiling on their own heads. BVI Satolte, a special agent of the Pope, is now in America. He ie en duwed with pleuary powers in all matters relating to the government of the church without appeal to the Pope. The public school question is a die turbing element in the States ae in Cenada, M. Satolte soya "the Catho- lic church shrinks from those features of the public school which are oppos• ed to the truth of Christianity." The ivitg Italian is far more cii•cutnepect than the Irish Canadian Bishop Cleary who declared our public schools "god - lose" ones, and besides producing many other phases of' godlessness developed the girls of Canada into immodest wo• men. It would be very interesting to know wherein the public schools or. the United States or Canada are oppos ed to the truth of Christiauity. While not teaohing the peculiar dogmas of any donotnivation they are based upon the truths of Cbriatianity as recoguized throughout the civilized world and as found in the Word of God. But this alien envoy is kind enough to tell the people of the United States that the unchristian features of their public schools "are removable." It is most probable that the introduction into them of the distinctive features of Rowanism would remove the existing "ungodliness." In fact an "agreement between the Roynan Catholio biahope and the members of the school boards" is recommended. This is about as cheeky as Mr. Mowat aekingthe advice of the Roman Catholic: clergy about textbooks to bo used in schools which said clergy warned their• people spinet patronOing or supporting. "Remedial legislation" is the latest Catholic de- signation of a proposed cure that will TatfOve, Catholio Children from contact With }he ungodly ahaldeen who ntay altteutl,the p.blio.schools, in i%laliitoba, o era. If soy esti a tett oa►)iptotuiee obeli >ltt aLtetulitad by the 1)911111000: Govern. DOW Witi) thf inteutiuu of thwarting the people of M utitc,ha,,ju'their 1pga ll,,t t5�c)lreeaiid dattfrti to ,ive public sup aoa'ta to pu(t1io .11iteeta mtf;/-Nati wl)icb de afire is embodied in legislationap,llr0v4 ed by they liigln-st eettr6 In the 1X;rppiry „these .will be tint i igt;aat lilt shaking t of the "dry moose' ' atUttatw]► twat wit. nosed in this country, 131►t we'iie not 1041• Any ouch outCOatis, ;Elie right pt appeal, the right to place a state. ment of alleged grievances before the big hast a coati a5 of ' is of the cowl. l u• tty cannot •equitably be denied any olasi of Keen.,, But when t1)e'inttiority ,iu Motlitobo hese their alleged grin+ ances os • the constitutional acts of the majority of that Province anti ask for "remedial legislation" annuting such constitutional legislation, they are de - mending aoulethiug eubversive of the well understood principles of reaponsi hie government and at variance with the ?ighta of provincial autonomy. A large_ majority of the people of the Dominion 1.ad and have not any sym pathy with the object of the Jesuits Estates Act of the Province of Quebec whereby Catholic ed.ucatiuuel iuetitu tions, which are in the hands of the clergy, received a large sum of money out of provincial funds. i3dt as it was a maiter within the right of the Pro- vince to determine no exception could legally be taken against it by any other individual Province nor by the Dominion. Quebec exercised her pro- vincial rights, Manitoba must not bo checked in the exercise of her provin tial rights even though it be demanded by the Catholic heirarchy. MARKET REPORTS. • (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON. Fall Wheat, old.... 0 65 to 0 68 Fall Wheat; new,... 0 64 to 0 67 Spring Wheat 0 62 to 0 65 Barley .. C 85 to 0 40 teats.. 1 27 to 0 28 Peas . 0 56 to 0 57 Applea,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes, per hush 0 30 to 0 40 Butter :.. 0 16 fo 0 17 Eggs, per lb,.... 0 09 to 0 09 Hay , 6 00 to 6 '00 Cordwood • 3 00 to 4 00 Beef .. 0 00 to 0 00 Wool 0 18 to 0 00 Dressed Hoge 5 00 to 5 25 On anotl►er page we give apnea tq file ecuod• `tittcris)aaaa .of Isi,jttri' $ata H•ughot►, County Grunge . itifkOtor Of "riatgri9t and -editor of the 11'kla� ea�,a os the - position of Orange. mon toward' Sir Jpbu. Thorpaon. se: Profit's' it. iti won worth tine t altl':,pf till Otooge nanl, l?rotsataute sad; 034i101in, . r ,;. nrTnn 11141 seasens f180% • a<r a s• 400,618 bushels of' grain from United States porta were trausihlppeil at ling,. sten LADI ES :&' GENTS WATCHES With Fancy Dials Dials and Sixteen Jewels --AT • NELSON T. RIT.CHI.E, P. L. SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, •K INCA It DINE - - - a Oh +. Orders ]eft at this toffiice proliljttly attended to. • • JAS. FERGUSON, PUMP MAKER, - - CLINTON: (ROSS' OLD STAND) Pinups sold reasonable. Cisterns and Tanks••put down. Wells dug and cleaned and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1393. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLUSTRATED. • Harper's Hagezlne for 1699 will continue to main- tain the unrivalled standard of excellence which haw characterized It from the beginning. among the no. table features of the year there will be new novels by A. Conan Doyle, Constance Fenimore Woolonn, and William Black. Short stories will be oontributed by the moat popular writers of the day, including Mary R. Wilkine, Richard Harding Davis, Margaret Deland, Brander Matthew,tand many others. The illustrated descriptive papere will embrsce articles by Julian Ralph on new Sbuthern and Western subjects ; by Theodore•Chlid on India; by Poultney Bigelow on TCussia sled Germany;-by-Riuhaid-fiiarding,•Dav .om London Season ; by Colonel T. A. Dodge on Eaitern hiders; ate. Edwin A. 'Abbey's illustrations of Shakespeare's Comedies will be continued. Literary articles will bo contributed by Charles Elliot Norton, Mrs. ,tames T. Fislda, William Dean Howells, Brander Matthew'', and others. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year 5 HARPER'S MAGAZINE :i 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY .................... 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR. 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers se the United States, Canada, and -Mexico, Tho Volumes of the Magazine begin with the Num- bers of June and December of ea••b year. When no time is mentioned, aabaeriptiooe will begin with the Number entrant at the time of rooaipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Magazine for three years back, in neat cloth binding,will be sent by mail, post-patid,:on receipt of $400'er volume: Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 dente each—by mail, post-paid. Remittance should be made by Poet-oface Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. IVe spapers are not to copy this advertise- ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, New Yone, toressarastra The People's Column far .Advertisements under this heading 01 for firet month, and Me. each subsequent monde, FARMS FOR SALE. The two excellent farms on the 4th concession God- orich Township, well situate.( and very desirable properties. Only throe miles from Goderich. For particulars apply on the premises, or eddrees °ode - rich P. 0. MRS. ANNE HINCKS.ggi 7S5 tt NEW BUTCHER SHOP WHEATLEY & FINCH • We have Opened out for business on HURON STREET, CLINTON, and will bo pleased to sup. ply the wants of all in all kinds of 'meats and poultry in season at the lowest !icing prices. Highest cash price paid for Hides, Sheepskins, &a. Patronage respectfully •tolibited, 727 —tf. WHEATLEY & FINCH. ,MONEY TO LOAN. PHOTOS C. HOARE'S • fine new Photograph Gallery being now ready for operation,• he is furnishing First Class Cabinets at 82 25 per dozen. Other sizes in proportion. All wanting such come and try hire. C. HOARE i - .CLINTON. New Flour .. and Feed Store HANLEY & WALKER begto announce that they have opened a Flour and Feed Store east of the Com. mercial Hotel, Huron Street, Clinton We will keep in stock the very beat of everything in the line, such as Flour, Meals, Feed, Seeds, 8:c., at very reason- • able prices. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. We solicit and expect a legitimate share of town and country trade. Remember the location of the Clinton Flour and Feed Store. HANLEY & WALKER BULBS ! BULBS ! BULBS ! All kinds of Winter Flowering Bulbs at J. CUNNINGHAME'S. CHINESE SACRED LILY, easily grown in water and will bloom in two or three weeks. )i3ITBLE'-A-N "SINGLE'A'YACIN:U'I'S, Blue, Mauve, White, Red, Yellow and Pink. Tulips, mixed varieties, Nareessus, Easter Lilies, Ortnthogaium or Star of Bethlehem. Crocus, Bawkus and food for flower,s Ex. cellent Fertilizer for house plants, soluble in water. Free from odor and Olean to handle. Better than ordinary manure and no trouble with worms. Will furnish Holly and Mistletoe in time for Xmas by parties leaving orders -now. Kept on hand. JOHN CUNNINGHAM. Y W. JACKSON .A.'e aelectintl their Christmaft supplies TOTS �XdTS Wl±'rKIt, baoattae'xilu vatstaue depart, '. mento of our Starry Aro at tbp hood -title now and the nootortmout xe thoroughly complete, .At the vanetinao thov avoid the eof$ogttttitt'rutili of the 'Chrlstmo9, week, , Now;when dresseo are bought for gifts anti tbs ud rinefi oon,pult r. ti R >r Qf the gtvet' l� el o hoe.,• thttn tiia taste..of the -roarer, is the hsryest titno,o,E'bort}lit goods, We laevo tlt«'tn ahuttdantly.,• »+ We nosh say nothing new to a4Id ;dist :to our invitationto , t you 4 ictepeaGl Por stock of Holiday Novelties,_:__ It is itrilaortant to remember that with us the selection is entirely new and is composed of the moat stylish end original articles that we could find in the entire market. Whether in Silk, Linen, or L',tvu Handkerchiefs, Borclerel or Hata• stitched, from the lowest prices to the hest quality, in Kid Gloves for Ladles' and. for Gentlemen's wear, in Scarfs for neck were in Beautiful Set of Furs, in et Perfect Fitting Mantle, in a Nice, Stylish Honey Oowb Cashmere, Qr Pine Knitted Shawls ; or to sum up all into one sentence, whatever your purpose . giving your friends in the line of attractive and servical:le goods for Gent's or Ladies' wear the GREATEST VARIETIES and the NEWEST NOVELTIES man be secured at the popular store of - GILROY & WISENAN. BOOT and SHOE SALE non worth to be sold at actual cost price; we sQ 7%.,/are determined if possible- to clear out our whole stock of Roots and Shoes before the spring trade com- mences, and in order to do so, we have decided to offer thele at Cost. Do yon want the best bargains ever offered in - Clinton—if So come and see our goods and .prices; we will not ask you to buy unless you are satisfied that what we say is correct; we never ad\wtise bargain§ unless we have them. You can save 15 to 30 per cent; we would quote you prices but have so many different lines that we have. not space to mention prices but we say come and see, and come at once. TERMS CASH OR TRADE PLMYISTEEL - and- GIBBINGS MONTREAL HOUSE, Clinton, December 7th, 1'892. r11101111oo THIS WILL INTEREST -YOU .. BARGAIN MO -N TH Having purchased the Commander property adjoining our old store, we purpose moving our Stoves, Furnaces, Tin, Wire &c., &., from the present store before the first of Janua:y when our lease expires, and in order to reduce the stock be- fore moving we will give you unheard of Bargains for the next thirty days. In Cook Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Coal Stoves and Tinware, We have also a number of Second hand Stoves which will be sold °heap. HARL_A_Z Iron and Hardware Merchants, — Town Agent G. T. R., CLINTON For Tioketa and information to all points apply to above. iF YOU Are going to MONTREAL Use the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Or to USE THE C.P.R. Or to DETROIT Or to CHICAGO OTTAWA USE THE C.P.R. USE THE C.P.R. Or to MANITOBA It will pay you if you wish comfort and accommodation, A. T. Cooper, Agent, Clinton Notice to Creditors and Next to Kin On farm property at si per cent. Apply to C. A. HARTT, Clinton, NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and falls to report to me I shall at once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning I shall give. CAPT. WM. RABB. Receiver of %Vrceke, Goderich. Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. liDt3RICSHIRE BOAR FOR SER- VICE, The subscriber has for service on thio farts, Summerhill, a thoroughbred registered Boar, bred by 0, Green, of Fairview. Terms, 21, with privilege of rettitning. J, J. HoLAUGiILIN, 729.46. Summerhill. OF THE LATE JAMES STAVELY. Notic le hereby given pursuant to the Rovleep Statutes of Ontario, 1887 Chapter 110, Sea. 80., that a0 Creditors of, and other person. having clniins against, the Estate of Jalnea Starelr,late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, eeceased, are required to send to Messrs °arrow & P50004014, of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, the Solicitors for Wrta,taa Bnuasoov, Eeq., the Executor of the last will of the said deceased, on or before the lst day of February, 1898, theirChristian name and surnames, addresses and descriptions, With full partlonlare of their claims, duly attested, with the vouchers upon which they are based and that after the day last mentioned the Bald Executor will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the acid deceased among the paelaitme of whiehthe Mallthen have notice, andhthe Reid executor will not be liable for the said aseete, or any part thereof to any person of whose claim notice shell not have been received by him at the Union' such distilbetion, Dated at Oodnrich, the 29rd day of November, 1892. (JARROW & PROUDFOOT,, Solicitors for thoabove named Executor. 734 fel. -.9 CLINTON THE HUB GROCERY. 0— Ye People - We are going to talk to you about MMAS G -00D5 Now is the time you are interested about presents for your friends. Call on us; we have got a fine lot of CHINAWARE, such as CARBARETS, ORALS, SALAD DISHES, CUPS and SAUCERS, MUGS, &c., &c. Also a package of GLASSWARE in 5 and 10t;t. pieces, a marvel for 'value. Our Stock of NEW FRUITS and PEELS are here, such as RA1SINS'and CURRANTS, LEMON and CITRON PEELS. • All the above Goods at prices to suit the Christmas trade. GEORGE SWALLOW, - Special for Xmas Trade Choice Cream Chocolates at 25c. Der M. Done up in a nice fancy box or satchel, also. the following Goods at reasonable prices. 500 lbs Royal Mixed Candy, 200 lbs--- Mixed Candy, 100 lbs Conversation Lozenges, New Figs, Nuts) Lemons, Oranges. Oysters and Fish direct from Baltimore. Call and see our Stock which is the largest and most Varied in town. - Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes in great Variety. OOA 'S CITY RESTAURANT, OLD STAND„ ! A