HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-12-14, Page 2T HAND In a dangerOnta et ergen4y, AVER'S aftgittix PAVF9nat. is prompt to atrf 4114 gore to cure, • A dose taketl on the ,first tiyutptonms ofCf'otfpoi' DroneItitia, checks further progress of these, complaints, : • It 'softens the 'phlegm,; ,coils, the in Uamed, membrane, anti. ,Iudtie.es • deep tis n, retbattdy for golds, coughs, loss of • voice, la sgrtpkte, pneumonia, and even atisuolpitOn, to its early stages' 'AYER'S 1 Chep r , �'eo t Q �.. o)5cole, all ,alit -tiler preparations. It is . ' .ilndorsedby leadng,physia►attstis 4gree- 'able to the taste, does not intorfeve with tligestiozlt and'treeds to be tatters usually in small dgses. it From repeated Seats in my own family, Ayer's Cherry Pecctoral has proved itself a very efficient remedy for colds, conghs, and the various ldis. orders of the throat and lungs. A, W. Bartlett Pittsfield, N. H, For the last a yearn I have been taking Ayer i Cherry 1'ecteral t4r1u ig troubles, and am.assurer that Ike use has Saved My Life I intro tcenmutcnded it to hundreds. • I find the most effective way of ting this me dic ine is ir small and fr.u ntdoses.' T. M.Matthews',P IYf„ Sherman, Oho. "My wifo suffered from a cold; nothinghelper her but Ayers Cherry Pectoral whim eected a curer -R. Atncro, Plymplon. N. S. Ayer's cherry Pectoral prepared by Hr.). J.. C. Ayer 8: Co.. Lowell Mass . Prompt tO :Ct, Sure to cure The Huron News -Record 1.60 a Year -81.21 is Advance. Wednesday, Dec. 114th, I$92 -Mies Johnston, of Dungannon, is -renewing old acquaintances in and around Henson. A REMARKABLE CASE. GENTLEMEN, -About five years ago I noticed on. my hands agreat number of soft, spongy war to, very painful, and whirl hied when touched. I Never witueseed any- thing like i+, and WW1 quite alarm't1' ed, ,- are nev;r withr•ut H4gyard'e Yellow. Oi., and one eyenieg rny'little girls applied it t•, each wart. Th. y did th'e severer nights am. in the tnorci.:g the pain and iter,ing were s.• had I had to cool my hands with ewes., but finally the warts dropped out and I have never been tronelsd efface. MRs. 1V M. Came, Brighton, Ont. -Tnapection of the advertisements of Galt grocers shows that they are cell ing 22 lbs. of extra granulated sugar for the ?dollar. It looks like giving it away. BLOTCHES CURED. DEARS SIRS, -In 1590 my body was cover- ed with blotches and I was at last induced to try Burdock Blood Bitters ;,'by the time I had used 3 .bottles of it I was cotnplete:y cured, and I oannet speak too highly of it. M.Rt. JAMES DESMOND, Halifax, N. S. -On Saturday pi"}it the barns tail a " — tariii owned by Mr. Angus Morrison, and rented to Mr. Hugh McLeod, neat the 13th con. of Ashfield were destroyed by fire. No one was living on the place and the fire was evidently the work of an incendiary. The en tire building with its contents, about 500 bushels of, grain, farm implements. etc., were totally destroyed. MADE WITH SKILL. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, N e modern successful cure tor coughs, colds, hoarseness, asthma, bronchitic, sure throat and all pulmonary cora plaints, is made from the boat pectoral herbs and barks by the roost skillful and scientific methods, and cannot fail to give prompt relief. -Arthur Farr and David Kiut,, of Guelph, bought a large °tame Ileac' at Manitoulin. They took him to Wiat- ton and put hien in a car, Bruin broke looao, and his long zesu•aiued fighting instincts asserted lllelstivee. So fractious did be become that Mr. Farr had to procure a rifle and quiet the bear by administering a dean of lead, "When your heart is bad, and head i• bad you are had clean through, what is needed ? ' asked a Sunday-sohool teacher of her class. "I know -Ayer'. Sarsaparilla,' spoke up a little girl, whose mother had tee oently been restored to health by that medicine. -Geo. Beck, a South Dorcheater• armer, has skipped to the Stales to void criminal proaecetiou under the Charlton Act on a charge of seducing tTle step -daughter of a Dereham cede named . Mitz. The girl is under 16 years of age. Beck leases a wife and ,two children behind, No better preparation for the hair has 'ever been invented than Ayer's Hair Vigor. b restates the original color to faded and gray Bair, and imparts that natural glos s end freshness, everyone so much admires. lti reputation is world wide. -Miss Jackson, of Woodstock, met with a melancholy accident ou Wod• nesday uight. She had recently been provided with a cork leg by the con gregution of the First Baptist church, but being unaccustomed to wear it etuml)led and fall through the caller .way. Site was uuconcione for several ttpure) hilt her Injuries ore not serious, Consumption Cured. An old physietan, retired from practiee, having had placed in his hands by an East India mission- ary ?fie formals. of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent mere ••f Consamption, Bronchitis, Catdrrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radion] cure for Nervous Deb rlity and all Nervone Complaints, after beving tested its wonderful snrhtive powers In thonsnnds of eases, has felt it his duty to make it known to bis sneering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will sone free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Pent by mail key ttdrestitni?raii etame. naming. this papar. yy A. NOPE I, 8ic1 Pothers' BtoJR,/toeheeter, N.Y. 6511-y I3 Tk'i . PRAWTH Al APO. 'iCtttk krlresent I+'ortrt or rintvornmont tet flop • ?ano. tl.pn>gtdu8 tont .o flit, • The° .linglteh people• httve never eon, eelenuity adopted a 40101300/4' form ofgoy- entree*, The forth of 4entot;raov wMeh tdteyalow have halt' been geuetattd 1'y low, forces, some of whielf have »cell , yperiktin,.g for .ages, It is difficult. to sae how the Itnglielt cana.titfttioz} could ,he reduced to: definite, legal farm 0,4 .adopted, tit . ;the A.tne;ieNt wee, with,9ttt at Clic+ saute Pine givelfg rise tq a•pnlltittltle.104'refi'rrtt:tiorrg. ,upon' the : lUeera . of trio government, Gertttutly there is no reason to believe tlaitl the English peopPle Ar any other people would have deliberatedy adopted the nn. restrained democracy which they how en- joy. The question naturally occurs to the Political S.otettce.Quarterly,,how then dill they come to have shalt is gevernmentei Without attempting to give it convicts answer to this question, Important light at itnoticing be throve upon byCao l► the may1 1 tau a , fi pp end) been i n tot!1' which 1 aw ec coutriUut o s isi c a q made and are now being made by the crown. It ie ohicfty owing to the lamellar position of the crowu that the English constitution has not been committed to writing : that it has been left as a body of customs and iu- definite understandings. According to the? forms of English law the entire • nr overnout is built up around the throne. The mottitrch is the source of law. The parliament is the king's high court for legislation. The courts of htww, are his courts. The administrative officers are his minister. There never was a time when some of these forms of law dict not represent as true things which were not true. Yet at all times the position of the crown and other effective forces in the gov- ernment have been such that these forms of laws have been preserved tnlohanged. When one law squarely contradicts another law it is exceedingly inconvenient to com- mit to , writing, one of them is destroyed, or a manifest absurdity is committed. Yet a ford t of law may be traversed and nullified by an understanding without in- convenience and without apparent absurd- ity. A matter-of-fact American is sure to bo astonished when he reads Magna Charta for the first time. In legal form this instru- ment expresses the gracious will of the ling. It is the king who is represented as preternaturally anxious about the liberties of the people. The king enjoins the ap- pointment of the four-aud•twenty barons, and directs them to make war upon him and compel him to obey the charter; and the king is even made to say that in case some of his subjects would not of their own accord join the liarozis in making war upon him he would order them to do so. This passage in Magna Charta may serve to 11- luetrate the absurdities which would appear in English law if the understandings of the const'tuti •'•cold be reduced to written form ....... - ::_tto law. The makers of Magna Clt 's lived long before the more refined 1 of amending the English cors...... ,.t had been perfected. The modern u-.ty is':ithar to traverse the forms of law by as understanding, or, if the form is made void i.• actual law which the courts enforce, tee - care that an appear- ance of consistent.; . ecurcd. I do not in- tend to hold that tu,; crown has been an active force iu securing the unwritten character of the constitution, but simply that the forms of law, the unwritten consti- tution and the unrestrained democracy are correlated facts. Piety end Rnalnesa • What are we to say to the following specimen of English advertising which emanates from a Leeds firm in the form of a circular? Whatever that limn may know abtnrt-gra:sr-bottle-nirrIcinv;-it-ltas` evidentry (in its own opinion) an intimate acquaint- ance with the ways and thoughts of the Deity, and has ascertained that the Al- mighty is particularly interested in the manufacture of "bottles, plain and stop- pered." It is interesting to speculate on what must'be the frame of mind of people Who think that such a circular will either please Providence or attraet customers. The circular runs as follows: "Gentlemen In the all -wise Providence of God have we been Ied to join in partnership for the manufacture of every kind of green and flint glass bottles, plain and stoppered. 'We hereby respectfully beg to inform you that having bought in the above works, which have been so successfully worked by a very old -established firm of glass -bottle makers, we have every confidence that by wise management and the blessing of God we shall be able to place befgqre you all classes of bottles as good and net cplcap as any other house fn the trade." Wholesome 'Vegetables. Spinach has a direct effect on the kicl- noys. The common dandelion, used as greens, is excellent for the kidneys. Asparagus purges the blood. Celery acts admirably on the nervous system, and is a cure for neuralgia and rheumatisut. Tomatoes act upon the livor. Beets and turnips are excellent appe- tizers. Lettuce and cucumbers are cooling is their effect upon the system. Onions, garlic, leeks, olives, and shallots, all of which are similar, possess medicinal virtues of it marked character', stimulating the circulatory system and promoting di- gestion. Red onions are an excellent diuretic, and the white ones are recommended ter be eaten raw as a remedy for insomnia. A soup made from onions is 'regarded by the French as an excellent restorative it: debility of the digestive organs.-Heraldtof Health. Bacteria to Dresses'. A prominent physician of this city, who gives close attention to bacteriological study, bays : "Lately the long dress trains worn in the streets by our ladies suggest another nay to carry tubercle and other bacilli into our houses. In walking along the streets we constantly, see a dress wipe up portions of sputum from the pavements. From one of these dresses dragged over the streets a few times I was able to demonstrate the presence of seven tubercle bacilli on an inch microscopic slide on which a lit- tle dirt off a dress was dusted. Knowing, therefore, that these long dresses have dried tuberculous sputum on them for the maids to dust off in our ladies' dressing -mama, most of which arg poorly ventilated, we can quite understanld how a eufficient num- ber of bacilli can be collected in small com- partments to au extent dangerous to at least those predisposed to tuberculosis."-Phila- delphia uberculosis. 'hila.delphia Record. Antiquity of tho Umbrella. The umbrella is of high antiquity, ap- pearing in various forms upon the sculptor. ed monuments of Egypt, Assyria, Greece and Rome, and in hot countries -it has been used since the dawn of history as a sun- shade -a nee signified by its name derived from the satin umbra, meaning a shade. In the Orient the umbrella has been a sym- bol of power and royalty, and iii many countries it has become part of a religion* its well as a "riij�tt aj mgt lietii. brier see oitrtst:Qn,1 .11,,, nrelf xx, x&!"p, , . � wastroutbled fQi'1111rt7 Viers with, cti_ s,tt. )aazlt In tyaitio, l+k1clt lncreas d utlid ' 7A74. :bcr tt ie vary inside X uses "^' .r +4 "!"y1• ' 1',t. 4,4v, r M.,1. y;[,:kh. ,,,^ "�, r.� K'aM% ?l� t.t NrM �' ': 111 .+'l'I,Ait.ttiIv cunt!, I u i`l4,,, it all praise." R A•rDER, ,C>7- ,./.1.0011.5,' O(•.. DID .171'."C .r .',r• nyr .n, �itFfs:i.K ..+rr?',`"n•-f•�i!`it rSihf: Y%I•r�.e2, 1,i �y�Yrey�Y,a.,.�.�., �1`+i•.;,:lr. �+::;i:,4. r r`r,, n.,i,x.,\`.i>+�,\�1.'�>•R{'•O1F4t 'M 1•C \'�l�F..M1i NY,> -h,4 .T • >)S>,..I IIANDSQML+ F'B4 JRDs, Sometimes unsightly blotches, plmplee or sallow o ane thin, t1ertroye the attrective- nese' of hondsome 1,atgre■. a u .all auotz races Soott'a'Ernt lsfoa wilt buill up the 4yeternn atrci import tr°1hleae act' beauty, -Mr. Jos. Glenn, of clear Manley, brought three hogs to ilk 1 otusall tear. ket, oi.e day last week, which realiz. d hint the hand+eine awn of $72,50. Kiecajd Si., Br••okt,ille, Out , Jan, 11, 18b9 : 1 waw eoi fined to my bed by a stover(' atteck Y1 lnn.bego. A lady friend of deice aunt me a part of a bottle of St. Jacobi O I, which I st•plted. Che educt wet simply magic it . In a day I wan able to go about my household duties. I have used it with splendid auceesa far . neuralgia twilled* I would not be without it." Mits. J. RINOLAN.D. -Mitchell is strongly advocating the establishmentrof n cheese and but- ter factory in that town together with a weekly tnarket. LITTLE JEN\Il: WAS CUItED. DEAR SIRS. -My Little Jennie was very had with La Grippe which heft it had cough. 1104 her Ftacyardre Pt:aural Balsam and ,it soon cured her. Miss il?cAR:•nun, Cupleatun, Ont. -Tho Conservatives of North Bruce purpose giving a banquet to Mr. Mo - Neil, M. 1'., on bis fettlrn front the old country, It will probably be field at Wiartou. A 1,Am. which even political enonotnivle ere .I.t to forgot i. that a manufacturer's rate of profit is not thl only essential ele- ment to saccees; the aggregate profit et the end of the year is of far greater importance, And this- in mnet cease le greater out of a low roto of profit tlisn out of a high rate, heoanse of the increased business, which the lower price gives rise to. It was no thio principle that Meters. ' Tnokett & 3..n acted in introducing their now fitment' "Myrtle Neil' tobacco, and to this prin. oiple they have ever since adhered. Thie le one of the reaeone is by people of Canada ate smoking the best tobacco which can be pro- duced, et a cheaper price than any other people can buy a similar article. -Mr.''. H. Ingram writes to the Stratford Herald from Edmonton that 14,000 acres of land have been sold in two weeks in the Battleford and Sas- ketchewan districto to settlers from \Vaahingt"onStatte; ..K,- -_-... "IT CURED MOTHER." G liNTLEMEN,-My mother was buffering from dyspepsia and had no appetite. Every thing failed to core her untilone day, while visiting a frienrra house, I caw a bottle of B. 11 B 7n the ;aide ; on ragniring what they used it for, I soon fount cent what it .eared, and when I went home told mother that she should try it ; t,ha said she had no. faith in anything and objected to. cry it. Notwithstanding her objection I wezl in the evening and brought home n bottle lent it was in tba hones for a week bef..re we could induce her to tuke it. At last, as eke was getting worse all the timea she onneented to try it and on taking bait' the bottle fownd it was curle•g her. Anotlrar bottle cured her, end we believe, caved her Ifs. We areliever without 13. 113. B. now. lit is such to good remedy for headache as well. 11 W ECTON, 15 Dalhousie St., Montreal. The Ottawa correspondent of the Hamilton Spectator tries his hand et Cabinet making with the following re- sult which would give mine Proteattant and six ,Catleolio Ministers. He eaye: Many elutes have been, mgde up, maid I vrill now venture foreaset as to what I think the next cabinet will bo, com- mencing with, Sir John 'Fllornpson . I will assign Iiia] to the justice department. Bewail, tninister of toade and c - merce. Pittterson,•ttbilitia. Angers, eerietary of elate. Onitnet, public works. Coetigan, agriculture. Caron, positlnaster-gewtial. Footer, finance. Daly, interior. Ives, presiient of the council. Tupper, marine and fr.ieherier.. Haggal•t, railways and canals. Curren, solicitor-genoeel. Clarke Wallace, comptroller of ins• to mP- Montague-, comptroller of iesland revenno. -Galt Temperance people are taking active steps to secure a vote on Local Option. tl -Iia Gehl'e breweay at Port Arthur William Gehl fell into a vat of hot writer ani sustained such idjuries that he died eight hones afterwards. He was 45 years of ago and a native of St. Agatha, Waterloo county. His brother ,Charles Gehl, also met his death ncci- deutly from a fall Leat sunnier while exploring in the Lake Superior region. -Mrs. Thomas Beeley, of Moea, had the good look to discovers dollar gold piece in one of her fowls while dress- ing it, a spring chicken. How the dollar gold piece came thete is a mys- tery, for such coins ere very seldom teen now a -days where chickens can pick them up. -Af the sale of Ferguson 'faros, horses in' Loudon Alost IIylhiea of Boaehville, paid v$500 Tor the S.year old .mare, Icithnne, and R. J. Dunn, 1. of Ingoraoll, paid $1,'475 far the Clever; year old stallion, Moonlight. -,-Trio latest addition to the tbor otighbret stock 'of Perth county is the very flue herd of Jerseys, imported by the lion. Tlloe. Ballantyne, which arrived in Stratford the other day, after three months' gnarantino at Halifax. The herd consists of five heifers and a buil, and they are beauties. the Canadian Pacific Railway Cott• parry is 8 world beater for enterprise. The eompa.ny will have a fully equip. ped transcontinental train at the World's Fair, occupying a space of 390 feet. 1.1 BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. COILESPONDENCI:. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. lire want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE new. SUBSCRIBERS. " Patrons 'who do not receive z/teir Paper regularly from the carrier or tltr)ugh their local poet offices will confer a favor by reporting at th'ie office at once. Subscriptions man commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Ai''dvertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of adeertisenzent'a, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. THE NEVIS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any' other paper in this section, and as an advertising mediums has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to ;those who mean business. - JOB PRIN'T'ING. • The Toh Le�cdt iieit nf' dile ji'e- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a supers.r f 1 guaranteed at J I J , :. itNIT JU V1E111008'. dal' t•hel Ilouite Oieaning 2eaRol we bov:e; 4 .eouaplete Staf;1f, ox .B) DROGU sinTs; 1JI W,+1 OQItf SdJI`l' la to P>r� 'C,.. R $ul" is ' li U l 1 ?t4, r ODD C. i;Ants, C N'i RD "IADIAB 3 HALIt: i1l.C%8,; E>tiG'TQUE: TIQD.14D1l , `• , • 'OTTR.l'A.IN POI E8, 71o,'I;te.� We handle no trashy Furniture. yet,Or prices are awa .down. Coll eller.: Ins .eot our St ak whether you Wish. to ug or no.4. P A Y toy � y111;10014'0 Denier ai*d tutieriakcr.. FOR OMR ENVELOPES hFOR FINEST POINTING Ila r; , ; I+1opscortlfl G I. S 0 FOR OFFICE PRIN.TIN •E NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALF. DEPARIVENTS Flnderson'sl3estaurant The Old Reliable Confectionery"'Store, OYSTERS ARE 14 SEASON ±fir EAT OURS AND YOU WILL HAVE NO OTHER Fruits, Confectionery Biscuits -in endless vtirie y ; Cranberries, Sweet Potatoes Spanish Grapes, etc. SW -TOBACCOS, PIPES, CIGARS -GOOD GOODS AT LOSE SELLING PRICES Everything first -cies; in a first-class store. Doll's pass Anderson's Restaurant Searle's 'Block, - Albert Street. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS -air of the hest world manship and material. air All the latest styles and :most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. pPFACTORY-=-carner Huron and Orange Streets, Cli.wton. 657-y` MIRINIMINNIMMICRIMOIRSIM t New °Fall Tailoring Goods. ---0 T. JACKSON, Sr:, has placed in stock Complete Lines of Choice Fall and Winter Tailoring Goods Being a cutter of long experience, satisfaction ie guaranteed. ,0%' We can suit you in quality end price for Pants, a Suit or Overcoat. Perfect cuts and fits. The best goode and tlinitnings. Workmanship unsurpassed. Call on us before you order: T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. rinii--g case n work to guurarx ee • very The � ONLY SCOTCH PAPER I`• CANADA Ts in a better position than ever to turn aitsi -THE- SCOTTISH CANADIAN CHIN /I WEEKLY 1,EWSPAPER,, AND . THE SCOTTISH MINfST f EL COenAtNING 1THIE FOLLOWING :SONGS, WITH WORDS AND MUSIC: Caller flerrin'•-Auld Robin Qrav -Bonnie Prince Charlie -Flora Mao Donald's Lam• ent-Nae Luck Almost the Heoae--Scottish Blue Irene -Tek Y,er Auld -Cloak Abeot Ye -The 'Braes o' Yarrow -Bonnie vendee - 1)ear Land Aynntthe Sea -My Mannie, 0- rulloc:bg••rum-The Sweetest Wet don Earth if; 11ame-Pibroch r.f Donnit 1)hn-Thr Flowers o' the. Forest-Dtnna Penh Yer !leen !-The Lend o' the Leal -Away, ye gay Landscapes-Sontch Deintits : Bross, Parritch, Keil, Haggis, an Lannocks-Wae'e me for P,inoe Charlie -Oh ! Saw Ye My Wee Thing -Sons of Scotland-Wheyn the Kve Comes Hamo-Return, Illy Darling - My Heart is Sioottani-es Yet -0 1 Are Ye Steeple, Maggie- Scuts Wha Hae ! -Willie's Gave to Melville Castle-Wheetle O'er the Lave U't-My Dear Tlielan' Laddie, O -The Soottish Emigrant's Farewell -Fear a"Tlhata; or, The Boatman -13'11e Bonnets over the Border, The paper for OND. 1TEAR and the .above Song Book for, ONE DOLLAR VEND TO IMME & GRAHAM, Pubttghers, Corner Church and Colborne Streets, TO1tOnSTO, ONT. WEEKLY NEE PRESS ---AND— FARM AND HOME FOR 1893. SA00 Bum PAPERS FOR $IOO ENLARGED AND IMPROVED, A HIGH-CLASS FAMILY PAPER. EACH NUMJ EU VILL CONTAIN : Ras. DR. TALMAGE'S Seances delivered the Sunday previously. W''AKEMAN'S WANDERINGS. AGRICULTURAL, MATTER-Illnatrated. .LADIES' PAGE- Illustrated. A SIIIVAL TALE, and other interesting reading matter. SUBSCRIBE .'. NOW Pries, One Dollar, a year in advance far the IVIS iI,L'Y V.B.Retel PRIIISS and PARItl AND Ficaria-in a1110 pages. Balance of 1802 free to new subscribers. Agents wcfnted in every unrepresented district to solicit subscriptions. FREE PRESS PRINTING CO., London, Ontario. b„ A HALL, Clinton. 0 Chrims ana New Years. For yeara China Hall has been noted for keeping the very best goods at the very lowest prices and 1892-'3 is no exception to our well-earned reputa- tion. QHINA .84 GLASSWARE. Our Delf, China and Giese Goods comprise some of the hdndsetneat lines and most reasonable in price ever clown in thin sectiou. PEELS, FRUITS, SPICES, NUTS. The GOotis in these lines that we offer are all fresh ant) clean and of the very hest quality to be prot;nr«'d, while• the prices are• emelt that consumers will surely make it I11xitalcn if they do r10t Hee anti test •them. We keep 111 stock evetytltinif tosupply the needs of all welt regalated families for the Christenes and New Year season. , TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS. Don't fnrget that China Hall hat. the very finest blends and flavors in the market, whileear Sugar) are from the best makers and of the hest brands. Give China Hall a call and we will do our best to please you in gnility, price, • and shall be pleased to serve you. N. ROBSON, CLINTON. - CHRISTMAS IS COMING GET YOUR New Fruits and Xmas- Presents ---AT— J, W. IiWiij'sOorner Stor@, McKAY BLOCK, CLINTON. • RAISINS -Extra, Selected Valencia, London Layers, Black Baoket and Sultanas. CURRANTS -nest Patras and Vastizza, Peels, Lemon, Orange and Citron. N cT,- Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, and Shelled Almonds. TEAS, COFFEES AND SUGARS A SPECIALTY. Crockery Department Having imported direct 1 am selling at wholesale prices. DINNER SETS from I8 up, TEA SETS at prices that will suit everybody; TOILETS in all Styles and Prices. Some do but don't you wait until a •Jay or two before Xmas to make •ourselec- tions from our well filled tables suitabie.for Xmas and Wedding presenfg;' On hand bbl. Salt Herrings, Trout, Salt Water Salmon. v $UTTER AND EGGS TAKEN, •'d