HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-12-14, Page 1-4473714.1"1"7".'re 47114711177
!,7`-'11)Mlikrilrrinr, 14:7
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frlttiIilt,ali. $o ,rete Aentritestt! 0111,44 lass 5 vireecat
vi) tltft'?fy4Ci
llst< 1111e:l'Onrif,X44014er a.u4 Qt'vuRM.
NO '1,J 1FJ4e.
(111. OliP Distant d�
}ltntpos$ible to --get , any
suitable present that will give
better satisflaa i9n than
Therefore our stock was
bought to suit your purposes
ank know that we will suit
you once; in Artistic Beauty,
twice in Choice Variety, -three
times in Price.
1VIanidure Sets
-=in Plush and Leather, a very
nice present for a _lady; prices
frdm $1.00 to $5.00..
'Plush and Leather Cases
Containing Shaving Sets,
tiers."'with :.Combe, - Brush,
• and Mirror, and many differ-
_. kei• , ^;- `��ir'i sit „raftOLl'.
are this year got up in some
very pretty designs; one choice
line is made from Plate Glass
beveled and joined together
by German Gilt, they are large
enough to hold watch, ring
and trinkets, and are being
sold very ` `reasonable.
Nr'tN 1 r•.
�'�W Br�
8Agl Ann POOH' IrAOTD Y.
flat Woking it,nrittitag, Repartee , -or Ito,
Proving' rktraid set my 1 rive -a.
-�- �4i1. Woatc GU4 IN'raap.. T -*M
Saadi anal boorR, .>Fny kIzO:500 plane of ttou@°.
to ehooflo front:`soi n tree.
8lr eLtes,14T11 Aso I.Vea:ai Itt all grades.
PROr4x Norms.
for.MI1•aolt loorin Sidle and bravoed Lumber
d12 per NI, to roduen ptoekr and. taLv has,
aordwood, logo, hoadtng, btavo boles, cedar poste,.
dowestle woods) ,, c., 40.1 in paYild$,D,t•
Igaehinery atwaye running.
Orr Houses built while you watt. No money
required. JOSEPH IIIRI),
72O—Sm Gonentc1t.
Town Tupt4 .
DR. EUTHEnvon ', of Listowel, spent
Sunday with Dr. Turnbull.
R. M. DlorsoN and Peter Scott, of
Brussels, 'were dnClinton on F1• ay.
Misr FAIR was a guest at the Manse,
Seaforth, lost week.
MISS A. REYNOLDS was the guest of
the Misses'Smallacombe at Honsall for
several days.
Mn. T. F. CALBICK left on the return
journey to British Columbia last Fri•
CANADIAN APPLES were n little on
the advance in price on the Liverpool
market last . week.
AT a meeting of Chapter Marrone at
Seaforth recently, Ex. ,Comp. (Rev.)
Fairlie, •of Clinton, spoke in com-
plimentary terms of the ..Malloch
THE roof •of the Exeter skating rink
caved in the other day. In what state
is the Cliutou skating rink 1 it brought
into use this winter it would be wise
to make cute that it is safe.
XerAQst nt'r itl arettnil again
Ur, , .Fam wen venftood ta'•ths
!Mina/ 'Nat Wt/ell) ht/It is aroapd again.
Ma; MAY hes aoeu tbct a position
deri t
in the G wp
a as organ ran ar.ka
Me. B. F,, 1ietutow sport Sunday 'at
13er1ttt, ;
J iN ES a sore v. red
X11 cit WEST bas far Ro e
as t9 Walk up town. He had a hard.'`
`neige of it;
Banner,in referring to the cheese Indus•
try, says: "Cheese has paid our farmers
well and we advise our friends any-
where to encourage the factory system
both for cheese and butter."
Murphy •butchered a six months porker
last week. The breed of it he was
not quite sore of, but thinks that pro-
pel: feeding and .gocel care is where the
secret comes in. When ,q dressed the
scales showed that the porker tipped
the beaiu at over 268 pounds—not bad
fora six months pig.. _.
IT WILL BE A SLEIGH.--T\e editor
of the Blyth Standard ``h d cbnsider-
-able to say somaffiti �tfi-e" about the
coat• and purchase of a baby carrisge.
Of course it will bo necessary to buy a
carriage, but in the meantime a baby,
sleigh will be necessary, as a new born
daughter was added to tbe valuable
possessions of Bro. Irwin the other day.
Theee editors are queer prophet`s. -
RECOVERED.—The many friends,of
Mr. Joseph Lang will be pleasedto
learn that that gentleman has sufficient-
ly recovered to enable him to leave
the hospital and move to a private
house, he being now entirely out of
danger, hopes being entertained that
hie leg will be completely cured and
free from any deformity. In writing
to Mr. David Reed, his father-in-law,
Mr. Lang states that he is as good as'
three dead men yet._ -Kincardine
toes your mother or father,
.son or daughter, need a new
Bible or Hymn Book ? Then
you know a suitable gift to
give them and if you did not
know before that we sell the
Pest Edition in the finest bind -
gigs we would now like to im-
press it on your mind.
Presentation Books
such as Miss Havergal's Poems
.nicely bound, The Story and
Life of Christ, Bible Gallery.
Poems of the popular authors
in good Morocco bindings, all
suitable for ',tnas Presents.
l+itss MASON., %vho hada surgieril
rat r '
opo on- i patio lived ou her portion
last week; is doting ee well as can be
'MR. CHAS. AvERr recently sold P
six and a half months old pig, dressed,
to Whealty & Finch, which weighed •
289 pounds. •
REV. Jos. Eno; fortnerly of Clinton,
was of Ilanoyer last weak and conduct"`
ed the funeral servicrs of a deceased
READ THEa1.—Everyloey buys holi•
day present,. To knawt, where to go
for what you want, read THE NEws•
WELL EARNED.—The St • Mary's
Collegiate Institute Board pays $10
annually to each of the local papers for
publishing the results of the monthly
pupils' examinations.
Mn. MOGILL, of Blyth, was in town
last and this week, being called here
through the serious illness and death
of hie little. granddaughter, Katie
THE NEws-RECORD bad a pleasant
call last Thursday Froin Sir I . J.
Brownlee, past master of the Grand
$lack Chapter of Ontario West, and
Grand Treasurer of British America,
CH4s'razAs TREE.—St. Paul's S. S.
teachers and children are preparing for
a•enleadid Christmas tree and enter•
tainment, in the school room, on Tues.
day, Dec. 20.. A grand time is in
IT PAYs.—The art of advertising con,
silts in getting the greatest results for
the least money. L'usiuess won who
have succeeded say that the news.
paper oiferIthe best medium for reach.
iug the public and that advertising in
a respectable newspaper one issue is
worth a hundred on fences and barns.
THE MAYORALTY.•MayQt'_1inher-ty.
anfigA es in another column that he
desires to retire from the Chief Magis.
trace's chair. Several navies have
been spoken of, but none that we have
learned of with a certainty. Among
those mentioned, as well as Mayor_
Doherty, are ex -mayors Forrester and
STOLE.—The Oakville Star says:—
Rev, Mr. Edge, of Acton Methodist
church, has a popular lecture styled
"Taking home things you borrow,"
which has received many complimen-
tary remarks. A lecture on "Taking
home things you stole" would strike
some people hard and earn the grati-
tude of others.
ant Act, dealing with bees and the
epraying of fruit trees, comes into force
on January let, next. The statute
provides that no person, in spraying or
sprinkling fruit trees during the period,
within which such trees are in full
bloom, shall use, or cause to • be used,
any mixture containing paris green or
any other poisonous substance injur-
ious to bees.
the coming Municipal elections will
be held, on Monday, 2nd January,
there will probably be a very large vote
polled. The statue says they must
take place\ on the first Monday in Jan•
uary and the nomination a week be-
fore. Christmas and New Year's fall
on Sunday, but will doubtless be ob•
served on the following Monday so
that the nomination will pratically be
held on Christmas and the election on
New Year's day. There iv no election
excitement here as yet. The necess-
ary School Trustees will be elected at
tbe sato time and place as the mem-
bers of the Council.
Montreal Witnet;s, which is to move into
its own building next spring, will be by
far the best equipped newspaper in
a mechanical point of view in Canada.
Its immense Hoe quadruple machine
will be capable of turning out 60,000
eight -page or 30,000 twelve or sixteen -
page papers an hour, printed complete
on both sides, cut, pasted and counted
in piles of fifty. This will be one-third
faster than any other press in Canada.
In addition, its matter will be set on
the Mergenthaler Linotype, which give
a new, clean face of type every is§suie,
and its form will be compact and beau-
tiful. The Witness, although old and
reliable, is up to the frontin respect of
enterpprrise, and its readers expect and are
notsatisfiea;with anything but the best.
The price or' the Daily Witness is $3 a
year, of the Weekly Witness one dollar,
and the Northern Messanper, published
from the sante house, is thirty cents.
Agents Wanted in every town, village
and P. O. Spechnen copies will be sent
free to any of our readers, on applica-
tion to the publishers JOHN DorALL
66 Sort. Montreal. Ther
subscribers to
Tun NEws-REcoltio can have it and
the Montreal Daily Witness for $3.25,
TRU NEws-REconD and the Weeblp
Witness for $1.75, and the Northern Mes-
senger with either of them for twenty:
five cents extra.
sample letter of the kind that is ever
welcome at this office :•—
Wimbledon Station, Minneapolis,
Minn.,Dec. 6, 1892. .
A. M. Tone, Esq., Clinton:
Deka SIR,—Enclosed find art express
order for two dollars. Please change
the address on my paper from Osisker
to Wimbledon, North Dak., care of
"Soo" agent, Valley City. Be careful
to send in care of agent at Valley City,
because we are up here on a new road
which has no regular mail service.
They are just building the road. The
local post office is 5 mites from there
and we have our mail come by Valley
Yours truly, .
R. B. Cox.
there has been talk of establishing a
pork -packing house in Clinton. We
fail to see why there should not be one
worked successfully here. A great
syndicate are about starting a pork
packing establishment in London,
Ontario, or. a very large eche. They
have already bought land and expect
to be at work inside of a few months.
Thee same syndicate, whose head-
quarters are London, England, own
packing establishments in Denmark,
Sweden and other p@tie of Europe.
They also deal -very rargely in butter,
cheese, &a. We are .glad to see such
new enterprises slatted id Canada.
Why 0 forC
not make a move such a con-
cern in Clinton? Here is a chance for
an active Board of Trade to do some
practical work.
.�--,.rte....;...-,r,•..r, ..-,.r.
• town lopitkt ,
Aon 731• th :c'rrespendexice did of
raaolt Clinton y.esterday,.
KISS .1ioBIttlt i, hat returned frOM
Rhode a',atad h.ospitn!. Although• still
weak,. oho is ,4ttiproviul;..
rIng I, eptiet anuivetsay services and
rtetl.tneering were in every respect a
Two MEsSlts SIIItI'I'ARD, of•the Ni1e,
in this ,aection last and
this week, /
MRS, $HILTON -gave a .very interest-
ing lecture on China to - the Young
People of Rattenbury street church
Monday evening.
.THE NEWS-REoonn had a pleasant
earl yeatorday from Mr. R. Leishman,
of Marnock, who was summoned to
Goderich as a juryman.
P. L. SURvEYon. N: T. Ritchie, of
Kincardine, is opening branch offices
at Walkerton, Wingham, and Clinton.
His card appears in another column.
nection with St. Puma's church, had a
successful meeting at the residence of
Mr. Thos. D, Johnston Monday- even-
Naw FEED STORE.-Meaere. Hanley &
Walker have opened out in the flour
and feed business on Huron Street.
Both gentlemen ale well and favorably
IN a short time Lieut. Combe will
likely be gazetted as commanding
officer of No. 4. Company. Capt.
Todd has not yet been officially notified
of the acceptance of his resignation.
other evening there was a little blaze
in Beesloy's etore, caused from hand
kerchiefs being pinned to the electric
wires. The damage was light and
covered by insurance.
THE REEYESHIP.—There are many
names talker] of. Mr. A. McMurchie,
we believe,ja in the field .with Mr.
D. Cantelon in hot pursuit. If these
two gentlemen enter into the contest it
will be warm, ss both are good men and
would fill the poeit°on with credit to
themselves and the town.
Mn. W. Downs, and his son and wife
left yesterday for Bossevain, Man.
Mr. Downs will go into the gents' fur-
niabi.ng..!minces,- also tailors''sdpplies,
in that city. They purchatred their
tickets from, theagent-of the Canadian
Pacific Railway Co. in Clinton, Mr. A.
T. Cooper, who has been recently ap.
appreciate a high Mass literary enter
Ia'nment will not be disappointed if they
go to the town hall on Deo. 19„ Miss
Agnes Knox, Toronto, Queen •of eloeu,
tionists, assisted by Prof. Scott, of Wing.
ham and Prof. Geo. Fox, of Hamilton,
the finest violinist i11 Canada, should be
sufficient guarantee that there is a rare
treat in store for the people of Clinton.
Dec. 19 is the date.
MASONIO.—The election of officers
of Clinton lodge No. 84, G. R, C., A.'
F. and A. M., held on the 9th inst.'
resulted as folhows: W. J. Paisley,
W. M.; J. R. Hbwe, S. W.; G. LJ.
Baird, J. W.; 0. S. Doan, Treas., re-
elected; Thos. Smallacotnbe, Secy., re.
elected; Bros. D. Robb and W. D.
Fair, Auditors; Jos. Ryder, Tyler, re-
AFTER THE Fox.—Clinton can pro-
bably boast of the ?nest enthusiastic
gun aportsmen in the Province. Game
that can be got within range of shot
gun or rifle is always sure to bite the
duet. It is quite proper that this
should be time, for the Hub leads in
nearly all lines. But we want to tell
the little experience of two of
our sports while after o fox. They
were feeling fresh and nimble on foot
and had experienced dogs. After a
long chase the "animal" found shelter
in "hia" bole. Spades were brought
into active requisition and the earth
bad to fly. "Here he isi" said one of
the sports. A long stick was poked
in the hole and the "animal" was there
sure. Gradually the sports and doge
and guns and "fox" worked closer to-
gether. The light dawned but the
"iur" did not fly. The dogs hesitat-
ed,the snaps of the guns refused to
clink, and the spots were powerless.
Five skunks were' unearthed and the
victims, it le needless to say, were the
victors. "Fox" is now a much abused
word among Clinton sports.
To the - Ratepayers of the Town of
L.a.p Es AFT)? ONNTL1 MEN,-
As the time is approaching when y#u
will require to .elect ntunic poi offIttprs
for the ensuing• year, and its i wish to
retire front the Mayoralty, 1 deem it
mpyeress dutyofinY toi>iiinftentioorm;il.. you through the
YOU have honored me for the pas
three years by electing nae to the most
honorable position inthe of
people, for i thanyou,
But as
'ray businCSS requires; the whole of iiiy'
time and attention, and not wishing to
monopolize the chair, .as I believe this
honor should be passed- around and
o brought t every
new mon b o g a, least X rY
three years, I have out
.to retire
at the expiration of the present term.
Again thanking, you for" your very
liberal summit and confidence, and
hoping that the right anon may be se -
cared and,that Clinton will continue to
I .am, yours truly,
Election of oflioere at the meeting of
lodge No. 30, R. A. M. next T ueeday
Mr. A. Matheson,_ who was re-
cently accidently iujured, has so far
reebvered as to be able to resume his
work in the Big Mill. •
MoThe concert iu the Opera House 'on
nday evening is under the direct
patronage of Mayor Butler; it ex
peoted to be the event of the season•,
Mr. McLean beingcousidered by many
to be the equal of the late Mr. Kennedy,
and the county talent the bast pro-
ducible. Should the Weir prove a
success as regards attendance there will
be a nice little sum for the poor of the
various denotninatiane.
Mr. Jas. A. and Miss McKay left
this week for a few months sojourn in
Florida. •
Mr. Bert Bradley, of Toronto, paid
a short visit to his relatives in Gode-
rich the past week.
C. P. R. agent, R. Radcliffe, was in
Seaforth last Friday.
Bible .Society meetings do not draw
in Goderich; at the meeting in the
North Street Methodist church on
Thursday, the attendance was so slim
that the Rev. gentleman, who was to
lecture, dia not deliver bis address.
The Sons of Scotland had an enter.
tainmeut uu Faiday evening.
.Nominations for office at the meeting
of the S. 0. E. Benevolent ,Society
this evening..,:_. ___►__,.,,._,:.
-Our town fathers will meebt tomorrow
evening' according to statute
The teachers attending •the Model
school class, are now finishing the
term's work. The result of the final -
examinations will be published about
Christmas. - Our butchers are preparing to show
their Christmas meats.
The mayoralty contest is getting
warmer, but so far there iv no opposi-
tion to the reeves and councillors, al
though rumour hath it that there will
be a fight for nearly every position.-
osition.The coming municipal elections in
the County will likely be the most
keenly contested for some years,
as the Poor House question will cause
every vote to be polled.
Although dredge No. 9 made a cut
of over 17 feet from the lake into the,
harbor during the summer, the fall
storms filled it up, and when •naviga•
tion ceased there was less than 14 feet
of water at the harbor entranne. Ae
two boats drawing 14 feet ran aground
when entering, there can be no mistake
as to the depth. The extension of :he
north pier into deep water :s the only
solution of the difficulty; such a scheme
would do away witli the annual dredg-
ing and thus while saving money in
the end, make Goderich the beat har-
bor on Lake Huron.
"Tales from Town Topics," Great Holi-
day Number (6) is just out. This quer
terly publication bas been permanently
increased in size and will henceforth
contain, in addition to au extra amount
of beleoted matter, an original prize
novelette of from 25,000 to 40,000 words
in length. The firat of these appears in
the present number. It is a story of
New York and London life, and is env
titled "The Sale of a Soul." 'ibis, with
the bright stories and poems selected
from Tows- Times, maes a decidedly
Interesting book.—Towrt Topics, 21
Tweniy,thlyd street, New Fork.
, Lightbeikae keeper ,Catnpbell ,00aeedl
ii Ming the latps:.eu Saturday no that
navigation to ended for; lbs%a so far es
Goderich is 000aor;ted,
Judge Falls ri e
otth d� and � Stroot
reached Goderich by' the 1,f9 :train.
on N.ohday and opened the cou1r6 for`'
Muron election
the trial of the West
petitions. The barristers appearing on
the tees were J, 'f', (arrow, Q. C., E.
Qtttiipion, Q. C., and P. Flelt, M, 0
Johustou, Dickson, of Exeter, and R,
C. Hays were also -present. After the
tiouuset engaged had acid a few words
their Lonlshipa gave judgmentdie•
:Messing both .petitions without costa,'
and then left by the 2.10 train fol
Toronto. The whole of the proceed
iuge were concluded in less than fivr
minutes. -°
Mise Dickson left on) Monday for
New York being called thereto by the
death of her sister in-law, Mrs. Wm.
•Dickson, a lady well known iu Gode-
rich through her long visite to her re-
latives, Mr. and Mrs. Dickson.
At the meeting of Huron Encamp-
ment, No. 28, 1. 0. 0. F. on Mon-
day evening the 12th inst. the follow-
iug were elected to office for the year
1893: Patriarch Geo. Porter, C. P.;
Patriarch J uo. Ruberts,1-1. P.; Pat4arch
A. 1i. Cornell, 8. \V.: Pat'ial'clr' eo.
Elliott, J. W,; Pat rietch Geo. H.
Naito, F. S.; I',.Iriarch C. A. Nairn,
R. S.: Patriarch W. H. Irluruey,
• Sehool closes here on Dec. 22nd for
Christmas holidays.
Wm, McCracken has gene to Paisley,,
Harristo and other la
u n o h p cea•on a visit.
Mrs. D. A. Stnale, of London, was in
town for a few days last week.
Miss Kate Wilson, of this town, took
part in a concert at Wroxeter on Tues-
day evening of this week.
Nominations for municipal council
and 3 trustees will be on Dee. 26th at
12 o'clock, noon, and the election Jan.
2nd. R. McNaughton and W. Al.
dridge will be deputy returning officers.
The. School Board met on Friday
evening of last week and chose Miss •
Downey, of Hanover, as teacher in the
3rd depart:uent of our school.
• Appple hackers see nt_t••g_havera- peat. -- -
'EMI e to oysters. At any rate they.
made them scarce a;.W. Morrow's .last
Tuesday night.
At the last regular meeting of Nile
L. 0. L. No. 1052, the following offi-
cers were elected : W. M., Bros. R.
Morrow; D. M,, R. J. Kirk; Chap...
S. G. Pentland , Rec. Sec., A. P.
Sheppard ; Fin. Sec., J. G. McQuoid ;
Treas., R. Moll wain ; D. of C., 1). Mc- •
Ilwain; Leot., W. J. Mcllwain; Com•
tnittee, H. 1� innigan, J. A. Ellie%t,
Chas. Elliott, R. Ryan, sr., John Kirk.
The annual entertainment in connec-
tion with the Nile S. S. is to be held
on Wednesday evening, Dec. 2lst
The programme is to be supplied prin-
cipally by the children. The commit -
toe are endeavoring to make this the
entertaintneut of the season. Come
and see and hear for yourselves.
The public examination of S. S. No.
1, Wawanoah, is to be held on Friday,
Dec. 23rd.
The following programme was pre-
sented at the Temperance meeting in
the Temperance •hafllaet week: Chair
man's address, Rev. Mr. FIowell; Quar-
tette, Misses Wilkinson and Acheson,
end Messrs. Halls and Smith; Addresr.
Mr. Simpson; Solo, violin, Mr. Black •
stone; Recitation, Mise Winifred Ball.
Duet, Misses Acheson and Wilkinson;
Ac.dress, Mr. Holmes; Recitation, Miss
Grace Johnston; Quartette, Mieses Wil-
kinson and Acheson and Messrs. Halls
end Smith; Solo, Miss Crabb; Address,
Rev. Mr. Anderson; God save the
Mrs. Geo. Swanson, who was visit-
ing relatives al St. Marys', broke the
small bone of one of her arms some ten
days since by an accidental fall. Mrs.
Swanson, who returned home on Sat-
urday, is progressing favorably.
On Mokday while Mr. F. Smeeth
was engaged -at the mill a large board
fell over and struck hie leg causing a
severe compound fracture. Mr. Smooth
was removed to hie residence where the
fractute was reduced.
Mr. Wm. Lee was in the Queen
City this week.
Whispering, and the hurried banish-
ment of mitts, slippers and all kinds
of fancy work xi ow noticed in to many
households would lead one to believe
that Christmas is near at hand.
The standing of th'd' pupils of the
public school for November is as fol-
lows :— -
5th :—Wm. E. Miller, Goo. W.
4th:—Ethelbert Mailveon, Winnie
Thompson, Wm. Mair.
Sr.3rd:—Mabel Bingham, Ethel Jor- °
clan; Annie Wright.
Jr. 3rd :—Wm. Butt, Frances Oakes,
Mabel Huok.
Sr. 2nd :—Blanche Moilveen, Stew-
art Hill, 011ie MoIlveen.
Jr. 2nd :.—Annie Lawson.
II part :—Jane Wright, Earnest
Grainger, Jonathan Mcllveen.
1 part :—Minnie Kitty, James John-
ston, Anthony Lawson.
The publie examination will be held
on Wednesday, the 21st inst.,00mmenc-
ing at 10 a. m. There will be ftChrist-
mas tree. A number of recitations,dia-
logues,eongs, &e.,are being prepared and
a splendid time is expected. All inter-
ested in education are cordially invited
to attend.
Our school will be much improved
in appearance 'and comfort during the
The following officers were elected for
L. 0. L. No. 928, for 1893 at last meet-
ing : Hon. W. M., Robert Miller; W.
M., Joseph Rapson; D. M., Geo. W.
Hill; Chap., Samuel Lowery; Rec•Sec.,
B. Grainger; Fin -Sec., Wm. Lowery;
Tress., Frank Mcilveen; D. of C.,
John Edrneaton; Lecturer, G. M.
Kitty;,Com., David Barr, Jas. Miller,
John Watkins, Thos. Cousins, John
There arrin London,Ont., 68 factor -
let etmploying 3,142 hands.