HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-10-24, Page 3• tee It Has Proved a Revelation --To Millions of Tea Drinkers 11 nieh in Flavor Absolute in Purity. Sealed Pachets Onl3r 1 mach—Green or Mixed 1 sled TRY ! At the Nebraeka Station lambs fed - alfalfa hay and grain snade 52 per cent, better gains than 'Jae lambs fed the same gralas and prairie Inuee. When , ,eses sorghum was substituted tor prairie leee ' "'ere haythe lot fed alfalfa made 72 per • cent, better gains. In these tote the FEEDING SHEEP FOR MARKET. lambon both prairie hay and sot, - punt were fed let a profit. In these times ot scarcity of grain, At the Wyoming Station, where sheep must, be fed more or less ou %mu& wee compared with native hay grim, hay, roots, Potatoes and orage roughage for fattening lambs fed crops, and in titem will be found the like grain rations, the lambs on alfalfa same nutritious materials as are on- Made 25 pee cent. better gains than Mined in grain. The fattening shoo the lambs ou native hay. Stated in consumes from 16 to 25 pounds of another way, an acre of native 'hay swedeg iu a day, in accordance with produced 476 pounds ot mutton, while ita age and size, and this in additou an acre of alfalfa, produced 1,756 to a small weight of concentrated food peewee and some hay. A little dry food is t Alfalfa hay Also gave about 40 per all times necessary when sheep are fed- cent. better results at the Montana largely on rootte altbough not essen- Station than a grain -hay made Up of tial on grass when they have become a taixture of equal parte-wheat, barley, oat e and peas cut In the milk stage. The latter hay, however, proved but little inferior to clover for fattening purpOses. FARM AND GARDEN NEWS. accsistomed to it. In these war times the market does not de,mand excessive fatness, for the surplus fat is quite unuec.essary on a joint, and the consumer can, easily eat too much. A. moderately fat leg of mutton or loin of lame, if less profit- able to the buyer from the point of view of e,conoray, is better than a fully fat leg or loin from which much of the fat masa be cut away and used for the purpose of cooking. Pasture land well manured with phosphates, especially with baste slag. where this form of manure is suitable, Increase the feeding power of the herbage to such an extent that a much larger quantity of mutton can • The advantagee ot sowing rye in the fall are, first, it protects Hee soil from washing; eecond, it retains nitroge,n- ous plant -food material which mignt otherwise escape into the air during the fall and winter, and, third, wheu turned under in the spring it furnishes humus to the oil. Lambs in pasture should ordinarily be weaned when neariy four months Old, depending on the size of the lambs and the condition of the ewes. If the ewes are thin and the lambs be produced on an acre, an lerge, thee may be weaned earlier, give can be made quite.suitable for the Ing a longer time for the ewes to, build butcher without artificial foodstutfs. up their bodies before breeding again. As slag is now a more, costly material If the opposite condition prevails, the it must be remembered that the in- iambs should be weaned later. The crease in the quality and quantity of lambs should be weaned graduallY, has been kept in political thrsadora by the conibluation of Austriane Ml4 MetiYars, who ceutrolling the Govern- ment, and workleit Under the Howie et elapsbury, control the Reicherat • (beceuse the Slav ulaloeitY geeer- Inauderea out of ite slim of pelitNt power) 444 the army. Indeed, tas majority of the subject races le prob. ably greeter time tile otficial popula- %Lou tigares ahow, for dose figures are compiled by the TeUtorile-Mag- "yaw officiate, whose purpose le to min- imise the Slav numbers. And IlOW WO learn !rein Swiss sources that "the Austrian Govern - Ment, yielding to Magyar pressure, has decided to take the most severe meas- ures le an effort to .repress the .1480 - Slav movement." We doubt if it will, , It letaY bang wouuded °Ulcer of the Italian army captured in battle. It may shoot a Wonian lately returned to her own country from the -United States. But we doubt if the 'Vienna- au- thorities dare to take severe Measures against the Jugo-Slav movement rig a wbole. Even a Muulch paper adtalt- ted the other day that an msurreetion might occur in Bohemia at any time. , The report that the Vienna Govern. - meat is proposing to placate the Slav meet by resolving the Dual Monarchy into a Multiple Monarchy with sever- al aUtonomous States, is more woo - 3 Cakes Cuticurahap and 4 Boxes Ointment Heal Itching [Pimples On 'Shoulders and Back4 • , "For two years I wee troubled,with iteblag pimples on tny ehouldere and back. They were bard. red and YerY Petraili and were scattered. I could not reet et night on eceount.of the itching, "I tried several remedies but they failed. Then I used Cutieura Soap end Ointment. and I ma three cakes of Cuticura Soap and four boxes of Cuticura Oitentent and I was completely heeled In ebt week." (Signed) Miss Kate Yo_OnV,vielrese, Man „ lelecch 30,1917. Playing obtained a clear heakhy akin Os use Cuticara, keep it dest,tif. ,traRig the Selqi fox all toilet engtosse, eepette4 by teechee ef Oint. Cuticura Soap is Dits.kentpleitien Stterol0 Seth by Mail ed. _thee(' poWcerkil "Cuticure, Dept. A, Beaton, IL S. A." Sold evesywhere, thicken raising. N0 matter how geed the atoek. or feed, or even care, with- out the proper housing conditions the poultry keeper with years ot •experi- ence in the bueineae bite learned that the ehed roof house, or a ntodification ot the aerate has given the best re- • suite, Mute& glass and muslin to give the proper amount of sultelene •end ventilation is popular now. Bat there are Many who still will ride "holabiee" of their own in pedant' house conetruction and a winter like the la.st has proved that the idea is wrong. To do their beet the poul- try, which. must be confined to their house many dos during Decenaber, January and part of February, mat have as muck sunshine in the building as poosible. Thie cannot be done with the small windows aeon in so many Poultry buildings over the come try. Fresh air should be admitted through muslin frames, placed high enough so eha t on, briglit daya the • sunshine call Penetrate to the rear Of tbe bouse, when they are hinged ba,ck. One glase windew slioula be placed in each pen that will give light on the days when steam or wind =Ire it nee - Metre to cloee tee muslin frames. The more cheerful and comfortable the poultry house is the better the re- sults will be front the flock. Poultry ranke, suddenly callea UPon to face ' that is Nvell housed and eared for, a.nd the severest test to which war could TORONTO FAT The Show That Produces the Good Butcher S001,400 C K Stock and Breaks the Sale Price Records SHOW. UNION STOCK YARDS DECa 500 6th weether is sbowery, under a porch or , verandah. And the windows of the able. But when. the tents on which hatched at the proper time, will ehell subject them, mantled cheerfully, sleeping room ehould be wide open to they can have peace are communicated The right use of the register, or rather out the hen fruit in state of the u.nus- fought splendidly and died gallantly. SIM and to air day and night, to the Austrians and Germans we the fullest use of it, to the end that ual weather conditions . Those that Four Years ago last Saturday the It should be remembered that tile alungs.rians. who attained their polttie which Canada has been faced may be some of the industrial difficulties with do not have these conditions are not Ing of Six divisions of infantry and the better for thorough aeration, and British Expeditionary Force consist- child's body, as well as its lungs, is trust it will be remembered that thee Cal lilsertiea 52 years ago, insisted that removed or ameliorated, le something paying for their keep. The poultry -keeper who wishes to one of cavalry landed safely in France the daily sun or air bath should be the severest ineasuree be taken against the Sim% who are demanding their Political liberties.—Philadelplaa hi li C Man peo 1 win natte, make good from now on should be up without a single casualty. On Aug- instituted. The child should be allow - Record,. : • I EW ilEALTII FOE WOMB The most fateful years in a woman's life are them between forty-five and fifty. Many of the sex enter tins per- iod under depressing conditions, through overwork or worry about the hotne, or through a condition in wbech the blowl is weak or watery and they suffer heavily, Among the commone est symptoms are headaches, feverish flushea, palpitation of the. heart, dizel- nos, backache, depression awl other well recognised disturbancee ot the health whith signifies that tbe blood lequires attention. Women urgently need rich, red blood all their lives, but never more so than in middle -life, when the nerves are also weak mid overwrought. • Now every woman can prove the prompt help afforde dto her health by renewing and building up the the herbage produced, for some tears thus partly eliminating the neeeseity blood. It is a test that any ailing in succession, muck more, than makes of milking the ewes. They should be woman can make by taking Dr. Wil - up for it, while the increased value red a good ration of grain and pasture. Hams' Pink Pills for these pale make ot the mutton growth makes the re- so that they will continue to thrive. turn a highly profitable one. On the range the process is different, LEGUMINOUS FORAGE cRon. for no one thinks of weaning' the Another method of feeding sheep to lambs inside of six months. This is 1 absence of usually done at the shipping season, greater advantage, eoncentrated feeding stuns, IS to grow when most of the Iambs are picked up the legueubaous forage, crops, and tup- and railroaded off to market, happiness and intoned in life. ply them in winter in conjunction -with - Save the leaves this fall. They are So if you suffer, avail yourself at swedes. These crops can be made.into valuable as sources of humus and once of the eplendiel home treatment bay In suitable weather. or put into a . plant food. If burned, even. though- which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills so eas- silo tor convereton into ensilage..The • the as -hes are saved, all of the huttitie fly afford, and you will be -among demands made by the war have brought Is lost and muck of the fertilizing those Whoerejoice in regained health. the silage system to the frout. Sheep value. They may be mixed with soli , These pills are sold by all dealers in thrive on no foods in the fold better and a little lime and spaded under et - medicine, or luny be had by mail at 50 than on vetches and clovee, and if . once. They are especially valuable., cents a box or six boxes for e2.50 by these sone crops are cut green, and for loosening heavy clay soils. • Coal , writing The Dr. 'Williams' liedicipe supplied in welter as eucculent silage, ashes are useful for the same purpose, Co., Brockville, Ont. • ' be felt very galekly. their influence ha feeding the flock though they have very little fertilizing Wvalua. • rich, red blood, which in turn &num- - lates the appetite, strengthens ,the • nerves and restores full robust health. . Thousands of women have found in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills new health and strength and with these a new 01. • MAN AND WOMAN POWER, . Although uiangels ate not folded in cutting original growth forests, - . , IN CANADA. • like swedes, nor given to slieeP until utilize old trees whieh are not fit for lumber. Cut small trees of the poorer . -the new year, when their food value is greater—they are of so much uee sPeciee, Cut all dead, diseased, dead- (Christian Science Monitor.) that they might be grown in larger topped and otherwise inferior Maters By the compilation of a National quantities for the flock 'than has been Jai. The wood lot will be the better Register, in June of this year, Canada the custom in the pa,3t. Theepoint to for the renao.val of old trees which' . have stopped maaang growth, and ot virtually took a census of ail the avails. consider is how to supply sheep With sufficient food in inaller,bulla 'When - scarred trees and stunted growths. able man and woman power in the ii mange's are ripe Or onsuniption Leave treo that are More valuable for Dominion for the purposes of winning - thee Oiatain about dnesthird More feeding lumber, ties, or other salable products the war. The step is one of the most than they are for cordwood. Leave significant and far-reaching which liatter than swedes. Thus it a swede thrifty trees of the better specese be- 'Canasta has taken in. its war-tiine his - contains 7.8 per. cent. of nutritious low ten Inches in diameter for the tory. In that registration every per - food substance 'andemature.mangels 40 future crop. • son in Canada, man or woman, of per cent., a eouildebly smaller gone • eixteen years of age or over, was isfactory growth is assured. tity would be require,d for he s. obliged to answer a series et questions - to produce the Battle result obtained by RELIEF AT LAST relative to his or her usefulness for - may be omitted or simply a little on - the consumption of poundsnational eervice at the present time. ion used. Sometimes for variety the that with mangels, as with sugar boa in your own home and *without eni. apply the- questions. Thus Canada holds, to -day, tration and anewered --the necessary ---- --i-i-e.—. chicken, veal or fresh pork is usedethe former. All of these points are of I Want to help you if you are surfer- The returns Below that about 5,000,000 • , browning of the meat is dispensed great practical fmportauce, -and the Ing front bleeding, itching, •blind er people presented themselves for regis- with. When white meat such as more so time it busbeende.mOhstrated protruding Piles. I can tell yen hew some varieties coetaiti a larger per: one's atislatitnee, you ca'n app a national inventory of the human gravy is often inade rich with cream e ta of sugar than others, and best of all treatments. . s urce f the couutry, and it is con- or milk thickened with flour. The these should be seleeted in preference numerous minor additions which may to varieties which yield larger weights and doing, profiting by the mistaltea. ust 21.st its concentration was practic- ed to roll and kick, naked, in the open rally expect from the Government. Tke poultry building should be eon- - ally •completed anti on the day fol. air, the head b•sing pretoted from Now the milita:ry and industrial prob- structed so that even in very emu lowing it took up its position on the the direct rays of the aun, and ties lems which have beeu before Canada weather the fowls can do their work line stretching from Conde—just May either take. place on a rug or eince 1914 are simple and clearly de- fined. The Dominion eas iatel to wilt- in spite ot outside. conditions, with within French territory—to Mons, cushions placed just Weide a window. good, clean floors, fowls free from the centre of the South Belgium coal, This applies to quite tiny babies, and Ply the necessary man -power to rein - vermin, pure feed% clean litter for the field. The position was on the ex- it wilt be found that the fresh air, the force the fighting men at the front. . poultry to exercise in, plenty of ,green -trestle left of tee main French armies, sunlight and the exercise and the It has had to provide as much food food in some form, there should. be no disposed along the River Sambre, and bodily freedom will keep the child stuff as possible for the uationo of reason for a flock of non -layers. It was understood that one, or at most hal3Py and healthy and promote sound Europe, and it has had to so trans- two, of the enemy's army corps with, eleap at the propel' times. We all know form and reorganize conditions in perhaps one cavalry division, woe in the feialag of phyeical well-being that Canada iteelf that the country could Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured trent of the British position. There POSSesSell us after a long day spent in put forth its maximum efforts into the by local applications, as they cannot war, As to whether the last objective has sinall baby gets the same feelings in d.°rioeve:ininerss°r.taTbhiee There is only one way to cure catarrha! an OUt reach the diseased portion of the ear. was no expectation -of an attempt at ttihreednoepesen,anad freallinthgy flanking movement for the for- :itifer'eata griVilAt tlosettigetstaelosnsetiguseur by tress of Namur guarded the junction been achieved, there has been a diver- ? sity of opinion. The disaffection with an Inflained condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When regerii to the wage question has, ae- thiw tube is inflamed you have a rumb- cording to some, undone, or seriously Leas sound or imperfect hearing, and affected the work of industrial organ- e when it is entirely closed, DeafneSs is ization ite the country. The elaboree thee reduced tinAssuittiste tilrileanrnertet.goici coino tion of this particular point. however, its normal cedridition, hearing 8 41 be Is beide the question at the present destroyed forever. Many cases of deaf - moment. Doubtless the wage diffe lasairilel tinssur gratig.,',Iggis18.;.! mite, caused by the problem of meet- faCes. Hell's Catarrh Medicine acts Ing the ever -mounting cost of living, thru the blood on the mucous surfaces offers no really insurmountable bar- 0114.letec;rt= One o Hundred Dollars for viers. If the purchasing power of the any case of Catarrhal Deafness that dollar has undergone b. decided slump, cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Med- icine. Circulars free. All druggists, 'Me. if the war conditions, in other words,. F. J. CHENEY & -CO„ Toledo, 0. have depreciated the value of the money spent upon the upkeep of the - Canadian workingman's household by IVA.T STEW CO to 80 pee cent., the fact. still re - 111,...••••••• ma.ins that some proper dealing with With Dumplings, Makes a Good the labor problem may yet remedy - . Dinner. conditions. The call, certainly, is to — the Government to meet that critical A Meat stew with dumplings Is a situation, and to put to an early use good choice for dinner these days. For the instrume,nt of'the National Regis.- the stew take five pounds of a cheaper ter now at fitted, The manner of re- cut or beef, four clips et potatoes cut sponse to that call will be watched - in small pieces, two-thirds cup each of with well-eigh as keen intdrest in the turnips and carrots cut into one-half United States as in Canada itself. inch cubes. one-half onion, chopped; e i e oxie-quarter cup of flour and salt and . Tricot. pepper. It is practical. Cut the meat into small pieces, re - Not to mention beautiful, moving the fat; try out the fat and And It has come to stay, for, brown the meat in it, When well Like Georgette, seenaingly too ex- browned, cover with boiling water, treme to last, it is becoming a staple, boil for five minutes and then cook in It is most adaptable and is found a- lower temperature until the meat is in an garments from evening frocks done. down to the tailleur. If tender, this will -require about • e• - e ' "three hours on the stove or five hours Health cannot be laoked for in the in the fireless cooker.. Add carrots, child that is subject to worms, beeause turnips, onions, pepper and salt during worms destroy health by 'creating in- the last hour of cooking, and the Pcs- ternal disturbanees that retard de- • tatoes 15- minutes before serving. velopment and cause serious weak- Thicken with the flour diluted with worms and, are so beneficial in their cold water. Serve with dumplings. If this dish is made in the fireless ness. Miller'a Worm Powders expel sufferers are restored to healthfulness cooker, the mixture must be reheated action that the systems of the little all the disomforts and dangers of when the vegetables are put in. Such a stew may also --be made of mutton. warn infection are.removed, and sat- Irveal or pork is used the vegetables 4041,4**0•••••(,•••••• ' THE POULTRY WORLD be introduced give the great variety - piLis TREATED Al HOME•Mealy predicted that the labor dif- -404104.44•1Itleete•4141114 of such stews found in cookbooks. , euities on the farms and in industry WATCH OUT FOR FALL COLDS. — of bulbs to the acre. 1 promise to eend you a FREE) teal - will now be Made eaeier of solution, As a vermieuge there is nothing so BEST FORAGE FOR FATTENING of the new absorption treatment and • with the information available througmaximum egg production it is impor- minator, n While getting pullets in shape for potent as alother Graves' Worm Ex- - forage for fattening lambs in the East, you of immediate relief. fesnd ;to tify the nonchalant that the Govern- known ae "fall .colds." Perhaps the terand it can be given to Red clover reterences from your owe locriety tt the National Ilegiscter. money, but tell others of tMs offer. ment can supply all the farm labor chief cause of colds le crowding the mast delicate child without fear of hay is considered he best you will but write and ask. 1 esa ture The figures themselves, indeed, Jew- taut to avoid theondition commonly . LAMBS, . Address necessary for Canada's war needs, can chiekens in roosting houees which are injury to tile constitution. • e - i Windsor, Ont. preduction and, it need be, ostemati- cold results birds which are forced to THE STORY OF THE OLD MRS. M. SUMMER, BOX 8, mobiliee labor for any kind of war not properly ventilated. Even if no MAYGAR, AND SLAV. to the greater production of both food- considerably and will be slower in CONTEMPTIBLES. (Montreal Star.) cally ration the people. But, thanks breathe hot, impure air will suffer whilq alfalfa is preferred in the West. Feeding tests at the Montana Station resulted in placing algae clover ahead of either of these hays for fattening lambs, but the range of growth and yield of this crop is not so great as either alfalfa or red clover. Lambs fattened on clover alone witheut any grain whatever at the Montana Sta- tion gained 8.1 pounds per head per month. At the Ontario Agricultural College clover and alfalfa possessed about equal feeding value for Sheep. WOMAN'S NERVES • MADE STRONG 13y Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable,Compound. Wineria, I Suffered for more than a year from nervousness, and wits , so bad I could not rest at night—, • would lie awake and get so tervous I would have to get up and walk around and in the morning would be till tired at. I read about Lydia t. Pitilthanits • Vegetab Com. •pound and thought < I would try it. My nervousness soon "--e• left- me. I sleep well and feel fine in the morning and tshie to do iny work. I gladly recent. Sneed Lydia Pinkitam's Vegetable Corepoupd to make weak nerves tong."-111rs. Auntirr Stiazo, Olmstead 13t. Winona Minn. now often do we hoar the expression ettiongwomen, "I ern so nervous, I can- not sleep," or "it stems as though f should fly." Stleal WoMen ahould profit wy, Mrs, fiultze's experleace and giro shOuld have liberty. The Auetriane this famous root and herb remedy, and Magears put together do net Lydia E. Finkhiun's Vegetable Cont. constitute a majority of the people pound, a ttlat of the Ilinpire. They are about 22,. For forty years ithas 'been Overcoat. 000,000, and there are 29,600,000 to 30e 1 hig such Ottrieue conditions as displace. 00,000 of other races—Czechs, Czech°. _I Mints, inflammation, ulceration, Irreg. Slays, Ingo -Stays, Ituthentans, Hahne. b k h dr tians Rottinaniana, Poles and several of the Sambre and the Meuse and although the Gernians had occupied Brussels, the Belgian army was giv- ing them some busy hours.' Suedenly the entire situation was changed. The great fortress of Na- mur, which was to withstand the fiercest onslaughts foe peveral weeks, collapsed like a house of cards, four years ago to -day, compelling the re- tirement of the two reserve divisions of the rim French Army on the im- mediate" right of the British. At the very moment that Sir John French, the Britisa commander-in- chief, received word of the French withdrawal "a most unexpected mes- sage from General Joffre" was placed in his hands, advising him that at least three German .A.rmy Corps were moving on Vacs British position in front, while another corps was en- gaged in a turning movement from Tournay. In face of these over- whelming numbers the position of the British army was one of the gravest Peril. With the withdrawal of the French brigades it was quickly ap- parent that the only support which could give him effective aid was that afforded by the great fortress of Mattbeuge and it was evident that the enemy was seeking to hin him against its bulwarks. There was no option but to retire. So the force was withdrawn to the Inaubeuge-Vale enciennes line, thence to the Le Cateau-Cambral line; and still the re- treat- continued. Throughout these days and nights the British were har- assed ,by the ceaseless and relentless pursuit of five German Army Corps. No one need endure the agony of corns with Holloway's Corn Cure at band to remove them. 1 : 1 Chats with the Doctor —..-.— % HOBBIES AND HEALTH. I am constantly advising certain Patients who write to me suffering from nervous troubles, or depressed by some real or imaginary sorrow, to try to get interest in some hobby which will engross them and for a time at least relieve their mind from the worry that is afflicting them. I always suggest gardening as one of those most doh -able to be sought. For one reason, it involves a certain amount of exercise in the open air; also it is one that can be indulged mote or less according to the space, means and -time at disposal, and is Ont% which onee undertaken 'Will be found full .of interest and change. Un- , stuffs and sleps. wiitch the past year growing. An excellent plan for a • ; want e g y I t fortunately some people have no gar - 'Me eluPPily Ivitnessed, there is not summer roosting house is simply a. to Arolunteer for a dangerous advete den, nor even a little open space* but Something of the Whiting tam the slightest prospect of a. rationing frame roofed over to proteet the birds ture, • They Will remein behind When even these need not be debarred 'from In Austria-Hungary2 plan being neeetearY, either for Can- from storms and if protection from the column moves off and do all that engaging in the pursuit of cultivating ada or for the 'United States. What enemies is ueceesary covered on file is possible to cover the withdrawal there is a likelihood of now is that, eides with wire witting, some small plants or seeds. A win- Iet 1848 the Magyars reeolved against through the existence of the Canadian If an ordinary colony house is used the tsdhevarnicrest oletivthiselone,nabzwhincitrehreinrge dow-box can be made to afford all the interest that a small piece of Austria and attempted to ocure their Nationel Register, employees of labor it should at least have a generous will be no surrender, but they will ground is capable or, and. many a political liberties. They were sub- t will be and doubtless are getting into r ent ator If the house la of the stand—to the last—with me." These , . , ear v it . . _ patient, confine4d to one room, has dued, but their struggle aroused the in order to explain their needs, Those the ventilator should be five or six by the senior rattler o a found endless interest and gratifica- tion in the cu t va ion an a It Y of a ouch, with the Government at Ottawa_ shed roof type and twelve feet long simple words, spoken rour years ago keenest and most VI:apathetic intereet pentane who desire to engage le war window garden. Other hobbies, sucb.. in the United States. The Hulsenute - work will be able to find the right feet long by fifteen inchee high and tish infantry regimeait, as wearied sol - letter of Daniel Webster, Secretary of employment, whilst the Government, situated just beneath the plate itt the diers of the Braise Expeditionary State, may not have been entirely con- by an organized system of redistribu- middle of the rear wall of the house. Force rested for a brief hour along _ sistent with 'diplomatic precedente, tion, will be able to bring about the If hinged at the top to s.wing out the Oise, on the La Fere-Noyon high- epeeeeee„eaeteeeeeeese,seseegeeteeevest there will be I3.0 danger ot rain driv- WaY, met with an instant response, 0 Of AnieriCaUS. Captain Ingraham ba- clency. one and a half or two feet below the had no sooner inntreesed their meate Ilenv to Purify came a national hero because in the In the National Register, as in tbe lower edge of tee openirt-g there will . Ing on minds numbed by hardship Turkish port of Smyrna he cleared his sintiler register of men and women be no danget of direct draughts oe the and fatigue than the whole regimeut the Mood 2 decks for action and deinanded that which Oreat Britain prepared dome birds. to a, man leaped to a willing response. y ,e an Austrian war vessel surrender elar- time deo), Canada possessem an irt- nu wee ormeerne, appear ease es A feW minutes later the coltinut May:. ; "Fifteen to thirty drops o.f tin Hasa% an Huttgariall Who had struntent, for the purpose of winning a ease et 4darkuffiesit vete 0, ogee ed off and the men who had chosen I Extract of Roots, Commoniy, • but It expressed the unanimous feeling highest percentage of economic effi- Mg in. Then if the roosts are placed for the clear tones of the speaker along the dusty road. and sang: 0 called Sheller Seigel s. Cureilve taken out his "first papers" in this the Ver. Of tremendoes potential tle in the throat. The street way to to stay behind grouped themselves country, ;but lied not corapleted his value, TIte questiOn eaturally foreee Symp. may be taken m water naturalizatiou. Ingraham violated itself to the front; How will the GOv- Meet them is by plug among the "Good-bye, Johnny, you must leave with meals anti at bedtime, for Turkish neutrality, but be got his man ernmeet avail itself of the great op- birds et eight. Any bird that is wheee- us, the cure of indigestiono condi. Louis Kosslith fled from Hungary and eortunity? Canada stands before the lag is thee easily toasted, Daintier - Don't you 'ate ter %tee ter go." pation and had blood. Persist. -This is the epitome of the Retreat i 1 0 once, in this traatmantwill effect received such an ovation here as had world, to day, a democracy itt Which more, 0, Matted and cluttacteristie i t Inan—ite has to this every man and *Mum May be plated oder will be notteed it many of the birds are affected. from Mons, the dominant Mite of e. I f sa Mice and st1Prenle IS cure n near y Ovbry Got the genuleo et tirUggists. 4 • a proportionate degre,e from its fresh air and its kickings and squirming% In the winter, it is, of course, equally important that the child should have freedom for exercise, but in the cold weather summer condi- tions have to be artificially created by fires and. so on. And nothing can supply the plat* of the intlispeneable health -giving sunlight. So that the greatest possible use should be made of the long, warm summer days while thely are still with us. 'Winter will be here only too soon. For Asthma and Catarrh.—It is ono of the chief recommendations of Dr. Thomas' E Eclectric .011 that it can be used internally with as much so - cess as it ean outwardly. Suffeirers from asthma and eatarrh will f ind that the Oil when used according to directions will give immediate relief. Many sufferers from these alinients have found relief in the 011 and have sent testimonials. f • "PRO BELG ICA" Publication of a Special Number "PRO BELGICA", a perdiodical Published for the Belgian Propaganda inse jest issued a remaakable special number. On the cover framed with the now well-known Belgian national colors is , represented a genealogical tree of the Royal family on the foot of which is the Kingdom's coat of arms. Nine- teen portraits figure on that tree. Statesmen, professees, writers have coetributed to this number so that it may contain interesting articles. Among the French ones are the foe Father de Mangeleere; a striking. aelghbboal?.d—liliVaelliv'ifieltha'gsiVae calieltoot.e, mY lowing: The Belgian Mission in Am - construction in Belgium. by Mr. des erica by Mr. H. 'Carton de Wiart; Re- construction Epics of Yser by Rev. lees ......—......1-4111.4.41,. .....* ..." letter addressed to the Governor of maimed soldiers by Senator Thiebald, Having finished his meal, ehe diner A "OUESTioti. 13elgium reproduced from "La Libre Belgique"; Belgian Arzny'e share in the War; Professional traitting for Among the English articles let us did yea called for his check. meetion; A fine letter from Mr. Her- "Let's ate," said the waiter, -"vvhat etc. Belgium by Professor Vernon Kel- "Can't tell you for the life of me," . logg; Belgian War Cartoons by err. was the reply: "but What' I ordered bert Hoover; Fighting Starvation in was minced .deeken,e R, Arrowsmith; Belgium's gratitude towards IT. 8. by Mr. des Ombiaux; Tleheeplvneitgoianthepyrai6•mtyr ole. ite took; Ibis number contains also an tau- strated noteee on Queen Elizahete and •the entire list of subscribers to Qiided Mizabetit's Purim Numerous illustrations increase the fine portraits of the Royal family,of "Where h u. all the . No t tiNgNINE. s—.....ttettlik;otps.....---, been interest of this publication. A. part from photographs of the front and of the Belgium Relief Work, there are "Hello, the Belgian premier, Mr. Coorernan, ot tiro?" demanded his wife. 'the Minister of Justice, Mr. Carton de 1 "Cloudy weether;" he muttered, as Wiaet, of Cal:ritual Mercier, of Mr, ! he kept righe on upstaire."--Loutsa Herbert Hoover together with Minists ' ville Ceurimajourant ens taken at St. Adresse, seedxitoArvenOuf sending 25 cents in stamps to the "Did you hear about 'the delkate UNMISTAKABLE. This number may be obtained on e", Palo% tBreEabl.GICA" 32 Stis- hint Mr. Staylate got last night?' "No; what 'Was it?" INFANTILE PINANCIBRIND. "Pop, telk me one tier+ MD you?" "Whittle that, My soar "Do people- pay their telephone bilis with mei Money?" Hgrt SACRIFIC Ef. "Miss Flap.), is always talking about the duty of thOse at home to matte _rtac. rtfluee for the country. Is ahu rasiting any heroeltt" °Oh, yes, 13ho gave away her .Post eateary to conserve the su.gar TAKES THAT OFF YOUR 'MIND. "There'll one epee thing. about ths sub. m.atine danger," 'What it?" "It keeps you from worrying, wheel you are croesing the Wan, abate whetleet. or not yell are sows be sea- sick,' t IN A CLASS RY HIMSELF. Miss PassaY—Xy Hence is so differ. ant from ether men. Wise Pert—Of otiose he id, glace he proposed to you, • "Or -..- SELF.SUPPORTINO. "Of course Yon read Up ori swricul. tater replied Farmer Corntooel. "I expect to make enough oft the fart4 tlxis year to buy beeloi to teach roe how to run it." WON THE DAY. "My girl used to think * lot of her pug dog, but I've •manakted kei the bulge on •btre sirtee out' marriage. "How did YOU worir KT" ' "ride wouldn't :flat her coOtsing• and LOOKING AHEAD. "3.'ou don't boss the Weft man around aS , much you used to," "No, str, replied Varmer Corntossel, "tie% get into this army • ahead o' me. Vitheo we meet again 's Mee aa pot to be my superior of:IV-cr." 1-11 OTHERWISE C. K. • "Manleigh cocOs of a good famtty doesn't her "Yes: lie IS the only thing 1 know against It." - OH, MANI "Don't you hate to aegue • '1141-W a Per- son who won't listen to rep.,scear" "Tee, or ulth.' ane who bege nae to listen to vit." t, EVERY NEIGHBORHOOD h,4*(5 ONE. "General roeh ts brilliant strategiSt." "Yes, but weVe. got a guy in oirr neighborhood who knows more abodt how this war shonld, be run than Padh ever will know." SAROAZTIC. "Janine proccesd marriage to me last night.' "And you Aceented him?" "No; I told Weesn't. competing with either the army or navy in enlist- ing recrults." ..SHE •WAS 'BUSY. "Is yoer-WirOverY bils11-Z" "Yesa-elow .t -the thlaka e cold' spell cereing on, she's twee -its jra.Mng away b.ett suenneer furs," '-- EASuLy 'REMEDIED.. Diner—i eanehartity find this beef- eteak -on niy leitte- eValteeeal'il ;bring you. a steelier plate, ele. MASKED. Mo thereseDonk •try, dear. 'Which tette of the naarelttyt boys was it that hit you? eommy—The. one with the black eye. - • MIGHT SATISFY -HEIL ForetrianT-That ',machine can do the watit of ^ dozen men. Visitor -Zee *lea! wito ought to have married IV., HE OIDN'T KNOW. "Why dld'nt gott interfere to stop the defenciantt.wheft You saw the fealty - Paid a magistiate to Atitness. dtthtt knOW. Which- was the ilefendant," the N'fittle89 answered. teSEFelL. Wife—You will have to give that herrid dog away Ile has killed MY wet CONSISTENT PERFgRMANCE. shoeless he olimbect.the stairs, opened the door of the ...Own, 'entexed, and closed it after .him .witheut• bfeing de - tooted, Just as he was about to get in. to bed his wife, ';Intlf-aroused from slumber, turned and sleepily.-taid: "18 that you, ride?" The• "htfsbettiti, telling -the ,rest of the story, said: "For once in my life 1 had real pros+ ante of mind. I licked. her hand." - "Well,. Edith found that looking at Neolfery. the clock wie other Wanner devices *ere ,of no ayate so she ordered eone Rounded. and oval necklines predom. , refreskinente and her mother eent in Plea -Wigs, leanings, frills. Inate. I a dish of breakfast food. • 1.- e Smartest toilers, accompanied by , CHDESE 'MARKETS. cuffs, i leieterlavnteettue,—About 1,600 box - georgette frills for softer Silks -and es of. cheese sold 'here to -day at 24% satins and heavy silk crepes for tails eeete. ored garments, Picton.—At the Cheese Board to - Many Laces. day there wet 505 bates of cheese • 1 I• boarded; 85 .boxes of colored Sold at Black laces predominate, 24 11-16 eclair; 114 bates of white teed They appear on evening frocke Not to speak of rieh dinner Mad at 24 1-2c. 106 boxes of colored teneold. %mai-formal frocks. Irotittois).—At the Cheese Board to. ' day 706 boxes ef white were bOardetli Dark brown laces and black lacea 500 sold ou board At 124 1-4e, balance intee motifs of bright silks and glitters clay been giVen to no foreigner—except Wider orders, if celled upon, in accord. The only sure preventive 111eadtire ing metal threads. i Na an Orb ataseme priee. Lafayette. mime with the true demoeratie Is ample Ventilation of the roosting courage, the theme of the imperiste ieeeeteeteeteeteabeitegeteablieeeeteteen .—E4glit hundred and fott3v able e ie Of the "Old Coutemptibles " v ry b • white cheese. were boardee; 24 7siee The reactionaries Won in °creamily e - howies. This is neeessarY becalm of ideaL uruuu and Austria, in 1848, but in 1866 the --- the very large antount of Mathis , • ee There were no heroics but a good i Perth—There were 850 boxes of ,'was bid; abont 400 were sold. the man wive committed it.—Juveital. reeognized their political rights. Au- DRS, SOP Whi tE •Whith fowls give off from their lungs. ) . as drawing, earpentry, Mee demand To keep the air reasOnably dry this sentimentality but an over -flow of The window garden can bei Maintain- ' clime% on the board here to-do. AU sold at 24 046 tents. Hungarians won a Constitution that 4d—** deal of grumbling. no boastings but many a joke and a heart -song; no some little technital skill and etrerigth, tallowy Was conceded to tliera; they becatao an. equal partner with Austria lit centrolling the Dual Monarehy, and the Emperor of Austria, became the Xing Of ItuttgarY. The Ilungarians ceased to be the political serfs or the Austrians. Having secured their own political ; liberties, they were as determined as , the Austrians that no other race siness, and nervous prostratiori of other varieties, nearly all of the Slav viamen, and le now considered the sten- Mock. prd remedy for such alltrieeta, • The 81av majority In the Ilrajjlts SPgGIALISTS , Insekostems, Asttomi. ,datarrh. dpilopsy.ftheffiliathini, Skier Kt* nay, Mood• Nerve-44nd etaddor Oldada64 tilt et rapt hitter, kw fat airiea. Monde* monied le tablet WM. Pouts,u.:10 *nut° e.ei, p.m, Siinesys.40 kis. telt," • Coesellitlea PM* 111,4. 1040. SOPItif warts • ti Tomato it0 '1041(14 Olaf •• Please Mention This rAvat excess moisture must be tart' e i quiet eOurage. Those disciplined ed aecording to the owners eapaci y about as rapidly as it is expelled from . — . and talent, and can be humble and the lungs. To handle the situation teee-e—eie_ — ... unassumleg or itMbitiOUs and detora- sueeeesfully requiree tonsiderable air tive, as his fancy and ability dictate. But in cultivating either a window box or a bit of land, some Idea should be formed before starting, of what . . it is intended to produce. Itt that way the attention and intend wilt be held, quite provide the dietraetion that was winh• etoirendtsd.if the work is quite demi- tory and ettreltets the hobby does net - 11101 SUMMER BABY. SuMMer Is Old real babies' weather, and while it is fine and wenn every baby ehould epend almost its entire • life out of doors. The cot ahould be , outside, either in a garden or court- yard. or On a becony, ne., ii the circulation through the house. In mild eases of colds prompt provision for ventilatioe of the roosting quart- ers will ordinarily bring about a rapid Mire. It this does not suifiee the eas1et praetico and, all things ton. &tiered, Perhited the beat is to remove the affected individuals and place them In an open yard where they will be compelled to go into the trees to roost. This strictly fresh air treat. Merit wilt usually bring results.--tes. 4, Card, Connecticut. tWit A good tight building, properly von. Mated, is one essential that every be. IOW theta have start tight in KEEP YOutt STOVF 801011 B K LACK tildifT) STOVE POLISH Wiit, nut burn geSy tfa Mx* WHAT -HE COULD DO. "What!" snarled the rapid fire tee- taurantet cestemer who had too many double chins on the back of Ws neek. "Only one later, of sugar ter my cotter? I want tout lumps! Can't a man get whet he wantin this einem it he pays f se It." ' lio can Want what he getts,‘ eoldly replied itelotte, the waltrese, "or he can go out with a ketchup bot- tle bustea on his head. Seel" 1:111ititterieee. Clrcular sleeves, IA scalloped train. WWI embroidered 'Georgette. ilt,inbow layers of eretve forirfing it gown , A thelleente ruffled frock tipped with gold.