The Huron News-Record, 1892-11-23, Page 8teseartesnevarevermerneerstrenorMuneserserrerrearitegerteneesten SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this successful CONSUMPTION CURE iswitltout a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are author ized to sell it ou a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure eau success. fully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. It you dread that insidious disease CON' SUMPTION, don't f til to use it, it will euro yo r or cost uothiug. Ash your Pruggiit for SHILOH'S CURE, !'rico 10 cls., 50 Sts. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, ase Shiloh'e Porous Plaster. '25 cts. A BOUT ECONOMY. A man may go from Clinton to Toronto without riding in the cars. It will take him a long time to walk, but he saves bis car fare. The thing looks economical, but is really extravagance. A man can often do without a doctor when he is sick, and do with, out, quick nostrums particularly, if he will only economize by having a little Fine \\'hiskev, Brandy or Wine at the proper time. And and it is foolish economy to be without that which is likely to be prescribed for you. We have what you want in Ales, Porter, Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, etc., etc., in wood and bottle. We keep in stock the very best and sell at the lowest living profit The correct and safest economy is to always buy from us. J. \V: lt[TEIt, ALBERT STREET, ' - CLINTON To Advertisers. All changes of Advertisements, to insure insertion in the current issue, must be received at the office not later than Monday moon. Copy for changes received later than Monday ,coon will hereafter be at. the Adver- tiser's own risk. A, M. TODD, Publisher. TheHuron News -Record 1.50 a Year -$1.25 in Advance. Wednesday Nov. 23rd, 1892 LOCAL N NEWS. In and Around the Hub, (` uw n CZiith. LOCAL. NoricEs.—All notices in these columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the same,at which an admission feels aha geci-,o firmwhich a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will be charged at the rate o1' ten cents per line. THE MOST LARGELY CIRCULATED PAPER IN THIS SECTION. J. W. IRWIN, grocer, has removed to the McKay Block and is now ready for businesr in the handsome corner store. OH, WHAT A COUGH I—Will you heed the warning. The signal per- hcps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourself if you can afford for the sake of saving 5 0c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your coital). It never fails Call and see .1. W. IRWIN, grocer in the corner store of the new Mc Kay Block. An active and trustworthy boy can find profitable employment at 'i'iHE . NEWS -RECORD office. No I.Av1ES TOILET is complete with- out abottle of CreamofWitch hazel, manufactured and sold by Jas. ti. Combe. J. \V. Iawme will be pleased to meet all old customers and many new ones' in the new corner store, McKay Block. THE Naws REcent has about 20,000 Note and Letter Beads a,gr.a slight advance oncost. CREAM OF WITCH HAZEI, will not injure the most delicate skin. For chapped hands, sore lips and for use after shaving itis unsurpassed. far -Robes, horse Clothing, Fancy Woollen and Plush Rugs, are at bargain prices at 732-tf. ;JOHNSTON .4; ARMOUR'S. NEEDLESS ALARM.—Thousands who puffer from some delicate infirmity known only to themselves, which they shrink from disclosing to a physician, have found in Humphreys' Speoifics a euro which has turned the winter of life into May. They are saved from undue haste and needless alarm; saved from the danger of drugs and injurious medicines, and from need- less professional calls and expense Humphreys' Speoifics are a source of relief in these and hundreds of instances. Those using them become more firm and vigorous and Zees liable to the attack.] of disease. They oure, not bwauee they aro strong medicines or violent poisons but because they have a specific relation to disease, and hence sure it. Every single speel6o a special cure for the die - ease named. An experience in the use of these Specifics in thousands of cases, extending over a period of more than forty year', under almost every variety of subject and oircnmstances, has prov- ed them to be absolutely pure, and only productive of good. They cure without drugging, pegging or reducing the syn. TUE Messrs. Andrews bought from John Harvey, Hullett, a few days ago, a well bred Durhatn bull, for which they paid a good stun. The animal ie aatd to bo a bounty. PROPERTY SOLD.—Mr. Dan Shan• alien bus bought the Andrews pro pi rt y on the corner of Queen and Shipley streets for the sum of 81,000. The property consists of the corner lot on Queen and John streets and four Iota on Shipley street, with buildings and trees. The price paid is considered a bar- gain. ATREMENDOUs RusH.—Tho Great STAR Almanac and Year Book of Montreal is not to bo out uutil the 22nd of this mouth, but it has leak• ud out that it is a wonderful Alina• nuc, and there is a perfect rush for it. The scramble to get a copy of it is a just tribute to • its marvellous worth. It is Almanac, Year Book, Atlas, Encyclopaedia and Ready Reckoner all combined. THE WOOD MARKET —The wood market on Saturday last was rather btislc as far as price was concerned. One load of short wood, about 21 colds, was held at $7.25 while a box full, not more than a Bingle cord, was held at 82.75. As a ooneequouco of these high prices, coal stoves have been brought into use and the wiuter's supply of coal is taking the place of wood. PORK AND POULTRY.—The market has been open for some time. The supply only comes with the occase ional cold straps. E. Linsley has made several shipments of pork for which he paid $5 to $5.75. Chick ene run at 25c. to 40e. a pair; docks from 20e. to 40c. each; geese 50. a Ib. undrawn anti 6c. a lb. drawn, or 45c. to 6,0e. a piece; turkeys 7c to 8c. a Ib., or 50c. to 75c. each. NEW DRESS IN NOVEMBER.—The Mitchell Recorder was issued last week in a_handsotue new dress of clear cut type. The Recorder has also put on a "new head." We trust the latter improvement will impravo,the mind of the editor and moderate his 'party utterances, but THE NEA', REOoRD has not touch hope. However, the Recorder is a good paper, and barring its politics, we trust will,live and thrive to wear out many new dresses. ABOUT DEAD RATS AND WELL WATER._—The other week- THE NRws•Bi;coRD mentioned the fact that Mr. Wm. N. Morris,of Saltford, was a caller at this office. IIe had not been in Clinton' for several year's and remarked bow this town was forging ahead, but that we required a system of water works for the supply of household and general purposes. Mr. Morris re lated an instance in which a whole fancily drank well water contamin- ated by a swarrn of dead rats. The Stratford Herald, no doubt uninten- tionally, says this last event tran- spired in Clinton. Not at all, and THE NEws•I ecoan did not say to. We simply gave the illustration to show how important it is that well water should be closely looked after and only the purest water used for drinking purposes. DEER CHASE—A correspondent to the Expositor gives this version of the deer chase and shooting mention- ed in last week's NEWS•RECORD :— On Thursday morning of last week, Mr. Shipley, of the Huron Road, near Clinton, noticed a strange anim• al with his cows and soon discovered it was a deer. He at once called his brother and started in chase, but as it was wild they could not get near enough to catch it with a shot gun. The chase continued for quite a length of time, but the deer had learned to keep outside the range of their guns and they gave up in despair. In the aftenoon of the sante day Mr_ Charles Glue saw the animal crossing his field when he and John Wise started in pursuit, and after a long rug they got with in 40 rode of the deer when Mr. Wise brought it to the ground with his rifle. It is reported that the deer had been in the neighborhood for a while, but it is something un usual to see a wild animal in a set- tled country. THE SCOTCH SoclA1..—The lecs ture room of Willis church was the scene of a pleasing and profitable entertainment last Thursday even- ing. Profitable to all who attend- ed in that a spirit of eociahility was noticeable, ,every person partaking in porridge, haggis, scones, butter- milk, Scotch cake and the like, en- joying to the fullest extent the first Scotch Social held under the aus- pices of the Young Women's Mis- sion Band. The first part of the evening was devoted to Scotch read- ings, recitations and songs. The principal feature of the social was the address given by Dr. Campbell, of Seaforth, which was entitled "A Talko n Burns." The address was moat pleasing, entertaining and in• structive, having the effect of leay. ing the resolution formed in many minds : I will read more of Burns. After the address the young ladies, decked in tartan gowns, served the eatables. On motion of Rev. Mr. McMillan, seconded by Rev. A. Stewart, the ladies were tendered a vote of thanks and the meeting was brought to a close bythe singing of tem, and are in Fact and deed the rove- g f:n B reign remedies of the world. I the Doxology. amueov etal aeverelt tee tweveaws.tsar,traR ate.settenuw,ormetrsums ensue; eu aurm'wMenees crieressatezara craavr.w=teas seared weeteeesesevesatalseseiasioseasee NEXT WEEK We intend to move to the MACKAY BLOCK We shall be pleased to see all our old customers and many new ones in the new store. We have been making :preparations for a good XMAS TRADE and think we can please everyone in variety, price and quality. 0 Subscribe now for your favorite Newspapers—we ;;take Subscriptions for Newspapers and Magazines published everywhere. 0- Robins-:- ros., Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. BE ire en iaaesser. SL Y co. BIG SNAP IN MANTLE OLOTHS. - 0 — We offer you 30 pieces at a Bargain, some of the newest things brought out this season. DRESS GOODS for you. See our line of 1lleltons• at Se., our dou- ble -fold Meltons at 25c. in Navy, Black, Brown and urey,worth far more money. HOSIERY. SHIRTS. Boy's Ribbed Wool- Hose with double knees, just the thing for boys, exceptional value. Men's and Boy's Underwear, big assortment in fine and heavy . makes. Mc n's Shirts and Drawers 25c., 28c., 40c., 50c., 75c., 85c., $1 and $1.35 ; Boy's, 30c 35c., 40c. and 45c.; Men's Sox 15c a pair, two for 25 cents. MILLINERY MOURNING a specialty with us. In fact Millinery IS our great specialty. From us all the leading styles may be had at lowest prices. The more you buy of us and find 1r•fit ;vr rim er& '', 44' iu' is ttiOry our goods are tli'b better you wilt Til c` The Ladlles' Favorite EstaIisMT1ent :EESLEY & CO. The Great Millinery and Dry -Goods Emporium. Anderson's Restaurant The Old Reliable Confectionery Store. IOYSTERS ARE IN SEASON 9 EAT OURS AND YOU WILL HAVE NO OTHER. Fruits, Confectionery, Biscuits ---in endless variety ; Cranberries, Sweet Potatoes Spanish Grapes, etc. tt'zr'TOBACCOS, PIPES, CIGARS ---GOOD GOODS AT CLOSE SELLING PRICES Everything first-class in a first-class store. Don't pass Anderson's Restaurant Searle's Block, - Albert Street. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best work, manship and material. ger All the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. le-FACTORY—corner iluron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y • with a good many people the horse le considered to be the greatest friend men has among the brute creation. In fact In school the student is asked this question and of course he hi expected to give the usual answer, "the horse". Every person seems to forget the most useful of any -the sheep. Think of the livings obtained from the produot of the sheep's back. The farner shears him and makes a profit. The Manufacturer makes it into a dozen different articles of Cloth, Underwear, hosiery, end the like. In the end, after having served man faithfully for seven or eight years, he is turned over to the shipper and the last seen of him is in some foreign hotel atter his years and gray hairs have come and the dish is falsified by,the name of spring iamb. There remains this consolation that JaeisoN Raps, obtain a goodly quantity of this useful natural wool in the shape of Cloth which is being utauufacturod into $7,00, $5.00, $10.00 and $12.00 Men's Overcoats, $7.00 and $10.00 Suits, 52.00 and 53.00 Pants, and 85c Boy's Pante. Last of all, see the line we offer at $17.0) fur an ordered suit. Great Value. JACKSON BROS., Clotlrers, Furriers and Fur- nishers. P�S.-Remember our Creat Christmas Sile of Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs for women's, Men's and Children's wear. Prices quoted next week. Men's Underwear 0 The nearer the consumer can get to the producer the better it is for him, that is the fewer people who handle the goods between the plan who makes and the man who wears there the cheaper the wearer Will get them, This season when buying Underclothing we got as near the maker as wee possibly could ; we bought directly from him, thereby saving the wholesale profit. The benefit to us is in the greatly increas- ed trade we are doing in these goods, the direct result of the values we are enabled to offe: buyers. The benefit to you is seen in the prices and dualities of the goods we fire showing. We can give you better goods at closer pries than you have bceu used to getting. Men's Underwear at 50c., 70c., 90c., $1 and and $1,25, the single Garment. Specially good are the lines at 70c., 90c. and $1.25, they are marvels of good value. One Price and 5 per cent. off for Cash 0 The Estate Bohn Hodgolls CLIN TON.