HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-11-23, Page 5it .•rrbi..,..-��-."I"i� ,.'..,,,�rALP,.`:r.•:..em•. v , 0re/sneer A' PRI.Z PUZZLE. pap NO PRIZES FOR STUPID PEOPLE. "Sat (In the above Sketch Six Faces are to be Found.) The proprietors of THE LADIES Home Mox•rlav will give a first-class Upright Plano, of the very best make (valued at $9501 to the person who can first find the six faces. A reward of a Safety Bicycle (valued at $125), for the second correct answer. A fine Oak Bedroom Sot (valued at $6n) for the third correct answer. A Solid Gold Watch for each of the next two correct answers. A Ten DolIar..Gold Piece for the next three correct answers. Every :.ontestant is to cut out the Rebus, and snake a cross with a leadencil on the six faces and send same to us with ten three cent postage stamps (or 30 cents in silver) for three months eubacrip- tion to The Ladies home Monthly, which is the best ladies publication in Canada. We will give to the last ten correct answers•received each a handsome Banquet Lamp, and a valuable prize will also be given to every person who is able to answer the Rebus correctly until fifty prizes have been awarded. The envelope which contains correct answer bearing first postmark will receive first reward,and tho'remainder in orderers received. Every prize in this competition will be faithfully awarded. Our 'bona -fide' offers are made by reliable publishers. Be sure and answer to -day and enclose 30 cents, and you may receive a valuable prize for your trouble, Address (H) Ladles Howe Monthly, 192 King St., West, Toronto. Canada. --- 0 In returning o --r sin^er 3 thanks to our cus- tomers and friends who have extended to us during the past 2L years their kind pa.,ronage, we beg to inform them that we are. opening out a BRANCH STORE IN T I NSW MCKAY BLOCK, and are putting in a new stock of Shelf Moods and Hardware Specialties. The stere is now coriplete:l, but we do not expect to get ready or opened up for a week or ten da•?s, a,s this is our busy season. Our customers will please re- member that we still carry • a stock in the old stand as before, and as the stores will be con- nected by telephone, custom- ers can get goods or leave their .1 orders at the store which is 1• most convenient for them. 0 'We hrve always done our best, to accommo late and please our many friends and customers in the past., and will apply every means to do so in the future, and hope to receive a continuance of their good will and support. We are, yours respectfully, Iron & Hardware Merchants. OYSTERS & FISH Go(Ilerich tdrl'eisous indebted to Tun Nr:cos• ItI0 0ILn in the n •ighborhoorl may settle with M n. H. W. BALL, of Goderieli, who autho;izod to olllect sullseriptioue and receipts therefor. His Honor Judge Doyle held c ort in Exeter ou Friday. IVIr. Kiely returned from the Queen City on Friday. 'I here was a meeting of the town ur cil on Friday evening. ertThe model school students class. now attend lectures Aix days a week. Mr. Harry Parsons was in town this week. \Ir. S. Thompson, of Kincardine, was in Godof'ich on Fi iday. )Ir. \Vel,, Grainger, of Bayfield, was iu the county town on Elides,. Mr. M. J. Proudfoot arrived iu town the past weak. Captain Ed. McGregor was in town this week. Mr. Thos. Govoulock, of Sea - forth, was in town on Thursday. Inspector Paisley, of Clinton, was in town the past week on official I.1sinese. Early Communion at St. Georg'i'a on Sunday, the rector Rev. Marl: Turnbull officiating. Reeve Proudfoot and deputy reeve IIult were iu Clinton ou Fri• day. Miss Polley, of G•elerich, was visiting her friend Miss Lottie G ntles at I' Incirdinn last week. Mrs. 11. Roth wall returned last week from a visit to relatives in 0 111. The pest foot weeks niumps and chicken pox have been the prevail - leg infantile diseases. IPici.ion Court ('leek lfor„nn, of ilayfield, was in the 'chestier town on Saturrl ny. Mr. Wallace illick returned from a 2 years visit to the North-west list week. The steamer 1I 13 Iltcll from Pet Arthur with 25 00(1 l;lnhel of wheat for the Big Hifi arrived in port on ~'intlay afternoon. :Miss Ella Fisher, and Miss Eva Ausebrook returned to the Ontario Ladies Collegeat Whitby on 'l'hurs .la y last. Mr, William Craig, of the Huron hotel, entered on his duties as mine host of the British exchange on 'Thursday afternoon. Rev. mark Turnh::ll and family arrived from Kincardine the pest week, and took up reeideuee iu the rectory. Rev. Alnrk Turnbull preached twice to 111s now eongl•egition o11 Sunday in a -most acceptable man• ner. Thera were large cougregn• tions at both services. Messrs. J. 1L and A. Colborne have returned from Paisley where they attendad the funeral ceremonies of their maternal parent who diets at the advanced ago of 85. Miss Blair has been teaching the junior division of St, Andrew 'a ward school, Miss Flo Bill being absent through sickness in the family. Mr. G. 13. Cox and family, and Mrs. \Nm. Cox, leave "shortly for Montreal, where 0. 1;. C. will open a large dining establishment. \\'o hope the new venture may be a enc. ceseful.one. The Fiehery Comrllissi on under the chairmanship of Inspector of Fisheries, Wilmot, opened a sessi'ou in Goderich yesterday. A number of persons concerned in the fishing business gave evidence as to the habits of our lake fish. 0 \Ve Would call special attention to this branch of ot'+r business as we get all our Oysters direct from the Cheaepake Bay Oyster If:'.ed and will guarantee all .stock A 1 Standards 40c •per qu-t.-Selects oust Counts at. 50c per gut. at COAT'S CITY RESTAURANT, Next door to N. ROBSON, Grocer. be over a quarter mile in length, do away with sea 8101{1108.6, 1180 seven seta of double paddle ,wheels, and cost eight million dollars, Cook's. Flour & Fad Sto le. IIonest Value in all lines. Don't pees this established and reliable store when you want C-10ICIs FAMILY' FLOUR, M1;ALS, GRAINS, or CURED MEA IS. Quality Al and pares as low as any in town. We give 10 lbs. ot choice rolled Oatmeal lura bushel of eats. Call and see IN. Goods delivered to ell parts of the town. D. COOK, - CLINTON. Dissolution of Partnership. 'rho partnership heretofore existing be- tween W. T. \Vl,itely) and A. M Todd as proptirlot;a and publishers of THE 11t'l:0N Nisw's-Itucoi:u, a paper Published iu the town or Clinton, is het e(v dissolved, to take effect from and atter the ninth day of November, 16112, the slit] A. 31. Todd having purchased the utt1Tost of the said \V. T. \\'hitely in the said newspaper, 1tt'soN Nltw•s•ltr;runn, tho presses and plant and all the belongings and appurtenances used and in connection with the publishing of the said ti ['nos NF.\ts 1trcoltit. A• 3l. 'feast further agrees to pay all 1mLllltles and chliuts ow- ing by or against the limn ot W hitely A. Todd, and he is hereby aathorizerl to cultert all accounts owing to the, said Gt't of \Vlntely & Todd ni to Ncventbe• 9'11, 1892, in pntsuauee of agreement signed iu &reheats. \V. '1'. IV I I I'TEL1-, A. M. '1'01)11. Sl'O'1"I'. unto'', Nov. 9111, 1692. NO'11U1:. All prl•sous laving 'nl teui is against the late Item of \\ Il I'rtll.v & Toho, up to Nuvewler 912, 169.2, are req t -steel to send the s:uou to the uudersiguc 1. Personal ar•rounts up to manic date to be rendered to \V. '1'. \\'hhe] y and A. 111 Todd individually. A. M. 'TODD. Clinton, Nov. .111 , 1192. Mr. W. Logan, entertained hid brother tnembere of the circular City Canoe Club- at his residence, Newgate street. ou. •Thursday even• ing. Music, toasts„ speeches, &c,. and a supper that would please the greatest epicure made the occasion tiro- pleasantest of the Club's expori• e nee. The steamer 21:Nes from Port Arthur with wheat for the Big Mill, struck on a sand bar just outside. the harbor, when trying to ceras this harbor on Thuaeday.' ,After a few hours work; with the assistance of taigi, she was gos oft' and un- loaded. The Mites, loft port ors Saturday. IMPORTJIN T NOTICE. All pernmis indebted to the late firm of \CII I•re.l.v ,e '1'uun, publishers of THE New: Reset:is for.loh Printing, suhscrip• tion and Advel tising aro requested to smile personally, by fust 011ice Order er Registered Letter, AT oN1•R, New hooka will be used fr nu Nov. 9th, 1892, and it is imperative that all Leek accounts be settled forthwith. A. M. TODD. Clinton, Nov 14111, 10e2 Special I,Iiglt Class Confectionery Tester's, of Moatrea9,. Goods. These are At the meeting of the Collegiate the Finest in the Market and are only 'Hold by OS in town• Institute Literary Society on Friday COAT'S CITY RESTAURANT, eventing the following programme was presented : Quartette, lvfaears_ SmitfJ Andrews, Selwood and iV L:it �t .'Ea''= ''=r= lac?k3S0�1'S GROCERY. Thompson ; notes, Miss Charles, Lb. a- .A.; question drawer, Mr. 11. 1. i;lyth - been on his annual retinae last ,Strang, 11. A.; solo, Mr. Thompson; week but did not show up. What's oditoress' selections, Miss Shepherd; A. wedding is on the tapis and 7 Miss iss Williams; irupronlp• will come off shortly. the matter, Johnny Onr public school intends- to give to speeches, Misses Hawkins alta rMr. N. Sutherland, of Seaforth, a concert shortly, which will no Buchanan and Me. Smith; God was in town ou Sunday. doubt be a good one, as rlincipel: Save the Queen. Mr. William Tamin was visiting Plummer has She full management The storm's of the- past few weeks friends in Gorrie this week. of it. filled up the channel cut by dredge On Tuesla evening Na 9, thus causing the steamer Several sdditiune have been made y „ 3'rJth fest., g lately to the English church choir. the members o•f the C. 0. F. of this t ttzs• to strike. It is also said that u• her ire on n A fall of the beautiful brought I burg intend having a public in last entrance the Plaited ta/s4 t 0n the out some of the sleighs on Sunday. stallation of their officersnext for Mr. Hamilton, of Ripley, was term, after which their friends will snows bar. The Government. may visiting his brother, Mr. Charles I be provided with refreshments and rest assured that until the north an entertainment, pier is extended, the trouble will Hamilton, watchmaker, this tweak. >veuain, so that if this port is to be On Friday evening a meeting of Messrs. James Erni i and Alex. the ratepayers was held in Industry ,a harbor of refuge in fact, as well as Symonds intend leaving hole for ;u name, the extension should be at North Shore this week. hall for theadvisability purpose of discussing ug Puce proceeded with. the ewt. c lighting tip f; \lr. James Graham of this town Miss Curtis has returned to the our streets with electricity. peeve v ' town, Indies College in Whitby, niter a Hamilton occupied the chair. Sev• he • inventor of a new style of pas- Ve,•y pleasant Thanksgiving Unca I oral of our citizens spoke for ;a anger boat, has evidently a good tion. length of time both for and against ing, the Scientific American illus fl One of our apple buyers, Mr. it, after which a vote was taken re ating, explaining, and favoring tJohn Denholm, expecte his large milting in a large majority of rate- e invention. The idea is to build '+ staff of apple packers to be through, payers present being in favor of our tike boat in sections, nine being council taking action and have our needed for the proposed ship, with the season's work about Wed- nosday. town lighted by electricity as soon which will carry four thousand per- eons, make thirty five knots an hour, Our tax collector was to have possible. The People's Column. (�,, '• .4,11,orl,xrnl,', lv under 1.'f:i l+eltt1.tJ t:1 for grit ntnulh, and •Inc. each x tbseavent. utuutit ROAD HORSE Ft )1t James Fir, Jr., offers for sale his seven year- old rliketn' It 00se. The animal is seuac4 and an extra 420,1 river. , Will be sold at a bargain, as toe owmir his no ase fur the norm:. Apply to Lu:K KENNEDY, Central Hotel, Clinton. 7 t2-tf. r rF•AHMERS AND BREEDERS J OF PIGS. The snhscriver will keep for service it pure bred Chester white Bair which took the first prize at Seaforth and Clinton shows in' 3'1e1-?, was bred from a Roar that took the first prise at at Toronmln 181/I.1Icash. 720.4t. 3.S'AN1112RY, Propetetor. NEW BUTCHER SHOP WHEATLEY R FINCH We hove Opened ort for business on HIP RON STREET, CLINTON, and will be pleased t0 sup- ply the tvantls of alt in all kinds of merits and poultry in season at Ike lowest living prises. 11ighest cash price paid' for nidee,Sheepotiits, fico. Patronage respectfully solicited. 727-.11• WHHEATLEY ,e FOCH. \ONET'1'0 MON. On farm property at 51 per A. LIAR to CListera, 0 No time to write advertise- ments. Stock fully assorted in .. al! lines, Cheapest Goods in town. C- - PUMMEL - AND - GIBBINGS MONTREAL HOUSE, Clinton, November i th, 1893. N O'1'10E. There being some mistanderstanding with re• gari to wreckage, let it be distinctly tualenstooti that if any person takes possession of elty kind of wreckage and fails to rtport to me 1 shall at etnie take protteedings. Remember thio is the last warning 1 shall give. OAi'T. -\PTI. BAnn. Receiver of Wrecks, Galerieh. Ouderieh, Sept. 7th' 1591. THE HUB GROERY. Sugar is on the Advance. We have a Carload of Extra Standard Granulated Which we oiler at WHOLESALE P1.iCES ire horns] Intl -also tt reduction by the 100 lbs. Now its THE TIME to buy your Sugar ter preserving Fruit. tkr 11 illwattie r)0 al way on hand. Vir Orders taken for best Scranton Coal. - W. 1I_. BO YD, BAKER and CONFECTIONER. 0 - Slay. irti, Full Stock of Cakes and Confec- tionery always in stock, ONSTERS IN SEASON. Don't fail to call when arae ng your xmas supplies. Our melee of Bread is the -best that can be p:loducod and is dehyered free to all parts of the tows,. The .Eureka Bakery, ---0 J.. W. Irwin, the Grocer, has removed to the New McKay Block_ AFTER -20 YEARS Experience agai st alanl coms competition The New Improved Radiant Home Coal Stoves, Happy- Thought Kitchen Ranges and Leader Furnaces still lead. AND WHY'S Because they give more heat an'i consume less ccalitban any other stoves manufactured. Just think of it, 40,000 Caanaci.ian homes heated with Canada's Favorite Stoves and Ranges. O���_LE111GH V 3LLEY CUR-'I/en. more cars frothis celebrated !mine expectedLevery day. Planam• your orders t once and get the advantage of old prloea before it advances. I ARLA N 0 331=Z0 S_, ron and Elardware Merchants, - - - - CLIIJ3N rON Opposite the Post Oflice,Clinton. TWO IrVUSUALI,Y000DOFFERS, REAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS• FiasT.- The great Holiday No. (enlarged to 25); pages of that brightest of quarterly publications, "TALES FROM TOWN TOPICS," Oat December first, all news and book stands anti railway trait's, price 50 eeata. will be seat. To all who send 41.00 for 3 months' trial sub• seription to TOWN TOPICS_ The largest, raciest, strongest, mast varied and entertaining, weekly Jour- nal in the Nvorld. Salam. To all who will send ?:+.00, will be sent Tows Tories and • 'TAt.icm MO TOW :4 TOPICS" from date until January 1, 1094, co.erint 5 Nos. of the inimitable gnarterli (regular price 52 50) and 14 months of the greatest of family weeklies (regular price (34.00 per year). Ra•Take one or the other offer AT ONCF. and remit in postal notei, orders, or New York Exchange to TOWN TOPICS, 21 West 23d St„ New York. 78.2.55. New Fall Tailoring Goads. o T. JACKSON, Sr., has placed in stock Co-p1de Lines of Choi Fall and winter Tailoring Goods Being a cutter of long experience, satisfaction is guaranteed. Xftx"' We caii suit you in quality and price for Pants, a Suit or Overcoat. Perfect guts and fits. The best goods and trimmings. Workmanship unsurpassed. Call on us before you order. o__ T. -- T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. �roceries ! :-: FCOFiOS Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, &et Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock, CANTELON BROSI, wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. Nit lle es-Recor lor PriuCiu� • �1