The Huron News-Record, 1892-11-23, Page 4seseseeeseeereseeeserwavertirerseseessewereeereelewleseersestreireedWeteetwerrelliesitesseseawiteraweireereveas Tia /l'lron N ws-Recora 1.1,0 a Year—el.:us to nevem) Wednesday, Nov.23rd,1892 1111'.1X.1(11: AND ''XA 1'111, lir 14, /: h'J, of iv, \'ever 11✓4041: DE.% .11 l3. Eulroi , -1 q lite ;three with y,,nr views exp 013sed 111 se Vera' of the late relit nos• of I"043 Nr,tvs- 1iuu,tau on the S.irit(u•y Cnn•lition of our lawn, 31) I especially the impor- tance 01 4111 ear y iispe0,Liun of the draivag.• eVstenl and tenter supply of the town. 1 nut (sunfident taint, it, will be f.r.ind that the unljortty 01 the wells are n t in tit condlt:iot) LO uautai: go.n1 water, noel u1s0 that water ie bed before it gets to the wells. ' '1any cellars h tying 'drains from thein rue amine the rainy sees,i sun, wet and damp all the titne. We have at, preeeut several cases of typhoid 1 :ver in our midst, which c uud•)uhtedly were cruised either directly or indirectly by our w4t14• and drains. \Vent's promised a visit front tint drea.Ir,1 s purge, cholera, in the next spring or summer, end several of our neighboring towns have now till ep"leunie of diphtl:Frio all of which diseases either originate of hecome infectious through hod water and !ln inetiieient drainage ayet•In. It is a tillsh• k ' to 3(l Neese Lima the cholera germ is diatroyed by the winter. Soule 0. the seyet•at epidemics of Itussia begun during the winter. Just herr 1 will menti')u a few eat -SPS of cholera so that in order to be simpered steps can be taken at once to 1•erneve any of these if existing. ifoWle 'fogies Mrs. D tweet- on Monday move iut14 the Hayward residence. Ms. Harry Read has taken a poet• tion in Robeon's grocery. The little son of Mr J. P. Shepetar is laid up with congestion of th lungs. The Kincardine Reeiere says Mr. II \\'. Ball, of (1oilerieb, gave that pape pleasant call the ogler day, Miss Freer, not "Mr." was th pareou mentioned in L111,3 CO1 U 31)0 1138 we •k as visiting at Kincardine. Mr. D. R Menzies, of Goderieh. was in town Monday. He left forth south on it busit,tss trip. The first sleighs of the season, front tho country, appeared on the streets of Clinton last Monday. Miss Bella Gregg, daughter of Prof. Gregg. of Knox College, Toronto, is' viriting at the Pr, shy torten 1\Inose.' My. T. Calbiok returned last week from Blyth, where he ,has been engaged in shipping apples. Alf. Scruton has returned from the "Garden of Eden." He was absent nine weeks. ilteigrav es iIr. Gio. Wfish returned from Nelvwtrket last week. The ssho (1 bra la Is or seo'iu)3 N 5, Alerrie, 41•u tube euh3r1;(+41. 1Ir4. J. Clulf halves fur It+r h to Brie l•,u, .\It i , this v 3 ri: a tv• hie spent th-h `I1 11 e,'. 1 3) 1'14 r,l 1• tiV,1,1 tit this v1,11,111,.# \l l•. \V u. l,, se h 1 I his hue I b1 -sly cut Ly a 010''J1313 I'ru 11 (13.4 1)411.1 41.11.1"1.'a kuifa 1311110 1.,.11111 et t114,e.hiug nl-tchiue at Mr, W. It 4 h's, uu FI i.l:t3. 1114. John 13411 lu+t 4 valu.1111e IhUrse lost week. hiss NI II u'y E'trker. Sunshine, Wire LIre guest of Mrs. Bak ley list St bb-t1n. Bro sada• Owing to the bed ro4•l3 besiuess has been dull here iritel.y. Ad. Cornllok, who 1144 bean in Win uipeg for the past yell', arrived Lone ou Friday ut last week. 11r. Arthur Knox, of Wiugham, '1. A. A1cLtughlin returned to was in Clinton last week and gave his school at L'rucetiul.t this week. l'uE NEW; 1(E00349 a call. He Inas beau house sick for about a Mrs. tV. B Laing, of Chicago, is week. visiting at the resilience of Mr. '1'. Ituht. AI' nitrowe 1.3(1 bare on Jackson,, hr. Mrs. James Turnbull, of Toronto, I Slue iay of I est week fur Trout is a nest at the residence of'1'..Juck- Creek, Algoma, to work on a mid - son, jr. furring job fur the Stratford City. Miss (Trace and Ada Cameron, of God. rich, were the guests of :Hiss Farran I let week. Mr. A. O. Patteson, G T. R. agent, Ilan erected tt staple and enjoys th pleasure of a horse. l"neer what', circumstances and Dr. McDonald, M. P., and wife thr.ugli whet channels do the Bacilli passed through Clinton en Saturday prnetr(tte the human system unit' in 00 a visit to friends in Lite vicinity what, m inner do they excite the of Brueelield. characteristic precessesof the disease! 'I'll,+ -Mission Band of the fl espy. There can be no doubt in this conn- teriau church meets on Thursday try bet that cholera, is imported. 1t ev,-nioa for Its usual monthly trans - is equally certain that the dejections action .if business. ofCholerlt patients which are rich in lieu, and Mrs. "ieh Edge 011 the 111401111 are the. chief if not the ns ti a only agents try which the disease is tertarned the members of the spread. They cnntiuua their growth Guelph Minia.teriai • Association at upon lnniatelletl bedclothes, or in Acton Istat week. • water which ;;oet10ns a sufficient Mr. A. T. Cooper is in 'Toronto, amount uY nrguric substances, or in Berlin, Guelph, Drutubo and. other foo:( tr rift 1111 k, or moist' earth. pleeett on business this week. Ile It is also 1 it portant to know that the will return to morrow. germ; are not disseminated by euro Mr. D iI. Causerie, of Parkhill, rents of 1331•, liability to the inseam : was in town Monday.' Ile has been is very wide spread. Sex 'is unite- ill ,t private bank there and u'as portant.; tree hies more influence; leukin;; after tone northern •busi• mire rare in chil•lren than adults, nese. eepec:ally elderly persons. Errors Mrs. 'rhos. Cooper slipped. on her in diet., mill' attacks 0r intestinal awn floor step the other day and re• trouble predispose to the disease. ceiyed severe injury. We are pleas - Now, llo•.v are we to light ngsinst ed to learn that the result will not an iuy,.si in of such ec ,urges? I will l.kely prove serious. offer a few suggestions that will be JIr F. E.'l'hompeon, who was here of benefit if followed. looking after the Stavely estate, has . The dispesnl of garbage and refuse returned home. \Ve -understand he is an important facto' in causing the I,us placed his case in the hands of a pre1entiotf of disease and one in legal firm. which the local Boatel of health have , full control. It should be burned Rev: 'Mr. Fairlie, it is expected, Paul's will or carted away weekly so that no liot church his [ire, sermons ns Mr SFreebornPbo bed for germs would exist in oat agurch cupxt Sunday. pulpit astSul» midst. daitin occupied the pulpit last Suu y. It is an established fact that soil d THE in which air told water easilyel: N11vp]ta_au hid a shake hands and pleasant chat with exe penetrate is more favorable for the reeve Cook, of Hoivick, last Wednese epte ad and development of the day. The gentleman was on garrets of such diseases as typhoi.l, his way home and had tines to re - diphtheria, cholera and dysentery. main a while in Clinton. Now, the older citizens of Clinton Rev. ,Demo; Livingston, formerly will bear me out in sayinga great deal of Clinton, the popular Metho- of the soil and sites of our houses is dist preacher of Listowel, has artificial, or what is called "made received a unanimous invitation from soil." What was once swampy or Kincardine to become the pastor of rather low ground is now the location the Methodist church in that town., of some of our handsomest residences P. W. Hayward, before leaving and from which we get our supply of town to Iocete in Detroit purchased well water. The nature of the from Mr. F Rumba!' one of the latter ground makes it the very worst gentleman's top carriages. Mr. place for a receptacle for water. Robb, of Tuckerslnith, also invested' The leakage from privies, stables and in one of these vehicles, bought from; sinks will be certain to find its way the same gentlem „•: into such wells. The measuresretrti.. which should be undertaken now, Mr. is m nyBarfrie ei rtClintned about and and not wait Lill the disea4e is a ion 60 of his many friends in Clinton and l a few from Uoderich to a very pleas us, are 1 all water should be boiled ant and enjoyable dance and supper before being taken into the system. at Anderson's rooms on Friday night The • ver present cesspool and privy last. The general verdict was that vaults into wh oh all manner of offal Mr. Barrow mads a host that anjr as wellas the inletted atool,is thrown, improveulent on would be imposed - forming a condition favorabl+ to ole. putrefacl.ive fermentation, should Rev. R. I. Treleaven, of St; be abolished at once and the dry 'Phomas, on Tuesday received a very earth system introduced. Supplant cordial invitation from the Trustee those filthy concerns. Cellars, and Board of Noifolk Street Methodist drains leadiug from cellars, should church, Guelph, to become their be made scrupulously cle to and pastor for the next ministerial term. disinfected.• Often •these era the Mr. 'Treleaven will accept the calls source of infection,. A -very ama.11 subject -to the •approval of the trans. quantity of diseased matter may fer and Stationing committees. \Vo suffice to render infectious a large believe Mr. 'Treleaven at one time quantity of • liquid and especially resided at, Dungannon. matter in the process of putrefactive fermentation. The gaseous orvapor -" — oust emanation from them become Q:olierlch infused in the atmosphere and infect ,Too late for last weeks all who imbibe them. If the drain- Mr. J. 1'. Neftel 'matted away oil age of any house be defective the Saturday at the ripe ago of Iii; that weeds of the disease can raadil,y gain incur tide disease, cancer, being the . access to the interior of th h house cause. thus following the partner of and infect susceptible individu tis. his adult 116e within six months. in reference to smsll•pox, which Tho deceased gentleman leaves a • bring into prominence the facts both largo number of cieeeudauts all of of the necessity for revaccination every seven years, and the general whomarewidely known. The lois neglect of va.:oination exercised by T T• Nattot will bo much missed, the pnbtic, all children attending his genial character having endear. school should be possessed of p hien to almost every Hurunite: certificate of vaccination. • For many years farming attracted Years, etc. his attention, but his late year A Suttecetf4Ba. were spout to retirement in this Lawn, hie •ample fortunes extracted Town Topmes. from the soil In-ilting him one of Dr. 'Turnbull was at Berlin this our wealthiest men. The funeral week. tusk place Tuesday afternoon but loo Mr. Smith ICilty is somewhat im- late for n31i'10 in last week's issue. proved, although still very ill. The schooner Carter, Captain lion. J. C. Patterson is this week Murdock McDonald, has been moving his family to Ottawa. :placed in winter quarters. Dr. Ilhlnter and Mr. W. McMann, The fiahing tags, Orcadirt, Capt. of Goderieh were in town last week. .Ino. Graigin, .Sea King, Capt. ,Tae. Mrs. rreig was on a visit to 'Toronto Inkster•, Seibold, Capt. P. Wylie, last week. Cheese, Capt. M. McDonald, Sea Mfrs Bella Greig, of Toronto, is a fan' 11, Capt. D. McKey, Sort Omen, gne.t at the Presbyterian Manse. ' Capt.. G. \fe1)onatd and the James Mr. 1\"m Murphy was in Stratford •CIu1•k are in this h Irbor for the last week on a visit to friends. winter. Mr. T. Coleman, of Seaforth, was Miss Florence Williams has re- in ('linton last week. turned ftom a visit to relatives at Mise Young, of Seaforth, was the Richmond Hill. guest of Miss McKay this week. The steamer Jones arrived iu har• Miss Minnie Cooper has secured a hor ou Monday and will take un situation a4 teacher in Brussels. winter quart era. Ward I4'tt•ruw, wh•, left here a few weeks lige for 'Winnipeg, tone taken a sitnetiun in the oflise lit' the Stenderd Oil Cutup tuy of th.t city. A i;dine (:hristien 1114avor Meeting will be held in; Melville church ou Suuday (-:vetting next, et which all the 3(1034ties of the village are expected to be present. • Lest '1'(lesddv .13 Vetting, George, eldest eon pf It G V lllni(It,.of tide place, (bed afters brief it:nose Ile was shunt 6 yeere of age. \\Turin fever WAS 311.1 041150 of itis death. Tho school Boars snot on Weds uesdhy of Inst week n11.1 cho40 a staff of teschnrstelor 1593, vise: Principal, NIA-. 1: II, C4(neran, lit 1)it(twa1 1st assistant, Miss Belden ; 2111 assistant, Mists Abraham; Printery. alis' Sprott, ofeStretford, but she being engage., in another pleoe, Viae Cooper of Clinton, wee the ueXt 31301Ce and she 11,14 accept-, ed. There were about 180 applica- tions for the various poeitious, 94 of which were fir ptin.eipelahip. The Board Inlet at 7 p. in. and It was nearly 7 a.. m. Thursday horning when they got through. At 12 30 all the iteeiatatlt teachers had, been chosen, thou biscuits and cheese were served. • Then the -most dif• lir,ult part of the' task canto tin, that of selecting a principal, which teak nearly 6 bouts. The I010i;ttg was then closed, Th' public was well repreeehlud, a large) llutnber.hiving stayed up all night. Londesboro. Rev, W. W. Leeclh officiated in the Methodist church on Suuday and Rev. J. A. Hamilton to the Paebyteriau. \Ir. J. T. O'Brien keeps fresh oysters always on hand; give him a call. Apple packing is about finished in this neighborhood. Orchards have paid well this neon. Friday night will be Forester night; they intend having an oyster supper after the meeting. Last Friday evouing the Sons of England held their regular meeting. Two now members were added to the toll and there are fire more to j lin at the next meeting. Next meeting night will be the election of oficore for 1893. There should be a good attendance of mewbors. Tho I. .0. G. T. meeting last week was well attended, over 50 being present. After the business of the lodge was finished the follow- progrnrn waa presented :'—_Song by Bro. C. D. ;,;,g; reading, I3ro. N. 13e11; duet, sisters, Brogden and Adams; instrunleutal selection, Fanny Van Bridger;` recitation, Niger Sarah Wallace; address. 13ro. W. MoL: Doig; duet, sisters Wood- man and Adams; reading, Iiro. J. JE. Lowery; rending, sieter Jennie Woodman. There were five new members added to the lodge. An invitation wee read and accepted froth . Snmmerhti•Il lodge to visit them on the evening of Dec. 7th, when the two lodges will engage in a frieudly debate on "Woman's Rights." alobarnc. Mr. Wm. Jas. Hamilton has gone Ito Essex for the winter. Mr. Thos. Cousins and family have gone to Sarnia to live. Air. Wm. S. Cousins and family have removed to Michigan State. Mr. A. Millian has rented the Cousins farm to Mr. John Young for a term of seven years. Mr. Jas. Straughan has rented his father's farm for a terra of five genre. Mr. Ed, Young hoe moved back to hie place on the 4th con. L 0. L. No. 153 'net on Friday night, het week, in special meet• ing to settle up money matters in connection with the tea meeting and social. The pr0ceede amount- ed to nearly fifty dollars and wee altogether a grand secceee. After the Lodge was closed a degree meet- ing was held and one member was er.eKerserei temteesreeintweetetmen..easi err•• rein nave ?!'snfn"i eler?'T.r.rrena,w.!T.Mv. .:m l:,/R'nf7..f4"$f: J.+J•P u'r'-�..roV•? ...,w-• y 7s tees 1® cLoTHING. inn() other departnie,it of 11(. us ,lto!d economy does the rule, a`iivct tja, jl\,;f3itie and three to the Rgy,pt .Arch Degree, after which t'efreshtnonte were pustaken of and the brethern departed to their 1,001 is as the morning hours began to a,rproeoh. All were uuaniuluus tints this 'Wee nue of the best meet i iug4 over held by the Lodge. I)istriet \toter A. 1\1 Wien is seting (t) V ) to visit L 0. 1,. No. 1119 un their next tne.,tieg night, N ,v. '38th, on the s •ve4lth cue„ 11,.l,'fieil ,uwrisle:1 Oa neCJllnt of their hall 'tel furniture II ruins; been d,atruy•rd by tine at Ile! twee villa the bother!' hove received a heavy blew, but tide lodge cul he agyin revived by a little effort on the part of the member', am there are plenty of good glen • and true iu connection with the lode, besides others who will ,join their 'nuke. As they -have considerable motley in the treasury the lodge can be put in as good if not hotter shape than it was bofuro. All brethern who have the welfare of the Order and of old 189 at heart are oarneetly re• quested to meet oriethe 28th deaf on the 7th con., Guderich township, at whatever house the brother!' have concluded to tweet at. 'rat4:kcrAB1111*. Thee. Britton was at Muuckton last week viaitiug his sister. 11 re. I.nytou, of Clinton, 485 viaitiug her son Frank lest week. Josiah White tendered an oyster stepper at John White's on 'rueerlay of last week, in honer to Win. Townsend, who left for the Cana- dian Soo the latter part of the week. There wore a good number :present end while the guests wee lorry at h'a departure, all were un-- enilnous in wishing hint health and prosperity. IIo will farm there. (;leo. Watters happened with a painful accident the other (ley. Ile !vas in an elevated position putlilig ,nit at0ve pipes and fell back4vards, his hick coining iu forcible contact .•ugeinsi the hack of a chair. He Wan laid up for several days but is. krourd a;ei11.' . 'Phos. Smith, who has been en- gaged with Ned Walters all summer, listened to Brussels 'het week. rho young people of S. 5. No. 6 will give -the third and final liter- ary elltertninment on Friday even- ing. The losing side is to pay for the oysters for all. It will consist Of readings recitatioty, singing, etc. A few of Josiah White's friends made a bee anti gave him a clay's ploughing last Friday. Seven acres were turned over. Will Ball, of the Base Line, is assisting his brother J. A. at •his fall f:lrm"2.1 1•vl. - eitat l'oY. Tho Council loot at Varna Nov. 21s1, 1892, according, to notice. Aleinbera all present. Minutoe of previous electing reed and signed. Tile following gravel accounts were ordered to bo paid ; John Cameron, $7.76; Chan. Logan. $25.36; Chas, Weeks, $21.8.4; Wm. E. Reid $27.76; Jas. Parke. $20.88; Andrew Reid, $21.52; John Copier, $3 44. Also A. S. \Veeke4, Engineer on 0. Park's drain, $11; \Vtn. Purdy, wood for Mrs. Scotchtuere, $1.00; IL Holmes, printing, $130; Arbi• tratore, School award, $14; Arthur Kitchen, work, $3. The Council lieu adjourned to meet again on Thursday Dec. 15th next at one o'clock p. m.—G. J. Sreweur, Clerk. —Elgin 1leyera and D. McGi1• licuddy, at Listowel Monday night, gave a farce in one act entitled "Annexation." 'rhe 10 cent, admin• sign fee may be applied to the salary of the Italian organ grinder - who will hereafter "turn the crank" to keep -up the enthusiasm. GET THE BEST For the motley invested hold good to a greater extent than iu the purchasing of Clothing for the Boys • Our assortment of Boys Clothing is composed of articles, the cloth in which, though they are not at all too high iu price, are the most durable as well as the prettiest in Pattern and Colorings to be found in the entire Cloth- ing trade. So if your boy needs a Snit or an Overcoat suitable for the cold weather as well as tasty in make and pretty in effect, we are confident in saying to you THEY ARE HERE. The liltifo '111 low prices an(l 01 igivality and beauty of our exclusive designs are telling forcibly in otic favor with critical buyers of Children's Clothing. Our strength is demonstrated not only in the elegant and higher priced Suits, but also in the Suits at $2.011 $2.50 and $3.00. GJLROY & WISEMAN. f11!cmranatm Krill eaearu , Waset It Pays Others, why Not YOII ? '1'o buy the best quality of goods. IIand-matte Axes and Handles, Leader Cross -(int ,Saws, Racer Cross -Cut Saws, (..rattle Chains, I'Initer Chains, Rope Ilaltery. Rope -- all sizes, Spades, Shovels, (;rain Scoops, Drain Spades, Clay Picks, .C%hatf Baskets, Tu('lt•il) Baskets, I.IeadyT-nlised Paint—rill shades, Pure White Lead, Fuglisli, Raw and 1toiled Oil, Daisy Churns—all kinds. W'iiy sit in the dark \\'lien you can get the famous Poe: 0133 at the Sallie price as Common oil ? 141 3D 3E3IR, t..7 Iron and Hardware Merchantsi' — — • "CLINTON rem -.n 17.2s fsm=m•s�nal=re=wcr SUGAR. SUGAR. .Just received,, another car load of led pat 's Granulated ! BES'' IN THE MARKET, $vhich will be sold at closest prices. SPE: 1h* CUTS le 100 1b. and barrel lots. We have also another consignment of Russian. B1. lid of `Black Tea ! Call (di- Samples. •fJ r R0; -80N5 L a...�..sn.... 613`.e.•r.+..�w.wr.ee2—= - - - - W. JACKSON 1.011.%;1.111. ti Town Agent, D. T. R.,; CLINTON. For Tickets and information to all points apply to above. John Cunningham, GREEN GROCER, CONFECTIONER AND Canadian Express Agent Albert - - Street, - - Clinton. Fresh Iliddies and Bloaters just in, Oysters constantly on hand. Also some Canadian Cranberries, cheap, only 10e a quart. The worthy.farmers of Ilul lett and Stanley, last '.eek received from us a number of Circulars gilIng a pros- pectus of our Leading Weeklies, and also one soliciting their subscriptions for any Paper or Magazine published in the world, and we 'trust they will look on it favorably, as hundreds have (lone in the past As we told you, our advan- tages are such that. they; -- benefit is mutual, there- fore, we ask for your pat- ronage. Auction Salo Resister. r During the last week we WATTS �C. CCU., Fartlee or8ering thole Yale blllq of ;►fa>fr ' ext .1„.10,1,,::,„,,:c,,_,.....:,„......„...,„., 110,Tfit,Innlie many. farmers Raman otllce will receive a !NEM nmilk°,'elni'f ar C Mg �- SIg ....' , to the following, until the date of sale. The antownspeople: with out'* notice is worth about as much as the bills. T WKD*It4DAT, DECKAlettR 10 —Farm 1 New Lexingtori Window. 4 Great Nurthweetern Teles*ra .Il office, 5 stock, impleulenta, hay, oto., on lot Norl Shades, 1111(1 they thus 3l, Bayfield eon. No reserve. Every-. Albert Street. - - Clinton. prove to us that they con - thing mast be sold. Sale at 1 o'clock. 11 menthe' credit. W m. Rutledge, pro- sider them the best ii't the priotor. T. M. Carling, auotioaeer. JOIIN - SCB,UTON, market ; and right they etre, MARKET REPORTS. Butcher and Poulterer, for never was the cloth bet-- (Correeto1 every Tuesday afternoon.) ALBERT' S7'ERR7'CLINTON.r, the patterns as dearly. at.INTON. t , t'i'I.IA'To11•1 Fall Wheat, old... 0 6.5 to 0 68 All lines in season. Highest price fur printed nor yet the prices Fall Wheat, new 0 64 to 0 67 Hides, Tallow andSheepskin's. ' so low, Spring Wheat.— ....... 0 62 to 0 65 Barley C 35 to 0 40 Oats............ 27 to 0 zs F=ARRAN &t TISDALL, The people Window Peas . 0156 to 0 57 I'RI\'ATJ: BANKERS, buying Applea,(winter)perbag 0 40 to 0 50 Shades are generally doing Potatoes, per bush 0 30 to 0 40 RATTENBURY STREET CLINTON. y ln Butter 0 16 to 0 17 a little papering, therefore Eggs, per Ib n 09 to 0 09 lessening our stock of Wall . Hay 6 00 to 6 00 IF YOU Paper, but not enough Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 - Are going to Agll to Beef .. 0 (lo to 0 0o MD�y-REAL break our assortment which • Weol 0 18 to 0 00 comprises the many kinds Dressed Hoge 500 to 5 25 Use the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY.made by Canadian and Geo. Trowhill, OTTAWAOr to Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed ; faun implore entsand machines rebuilt and repaired. 13-3RKSiIIRE BOAR FOR SER. 1•ICE. The subscriber has for' service on his farm, Sammrrbitl, a thoroughl•red registered Roar, bred hr 0. Green, of Fairview. Terms, 81, with privilege of returning. J. J.McLAI'Git.tN, 733.43. Saarmerhll 1. USE TIIE C.P.R. Or to DETROIT USE THE C.P.R. Or to CHICAGO USE TIIE C.F.R. Or to MANITOBA It will pay you if you wish comfort and accommodation. A. T. Cooper, Agent, Clinton WL.,,r��=.,.—._�;tt. — -1.444-•... American Firms. W. COOPER Co. CLINTON.