The Huron News-Record, 1892-11-16, Page 8t SHI LOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. ,This GREAT COUG H CURE, this successful CONSUMPTION CURE ibwithout a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are author- ized to sell it ou a positive guarantee, a test that uo other cure can success• fully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, fo it will cure you. If your child ha; the Croup, or Whooping Cough, us- it promptly, and relief is sure. If yo dread that insidious discase CON:; SCMPTION, don't fail to use it, i will cure you or cost nothing. As11. your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE,' 'Price 10 cts., 50 cts. ant" $1.00. I ,v your Lungs are sore or Back lave,', ase Shiloh's Porous Paster. 25 cts. A BOUT ECONOMY. A man may 'go from Clinton 0 toroew without rlaing in rue cars. It will take him a long time to walk, but lie saves his car fare. The thing looks economical, but really extravagance. A man can often do without doctor when he is sick, and do wit] out quack nostrums particularly, he will only economize by having little Fine Whiskey, Brandy or Win' at the proper time. And and it is foolish economy be without that which is likely to be prescribed for you. We have what you want in Ales, Porter, Whiskies, Brandies, Wine etc., etc., in wood and bottle. We keep in stock the very bes a and sell at the lowest living profi "'he correct and safest economy is t always buy from us. ,. s3 J. W. ItITER, ALBERT STREET, - - CLINT() \Wheatley So allotted To Advertisers. All changes of Adrertiscntents, to insane insertion in the current is.<ne, must be receiver] at ,the office not later than Monday noon. Copy for changes receired lczlcr than .Monday nose will hereafter be of the arlrer- tiser's own risk. - .4, .M. TODD, Publisher. The Huron Dews -Record -$1.50 a Year -$l.25 in Advance ' Wednesday NOY. 1(;th, 1892. LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the Hub, goivlt X4111. Leer. NOTICES. -All notices in these columns of meetings or entertainments,. previous to holding of the same,at,wliicli an admission fee is ohargetl,orfrom which a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will be charged at the, rate clf ten cents per litre. THE MOST LARGELY 011tCU1.ATEn PAPER IN THIS SECTION. I J. W. IawIN, grocer, has removed t to the McKay Block and is now ready for businesr in the handsome 1 corner store. I On, WHAT A COUGH 1 -Will you 1 heed the warning. The signal per- ( hsps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consurnption. 1 Ask yourself if you can afford for the sake of saving 50c., to run the risk t and do nothing for it. We know t from experience that Shiloh's Cure c will cure your cough. I•t never tails t t Call and see J. W. hRWIN, grocer t in the corner store of the new Mc t Kay Block. i An active and trustworthy boy can r find profitable employment at 'fits t N aws-Recoao office. t N0 LADIES TOILET is complete with• e out a bottle of Cream of witch Hazel, 11 manufactured and sin esd e sk Combe. ir~r d;:',�x si J. W. Litwi e will be pleased to 11 sleet all old customers and many iI few ones in the new corner store, h JlcKay Block. d P THE N EWA IIEcouo has about 20,000 11 Note and Letter 'leads at a slight ec advance on cost. , w CREAM OF WITCH HAZE', will not Is njure the most delicate skin. For `1' ;happed hands, sore lips and' for S' Ise after shaving it is unsurpassed. he cl par—Robes, horse Clothing, Fancy sr Woollen and Plush (tugs, are at la rargain prices at 7324f. JOHNSTON 8: Aieuou,t'S. fir i1E VISITS ALL, -Tax Collector o is on his rounds again. !pit', far things look pretty well and le we believe there will be very little T o collect at the expiry of the time 1 . C th ONTARIO FAT STOCi: SHOW.- C 'reparations are o being made for sa he ninth annual Ontario fat stock of how to be held in Guelph on De- to amber 14th and 15th under the th usoices of the Agricultural and Cs ]rte Association of Ontario, the io .uelph Fat Stook Club and the ed {heap and Swine Breeders' Associa- pe ion. The show will be held in the m ew skating rink, a building which m rill afford ample accomodation, and O is expected to excell all previous m vents of its kind. In connection ab ith it there will be several meet - cgs of live stock breeders. to S1�vERAL liquor MCI have been p for trial the last few days. The result bus been couvi;tione and postponements in the various ouegs. MURRAY CAltrr, Sone of Scotland, will hold their annual dinner at Lack Kennedy.° Hotel on Si. Andrew's day, Nov. 30th. MESSRS. SEALE, HOOVER & SEALE, the monument dealers of Clinton, have made large addition° to their orders mentioned in the columns of THE NEWS -RECORD a few weeks ago. QUALITY TELLS. -At the fair held in Roxburough, Scotland, recently, the filet prize scones were made from flour manufactured by James Fair, Clinton. Ho for Canada and Clinton. \'Veralways hold our own and produce the best. BENEFITS OF ADVERTISING. -On Saturday last Jas. H. Combe sent out 300 coupons inviting the holders to call and get a free sample of Cream of Witch Hazel and.in less than five hours afterwards of the coupons were presented at the store and samples distributed. A FORTUNATE ESCAPE. -Monday evening Mr. J. C. Stevenson had a fortunate escape from serious injury. He had in use a tin-buwl lamp, and -accidentally upset it on the floor. In trying to extinguish the fire he cut his thumb severely on the glass. The damage other wise was slight, but the escape was indeed fortunate. SPECIAL MEETING -There was a' special meeting of the town council Monday night. A permit wee;: granted Mrs. Tufts to move then Grand Union stables on to the lot; next Johnston's blacksmith shop, providing the fire bylaw was com- plied with and the building ven•1 eered within eight months. The only other business was the passing accounts for park improvements. A COURT CASE. -It will be re- membered that some time ago Capt. Dancey, of Goderich, obtained a verdict against the Grand Trunk Co. for $1000 for being unlawfully put off the train near Lucan. The case was appealed. The last phase of it. is that the (.rand Trunk will be granted a new trial unless Dancey accepts $500 and pays a portion of the costs. THE BELT CAME Ore. -Many people wondered what happened tire electric light Saturday evening. The arc belt flew off the pulley or wheel with such force as to make a heavy dint in the wall. The 75 horse power engine of Goldie & McCulloch manufacture is a model and powerful piece of machinery and things will no doubt soon be in good shape and give -entire satis• faction. ORANGE DOUNGS.-The local lodge met -Monday night. There was a fair ettendauce and considerable business transacted. The brethren have decided to carpet the new hall leasedby them in the McKay block Ind make the place as comfortable ie possible. There will be an emergency meeting in the Victoria Llock trail on the 29th inst. and a ull attendance is specially request. d. The annual meeting will bo veld in the new hall the first Mon - ay in December. A FRUIT FREAK. -Mr. James ?arrow, "of St. George, laid on the able of the Galt Reporter a day or wo ago a strange freak in the way 1 an apple. It was taken from a roe of Rhode Island Greenings, but hough one half of it is distinctly ]tat variety, the other half is as dis- inctly Golden Russet. The divid- ug line is clearly marked entirely ound the apple, the one side being he green of the groeni1 gs, while he other is the russet of the Gold• n Musset. The freak is worth.seo• i g. fes"?.', .-ateL"'.7iS...E+5-! s _� r Ass," ..r u«' lccessful social evenings ever held c a church in this town Was field Mittens the lecture room of the ary St. Methodist Church on 'Mous av tevening. The object was a urely social one and the result was at the spacious rooms were crowd- 1 with young people: --The affair as n very pleasant one and sh.„..: �w the ltattenhury St. Young Ens avorers can use their friends. mulct a aeries of these meetings be .ld we think the main part of the urch would have to he used for ch meetings are sure to be popus ✓ and largely attended. A POPULAR MAN DEAD. -Rich- d R. Clarke, editor and manager the Orange Sentinel, Toronto, ed suddenly on the 5th inst. Ho ayes a wife and seven of a family. Tl deceased was born in January, 896, in the town of Bailieboro, ounty Cavan, Ireland. He was e eldest son of the late Richard larke, general merchant of the me place, and is the elder brother E. F. Clarke, M. P P., proprie- r of The Sentinel, and ex -mayor of e city of 'Toronto. He came to nada in 1862, and occupied var- ve positions of trust. Tho decoae- had relatives at Goderich and is rsoually known by many Orange• en in this section. The writer et tho deceased in March last at tven Sound and knew him for any years as a gentleman of rare ility and a faithful citizen. THE i:,ws-RFCnan extends its sympathy the afflicted family and relatives. NEXT WEEK intend to move to the MACKAY BLOCK to shall be pleased to see all our old customers and many new ones in the new store. 0 — e have been making ""preparations for a god XMAS TRADE and think vire can please everyone in variety, price and quality. ubscribe now for your favorite Newspapers—we Itake Subscriptions fir Newspapers and Magazines published everywhere. —0 — obins ros..,' Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. OIS `=.1211 BIG SNAP IN MANTLE CLOTHS 0 — We offer you 30 pieces at a Bargain, some of -the newest things brought out this season. DRESS GOODS for you. See our line of Meltons at 8e., our dou- ble -fold Melton's at 25c. 'in Navy,. Black, Brown and 1Jrrey, worth far more money. OSIERY. SHIRTS. Boy's Ribbed Wool Hose with double knees, just the thing for boys, exceptional value. Men's and Boy's Underwear, big assortment in fine and heavy makes. Men's Shirts and Drawers 25c., 28c., 40c., 50c., 75c., 85c., $$1 and $1.35 ; Boy's, 30c :35c., 40c., and 45c.; Men's Sox 15c a pair, two for 25 cents. MILLINERY MOURNING .a specialty with us. In fact Millinery is our great specialty. Froni us all the Leading styles may be had at lowest prices. The more you buy of. is ,.,_and find by actual use how satisfactory oui' 1 oo(is are the better you will like The Laffles' Favorite EstaI!sftment BEESLEY & CO. The Great Millinery and Dry -Goods Emporium. nderson's Restaurant The Old Reliable Confectionery Store. tiz1OYSTERS ARE IN SEASON ! EAT OURS AND YOU WILL HAVE NO OTHER. Fruits, Confectionery, Biscuits -in endless variety ; Cranberries, Sweet Potatoes, Spanish Grapes, etc. ir'TOP,ACCOS, PIPES, CIGARS --0001) GOODS AT CLOSE SELLING PRICES Everything first-class in a first-class store. Don't pass Anderson's Restaurant Searle's Block, - Albert Street. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS -all of the best works manship and material. ,"All the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. MI6' FAc:TORY-corner Huron and Orange Streets, Cli.iton. 657-y Are You A Customer OF Jackson Bros. ? If Not, Why Not a A Bit of lllodoFll History •®.• In the year 1885 Jackson Bros. began to reign as Kings in Clothing -making. Under their ber.efici- ary rule there was established several leading lines of Clothing that have since become house- hold terms—this being the popularity which greeted the advent of such prices as the following : A Boy's pair of Knickerbockers, 85c. A hoe's Suit of Clothes, $2. A Boy's extra length Cape Overcoat, ;3.50. A !\'Ian's pair of Trousers, $2. A Man's pair of Trousers, $3. A Man's Suit of Clothes, 57. A i\ -Ian's Suit of Clothes, 510. A Man's Overcoat, $7. - A p'lan's Overcoat, $8. A Alan's Overcoat, $10. . These are ruling prices unequalled for quality, fit and value: Goods we guarantee to be of a strictly good quality. 0 Bernennber our stock of Fins for Men's and Women's wear, 0 C The Noted Hatters,Clothiers and Furnishers, Clinton and Seaforth. We Ohfer Tftis Week ;- A •LINE OF All -Wool Diagonal Serge Light Brown, Dark Bro,vn, Tan and Navy, at the low price of s 35 CENTS PER YARD. Sold all over at 45c. and 50c. 0 _— We have about a dozen of our LOW - PRICE MANTLES left that were selling at $5 and $4.50. We have marker] them all at one price and you can have your choice for $2.50. These are Genuine Bargains, 0 Estate J. Hories DRY GOODS PALACE, CLINTON, ONT.