The Huron News-Record, 1892-11-16, Page 6Ayers Pi Are compounded with; 0e :1 iaw ; to general usefil.lnessi and adaptability, They aro composed. of. the purest vegetable aporiente,Their de1{eate 'sugar • coating, which readily dis- solves in the stomach, preserves their full medicinal value and snakes them easy_to take, either by old or young. For constipation, dyspep• ma, biliousness, sink headache, and the common derangements of the Stomach, "fiver, and .Bowels ; also to check colds and fevers, Ayer's Pills Are the Best Unlike • other cathartics, the effect of Ayer's Pills is to strengthen the excretory organs and restore to them their regular and natural ac- tion. Doctors everywhere proscribe them. In spite of immense compe- tition, they have always maintained their popularity as a family medi- cine, being in greater demand now than ever before. They are put up both in vials and boxes; and whether for home use or travel, Ayer's Pills are preferable to any other. Have youever tried them? Ayers Pills Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Every Dose Effective SPECIAL. NOTICE. Owing to the contemplated dissolution, in the near future, of the printing and publishing firm of Whitely & Todd, all accounts due the firm must be paid AT ONCE. Call at the oTloe or remit by Registered Letter or Post Office Order. WHITELY & TODD. Clinton, August 15th, 1592. The Huron News -Record 51.50 a Ye..:—$1.25 in Advance. Wednesday, Nov. 16t11, 1892. It is no easy thing to dress harsh, coarse ha;r no as to make it look graceful n•' b. corning 13y the use of Ayer's Clair Vigor, this difli ulty ie removed, and the hair made :o assume any style or arrangement that may be desired. Give the V t;vsr a trial. —The late Dr. Hugh Nichol, of Listowel, left an estate valued at $81,353. THE CHILDREN'S ENEMY. `scrofula often shows itself in early life and is characterized by swellings, ab- scesses, hip disease, etc. Consumption is ecofula of the lunge. In this class of disease Scott's E nuleion is inquestion- -ably the'moet retfable medicine. Baravele, the waiter who so bru- tally murdered Frank Reilly, one of the crew of the U. S. S. New- ark while the warship was at Genoa port taking part in the Columbus fetes, 'was last Friday found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to 12 ye ars and six ,months' imprison went. He was also condemned to pay an indemnity and costs. FOR (DUNG OR OLD. Children and adults are equally benefi' - e 1 by the use of De. Wood's Norway Parvo Sy up the new and successful cough remedy. It atone coughs in one night and m ty he relied on as an effectual remedy, fo ootds, na'hma, bronchitis an 1 si'nilar tro ;hies. Price 25 and 50o. at iruogiete. —A melancholy case of suicide is reported from the neighborhood of Mount Pieseant, Mr. C. Biggar a well-to-do farmer owning two farms. left the house Friday after- noon and was discovered next morning in the Mount Pleasant pond, having been dead for some hotira. Domestic difficulties are said to he at the bottom of the rash deed. Deceased was sixty-two years of age and leaves a wife and three grown-up children. ' He ,vas very highly respected, A COM PLICATED CASE. DEAn SrRs,-I was troubled with Wellness, headache and lost appetite. I could not rest at night, and was very weak, but after using three bottles of 13.1313. my appetite is good and I am better than for years past. I would not new b3 without 13 13.13., and am also giv- ing it to try children. Mall. WALTER BURNS, Maitland, N. S. —An inquest was held Friday Afternoon over the body of Mrs. Ezekiel Smith, who lived °With her husband at Ridgetown, Ont., and who died from the effects of drink- ing the contents of a large box of rough on rats in some tea. De- ceased had formerly intimated to a friend that she was tired of life, and that she intended to end her trouble. The jury decided that deceased had ended her life with suicidal intent. A DANGEROUS COLD. DEAR SIRS,- VI little girl last winter had a et ry bid cold which almost result- ed in congestion ot the lungs. After doctorir g with her for three months without success ; I tried Hagyard'e Pectoral Balsa;,. and two bottler of it cured aur She is now strong and healthy. Nike. S 1MURL M'ICLBOLLANT, Hamilton, O.V. �I .sell <IMIti tla.00, +k the ;#yetis Navy balaaooa• yet attempted, either ibtokor stock isc hens geed or the plug haa,heen mode: a trifle lighters ie weight, The. lager-dttaAt IA Opt ZR oatAne, the Wit ,n's tiop, Of the.'consumer until he ;Inde. that he is mating a, greener number of; Osage than before, The 14yrtle Nevy, fs made three plugasto the paged and caoh plug is oaretully weighed. -Redjictiou works for the gold mine are being erected in Mamoru. QUINSY CURED.' GENTi.EmEN,-I used to bo troubled with quinsy; having an attack every wl ;tor. About five years ago I tried flagyard'e Yellow Oil, applying it Weide my throat with a 1 -tether. It quickly oared ate and I hove not minor been troubled. I always keep It in the house. MIts. J. M. Lewis, Galley Ave., Toronto Ont. —111r. and Mrs. Thos. Liston, Kingston; both died Monday night, each aged 84. (.IVES GOOD APPETITE. GENTLEMEN, -+I think your valuable medicine oaon't be equalled, because of the benefit I derived from it. After sufl'.ring from headache and lose of appetite tor nearly three years I tried R.B.B. with great euneees. It gave me relief at once, and 1 now enj .y good health. MRS. MATTHEW SPROUL, Dungannon, Oat. —It i said -Prince Edward county will export 75,000 barrels of apples this season, A AP 4 I r WRVS DA10E.R4 Mr, Henry 1S2ttcombc, Leyland St., j31a4bilr11) l.f.t214on, Ung., start@s that lila little girl fall an, struck k her •knee against a curbstone. The knee began to swell, ' ,a \ became very painful and terminated in what doctors call " white swelling." She was treated by the best medical Igen, but grew Y; oq e. Finally A fJHIEF Or POLICE. There in no body of men more liable t0 auff:r from exposure than the police. But as an example how they get rift of their maladies. the following ie cited : c;rven I•land, N. Y., U. S. A., Fob. 11, 1880 roI euff,red with ueurnlgia in the head, hot found instant relief from the application of St Jacnha Oil. which cured me." E. P. BELLINGER, Chief of 1'ulice, • --The south hound `Santa Fe train, due Guthrie \Vedueaday night at 11:35, was held up and robbed by five masked men at Wharton, a lonely station in the Cherokee strip, where the twain hoe been robbed be• fore'. . The only booty secured was the arms of the trainmen and a few packages of express matter. . ACHING PAINS REMOVED. GRNTLEMEN,-.I cannot but praise [1.13 B. for it has revived me wonderfully-. I was completely run down, had aching pains in my shoulders, a tired feeling in my limbs, low spirits, in fact I was in misery. Being recommended to try B.B B. I did ao, and with the u.e of only one bottle I am today strong and healthy. 1 prize it highly. Mac 11, TUCK.ER, Toronto, Ont. A GOOD NATURED CITY. Uncle Hiram Skinner, who lives out in lows, visited his nephew in Chicago, last week. The old gen- tlemen was busy most of the time telling. what the town used to bo away back in the '40's, when he hauled wheat there to the market from down in Kendall county. The old gentleman is naturally polite and good natured, but the way in which the crowds on the street jostled him about almost stirred up his wrath, In trying to -keep out of everybody's way he could scarce- ly get along at all. Finally his nephew. said: 'Uncle, I fear you are too careful of the rights of others. Here in Chicago everybody goes, pushing along and looking out for number ono. We expect to be jostled and stepped on more or less and no one ever feels hurt about it. This is a busy crowded city, and everything goes with a rash. Just plow your way through and let others look out for themselves. That afternoon the old gentleman started along a busy thoroughfare unaccompanied by nay of hie' friends. Ile said to himself: "I'll show these folks I know as much about city ways es any of 'em. If they think I'm goin' to get out of their way any morepjuet because I'm from the country they make a mistake, Ez the feller says, while I'm in -Turkey I'm goiu' to db as the tur keys do." He did it. In fact, he overdid it, and became the worst Roman of them all. He pushed women right and left, stepped on their trains, and told everybody to get out of the way. He has just begun to pride himself that he was getting to be a real city swell when he ran against hard a big, fat woman. He tried to push her aside,, but owing to her euperior amount of avoirdupois his efforts were unavail- ing. She was was not a happy dis- positioned woman. Catching Uncle Hiram 'by his chin whiskers she lifted . him off his feet and, after making him 'describe several wild circles about her, she permitted hill] to fly off in a tangent and land iu the street at the eide of the walk. Uncle Hiram pulled himself lo• gather, and as he stood combing the tangles out of his whiskers re- marked: "Wait till_ I get holt of that downed nephew of mine I I'll teach him to tell me everybody in Chicago is good natured an' don't [Hind if you run against'eml" Then he started for his destination, but he avoided the walk and went down the middle of the street. —The Prince of Wales was 51 years old last week. . �•BT. JACOB OIL 't' ;;a.a'%.. was used. The contents .of one bottle completely reduced the swelling, killed the pain and cured her. "ALi., RICHT! ST..3AQOBa OIL DID IT." a; •,rnA., .wee "ALL Maws— OUR MASTER DIGIT. PROM TIMES OF OLD THE RULE OF THUMB • HAS 1'1tEVAILED. To say a man works by the rule of thumb is to reproach hitu -with exactness, says Chamber's Journal, but when exchequer tallies were iu use a uotch the width of a thumb represented ,the £10. When drapers employed the cloth yard wand the possesaiou of a narrow thumb was nn advaataae to an aspirant to the counter, as in measuring gpoda the buyer gained a thutnb'e width to every yard, but the adoption ul' a tneasure imbedded in the counter deprived slim -finger• ed ogee of their advantage and the drapet'a customers of their "thumbs." It is by the thutub the miller testa the character and qualities of the grains; spreading the eample over the fingers by a peculiar movement of the thumb, he gauges its value by -the thumb ilaelf: Cornelius Ketal painted his pic tures with his thumb, and it is still the picture oleo ;Jeer's) safest tool When sewing was rendered easier by the invention of a th'imbell, as it was Origin illy called, that useful article was wore upon the thumb, noJ. the finger; and the Japanese dentist, disdaining any but nature's appliances, finds his thumb and finger all sufficient in the extracting of the most stubborn of aching; teeth. According to the epilogae writer of the eeveuteenth century it was then easy to distingush the country from the town gallant in a theater, the latter being known by pu'tin.g bis periwig in order with,a comb, while his provincial brother was content to attain the same objet with four fingers and a thumb. A Chilian merchant geed to defy, forgery li'y planing one thumb on the paper he wished to sign and tracing its outline. 'then he placed the other thumb across, out- lined that and this signature was complete. The Chinese have long been aware that the impression of no two thumbs, oven of thesame individual, are alike, and the impreession of every criminal's thumb is taken by the police and numbered for refer- ence. He may disguifle himself as he will, nioke up as he can, but a comparison of the impression of his thumb with that in the police arch ivos settles tate identity of an old offender beyond a doubt. MARRIED HIS DAUGHTER THE SINGULAR PREDICAMENT IN WHICH A CHICAGO MAN FINDS HIMSELF. Samuel Clinton Willette, aged 62,who married his son'e widow two years ago,is in estrange predicament. According to statement's to Lawyer James W. Druillard, to whom he today a pplied for legal advice, Willetts has probably wedded hisas„own child. She was his off• spring by his runaway wife of forty-five years ago. Willetts' first 'wife was Miss Mainie Evans. They were married at Erie, Pa., when both were under twenty. After the birth of a girl baby they quarreled, and the wife and child disappeared. Six years later, after appear'ently well-founded reports of their of death, Willetts married Caroline Stevens in a town near Erie. A son was born, but the wife died. The boy George, growing to manhood, went on the road for Harding, Davis & Co., wholesale hardware dealers of Pittsburg, and on Christmas, 1860, surprised his father by returning from Cleveland with a bride, Mies Helen Wright. The young couple lived happily for twenty-eight years, but were childless. Iu 1888 George Willetts died. The -father had from the first a singular affect- ion for his daughter-in-law, ands in 1890 they were married in London, Eng. Since then Mrs. Willetts' reminiscences of her childhood led to investigations, which apparently disclose that Willetts' first wife, seven years after deserting him, married a John Wright at Cleve• land, and, though in turn deserted by him, brought her little girl up under the name df Wright, and dy• ing shortly before Geo. Willette ar- rived in Cleveland. A detective is endeavoring to ascertain the facts in the case fully. Mr. Willetts is well-to-do financially. - —.m.- -A boy named Harold Hallman, of Berlin, while playing had one of his eyes totally destroyed by run- ning against a playmate. He is 1 about 9 years of age. T1IE SAUSAGES HADA 1310 RUN. Gustave Reason, a sausage yin - dor, and his wife, of Lillie, France, have been seuteuced to six mouths' imprisonment for sellingdog'e fleeh, and their shopman goes to priaou for three months. Masson and his wife lived at Roubaix uutil last October. They had a very prosper- ous butcher b'tsitisaa and made a specialty of sausages of a peculiarly savory state and flavor, which warn very popular. A warraut' was is• sued October 26th for their arrest upon a charge of dealing in dog's tleah and selling it for human food. M. Leclercq, the health inspector, said that he found four poubds ot chops in a basket in Mme. Ris- son's possession. Back of the shop was. a slaughter house, in which 13 carcasses of dogs and while 60 dog shins pegged out to dry, some living dogs were waiting their turn to be elaeghtered. A veterinary surgeon named Boger testified that the chops seen and acveial pounds of invitiug sausage were of the same charac for of flesh, and in his opin- ion the flesh was . that of dogs. The wi neat said ti og a flesh was not unwholesome providing the animal WAS not diseased. Several of hae.foa's regularu cstotners testi- lied that they patrouized his shop because of the agreeable flavor of the sausages sold th-re, but had no idea of any imposition. —Secord -II. Large, the medical student who was arrested at Toron- to, on Thursday evening at the in- stance of .James P. Greeley, on the charge of ,abortion perfornred on Lena 13. Greeley, was arraigned in the Police Court yesterday, and after electing to be tried by a jury woe remanded until Wednesday. He was subsequently liberated on furnishing $4,000 bail. IVIJN WAV Dne Hundred and Forty-one I(andsome Photographs In One Grand' - PICTURE III the Conservative Members of 892Parliament1S9 ncluding extra large size photographs of Sir Joh ibbott, Premier, and Sir John Thompson, leach f the House of Commons, surrounded by th :abinet Ministers, and grouped on either side th sembers of the House from every Province in th )ominion, making a total of rat splendid phots raphs; every one a perfect likeness. • This great picture is a reproduction by Photc ravure process on copper plate of the pictur resented to Sir John Thompson by the Conserve ive Members during the last session. rHE ORIGINAL PICTURE OOST OVER 81500. THE EMPIRE has secured the copyright to reprc uce this Grand Picture. It is printed on speck late paper in photographic inks, and is 3 feet iches by s feet 4 inches in size, and makes a spier id picture for framing. A key giving the name c ach member and constituency represented isrinte n the margin, making a valuable work of referenct NO EXTRA CHARGE 8111 be made for thin Grand Premium but It will bo GIVEN FREE 'o Every Subscriber for the Weekly Empire FOR 1893. ' THE WEEKLY EMPIRE is without doubt the hes Vicekly for $t.00 published in Canada, containing s pages of latest news of the day. Special depart lents on Agriculture, Woman's Empire, Ou :uriosity Shop. Old World Diary, the latest Sport tg Events, etc. Only One Dollar per yea, 'eat to any address in Canada or the United States (very subscriber will get the Premium Picture as 'resent. Send in your subscription, at once, or ordc hrough our local agent. Address: THE EMPIRE, Toronto, Ont The Empiro News -Record (WITH PREMIUM) FOR ONLY $2 A YEAR. PROPERTY FOR SALE OP RENT.—Advertisers will find "The t1 r. News -Record" one of the best mediums in the County of Huron. Advertise In "The News-Record"—The Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. Rates as low as arr. 7TRAY STOCK ADVER fI, TISEMENTS Inserted In Tn>f News.RRcORn at low rates. The law makes It compulsory to advertise stray stock if yon want any kind of advertising you will not do bettor than can on 'ewe-Reocord. The NEWS-REOORD Is in a better position than ever to turn out The Very Finest Printing At prices as low as any other office in the West. Those in need of any class of Job Printing should call on THE NEWS -RECORD, Albert Street, Clinton nett CLINTON FURNITURE WA,RER001118, For the House Cleaning season we have a complete Stock of BEDROOM SU['1'S, " DINING ROOM SUITES, PAl(LOR SUITES, ODD CHAIRS, CENI'RE1tE TABLES, HALL RACKS, PICTURES, PICTURE MOULDING, CURTAIN POLES, Etc. Etc., We handle no trashy Furniture, yet our prices are away down. Call and inspect our Stock whether you wish to buy or not,1 t 0S i-t:P1 01-1113.1_, H Furnitterc Dealer and lljndertalccr. FOR.COOD ENVELOPES FOR..EINNE-ST-PRINTING The Newsieo.ordI ORt110E BiLL HEPDS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALT," DEPARTMENTS 1131 E CELEBRATED Deal Washer* t enc Wrner. TiIE BEST IN TUE iiIARIi;ET Machines Allowed on Trial am also agent for all All Agricultural Implelfleuts Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill, Call and see tae, J. C. WEIR, CLINTON • J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, Sec. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town, Hall, Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth ' Thomas, and Rockford—new model. ,All these maker in key and stem winders; 3 Aleo pendant set watches.) J. BiDDLECOMBE, ICLiNTON. • GODERICN MARDI MU J. C, Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, Clinton, is our agent for Clutton and vicinity. W. M. Mohring, ofABenmiller, is our Travelling agent. •- - - Orders entrusted to either of the 9,bove will have our best attention. Monuments supplied in CANADIAN. SCOTCH, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites. a well as in all varieties of marble. Give Mr,; Stevenson a call before) ordering elsewhere. 3005 A. RORER rSON. Manager. CAUTION. EACH PLUG OF.TiiE BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all limes be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers." We want a good cot -res- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send u8 RELIABLE news, aY SUBSCRIiiZERS. Patrons .who do not receive tacit Paper regularly from the carrier or thr.tugh their local pobt offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions may commence at any time. ADVER.TiSERS. • Advertisers will please bear in mind . that all "changes" of advertisemerts, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON 0/ each week. CIRCULATION. TION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than' any other .paper in this section, and as an advertising medium. has few equals itt Ontario. Our boobs are open to those who mean business. JOB PRINTING. The Job Lepartment of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very tom prices. Scientific American Agency for ... CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS DESIGN PATENTS= COPYRIGHTS, etc. For information and free IIsndbook writ3 to MUNN & 131 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau CO,%m• scouring patents 1n America;. very patent: ittp a en out by us is brought before P by given free of charge In the .grientific Ittnericatt Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should bo without tt, Weekly S3.00 a veer; $1.50 six months. Address MUNN & CO.. 1 t Masugi s, 361 Broadway, New York. MurtIeavu SPE STEEL PE` S. 0 IS MARKED T. B ARE THE BEST. 5/tablished 1860. FOR Works, ENGLAND. • Ito, rpt. A -a ; IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE. New Blacksmith Shop GEORGE TROWHiLL has opened out n gen• seal Blacksmith and Repair Shop In the building lately occupied by Mr. Cooley, opposite Fair'e lumber yard, Alpert street Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Work in all its branches. Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work in the above lines. 497—tf GEORGE TROWHILL IIo.2 110.3 110.18 110.27 FOR Expert Writers. L CJNT_t .i otisI. Till,'n 7e.:. c,;I.?..tti>nnt+y,;t Y FOR Accoun- tants. Burres- pondonts Bold Writing Susi- Sold by STATIONERS Everywhere. Samples F REE on receipt of return postage 2 cents. I SPENCERIAN PEN 00.1810 BROADWAY. NEW YORK..