HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-11-09, Page 81. tbt UR'S CONSU MPTION CURE. • Thi e COT.TO II CURE, thie aneeee41-11 CONSUMPTION CURE iswithout a parallel in the History 0,ighty em p oon'404 nItopopitecrospiAkio or)WM' o4ip. pi • front .90404...8kati94 ia this, 40,418:14, Tun ArrLn that more monoyOoon paid for •pploon 33rt400 ftPd EMU $bia Yeltt th6RWaspai4 for the entireAPP10 crop otOrita410 last year, KEEP you still have the mediate. All -druggists are author- ; e ized to sell it on a poeitive guarantee, p'43” of brooked glaethrough a test that no other euro can success. which you gazed at the eolipee of the fully stand.. It you have a Cough, sun the other day,keep it. The same Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will mire you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CON'. SUMPTION,h/oe'e pi/ to use it, it will cure\you or cost nothiog. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CUBE, l'rice 10 cts., 50 cts. and 61.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, ase Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25 cts. ABOUT ECONOM.Y. • A man may go., from Clinton to Toronto without riding in the cars. It will take him a long time to walk, but he saves his oar fare. The thing looks economical, but is really extravagance. A man can often do without a doctor when he is sick, and do with- out quack nostrums particularly, if he will only economize by having a little Fine Whiskey, Brandy or Wine. at the proper titne. And andit is foolish economy to be without that which is likely to be prescribed for you. We have what you want in Ales, Porter, Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, etc., etc., in wood and bottle. We keep in stock the very best and sell at the lowest living profit 'The correct and safest economy is to always buy from us. J. W. RETER, ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON • To Advertisers. All changes of Advertisements, to insure insertion, ttl the current issue, must be received at the office not later than Monday noon. 'Copy for changes received later than Monday noon will hereajtek be at the Adver- . . titter's MOM ri.Sk. WRITELY d: TODD, Publishers. Pie Huron News-Recorci 1.50 a Year -$1.26 in Advance Wednesday, Nov. 9th, 1S9,1 LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the Hub, Zown L3CAT. NOTICES.—All notices in these columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to bolding of the saine,at which an admission fee is charged,or from which a pdeuniary benefit is to be derived, will be charged at the rate of ten cent r line. THE MOST LAItGELY marl PAPER IN THIS SECTION.. J. W. IRwIN, grocer, has removed to the McKay Block and is now ready for businesr in the handsome corner store.. OH, WHAT A COUGH 1—Will you heed the warning. The signal per - Imps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourself if you can afford for the sake of' saving 500., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails Call and see J. W. Iawisr, grocer in the corner store of ethe new Mc Kay Block. An active and trustworthy boy can find profitable employment at THE NE,WS-RECORD office. J. W. IrnviN will be pleased to meet all old customers andmany new- ones in the new corner store, McKay Block. eolipee will occur again in nineteen yeare. AuarioN SALES,—If you're think- ing of having an auctionsale have the advertisement of it inserted in the paper having a double circula• Lion --- THE NEM; RECORD. Our prices aro right and we can show you that you get good value for your money. A HOLIDAY. — To niorrow is Thanksgiving Day and all public offices will be closed . A CliANGE.—Mr. Daniel Dyer has purchased Mr. Saml. Sweet's interest in the Exeter Advocate and took possession on Monday. LIQUOR.—It has been decided that liquor shall be sold at the World's Fair, but it will be under the harmless names of light bever- ages and stimulants. STRAY STOCK . —Have yon any stray stock on your premises, or have you loot any 7 If so, advertise the same in THE NEWS RECORD, and you will procure an owner, or re- cover your lost. THEY WERE IN CLINTON .—S01130 ti me ago the Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk made an agreement to maintain paasenger rates and to discharge any agent or official who should break the agreement. So many previous agreements had been made only to be broken that agents paid little attention to it. • The Grand Trunlc put up a job on Canadian Pacifid agents and five of them have just been discharged on evidence furnishes by the Grand Trunk. Meantime the Canadian Pacfic secureevidence againt four of the best of the Grand Trunk agents and now they have been 'discharged. GUY BROS. MINSTRELS performed to a full house in Clinton int Fri- day evening. This old reliable troupe may be termed one of the few that can draw a house in Clin- ton. In every respect the per- formances were good and worthy of witnessing. Tun A. 0. TJ. W. completed the 24th year of the order recently. It was first launched out in an un- tried sea as the firat assessment eociety. Its origin Was in Mead- ville, Pa., and commenced with fifteen members. Today there are 280.000 members, Ontario alone contributing 26,000. The order at large celebrated its 24th birthday in a manner suitable to tho occasion. The local lodge is in a prosperous condition and is doing a praiae- worthy work. HOUS'E OF REPUGE.—Exchanges in Huron and adjoining counties are asking the question, "Will Huron have a house of Refuge" .A vote of the people will be taken at the mun- icipal elections, and THE NEWS RECORD predicts that if the matter is weighed well and good judment prevails, Huron will have a House of Refuge. The aged and infirm, the halt and the blind, should be no longer locked up with criminal'. Let the people rise in their might and send back the answer, "Huron will have a House of Refuge I" AGAIN, ABOUT WELL WATER.— A few weeks ago THE NEWS -RECORD mentioned that the well water in Clinton should be analysed. As far as we know, no action has been taken by the Board of .Health or any other body. The duty of this journal is a public one. That iu general the water used by the peo• pie of Clinton is absolutely pure, or anything approaching that state, we do not -believe. We have learned that a number of private citizens are moving in this import- ant matter to prove for themselves whether they are using pure water or not. And- we notice that the Galt Board of Health report that in that tosvn a loeCtietirell'O' • must be .closed. up and the dry -earth closet system introduced, claiming that $1 per family, per year, will cover the cost of the latter. The Clinton Board of Trade might act wisely if they would take action in the same line. One thing is certain, more strict sanitary regulations must bo enforced if the general health of our people is to be preserved and the very beat interests of the town serv- ed. THE NEWS -RECORD will refer to this matter at greater length in a future issue. DAIRYING AND Cuzzsz.-Last week THE NEWS RECORD mentioned the fact that Mr. D. A. Forrester will eventually go into dairying on the McAllister property pnrehased by him. Mr. Foriester has -made a careful study of this matter and is thoroughly convinced that no pro- duct of the farm will give the same profitable return. It is indeed a surprise that our farmer friends have not engaged more extensively in butter and cheese making. There ie a profitable and increasing demand for all we can produce. Wheat for profit is almost a thing of the past. Many farmers have realized this fact and their attention has for several years centred on sto3k. We know of a number of the latter" class who have bought and paid for farms from stock re turns. Others have worked hard, in fact devoted their whole energies to grain raising, and have fallen be- hind. Stock for export has and will pay, but butter and cheese will pay much better. THE Maws RH- CORD would like to see an establish went of this kind here. It would mean the expenditure of an im- mense amount of money—tbe hard cash—among the farmers, and of course would be a profitable con- cern to the town. Some idea of the value of cbeese industry ie got from the fact that nearly 30,000 boxes were offered at the Listowel board on Oct. 20, equivalent in value to $225,000. This is an enormous auto of money to distribute among a comparatively small number of fanners as the produce from one branch of farming for three months. There can be no doubt that dairying paya and bas done more than any other industry to maintain the pros- perity of this country. Clinton ehould not be behind Listowel in this respect. We are glad to know that Mr. Forrester will be "in the swim" in the near future. . There is certainly money in it. • It is ncce6sary for the ' Farmer to incl out the • ',cheapest itnd best way to, produce it; , the InallY 1?AR1Vt 'JOURNALS AND RA,t41S • there. ave frequently hints to be found that !Would • bd worth the cost of the paper for gdvervd),,eal's. Amongst other 'excellent papdrs, we would like to call your attentioe to the Ohio Farmer at $1 a year. The Ladies will do well to call and get a sam- ple copy of the mut *anal. Those who once get it would not be without it. $1 ayear. Weekly Globe. We club any of the above papers with Weekly Mal ' Weekly Empire. The, News -Record and giye you the best clubbing rates. Robins • Rau Nap • Bros. Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. JIMMETZ1011131133111111111E61116•11111•101111in014912 BEESLEY& CO. New Ribbed Vests in Ladies' and Children's sizes. We keep the celebrated Rob Roy, Collarette, and Health brands of Vests—no better made quality, price considered. We want you to see our line of all heavy wool at 95c. Have received our fourth shipment of our $1 Vest—its a seller. Ladies' and Children's Wool and Cashmere Hose, all sizes, exceptional value, from a strong cheap Hose to the finest. GL(Dv Kid and Cashmere. Gloves we take the palin. We have Ladies' Kids, black and colors, in sizes frem 5-1, to 8. Our Lady Stanley Glove, in Black Cashmere at 25c., has no equal. . MILLINE the choice Novelties • and Trimmings. gewegV'Slid peg in ?elt and .Mtiae Hats. In English Walking Hats, that have been so much in vogue, we have a full assortment of the Latest Styles. Seven different styles to choose from. Get the best styles and most serviceable goods and save money on every purchase. The Ladles' Favorite Estahlisilifient BEESLEY & CO. The Great Millinery and Dry -Goods Emporium. 111110111111111•1110111=11•01=10 linderson's Restaurant The Old Reliable Confectionery Store. WOYSTERS ARE IN SEASON !•=if EAT OURS AND YOU WILL HAVE NO OTHER. Fruits, Confectionery, Biscuits—in endless variety ; Cranberries, Sweet Potatoes, Spanish Grapes, etc. zarTOBACCOS, PIPES, CIGARS—GOOD GOODS AT CLOSE SELLING PRICES. Everything first-clas3 in a first-class store. Don't pass Anderson's Restaurant Searle's Biock, - Albert Street. Les1i's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best work- manahip and material. gerAll the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended . to. Prices to suit the times. •Er FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y If! Not, Why Not? COMFORT. The man wha wishes to be Physicalfy com- fortable in this world "and what man does not" should consider. the state of his under- wear in every season and especially at this season when colds are easily contracted. We wish every man who considers health a treasure to see our two leading lines of Underwear the prices being $2.00 -.-and $27.50 A Suit. These goods we are prepared to guarantee being made of fine wool.and by the best manufacturers. Be assured of this that our Underwear will outwear in wear anywhere any Underwear bought elsewhere. Remember in buying the Two Leading Lines at $2.00 & $2.50. The Noted Hatters,Clothiers and Furnishers, Clinton and Seaforth. mosso• 4 ? We Offer Ttils Week -:- ----A LINE OF All -Wool Diagonal Serge .4' Light Brown, Dark Brown, Tan and Navy, at the low price of 35 CENTS PER YARD. Sold all over at 45c. and 50c. • We have about a dozen of our LOW - PRICE MANTLES left that were selling at $5 and $4.50. We have marled them all at one pricc and you can have .11 your choice for $2.50. These are Genuine Bargains. 0 Estate • J. Houlgens, DRY GOODS PALACE, CLINTON, 010. P'