The Huron News-Record, 1892-11-09, Page 6Y nr 1', AT HAND tr4 a dangr,>,t'ous .,mergency, Mutes ?BMW lsl:cTOW, is prompt to act and Sure to cure, •. A dose taken on. the first Symptoms ofCroupor Bronchitis, checks. farther progress of these c mplalnts. It softens the phlegm, sooths the in- flamed membrane,and induces sleep. As a remedy for colds, coughs, loss of Noise, la grippe, pneumonia, and even consumption, in its early -stages AYER'S Cherry . Pectoral excels all •Similar preparations. It is endorsed by leading physicians, is agree- able to the taste, does not interfere with digestion, and needs to be taken usually in small doses. " From repeated tests in my own family, Aye's Cherry Pectoral has proved itself a very efficient remedy for colds, coughs, and the vanous di,. orders of the throat and lungs."—A. W. Bartlett Pittsfield, N. H. " For the Last as years I have been taking Ayer.; Cherry Pectoral tor lung troubles, and amatwurec that its use has Saved My Life I have recommended it to hundreds. I find the most effective way of taking this medicine is in small and frequent doses. —T. this medicine P. M., Sherman, Ohio. " My wife suffered from a cold ; nothinghelpec her but Ayers Cherry Pectoral whicn eected , cure.' —R. Amero, Plympton. N. S. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell Masa Prompt to act, sure to cure • SPECIAL NOTICE. Owing to the contemplated dissolutipn, in the .near future, of the printing and publishing firm of Whitely & Todd, all accounts due the firm must be paid AT ONCE. Call at the offic3 or remit by Registered Letter or Post Office Order. WHITELY & TODD. Clinton, August 15th, 1802. fhe Huron News -Record $1.50 a Year—$1.25 in Advance Wedtiesrlav Nov. 9th, 1892. —Diptheria, is prevalent at Kin- cardine and the schools have been closed. "SATISFACroRY RESULTS." S. says Dr. Corlett, an old and hon- ored prec.itior-er, in Belleville, Ontario, who writes : "F,r Wasting Diseases and Scrofula I have uae•i Scott's Emuls- ion with satisfactory results." —Geo. Ireland accidentally ei:iseled off a piece of one of his lingers at Wingliam the other day. INDIGE "TION CURED. GENTLEMEN,—I was thoroughly cured of indigestion by using only three bottles of B, B, R. and truthfully recommened it to all suffering from the same mal- ady. MRS. DAv1DSON, Winnipeg, Man. —Geo. McNally, has a perfectly fermed turnip which 'weighs 18 pounds. His crop will run about 1,000 bushels. The seed was sown in May. THE F'EAR OR DEATH. The fear of death is excited by any severe attack of disease, especially colds or coughs. This need not be where Dr. Won -l'., N >rway Pine Syrin is kept on hand for family use Th:s unrivalled remedy cures c iugh., enlde, hoarseness astbmt, bronchitis and all throat and long dieases. Price 25c and 50 Sold by druggists. —John Reese, of Colorado, worth $6,10,000, has been murdered iu • r.F.... •r._15`2,1i1i :1.:zigs si,:>e^✓el..Q*^,> kted... of $3,- .000 or $1,000. He had jest ref• turned from a visit to relatives in Wales; RACKED WITH RHEUMATISM. DEAR SIR,—For ten years I suffered with theumatiarn in spring and fell, I have been confined to bed for months at a time, but since using B. 13. B I have not suffered from the dyspepsia, whish has tint troubld the shale usiuo the 13 TE 13., and I therefore think it a splendid medicine. IVIES. AMELtA BRENN, Hayesiand, Ont. —The other day Mr and Mrs. Netterfi.tld celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary at Wiugham. There were present 36 descendants, while 67 were absent itt various parts of the world. HE QUIT THE DOCTOR. (J erLEMEN,-1 was troubled with dyspapyia for about four years end tried eeveral reined es but found them of little uss. I n-iticed an advertisement of Bardook Riot 1 RRtttera, so I quit the doctor, and started to use R. B. li., and soon lcund that there was nothing to equal it. It took just three bottles to effect a perfeit cure la my ogee, and I can highly reoommeedthis excellent re- medy to all Bttwr, J. Rem, Wingham, Ont. —Since the outbreak of the cholera in the Russian dominions thetes have been in the tieutenautcy of the Caucasus 125,000 cases of the disease and 65,000 depths.. Lt Saratov there have been 31,080 cases and 11,000 deaths, and in St. Petersburg 3 300 cases and 1,150 deathw, making in these three dia- trects alone a total of 159,300 eases and 77,000 detths. �rr •i-„1•'1 a ehtPir,ggk} L,acr{/006 Club will Wilke • t`vo., a gpshe tient 6ff gu,glatdaPd. re1;<>a\d ogunpm oing i t Febual'y, • fl' BEATS JACK FROST. Mans Silts . We have titled flag yard's Yeliow Ott .in our Wally and now It ie a sure cure for Iumbygo and from bites, My wife was su bad with Iumliago that she could not eteaighten herself, and Ytllow 011 completely cured her, It has been a fortune to ue. Olivae ALLEN, Owen, S-nund, Oat. ---Ormonde, the winner of the 1889 Derby, has been bought by a Califoeniau from the Argentine Republic syndicate for $ 150,000. DOUBLY COMMENDED. Slav,— I had a very bad cold and was oured by two bottles of Hagyard'e Pec- toral Balsam, I menet do witheut it. Mits. W. C. H. PERRY, Sea Gull, Ont. DEAR SIRe,—I coo highly recommend Elagyard'a Pectoral Bahian, as the beet remedy for coughs and cold 1 have ever used. Mies F.STEPHENSON, Oakland, Ont. Mr. Ashton Fletcher, Q. C., of Woodstock, who was 'stricken with paralysis the other day at Rodney died on Saturday morning at his home. IT is the testimony of all men who have tried it that "Myrtle Navy" to- bacco has the most 'delfoious flavor of any tobacco in the market, and that it leaves Dune of the noplesant effects in the mouth that :nose tobaccos do, The reason for this is the high and pure quality of the leaf, which is the finest known in Virginia, and the absence of all deleterious matter in the manufacture. The C. P. R. steamship Em. press of Japan made 17 knots an hour all the way from Yokohama to Victoria, B. C., and beat the Paci- fic record. She passed safely through the typhoon which wreck- ed the Bokhara. "Nothing succeeds like success," and nothing will more quickly insure success than true merit. 1'or fifty years, Ayer's Sore„parilla has maintained its popular- ity as the elupertor blood purifier. It stands upon its own merits and never fails to give satisfaction. —The Welland Grand Jury found no bill in the celebrated case of Queen vs. Wood, perjury, in con- nection with the protest trial of 1Vm. German, ex.M. P. A true bill watt fonud against him at a former ceurt here, and great inter• est was taken ill the case. ".V.-Ohe tical success and modieal triumph ' A speaks an erninent r hysi- cian in reference to Ayer's Cherry Pecto- ral; and the eulogy was DODO too erronr. No other medicine is so safe sad effioaot- ous in all diseases of the throat and lunge. —An accident occurred at the Union Furniture Factory, Wing. ham, Tuesday afternoon, whereby Mr. Lawrence Pearen Buffered - the loss of the four fiugere on the right hand. The story is easy told—the the buzz saw. A TRAVELLER REJOICING. Sunlmereide, Y. E. I., Oct. 10, 1888: "Having ueed St. Jaeubs Oil for a badly sprained knee, I can toatify to its pee- nliarly curative properties, as lean than one bottle oompletely cured the sprain.” G$ORGK GREGG, Traveller for J. C. Ayer & C.,• --Rev. Canon Robert Baynes 58 years old, of Catharine mail, Twickeuhatn, Eng., who was arrest- ed in August on the charge of assaulting Miriam Louise Cogswell, aged ten, was to -day° found guilty and sentenced to eighteen n,ontit'a imprisonment. Rev. Mr. Baynes is an honorary canon.of the Church of England. Consumption Cured. An old physielan, retired front practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India mission- ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Atehma and all throat and Lang Affections, also a positive and radical euro for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers do thousand, of cases, hes felt it his duty to make it known to big uttering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human enffering, I will tend free of charge, to all 'who desire it, this recipe. in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. rent by mail by addressing with stem'•.^naming this paper. W -A. NOYES, 820 Poaeere Block, Rochester, V. y. 650—y —A. horrible accident took place near Tteumseh, Essex County, on Monday. The 4 -year-old daughter of William St. Louis, living on the Tecumseh Road, was the victim, and elle was literally roasted alive. Mrs. St. Louis was snaking soap and the little girl , wan playing around the fire. Coming too close, her dress became ignited and she was instantly enveloped in flames. Before her distracted mother could reach her to render aid the clothes were hurried from her body end the hair from her head. The flesh was burned horribly and the child's sufferings were heartrending. Anvre.. TO MOTHER,. Are yon disturbed at night and broken of your rest by it sick child mitering andorying with pain of Cutting Teeth. If an send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winelow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth ing. Its valne ie incalculable. It will relieve the poor little Buffeter immediatety, Depend upon it, mothers; there 12 no mistake about it. It aurae Dysentery and D}arrhom regulates the stomach and bowels, mires Wind Collo, softens the gime, reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winelow's Soothing Syrup" fur children teething is pleasant to the tanto and is the preeeeription of n p of the oldcat and beet female physis}one and no rees in the United States, and is for Halo by al] iuggiste throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. Be snre and ask for "M.ns. WINSLew'S Snoring° SYnrr," and ink i no ether kind. 056y �. `IT OUT AN ]3 O1 ONtOrtnAirlom NkURAI.WWA, TnApE C#3 411E, � IP1T ; �. . ,. p13 fa 3C$A 1C. Ei sprains, Cruises, i urns, Swellings. nig CHARLES A. yeaELER COMPANY, I attlnlare, Md. Canadian Depot; TORONTO, ONT. C .}_+tf�''., k.. ,iu: U, ,. ,�.'11;.`i7'itl' '��. 1;•.'i;tl c?'r�tl�+i?i .. CLW. �.`i. n<�Ir,'�i. t �?6{ '°-,�..1^a•. 4. a w:Li� POKER RUINED HIM...„ ---- .,..-•- A TRAVELLER LOSES 1118 MONEY AT THE GAMING TABLE. THEN GOES TO 1118 ROOM IN THE HOTEL AND COMMITS SUICIDE, George Roberts, a commercial traveller ,committed suicide at Orillia Friday night. For years Roberts travelled through Ontario for Milburn cit Co., and no harder working or more popular man was on the road.' He was only 28 years of age, 'fine looking and of splendid physique, standing over six feet high and weighing 220 pcunda. He waa,doing well with Milburn & Co. but lost his eituatiou through hie propensities for gambling. Ho has been . lately jobbing in cigars for Brener Bros, London, and carne to Orillia on Friday, October 21. He has .$100 in hie pocket, and had no difficulty in getting into a little game of draw. It started in the afternoon, and wore along wtih vary• ing successes till tea time, and llual- ly narrowed down till three others and' Roberts were the only players left. - A 'few hours' play and Roberta arose from the table penni- less. He was around on Sunday and Monday, but afterwards kept to his room a good deal and Friday was not Been at all. About 7.30 James Young, ono of his associates went up to his room, tapping on the door and entered. He found Roberts on the bud dead. On the dresser were three bottles labelled Lauda' num, Coinorer Beatton was noti• flea, The following letter address- ed to the proprietor of the hotel was found : ' Dear Sir,—I am Berry to cause you any trouble on account. -of my actione..-__The facts are I have been a confirmed gambler for years, to my ruin, and I have completed my destruction this trip. I started on the lowest rung of the ladder and few young men stood the chance for success that I.did, but the friendly game of poker ruined me at last. I see no way out of my diffit:ulties, and if I did I know well that the fascination would lead me on again. Kindly post letters for me at once. The ono to my brother may, reach him in duo time, but I have not been in communication with him for six months. Do not waste time and money in looking up my relatives, as I have done nothing for theta and they are ill able to bear expense on my account. You know the parties with whom I also ciated here, and as they have won one way and another about $100 from me, probably they will be° generous enough to bear the ex• pause of providing a corner six by two somewhere in the towe. I do not mean sarcasm at heart; they are a good lot of fellows. Let my ac- tion have as little notoriety ae poss- ble if it refits with you. Again ask- ing your forgiveness for my trouble to you, I remain yours truly. GEO. ROBERTS. He had left six lettere altogether to be posted, one addressed to his brother in Montreal, the balance probably relating to business. The jury simply returned a verdics that deceased came to his death from the effects of poison administered by his own. hand. The coroner reprimanded them for not alluding in some way to the evils of gambling, which is carried On extensively here as in other towns. Deceased's father is a blacksmith residing at Woodburn, near Hamil- ton. His brother took the body away Mouda3 morning. NEWS NOTES. —John McKay, of Toronto who is ill with the typhoid fever, escap- ed from his rooni on Saturday night in a state of delirium and ran along Bloor street west, in hie night clothes until arrested by Police- men Leonard and taken to Police station, where he was identified and sent home. He escaped again and was taken to the jail. His recovery is doubtful. —John Gavan, aged 11 years, and Robert Cooper, aged 14 years, living near Exeter, were arrested by Chief Constable Gill, of Exeter, on a charge of burglarizing Wynd's store at Shipka. They were COM. rnitted for trial and taken to God• erich jail. Patrick Gavan, father of one of the boys, was also arresters for also having stolen good in hag possession, and was released on bail. Chief Constable Gill now has the goods. ti SEASICKNESS. SUNDRY THEORIES, WISE AND OTHER- w1SB, ABOUT ITS PREVENT{0N, For the prevention of seasickness a curious notion seems to bo coot - 'non that 'the stomach should be \kept as full as possible, says 'l'lte Lancet, rhea have we seen stout old men and womou take with praiseworthy persistence—had the result been slstiefaetory—biscuits, brandy and soda, apples, a pint of porter, a fed het ring, and various other edibles and potables with au entire want of success in retaining them, a course of procedure pecul iarly trying to thoeo who happen to be Blanding, or rather lying, on the verge of the act of t itiu . Were we to counsel t ase w to are liable to this effectio we should recom- mend as folio 'a: Take a moderate meal two houreboforegoingon boat d. Remain on deck amidships, well protected against cold, as long as possible. As soon as the premoni- tory symptoms appear retire to the berth, undress ae quickly as postibte, and lie flat on the back for the first twelve or even twenty four hours wstbout food. Then take a small portion of dry bread and roast beef without fluid ; this the stomach will probably retain. If there is much. movement of the vessel lie quiet again of even go upon deck, and in the course of thirty-six or forty- eight hours the system will have recovered itself, and no fat titer trou- ble will be experienced. It is a mistake to introduce a quantity of fluid, even of strong coffee, into the flaccid stomach, but if sickness persist, a glass of champagne will probably prove serviceable. In some few persons quinine or anti- pyrin, chloral or potassium bromide may act well, but as a rule medicine of all kinds should be eschewed by those who do not wish to aggravate what is already hard to bear. —I-tev. Geoage Gentle, a popular young minister of Washingtouville, Ohio, has been sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary upon con - victiou of attempted assault. GIVEN WAV Dne Hundred and Forty-one landsome Photographs In One Grand PICTURI! All the Conservative V(embers of 892Parliament189 ncluding extra large size photographs of Sir Joh tbbott, Premier, and Sir John Thompson, lead. .1 the House of Commons, surrounded by th .abinet Ministers, androuped on either side th ambers of the House from every Province in th )ominion, making a total of iv splendid phots 'remits; every one a perfect likeness.' • This great picture is a reproduction by Photc 'ravurc process on copper plate of the pictur resented to Sir John Thompson by the Conserv; :ve Members during the last session. rHE ORIGINAL PICTURE COST OVER 4500. THE EMPIRE has secured the copyright b rcprc uce this Grand Picture. It is printed on specie late paper in photographic inks, and is 3 feet fiches by z feet 4 inches in size, and makes a spier id picture for framing. A key giving the name c ach member and constituency represented is rinte n the margin, makinga valuable work of reference NO EXTRA CHARGE, 5111 be made for thle Grand Premien" but It will bo GIVEN FREE Every aubeorlber for the Weekly Empire FOR 1893. THE WEEKLY EMPIRE is without doubt the bes Veekly for $Doo published in Canada, containint z pages of latest news of the day. Special depart tents on Agriculture, Woman's Empire, Ou :uriosity Shop, Old World Diary, the latest Sport ig Events, etc. Only One Dollar per yeat fent to any address in Canada or the United States ivery subscriber will get the Premium Picture as 'resent. Send in your subscription at once, or ordc hrough our• local agent. Address: THE EMPIRE, ,Toronto, Oni The Empire AND ews - Record (WITH PREMIUM) FOR ONLY$2 A YEAR. rig The NEWS -RECORD Is in a better position than ever to turn out The Very Finest Printing: At prices as low as any other office in the West. Those in need of any class of Job Printing should call on THE NEWS -RECORD, Albert Street, Clinton CLINTON FURNITURE WARDROOMS. For the House Cleaning season we have a complete Stock of BEDROOM SUITS, DINING ROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, ODD CHAIRS, CENTRE TABLES HALL RACKS, PICTURES, PICTURE MOULDING, CURTAIN POLES, Etc. Etc., We handle no trashy Furniture, yet our prices are away down. Call and inspect our Stock whether you wish' to buy or not.' JOS1311-1. OPT IDT --3 Y_ Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. FOR GOOD ENVELOPES The NewsleeordFOR FINEST PL DS FOR NICE BILL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING 'THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALT, DEPARTMENTS TIES CELEBRATED Ideal Wasfler *,1 andWrnger. TUE BEST IN THE MARKET Machines Allowed • 011 'Trial am also agent for all -All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill. Call and see ate. J. B. WEIR, CLINTON J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new model. thTAll these makes In key and stem winders; (,Also pendant set watehes.l J. BIDDLECOMBE, !CLINTON. GODERICH MARE WORKS, J. C. Stevenson. Furniture Dealer, Clinton,dis our agent for Clutton and vicinity. W. M. Mohring, ofjBenmillcr, is our Travelling' agent. Orders entrusted to either of the above will have our best attention. Monuments supplied in C tNADIAN, SCOTCH, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites, a well as in all varieties of marble. Give Mr.l Stevenson a nail before) ordering elsewhere. JOHN A. RORER NON. Manager. CAUTION. EACH PLUG OF.THE` jTlijrt.Ie Nagy IS MARKED T. & B. IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE. Now Blacksmith Shop GEORGE TROWHILL has Opened out a gen• eral Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Gouley, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert b t street Clinton, Ont. Blacicsmith and iron Work in all its branches. Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and sane• faction guaranteed. The public aro invited to call before ordering any class of work in the above lines. 407—tf GEORGE TROWHILL Seel BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub. scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send U8 RELIABLE news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive meir paper regularly from the carrier or thrtugh their. local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions may commence at any time. , ADVERTiSERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has fewquals in Ontario. Our books are open to those tvho mean business. JOB PRINTING. The Job Eeiartrnent of this jour• . • nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very lom prices. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS DEMON PATENTS COPVRICI-IT$, etc. Porinformation&a35 BROADWAY,Nfw YORrc. Oldest 1>nrenu CO.,for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by its 1s brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the grienti t rncrh n Largest eircnlat}o of any scientific paper in ebo world. Splendid Must-n,,ed. No 1ntefl gent man should bo thout it. Weekly. 83.00 a -near; $1.50 six months. Address MU & CO_ lit n aseaas, WI Broadway. New Fork. SPENCF11 STEEL PENS. ARE THE BEST. Established 1860.fiOR Works, ENGLAND.4 Expert Writers Ie. i FOR Accoun- tants. Verns. pendants Bold Writing Basi" 11055 . Sold by STATIONERS Everywhere. Samples FREE on receipt of return postage 2With SPENCERIAN PEN Ga., Bin BROADWAY. .,