HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-11-09, Page 5r r�r SP EC1AL,NOTICE. q it1 ' t0 tie cal to p to , dlosol> tion, ext the bear fatrtirai . pi' the prig ting anld ulalis1ing rz. of Whitely & Todd, all accounts '-(tlte the frba • xiuustr ba paid ler °NOE, Gall at the aloe or Vomit by Registered Letter or Post Off-ioe Order, WHITELY dv TODD. Clinton, August 18th, 1882. he Huron Neves' Reoord 'l.be a Yoer--S1•Zb to Advance. 1Vo/lnostlay, piny, f9t1t, 1802. Llucknow. The roads are very bad as a re, suit of so much heavy teaming. • It bus been . very ,cbld' here this week. So extreme was the frost many apples are lost. As many se 15 cars of apples daily have been shipped from this station. This year about 50 thous- and barrels in---all--will be shipped from her aru+Nded to its utmost t)apoolty, Slituo of Qnr petit►ons w110 t9Q in the haat • .sacral ort. $atutday evonittg iu lielgr•ave prutUQOPPO It a grated auoneaa ationotally ,anti H. 7. D. oOUtirE. nAa9teree, $>1LIOITOn, NOTAa2 rc>jz•.t0, eoevewroea. as. ,- ,Jon's'no TAND. - -- oaloo oRo door northlof trio bank, cameosbeauee, Burnt. ISO Apple` p here and ti yet. There ere here, a Clinton. H. and he is He fell from and was a lift and cracked j•1 Everybody loo when there 18 Anne, except sev bought their When any one agently remarks : ,paid for that." ticking is nil the rage ere are a lot to Peck up are a great many buy– nong them one from s name is Chtyles I -Ian - packing for Cautolon. a tree, about 25 feet, le stiff, but worked kgs just the s -lino. ks eagerly for "Chas " any business to be oral who think he apples too cheap, its him about it ho "Oh , well, I was In and About Uuron county. 1040.4 a shall bole on the op Vfimi» for to that taido by a bullet, Re woks knocked eeneelene,, and had it slotboon for the presonee tit hie cost~ pauion, who e;Etirlgniabed the tine, bo would in .ail irohtlity Irma t Leen burnt to. ,tl.eath." —.1111,,' Itlownt. passed an act levy,, ing sucoeeslou duties on bequests over and above a certain amount, The will of the late Idugl► Moore of Dundas, eyuJea Mr. Mowat's Aot. He was worth about $250,000, yet his will'd f tl distribution $91.098,50, lust a little less of only —Mr. A. Burnham, Galt, . grew I than tl this year a turnip rooted blood heat measuring 2Q- inches in circumfer- ence and weighing 5 ; lbs. _.About 25.000 barrels of apple: have been shipped from the G. T. R station, Goderiob, thus far this !dee- pen, and the end is not yet. —The death of Alfred H. Ayles- worth, eldest eon of P. P. Ayles– worth, of the Gth..conceeeiod of Ho• wick township, took place on Mon- day last of iufiawulation, —Robert Menzies has disposed of his farm, north halves Of lote 7 and 8, con. 13, containing 115 acres, to Conrad Engel, of Grey township. The price received was $4,000. --The Globe of Thursday last con• tallied the following paragraph :— tt11r•. E. S. O'Connor, barrister, of Walkerton, and brother of Mr. H. P. O'Connor, M. P. P. for South Bruce, 'has been appointed sheriff of Druc.1, in .tlai place of Mr. Wm. Sutton, recently resigned. . —The shipment of apples from Luelcnuw this season is solltetlliu). euornnons, Up to Thursday 28,780 barrels had left by train and fully 5,000 more were waiting shipment Half the apples/grown in this section hU''o riot yet been brought in, and it is ,rstimate,l that fully $150,000 will be paid out for apples delivered in Lucknow this season. Structure rlii11 The standing of t public school for 0 lows 5th.—Wm. E. Mil 4th --Rosie Wright,\ son, Wm. Mair. 3rd—Mabel Stieppar ston, Ethel Jordan. Sr.12ud—Frances Oa Murphy, Blanche Melly Jr. 2nd--Olie McIly Joidau, Alfred Butt. II. part—Jane Wrig Granger, Olive Hill. I. part—Minnie Kelty, Jae phy, Eddie Ball. The Women,e Auxiliary work at Mrs.'Miller's on T the 3rc. inst. Mr. Thos. Farquhar, of Green, was a visitor at G Kilty's on the 1st iust. Hallow eve passed of very-q'i here. No pernicious' or pl pranks were perpetuated on people. Our boys deserve ' m praise. • Mr. Henry M.Vettie is viaitine old friends here, May his shadow nev grow lees. L. 0. L. No. 299 will hold a rev arch meeting on Friday evening the IS: inst. The brethren are cordially invite to meet on this occasion. • re pupils of the tcber is as fol - ler. 7iunieThomp d, Eva John- kes, Meddle en, eon, Win. ht, Ernest eie Mur 'net for hursduy Hills M. ietly yful our uch his er proof es or to 110Tgai. ;.L ,.arge peat. bads .ace..eaid to exit�.t to \holt' Zootgwuship, canals oA7Z Clxford, . r, O. Fiig'�ay, a well,tu.do facltl,ett, �.1rOvvilcd- )imeulf at Mount' Ploaattnt, frit, on `.l`i►tiredny >aipit.t, .Burglar's blew open the safe at the Grand Ttunit station in Harris ton on Thursday night and got about $20. —Fifteen carloads of caftio frown the ranch of Right. Hon., Sir Stave- l.y, Q., M. P., arrived in to amount which would conte '1'oronw Saturday. —The jury in the Lender Smyth case, iu London, have returned a verdict allowing -.£500 damages to Mrs. Leader. —Andrew Dalt, killed in the C. 1?. R. yards, Winnipeg. last Friday night. came there 10 ago. He was formerly a resident of London Ont. —In the supreme Court last Fri- - I day at Ottawa the argument in Platt vs. G. T. It. was concluded. Judg- ment was reserved.. under the operation of the Amt. He apportioned the balance of his for• tune among his heirs' before hie death. If intentioned 1t was a shrewd idea. —Last Sunday John Mooney, of Morris, let out his horses to have a run in a pasture Iield. In the even- ing his sou wont after tllelti and 1 he animals started on a run along the field next the lane. All of a sad den 'a l d and f up to last. vertb stead: to kt most was a by W that serio a go Nort The finge joint at t hand were and is ex able this bur tine chestnut mare a tppe ell and when Mr. Mooitey.got her she was just breathing her She had broken her neck, the eras being severed•close to the The beast dill not even offer ck after elm fell. It was a peculiar accident as the field a level as the floor. A. letter was received last week n.. Ellie, of Brussels, stating hie son John, who wan so usly injured by the explosion of solene stove, at Thompson, h Dakota, is slowly improving. doctors amputated the four rs of the left Land at the second and thumb of the seine hand lie first j tiet. On the right the third and fourth fingers taken off at the second joint the thumb at the first joint. It pected that the patient will be to conte home about the end of month. Five of the scv6n men ned have died. —"Ir. Thomas Anderson, of Dun- gannon, wha was gored by a bull a: the fall show at .Lucknow, is still in a critical condition at the residence of Mr. James Lindsay, Lucknow. Two of his ribs were broken, and it is feared he is also seriously injured internally, and from the effects of which inflammation way set in, —Golden, B. C., is excited over —1'Irs. Elgin B. Palmer, a mother of four children and a wife of a re- spected farmer, Elgin B. -Palmer treasurer of the school section, Quaker street, Norwich, suicided by hanging lust evening. The unfor• tuners woman had been unwell of late, and though suffering Much pain at times,none suspected that she was insane. Mr. Palmer waa away from home at the time helping a neighbor with a load of furniture. The de-. ceased was only 35 years of age. Blyth On Monday the ,Cosgrove family give a concert in Industry Hall, under the auspices of the Blyth Fire Company, to a fair audience. Our fire company was ,out for practice on Friday evening. There is an agitation on foot to lsghten our darkness by electricity. Let us have it as soon as possible. h Divine service is to be held in Trinity Church on Thanksgiving day at 10.30 p. m.' Anniversary service of opening the )<Iethodist church at 2.30 p. m. Rev. Willoughby of Toronto is to be the preacher after which a dinner is to be provided by the„ ladies of the church. In the even- ing addresses will ;be delivered by guests several ministers from a distance cue repay and the local clergy. The excellent spent in a choir of the church will render some and singi choice music at.. intery 1s. The costly prea collection and admissiono dinner hest and in aid of church funds. broke up Mrs. Erwin of Jackson, Michi- wishing Mr. gan, formerly of this town, is visit– happy return in,g her sister Mrs. L. H. Shane at —Arthur present. accident occur —Mrs. Annie Gould, wife of William Gould, Woodstock, action maker at D. W. Kern & Co., had been ill for some time, and during the last few days appeared very melancholy. She was attended dur• ing her illness by her sister-in-law, but last night managed to get some Paris green, which had been secreted by her husband under the verandah in the summer time, and thus elided Ler worldly sufferings. Deceased had been married seven years, and always lived on the most happy terms with her husband. —A serious shooting affair took place in the neighborhood of Hick- son, Oxford Co., while Robert 'Lange don formerly of Woodstock, in com- pany with Lappin and others, was out having s day's sport in the woods, Langdon while reloading his double barrel shot gen, allowed the fire arm to slip off a log, which caused the discharge of one of the barrels. The contents entered hie leg above the knee. A. doctoa was immediate- ly sent for and extracted the charge. Some of his clothing was forced into the wound. Mr. Langdon is in a ritical state. There is great danger f blood poisoning. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrsotod every Tuoedtry afternoon.) CLINTON. Fall Wheat, old... 0 65 to 0 68 Fall Wheat, new.... 0 64 to 0 67 Spring Wheat Barley Oats.. Peas Apples,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes, per bush 0 30 to 0 40 Butter .. 0 16 to 0 17 Eggs, per lb 0 09 to 0 09 Hay 6 00 to 6 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef .. 0 00 to 0 00 Wool ,... 0 18 to 0 00 Dressed hogs 5 00 to 5 25 062 to 065 ..C85to040 3 27 to 0 28 . 056 to 057 No time to write advertise- ments. Stock fully assorted in all lines, town. c 0 d a Ea rela 10 0 the t lows. clesir champ played Morris J. Salle ing Gre points one of the greatest mineral dis- coveries ever made in Canada. A. party consisting of Mr. A. P. Cutin mings, gold commissioner ; Messrs. W. C. and J. I1. Wood and Mr. Leslie Hill, M. E , have returned from Fort Steel, on the St. Mary's riser, 300 miles above which the find is situated. Tie vein consists of solid steel- galena, measuring, as for as uncovered, 23 feet and some inches across. The lead is called "The North Star," and the assay certificate gives 50.06 ounces per ton. It will probably uncover a mine of silver almost unequalled in extent and comparative richness by any silver property in America. —Mr. S. Crane,son of Tilos. Crane of Albemarle, was arrested at Wier - ton. Bruce county, on Saturday morning and brought before his wog p, V P k on a cl y — Cheapest Goods in PLUM STEEL - AND - GIBBINGS, MONTREAL MOUSE, Clinton, November 7th, 1892. Cook's Flour & Feed Store. Honest Value in all lines. Don't pass this established and reliable store when you want • CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR, MEALS, GRAINS, or CURED HEATS. Quality Al and prices as low as any in town. We give 10 lbs. of choice rolled Oatmeal for a bushel of oats. Call and see its. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. D. COOK, - CLINTON. —A Colborne township correspon nt writes:—Friday, Oct. 21st, was gala day at Maplewood Farm. rly in the afternoon the many tives and friends began to arrive elebrat@.the 25th anniversary of marriage of Thos. and Mrs. Sal-. The day was all that cduld be. d. During the afternoon a ionship game of quoits was between D. Wise and A. representing Colborne, and ws and 0. Smith represent - y. The latter won by 21 o 14. In the eveuiug the were treated to a suntptu t after which the time was (364interconrse,recitations g, Many numerous and este were presented to the hostess. The company about one o'clock. after and Mrs. Sallowe many s of the day. Mr. John Brownlee of the Forest City iu visiting under the parental roof at, present. Owing to so much rain our public highways are in a terrible condi– A. McArthur other day. A of Port Elgin, thur's to mak taking out wood tion. He brought his At the Nit meeting of Y.P.C.A. asked Mr. McA of Trinity"Church the following fin, to the woode officers were elected : Miss Tena Mr. McArthur wa Morgan, President; Miss Bertie got a neighbor, M Higley V. C. P ; Miss Lena Emigh, to go with Gal -row. Secty.; Mies Harriet Howard, Tress ; a thunderstorm ca Mise Mary Bell, Organist. lightning struck a la The Xmas tree and entertainment agaim.t which Davi in connection with Trinity Church ing with a gun undo S. S. is to be held on Friday before tett it feom the rails. Xmas. ran down the tree, st Anniversary services were con– on the shoulder runn ducted in the Methodist Church on body to the front and Sunday last, Rev. Mr. Handers of charged his gun. It Kincardine being the preacher. leg and out at his foo In the evening the edifice was outer side of the shoe to nterprise:--•"A pecular red on the farm of Mr in Bruce township the man named Garrow came to Mr. McAr- e arrangements for during the winter. 'run • with him and rthur to accompany in search of game. s unable to go, but alcom Davidson, Whilein woods me up and the rge hemlock tree son was stand - bis coat to pro. The lightning ruck Davidson ing down his rear, and'•dis• ran down his tearing the pieces, and agent, Montreal, died yesterday. u tl w M 0 isa p 9 t anti Mr. C. ar , large of criminally assaulting a oung woman of 16 years of age arced Mary Tunstead. It appears is young woman has been living ith her married sister Mrs. A.. cBride in the village for some time. n Friday evening last Crane, who a life insnrance agent and who was cquainted with McBride, accom- anied him to his home, and after taying till after the evening meal McBride and wife prepared to leave he house to go to a gathering in the Methodist church. When leaving the ouse Crane accompanied them eaving the girl alone in the house, at• he left the couple soon after hey, arrived in the street. The irl who is not of the most rugged onstitutiou, having had 'something ike a paralytic stroke on one aide making one arm very weak and al- most powerless, says in her evidence which is not at for publication, but the synopsis of which is that after the three had left the house Crane came back and gave her some candies, he then turned down the lamp and pulled her down on the lounge and attempted to take im- proper liberties with her. She however struggled and broke away from him,this occurred several times until Crane thought he heard Mc- Bride and his wife returning and left without accomplishing hie purpose. When the sister and her husband came home they found the girl in tears, she related to her sister what had occurred who told her husband and he at once ha 1 a war- rant issued for Crane's arrest, and the next day Crane was tried and committed to stand his trial at Walkerton. He however was per mitted out on $-t00 bail. Very little sympathy is felt for Crane as he had made profession to be lead, ing a life that was above suspicion, which was used as a cloak to com• mit the acts of a libertine which not only brings disgrace upon him- self but tends to bring reproacb upon the cause that he profeaeed to espouse. Crane will be tried be- fore the Judge and it will take place at once. It 1 b t f3 c 0 IF YOU • Are going to MONTREAL. Use the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Or to OTTAWA USE THE C.P.R. Or to DETROIT THE HUB GROCERY. USE THE C.P.R. Or to CHICAo ®USE THE C.P.R. Or to MANITOBA It will pay you if you wish,, comfort and accommodation. A. T. Cooper, Agent, Clinton 0. Sugar is on the Advance. We have a Carload of Extra Standard Granulated Which we offer at W ROLESA,LE PRICES in barrel Tote=also a reduction by the 100 lbs. Now is THE TIME to buy your Sugar for preserving Fruit. fUrae Hillwattie Tea always on hand. I T' Orders taken for best Scranton Coal. The People's Column. ar Advertisements under this heading 81 for first month, and 60c. each subsequent month. TO FARMERS AND BREEDERS OF PiGS. o -- Geo. an n t The subscrivor will keep for service a pure bred Chester white Boar which took the liret pprize at Seatorth and kClinton shows in 1892, was at Toronto in 1891. red from a Boar 'Terms : $1lat took .00 cash. he first prize at 729.4t. J. STANBURY, Proprietor. NEW BUTCHER SHOP �V WHEATLEY & FINCH - We have Opened out for business on HURON STREET, CLINTON, and will bo pleased to sup- ply the wants of all In all kinds of meat [Ian poultry in season at the lowest living p Highest cash price paid for Iiides,Sheepskins, &c. Patronage respectfully II 727—tf. EATLEY b- FINCH. T A ONEY TO LOAN. On farm property at 5i per cent. A. HARTT to C. Clinton, REM :I'VAL J. W. Irwin, the Grocer, has removed- to . the New McKay Block. AFTER 20 YEARS Experience and competition against all comers The New, Improved Radiant Home Coal Stoves, Happy Thought Kitchen Ranges and Leader Furnaces still lead. AND WHY? Because they give more heat and consume Less coal than any other stoves manufactured. Just think of it, 40,000 Canadian homes heated with Canada's Favorite Stoves and Ranges. COAL_LEHIGH VALLEY COAL—Ten more cars from this celebrated mine expected every day. Place your orders at once and get the advantage of old prices before it advances. NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re• gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and falls to report to me I shall at once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning i shall give. CAPT. Whf. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, Goderich. Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. -DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three one.acre lots in the Town of Clinton are offered for Bale. They are situated on Raglan street, not far from the Doherty Organ Factory and Collegiate Institute, adjoining the former residence of Mr. .1. H. Combe and in the neigh. borhood of first-class residences. For terms, ate., apply to tt ARTHUR KNOX, Clinton. 8el SERVANT WANTED. Enquire at once of Mrs. Dr. Campbell, Seaforth, Ont. A middle ageL woman preferred. HARLAND BRO S-, ron and Hardware Merchants, — — — — CLINTON awn. anstseasee New Fall Tailoring Goods. ---o— T. JACKSON, Sr., has placed in stock Complete Lines of Choice Fall and Winter Tailoring Goods Being a cutter of long experience, satisfaction is guaranteed. We can suit you in quality and price for Pants, a Suit or Overcoat. Perfect cuts and unsurpassedl.e trimmings. order. Workmanship -- TEACHER WANTED. A female teacher, second or third class cer- tlficate•to teach in S. S. No. 4 Mullett, Apply to George Ruddell, Sec. Treas., Londesborough poet office, stating salary. Duties to commence the 2nd Januar-, 1893. 0,000 BBLS. APPLFS WANTED. CANTELON, OF CLINTON, wants 60,000 D, barrels of Fall and Winter Apples p. les for —Walter Wiley, G. T. freight your ayour for Cantelohich the best market nrand save ice will bmoe ney D. OANTELON, Clinton. T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. FOOOFios ! :-: roeeries ! Fruits, Peels,' Canned Goods, Teas, (to. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. Tic Nos -record for Pri11111 •