HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-10-26, Page 8S.1 LW
.• CURE,
This (MEAT count •CUR1q, thin
iewitbont a parallel in the btt.tocyy of
medicine, All druggists are author-
ized to bell it on a positive guarantee,
$ test that no other cure eau success-
fully stand. If you have a Cough,
Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for
it wil) cure you. It your child has
the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief is sure. If you
dread that insidious disease CON'.
SUMPTION, don't foil to use it, it
will cure you or cost nothing. Ask
your Druggist -'for SHILOH'S CURE,
Price 10 ots., 60 ate. and 91.00. If
your Lime are sore or Back lame,
use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25 ots.
A man may go from Clinton to
Toronto without riding in the care.
It will take him•a long time to walk,
but he saves his oar fare.
The thing looks economical, but is
really extravagance.
A man can' often do without a
doctor when he is sick, and do with-
out quack nostrums particularly, if
he will only economize by having a
little Fine Whiskey, Brandy or Wine
at the proper time.
And and it is foolish economy to
he without that which is likely to be
pirescribed for you.
We have what you want in Ales,
Porter, Whiskies, Brandies, Wines,
etc., etc., in wood and bottle.
We keep in stook ,the very beat
and sell at the lowest living profit
The correct and safest economy is to
always buy from us.
To Advertisers.
All changes of Advertisements, ,to
insure insertion in the current issue,
must be received at the once not later
than Monday noon. Copy for
changes received later than Monday
noon will hereafter be at the Adver-
tiser's own risk.
WHITELY .& TODD, Publishers.
Thelf uron Neius-Record
1.64 a Tear -11146 to Advance,
Wednesday Oct. 26th, 1892
In and Around the IRub,
gran alk.
LscAr. NOTICES.—All notices In these
columns of Meetings or entertainments,
previous to holding of the same,at which
an admission feeis charged,orfrom which
a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will
be charged at the .rate of ten cents per
J. W. IRwrv, grocer, has removed
to the Mc$ey Block and is now
ready for businesr in the handsome
corner store.
OH, WHAT A COUGH 1—Will you
heed the warning. The signal per-
haps of the sure approach of that
more terrible disease Consumption.
Ask yourself if you can afford for the
sake of saving 50c., to run the risk
and do nothing for it. We know
from experience that Shiloh's Cure
will oure your cough. It never fails
Call and see J. W. Iawne, grocer,
in the corner store of the new Mc-
Kay Block.
An active and ,trustworthy boy can
find profitable employment at. Tee
NEWS -RECORD office.
J. W. IRwIN will be pleased to
meet all old customers and many
new ones in the new corner store,
McKay Block.
MHCHANIl0S' and laboring men
are in great demand thie fall.
Building operations and the apple
business is the reason.
,THE "GOOD" MAN.—A newspaper
man in Wiarton on accepting re-
ligion has ceased publishing his
paper. It was probably the only
way he could get rid of the "devil"
—and delinquents.
VITRIFIED BRICK 18 recommended
by Engineer Haskins of Hamilton
ae ahead of all other material for
pavements. WhateayeThomas East
about letting the world know
whether he can manufacture them.
The vitrifying process eousiste in a
liberal use of salt. Salt is cheap in
railway line between London and
Bayfield has been considered un-
favorably by President Van Horne,
on the grounds that the connection
with the south end of Lake Huron,
in the vicinity, of Sarnia, would be
more useful to the C. P. R. So
says the London Free Press. It i
now in order for capitalists of Bay-
field to take stepe to secure electric
railway connection with the outside
world. They might possibly in-
terest Clintoniane in the project.
Here's a pointer for Mr. John
uisAINT, $oWe10ber. I0114a 1.sa
l eo>o prkelahn,4 Thenkeg ing days
Mifxt' ;itr, -.-Til, towel; 16#
ie $4l ,mietake4 when it pare VIA
NAIYI.AI0Q1t1) 44.1014014$1.!'' W. II.
Magraekon. Tbie jam*, dose not
deal lin "sort 4.o.optt or "logy." Sure,
ly tha Poet will Bare a libel suit on
hand for slandering eueb a famous
and handsome gentleman ae W. H.
LET THE Duo REsT.—Through
the letter "s" dropping from the
printers' form, our mention refer.
ring to a "Memorial Service," last
week, read "Mr." instead of "Mre,"
Our Isaac street cotem takes ad.
vantage of this to make a very sharp
point i The deceased was an up.
right, Christian lady, and we do not
think our totem's "sharpness" will
disturb the silent. By all means
let the dead rest
A COINCIDENOE--A correspon-
dent, who is an old angler for black
bass calls attention to the fact that
in his experience during September
and October he has found that the
fish of thia. epecies taken in these
months are mostly females. Pos-
sibly a similar experience has be-
fallen other black base fishermen.
A single recorded instance may be
only a coincidence, but if others
have noted the same thing it may
have some value in forming a
definite conclusion.
WATERWORKS s.re needed in Clin-
ton. Lindsay, a town about the
size of Clinton, has just completed
getting a supply, bringing it seven
miles. Town Engineer Weeks
could do worse than employ his
spare time in prospecting for the
source of a possible supply. A
reasonably feasible project ehould
meet with the approval of our
citizens. If we intend to maintain
our present factories and wish to
secure others we shall have to
obtain some other source of water
supply other than the primitive well
Tows CouNcIL.—There was a
meeting of the Council last Thurs-
day. It was called for the purpose
of considering a supplementary
grant, in addition to the $100
already given, to complete the park
improvements. An additional sum
of $75 was granted to be all used in
case it should be required. The
Mayor and deputy•reeve Kennedy
brought before the Council the
advisability of the town purchasing
enough land adjoining the park
from Mr. James Fair, to fit up a
suitable half mile track for show and
driving purposes but no action was
APPLES.—Mr. J. B. Hambidge.
of Aylmer, has got now where he
can give a very close idea as to the
quantity of apples which he will
this season export to Britain, and it
represents a lot of money, work and
figuring. He will handle in the
neighborhood of 25,000 to 30,000
barrels. The principal points from
which he will ship, and the number
of barrels are as follows :—Stouff
ville, from 6,000 to 7,000 bbls.;
Mildmay, from 3,000 to 5,000 bble.;
Port Elgin, from 3,000 to 4,000
bbls.; Kincardine, from 8,000 to
9,000 bbls.; Aylmer, Port Stanley
and St. Thomas, 6,000 to 7,000 bbls.
This means between $40,000 and
$50,000 in hard cash.
Hays, the popular young barrister,
of Seaforth, and well kuown in
Brussels, was united in marriage to
Mies Shane, of Blyth, on Wednes-
day of this week. • Lieut. (Dr.) J.
W. Shaw, of Clinton, bravely stood
by the Capt. through the trying
ordeal. The Post hopes that the
solemn covenant entered into by
the party of the first part and the
pledges made by the party of the
second part will not put an end to
courting but that the aforesaid prin-
cipals will have health and happi-
ness in their new' relation. Capt.
Hays will be the home guard now.
Dr. Shaw will soon have to haul
down this flag and go over to the
PRESS POINTS.—Tire Farmer's
Advocate, Loudon, one of the best
publications of the kind in Canada,
is about to make another onward
stride. At the new year it will be
issued semi-monthly from new type,
enlarged, and many new features
added. The subscription price will
remain the same.—The Galt Re-
former has been greatly enlarged
and improved. The new owner,
Andrew Laidlaw, lately •of the
Woodstock Sentinel -Review, is a
capable business and newspaper
man and the Reformer is good avid•
enoe of it.—Canada is a neat 32 -
column monthly issued at Hampton,
N. B., and enters upon the third year
with November. The prise is 50
cents a year, but we will give Can-
ada and THE NEws•REcoRn for
$1.25 a year in advance.—The
premium with the Toronto Weekly
Empire is attracting universal atten-
tion and admiration. Call and see
it at this office. THE NEws-RE-
CORD and Empire, with premium,
for $2 a year.—The weekly Globe
can also be secured at this 6ffice.
The Globe to January, 1894, and
THE NEWS -RECORD for one year for
Presbyterian Church
in the Dominion of Canada should be owned
and, read by every Canadian Presbyterian.
The author is
Rev. Dr. Gregg, A. M., D. D.
There is a ,large amount of useful information in this
book and the price is only one dollar.
For sale at
Robins -:-Bros.,
Book Store,and News Depot, Clinton.
Now is a good time to subscribe for your favorite
Newspaper for next year.
4 -
Millinery Department fully assorted with the best and
lowest prices. From us all the latest styles may be had.
Just opened,
New Flannelettes — low prices, Blankets,
Boy's Shirts and Drawers, all sizes,
exceptional value.
A lot of goods turned quick at a close margin is plenty
good enough for us. Now is the time to buy a Al goods
—no better, quality for quality, at very close to manufac-
turer's prices. We do business to live, we live to do
business, and the way to do it is to offer the very best
grades of goods at .prices that make them move. Com-
mencing right now, we are going to give BARGAINS to
all comers until the goods are all gone. Where do you
come in on this chance ? There must be l;omething you
need and now is the grand opportunity for you to get
goods cheap.
Tile Ladies' Favorite Establishment
The Great Millinery and dry -Goods Emporium.
HOME."—There was a large con-
gregation on Sunday evening last
at the Ontario Street Methodist
•Church to hear the sermon by Rev.
Mr. Smyth on the subject of "The
Boy Who Stayed at Home." The
basis of the -sermon -was- from the
Prodigal Son, commending the
elder brother who had stayed at
home, making it applicable to the
person who from his youth engaged
in the service of Chriat. The Pro-
digal, though welcome home, had
on him the stains of disease, the re-
sult of a life spent in riotous living
that could never be regained. So
with the sinner who has spent the
best part of his life in sin. By
God's grace he may be saved,
though he can never recall the sine
committed. The sinner must car•
fainly reap the fruits of a misspent
life. THE NEWS -RECORD would
like to see the whole eermou in
print, particularly for the benefit of
young men. The Ontario Street
church should have to feel proud of
such a zealous and faithful pastor as
Rev. W. Smyth.
MONEY LOST.—Arthur Couch has
lost a pocket book containing a
considerable sum of money.
speed race between "Sleepy . Joe"..
afid "Daiey F." will take plane at
Goderich to -day. There will be a
good delegation present from Clin-
ton. Messrs. Joseph Copp and
Jonathan Miller have been chosen
as two of the judges, they to name
the third.
dian Order of Foresters still c'n•
Untie to prosper. Tomorrow eve
ing two initiativna are expected,
THE NEWS -RECORD is pleased to
learn of this. It will now be
in order for the Era to state
positively to its readers that
THE NEWS-REOORD is not cor-
rect •and that the officers of the court
do not know anything about the
"inner business." Facts are stub-
born things to dual with, though.
kg 0
The experienced eye of our buyer is ever
open and watching the markets. The re-
sult has been that last week our Mr. W.
JACKSON purchased some Boy's Clothing at
very low figures. We show at any time of
the year the best quality and the largest
quantity of ready -for -use Clothing in Huron
at prices unapproachable.
THE SPECJALTIES we°'offer now are 2 lines
of Suits at *2 and *3.
Everybody needing anything in Clothing should not fail
to see us.
On Saturday we received a new line of
Young Kisses Tam ®'$banters, a
very new thing.
OUR FUR STOCK is now complete. Finest assort-
ment, largest quantity, closest prices.
The Noted Hatters,Clothiers and Furnishers,
Clinton and Seaforth.
We are anxious to impress you with
the fact that we carry one of the
largest and most varied stocks of
Dress Goods and Trimmings to be
found in this section, that we arkle
constantly receiving New Goods, tl rt
we show the best assortment, d
that our prices are such as conimend
them to close buyers.
If yon have not bought°'your Fall
Dress, it would be wisdom to do so
now. You will have a much better
assortment toichoose from than if you
put it off till later in the season.
The choice things go first—you might
as well have them as somebody else.
You want the best assortment, the
newest goods, and the best values ta;
be lead—therefore see our stock be-
fore you buy. ,
The Goods are Right -
The Colors and Patterns are Right.
The Prices are Right.
our Fall - -Ia ilt..�, -;-
Have you bought it yet? If not, i
justice to yourself you should see oil*
magnificent stock of Ready -Made
Mantles and Mantle Cloths before
you do.
One Price and five per cent. off for cash.
Estate J. Hoi1es