HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-10-26, Page 5'H: The Moro M PIews /'ecQr d. $1.50 s Y014(-41.21/ ft Advgaoa, ' W.eil esdao,y, Oct. 1892. .Goderich • gr. Harry Clucas was in town Ads 'week. Judge Toms has been, granted 'fOUr months. leave of absence. The fishiug tug Siehvld lies lifted her nets and laid up fur the season. Miss Farlinger of Morrisburg was in town on Thursday. Mr. R. Wilson, of Seaforth, was to Goderich last week. Mr. S. A Moffet, of Varna. visit. 4 ed the couuty towu on Friday. Miss Mary Potts, of Dungannon, was-in-to-rwn-ou-Saturl.tey .__--- Hon. A. M., and Mre. Ross left last weak for Toronto. The town Council held its regular session on Friday eveuing. Parch beve been hooked by thoesauds the past weak, Ite`v, Canon Young, left for his new charge, Siraeoe, last Friday. Mr. C. Crofts, of Loudon Wet) in town the past week. Mr. S. D. White, of `Clinton, won in the County town this week. Mr. D.F. Macpherson, of Clinton, was in Goderich on Monday. ° Mies and Miss Nellie Weston, of London, are the guestsof the Misses Cattle. Just before noon on Monday the fire alarm was sounded but the turn 'out was caused by a little smoke. One of the scows connected with the dredge was hauled on to the Wand last `week for repairs. Mr. R. B, Holland, of Dun- gannon was in the county town on Friday. Mr. and Mre, Goo: D. McTaggart, of Clinton, were iu the circular town last Thursday. Judge Doyle held Division Court in .Bayfield on Friday and Dungan- non on Saturday. The close season for white fish and trout commences next Thurs- day. , Regular meeting of Liverpool lodge, Sons of England Benevolent Society, this evening. The Steamer United Empire when in. port last Thursday loaded a very large quautiity of freight. Mr. H. Meyers, Q. C,, of Wing— ham was in town this week, having returned from his visit to Japan and British Columbia. Messrs. W. Rnteon, Pretty and Walter Shannon leave this week' for the Bruce Peninsula on a deer expedition. Capt. McGregor has been appoint- ed a Fishery officer for Outario and will this week comul•issiou the Ste Btyfield for cruising 'lee Georgian Bsy and Lake Huron. Rev. Mark Turnbull, the recent- ly appointed rector of St. Georges, conducted both services on Sunday. The Rev. gentleman's reading and pulpit ditmourses were most pleasing to the congregation. The Collegiate Institute pupils will holiday°on Friday afternoon. Games will be enjoyed on the Agricultural grounds, and an en- tertainment, at which the prizes won will be presented, in the evening. Miss Cooke's musicale on Monday evening in the Grand Opera was largely attended by her one time pupils and their friends. Tha pro- gramme was an excellent one, Miss Cooke'spupils furnishing every num- ber on it. The lady leaves this week en -route for her new home, with .the best wishes of her many friends in this' vicinity: On Thursday evening at a meet- ing of St. George's congregation the Rev. Canon Young, B. D., was presented with an address on his re- tirement from the parish. The addresa was accompanied with a very handsome clock. Mr. R. Radcliffe presided. Mr. C. Seager read the address to which the re- cipient replied in an appropriate faro;vell speech. On -Friday evening a grand cam• plimentary farewell concert was given to Miss Jennie Cook, on her leaving Goderich. Thera was a good audience and a splendid pro- gramme, each member of which was heartily applauded and deservedly encored. A feature of the evening was the appearance of Mies Acheson whose recitations proved her to be an elocutionist of high grade, the vocalieta and instrumentaliets be. ing well known to Goderich audi- ences, it is only needful to state that their previously won honors+ were not bedimmed by their efforts on thio occasion. The f,llowing was the pragramme presented :— Quartette, "Como, Rise With the Lark," Misses 0. and E. Wilkinson, MacCormac, Doyle and Acheson Solo, "The Owl," E. C. Belcher ; Solo, (Violin obligato) "Waiting," Miss Ora Wilkinson, S. McV. Llbyd ; Recitation. "A Second Trial," Mise Acheson ; Solo, "Good Bye, Sweetheart," Arthur Dymock, Solo, "Down Deep in the Cellar," E. C. Belcher ; Solo, "Bitter Sweet," Miss MacCormac ; Duet, "Emblem of Constancy," Miss Cooke and Arthur Dymook; Recitation, Select- ed, Mise Acheson ; Solo, (Violin { Carriage' Fwtory. BUUG1GtIES, PHAETONS) CI.tt'TS AND WA(0NS—all of the beat wont.. manship ao 1 raptorial. Aer4.11 the latest styles' and most modern improve. manta. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to putt the times, SentACTORY—ooraer:Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y obligate) "Ave Maria," Arthur Dyinock, S. MoV. Lloyd; Quartette, "Where the Wild Flowers Bloom," Mieses MaoCormao and Acheson, and Messrs. Dy mock and Belcher. God Save the Queen. Brussels. Mies Lillian Ainley has returned from a visit at New Haml.urg. .Mise B. ii eKibbin, of Walton, is vieitiug iu town, Miss Pelton of Innerkip is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. R. G. Wilson. Tom Hueter has purchased a hardware bnsiuess in Fordwick. He took possession last week. The eclipse of the sun on Thurse day of hist week brought smoked glass into fashion for the day. Rev. John Ross, Mrs. Tufts and Mrs. G. R. Wilson attended the Christian Endeavor Convention held in London last week. Elder Stewart and Mre, J. Kerr will represent Melville Church Sun- day School at the Convention to be held in Guelph this week. Ambrose Ruehty has gone to New Hamburg where he will take charge of a bankrupt atock recently purchased by W. Nightingale of this place. E. W. Nelson, of the Ronald Works, arrived home from Leth- bridge, Mao., last week where he delivered one of Ronald's celebrate 1 fire engines. Applea are the principal article of commerce at the depot. Thous- ands of barrels have been deliver- ed at this station this fall. The demand, for cars is greater than the supply. Master mechanic Watt has just returned froni Halifax where he has been engaged with a Ronald steam- er in a world's competition. As usual he carried off all honors. Mr. Ronald has also a handsome hook and ladder truck nearly ready for shipment to the Cobourg fire dopart- rnent. Two lads of this place, aged about 5 and 7 years, caused quite a sense, tion the other night. They die. appeared about eleven o'clock a. in. On not returning home about dark a search was commenced. Nothing. was seen of 'them in town so their father started out in the country and after searching some time found them sleeping soundly in a well known farruer'e house about two miles from town. They having told him that their parents knew where they were he thought all wap right. They were left undisturbed till morning when they were brought horse quite innocent of the anxiety they had caused their parents as well as others. In and About Heron County. —The contract for the erection of the new Coleman foundry buildings at Seaforth was awarded to Mr. John Copp for $8,000. —Stock is selling high at sales this fall. At Robert Muir'a sale, Fullerton, common grade cows ran up to $35, and yearling heifers from $16 to $22. —John, the 18 -year-old son of Mr. John Keen, of St. Mary's, hail Itis arin torn from the shoulder socket in Clark & Carman'a flax mill yesterday by being caught in shafting. —Mr. Daniel McNamara, a wealthy farmer of the Gore of Downie, county of Perth, while pre- forming statute labor, was killed by the caving in of a gravel pit. —Mr. Rowland, a .Bruce county cattle buyer for the English market has shipped this season 3,375 head of cattle for which he paid out $210, 000, principally in the neighbor- hood of Chesley. —Mr. James Swan has succeeded in renting the Robert McCartney farm near Brucefield. It has been leased to the .Messrs. Drown, of Hibbert, for a terra of five years. for $250 a year. It contains 100 act es. —Mrs. Murphy, of Seaforth, has sold her farm on the 5th concession of Hay township to Mr. James Doyle, of Seattle, Washington Territory, for $3,000. The farm contains 75 acres, and Mr. Doyle has secured a good investment for the money. This is a pointer for the Grit press to harp upon -about the Yankee exodus to Canada. —Dunwich possesses two young ladies who have the present year performed work for which they de- serve unusual credit, being no less than the sowing of twenty acres with fall wheat. With the excep- tion of the plowing of ten acres, which was performed by another person, the whole work was done by themselves, such as plowing (a sulky plow being used), harrow- ing and drilling, and it is doubted if a better field in appearance can be seen today in the township. —Mr. Rowland, a Bruce county buyer, Ilse shipped this season 3, 375 head of cattle, for which he paid out $210,000, principally ;he neighborhood of Clfesley. They went to Britain. —Mr. J. Mitycock, sten., is assist- ing glazing the new Oxford county poor house. Fifty-six years ago he was assisting glazing the poor Mouse at Woodstot k, Oxford couuty, Eng- land. He watt then an aperentica at the trade. —Mr. T. E. P. Trees has resign• ed the managership of the agency of the Merchants's Bank at Strut ford and will retire from that in. etitution. It is understood that Mr. Clarence Young, of Prescott, will succeed Mr. Trew. --Geo. Frame, ex -reeve of Downie. lost a' horse the other day in a peculiar way. In getting a drink the covering of the well gave way, and down the horse went to the bottom. It was worth $125. —Reeve Bawden, of Exeter, last week purchased 90 acres of land in the township of Colborne, being the Buchanan farm, playing therefor up- wards of $5,000. This property at 'one time belonged to the Hyud man's and in which the doctor held an interest. —Aid. Hamilton lost a valuable heavy draught horse on Saturday evening. He had 'keen up to Sea -- forth erecting a large monument and was on his way !Mine to 'Strat. ford. While driving along the road between Berlin an 1 Guelph the horse suddenly took ill, and died. —Woodstock Times: For the last ten days W. H. Millman has been paying out daily an average of $1000 for apples, packers and bar. rels, and will continue to do so for another Month. Mr. Millman buys for the British market. He bas 200 men packing apples. —Mr. G B. Morris;the enterprising young hard ware merchant,ofGuelph, is about to open a branch store at Drayton, where he will occupy new premises, which are being specially fitted up far ilial in first class style. The branch will be .in charge' of Arch. B, Morrie, and no doubt the flame measure of success will be ac, corded hits in this undertaking as bas been done in Guelph. Mr. Morris possesses the experience, enterprise and push requisite for a successful business man. The Messrs Morris belong of the populous clan Morrie, of Colborne. —The late John Bone, of East Wawanosh, who was recently killed in a runaway accident, was born in Dumfries shire, Scotia nd, and when four years old carne with his par•• ents to this country and settled in the township of Puslinch, near Galt, where his youth and early manhood were spent, experiencing some of the difficulties incidental to pioneer life. Twenty -pix years ago be, wife and young family, removed to the county of Huron, where, by divine blessing, thrift, industry, and sound judgment, he had the satisfaction of seeing the wild bush lot ;put under cultivation, com. modioue buildinga erected, and pro- sperity prevail. Deceated was a staunch and active member of the Presbyterian church. On several eccasione he acted on building com- mittees, the first time when quite a young man, to erect the Preaby- terian church in the village of Heapeler. His co,workers say of say of him, "we have lost a wise friend and loving brother." He leaves a daughter to mourn a good husband and an indulgent father. —tea► -- Auction Sale Register. Party ordering their sale bills at Tat, NEWe- RneoRD Ohm will receive a 'man notice, similar to the following, until the date of sale. The notice is worth about as much as the bilis, WEDNESDAY, Nov ISMBER 91 --Farm stock andimplements, on lot 30, 5th oon., Huliett, at 1 o'clock p. m, 13 months credit, Robert Miller, proprie- tor; T. M. Carling, auotioneer. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 1st—Farm stook, mplements, furniture, etc,, at 12 o'clock, noon, on lot 6, Laka Road West, Town- ship of Stanley. Twelve months credit. 0. and G. 8. CASTLE, proprietors. T. M. CAIILING, auctioneer. —An action has been commenced against the J. G. Holmes estate by Elgin Schoff on behalf of Thomas J. Moore, of 623 Gerrard street Toronto. It is torecover$1,000, the value of property conveyed to the late Mr. Holmes by the plaintiff, and to set aside a conveyance of a house in Little York and some pro perty in Adjala Township by Mr. Holmes to Frank Hague The latter conveyed it to W. B. Poul- ton, who Bold it to Alfred Long. All these parties and Thomas Holmes, executor of the estate, are defendants. It is a pretty compli- cated matter, and the property is worth only abo'1t $2,000. IFYPU. A ?ire oing to MONTREAL Tooth • CARMAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Or to OTTAWA USE THE L".P°R, Or to DETROIT USE THE C.P.R. Or to ' CHICAGO USE THE' C.P.B. Or to MANITOBA ' It will pay you if you wish comfort and accommodation. A. T. Cooper, Agent, Clinton R. AG N EW, L. D. S. Sergeon Dentist. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sergeons of Ontario. Best Local Anaesthetics for painless extraction. Rooms in Smith's Block opposite P.O. 728-y, The People's Column. ire Advertisements under this heading el for feral ntenth, and 500, each subsequent Mouth. MONEY LOST. A sum of money in a pocket book was lost D the subscriber op Sunday lust Tho ander will he suitably rewarded by returnin • It to ARTHUR COUCH. Clinton Oct. 26, 1802. 729-21. TO FARMERS AND BREEDERS OF P108. The subscr•Iver will keep for service a pure bred Chester white Boar which took the first prize n Seaforth and Clinton shows in 1392, was bred from a Boar that took the first prize at at Toren o In 1891. Terms : $1.00 cash. 720.41, J. STANBIIRY, Proprietor. DON'T PASS HENRY BEACOM, IE French Kip Boots, to order, from $3.00 up. All other order.d work in proportion. Orders takers and Goods returned by express. Repairing promptly attended to at low rates, BEACOM, 728-1f. Clinton and Londesboro. NEW BUTCIIER SHOP WIIEATLEY & FINCH Wo have Opened out for bnsinoss on HURON STREET, CLINTON, and will be pleased to sup- ply the ,wants of all hi all kinds of meats and poultry in season at the lowest living prices. Highest cash price paid for Fiides,Sheepskina, Ste. Patronage respectfully solicited. 727—tI. WHEATLEY & FINCH. FOR SALE OR TO LET. Cottage on Albert Street, Clinton, Stable and all conveniences, Possession on November 181, 1892. Apply to MRS. TILOS. COOPER, 726-4t Albert Street, Clinton 1 Tl AR1I FOR SALE OR TO RENT That desirable farm of 811 acres, Lot 13, In the 16th Concession of Goderich Township, now oc- cupied hp Mr. John Smith Good frame house of 10 rooms ; bank barn and stable ; good orchard. Apply to H, HdLE, Clinton, or to the owner, G. F. BURNS, 214, Fourteenth Avenue, Detroit. 728 --41. TEACHER WANTED. Applications will he received up to November 1st, 1893, for a teacher for School Section No. 9, Goderich Township, Female preferable. Duties to commence January 3rd, 1893. RORT, EMERSON Trustees ` JOHN 0. STEEP I GUY U. HLCKS ADAM CANTELON, Sec.-Treas., 7211-41 Clinton P. O. MONEY TO LOAN. On farm property at 54 par cont. Apply to C. A. HARTT, Clinton, NOTICE. There being some rnisunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly nnderstodd that if any'person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and falls to report to mo I.shall at once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning i shall give. CAPT. WM, BABB, Receiver of Wrecks, Goderich, Goderich, Sept. 711 1801. DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three ono -acro lots in the Town of Clinton are offered for sale. They are situated on Raglan street. not tar from the Doherty Organ Factory and Collegiate Institute, adjoining the foriner residence of Mr. J. 11, Combe and in the neigh- borhood of first-class residences. For terme, etc., apply to 8611f ARTHUR KNOX, Clinton. COTTAGE FOR RENT, A frame cottage on Albert street and hall acro of ground and fruit Woos. Hard and soft water. Stable and driving shod. Will be rented reason- able with or without ground. Apply to CHAS. SPOONER, Grand Union Hotel,'Clinton. 742..11 SERVANT WANTED. Enquire at onee of Mrs. Dr. Campbell, Seaforth, Ont. A middle ager woman preferred. - TEACHER WANTED. A female teacher, second or third class cer- tf0eate,to teach in S. S. No. 4 Mullett, Apply to George R» ddell, Sec. Trona., Londesborough post office, stating salary. Duties to commence the 2nd January, 1393. 50,00© BBLS. APPLFS WANTED. DCANTELON, OF CLINTON, wants 50,000 , barrels of Fall and Winter Apples for which the beat market price will be paid. Hold your apples for Cantelon and 'lave money. D. CANTELON, Clinton. 9 G1TRAY STOCK ADVER iJ TiSEMENTS inserted in Trus News RECORD at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock It you want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call on Tews-Reocord. 4 t .. Weare now ready four the Pali Trade Iu ll Lines iii all Departments, IF ;YOU j�iteifjrat or Bonnet call and see MISS DAMS, Sbe 19AN'l' A lN! }�GG!!ll Bonnet can g[ 1e you the Lltteet Stylds and Lowest' Prises. Dress and Mantle Making done mat restyle and Tra!Ioriprt in alt its branehes et the lowest possible payinfop rices. R8-• til rI�J member, we have ail frrdt•.class Cutter, 50000(1 none• --give him a trial and you -will be pleased with his work. Dress Goods and. Mantle MothsWe have not space to r mention all the linea We carry. This season we have given special attention to Dress Goods and Mantle Cloths. We have a beautiful variety. Before YoulBuil A MANTLE see our GERMAN MADE MANTLES, the best fitting goods made, and very low prices for good goods. 131. Full Stock Ready -Made C1othing. $3,000 WORTH BOOTS ASID SHOES ata amnalloonadVance PLUMSTEEL - AND - GIBBING%, MONTREAL HOUSE, Clintons September 121h, 1892. THE HUB GROCERY. 0 Sugar is on the Advance. We have a Carload of Extra Standard Granulated Which we offer at WHOLESALE PRICES in barrel lots—also a reduction by the 100 lbs! Now is THE TIME to bay your Sugar for preserving -Fruit. - Hillwattie Tea always on hand. ear Orders taken' for best Scranton Coal. o -- Geo. S allion :'r 4 r. REMO - AL — 0-- J. W. Irwin, the Grocer, has removed to the New McKay Block, e AFTER 20 YEARS Experience and competition against all comers The New Improved Radiant Home Coal Stoves, Happy Thought Kitchen Ranges and Leader Furnaces still lead. AND WHY'? Because they give more heat and consume less coal than any other stoves manufactured. Just think of it, 40,000 Canariian homes heated with Canada's Favorite Stoves and Ranges. CO/� �—L! VALLEY COAL—Ten more cars from this /''� celebrated mine expected every day. Place your orders at once and get the advantage of old prices before it advances. 1-1,ARLANI7 33TR, oS., ron and IIardware Merchants, — • CLINTON New Fall Tailoring Goods. T. JACKSON, Sr., has placed in stock Complete Lines of Choice Fall and Winter Tailoring. Goods Being a cutter of long experience, satisfaction is guaranteed. OW' We can suit you in quality and price for Pasts, a Snit or Overcoat. Perfect cuts and fits. The best goods and trimmings. Workmanship unsurpassed. Call on us before you order. T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. tfrooeries ! :-: Erooeries ! Fruits, Peels, (tanned Goods, Teas, cgc. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock. CANTELON BROS., Waholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton, amemouse The News—Record Tor Prinl!n&