HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-10-26, Page 2" t 11' i IS a bleed ailfoaae, ,Vlltil tlit o!spfr J expelled frorrt the syeEem, there' eau' be no cure for this loathsome and dangerous malady. Therefore, the only effective treatment is a thorough coarse of Ayer's SSarsuptarillo-,thebest of all blood pyritlera, Who Bearer yon begin the better ; delay is dangerous. "I was troubled with,c¢tarfih for over two years. ' I tried various remedies, and was treated by a number of ph ei- clans, but received no benefit until I began to take Ayerza Sarsaparilla. A few bottles of this medicine cured me of this troublesome complaint and com- pletely restored my health."e-Jesse M. {Boggs, Holman's Mills, N. 0. "When Ayer's ;;.,,raaparilla was rec- ommended to me for catarrh, I was in- clined to doubt its efficacy. Having tried so many remedies, with little ben- efit, I had no faith that anything would cure me. 'became emaciated from loss of appetite and impaired digestion. I had nearly lost the Dense of smell and my system was badly deranged. it was about discouraged, when a friend urged me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re- ferred me to persons whom it had cured of catarrh. -After taking half a dozen bottles of this medicine, I am convinced :hat the only sure way of treating this obstinate disease is through the blood." —Charles 11. Maloney, 113 Elver et., Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla,. rssxABID fir Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masa. Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $5.a bottle. SPECIAL. NOTICE. Owing to the contemplated dissolution, in the near future, of the printing and publishing firm' of Whitely & Todd, all accounts due the firm must be paid AsT ,ONCE. Call at the office or remit by Registered Lettor or Post Office Order. WHITELY & TODD. Clinton, August 15th, 1992. The Huron News -Record 81.50 a Ye...—$1.25 in Advance. Wednesday, Oct. 28th 1S92. Toe E , li•h a- l •iere to the Soudan were si pl'e I with Sr, .l lcohs Oil. Ex Premier Mercier will be giv nl a banquet Sa!uid rv, the 52nd auui versary of his birth. . "S T1 Sb' ACTORY RESULT'S." 5 r says Or. Corlett, xn rid and hnn- ored practitioner. in 13r11evills, Ontario, who writes: "ior Wasting Diseases and Ser•,fula I have ,, e.1 S.ott'd Emul- eion with the most satisfactory results." —Rev. 1'.Ir. Carrothers, r'f the Bailin Presbyterian church, had to resign because of hia tirades against dancing and card•playing. Ayer's Pills, being unnveuieut, eflioao- ione, and safe. are tbehee5 cathartic, wheth-er on land or sea, in city or uouutry. For constipation, sick head- ache, indigestion, and torpid liver, they never fail. Try a box of them ; they aro pu4ar-ooated. —The new water works system of Lindsay, embracing seven milds of pipe, was tested yesterday and tine test was considesod satisfactory. The great Or. Boerhaave left three directions for preserving the heatth— k',ep the feet w.r:n, the heal cool, and the bow -la open. Had he practised in our day.„ he might have added : and g purify th l r;ond with Ayer's S cts spa ilia; for he certainly would cousider it tho ' beet. —Mr. Thomas D. Mensa, florist, a well known resident of Oritlia,fell head first into a well yesterday, and drowned before his wife's eyes. IT is a eiog'tlar f tot that the cheap- ness of an article should even tern por- arilly retard its sale, and yet that was the experience of Messrs. Tncttett ,A• S.tn in the introduction of their now famous ''Myr'lo Navy" tnhacco. Peo- ple who had been in the habit of e-n,k- iog the Guest \ri•giuia tobacco, could not for a time be made to believe that they were offered the same article at ahout nue (half the old price, and it was nuly by slow degrees tort`. they were induced to put the glestinu to the test of ou actual triol. When they did adopt that test however, it never failed to satisfy thtm, —Thomas Watson, for many years a resident at Aylmer, Ottawa county, and who died in Ottawa city on Saturday, was buried to day. ile was 101 years of age. Consumption Cared. An old physician, retirai from practice, having hal placed in his hinds by an blast India mission- ary the form Oa of n simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent ante ,.f Consumption, Rrenchitis, Caton -1i, Ao•hma end all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous uobtfity and all Nerving Complaints, after having toste.l its wonderful curative powers i❑ thoneands ed cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his Hollering fellows. Aetnated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to an who desire it, this recipe. iu German, French or English, with frill e'rootlons fir preparing and nsing. Sent by maul by addressing with stamp, naming this patter. \V A. Novp." 820 Poerrs Bloch, Rochester, .Y. -y —A, —A, Cameron, bartender at the Grand Central Hotel, St. Thomas, undertook one night to walk from that hotel to a road house south of St. T'Ttom-as and back, a distance of about seven miles, for a wager of $10. I -le was to make it in one hour and fifty minutes, and succeed- s I in one hour and twenty 'seven Rl in 0 tee. {aevtol. To •M olrlbn8 • -Me Yeurby at night 't+u4 bre en of your koet bs a eiPlc child safferius audorying with piiu of getting tt'et th It so send its cute Stud gist a' bettl'I of "lire, Winslow%Bo9Q)lang,'i$ p't;fnfi Oalldren Tests 114kIto vurttt• is Kjjtet4lop lo, It will toilette thepooxlittleStitlaiorIpani, Depana sou it, ruotherai there ja no ktalte about it, It Rugs Dyaeiit"r•y turd Dior Wee regulates the etoaaalt awl bowolft, gurus \V1ud 00110.. aottaus the gums, reduces luS tmtea'i •u slat fres tone and energy to t'ae whole oyoto u. "Idea W,nslow's $oothlag Syrup" fur chitdro, tee Wog to pleasant to the torte and is the pre, a rtptioo of o p of the 1 at and boat tetania ltb in ode a ya Wang and no rase the Baited $tstoa, audio fur sale by a I dul3gish, through ,lit .he world. Pries 23 es its a battle. Be suro and ask for i•iKtts Wreazow'e !normae Syaur," and t tk no othot kind. 666y The body of John Anderson, a blaokemith of Cleveland, Ohio, who formerly lived at Stoney Creek Ont., was round on the track of the Grand Trunk railroad at a point known as Morrison's Crossing bo- tween two aud three miles west of Niagara Falls, Out., -iu a flight - fully iktangled condition. Tho engine of the eaet•bouud passenger train, due at Niagara Fells, Ont., shortly after 3 o'clock in the horn• ing; was covered withlilood, and the indications are that Anderson was struck by this train. THREW AWAY HIS CRUTCH ES— A TRUE ACCOUNT OF A RE- MARKABLE EVENT. Statement Of Mr. McNee. For eight years I was troubled with a eore.on toy leg which resulted from hav- ing it broken. The doctora kept me in bed five months trying to heal it up, but all to no purpose. I tried all sorts of selves, liniments, ointments, pills and blood;medicines but with un hrnefit. In 1883 it became s , had that I h td to sit on one chair mud keep my foot nn an- other for four mouths. I could not put put my foot on the ground or the blood would rush out iu a stream and my leg swelled to twice its natural aizo. E eve.' running sures developed on it which reduced ma to a living skeleton (I lost 70 lbe: in four months). Friends advised me to go to the tloapital ; but I would not. for I knew they would takemy leg off. The doctor then wanted to split it open and serape the hone, but I was weak too stand the operation. One cid lady said ithad tu-ned to black erysipelas and d, lila never be cured. I had never heard of Burdock blood 13it- tere then, but I real of Minister, Rev. Mr. Stout, who had been cured "t a severe abcees on the neck by B. B. B., after in. ,heal aid had failed, and 1 thought I would try it. I washed the leg with the Bitters and took th.'m ac cordinv to direitinns. After u'Ing one bottle I could wank on crutches, after taking three, 1 threw away the crutches, took a scythe and wont to work in ti, field. At the end of the sixth b,ttle my leg was entirely hauled up: cures 00 loose bone had worked out of it end the cords came back to their natural places again. That was nine yerre age and it has never broken out since, I can walk five miles to -day as fast as any eels, and all this I owe to 13, B. B., which certain- ly saved my leg if not my life I cheer• fuqy rec dumei d it to all rufrerers Give B. 13. 13 a trial, and it will cure you as it did me. Yours truly, WM. McNEE, St, Ives 1', 0., On`. Mr. E. C. Stndernon, the druggist of St. Marys, Oat. certifies to the entire truthfulness of the remarkable statement made by Mr. t\IcNee, and sr.ys that sev- eral other wonderful cures have boon made io his district by thio tiurivatled remedy for .bad blood, bitiourneas, con- stipation and diaeaeses of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. THE .I'NNh;RIiIP ANNEXA- • TION MEETING. , (Detriot News) However good a cause the Cana- dian untexationists, headed by Gold - win Sotith,may have,they will not be able to help it by exaggerating the traditional rights of free speech. Crown -Attorney Meyers was re, ceutly dismissed from office by the Outerio Premier for the open advo, cacy of the annexation of Canada to the United States. Yesterday a public meeting wart held at Wood- stock to protest against "this abridgement of the rights of free A lF Cr. What better freedom of aheech do the Canadians want than the right to repeat adliblituu,,yester- day'rl scene at \Voodetock 1 Tule advocacy of the transference of the Canadian allegiance from the Crown to the Union was freely in- dulged without let or hindrance, and the thing will be repeated from time to time and nobody will ever call anybody down. But these gentlemen wont something more than this They want the very ute,nLers of' the government to be accorded the right to favor rjeeeesion from die vantage ground of official life. Do not they know that there are gravies or sta0des of "loyalty"? Is it a denial of the right of free speech' to insist that Government officials would give their whole soul, mind and strength to the Government 1 Do not they recognize that what shouldate proper for a private citizen to d8 a public official may not do 1 Has tier; mouth of Crown Attorney Meyers really been closed 1 On the contrary he is still shouting for an- nexation -and nobody is stopping him. He has simply lost his office and the annexationists have lost their sensesof proportion. TRUE BLUE CAMLItONTAN PRESBYTER% IAN. An old Scotch farmer used to say the following grace: Talc' off your bonne's, honest men. Are they off —Oh, Lord weld out a' the Papists out o' the Lau'; pluck them out as we do the thistles frae out o' the ground; and pour down a shower o' whittles upon a' the loons that wear the lawn sleeves, for they eat up a' the fat an' the lean o' the ran' an tvinna lot a ppir body like hie gang his sin way. Pitt a muckle dyke at - ween us an' hell, hut a far muckier ane atween us and the wild Irish, O !grant that the grey mare break. it •, ��� '�� RHEuiv vrisM�'-ecookvl)e Ont., aroyyl . "I suffered intensely* with rhoumattetn in my ankloi, Cculd>lotktand; rubbed than with ST. JACQB$ OIL, In the morning x walked without pain.", N E U R tA:1 �1` L A.--wriiiesA JAMES aeobe O s tide Tenn relieve Me of neuralgia, and it eirectuatly cured me," fit e .IT Is *cs THEDES%M 11 no the tether, nor tho wind blew the haystacks. Grant that we clay keep the Brown unw, the Clruululit' cow, au' 0 preserve us frac the witches an' warlocks, an' beasts wi' long nehs that gang in amang the heather. Grant a' gude things an' gude hairta to a' sic honest folks an' a' wen present, au' I'tuy maser', wha am as utuckle fig ony sax o' them. Shower down blessings on a' honest men that wear blue bonnets, sic lice as Abraham, Isaac, an' Jacob were in the holy Ian' o' Canaan. Gi' to oursels an' the friends o' Scotc(Iland weal en' fortitude till endure a' the_ ills an' 11SCOW o' tide life; au' what we've gotten is a our aim., its naebody's business. Grant a blessing ou the present fayor. Auten." NEWS NOTES. — The Standard Bank of Chat ham has been roobed of $1,000. —Ottawa's output of lumber fo the season was 428,000,000 feet. — Last saason 3,000,000 pounds of fish wertstcaught at Winnipeg. —.Winnipeg sends twelve wheat trains east every day. —Paul Peel, of London, Ont., the well known artist, died yesterday in Paris. —It is again annoueeed that Keil tied) Chisholm, M. N, P. for Peel will resign to to chis e.,ulrty renis trar. —'Inhere is considerable feeling fn Brockville over the refusal of the town authorities to relit the Town Hall to Mrs Sheppard, who is Iec: wring (against Rowan Catholicism. —The Board of Iid,lu0,111) 1 •of Detroit has adopted a resolution, after a fierce 6,ht, practically ex eluding Catholics frau, coaching in the Detroit public shoots. —Dr. Francis Dowling, of Cincinnati, has leen studying the effects of tobacco chewing on the eyes. He concludes that chewing the weed is bad for the eyes—wore hurtful than smoking. — William Chambers, need 105 of Dawn Mills, a veteran of \Vater loo, went to Sarnia last week to visit the tunnel, and was given a reception by eone of the leading CitiZ•1118. —Rev. F. W. i3.eldwin, of Ayl• mer, nephew of the Bishop of Huron, has been elected rectorof Old St. Paul's, Woodstock, vice Rural Dean Wade, who has accepted the rectorship of the Church of the .As- cension, Hamilton. —Acting.Secretary Spaulding has instructed the collector of customs at suspension Bridge, N. Y., to classify imported dressed veal as a raw or uumanufaetured article, dutiable at the rate of 10 per cent. ad valorem. —A elan named Chriatian Peller, while threshing with Wallace' Bros , near Preston, fell into the machine feet first, and was mangled into pieces up to his hips. Iie lived for 20 minutes. He' leaves a wife and three small children. —Considerable excitenlnt was created on Wall street yesterday by an unknown loan, who tore down a British flag from the front offi of the Bank of British North America, and after destroying it walked away quietly. —A special from Cheyenne says the severest storm ever known on the Union Pacific.railroad has been raging at Cheyenne and as far west as Ogden, Utali. 10 all directions telegraphic communication was cut off'. All railroads Have been block ed. r —A Toronto boy named Milli- gan, residing on Ed ward street, was gathering horse chestnuts at the corner of Hayter and Teraulay streets, when he espied a large bunch, of hurts on one of the top branches. He threw a stone to dis- lodge them, but the missile went oval' the tree, and descending struck a large plate glass valued at $150, which was being placed upon the wagon of the Cohban Manufactur- ing Company. The boy's father will be called upon to pay the dam age. —Mies Ellen Willis aged 21 years, was married on the 29th ult., in Marmon township, to a man named Patrick Rogers, by Rev. Mr. Laucks. A man named Ezra Fair - man, to whom the young lady was aleo engaged, learned of the mar•• riage, and astounded the young bride with the information that Rogers had a wife living in the lunatic asylum. Fain -nen provided a rig., and ho and the young woman drove to Belleville on the following day, where they were married by Rev, Mr Baker. —A fortune of $ 100,000 has been left 1\'. Lee, a Kingston cigar -maker —Nicholas Flood nava, it is re ported, has left the Regina Leader, —Wm. Schamerhorn, of Sidney Ont., has been sentenced to five years for arson. —Up to the first of the current month the shi.pneents this year of cattle from the port of Montreal had reached 86,877 head, —At G,lderioh last week the body of Mrs. F. B. Sheppard drift- ed ashore from the wrecked steamer Nashua. —In the Stratford police court recently Robert Nune was fined $20 for not sending his son Fred to school. On payment of $10, and there being no further complaints received regarding the boy during the year, the remaining- $10 will not be exTi3ted. —James Sutherland, a well known Woodstock man, sold his husinees and took train for the States in company with a young lady from Ingersoll, to. whom he lune been paying attention of late. Sutherland was a married man, but for some time past Ile has not, it is reported, • lived happily with his wife. His hasty exit can only be accounted for by this rumor. —A stabbing affray took place in the village of Port Credit on last Friday evening, whereby a man by the name of Patrick O'Neil made a desperate and unwarranted at- tempt to sever Wm. Beating's con• unction with this world. The two men had been attending Cooksvi1le fair 'where they had indulged too freely in tire cup that cheer>, and oft crakes tt ratan a demon, when a ,ti..pti:•r:arose which It'd to a quarrel. Then O'Neil drew a k cif.. and be, fore anyone could interfere stalr!.'•d Keating three dilferimt tithes. The Lade in each illl'isioe made; I. ti iri- Ide, if not a fatal gap, and to day the wounded man's life is despaired of. —Overcome with shame and anger at iter inability to punish one of the refrac' 'ry boys iu her schoul, Miss Alice Granger, a Chatham school toucher, took her own life by means of morphine. Aline Granger has had charge of the school for throe years and has always been successful with her pupils until the present torn, when tt half 'Iozen in- corrigible boys came under her con- trol. She finally determined to use a rattan on Barry Bottling. He rebelled, and in the scrimmage other boys came to his aid and blackened the teacher's eyes. She at once closed school and returned home and was found etretcbed across her bed dead. An empty phial of morphine lay beside her, and in her hand wee found this note : "I am tired of tryiug to teach bad boys." • IV�N ane Hundred and Forty-one Kandsome Photographs In One Grand PICTURE III the Conservative. Members of 892Parliament189 ncluding extra large size photographs of Sir Joh tbhott, Premier, and Sir John Thompson, leach .f the House of Commons, surrounded by th ;abinet Ministers, and grouped on either side th tembers of the House from every Province in th )otninion, making a total of 14I splendid phots raphs; every one a perfcet likeness. • This great picture is a reproduction by Phot, ravure process on copper plate of the pictur resented to Sir John Thompson by the Conecrv. ve Members during the last session. r'HE ORIGINAL PICTURE COST OVER 8600. THE EMPIRE has secured the copyright to repro uce this Grand Picture, It is printed ons ecia late paper in photographic inks, and is 3 feet tches by a feet 4 inches in sine, and makes a spier id picture for framing. A key giving the name c ach member and constituency represented isrinse n the margin, making a valuable work of reference NO EXTRA CHARGE rill be made for this Grand Premium but It will bo GIVEN FREE 'o Every Subscriber for the Weekly Empire FOR 1893. THE WEExty Estvtr•.r, is without doubt the hes Veckly for $t.00 published in Canada, containing a pages of latest news of the day. Special depart tents on Agriculture, Woman's Empire, Ou 'uriosity Shop. Old World Diaryy, the latest Sport tg Events; etc. Only One Dollar per yent lent to any address in Canada or the United State, v'ry subscriber will get the Premium picture as 'regent. Send in your subscription at once, or ordc hrough our local agent. Address: THE EMPIRE, Toronto, Ont •,-0 The NEWS -RECORD Is in a better position than ever to•turn out : The Very Finest Printing': At prices as low as any other office in the West. Those in need of any class of Job Printing should call on THE NEWS -RECORD; Albert Street, Clinton CLINTON FURNITURE WARBROO[SI For the House Cleaning season we have a complete Stock of BEDROOM SUITS, JININGR00M SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, ,ODD CHAIRS, CENTRE TABLES HALL RACKS, PICTURES, PICTURE MOULDING, CURTAIN -POLES, Etc. Etc., We handle no trashy Furniture, yet our prices are away down. Call and inspect our Stock whether you wish to buy or not" SOSEP EC Furniture Dealer and'Undertaker. The FOR GOOD Et VELOPES ewsRe��� FOR FINESB f1. HEADS FOR NICE BILL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALT. DEPARTMENTS '1'lE CELEBRATED ffleal Wasfl6r* $ and Winuer 'I'i1r,l.', BEST IN TUE MARKET 1lliif;laines Allowed on Trial ant also agent for all All Agricultural Implements Warercom opposite Fair's Mill. Call and sec me. J. Ce "�e�' Ing CLINTON J. m.p. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES ! Waltham, Elgin„ Illinoie, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford•—new model. egtrAn these makes in key and stem wlinders; Also pendant set watches.] J. BIDDLECUMBE, !CLINTON. GODERICH MARBLE WORKS' J. C, Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, Clinton, is our agent for Chilton urrd vicinity. W. M. Mohring, of Benmiller, is our Travelling agent. Orders entrusted to either of the above will have our best attention. Monuments supplied in C tNADTAN, SCOTCH!, SWEDE, NORWAY rind' AMERICAN granites, a well es in all varieties of mnrti'e. Give Mr,' Stevenson a call before! ordering elsewhere. JOHN A. ROBERTSON. Manager. STRAY STOCK ADVER TISEMENTS inserted in Tun -• News Racoon at tow rates. The law makes It compulsory to advertise stray stock if yon want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call en Tews-Rencord. CAUTION. EACH PLUG OF THE JTIijrtIe Navg IS,MARKED T. & • IN BRONZE; LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE. New Blacksmith Shop' BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. . cORREsPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of netts from ollr sub- scribers. We want a good corres- ponclent in every locality, not alread,t, represented, to send Us RELIABLE news, SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not recevee heir ;paper regularly from the carrier or thrxtgh their local post uflices will, confer a favor by reporting at this office at. once. Subscriptions-- mai commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of adferti,eenteres, to ensure insertion, should he handed in not later than MONDAY NOON 0/ -each week. CIRCULATION. TUE NEws-REco0D has a larger circulation than any other' paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has feta equals in Ontario, Our • boolcs are open to those who mean business. • JOB PRINTING. The Job Lepartment of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western lr Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very „ loin prices. Scientific American Agency for 1:1 CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS • omen PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc, For information and free Handbook write to MtINN $e I nrt0A nwAY, NEW YORE'. Oldest bureau CO..,foroeeurtnt patents In Americo. :Every Indent taken out by us is brought before the public by a matle° given free of chatgo Ili tho etifif ruse/ran . Lercnst eirrntat!on of any retontiae pnper in the world. t,t,!rndldly tlInstrated. No intelligent rias should bo without it. Weekl 83.00 a year; $1.50 six months. Address MUNN & CO.. et: n dsuses, 2511 Broadway, New York. SPE STEEL ARE THE Established 1960. No. 1 No.2 No.3 No.18 GEORGE TROWn1LL has opened bat a gen- eral Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Gaaley, Opposite No21 Faire lumber yard, Albert. . .street, Clinton, Ont. ll L RC smith and Iron \Yoritcln all its branches. Roroe-Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work to the above linea. 497—tf GEORGE TROWBIf.L S FOR FOR Works, ENGLAND. Expert Writers. itio-OOOKTIN. tfila FOR s FOR� '`� Writtn FOR is Accoun- tants. Corres- pondents Bust- ness Sold by STATIONERS Everywhere. Samples FREE on receipt of return postage 2Centt. SPENCERIAN PEN CO., 81N0 E V YO R.AY,