HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-10-12, Page 8HILOH' CON$UMPTEQN CURE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this auCmei ul CONSUMPTION CURE iswithuut a parallel in the hlntory of medicine. Ml druggists are author- ized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure eau success- fully stand. If you havo a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, uao it, for it will cure yon. If your child has the Croup, or Whooptug Cough; use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that iusidious dittoes() CON,. SLIMP`l'ION, don't. fel to use it, it will cure .you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lane, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25 cts. ABOUT ECONOMY. A man may go from Clinton to Toronto without riding in the cars. It will take him a long time to walk, but he saves his oar fare. The thing looks economical, but is really extravagance. A man can often do without a doctor when he is sick, and do with- out quack nostrums particularly, if he will only economize by having a little Fine Whiskey, Brandy or Wine at the proper time. And and it is foolish economy to be without that which is likely to be prescribed for you. We have what you want in Ales, Porter, Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, etc., etc., in wood and bottle. We keep in stock the very best and sell at the lowest living profit The correct and safest economy is to always buy from us. J. •W. RITER, ALBERT STREET, a -. CLINTON To Advertisers, All changes of Advertisements, to insure insertion in the current issue, must be received at the office not later than Monday noon. Copy for changes received later than !!Monday noon will hereafter be at the Adver- tiser's own risk. WHITELY da TODD, Publishers. The Huron News -Record , $1.50 a Year -$1.25 in Advance Wedncslav Oct. 12th, 1892. LOCAL N WS. In and Around the Hub, g011111 llXl;. LOCAL NOTICES.—All notices in these columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the same,at which an admission fecis charged,orfrotn which a pecaniary,benefit is to be derived, will be charged at thoe rate of ten cents per line. Tos MOST LARGELY CIRCULATED PAPER IN THIS SECTION. OR, WRAT A COUGn 1—Will you heed the warning. The signal per- haps of the sure approach of that mope terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourself if you can afford for the sake of sabing 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails 1) -..As all binder Twine accounts become due on October 1st, our customers will kindly oblige by prompt settlement on or before that date.—IIAItLAND BROS., Clinton. 723.2t. An active and trustworthy boy can find profitable employment at. Tuts NEWS -RECORD office. COMING TO LONDON", ST. THOMAS AND STRATFORD.—ChaS Cluthe, the well known truss and appliance manufac- turer for deformities, such as club foot; white swelling and curvature of the spine, may be consulted at St. Thomas, Grand Central hotel, day, Oct. 74 ; London, Grigg House, Saturday, Oct. 15 ; and Stratford, Mansion house, Saturday, Nov. 5. If you or your children are ruptured or deformed call on me. With the experience of a quarter of a century, I have become a master in my pro- fession. The new Automatic Truss has gone through the regular and severe trials, and with slight alters• tion of details, is now the simplest, lightest and the strongest truss, and in reality the cheapest truss is the world. Come and see it. GILROY & WISEMAN'S change of advertisement was received too late for this week. THE Huron Lay 'Workers' and Sunday Schools' Diocesan Conven- tion was opened at Stratford yeeter day and is in session to -day. REMOVED TO STRATFORD.—Mr. C. C. Pilkey, who has had charge of the Singer sewing machine business here for a couple of mouths?, has re- moved to Stratford. IIs will work on salary there. While here, and especially last week, he made many sales. BRANCHING OUT.—Temple Clark & Co. havo opened a custom cloth• ing store at Manchester. Associ- ated with Mr. Clark is Mr. J. Tarvie. Both are graduates from T. Jackson's clothing store, Huron street, THE NEWS-RRCORD hopes to see these yonng men do well and build up s profitable trade. 0i,; a0 Y. 409,0911,OTA V401 mr log War Well patruuizbC pRot faVeir s"{7tfAlVald. aaa*Caere, Rttrland Boa. loot week purchased .the two .VOMM411derbrink stores ad. joining their present (hardware. Foos BALL,+ --Tint NEWe-REVORD has heard enquirtee as to whether there in likely to he a foot..hall club organized in Clinton thin fail, There is lots of material for a good team here. LARGE SUIiPMENTS.—Big foreign ,,,shipments have recently been made by the Doherty Organ Company to Leeds, Liverpool, Bristol, Sheffield, Stirling, Glasgow, Bath and other places. CONCLUDING SHOWS. — Blyth's great ettraotiun is to -day (Wedges day), the second day of the Morris Branch Show, Bayfield ia Thurs- day and Friday of this week. Both places always have good fall fairs. SKATING ON ICE.—NOW that the freezing season is on; skating is being talked of. It has been sug- gested that the "25 Club" might with propriety take hold of the skating rink and make it a great success, ST. PAUL'S VESTRY.=There was an exceptionally large attendance in the school room Monday evening. A committee of Meagre. Farrar, Jackson, Plummer was appointed to wait on His Lordship the Bishop and the meeting adjourned. ORGAN RECITAL.—The Presby- terian Choir have decided on Octo- ber 31st for their organ recital. Mr. Burns, the basso of McCall street church, Toronto, will render several selections, and the choir promise a rich musical treat. SEND 1N THE NEWS.—NOW that the busy season is over, THE NEWS - RECORD would like to hear from soveral more of our correspondents. We would like to hear from HolmesvilleandMancheater through trustworthy correspondents. FIRST snow this season • fell on Octr, 6, an extraordinary early appearance, but it was a visitor of only an hour or ao. "The oldest inhabitant" says snow fell on Octr. 8, 1869 and did not leave until April thaws melted it. THE SALVATION ARMY'S special meeting on Friday evening ou the market and at the barracks brought a very large attendance. The parade was one of the largest and the meetings the most enthusiastic for some time. DAKOTA GRAIN.—While away Mr. B. C. Cole harvested 18 acres of barley, which yielded 420 bushels and sold at 28e, per bushel. 69 acres gave a return of 1,450 bushels of wheat at 56c. THE NEWS - RECORD is pleased to learn of Mr. Cole's success this year, particularly as he bad had several previous bad ones, A GOOD SUM.—On Sunday eve- ning there was a very large attend- ance at the Rattenbury street Meth- odist church. Rev. Dr. Potts offi dated in his usual acceptable man- ner. About $90 were raised for Victoria College Endowment Fund. A liberal contribution was also given toward the Educational Fund of the Methodist Church. Rev. Dr. Potts is secretary of the Educational Management of the Church. Y. P. C. A. OPereees.—Last week the annual meeting of the Young People's Christian Association was hold in the Willis Presbyyterian church. The following were chosen to conduct the Association's chairs : Hon. -Pros., I%ev. A. Stewart; Pres., R. J. Macdonald ; 1st Vico Pres., 1t. Agnew ; 2ud Vice -Pres., J. C. McTavish ; Secretary, M. D. Mo - Taggart; Treasurer, Miss Ill'. Lavin. The meetings will bo held every Tuesday evening at 7.30 pan. DELEGATES TO TIIE W. M. A.— Mrs. (Rev.) Shilton and Mrs. A. Taylor represented the Rattenburystreet W. M. A. at Woodstock last week. Miss Whitfield, of the Afri- can Mission and sister to " Mrs. H. Foster, cJntributed greatly to the pleasure and success of the meeting. A meeting of the above named .As, sociation will bo held to day (Wed- nesday) in the Rattenbury Street church lecture room at 3 o'clock, at which the delegates will give a full report. The Mission Band is re- quested to attend. ANCIENT ARGUMENT.—Our 08 - teemed local totem. so highly ap- proves of Tis NEWS -RECORD'S men tion -about the Board of Trade that it republishes the whole article. TIIE News -RECORD was talking of the Board of Trade of two or three years ago, but our cetera. replies by Baying something was accomplished eleven or twelve years back. This ie rather ancient argument on the part of the New Era. A Board of Trade in Clinton should be a live question now. If the last Board is dead, by all moans give it a decent burial. We fancy there is enough "go" in our people to sustain a Board of Trade and help to forge the town ahead. If not, the town should assist. °Clinton is surely alive to her best interests. THE NEWS RECORD only desires to help the town in touching on this matter. e Paper and E'vo1�pcs In. Great Variety. We have a very good Note Paper at 5 Gents a quire. Extra goad value in Cream or White at 10 cents. In Fancy Note Papers wo have Burmese Ivory, Ivy Leat Pattern, Irish Linen, Gilt Edge, Parchment, Tint- ed Note, and many other varieties too numerous to mention. ENVELOPES TO MATCH THE ABOVE. The newest thing in Note !Paper and Envel- opes is BUCKRAM ---1 quire Note Paper and 1 packet Envelopes for 25c. 0 •• ros.,Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. .rW B ESLEY & CO. MILLINERY. Our Show - Room Opening was a grand success in every particular. Such an assort- ment of New Styles as we showed leaves nothing- to be asked for, and not a doubt as. to our ability to supply all your needs in this line with the most fash- ionable goods to be had any- where. Straw and Felt Hats done over into the leading styles. Dress Goods & Mantle Clots. While we do not claim to have as large an assortment as some hoses, we do claim to have some very nice goods which for quality, beauty and price are hard to equal, and were very much admired on our opening day. E-2 m as 8-, t ,; s. Cm m 4 O I „ E ',"• cg c, -Q c476. L- F a _m c. • � c p I m m 8 n� • 0 a A i7,4.1y . a ;�en� ▪ mm ea ow ea -4 8-, a mom P, 8 • N" C cC tr E.,C, :. o m Cr 4 , _-, mo cD m 13' ` ��-aS qm° 7° .q c 0 m m CJ pU N 2y m O# o m o44. The Great Millinery and Dry -Goods Emporium. at QUAIL shooting will be legal from the 15th of October till the 15th of November, and no longer. ERRATUM.—The Huron Medical Association will meet in Clinton on October 18th, not the 10th as stated last week. Rev. MR. HUTTON, Kirkton, with his daughter, was thrown out of a buggy in Blanchard the other day, but both fortunately escaped serious injury. REV. MR. TURNBULL, of Kin• cardine, will succeed Rov• Mr. Young as rector of Goderich. Mr. Young goes to Woodhouse, Norfolk county. HON. J. C. PATTERSON' 18 a C0n- tributor to the prize funds of a plow- ing match which will take place between the plowmen of Huron and Broca on Octr 20, on the farm of Mr. Wm. Reddon, Carrick town ship. THE rife matches in Clinton to• 'day promise to be well patronized and keenly contested. IN, NEW QUARTERS, — Grocer Irwin has removed to the new and commodious quarters in the McKay block. • LooK AT THE LAIIEL.—Our readers should look at the date on the address label of their paper this week. If not right, make it right. COMMITTED.—R. J. K. Gore has been committed for trial at Gode- rich on a charge of perjury. Gore is the man who originated the scan- dal against M. C. Catnoron. TEMPERANCE. — A temperance entertainment will be given in the town hall on Friday evening. Addresses are expected from, F. S. Spelhee, Toronto, Rev. W. Smyth, Clinton, and Rev. E. H. Hughes, Wingham. An excellent musical programme ie promised. 1,, i //,/, //• ////////// IVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII��@lu�,d: 'IIIIIIIIIIVII �IIIV'IIVJVI11111111111191uiIliIIIICi Aro-You a Customer of Jackson Bros.? If not, why not? c ----- Sonie people are never done piling on outer clothing, heavy suits and overcoats, to keep themselves warm. Keep on, we say, but at the same time it is a mistake so far as keeping warm is concerned. The outer garments may be viewed with indifference if the underclothing is comfortable and healthy. What little we have to say on this matter will be short and as much to 'the point as possible. There are very few people, if any, in this country of ours who cannot afford to pay $1 or $1.50 for a suit of underclothing. Well, these are the prices of 2 :- Special Lines -: 2 we are offering and feel confident in saying that equal value is not shown in Huron. In the finer grades we carry Arctics, Merino, Natural Wool, Camel Bair, ,'and the celebrat- ed lines of Astrachan and. Cape Wool Mixtures, Every man is interested in good -fitting SHIRTS and COLLARS We carry WELCH MARGETSON'S FLURNISH- INGS, also the unwrinkable "Silwolko" shirting goods. Get a Rigby Mellisa or McIntosh. 0 The Noted Hatters,Clothiers and Furnishers, Clinton and Seaforth. O We are showing this season a great range of GREY FLANNELS. Never had we such good values in these goods. All prices, from 12ic. for a good Union Flannel to 371c. for a 24 -inch Fine Camp- bellford Flannel, the best grey flannel made in Canada. At these prices they are better value than you have been used to getting. Ask to see our SPECIAL VALUE GREY FLANNEL at 15c. a yard. There's noth- ing to touch it in the trade. ASY LADY 0 0 0 0 who wants to enjoy perfect health, and be at the s,urie time waren and comfortable during the Fall and Winter, will attain the desired end by wearing the. "Hc11111 gaud„ undervests and drawers, which are made in special weights, and beau- tiful new styles for this season. We are showing a splendid assortment of Ladies and Children's Winter UNDERWEAR. All sizes and prices in stock. Five per cent. off for cash. 0 Estate J. Hoc1es, DRY GOODS PALACE, CLINTON, ONT.