HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-10-12, Page 5O'WX11,A.I4 PAM AL',.l., BOW;lt S i:li Q'WS Qli•' 13'4t$40r, O1XIIIIAtts In NenrLy ail ctinirt*uefts. „,•�,ia iTuren Central Fair was �., c' beton on TI)ttr-sday and .1; The first day opened ' +>,i1rable weather, but towards ttU l;,hta a forth and the after• �ey and cool. This oirogw• trot prevent the hall being : tl'tlle various departments.; Otte this year decided to . alae termed an old fuehiuned 'I aWt:a elks_ ahow pure and in pis 'theta ;f*x extra or outside attrac- i �•1 flkbr�04' Vit► mails it two days lust, ad it)tt$Ae Tho attondauoe on the tiret Ionto with favorable weather, and the "Ma ,.4 7 with miserable weather, tai# ht to the emelt box $305.20, while the chat to last year for citizeus' night fid flia'Mwoond and third days of the Ht-etatutrited t. $537:65. FIRST DAY. 'lle:tlr(t day was outs of prollminary t 0,45;' i.elloting .pace and arranging 1X4lbttti While this was going on TRI; FARMERS' TROT t*bl SIN cud there were in all eleven tntii3Oe;'' It wile a tilos race, and the ilnaJorly; informed Doo. Blaekall that t'I1o{k pglil" wee the choice, Three ticagilit';oned the ring, reckoned a mile, Woe hio"de in the following time by GeO King 3:101 NM Roesler 8:251 ] iilhael Schwartz 3:261 tips Shipiey 1:'2il Ni` On Sturdy 3.36; V.itthard Baker. 3.0 11`A„ T. Crich • 3:49 even out of the eleven started and 1i1<0fittet three in the above list were ,t11i0.,Wlnners. ALL COJIFRS'TROT. ';`Phare tea» keen interest .manifested rift t6as as in the farmers 'trot. Seven entered, the' three wit:ner's being :— 'i74br# Roesler let. Michael Schwartz "- lt&i,James Beattie 3rd. We hope to ;'$;ie;a good track for next year's ,shoo-. INSIDE Exclaim. The exhibits of grain awl seeds wore *ail and the 68 entries gave the judges (fuhstautial food for thought and keen "jtid meth. - the matter of fruit probably there I;%;}lad never been such a gland galaxy of e*.hibite. In apples alone there were }t3.11 exhibits Nut. the ge•rlity teas in tivance of many forgoer years. While 'tthe staple fruit was in such abuud ince, i' bbere was' also a splendid and numerous iii,aYriety of grapes, pears, plums, &c., ::aid 11 limited display of poacher; and Iiiiinces. t""Manufactures stood. about the seine akin fo d'nor years. . (t 4� 1 ' In 1 ind numbers there were 200 iA'Dtnpetitors in the vegetable depart Ibleitt. The size and quality of every- t1t :iib shown - would be hard to equal Nlild;!tfery difficult to surpass. . t Dairy' products brought „into coin - ;petition no less than 179 exhibits. 'it''''' The plauts and cut flowers were •Ahreerous in exhibit and presented an attraction for the groat majority of ,:iIsitore. In fact the display may well lie considered one of the most ple.tsaut ;`features of theehow, • .,,i :S. Davis' water foantain and the Qollection of flowers and bo (pets, just 'At the entrance, were much admired. The arrangement showed excellent lake and produced a capital effect. UPSTAIRS. v Never have we seen at Clinton or :;oily other show such a profuse exhibit 4if ladies' work. There were nearly 00 entries, and the work of Canadian 4'eft fingers was indeed a credit to this 0 rand and rising young British nation. ''"' The professional and amateur fine rts, in oil and water, were of such a igh character as to draw very favorable ueonliums from expert judges. THE SECOND DAY pened with many a downcast coun- enance. The rain almost incessantly came down, although it was 'not cold. ew visitors came until the heavens ave a slight signal of more moderate eather about noon. Few shows aro avored with a good attendance under uoh unfavorable circumstances. But vastly greater number of visitors came ban could have been expected. THE OUTSIDE SHOW Auld not well be beaten in quality, lthough the entries were probably a ittle less in number than on some (Amer years. In poultry the pens were well filled. he specimens of horse -flesh, hotrned tock, sheep, swine, etc., were simply rand. There was the ostial display inside td out of organs, sewing machines, hplet> ts, and other lines which we cat �'I our readers to peruse the engthy prize list to ascertain. PRIZE LIST, HORSES—IMPORTED, ENTIRE -2 year old tallion, Jas McFarlane. 3 years and over, irnt H Farquhar, F Yanabintt. Best Cries any age, Wm 11 Fargnhar diploma. CANADIAN HEAVY DRAUGHT, ENTIRE—Year 1d stallion, H G Taylor. 2 year old stal- ion, Geo Taylor, Thos Beattie. 3 years ;aril over, John W Yeo, Best horse any tinge, Geo Taylor. l'; BoADSTER, ENTIRE -1 year old stallion, ?,Wilson Cook, W Doherty. 3 years and deer, Peter Cook. Best horse any age, 'Fyilson Cook. 'OARr11AOE, ENTIRE -1 year old stallion, R Brook. Best horse any age, R Brock, 1 ' IbtPORTED Holism —Brood mare, Jn Mc - Alan & So is, Jas Snell. Spring colt, Jas ra dell, J McMillan & Sons. Year old filly, sSnell, 'Chris Dale. 2 year old filly, Jas • %taalk, Boat Mare any age, ;Y• ' a'iaAi il#sn , Ott fele liaavil DltAvou�',...r-q,ean), John . Dale, Brod Mare, D l+leTeviah, tfenv'y rItt>ollataeh Sprin colt, r Male, 11. Plena- eteel- Year old. filly, J J MoLa i )ilio, Geo Taylor. 2 ,year o:d idly, G Dale, 3 J 34o. ]aaeghliu, Year QM g.lding,41cls Itsynelde ettsettAt, Punross,---&grioulteral team; 3 1'attereon, Jas Corniab, General purpose team, Jas litoynolda, Isaae Salkeld it Sens. Wood mare, W Dale, Levi Trick. Spring foal, eolb or filly, L Trtok,Wur Dale. Year old filly or gelding, 0 Dale 11 Disney, 2 year old Ally or gelding, 3 Allan, 0 Lindsay. Rougs'relle—Sprig Jolt or filly, 0 Mason, Chao Williams. 1 year old gelding or filly, Wm Laing, Geo Dale. 2 year ,old gelding or filly, Jae VanEgmond, II S* Taylor. Brood mare. foal by her side, P McDougall, eihas Maaon. Road boreo, mare or gelding, style and speed considered, 16 hands or under. J Molvale, W Doherty. Roadster team (stallions excluded) 16 panda or un- der, W Doherty, Geo D MoTaggart. Best horse or mare, P McDougall, W Doherty. CAR1tI.AGE—Spring foal, John Sal►teld. I year old gelding or filly, John Salkeld. Brood mare, foal by her side, Jos Whitely. John Salkeld. Carriage horse, mare or gelding, 16 hancleor over, Alex MoMurehie, Chas Mason. Carriage team, 10 hands or over, James MoMuruhie, Bast horse or mare, Alex YfeMurchie. MIseeLr,ANEoua—Saddle horse, John Av. ery; F. W. 0rich. CATTLE — DURHAM. — Aged bull, Elcoat Bros. 2 year old bull. Geo Shipley. Year old bull, 3 Snell, G Farquhar. Bull calf under one year, Elcoat Bros Milch cow. J Snell, Elooat Bros. 2 year old heifer, J Snell. Year old heifer, 1 and 2 Jae Snell. Heifer onlf, 1 and 2 dames Snell. Herd of Durhame, 3 Snell, Elcoat Bros. Best cow or heifer, James Snell. . , NATIVE OR GRADE.—Milch cow, 0 Ship- ley, Jn Stanbury. 2 veer old heifer, John Hunter, Jas Nott. Yearling heifer, Chris Dale, Elooat Bros. Heifer calf, W Miott 1 and 2. Pair 2 year old seers, J Hunter, J Smithery. Pair yearling steers, C. Dale, J F Dale. Best cow or heifer, 0 Dale. HOLSTEIN—Milch cow, bull, any age, 1 year old heifer, bull calf, boat cow or heifer, all taken by John McGregor. Ileneroiws —Milch cow, bull, any age, heifer calf, year Aid heifer, beat cow or heifer, all taken by 1• m Elliott. JERSEYS—Milch cow, year old heifer, hest cow or heifer, all taken by Jas Van- Egmond. FAT CATTLE—Best beast, cow or heifer, H Warren, Jas Nott. Fat ox or steer, Jno Stenbur•y 1st and 2nd. SHEEP—LEICL•STSIts AND TllEnt Gn.tDEe..' Aged ram, Elcoat Bros. shearling ram, J Snell, R Charters & Sons. Ram lamb, Jas Snell. R Charters & Sons. Pair aged ewes, 1 and 2 J Seel. Pair ewe lambs, J Snell, 11 Charters & Sons. SHtOPe11IItES AND THEIR GRADES. — Aged ram. J Wig;;intan. Shoarling ram, John Selk,ld. Pair',,;.ed owes. J Salkeld, John 1Viegii,tou. Pair shearling ewes, 1 and 2 J W'gginton. Corsworns AND TIIEIE ohADE5—Aged ram, shearling ram, pair aged ewes, pair shear - ling ewt,s, pair owe lambs, all taken by John Coming. SoorHDowss AND THEIR GRADES—Aged ram, Andrew Johnston. 1''AT SHEEP— Best fat sheep, Jas Snell 1st and 2nd. Plea—Learns BREED. —Aged boar, Roger- son Bros. Brood SOV,, Rogol%on Bros., JD Stanbury. Boar littered in '93. Rogerson Bros., J Stanbury. Sow littered '92, Rog• erson Bros., J Stanbury. Su+LI, (BREED—BE'nl»III1,E —Aged boar, 1 and 9 Wm McAllister. Brood sow, Wm McAllister, 0`Lindsay. Boar littered in '09, Wm Snell, J J McLaughlin. Sow lit. tered in '92, J Salkeld, Win McAllister. SMALL BREED—SUFIfOLX.—Brood•. sow, J B Lindsay. POLINI, CHINA.—Aged boar, brood sow, boar littered in '92, sots littered in '02, all taken by J J Fisher. POULTRY—Black Spanish, A Bissett, Jos Whitely. Light Bra'.hmas, A Bissett, .Ino Stanbury. Grey Dorkings, Jno Stanbury, Dark Brahmas, G Irwin let and 2nd, White Polands, John Stanbury. Golden Polands., 0 Irwin. Spangled Homburgs, C Lindsay, John Stanbury. Andulsians, E Cantelon. Plymouth Becks, G Irwir 1st and 2nd. Buff Coohins, Robt Moore, Wm Fear. White Leghorns, A Bissett, G Irwin. Brown Leghorns, Chas Hale A. Bissett. Minarcos, E Cantelon, Charles Hale. Wyandotts, A Bissett 1st and 2nd. Gagne Fowls, A Bissett, John Stanbury. Bantams, A Bissett, G Irwin. Pekin Ducks, G Irwin, John F Dale. Rouin Ducks, Wm Fear. Common Geese, John F Dale, Wm Fear. Emden Geese, Joseph Whitely. Toulouse Geese, 0 Irwin,H Mc• Michael. Turkeys, Wm Fear, 0 Irwin. Spring Chickens, A Bissett, 0 Irwin. Col- lection of singing birds, John Cuninghame lst and 2nd. Collection of pigeons, George Irwin 1st and 2nd. Breeding pen, George Irwin. IMPLEMENTS.—Fanning mill, Alex Mc - Murchie. Gang plow, J B Weir. Field roller, J B Weir. Turnip seed drill, J B Weir. Wooden pump, Jas Ferguson. Set of horse shoes, J Dalrymple. Wrought iron and steel beam plow, J Miller. Horse hoe or soufner, J B Weir. GRAINS.—White winter wheat, A John- ston, Henry Curwen. Red winter wheat, S Furse, Henry Curwen. Spring wheat, M Brethour, D Brethour. White oats, Sam. Furse,, H Curwen. Black oats, J Wiggin- ton, M Brethour: C -rowed barley, H Cur - wen, M Brethour. 2 -rowed barley, Samuel Furse, J Salkeld. Small peas, H J Hibbs, S Furse. Large peas, S Furse, J Salkeld. White beans, M Brethour, J Izzard. Red clover seed, M Brethour, 13 Brethour. Timothy seed, M Brethour, D,Brethour. FRUIT—APPLES—Six named varieties of Winter Apples, Jas Snell, •M Schwanz. Beet collection of Baldwins, Ben Davis and American Soldon Russets, Chas Williams, John Salkeld. Best collection, 15 varieties properly named, Wm Elliott, Wm At- cheson. Plate American Golden Russets, Wm Weir, W Elliott. Plato of Northern Spies, Geo Shipley, J F Dale. 20 -oz Pip- pins, J F Dale,Geo Shipley. Snow Apples, Thos W Jenkins, Chas Williams. Rhode Island Greenings, 0 Irwin, C 11 illiams. Spiteenburgs, Joseph Whitely, Wm Fear. Baldwins, G Irwin G Nott. Fall Pippins, John Salkeld. Strawberry Apples, P Mc- Dougall, Wm Elliott. King of Tompkins Co, I Salkeld It Sons, Geo Shipley. Rib - sten Pippins, John Pierson, T W Jenkins. Alexanders, W S Swaffield, John F Dale. St Lawrence, Wm Elliott, Wm Atcheson. Cayuga Red Streaked, John Lanxon, Jos Izzard. Fallwater; Chas Williams, S L Scott. Duchess of Oldenberg, Wm At- cheson, Elcoat Bros. Gravenstein, Chas Williams, W Elliott. Maiden Blush, Geo Irwin, Wm Atcheson. Roxbury Russet, J McGregor, M Schwanz. Waggoner, Jos Whitely, J F Dale. Pomme Gris, S F Scott, I Salkeld & Sons. Mann, G Irwin. W Fear. Colvert, 0 Irwin, W Atcheson. Five heaviest, any variety, H Curwen, Jos Whitely. CRABS.—Montreal beantiee, J F Dale, El - coat Bros. Transcendent, J Izzard. Gnirrs.—Clinton grapes, H Curwen, 1 Salkeld & Sons. Concord, R Holmes, F. W Crich. Rogers No. 194 Henry Curwen. Hartford Prolific, Jn Lanxon. Delaware, R Holmes, J Worsel. PE.nns.--Three varieties winter pears, H Curwen, 8 Furse. Three varieties fall pears, Wm Elliott. Bartlett, Wm Elliott, Coarse. 1,l'Atitttielt $etitlb , Wirt Bllfatx, 0 .Cloare• krettg li,tllt(ld cg Sone.4 guiuvca, 1t O(ltts,t'vltnes liruala,TT-l�iaa\l)ardp, ' heti >1o11owtnY, 0 Hoare, 1'oud'a 13:ed;linge,W For. Waab. ingtvnr'I' llolloway, Brattehawe, T I olic,.t way. Cbe'a Golden Drop,'t'hoa U.1 Away• Duane Beret.), Kiss' growler, W Ms:nesots. (Upnoral Faded; ;4 Aol.leway. - PEAOHEs, 0 William's, Ii Ourwen. MANUFACTURES —Set single harness. John son & A.r. hour. Set double harneta, John aun d: Annear. Marble worts, Seale, 11uov ar & Seale. Grape wine, A Jobnaton, Wu. Fear. Pairhome wade blankets, W Wise. VEGETADLEe—Best ootleotiou of garden vogetablee, market gardenera exeluded, M Brethour, J Whitely. Collection of pota- toes, 0 Hoare. Potatoes, any other varie- ty, F Layton, A Bissett. Early Roof) pota- toes, A Bissett, A McKenzie. -Beauty of Hebron potatoes, J MoMurebio, A MoKen- zte. White Elephaut potato, 3 Izzard H Ourwen. Red Elephant potato, J Salkeld, W Fear. Mangold Wurtzals, C Allaneon, Elcoat 'Bros. Yellow Globe Mangold Wurtzels, J Snell. Attringhatn carrots, T Holloway. Orange carrots, T Holloway, A MoKenrte. Field oorrots, Elooat 13roa 'C Holloway. Swede 'Turnips, 0 Lindsay, I Salkeld & Sons. Greystone turnips, Jas Snell. Garden carrots, '1' Holloway, A ML - Kenzie. Blood beets, J Salkeld, 0 Allan - son. Blood turnip beets for table use. H. it Walker, ,Wheatley. Parsnips, '1' Hol- loway, H J Hibbs. Radishes, T Holloway, J Salkeld. Winter cabbage, 0 Aflansou, I Salkeld & Sons. Pickling cabbage. Chas Allanson, W Fear. Cauliflower, 0 Allan - son. Red onions, 0 Hoare, J MoMuruhie. Yellow onions, 0 Hoare, I Salkeld & Sons. Silver skin onions, J Lauxou, 't Holloway. Potato onions, J Izzard. Sweet corn, A McKenzie, C Allaneon. Cora, any variety. J Salkeld, A Bissett, Citrons, Thos W Jenkins, J Lanxotl. Red Tomatoes, J Lauxun, 1' Holloway. Purple Tomatoes, T Holloway. Pumpkin, C Allaneon, 1? Layton. Squesh, J Salkeld, H R Walker. Celery, J Lanxon, H R Walker. Mangolds, J bncll. Turnips, H Curwen, C Lindsay. Carrots, T Holloway, Elooat Bros. DAIRY PRODUCE.—Home made tub batter, J Izzard, W Fear. Crock butter, J W Yeo, W Fear. Butter in printe,•J VanEgmond, G Nott. Butter in rolls, D 'Tiptady, Wm Atcheson. Homemade buns, plainM Schwanz, W Ateh.son. Homemade bans, fancy, Mrs H R Walker, M Schwartz. Plate apple pie, Geo Nott, Sirs A Taylor. Plate pumpkin pie, Mrs LI J Hibbs, Mrs Smyth. Plate custard pie, Mgrs Smyth, Geo Nott. Fruit cake, Miss Symington, Gilbert Mair. Jelly cake, J Worsell, G 8lttir. Jar of ex. traeted honey, A Johnston, Mrs I1 R Walk• er. Hooey in comb, hIrs 11 R Walker, I Dodd. Display of hooey in comb, C Hoare, Display of honey, extracted, C Hoare, Mrs 11 It Walker. Display of bees :n hive, I Dodd, 3 Worsell. Homemade cheese, Mrs Burdge, Miss Symington. Homemade bread, 111 Schwanz, J L' Dale. Baker's bread, W 13 Boyd. Maple sugar, A John- ston. Maple molasses, J McFarlane, Al Schwauz. Homemade soap, Geo Nott, W Wise, 1LowERs—PL.tNI:S —Begonia, ilowering, T Cottle, 11 L Watson. Begonia, Rex, T Cottle, J Woreell. Cactus, Miss Bay. Ca- ladium, Miss fowler, Canna, T Holloway, T Cottle. Coleus, 1' Cottle, 11 L Watson. Fuschias, single, T Cottle. Fuschias, doa- ble, T Cottle. Geranium, silver, Mrs A Taylor, T Cottle. Geranium, golden of bronze, Mrs A Taylor, T Cottle. Hanging basket, T Cottle, H L Watson, Petunias, single, A McKenzie, T Cottle, Petunias, double, T Cottle. Collection house plants, not less than 9, Mrs H it Walker, A. Mc, Kenzie. Collectiou house plants, not leas than 6, A McKenzie, Mra 11 It Waller Collection greenhouse plants, T Cottle, H L Watson. CUT 1'Losvens—Astern, Miss Bay. Bel- sams, Mrs H R Walker, MrsA Taylor, Chrysanthemus, Miss Fowler. Coxcomb, A McKenzie. Dahlias, Mrs A Taylor, A McKeuzie. Dianthae, H L 1Vatson. Ger- aniums, H L Watson, T Cottle. Gerani- ulna, 1I L Watson, T Cottle. Gladiolus, T Holloway, T Cottle. Hollyhocks, single, Mrs H It Walker, airs A Taylor. Holly- hocks, double, Mrs I3 R Walker. Mari- golds, Thoa Cottle, A McKenzie. Phlox, Drummondi,. H L Watson, Miss Bay. Phlox, Perennial, Mrs A Taylor. Pansies, C Hoare, H L Watson. Petunias, single, T Cottle, H L Watson. Petunias, double, T Cottle, H L Watson. Stocks, A McKen- zie. Verbenas, H L Watson, W Fear. Zinnias, 11 L Watson, Mrs H R Walker. Hand Bouquet of natural flowers, H L Watson, T Cottle. Table Bouquet of na- tural flowers, H L Watson, 8'Irs H R Walk- er. Basket of natural flowers, T Cottle, Mrs H R Walker. Collection of Annuals, T Cottle, A McKenzie. LADIES WORT, --Collection ladies' 'work, Miss McFarlane, Mrs Smyth. Crochet work, cotton, 5 L Scott, Miss Symington. Crochet work, wool, Mrs C Campbell, Miss Symington. Embroidery in cotton or mus• • lirl, G Nott, Mrs C Campbell. Embroidery in silk, Mies Symington, Andrew Johnston. Embroidery inarrasene, Miss Fowler, Miss McFarlane. Table cover, embroidered, G Nott, Miss McFarlane. Table scarf, Geo Nott, Mrs R 11 Walker. Slippers, worked, G Nott, Miss McFarlane. Pillow shams, darned net, Mrs C Campbell, Geo Nott. Pillow shams, any other kind, Miss Sym- ington, W Fear. Chair scarf, Mrs Smythe, Mrs C Campbell. Drawn work, Mrs C Campbell, Miss Symington. Mantle drape, Mise McFarlane, Geo Nott. Tea cosy, G Nott, Mrs W Coats, sr, Darn on socks or stockings, Mrs W J Coats, Mrs A Taylor. Hand sewing, S L Scott, Mies Symington. Gent's flannel shirt, G Nott, Mrs 0 Camp. bell. Rag mat, Mrs H R Walker, H J Hibbs. Rag carpet, Mrs H R Walker, W Wise. Yarn mat, 1 and 2 Mrs H R Walker. Whisk holder, Miss Symington, Geo Nutt. Parlor sachet, Mks C Campbell, Miss Sym- ington. Set table mats, Mrs G D McTag- gart, Mrs C Campbell. Fancy tidy, A Johnston, Mrs C Campbell. Applique on felt, Mrs C Campbell, Miss Symington. Fancy foot stool, Mrs H 11 Walker, G Nott. Paper flowers, Mrs Smyth, M Brethour. Toilet set, Mrs C Campbell, G Mair. Pin- cushion, Miss McFarlane, Mrs C Campbell. Crewel work, Miss Fowler, G Nott. Shawl, crochet or knit, Mis C Campbell, A John- ston. Bracket drapery, Miss Symington, G Mair. Saddle bag, Mrs 0 Calinpbell, G Nott. Ribbon work, Mrs C Campbell, Miss Symington. Patch work in silk or velvet, Mrs W Coats, sr, Miss Symingttpn. Berlin wool work, flat, Miss Symington, Mrs 0 Campbell. Child's dress, Mrs W Coats, sr, A Johnston. Sofa pillow, Mrs Smyth, G Nott. Lady's fancy apron, Miss Syming- ton, G Mair. Drawing room screen, Mrs O Campbell, Miss Symington. Carriage afghan, Mra C Campbell, Geo Middleton. Patch quilt, G Nott, G Mair. Crazy quilt, G Nott, Mrs W Coats, er. Knitted cover- let, Wm Fear, J Govett. Etching in silk, Mrs C Campbell, Mrs Smyth. Etching in cotton, Miss Symington, G Mair. Roman embroidery, linen, Mrs G D McTaggart, Mrs C Campbell. Child's knitted under- wear, Mrs C Campbell. Knitting, fancy, Miss Symington, S L Scott. Iinitting, woollen stocking, A Johnston, Mrs A Tay- lor. Knitting, woollen seeks, A Johnston, G Nott. Knitting, woollen gloves or mita, Miss Symington, Miss Bay. Log cabin quilt, John Worsen. FINE ARTS—Pnor•EsnroN.ta LOT—Collec- tion of oil paintings and water colors, C H Motrn'tcastle, Miss McFarlane. Oil paint- iitg, A g 14onntoaittie, Wolter talar, 0. 11ounteaetle, this NitrriNea. A'x Aax,tTPUne-•golieotialt+ of ail palutinge, water (Agora, Mrs Colin Campbell, 'Eliza 11;tonutoaetl'o, L endsoirpe, A.uiy A Wesley, Ai 1lhannon. > Mane* View, Mrs 0 Oampbell, F Alounteestle, Animals, 8lrs Oolin Campbell, , Eliza tluuutottstle. Flowers or Fruit, Airs Smythe, Mrs 0 Campbell. Portrait. Alice Bay. WATER CoLons BY AaiuTEvlts—Landsoape, ars 0 Campbell. Marine 'View, Mrd 0 Jampbe 1, E i11i1ountuastle. Animals, 11 iklouutoestle, Mrs ()Campbell. ]i'lowers or Fruit, 17 Mountoastle, S. 0 Plummer. Portrait, Mrs 0 Campbell. Sepia, Mrs C Cad pball, E Mountoastie. Penoil draw- ing, Mra 0 Campbell, Maggie McKenzie. Pen and Ink Sketch, Mrs C Campbell. . PASTEL BY AMA'rEvns—Landsoapel Mise McFarlane, A A Beesley. Marine View, A. A Beesley, Jennie Robinson. Animals, Jennie Robinson. Flowers or Fruit, Mrs A Taylor. Portrait, Mrs lbloli'arlane, special. Hand Paintiug ort Silk or velvet, Mrs 0 Campbell. Lustra Painting on .ilk or velvet, Aire A Taylor. Fon SCHOOL CHILDREN—Beat Penman. ship, by boy under 15 years, W Aitobeson. Best Penmanship, by girt under '15 years, S L Scott. Best Dressed Dull, H J Hibbs. Largest Dressed Doll, H J Hibbs. Beat Speoimen-plain needle -work by -girt under- 15 inder15 years, S L Scott 1st and 2nd. Best Penoil Sketch on common elate, W Ait- ohoson, S L Scott. SPECIAL PRrzEs.—By G Hoar, for the best litter of grade pigs from Royal Tom, C Lindsay. By 3 H Worsell, for the heaviest half dozen hen's eggs, W Fear. By T C Bruce, for beet crock of butter of 30 lbs., Mrs John Burdge. FARMERS TROT.—Eleven entries, 1st, Geo King, time, 3.10?f; 2nd, John Reedier, time, 3.251; 3rd Michael Schwanz, time 3.24. ALL-Coalrn's TROT.—Seven entries, lst John Bossier; 2nd, Michael Sohwanz; 3rd, James Beatty. SrEczAs,—Jas Fortune, eggs; Mrs Seale, wall panel, crochet quilt, and stuffed birds; J Lausitz], cucumbers; Elooat Bros., Ben Davis apples; P McDougall, Blenheim pip• pin and Ontario; W Elliott, penrl; Mrs Robson, marine vie", and animal (profes- sional); C Hoare, pears; Miss McFarlane, crayon and portrait from lite. JUDGES—Heavy Horses, J Henderson, Belton. Light Horses, W H Hunter, Or- angeville. Thoro-bred Cattle, H Thomp- son, St Marys, Native or grade cattle, 8 Smith, Toronto. Sheep, C Proctor, Bel - grave. Pigs, C Proctor, Bolgrave, T Car- bert, Clinton. Poultry, T M Carling, Clinton. Implements, R Thompson, Gode- rich. Grains, J Fair, W Weir, Clinton. Fruit, T 11 Race, Mitchell. Manufaet ores, 0 S Doan, Clinton. Vegetables,, T Warnock, Goderich. Dairy produce, H McCartney, Brucefield, Flowers, E Bing- ham, Goderich. Ladies' work. Mrs Proud - foot, Mrs Reynolds, Goderich. Fine Arts, •Major Crockett, Goderich. ADVIen TO M)T,tsns. • Are yon disturbed at right and broken of your rest by a sick eh. Id sulfuring and cr5iugwith painof Vetthip Teeth. It so send at once and get a hottl9 of "'jr.,s Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth lug. Its (alts is iu.:alontble. It will relieve the pour Httlesufferer homed iately. Depend upon it, mothers; there le no mistake about it. It Faros D; Sallt..ry and Diarrh,na, regulates the stomach and bowels, sures Wind Colic, Softens the gems, rodn,:es tn,t,mmatimn, and gives tone mud energy to lite whole system. ":drs \Vinslow's 5 ,tithing Syrup" fur children teething is pleasant t , the taste uml 19 the prescription of one of the oldest and best frmrle physicians and nun es In the United State., and is tar sale by all drncgist's tbroughont the w„rl I. Price 25 cents a bottle. Bo sora end ad( for "5fns. 1VINSLow'S Rn-rrnrxo SvuuP,"Sud tak.no other kind. 636y One Hundred and Forty-one handsome Photographs In One Grand F»ICTURF Y All the Conservative Members of 892Parliament862 Including extra large Size photographs of Sir John Abbott, Premier, and Sir John Thompson, leader 4' the House of Commons, surrounded by the Cabinet Ministers, and grouped on either side the members of the House trona every Province in the Dominion, making a total of fpr splendid photo- graphs; every one a perfect likeness. • - 4I'his great picture ,s a reprpdudtion by Photo. gravure process on copper plate of the picture presented to Sir John Thompson by the Conserva- tive MIentbers during the hast session. THE ORIGINAL PICTURE COST OVan 8500. Tun l ,iPiaa has secured the copyright to repro. duce this Grand Picture. It 0 printed on special plate paper in photographic inks, and is a feet 6 niches by z feet 4. inches ,n size, and makes a splen- did picture for framing. A key giving the name of each member and constituency represented isrinted on the margin, making a valuable work of reference. NO EXTRA CHARGE Will be made for thle Grand Premium, but It Wltl be GIVEN FREE To Every Subscriber for the eekly Empire FOR 1393. Tits \Vsratr Emma is without doubt the best Weekly for $,.00 published in Canada, containing s{ pages of latest news of the day. Special depart - mats on Agriculture, Woman's Empire, Our Curiosity Shop, 01d World Diary, the latest Sport- ing Events, -etc. .Only One Dollar per year. Sent to any address in Canada or the If nitod.States. lie-; ry snhscrlber will get the Premium Picture as a Present. Send id your subscription at once, or nrder through our local agent. Address; THE EMPIRE, Toronto, Ont. The Empire AND Yows ieoord Fon ONLY $2 A `YEAR Wo ;are now ready fere the Fall Trade Full Lines in au Departments. — -..- 0 ..�. IF YOU g�7q }fat p Donner call and see MISS DAVIS. She WANT' A iceUt of Ann give you the Lateet Styles and Lowest Prices. Dross and Manila Making done int fLawolri.ces,Yle and Tailoring in all ita branches at the lowest possible paying prices. Re- member, Tailoringmember, we have it tirst.olass Cutter, second to none—give bite a trial and yosj will be pleased with his work. Dress Goods and Mantle Cloths We have not space to mention all the lines we carry, This season we have given special attention to Dress Uoods and Mantle Cloths. We have a beautiful variety. Before YougBuO A MANTLE see our GERMAN MADE MANTLES, the best fitting goods made, and very low prices for good goods. Full Stock Ready -Made Clothing. , $3;00D WORTH BOOTS AND SHOES at a so aleloadvane° --_._-0— PLUMSTEEL - AND.- GIBBINGS, MONTREAL HOUSE, Clinton, September 12th, 1892. dessolomprawarmatamwmaa THE HUB GROCERY. 0 Sugar is on the Advance. - We have a Carload of Extra Standard Granulated Which we offer at WHOLESALE PRICES in barrel lets—also a -reduction by the 100 lbs. Now is THE TIME to t,ny your Sugar for preserving Fruit. I Hill wattle Tea always on hand. I Orders taken for best Scranton Coal. wall 0 -- • ---0_— J. W. Irwin, the Grocer, has removed to the New McKay Block. They Knock Them All Out'! - What Does ? 0..._—. 'S2V'•,�„y I THE IIAPPY THOUGHT AND GRAND PENINSULAR Why STOVES AND RANGES. Then ! For a COAL OR WOOD HEATER, you just get one of the Famous New Radiant Home Coal Stoves. They are beauties. Say! Are you going to PAINT YOUR HOTJSE? Then use the Decorators' Pure White Lead and Elephant heady -Mixed Paints, in all shades. English Raw and Boiled Oil.' It pays to use the Best. I3A.RLAN]J BROs ren and Hardware Merchants, -- — — — CLINTON sesaysesesesameait ew Fall Tailoring foods. T. JACKSON, Sr., has placed in stock Complete Linos or Choice Fall and Winter Tailoring Goods Being a cutter of long experience, satisfaction is guaranteed. 1Tk We can Smit you in quality and price for Pants, a Suit or Overcoat. Perfect cuts and fits. The best goods and trimmings. Workmanship unsurpassed. Call on us before you order. 0 --- T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. Groceries ! :-: Gr000rios Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, cto. Our store is well-filled With fresh, clean, new Goods, and we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & ' Retail Grocers, Clinton. Tile NesRecoii (ol' Pr!ut!ng