HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-09-21, Page 8..e SHIU H'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, tbi successful CONSUMPTION OUR iswitbout a parallel in the history wediciuo. All druggists are•}tuthor- ized to bell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no outer cure eau succor s• fully stand. Itou have a Cougtr, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will onto you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious dieeaso CON'. SUMPTION, (fon't fail to use it, it will cure you or cost- nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Trice 10 ots., 50 ots. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25 ots. ABOUT ECONOMY. A man may go from Clinton to Toronto without riding in the cars. ' It will take him a long time to walk, but he dales his car fare. The thing looks economical, but is really extravagance. . A man can often do without a doctor when he is sick, and do with- out quack nostrums partioularly, if he will only economize by having a little Fine Whiskey, Brandy or Wine at the proper time. And and it is foolish economy to be without that which is likely to b prescribed for you. We have what you want in Ale Porter, Whiskies, Brandies, Wine etc., eto., in wood and bottle. We keep in stook the very hes and sell at the lowest living profit The correct and safest economy is to always buy from us. J. W. RITER, ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON T. C. BRUCE L. D. S Surgeon Dentist. Member of R. C. D. Ont. Teeth extracted without pain by the of a harmless and pleasant local anaesthetic. unconsciousness, sickness nor III -effects at: pany the use of this remedy, and many ,in around Clinton can testify to its genuine: Special attention given to the preeervatim the natural teeth. Office, Coates' Block, o Taylor's shoe store. ldtiitiOipwl 1400 1 Qn other peep, THE Pouahrx Qao,tN Co., ship.. Ped Another lot of their reeve') instrumentis to England lost week. , 8utrrt .o Oaid --Within eight' days thirtytbree ears of Acte hove boon shipped from Irwin'e elever tor. MR. JOHNSTON, of Belleville, Dominion Inspector of Weights and Measures, was in town last week while making an official tour. TUE EMPIRE le authority for the statement that the trial petition against the return of the, Hon. J. C. Pattersou, M. P.,' for West I3urou, will not take place before December 11, next. CAPT. WIOOiNs, of the Salvation Army, Wingham, visited the Clin ton lade and lassies last Wednesday. Ile brought the uniformed brass band along with him, and a good and glorioue time was spent. Tan Calgary Timed records the death there recently by drowning, of W. A. Perry, roadmaster on the C. P. R. between Gletohen an Canrnore. It is said ho came from Clinton Ont., and that his friends reside in Toronto where he was educated iu the University of that city .. NARROW Es'oAPEs.—The other day Mr. T. C. Edmonds was erect ing a frame building and several of his factory mates made a bee in the evening to push the work. While several were in an elevated position, the structure, or a portion it, came to the ground. Th'+ result was a severe shaking up, bruiees and kinks, Borne of which required medical attendance. None, how - ver, were dangerously injured. DOINGS AT FAIR'S MILL.—La-go quantities of wheat have been de livered at Fair's milt during the past week. The test rune from 57 to 61 pounds. The mill will not be running for a week or two and repairs are being made and new machinery put in. Mr. Fair likes to always have the best. Two new rollers, new scalper and new smut machines are being added, so that the mill will be better equipped than ever. MARKET FOR APPLES.—Some of our exchanges are making merry over the low price obtainable for npplee in the neighborhood of Sea• forth and quote the Exposiler as saying that 75 cents a barrel, de livered, is the price at that place`. We do not know whether the Ex— positor is responsible for quoting that as the pride, but we do know that $1.50 per barrel on the trees, is the average price paid by Clinton buyers, for merchantable winter fruit. Moral—Come to Clinton to do your selling as well as your buying. To Advertisers. All changes of Advertisements, to insure insertion in the current issue, must be received at the olice not later than Monday noon. 'Copy for changes received later than Monday noon will hereafter be at the Adver- tiser's own risk. WHITELY & TODD, Publishers. TheHuron News -Record 1.50 a Year -51.25 in Advance. Wednesday Sept. 2Ist, 1892 LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the ilub, Iowa Zan. LOCAL..NOTICES.—A11 notices in these columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the same, at which an admission fee ie charged,or from which a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will be charred at the rate of ten cents per line. T,IE MUST LARGELY CIRCULATED PAPER IN THIS SECTION. OH, WHAT A COUGH I—Will you heed the warning. The signal per- haps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourself if you can afford for the sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We khow from experience that Shiloh'e Cure will cure your cough. It never tails LOOK OUT,,,. --B &KERSk AHEAD. -4. large number of accounts, amounting to nearly $1000, have been placed in the hands of our solicitors for collec- tion. If they are not attended to upon notification costs will be incurred, Avoid this by remit- ting AT ONCE. We must have the money. • WHITELY & TODD. OAs all binder Twine accounts become due on October lst, our customers will kindly oblige by prompt settlement on or before that date.—HARLAND BROS., Clinton. 723.2t. An active and trustworthy boy can find profitable employment at Tee NEWS -RECORD office. To -DAY, Wednesday, ie the Jew ish new year. Doubtless our He brew fellow citizens will snake the most of it. oto Papor alld Envelopes P In Great Variety,, We have a very good Note Paper at 5 cents a quire. Extra good value in Cream or White at 10 cents. In Fancy Note Papers we have Burmese Ivory, Ivy Leat Pattern, Irish Linen, Gilt Edge, Parchment., Tint- ed Note, and many other varieties too numerous to mention. ENVELOPES TO MATCFI THE ABOVE. The newest thing in Note Paper and Envel- opes is BUCHf,A1I►I--1 quire Note Paper and 1 packet Envelopes for 25c. 0 Robins -:-Bros. '1 n's first reed organ is said to have been made by Archmeedes B. C. 220. The most recent reed organ has been made, we believe by the Doherty Organ Co., of Clin ton,A. D. 1892 Ten Spanish Government has decided to declare Oct. 12, a perpet- ual holiday in perpetuation of the discovery of America by Columns. This is egnivalent to the 21st. (Moller by the now celenrl+r and it won11 ;nem mDre fitting to hrve the letter din a, the anuiveratry. SIXTY YEARS AGO.—Exactly 60 .years age neat Friday a very inter- esting event took place at Roches- ter, England. At that time and place Rev. Dean Thomas Francis Warren pronounced Mr. and Mrs. T: 0. Cooper man and wife. Mre. Cooper will be 78 in about a month, so that she was but eighteen when married. Mr. Cooper has just entered his '85th year, so that he was a young man of 24 summers. In 1837, 55 years ago, Mr. end Mrs. Cooper 'emigrated to Canada and resided in Goderich until 1840, when the couple took up the pres- ent old homestead on the 9th con• cession of Goderich Township. By industry, hard work and faithful- ness to each other, they succeeded in hewing out a comfortable home. Fifteen years ago Mr. and Mrs. Cooper retired from farming and have since been living in Clinton. ;mktg. offspring of the union is an honorable and industrione grown up family. Next Friday will be memorable anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, and although to them the alloted time of man is drawing nigh, ' THE NEWS -RECORD trusts that both may be spared for many years to come: Both Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are remarkably smart for a couple of their veers, their combin- ed age being 162 years. THE DOHERTY ORGAN Co., of Clinton, has been receiving high praise for their instruments at the Industrial Fair in Toronto. The Empire says of them :—"Their organs are no experiment, but an accomplished fact. Their instru- ments excel in brilliancy, volume, fluency and sympathy, and the quality of the tone is full and rich.999999 Quickness of response is also one of the pre eminent qualities of this organ. The organs are encased in beatifully designed and superbly finished caaee, and make a fitting ornament to a drawing•room. The durability of the Doherty organ seems especiv .ly to commend itself to those wno have tried it, and the firm claim that their organs n ver wear out. The great variety of a ',es , capacity and prices is an advantag, - of much practical importance in con- nection with this instrument and and places it within the reach of every family. Tho wonderful sale of the Doherty shows it to bo the most popular in the Canadian mar- ket. Their trade with England and the colonies is rapidly assum- ing vast proportions, and this is the result of Messrs. Doherty building their organs 'on honor.'" Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. 1111110111111110111711es.111w1111=1111111111W NOW lax EESLEY&CO. JRY CQODS MILLINERY • The success that has at- tanded our efforts in the past two seasons has decided us to continue keeping the lines we thought of giving up. We have decided to place before you the best stock for pick and choice and value that we have ever had the pleasure of offering you. Our New Dress Goods. They are great favorites and are sealing fast. Come and see our Cheviot Serges, Costume Cloth, Black & Colored Henriettas and Mantle Cloths and Trimmings, and don't forget that we cut Mantles free. tiff -Ladies' and Children's Wool Vests, all sizes, at low- est prices. MEN'S AND BOY'S UNDER- WEAR.—See .our men's all - wool shirt at 50c. and 75c., our fine lamb wool at 85c. worth $1.15, our boy's wool shirt for 40c—nothing like it for value. We can, we will, give yon full value for your money in the most satisfactory goods known to the modern buyer. Our Great Specialty We are showing the very latest from fashion centres. Newest Shapes, and among the brightest novelties will be found beautiful Bird Wings, Ribbons, Velvets and Jet Trimmings. And it is an undisputed fact that in the volume of business we do in this line we distance .all competitors. This speaks louder than words. But the fact that we lead both 'in Style, Assortment and Price, and have the most skilful artists to attend cus- tomers and make up the orders, is in itself an assur- ance of success and a satis- faction to our friends. This Department will again this season be under the joint management of Miss B. MCDONALD and Miss A. BEESLEY. assisted by an efficient staff. Making over Department. Me you a customer of Jackson Bros. IF NOT, WHY NOT ?° , Hats done over into the Leading .Styles. We ask for your trade, believing we de- serve it by means of the superior advantages we can give in Variety, Quality, Style and Price. 0 -_ —.� 0 — ANY MOTHER The Ladles' Favorite Estaffl!sflment BEESLEY & CO. The Great Millinery and Dry -Goods Emporium. THE CLINTON ORGAN CO., (Blatch- ford and Swaffield)(made another shipment of organs to Britain last week. ONLY Two ScotEst.—N. Robson's score last Wednesday was a total of 70, While that of James Anderson was 60. There were only the two scores. The practice had to -be dis- continued owing to Mrs. Allanson's serious illness. CHIEF A. P. MCLEAN, of Gude- rich, was in Clinton last week when going to and returning from the Caledonian games at Lucknow. Chief T. L. Fortune, of Camp Mur- roy, Clinton, accompanied him from this town. Although the day was untowardly wet the melting strsine of "Auld Lang Syne," the environments of the occasion, and the remembrances of loved euld Scotia's sea girt land, all conspired to stimulate a hilarious jollity that embraces the noblest feelings of the human race. Who wishes to have her girls wear- ing becoming HATS AND CAPS should buy our new line known as THE " SIE OLA.," "An entirely New Thing".and very pretty. TAM O'SHANTERS in all shades. A great line of 25c. SCHOOL CAPS for girls. All boys have or should have a seemingly superfluous amount of energy, especially after summer holi- days, and this energy generally manifests itself in holes at the knees and elbows, without mentioning a few slits and rips here and there. The moral is this :—Buy the best and strongest Clothing for ypur boys. We sell the hest Clothing. SOME OF THE PRICES :—Suits at $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50; these goods we., guarantee. Our stock of Boy's Over; coats is complete. 75c. will buy a small boy's Rubber Coat—we have a few left and are clearing them out. LIGHTNING'S FREAKS.—Two gen• amen were driving from Goderich unday evening when the thunder and 'lightning and rain storm came on. Electricity seemed to hover on all sides, but no fear was entertain- ed until a deadly ball of fire followed the road end'buried itself in mother _earth close by the rig. No on was injured. THE 'MACPHERSON AND ITOVEY Co., keep shipping their Clinton made steam threshing machines to Manitoba. The Westein men are fastidious and very exacting in their demands for first class machines and seem determined to supply themselves with the best so that they can get their grain to market in the shortest possible order and not be compelled, like many of thein hitherto have been, to wait all winter to got their wheat threshed out by depending on old fogy machines. II 0 JACKSON ROS The Noted Hatters,Clothiers and Furnishers, Clinton and Seaforth. THE FOR ALAOE. EST. 3. H. CLINTON, ONT. We have opened, marked, and passed into stock during, the past few days the contents of over 50 CASES NEW FALL GOODS Special among which will be found the LATEST NOVELTIES IN Fancy French Dress Goods, Plain Color '` Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy Black Dress Goods, Fine German Mantles, Mantle and Ulster Cloths, Dress and Mantle Trim- mings, Fashionable Millinery, and a full ssortment of all kinds of Staple Dry - Goods. 5 per cent. off for Cash. o Estate J. HoIiLJefls, DRY GOODS PLACE, CLINTON, On flikStAdik