HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-09-21, Page 5s but That is a Feet. But wile u use the 'W" SRAIDEO RARR4En FENCE V iR '—VOU •RAVE fr Black, Boil) aUd Gale€tnizet Fencing Wire. •$,pales and Shovels, Manure Forks, Digging Forks, Scoop , Shovels,lough Lines, Rope—a11 sizes. . 'Col !- Lehigh Va1iby Coal! B.J-. V ,� A S te .,, ,, ' :Irian and Hardware Merchants, -- CLINTON Leslie's Carriage Factory • iBUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the be work., ' mensbip and material, '-All the latest styles and most modern improve- ,rnonta. Ml work warranted. Repairing and repainting,, promptly attended . to. 9 Prices to suit the times. Ile" FACTORY --corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y COATS' CITY RESTAIIRANT (Oruiokshank's Old Stand, 2 doordSouth of News-Reoord office) 'Where we will be pleased to have you gall and see us. We shall keep In stook in season the very best , ICE_ CREAM, TEMPERANCE DRINKS, Fruits, Confectionery, Canned Goods, Oysters, Fish, eto., and all goods usually kept in a first•olass'Restaurant. COATS CITY RESTAURANT, 'THE BRICK BLOCK, 2 doors south of 7trrn New -Rowan Office SUGAR. SUGAR. ----0- Just received, another car load of tEr Redpath's •Granulated ! BEST IN THE MARKET, which will be sold at closest prices. SPECIAL• CUTS in 100 lb. and barrel lots. We have also another consignment of Russian Blend of Black Tea ! Call for Samples, N. ROBSON,CLINTON To Busin ss me The Fall. Exhibitions in the County of Huron are close at hand. Newspaper advertising is conceded by- the very best authorities to be productive of the best results. As a Newspaper Medium the columns of The Huron s 4 ows-Hocord have few equals and no superiors. Its circulation the whole area that must bring trade to the wise and judicious advertiser. Live business men are generally on the alert for certain lines of attractive advertising outside the newspaper. We have some splendid samples of fine Figure Litorapt Cards, specially adapted for this season of the year. They are attractive, well worth preserving, and we will furnish them at a very low figure in .500 -mots, or in quantities of one, two, three, four, five and ten thousand packages. Call early and see samples and get prices. —0 ----- First Come! First Served ! THE NEWS—RECORD OIllce JIG::MONE FOR AGENTS. NO RISK, NO CAPITAL REQUIRED An honorable and prnisewornhy business without any possible chance of loss. Steady employment and control of terri- tory, Have done business iu Canada 35 year's. Liberal pay to the right man, to sell our unexcelled Nursery Stock. Send for terms. Q3U4SE BROTUEIL4 Company Nt• rtsrsnvni ex, 715-3m Colborne, Ont Desirable Property for Sale. A RARE CHANCE.—That corner property on Albert street, north, recently occupied as car- rfrge and blacksmith works end destroyed by ere. Location suitable for any factory business or for private residence. Good stone foundation 8000 and all the brick In the late building. Stable and well on the property. Will he sold for $300—a big hargaln—and on very easy terms. Apply or write to 720..2t A. CANTELON, Owner, or P. CANrELON, Jr., Clinton 60,000 Barrels Apples Wanted T1s CANTELON, OF CLINTON, wants 50,000 .1)barrels of Fall and Winterfor which the hest market price will be paid,les lrold your apples for Cantelon and save money. I). CANTELON, Clinton. F;Y jxx.m+-, Y+n mrn.'•eY+tT+ ,7"hf URr'n o, s 'comet, *LIR?* Y4%arr4L2b,lc A,elY n9$e Wt.d esiltiy, Sept 2llst°_jS91, M'jse Ball ie viei.tiug in Louttott. Mr. G. N. D'tviq id in Loudon , 11ie� llZinaie DQ.uglaae, of Clinton, wee in the circular town on Friday.. Mr. Jas; Fair was in .he county town lest week. Mr. T. 0. Bruce was in the oircular town last weak. Apple king Centelon was in the the county town the past week. The potato crop iu Goderich fa considerably below the evetage. Hrs. Heals was visiting in Walk- erton this week. Mies Fannie Ball returned from Thorndale on Friday. Mies Davie was visiting in the Quetin City the pas week. Mies Kathleen Ball is visiting in Barrie. Miss Grant has returned from a visit to Walkerton. Dr. Nicholson was visiting the Toronto show the past week. Mr. William Craig visited Port Huron the past week. Mias'Nicholsou rehired on Fri- day from a visit to the Queen City. The City of Windsor still makee three calls a week. Mies F. Reason is vising friends in Chicago. Miss Nettie Cole, of Clinton spent Sunday iu the circular town. The steamer United Empire was in port on Saturday. James J. Doyle, is taking in the London Fair. he The town treasurer is visiting t Forest City Exhibition. Mr. F. J. Pridham is at the Lo don show. Mr. J. D. Swanson leftyesterd for the Forest City. Mr. Harry Clucas was in tow this week. Mies Kate McTaggart, of Clinton. was in Goderich the past week. Quarterly weetiug of the Sons of England next Wednesday evening. Our town fathers met in session last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Yates were in Brantford this week. Mr. Hugh Dunlop was in the Queen City -on Monday. Mr. Geo. Drummond was in the Forest City last week. Mr. M. Hutchison visited London the past week. Mr. Dai id Cantelon is visiting the London exhibition. Mrs. and Miss Toms left Last week for a six months sojourn in Indianapolis. Mrs. SeegeI-'s Sunday School y4414y44141108class, picknicked at her ico -las-Saturday. — -. Messrs. D. Marwick, and A. Craigie lifted their nets the past week and will sail north shortly, The Schooner Ontario sailed last week for Collin's Inlet to load lumber, for Windsor. Mr. W. H. Baker, of Bayfield, was in the county town on Satur- day. Mrs. Jas. Fair, jr., and Misses Nellie and Dot Fair, of Clinton, were in Goderich the peat week. The Cameron Mitchell libel case was called yesterday, Tuesdey, after- noon.Inspector of Inland Revenue, A. Cavan of Stratford, was in town this week. Mr. Geo. Neibergall of Staples, Essex Ca,, is spending a few days in Goderich. Mise Annie Campbell left last week to- resume her studies in the Queen City. The Schooner Todntan, captain Alex. Lawson, arrived in port last week to lay up. The schooner Pinafore, Captain Mitchell, arrived in harborou Mon- day with Cargo of lumber. The Grand Ju:►ay714.tti3>1-p the Queen vs .los. 1V itchai`l, Cetlil'n- ed a true bill on Monday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs Tom returned to Montreal on Monday, after a visit to the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison. Mr. Jno. G. Stevens as welected School • Trustees of St. Andrews ward to fill the unexpired term of the late Geo. Swanson. Rev. .W. A. Young and Canon Inness have been elected to the board Management of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society. The fishing tugs, Saa .King and Oreadia returned from the North last week to fish off this port for the remainder of the Beason. The court was occupied ail Mon- day afternoon witha seduction case, in which the girl mother was ap- parently under 14. Mr. Fred Coate, of Mitchell, has charge of the C. P. R. telegraph department during Miss Ball's absence. The Schooner Iiolfage,Capt. Jno, McDonald, reached port on Friday with a cargo of coal for Mr, Joseph Kidd, and sailed light for John- ston's Harbor on Saturday night. n• ay n The atoptu : f' last , '431'44afflitty lnerning'dtlneged.a ..pU100" of the boat ;honed ,sol d 4ietribu.fief hair a d1Tp boats ai t tl a rive,, Aittl,AAke shoo; where they ,weio all recover. ed. Mi'. ThOs. Whitely, • fertue:1y Rropfid Qt: Q( t)le Ytraatere hotai bete, has openadput in the gr..o cry busi Dasa in Woodstock. 'Mr. Z'Vll'itelx ehould do Well In thou live -town whose oitiae.ne will And him a man of thoroughly upright. charaetar. GRAND JURY,-.-D,+,niel Bell, Hay; Wm, Bean, Corrie ; Jas, Boico, Stanley ; J'abob Crozier, Ashfield ; Wm. , Gerrie; Joah. Cold - well, StauloyClegg; Thos. Davison, Grey; Nelson C. Griffon, . Wm. Howard., Exeter; J. i3. Hodgins. Stephen : M. H. Harrrisou, E. Wawant0; R. B. Irwin, E. Wawa. nosh; Roland Jenkins,Goderi0h tp ; Samuel Jobnaton, Goderich tp ; W. J. Johnston, Morris; Jno. Mc- Donald, Goderich tp ; Pat Pollard, Hensell; W. G. Strong, Howick; Chris Switzer. Usborne; Jae. Tay- lor, Colborne ; Lewis Taylor, Wawanoah ; Markin Whitely, Ash• field ; H'. L. Watson, Goderich ; Jno. Wingle, McKillop. William Clegg was elected foreman. The civil docket contained 5 jury and 1 non jury oasle,,,and the criminal libel against Jas. Mitchell of n the Star and the same against McLean of the World. Colborne. Mr. Albert Alliq will preach on the Benwiller Circuit next Sabbath. Mr. James Tabb attended the Toronto Exhibition laet week. L. 0. L. No. 153 will meet on Friday night, Sept. 30th, in regular session. The Rev. J. Ashley preached on the Bonmiller Circuit on Sabhath before last last. Mise Minnie and Martha Cousius arrived home from Michigan on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Thos Cousins and family in tend removing to Michigan to. live, about the first of October. Mr. A. Million has purchased their farm. Threshing is all the go at present. Mr. George Currey and Mr. 1Vm Morrish are doing good work on the eixth con. Mr. M. Flamer, of 1 enmiller. took a trip to Manitoba lately and purchased a quantity of Manitoba hard wheat for use in his mill. Mr. John Brownlee, of the Bay- field Line, has rented Mr, J. H. Millian's fariu for a term of ten years and is putting in fall wheat on it at present. Rev. Mr. Thibedeeu and wife have gone to Manitoba, intending to be absent four weeks. Mr. Thibedeau has furnished a supply to take the work during hie absence. Mr. Adams met with a very serious accident last woek by the running away of a - horse, from which -he - -is -not. eapetted _to re-_ cover. Londesboro. Mr. Geo. Williams of Wingham was -in the village on Friday night. - Mr. Win. Brunedon er., is very sick, Mr. Wilken took a business trip to London on Thursday last. Mr. J. H. McBain, who has been supplying for Rev. Mr. Leech, left last week to resume his studies at Victoria College. Mr. H. .Beacom has hung out his shingle asehoemaker, in the premises lately occupied by J. J. Walker V. S. The fence around the Methodist parsonage is being painted which, when finished, will greatly improve its appearance. ' Tom Bell and Ben Mason have taken possession of the Commercial Hotel, Clinton, and will spare no pains to make it a first class house. John Brunsdon, Geo. Snell and Tom Riddell, from the village, and quite a number from township of l-lullett, were at Toronto Fair last week. ; think the Board of Health might find something to do right in this village, the stench in some parts of the village is just awful. Who- ever are the, proper parties should see that this nuisance is removed at once as it is enough to create fever of the worst kind. We hope some one will fnove in thss matter, it has been allowed too long. District Lodge No. 24, I. 0. G. T. will meet in Clinton en Friday Oct. 14th. Business of the uttnoat importance to subordinate Lodger, will be brought before the meeting. Every Lodgein theDistrict ehould he represented, There will be a pub.. lic entertainment in the evening, at which a first class program will be presented. The admission fee is so low (10c) that all can afford to come. Auction Sale Hei inter. Parties ordering their sale bills at Tue Naws- RECoaD office will twelve a rasa notice, similar to the following, until the date of sale. The notice to worth about as much as the bills. SATURDAY, SEPT, 25—Sale of house furniture, °rookery, glassware, dishes, oarpete, etc., on the premises, Knox's cottage, Orange street, at 2 p. m. No re- serve. Terme cash. T. M. Carling, auctioneer. We ,are now roar . for the `al) Trade—Pull Lines x50: all Depa>tents, WAN' A Moe Rat at Bonnet call an°d Seo SSS DAVIS. - She Lowest P Bonnet casngive,you. the latest Stylea and rice Dress an Mantle' Mating . i at s a oe y1e and Tattering in all its branches at the lowest pgssible payinfop rices. Re'- lt ,t,tljy member, we have n first•olass Cutter, second 500500—give bin a trial and you will be pleased with his work. DIUUS' Cocas and Mantle Cloths We tiara net apace to carry. This season we have given special attentions tot Dress Goods and Mantle Cloths. We have a beautiful variety. Before YoujOu A MAIV'rLE see our GERMAN MADE MANTLES, tl +r the best fltting goods made, and very low prices for good goods. Tjt. Full Stock Ready -Made Clothing. $3,00Q WORTH BOOTS AND SDOES at a em dlcostdvance PLUMSTEEL - AND - GIBBINGS, MONTREAL HOUSE. Clinton, September 12th, 1892. THE HUB GROCERY. Sugar is on th9 Advance. We have a Carload of Extra Standard Granulated Which we offer at WHOLESALE PRICES in barrel iota—also a reduction by the 100 lba. Now is THE TIME to buy your Sugar for preserviug Fruit. zr Hillwattie Tea always on hand. ergr Orders taken for best Scranton ,Coal. eo. Swallow, Clinton SUGARS! Always buy the Best. - The Best is the Cheapest. 0 l' ar Opat9S Pureranu1ated r �.nd Yellows izow arrived, this summer. Sold as low as many so-called pure, but adulterated Sugars now selling in this market. 1 We make special cuts by the cwt. or in bbl. lots. 0 i---W-4RWIN, - Noted Grocer-:-- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CLINTON. They Knock Them All Out ! - What Does ? Why! Then ! 1 . �...o THE HAPPY THOUGHT AND GRAND PENINSULAR STOVES AND RANGES. For a COAL OR WOOD HEATER, you just get one of the Famous New Radiant Home Coal Stoves. They are beauties. SaySay -Are you going to PAINT YOUR HOUSE ? Then use the : Decorator& Pure White Lead and Elephant Ready.Mixed Paints, in all shades. English Raw and Boiled Oil. It pays to use the Best. IIARI AND EROS Iron and Hardware Merchants, - — — — — CLINTON - -r WHEN YOU WANT .A READY-MADE SUIT OR AN ORERED SUIT Or anything in MEN'S FURNISHINGS, come and see what we can do for you. We carry a very fine range. Just now we are offering ----A LINE OF ODD PANTS !---- At a great deal Iess' than their value and it is worth your while to come jand see. 0 T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. r000rios I :-: Grooerios.! Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, dc. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. 41111110114. The for Priuli��