HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-09-14, Page 8'S.
SHILL . inti. tall.
nn apel� It ,tlorioh
pit. $eptetubef lite 19%lt,
O u : pT o 1ltsv. Fra W.ssT sOlabtate4 t tmo
14 $1, '108ep1's M. CO Qburgh htet,
OiriYEists,--The first criers of
the $seeps were placed on .sala .at
Qoatii! alai Anderson's restaurants in
Cliiit.ott.laet Thursday,
This CR]AT oO cold ()UM, this
t%ltvomoslttl CONSVMPTUOl`i OMB
iswithuitt a paia11e1 in the history of
ntedlomo, A11 dl^uggil,ts aro author
ixod to sell it on a positiveguauaphee, MeorsansoN, Ixovgx Co., last
IV tefit that 120 Otho cure oast Success, waelt 'hipped another large con.
folly stand, 1f you have a Cough, e4 trnlent of their Glisten wade
Sore f,Cliroet, or f rogoliitis, use,. it, for g
it will cure you. If }your ahiid bas threshing Machines to Manitoba, •
the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, ;anti relief is sure. If you
dread that insidious disease CONS
SUMPTION, do,.:1 fail to use it, it
will cure you or post nothing. Ask
your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE,
Price 10 cts., 550 cts. and $1.00. If
your Lungs are sore or Back lame,
use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25 eta.
A man may go from Clinton to
,Toronto without riding in the care.
It will take him a long time to walk,
but he saves his cat' fare.
The thing looks economical, but is
really extravagance.
A man can often do without a
doctor when he is sick, and do with-
out quack nostrums particularly, if
he will only economize by having a
little trine Whiskey, Brandy or Wine
at the proper time.
And and it is foolish economy to
be without that which is likely to be
prescribed for you.
We have what you want in Ales,
Porter, Whiskies, Brandies, Wines,
etc., etc., in wood and bottle.
We keep in stock the very best
and sell at the lowest living profit.
The correct and safest economy is to
always buy from us.
T. C. BRUCE L. D. S.,
Surgeon Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of
Ont. Teeth extracted without pain by the use
of a harmless and pleasant local anaesthetic. No
unconsciousness, sickness nor ill-effects accom-
pany the use of this remedy, and many in and
around Clinton can testify to its genuineness.
Special attention given to the preservation of
the natural teeth. Office, Coates' Block, over
Taylor's shoe store.
To Advertisers.
All changes of Advertisements, to
insure insertion in the current issue,
must be received at the office not later
than Monday noon. Copy for
changes received later than Monday
noon will hereafter be at the Adver-
tiseYs own risk.
WHITELY & TODD, Publishers.
[he Huron News -Record
$1.50 a Year–$1.25 in Advance
Wednesday Sept. 14tIi, 1892.
In and Around the Bub,
gOWIi VJ *Ill.
Omit WEDDINo.--A large party
of ftiende assembled at the residence
of Mr, and Mrs. Plumeteel, Ontario
St., Fridsy evening, and honored
the boot and hostess en theanni•
versary of their marriage which
took place twenty years ago.
LJOAL NOTICES.—All notices in these
columns of meetings or entertainments,
previous to holding of the same,at which
an admission fee is ftharged, or from which
a pecuniary benefit is to bo derived, will
be charkied at the rate of ten cents per
OH, WHAT A •COUGH !—Will you
heed the warning. The signal per-
haps of the sure approach of that
more terrible disease Consumption.
Ask yourself if you can afford for the
sake of saving 50c., to run the risk
and do nothing for it. We know
from experience that Shiloh's Cure
will cure your cough. It never fails
WEDNESDAT night the great prize
Aght between Sullivan, of Boston,
and Corbett, of San Francisco, took
place and the former won after a
stubborn battle. People who are
opposed to this brutal sport (Z) will
be glad to Icnow that the big bully
has had to bite the dust.
Great Variety.
We''have a very good Note Paper at 5'cents a quire..
,Extra good value in Cream or White at 10 cents.
In Fancy Note Papers we have Burmese Ivory, Ivy Leat
Pattern, Irish Linen, Gilt Edge, .Parchment, Tint-
s ed Note, and many other varieties too numerous
to mention.
The newest thing in Note Paper and Envel-
opes is BUCKRAM --1 quire Note Paper
and 1 packet Envelopes for 25c.
Seaforth, has again taken a position
on the Birley team, standing fifth
on the list, This will be the
seventh time Mr. Wilson has been
a member of the _team. He has
been an expert rifle shot for many
years and generally goes home with
several cash prizes from every
annual match of the Huron Rifle
Association at Clinton.
MARRIED.—A correspondent to
the Exeter Advocate thus "refers to
the marriage of a Clinton gentle-
man to an esteemed young lady.
"On Wednesday Armanda, daughter
offMr. James Snell was married to
Mr. Cornelius Hore, of Clinton.
She was highly respected by all in
this section and all join in wishing
her many years of prosperity in her
new home in Clinton, where they
intend residing." THE News RE-
CORD extends congratulations.
—At the annual convention of the
National Association of Retail Shoe
Dealers held in Boston the other
day, a good deal of time was devot-
ed to the discussion of the subject of
advertising. For a good hour the
members expressed their views.
Circulars, posters, putting your,
name on country fences and barns,
decorating so-called advertising -
cards in hotel bar -rooms with your
name,—all these methods, and many
more,. were discussed. But the
ultimate conclusion of the gathering,_
was that good legitimate newspaper
advertising was the only profitable
means of getting before the pub:
The authorities of the poorhouse
at Belfast, Irelend, are endeavor-
ing to find the relatives of James
Stewart, who was admitted as a
pauper to the the poorhouse and
died suddenly soon after. On' ex-
amination of his clothing after
death it was found that he had
nearly$10,000 in United States
money and certificates of twenty
mining shares stitched in the lin-
ing of his coat. The name of Stew-
art is ngt :uncommon among the
Scotch–Irish in Ulster, and it is
believed that this Stewart belonged
there originally and had probably
returned after a long absence in the
United States or Canada. No one
has identified him.
AHEAD.—A large' number of
accounts, amounting to nearly
$1000, have been placed in the
hands of our solicitors for collec-
tion. If they are not attended
to upon notification costs vi111 be
incurred. Avoid this by remit-
ting AT ONCE. We must have
the money.
An active and trustworthy boy can
find profitable employment at Tim
_NEWS -RECORD office.
WANTED, Plums and Pears. High.
est price paid in cash or goods.—
to take charge of the Petroliaparish
a week from Sunday next.
Ws FEAR NAE Fon.—A good
number of the local Sons of
Scotland will witness the Caledon-
irn games at Lncknow today.
stock S. R. calls attention to the
fact that E. Miles, working in the
Bellevillejlntelligencer office, grad•
uated in the art of printing in
1834, and asks : "Con we beat
this in Western Ontario 1" 'We
can furnish a good second in Huron
county. Mr. Geo. Cox, of the
Goderich ,5%omit, has worked con-
tinuously as a printer for 51 or 55
years and still still sticks to the
—0 --
1I s
Book Store and News Depot, Clinton.
—The editor of the Walkerton
Telescope had occasion to spend a$$
hour or two in Durham recently,
and while there witnessed a rather
unusual sight at one of the hotels.
This was neither more nor less than
a family payer meeting at which the
landlord, his wife and all the
servants were present. It was con-
ducted by the Methodist minister,
who was making one of his usual
pastoral visite. The landlord's
wife, it appears, was converted some
weeks ago, and this fact will ex-
plain thecircumstanoes of the prayer
meeting. We don't see why. a
hotelkeeper's family should not be
a good riving family as well as any
other man's. It is self evident that
the large majority of them are quite
as respectable.
Milne is said to have near comple-
tion a very handsome residence at
Blyth. We are pleased to learn at
times of Clinton contractors and
mechanics convincing our neighbor-
ing or outside friends of their worth
• and ability in a practical way.
' The brick in Dr. Milne's residence
is said to be of a superior quality
and 98,000 were furnished by the
local maker, Mr. Moutry. T. Mc-
Kenzie, of Clinton, furnished high.
class grades of wood, and Wm.
Cooper put it together in a superior
manner. A good portion of the in-
terior is finished in natural Cana-
dian ash, butternut, etc. That boss
master workman, John Croll, secur-
ed the contract for the lathing and
plastering. Copp, the painter, an
artist of no mean order, will execu'e
the painting and trimming and put
on the finishing touches. We are
sure that the work of all these
gentleman will prove a lasting and
creditable mark of' their undoubted
0— '
0 ---
Our import of Kid Gloves hr.s been received and passed
into stock, and we have one of the largest assort-
ments of cloves to show you to be found west of
the cities. We beg specially to call your attention
to the prices and. quality of these Goods. See our
Black 50c. Glove, worth 75c.; our 75c., worth 90c,;
our $1 French Louvre Glove, warranted, worth
$1.25, the only Glove of the kind to be had in
town, and our Al Glove at $1.25,
complete with newest Shapes and Trimmings. The
DONE -OVER DEPARTMENT is still under the charge
of Miss M. MOORE, who so ably managed the same
last season to the great satisfaction of our custo-
mers, who .will please leave their orders early to
avoid delay. • Or Felt and Straw Hats done over
in the leading styles.
0 --
The Ladies' Favorite Establishment
Swallow has placed in his grocery
store a telephone for the advantage
of customers and himself.
CORRECTION.—In our mention
last week of the new game and fish-
ery laws, the paragraph referring to
woodcock, etc., should read, 15tH
instead 17t11.
ever might have been the result had
the . protest gone to trial, one thing
is conceded, that nothing would
have come to light that would have
reflected on the personal character
and conduct of Mr. Pridham him-
self —Mitchell Recorder, Grit.
Law placard posted up in Post
Offices and elsewhere, state that
rabbits are included in the game,
protected. Thie is obviously an
error, as the Game Laws ae contain-
ed in the Statutes for 1892, men-
tions hares as being protected, but'
does not include rabbits.
A GooD Piano is getting to be a
necessity in almost every well -
regulated home. And T.C. Doherty
of Clinton is doing his share towards
providing this class of instrument.
He is agent for the well known
"Bell" piano and is making sales to
a very satisfactory extent. With-
out underrating T. C's efficiency
as a salosnian, there is as rnuch in
the instrument ae the man. The
"Bell" piano has been on the market
for years and has an established re-
putation which of itself almost sells
the goods. Reliable good's aro
invariably the cheapest.
PLUMS.—A London fruit deal-
er answers Free Press inquiries
about plums :—"Well, the season
for plums is pretty well on. They
are a very fair crop in the Niagara
District, while considerable quan•
titiee are being brought in from
along the line of the London,
Huron Ss Bruce. Up north, however,
there le not now one bushel to a
hundred last year, and right around
here the plum trees have gone back
upon their owners almost entirely.
In price, plume range all the way
from 75 cents to $1.40 a basket.
They are not likely to go lower.
There is none of this fruit west, and
yesterday I received an order for
75 baskets froin Chatham—an un–
usual thing,"
Additional Locals on other pages.
THE NEWS -RECORD extends its
heartfelt sympathy to Mr. and Mrs.
Neelin, of the Seaforth Sun, who.
lost their little four months' old
daughter last week.
THE MICHIGAu Farmer, excellent
authority, corrects a report circula-
ted by the Department of Agricul-
ture that the Michigan wheat crop
is an average one and the crop of
apples fair, when. the Farmer says,
the wheat crop is the poorest in
seven years, and apples are *com-
plete failure. - -
EXPERT SHOTS.—The practice
over the Atholcott Ihangee on Wed-
nesday, stood in total as follows :—
J. F. Spooner 72,
N. Robson 70, J.
Anderson 66, II. Stanbury 50. Mr.
Rohson is ahead iu the cup contest
with Anderson a close second.
Last week Stanbury had the lead,
while Robson was close on his
unfavorable weather, the local
bicycle club race did not take place
until last Wednesday evening.
The distance was 20 miles, to
Kippen and return. There were
five in the "swim" and Dr. Shaw
started them off at 6.30. The in-
terest in the race was deep, but the
prizes nil except the fun and honor
of the thing. There were several
break -downs and' etoppages, the
only serious or disastrous one being
that of Mr. Wilmot. The 20 miles
were covered by N. Yellowlees in
L14:40, Ed. Kitt 1.17:32, R.
Downs 1.20:10, G. Emerson
1 20:11-.
An exchange says •—Editors as a
rule are kind hearted and liberal.
An exchange tells of a subscriber to
a certain paper who died and loft
14 years subscription unpaid. The
editor appeared at the grave as the lid
was being screwed down for the
last time, and put in a linen dust-
er, a thermometer, a palm loaf fan
and a receipt for making ice. Un-
less some of our delinquent subs-
cribers respond to circulars sent
them THE NEWS -RECORD will
divide its attention to them–provide
ono class with a pass to the Divis-
ion Court and arrange for a large
supply of linen dusters and fans
for the other.
Unlimited Quantity.
Unequalled Variety.
Unexcelled Quality,
Attributes 'of Our Stock.
Grand Hat & Cap Opining
Next Saturday Night
The Noted Natters,Clothiers and Furnishers,
Clinton and Seaforth.
all ® IE.
EST. J. U.
We have opened, ina,rked, and passed into stock during
• the past few days the contents of over
Special among which will be found the
Fancy French Dress Goods, PIain Colored
Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy Black Dress
Goods, Fine German Mantles, Mantle a
Ulster Cloths, Dress and Mantle Trim-
mings, Fashionable Millinery, and a full
assortment of all kinds of Staple Dry -
5 per cent. off for Cash.
Estate J. Hodos,