HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-09-14, Page 6Savo Your NairL 'aOmely'►f8eof #'yer'eIllsii a vigor. .. xhis,preparatien too u4 squat as a dxossing. 4 Atlreepe the scalp can OW, au& healthy, Ozed preeervee tiro color,. ' !unclogs, a d beauty of the Bair, Callbert G. Dice, whose eufferinge "Twits rapielly'bocorning bald and et the hands of a snob of Tonneesee gm; hu after.using two or throe did ea much in the recent strike to bottles of ,flyer's Hair Vigor'my Meir turn eeutinrent a aius.t the strikers, grew thick awl glo'esy and. the original g color was restoretLt'..-,.Melvin Aldrich, wall at the Gamed Centro pot yes. Canaan Centre' N. „. terday afternoon. Toa reporter Mr "Some time ate X lost all Uteafdn Ht ice gave a description of the dull. eonsequonce o measles, waiting, no new growth appeared. I litre expet�frince s' he had. He was then used Aytir's Flair Vigor and my captured k t a band of etrikere who hair grew were holding a secret meeting in the Trick and Strong, woods who suspected him of being It has apparently corms to stay. The a ape . He was kept a prisoner Vigorisevidentlya reat aid to nature." aevural days iu hope that he 'would --J. B. Williams, Floresville, Te4tt;s. • "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for give some details of the convict the past four or nye years and find it -a camp, He gave them false inform a• most satisfactory dressing for the hair. tion end they' made a (Merge ou the It is all I could. desire, being harmless camp and were defeated. They the hair to retain its natural E color, and requiring but asmallquantity were very augry and determined to to render the hair easy to arrange."— make an example of him. It was Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street, Haverhill, Mass. m trdecided to tie him the neck to a " I have been usingAyer's Hair Vigor ear and then sot the car ruuniug tor several years, and believe that ideas down the steep incline. caused my hair to retain its' natural color."--1►Irs. H. J. Hing, Dealer in "The noose was drawn around my Dry Goods, &o., Bishopville, Md. neck and the brakes loosened," he Ayers HariVigor,said. "One of the ruiners dropped the noose from my neck to my waist. As the car started 1 took a `rasaaasre Ur step forward, then auother until I Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowell, Mese. found it difficult to keep up, The Bold by Druggists and Perfumers. aides of the track were lined with a jeering mob of wines. At a curve in the road I was lost to their eight. There was a sudden turn as the .car flew around, and at the end of the .5OaYear—$I.25 in Advance taut lariat I felt myself flying through space. I bad gone off on a Wednesday,;Sept• 14th. ISM. tangent, and the rope near the car struck a'telegraph pole. There was RELY ON THIS. a sharp report as the lariat parted and the car went ou. Hours later GENTLEMEN,— We have six children, i revived and got, free from the and retied on i)r.Fowler'a Extract Of lariat, which had torn the flesh Wild Staawberry for the past twelve years in all cases of diarrboat and slim- about my loins into shreds. Two mer complaints, and it never fails to ribs were broken, and 1 was bruised cure, all over. I found a squatter's hut, 11 R8 ANNIE ALLEN, Harley Oct, and two days later was in Kuoxvi°lle I have bean very ill ever since. —Special Cunetable Juhn H. My weight has fallen from 205 Davy was shot and killed yesterday pounds three weeks ago to 150.now, in Brockville by James McMahon, au3 the shock has turned my hair whom ho was • trying to • arrest, for whit;e," shooting two ether men. =DIV A. QAft. app nonalatal, dl< anwrir oy TEss 1`in4 titgE AMMO `''Q elirpk,n1 e. AMR. , Elie Huron News-Recora If you 'could Bee your owe Scaip thraugh an ordinary magnifying glass, you would ba otn•.tr,d at the emoaut of dust•,'dandruff, and der.1 skin thereon accumul tt +d, The best and mast pop- ular prep tration f cleansing the scalp is Ayer's .II fir Vigor. —A liide.eirl named Connolly, of Glencoe, Out., got hold of a box of morphine pills ou Sunday and swallowed so many of them that she died in two hours. A CONSIDERATION. GF.NTLEalrnt,-11y brother suffered from summer enmplaint and was ex'reme- ly weak, We tried many remedies but without effect. At last my aunt advised us to cry Dr. Fowlers's Extract of 1Vild Strawberry, and before he ha.1 taken one bottle he was cured, We consider it saved his life. AIIS,S ADELAIDE CRITTENDEN. Baldwin, Ont. —On July 27 last a man named Repaid Kennedy shot and killed Broker C. H. Page, of Philadelp- hia, and then committed suicide. Recently Mr. Donald Konndy of Caledonia, Ont., has identified the murderer•suicide as his brother who came originally from' Glengarry, Ont. The aim in the manufacture of Messrs, Tu:kett & Son "Myrtle Navy" tobacco is to develop and retain the natural aroma of the toba000. This n gairee great skill and a knowledge of very interesting chmeical laws, bat the results attained are vastly superior to all fa:moof flavor. ing extr.tc.e, —The $,20,000 waterworks by- law was carried in Orillia last week. LOCAL OI'T!ON, This term should be applied to the choice every intelligent person hos be- . tween Burdock 13.00d l3itters, the natr ural and certain remedy for dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, headache, and bad blood, and the various imitations offered by unscrupulous parties as bein¢ "just as good " There is nothing else as good as R. B. 13. It. is an honest medicine and has made remarkable cures right in our town. —Pembroke will soon have a system of waterworks, a bylaw having passed to raise $55,000 for that purpose. Kincaid S' , Brockville, Oat., Jau, 11, 1339: ' I was cnnfiued to my bed by a severa attack of lumbago. A lady friend of mine sent me a part of a b rale of St. Jacobs Oil, which I applied, The erect was simply magical. In a day I was able to go about my household duties. I have used it with splendid success for neuralgic tooth. ache. I would not be without it."—MRS, J. RINGLAND. —Ilarvest hands engaged in Winnipeg to work cu Dakota farms have beeu stopped at the boundary uudor the alien labor law. Consumption Cured. An old physieinn, retired from practice, hnving he 1 placed in his hamlet by an East India mission- ary the Commie of a simple vegetable remedy for the speed, and permanent euro "f Conaamption, l]nnchitii. , Cr tarrh, Asthma and all threat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical euro for Nervous Debility and all Nervone Complaints,_ a:cor bminz tested its wonderful curative powers in th monde of eases, has felt it hia duty to make if lrroxon to his snrfering fellewa. Aotnatod by this motive and a desire In relieve human suffering, r will send free of charge, to all who desire It, this rc it.e. in German, French or English, with full dirc"inns for preparing and naing. trent by mail h7 ad Dosing with stem•., naming this paper. N ,rt)°, 820 Prwors' 1f1••ele, Rociv tri, .V. F. 859 - y ADVERTISING ETTRAOR- DINARY. ALLEGED INSULT TO THE AMERICAN FLAG. Sensational reports are being telegraphed away to -day to the United States papers abbut •an al• legtid outrage committed ou the American flag at the Queen's Theatre Montreal, last week. During the third act a gene' of toughs in the gallery hissed a supposed Americas officer or the stage. Later ou iu evening a tough tole down one of the American flags near the entrance Queensland, has lately shot an eni- and dragged it, in the mud. mal which he describes as a sort of Strange to say the officials of the tree-clirnbiug pig. For a number of company made little or no effort to years wild pigs have been numerous stop the follow or rescue the flag in that locality, and his theory is they pretend to set so much store that the original or common pig has by. Mr: Neil Florence, the luau- been changed, partly by the neces- ger, took occasion later on in the sities of hie wild life, into the evening to raise a row about the variety he has discovered. The outrage in the hall, while a number captured animal weighs about a of press representatives,were present hundred -weight and' is pretty fat, Doody before the show closed one with bristly brown for, small black of the actors anxious to make the spots, snout and ears like a pig, sensation complete spoke from the but the jaw is furnished with front stage about the way he had been teeth like a rodent, and has also hissed and how the American flag large canine and powerful back had been trailed in the mud. grinders. Tho forefeet are furnish• ed with hook like claws, but the hiud ones with only two hooks upon each hoof. The tail is thick, about a foot long, highly prehensile and in a state of rest it is usually carried by the animal in what is known as a 'Flemish coil.' A Flemish coil somewhat resembling the figure 8. The last item about the new Aus• tralian pig Is irnpreseive. It shows that this pigs ideas about the proper management for a tail are novel a —A banquet will be given to Lieu - and striking and that he must have tenant Governor Rirkpatrick ' in devoted some attention to the sub- Woodstock on Sept. 21. ject. The Australian animal has other peculiarities. It is furnished —At Port Bruce Miss Mary with a pluck, which it appears to Fraser, of Sparta, jumped from a nae for carrying a supply of food • runaway rig to save herself, and while travelling or emigrating to landing on the back of her bead on wash traveren. Indrought the the hard ground fractured the bone animal climbs trees and hangs by of her skull, She died within a its tail while it gathers its food by couple of hours, its hook claws,' Mr. Le MVlortemore —Americansget credit for a groat intends arming more of these pigs deal of slang which originates on tho MEN'1' He declares that the flesh is excel- other side of the Atlantic. The lent, 'resembling veal and ham pie.' word "bummer," for instance, is A pig that climbs trees, carries his not an American. but an English dinner in a bag, and whose flesh expression, being found in the mar• furnishes veal and ham pies, is ket laws of two hundred years ago, certainly a novelty, even in Ause where it was used to designate a re- tralia, the land of novelties. tail dealer in fish who peddled his goods outside the market and with- out a license. A transition from an unlicensed peddler to a disreput- able loafer was one which came eas- ily and naturally in the course of time. gAt?.`$ GitA.SS AN' oar, A. WILD % MMAR•..WHO fe, te8ll x0! >}ttQ Wig 1N xiu t'. tx 4,411.104.00y(13, • A young farmer nntllsti< Martis. living near iGOorgutown, Tux, re. coolly had an exciting encounter with a myete.rions wild womau who has been terrorizing the people in Niece vicinity of Geo.rgott.wp for some time past. Martin lives in San Gabriel river bottoms, and after a days labor in his cotton field started hoteesvard. He was crossing a stretch of,,dense woodland near the river when he suddenly came upon the strange creature which ' has stirred up this community. The. women was entirely devoid of clothing and was down on all fours greedily devouring the tender grass rend cactus buds. Martiu watched her from behind a clump of bushes for a fow tniuutes and fluidly de— cided to attempt her capture. He had a scout twine string in his pocket with which he expected to b'iud her hands securely. Having laid his plans he crept stealthily up behind the woman. He made a spring for her and grabbed her by the foot. The wild creature upon being taken by surprise, went into g -terrible rage and fought like a demon. According to Martin's story in the San Francisco Examiner the battle waa a terrible one while it lasted. He bears deep wounds on his face and arms, which he claims ware caused by the woman's teeth and finger nails. She trade no outcry during the encounter, and after freeing herself she darte•1 into the underbrush, Martin's descrip- tion of the strange -,,woman tallies with that given by the various re• liable citizens of the place who saw her in the (awe neighborhood pro• viously, • She is of splendid form, about niuetoeu years of age, and has long raven hair, which is leanly matted and tangled, giving her a weird ap- pearance. There are a number of spacious caverns along the San Gabriel river, and it is believed that the woman makes her home in one of there cavoa, (t\Then -seen by William Sellers and another boy she was in the woods feeding on grass. CURIOUS PIGS IN AUS- TRALIA• THEY IIAVE CLAWS, A FLEMISH COIL TAIL AND CAN CLIMMB TREES An accocnt of a curi0u8 pig comes to Hurper'. Young People from Australia. A Mr. Le Monte - more, living at Seriana Crook, From first to last those attacks on the American flag were of the most flab laraeter, and the audience soon boa to suspect that things wore not just as they seethed. Iu fact, the whole business looked very nluch like a "put up job" on part of the runners of the show to get up a big sensation and have it tolegraghed to the States, So convinced are certain people that the affair was a shameful advertising dodgethat they called ou Detective Grosse to- day and got hire to investigate the matter. The belief is that the toughs were paid to act as they did. - It i13 said if proof is got of this that the owners of the theatre will inatet upon the company leaving the city at once. Detective Grosse says he has ab- solute proof t lot these toughs Were paid to act as they did. RESULTS OF GOOD GOVERN - narrow mutfot'EI'Iitd neck of fatal. wl� cti eopneettl• the Miill of 4filQ. 'way, the southernmost point .ofi Sentient!, with tltb mainland, they made,,,fearful havoc among their assailants, The Scottie]) t1gWo►and- er, wearying of seeing hie beat war. ries iifaugh,tered,' called a Marley and offered quarter to the Pictish chief, and his eons, on con: dition let they would re-- veaI tl; hereditary secret, '1 acts. +. ur offer,oried the father ; 'but none .f toy rave wont he wit - rename to my betrayal. Therefore, before I spook cast my sous into the sea.' It waa done as he desired and then the Snots closed around the old wan, burning to learn the pre. clout) reoipe. But he, breaking from them, and running to a plena ole overhanging the waves, rerouted, 'Now I know that. none lives who can betray our trust 1' and straights way lie Rung hinsaelf into the chprn- ing tido, where his sons had already perished. MUST DO DOUBLE PENANCE. itemizIATINa POSITION 1N WHICH A YOUNG COUPLE FIND TIIEat- SELVES. —John Matnaux and Juliene 'Wiseman, two well known young people in society circles of Pitts- burg, Pennsylvania, eloped several days ago and were married by a Presbyterian minister, Mr. ltlaniaux is 21 years old and Mies Wiseman is ll9 yeara old. The couple had kept company for some time. Both families are strict Catholics, and the prospective match was regarded as unexceptionable on both sides. But the young woman's parents did not want to give their daughter up just yet, and the young man was the only child left at home, and his father and mother, too, wore in favor of delay. This did not suit the young people, Mi. Maneacx became of ago a short time ago. Two weeks ago his parents took a trip to Philadelphia and have not come back yet. All this was favor- able to an elopement. The matter was looked up and it was found that in Maryland a youth of 21 and a maiden•.,(; 18 can get a marriage license. So at 8 o'clock last Satur- day morning they started fut Cum- berland. They got thele all right, and easily procured their marriage license. Gettiug married was not so easy. They sought a priest and he questioned the prospective bride closely. He found that she was not of age. Besides no marriage bans had been published, and he refused to marry thew. The young couple are both devoted and it Was with much regret they sought a •Protestant preacher, That was their only resource, however, and they duce htrme Man and wife, The bride's parents are said to bo angry over the affair, as it involves a. public penance in the church if the couple do not wish to consider themselves excommunicated. A dispensation from the bishop will be necessary to reinstate them in the church, and evon then they must appear bofore the congregation dur- iug mass, in attitude of penance for violating the laws of the church. The latter is very humiliating and has been done by but one couple at St. Paul's Cathedral, Pittsburg, in the past ten years. As the families of the young people are very re- ligious the bride and groom will have to grin and bear it. They throw the blame on the priests, who they'eay had a chance to marry them but refused. The net debt of the Dominion of Canada at the end of the fisbal year for the past four years has been as follows : 1349.,....8237,5:30,045 1591. .. 1237,809,030 1890 237,933,21; 180.2 2:15,910,173 During these four years large ex pendituros have been made on pnb. tic workst and large subsidies have been given in aid of railway con• struction. At the same time taxes have been remitted to a large largo extent, notably by the $3,500,000 taken off sugar last year. What the Dominion government is doing for the public is this: 1. The public service is being improved. 2 The expenditure is being lessened, 3. The taxes are being Lowered. I. The debt is being reduced. Will some of our Reform friends tell us what better results of good government they can reasonably demand 1 • A CURIOUS SCOTCH LEG. END. Heather still blooms bravely on the Galloway Hills, but thirsty shepherds recall wistfully the days when it was made to yield some. thin; of more potent virtue than honey. The ancient Pictish secret of brewing heather ale is lost, and the manner of losing it is recorded in a local' legend. The Picts of Galloway, it is said, were hard pressed by their ancient foes, the Scots of Dalriada. Step by step they retreated before them, falling under superior numbers, till at last there remained alive but three braves—a father and two Sons. They were the last of the family to whom, alone among the Picts, was known the priceless secret of brew, ing heather ale. Stationed or, 5110 HOW TO CURE HEADACHE. DEAR SIRS,—I have used your Burdock Blood Bitters tor biliousnee and sick headache and never neglect to praise it, It brings the flush of health to one's cheeks, and I recommend it highly. ANNIE BEACH, Stevensville, Ont. New Blacksmith Shop GEORGE TROWHILL has opened out a gen• eral Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Gouley, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert street Cilnton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Work in all its branches. Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The pilus are invited to •-all before ordering any class of work in the above linos. f17—tf GEORGE TROWHILL. rrm The NEWS -RECORD Is in a better position than ever to turn out : The .Very Finest Printing: At prices as low as any other office in the West. Those in need of any class of Job Printing should call on THE NEWS -RECORD, Albert street, Clinton IMO CLINTON FURNITURE WAREROO}S. For the,House Cleaning season we have a complete Stook of BEDROOM SUI'rfi, 1)ININGROO,M SitI't'ES, ' PARLOR SUITES, ODD CHAIRS, CENTRE TABLES, HALL RACKS, PICTURES, PICTURE MOULDING, „ CURTAIN POLES, Etc. Etc., We handle no trashy Furniture, yet nur , - : re away down. Call and inspect our Stock whether ou wish t buy or not./ Furnitare Dealer and Undertaker. The> ewsReeordm FOR GOOD ENVELOPES FOR FINE BILL H TINS FOR F�IQE Bli.l HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALT, DEPARTMENTS TiU CELEBRATED Meal Waster Jancl Wringers T➢lE ita^:S'!l' IN THE DIARI&ET Machines Allowed on Trial am also agent for all All Agricultupal Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill, Cull and see me. J. B. WEIR, CLINTON J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, SethThorns, and Rockford—now model. /ar'A1! these makes in key and stein winders; Also pendant set watches. J. BIDDLECOMBE, MINTON. SERVANT WANTED. Enquire atone° of Mrs. Dr. Campbell, Seaforth, Ont. A middle aged woman preferred. GOOER1CFI MARBLE WORKS. J. C. Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, Clint. tis our agent for Clinton and vicinity. W. M. Mohring, ofjpenmiller, is our Travelling agent. Orders entrusted to either of the above will have our best attention. . Monuments supplied in CANADIAN, SCOTCH, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites. a well se in all v.tri titles of marble, Ole Mr, Stevenson a call before ordering elsewhere. JOHN A. ROBER MTSON.anager. ,G`TRAY STOCK ADVER L) TISEMENTS inserted fir Ton News Rscoaa at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock 1f you want any kind of advertising you will not do bettor than call on yews-Reacord. M VEY; IT IL 4 N Ou farm property at Si per cent. Apply to C. A. ',MITT. Winton, NOTICE. There being some ptisunderstanding with ro- gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to me I shall a'i once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning I shall ,give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of wrecks, Ooderich. Ooderich, Sept. 7th 1891. DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three one acre lots4n the Town of Clinton are offered for sale. They are situated on Raglan street, not far from the Doherty Organ Factory and Collegiate institute, adjoining the former residence of Mr. J. H. Combo and in the neigh- borhood of first-class residences. For terms, etc., apply to 8611f ARTHUR KNOX, Clinton. COTTAGE FOR RENT A frame cottage on Albert street and half acre of ground and fruit trees. Hard and soft water. Stable and driving shed. Will he rented reason• able with or wlthnnt ground. Apply to CHAS. SPOONER, Grand Union Hotel, Clinton. 742..tf valealialsenteutZOKSRIVIIIAnnom BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT.. CODRRESPONDENCE.. We will al all times be pleased to r'ecei've items of news from our sub- scribers. We, want a good corres- pondent in evert/ locality, not alread fr represented, to send us RELIABLE news, SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive mei? uaper regularly from the carrier or ticrxznh their local port offices will confer a favor by reporting at tkis office at once. Subscriptions may commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisemen's, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of eaclt week. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. • JOIIt PRINTING. The Job Department of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of worle is guaranteed at very tom prices. Sotentiflc American Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS DESICAa PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc, For information and free Ilandbnok write to 1'MUNN Ss n BROADWAY, Nnw YORE'. Oldest bureau CO.,fur securing patents 1n America. Every natant taken out by us is brought•before the public by a notice given free of charge In the metican Lnrvaet circulation of any relentinc paper in the to nil 1. Spl.•ndldty 11lt..l rluer1. No intelligent mon shnoId bo without it, Weeklyy, •'',3.00 a veer; 0I.:ar six months. AddrossMU'NN et:I:LI; lC;res, 311 ltroadwar, New York. SPE i- STEEL PES1 ARE THE No. .Established1860, so. No.2 No.3 Fort BEST. Works, ENGLAND. Expert Writers. -tr Cif J71N:G:4 Ct'fS - , Accoun- tants. Corres- pondents Bold Writing No.27 t : DOSS Sold by STATIONERS Everywhere. Samples FREE on receipt of return postage 2 cents. SPEnERi N PEN Uth, S"NEW BROADWAY. K '�.