HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-09-07, Page 8.CONSU 1 MON• This Gula AT COUGH CURE, title sueceeeful CONSUMPTION CURE iswithout a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists aro author- ized to sell it on a positive guaranhee, a test that no other cure eau success- fully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Thebat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will euro yon.. If your child has the Croup, or Whooptug Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CONe SUMPTION, do,.'l fail to use it, it will cure you or Dost nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price 10 cts„ 50 cts. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. '25 cts. For The Not Weather, The Clinton Liquor Store is well stocked with all linea of seasonable goods. We have the best makes in the market of. ALES AND PORTERS, in bottles and wood. Or if there are those who would rather have Standard . WHISKIES, BRANDIES OR WINES for general or Medical use, we can supply the demand at the lowest possible rates. When in need of anything in this line don't forget that the Clinton Liquor Store is the correct place to go to. J. W. BITER. T. C. BRUCE 1. D. S., Surgeon Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ont. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of a harmless and pleasant local anaesthetic. No unconsciousness, sickness nor ill-effects accom- pany the use of this remedy, and many in and around Clinton can testify to its genuineness. Special attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Office, Coates' Block, over Taylor's shoe store. To Advertisers. All changes of Advertisements, to insure insertion in the current issue, _ must be received at the once not later than Monday noon. Copy for changes received later than Monday noon will hereafter be at the Adver- tiser's own risk. WHITELY & TODD, Publishers. The Huron News -Record $1.50 a Year–$1.25 in Advance Wednesday Sept. 7th, 1892. LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the Hub, own Nihil. LCAT, NOTICES.—All notices in these columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the same, at which an admission fee ie charged,or from which a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will bo charged at the rate of ten cents per line. TETE mos.!! LA RC ELY CIRCULATED PAPER I'CIIIS SIWTloN. On, WHAT A COUGH 1—Will you heed the warning. The signal per - bees of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourself if you can afford for the sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. 1t never fails LOOK OUT, BREAKERS AHEAD. --A large number of accounts, amounting to nearly $1000, have been placed in the hands of our solicitors for collec- tion. If they are not attended to upon notification costs will be incurred. Avoid this by remit- ting AT ONCE. We must have the money. WHITELY & TODD. An active and trustworthy boy can find profitable employment at THE NErvs-RECORD office. WANTED, Plums and Pears. High- est price paid in cash or goods.— CAN'rELON Bseos. THE EDITOR Of the Hensel! Ob• server is about to engage in the hog business and advertises for a a cote ple of young porkers. MASONIC MEET.—The centenary of Canadian Masonary will be cele- brated in Toronto on Oct. 2nd, 3rd and 4th. It is expected that 45,000 Masons will take part. SALE OF STOCK.—On Wednes- day Messrs. Bell and Lasham, of Londesboro, delivered the last of fifty head of cattle, at Clinton, to Watson of Blyth. They realized for the total number something like $2,500, or an average of $30 a head. IN several sections of country around here the farmers are com- plaining of the hardness of the soil, many being uneblo to proceed with the proparatior of the ground for fall wheat, Let the heavy rains of last week havo assisted materially in gifting over the difficulty. TAB E$1/4 E .$17.04 P4 --,The Ontsrie Street lkilethodiat ,Chgrtzit adopted the ` envelope eyetoni. for tho•firat time on Sunday, A cap- vas of the eoverel waida resulted very satisfactorily." Rouoii LltortossE. --There was a match between Kincardine and Luekuow at the Lake town ou Fri. day. The game is reported to have been a severely rough one, and re suited in a• draw. The two tome, we aro informed, will play at'Ripley this woek for $300 stakes. • CATTLE, SHnKENTs.--..Last Wed– nesday Messrs.Hearu and Smith ahi pped five car loads of fine cattle to Toronto, one each from Blyth, Goderich, Seaforth, Kippen and Clinton :—Burnett & Co., of To- ronto, also shipped throe cars from this section. GUTTING READY.—The, of the Huron Central Bair held a meeting.on Thureday. Names of possible judges were submitted and placed in the hands of the eeoretary. Messrs. Plummer, Forrester and Jackson were appoiuted acommittee to allot apace to exhibitors. It was decided to charge $6 for. in- dividual •booth privileges. A PARTING, SHOT.—A. large num- ber of the Dauntleee Lacrosse Club and friends met at Lack Kennedy's hotel ou Wednesday evening last and tendered a farewell supper to Ben Gibbings. James Fair, jr., oc- cupied the chair and Dr. Shaw the vice. Toasting, song, speech and merrymaking were indulged in until a late hour. Many were the ex- pressions of good -will towards "Bunker" for his future success. No, No, ITCANNOT BE.—We have been hanged the following as a circumstantially correct account of a Clinton happening, but we de- cline to vouch for it. A young man it is said was sitting on the stops one evening recently with his "boat girl" and claimed the right to kiss her with every shooting star. She at flint demurred, as became a mod est maiden, but finally yielded. After e while she was so accom- modating as to call his attention to flying meteors that were about to escape hie observation, and then got down to "calling" him on lightning bugs, and at last got him down to steady work on the light of a lant- ern that 'the man was swinging at the depot whore the trains wore switching. THE CHOIR CONCERT:—The pro meters of the Presbyterian Choir Concert which took place in the town hall on Friday night, have every reason to feel gratified at 'the • great success attained. They hoped to have the hall filled to its utmost capacity and were not disappointed. The total proceeds footed up to $115. The programme was faith- fully carried out and the repeated encores were proef positive that the immense audience appreciated the various numbers. The opening number, "In the Forost,14 was a charming chorus by the choir. Master R. Beattie has a fine, sweet voice and the song "Mary Had a Little Lamb" was rendered with capital effect. Mies Mounteaetlo gave a reading on the "Autobiog- raphy of a Bustle," much to the delight of the audience. Mr. Fos- ter's low•toned voice responded_in a solo. A quartette by Mears. Kay, Harland, Foster and Miss Walker was aceeptably rendered. The guitar quartette by Messrs. Emmer– ton,Kerr, Cole and Wheeler brought them before the audience a second time. Mr. Spalding was quite at home in rendering a solo and de- lighted everybody with his rich and mellow voice. Miss Harriet May Siblev's recitation on "Naming the Kittens" was received with roars of laughter and proved that young lady to be a star, and she was as groat a suc cess in "A Naughty Little Girl." Messrs. Enrmerton and Innes gave an exhibition of club swinging in splendid form, and the latter in the second part excelled his previous effort. The chorus by 10 male voice, X L C, was a charming ren- dition and concluded the first part. Mr. J. Chidley, jr., had 12 trained boys, cork'd, with peak'd chokers and silk tiles, in a fancy drill and loc.rl song ; the hits were well exe• cuted and received. Mr. Brewer'.e recitation on Stammering Travers was full of witticism and impressed everyone that a word' or action at the proper time would often avoid humiliation. Miss Jackson's solo, "Angels' Serenade,"with Mies Don- agh as violin and obligate accom- panist to piano, was rendered in her usual favorite manner. A quartette, "When I was young," by Messrs. Sib• ley, Holloway, Mrs. Marcy and Mies Sadie Sibley,was a beautiful number. Mies Harriet May Sibley's recitation, "Vashti," a Biblical selection, was well received. "Angels at the \Win• dew" was a -solo by Mr. Sibley, given in distinct and appreciative voice. The whole choir gave a selection, "Calm be Thy Slumber," and the Na- tioual Anthem brought the immense audience es their feet and closed the proceedings. The accompanists, Miss Jackson, Miss Fair and Miss Gibbings, performed their onerous duties in a satisfactory manner. About $100 will be cleared. The proceeds will be applied to the pur- chase of a splendid new pipe organ for Willis Church. fe School Books, High School Books; Model School Books, Exercise Books, Scribblers, Pens, Ink, Paper, Note Books, Slate Pencils, Leacl Pencils, School Bags, Lunch Baskets. pgr SEE OUR FIVE CENT LUNCH BASKET If you want anything for school use we can accommodate you. ' Clinton is to be Illustrated in the Saturday' Mail in a few weeks. Price 3 cents. Secure one by leaving your order at obins • WI m • Bros., Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. .A flditional Locale on other pages. CRICKET.—Exeter owes Clinton cricketers a return match. RURAL DEAN CRAIG preached a sermon Sunday evening, in St. . Paul's church, full of deep thought 'and natural reasoning. THn EXETER Tirnes is 20 years old and iinproves with age. The Times is a good local. paper and worthy of the liberal -support it receives. People can generally gunge the business enterprise and spirit of a town or village by its newspapers. ABou1-AKPLBs.—Cook & Cook report that they have secured in the neighborhood of 30,000 harries of apples and are making big purchases in Halton County. The price has ranged $1, $125 and $150. The firm will ship direct to Liverpool, Glasgow and Edinburgh. RETIRED—Mr. R. Burchell has retired from the foremanship of varnishing department of the Doherty organ works, but the pos– ition will be efficiently filled by R. Moore and R. Foster. Mr. Bur- chell had held the position for over 10 years and was well liked. BOATS CLINTON CORN.—Thureday evening John Lys, .brought to the Pickering News office a corn stalk measuring 12 tt. 4in. which was grown on his farm on the 4th con. This for a time held first place, but Friday evening Geo. Decker want ransacking around the corn fields in the neighborhood of Greenwood and succeeded in downing the above with 12 ft. 10. FRANK LAWRENCE.—Everybody in these parts knows "our Frank Lawrence" and never dreamed that there was any other F. L. than the only original expreea messenger, Frank Lawrence, of Goderich, who, for probably twenty-five years, has had charge of express mutter on the train running between Buffalo and that place. What, therefore, was the surprise, not to say consterna- tion, of Frank's friends the other day when they read in the daily papers : "Frank Lawrence, one of the express messengers died on Thursday night of typhoid fever, after an illness of a couple of weeks, at his residence." Great relief was experienced when further particu, lace were received and it was ascer- tained that the Frank Lawrence re- ferred to in the newspaper dos• patches resided in Toronto and was express messenger do the C. P. R. running between that city and De- troit. A gentleman who had the impression that it wits "our Frank" that had passed over to the silent majority was for a time converted to a belief in ghosts. He was on the same train with the live Frank and seeing the supposed defunct put in an appearance in the door. way of the dimly lighted car he was all broken up. His eyes could not deceive him. There was the ap paration. Was it looking after him to warn him of the sinfulness of evading express chargee by stow• iug parcels under his seat, etc. But no, that stalwart form was not of ghostly, mien, that nose was not a ghostly protuberance and, hark— that voice—no each cheery sound ever emanated from ghostly appari- tion. And before Frank could say "Jack Robinson" the passenger had -his hand in vizi-like grip that would have done credit to the grasp of the late turnkey Campaign of Castle Dixon. The obituary scribe for THE News RECORD now finds that his "copy," based on the newspaper despatch referred to, is °dead" and wants to know if Frank is not in fairness bound to recoup him for his expenditure of gray matter said to exist in his brain tissue and now wasted because "deceased" would not stay deceased. HORSES FOR MICHIGAN,—Harry Bates will ship' on the 10th inst. two car loads of horses to northern Michigan. IF the weather proved favorable the Clinton Bicycle Club Race, 20 miles, was to have taken place to Kippen on Tuesday evening of this week. GONE TO GODERICII.—A. M. Pulley, of Goderich, wit. in Clinton Monday and took back with him the thorough•bree. two year-old "Texas Jack," recently purchased from W. W. Ferran. THE TRtooER.—Lapt Wednesday's rifle shoot resulted :—N. Robson 15, 21, 13, 12-61 ; James Ander- son 10, 23,14,18-65 ; Harry Stan - bury 16, 22, 20, 17-75. The race for the silver cup eo far is neck and neck, with Stanbury last Wednes- day on the lead. ' THE RACE COURSE.—The Clinton race cotnsd is no,v under the con- trol of the Meesis. Andrews and is in splendid shape. Messrs. J. Copp, J. Rattenb'iry and L. Ken- nedy aro making good use of it and putting in shape several future fly- ers. JACKSON BROS. havo this wells received four cases of tweeds par• chased in England during the re- cent visit there of Mr. W. Jackson. The firm is bound to supply those in want of clothing with the very beat at the very lowest prices and in any quantity. AN EAR TROUBLE.—Mr. Roberts had a painful experience Sunday night. Throat trouble reached the ear, and things—or at least Mr. Roberts—was lively for a while. A physician had to be interviewed before any relief was secured. But the experience of pain was light compared with an inward affection, as what cur•ee one aggravates the other. He is now all right. LAST WEEK Macpherson & Co. of Clinton, shipped to Manitoba four of their world-renowned threshing machines, representing a value of nearly $2,000. As they go by the all rail route Uncle Sain won't get his petty pittance of 20 cents a ton which his paltry petti• fogging has imposed on Canadian goods passing through the Ameri- Soo Canal. LOOKS LIKE HANLAN.—A fine photo cut of Hanian, the great oars- man, which appeared in the Buffalo Express the other day, beard a close resemblance to Jos. Rattenbury, of Clinton. In fact some contend that the latter's photo must have been smuggled across the lines and that the Express has got the two mixed. Mr. Rattenbury hoe a fond- ness for the gun, fishing tackle and a good horse, but we have yet to learn of him as a champion oars- man. A GODERiCH BOY OUT WEST.— W. M. Cox, the genial and popu- lar salesman in the employ of Geo. W. Price, this morning telegraphed his resignation to that gentleman and will leave our city in about twenty days. He goes to Aberdeen where he will accept a position as manager of the Aberdeen Mam- moth department etore, one of the largest and best known institutions of that city. It is with regret that we see Mr. Cox leave us, for his genial and winning way will be missed and in his resignation Mr. Price loses a most trustworthy and eonpetont salesman. How- erer,the best wishes of a host of warm friends will accompany him in hie new venture, and they can soe him leave knowing that his thorough business principles will insure his success.—Rapid City, Dak., Re- publican. Unlimited Quantity. Unequalled Variety. Unexcelled Quality, Attributes of .Our Stock. Grand Hat & Cap Opining Nest atrday Night —0— ALL ARE INVITED 0 JACKSON 'ROS The Noted Hatters,Clothiers and Furnishers, Clinton and Seaforth. COLORED Silks anU 3alls. 0 On 351 ITAR ;f:J:S : Almost all colors, Suitable for Dresses, Trimmings and Fancy Work, At 25e. a Yard. - 0 See Them, ! Buy Them ! 1 soon be gone ! — 0- 0 Our stock of FALL MANTLES is here. We have some beautiful gar- . ments and it will be worth your - while to see them. You'll not find more stylish goods or better values any- where. Those who erally pick ones. You *'tin• buy early ;en - out the best. might as w,e11 have the best as somebody else. Estate J. Hoilcjeijs DRY GOODS PALACE, CLINTON, ONT.