HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-09-07, Page 5othing But *wx1"4. 'Mat la a Fact. But when you nee the or. BIRD/OEO B AR8LE88 FENCE WIRE—YOU '8'R i!f IT 1 Siad, ]barb and Galvanized Fencing Wire. paces and Shovels, 'Manure Forks, Digging Forks, Scoop Shovels, Plough Lines, Rope—all sizes. sal ! Lehigh Valley- Coal ! k!'9u and hardware Merchants, — CLINT/1N eslie's Carriage Factory. p'croGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the beet work'. manship and material. 0ei'AU the latest styles and most modern improve• wents, AU work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended tu. Prioes to aunt the times. FACTORY—oorner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y OATS' CITY RESTAIIRANT (Craioksllank's Old Stand, 2 doors South of News-Reoard office) Where we will be pleased to have you call and see us. We shall keep in stook in season the very best ICE CREAM, TEMPERANCE DRINKS, Fruits, Confectionery, Canned Goods, Oysters, ,,Fish, etc., and all goods usually kept in a firat•class Restaurant. COATS CITY RESTAURANT, 'THE BRICK BLOCK, - 2 doors south of TUE NEW -RECORD Office SUGAR. SUGAR. —0— Just received, another car load of Oj' Redpath's Granulated ! BEST IN TIIE MARKET, which will be sold at closest prices: SPECIAL CUTS in 100 lb. and barrel lots. we have also another consignment of • Russian Blend of Black Tea! Call for Samples. N. ROBSONOUNTON WESTERN FRIG Otpt. 15th to 24th,1892, Canada's Favorite Live .Stook Exhibition. .$2,000.added to the Prize List. Over $1,500 going to the Horses, Cattle. Sheep, Pigs and Poultry classes. Visitors and Exhibitors aro promised more for their money this year than ever before. Stabling and apace allotted on receipt of entries. Special attractions will be of an attractive and elaborate kind. SPECIAL ExcvaeIONs ON ALL RArLWARS. For Prize List and all information apply to Capt. A.W. Porte, Thos. E. Browne, President. Secretary. THE TELEGRAPI-I Lines have connections with the best Cable and American Lines and we will guarantee you prompt despatch and delivery of messages. The business in Clinton is steadily increasing as our value becomes known. Everybody acknowl1 igea the stesi to be the finest in the land, and any one can travel on it for the same as you pay on second class roads. Full information from A. T. Cooper, Agent, Clinton fliQr:MONE FOR AGENTS. )11 An honorable and praiseworthy business without nny possible chance of loss. Steady employment and control of terri- tory. Have done business iu Canada 35 years. Liberal pay to the right man, to sell our unexcelled Nursery Stock. Send for terms. CJJIASE R8OTIIl1 R$ Company NURSERYMEN, 715-3m Coiborne, Ont NO RISK, 0 CAPITAL REQUIRED 50,000 Barrels Apples Wanted �CANTELON, OF CLINTON, wants 50,000 . barrels of Fall and Winter Apples for which the best market price will be paid. Hold your apples for Cantel0. and wire CANTELON, money. Advertise in News -Record J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! • Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new, model. d'All these mattes in key and stem windorsl Also pendant set watches. • J. BIDDLECOMBE, !CLINTON, SERVANT WANTED. Enquire at once of Mrs. D. Campbell, Seaforth, Ont. A middle age: woman preferred. GODERICH MARBLE WORKS' J. C. Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, Clinton, Is our agent for Clinton and vicinity. W. ht. Mohring, oQBenmiller, is our Travelling agent. Orders entrusted to either of the above will have our best attention. Monuments supplied in CANADIAN, SCOTCH, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites, a woll as in all varieties of marble. Clive Mr, Steyenson a call before ordering elsewhere. JOHN A. ROBER ['SON. Manager. �r STRAY STOCK ADVER ,• TiSEMENTS" inserted in Tnn Nsws Minoan at low -rates. The law makes it. compulsory to advertise stray stock If yon want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call on Tewe-Reoeord. MONEY TO LOAN On farm property at 53 per Ccent.A. Apply ,to . HARTT Clinton, NOTICE - There being OTICE. Therebeing some misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to me I shall at once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning I shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, Ooderich. Goderioh, Sept. 7th 1891. DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Tbree one•acre lots In the Town of Clinton aro offered for Bale. They are situated on Raglan street. not far from the Doherty Organ Factory and Collegiate Institute, adjoining the former residence of Mr. J. H. Combo and in the neigh- borhood of firet•class residences. For terms, etc., apply to 801tf ARTHUR HNOX, Clinton. New Blacksmith Shop GEORGE TROWHILL has opened out a gen• eral Blacksmith and Repair shop In the building lately occupied by Mr. Oauley, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert street, Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Work in all its branches. Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public are invited t0 call before ordering any class of work in the above lines. 497—tf GEORGE TROWHILL. COTTAGE FOR RENT A frame cottage on Albert street and half acre of ground and fruit Woes. Hard and soft water. Svelte and driving shed. Will be rented reason- able with or without ground. Apply to CHAS. SPOONER, Grand Onion Hotel, Clinton. 742 t the ffu con News-fRQoQrti 1139 N ''c*t 41,2519 /ldvsrlo9. Wednesday Sept, 'fib I$9;C. In and About Huron County --Miesea Sadie I'Iawkehaw of Exeter, and Lou Hawltebaw, of Seaforth left yesterday for Man- itoba to visit friends. —Miss Isabella Orr, of Exeter, died on Wednesday from consume tion, aged 27 years. She was a highly esteemed ynung lady. --William Mason has pnrchased lot 3, oon. 3, Biddulph, from Mr. Andrews, of Usborne; for the sum of $4,400. —Thomas Fulton, Biddulph, has rented his farm of 50 acres to Mr. to Mr. R. Little of the loth con- cession, London, for the annual rest of $175. —James Dignan was hammer- ing a piece of casting at Exeter when a piece of the iron struck his eye and cut and an artery and laid him up. —Miss Brown, St. Marys, Thura day evening, while walking along the street stepped into a culvert, broke several ribs and sustained other injuries. —The quarterly board of the Elimville Medtndist church at its last meeting raised the salary of their p+ator, kev. J. Rusetd, from .$650 to $ 700. —There ie much more building going on in Exeter this year than there has been for saute time, and the improvements to properties in all parts of the town, is a very en- coeraging fact. —Ed Bengongh threshed on the farm of John McAllister near Hen - call, one stay last week, 260 bushels of wheat in two hours and ten minutes, an avl'rage of two bushel per minute. —Most of the farmers have thrashed their wheat in the vicinity of Anderson, the average yield be- ine, form 25 to 35 bushels per acre but R. G. Ratileffe had one acre of Superior wheat yield 39 bushels to the acre. —Last week near Crediton Mittleholti s hull gored John Smith's horse and the anniwal died. We understand that the parties have effected a settlement by ar• bitration, Mittleholtz paving $50 damages. p� —On Thusday last, tA'tlile a son and eldest daughter of Christopher Miller were driving along the 14th con., Hay, the horse, which was blind, stumbled on the bridge opposite 1. Bean's farm and upset the occupants into the ditch, Miss Miller breaking a leg. —Arch. McCurdy, Usborne, was on Saturday thrown into the ditch by a kicking horse. He was utter- ly unable to help himself, and had to bo carried home on a stretcher. Medio:dl aid was summoned, when it was ascertained that several of the muscles of the thigh and hip had been ruptured. —J. A. Pope, whohas been in the services of the Maisons Bank at Exeter for nearly two years took his departure for Weyrnouth, Dorset, Eng., on Friday last where his parents reside. Mr. Popo has not enjoyed the best of health since being stationed there and it has been recommended by his physician that he take a trip oyer the ocean. —Wm. Durham, late of the 3rd con. of Biddulph, departed this life on Sunday evening at the early age of 36 years, leaving a widow and two little boys, about 6 and 8 years old respectively. Mr. Durham was ill but a few days._ ,.wing only last week contracted inflammation and cholera morbus, as it it is thought, from the excessive heat and over- work. -Isaac Hill has returned to Credi- ton from Manitoba and reports the country in a prosperous condition, crops first-class ; and if nothing unusal turns up the farmers will have a big yield. He says people need not go there and expect to pick up dollars. but must work ; and if one does he will make a good liv. ing. The many who have moved from Dakota to Manitoba are well pleased with the change. —A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mrs. Rat- tenbury, grandmother of the; bride, at Brucefield on Wednesday last, when J. B. Jamieson was united in holy bowie of matrimony to Miss Annie Campbell. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. H. Simpson in the presence of a large number of the contracting parties, most intimate friends and relatives. The presents were numerous and costly. --One day last week B. Gibbings, of the Huron road, near Alma, threshed on the farm of Mr. Thomas McMichael, in ten hours, 1,200 of grain. This was the grain from 35 acres, and a good crop, there he- ing about 50 loads. Mr. McMic• heel says this is the largest day's threshing he ever had did on his farm. Gibbings has got a first-class threshing o6tfi"t, and one that will put through as much as can be got to it, and, as he thoroughly under.. etad04 lluainet►,e aid hoefor Jai; Mb, eiata.nte Mrs, Drownleo,gf Oilpton,aod Ri,gbard Taakor,, of Eullett, boot iirnt,oltys men, it in no.t eurpriit„ .ing that hogeta through with a lot of work and doea it well. --Tits Thuell brothers, of Mt,rrie, are doing a big aeasgtt'a threshing. They nee a Clinton Monarch throatier and an Abel engin° made in To'. ronto. It takes a big barn full to bold thew a day. —Mr. Levi Boughton, of Paris, Ont., had two brothers and a sister who, up to a abort time ago, were all living, and whose aggregate ages, including hie own, was 374 years, or an average of 93 • years eaoh. --�-Mr. James Scott; Molesworth, met with a serious accident the other day, While passing over the railroad track his buggy was smashed by a passing train and himself badly injured, but he is re- covering. •0. —At Richmond, Bayliarn town ship, Saturday, when the honey was being removed from a skip of bees the latter became enraged and stung W. H. Cook until he fainted away, and some time elapsed before he was restored to consciousness. They then attacked horses, hogs, dogs, ducks and chickens, causing a general stampede. They stung Doc Math- -ew's trotter until she. ran away, de- stroying the harness and doing gen- eral damage. The driver escaped uninjured. They then cleared out the town blacksmith shop, which had to be locked up for some hours. —It is strange, says the St. Thomas Journal, to find the weather records stating that in June twice as much rain fell in London as in St. Thomas, places only fifteen miles apart. The extraordinary rainfall in some districts, especially the western and south-western, may be judged from the following places haying over 6 inches of rain in the month of June, 1882 :—London, 12.32 inches; Woodstock, 9.50 inches ; St. Mary's 9.16 inches ; !Wilton Grove, 8,57 inches; Paris, 7.10 inches ; Coldstream, 7 inches ; `,ratfcrd, 6.49 inches; St. Thoma, 6.45 inches ; Princeton, 6.37 inches ; Alton, 6.26 inches ; Brant, ford, 6.24 inches ; Ottawa, 6.19 inches ; Bancroft, 6.11 inches. —A well.to do farmer from the neighborhood of Alvieston, a widower, was in Stratford the other clay in search of a wife. He wants a housekeeper, and will enter into an agreement to marry in a short time if the woman shows that she knows how to keep house. Or he will marry at once can satisfactory proof be adduced that the applicant will make a good and thrifty house- keeper. Here is a chance for some of those who are tired of single blessedness. True, the would be henedict ie. not young, neither is he good-looking, active, or is the top of his head covered with hair, but he has money, is thrifty and honest, and wants a wife badly, and these ought to count for something. C URRENT TOPICS A LIBERAL'S VIEW. When the United States evaded or violated its obligations in rela- ttion to the Erie and Champlain canals, the free entry of Canadian fish, and other matters, Canada should at once have not only protest. ed but should have withdrawn the privileges granted in return for those which the Americans were dishonest enough to evade or re- fuse.—Woodstock Sentinel Review. EMPIRE HUMOR. Drink no water that has been boiled ; enter..no theater, church or place of public meeting whatever ; wherever two or three persons are gathered together, avoid them ; boil your milk and mix a little lime with it ; use chloride of lime and carbolic acid Liberally all over your resident, ial premises; eat no fruit, and do your own washing. By observing these precautions, it is quite pro- bable that you will escape pestilence as long as it,.keeps out of the coun- try. HIT 'EM AGAIN. The Minister of Agriculture has been spending a few days at Sault Ste. Marie, as the Globe correspond• ent states, receiving the courtesies of the citizens. It is stated in the same journal that the promise has- been made by Hon. Mr. Carling that the canal now in course of construction will he ready for the next season of navigation, which, if true, means that the work will be pnsbed on throughout the winter with the utmost vigor. No doubt after the Presidential election is over, a conference will be held be• tweeen the two Governments, and a good understanding arrived at, both for the future navigation of the inland waters and transportation by land. But it is meanwhile it is quite in accordance with the public sentiment of this country that the work on the Canadian canal should be hastened with all convenient speed so' that our interests may, not be left at the mercy of the United States any longer than necessary.—London Free Press. a�gains. Special inducements to buy will be given for the NEXT TWO WEEKS. We want to clear out all we can before the New Fall Stock comes in. We visit the wholesale markets next week to finish buying Fall Goods. We expect to have the largest and best assorted stock of goods we have ever carried. VirRemember, we carry the largest variety of goods of any house in town. Good Goods and Low Prices is what we aim at. 0 rgr Tailoring, . Millinery, Mantle and Dress - Making our Specialties.1 PLUMSTEEL - AND - GIBBINGS, MONTREAL HOUSE, Clinton, August 22nd, 1892. THE HUB GROCERY ■ o— Sugar is on the Advance. We have a Carload of Extra Standard Granulated Which we oiler at WHOLESALE PRICES in barrel lots --also a reduction by the 100 lbs. Now is THE TIME to buy your Sugar for preserving Fruit. Hillwattie Tea always on hand. 11:2- Orders tatien for best Scranton Coal. —0 -- Geo.0-- Gco. ';' a1Iow lint SUGA AIways buy the Best. - The Best is the Cheapest. O 3rd C 9 Fur Granulated ar a at s p and Yet Aon now arrived, this summer. Sold as low as many so-called pure, but adulterated Sugars now selling in this market. We make special cuts by the cwt. or in bbl. lots.' J. W. IRWIN, 7 Noted Grocer, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CLINTON. They Knock Them All Out ! - What Does ? Why ! Then ! 0 THE IiAPPY THOUGHT AND GRAND PENINSULAR STOVES AND RANGES. For a COAL OR WOOD HEATER, you just get one of the Famous New Radiant Home Coal Stoves. They are beauties. SayntAre you going to PAINT YOUR HOUSE ? Then use the .; Decorators' Pure White Lead and Elephant Ready,Mixed Paints, in alt shades. English Raw and Boiled Oil. It pays to use the Best. HAR=..t .1\TD 13R0S Iron and Hardware Merchants, — — — — CLINTON WHEN YOU WANT A READY-MADE SUIT OR AN ORERED SUIT Or anything in MEN'S FURNISHINGS, come and see what we can do for you. We carry a very fine range. Just now we are offering ----A LINE OF ODD PANTS !---- At a great deal less than their value and it is worth your while to come land see. 0 — T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. roeorios-! roeeries Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, cgc. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. Tile Nes—Recor lor Pr!n!!llg