HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-09-07, Page 201641113, s®r�cr
Ia blood disease, '' intr;i the po>dq# •ir.
,+px elhed frgtn the ar '8te;,n, ;tberQ calu
be no ore ler this ioatheome and
daugerous•rnalady, Tbe><•efer'.ot tiro only
effective treatment ie a thorough oqurse
pt Ayer'. Sarsaparilla -.rho best of alll
blood purifiers. The sooner you begin
the better; delay is dangerous.
"41 was troubled with catarrh ter
two yeara. I tried varloue remedies,
and vas treated b a number of phyei.
otans, but receive no benefit until 1
began to take Ayet''(' Sarsaparilla. A
few bottles of this medicine cured me of
this troublesome complaint and com-
pletely restored my health."..JeeseM.
BBoggs, Holman'a Mills, N. O.
"When Ayer's a'srsaparilla was rep.
=mended to me for catarrh, I Was in-
clined to doubt its efficacy. Having
tried so many remedies, witlittle ben-
efit, I bad no faith $fiat anything would
cure me. I became emaciated from lose
of appetite and impaired digestion. I
had nearly lot the sande of smell and
my system was badly deranged. I was
about discouraged, when a friend urged
me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re-
ferred me to persons whom it had cured
of catarrh. After tarring half a dozen
bottles of this medicine, I am convinced
that the only euro way of treating this
obstinate disease is through the blood."
—Charles H. Maloney, 113 River at.r
Lowell, Masa.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
'Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle
The Huron News -Record
1.50 a Year -51.25 in Advance.
Wednesday Sept. 7tI, 1892
Bostota Herald.
It takes two parties to make a
quarrel. A special effort seems to
have beeu made to prove to our
Canadian neighbors that in the
opinion of the United States Gov•
erument they were at best of but
little account, and if any problema-
tical gain could result to the Uuited
States from the injury ot their in
dustrial interests, the present ad•
ministration was quite equal to the
task of attempting to secure that
end.. Intercourse between nations
does not differ materially from in-
tercourse between individuals The
pride, ,tate weakness and the sensi-
tiveness of a man will be carefully
considered by a shrewd negotiator
when 'endeavoring to bring "him
into at amicable frame of mind,
and subjects which are calcutnted to
give offence and cause resentment
will be eer•upulously put aside.
We do not belies a that anyone,
even the most ardent upholder of
Mr.:H•ar'rison's adminietr'atton, will
maintain that this reasonable, be-
cause effective, form of diplomacy,
has been employed in our negotia•
tions with Canada.. ••O.p' the min_e'-
trary., it seems to us that we have
been •utterly regardless of the effect
which our self -assertiveness might
- have ou the other side of the bor
der, and have on one or two oc-
casions behaved in a manner that
has been little short of inoulting to
men possessed of a high degree of
national spirit. Take, for example,
the 'treatment that was accorded to/
the 'Canadian commissioners who
carne to Washington some time ago
on invitation of our State depart-
ment to consider certain •important
international questions. Unless
repoute are entirely nrieloading,
these Canadian officials 'were dis-
courteously dismissed •bocause that
treatment happened to favor the in-
terests if the President iu the per-
sonal contention then going on be-
tween haern and his Secretary of
State. This is merely one incident
out of a long list of illustrations
that could he given of thedomineer-
ing manner in which the present
administration has carried on its
negotations with Canada. -
Wo do not moan by ;this that
such treatment justifies Canada in
attempting to evade the true mean-
ing of tho treaties by which it is
bound ; but it must be evident to
any one that our course of action
has proven ted us from approaching
the Canadian Government in the
friendly and amicable spirit that
would lea 1 it to easily recede) from
a position erroneously taken. Any
rules', no matter how much of an
imbecile he may be, can govern by
martial law; any negotiator eau in
volve a nation in war, but it is the
proof of a wise ruler and a wise
negotiator to bo abie, by judgment,
teat and good reasoning, to gain de-
sired elide without the use of force.
.fudged by this test; --and it is the
only test that, in these modern days,
can bo properly applied—the Cana-
dian policy of the present adminis-
tration must be classed a as con-
spicuous failure ; all the more so if
it leads, by large expenditur'oe of
money, to the duplication of canal
services in the great lakes, where
equal, if not better, service could be
obtained without these.
—13y a typhoon, lardslide and
earthquake in Japan, 450 people
were drowned, 3,000 houses swept
away and 2,000 houses submerged ;
while 25,000 people are being fed
by the Government and a`siste.t by
charitable people. On hundred peo-
ple were swallowed up by an earth,
T.l'14, GAUD HAWS,. 4*1,,92,t •
As the .shooting season own,
tnongoo iu a few days we publish
the laws POW in Awe (changes hay-
ing been made to the Cid WV last"
season), so that Niiws.RiivottO read
ere may not plead ignorance.
Deer Can only bo shot or hunted
between let November and liitb
November, during •which time doge
Keay ba used. No person shall
kill more than two deer in one sea•
No Fawn shall be killed or taken
at any time.
Ducks on only be shot between
the let day of September and the
151'h day of December and no per
son shall shoot more than 300 in
one season,
Grouse, Pheasants, Prairie Fowl
or Partridge, Woodoc.o'r, Snipe,
Rail, Plover, Black and Grey
Squirrels, and Hares (large rabbits)
con only bo shot between the 17th
day of September and the 15th day
o! December.
Coese and Swan can only be shot
between the 15Th day of September
and the let day of M'ty following.
Quail can only be allot between
the 15th day of October and the
15th day of December,
Mink, Muskrat, Sable and.Mar-
tin can only be killed between the
let day of November and the lat
day of April following.
No Wild Turkey !hail be killed
till 16th day of October, 1897.
No Beaver, Otter or Fisher shall
be killed till the 1st day of Novem
bei, 1897. •
No person shall sell k0F barter
any Quail, Snipe, Woo ock or.
Partridge till 1894.
No Game Bird or Animal shall
be taken by means of nets, traps,
snares, poison, etc., nor shall swivel
guns or sunken punts be used, nor
shall ducks or geese be shot from
any sail boat or steam yacht.
Beaver, Mink and Muskrat may be
trapped in season.
No Person shall kill any Game
Bird or Wild Bowl between sunset
and sunrise.
No game shall bo hunted on Sun-
No Deer, Duck, Quail or any
osher game bird or animal shall be
killed or taken for the purpose of
exporting out of Ontario.
A non-resident cannot hunt with-
out a License.
Dogs hunting deer out of season
may be shot at eight by any one. •
On conviction half the fine goes
to the prosecutor and the other to
the Province.
Any person accused of violating
the Game Laws is compellable to
give 1/44c,tteuee,
The discontent of the American
farmer, was the subject of a paper
read before the Economia Associa-
tion by Prof E. W. Bemis. He
said that the fact of the farmer's
discontent needed no proof; that
while racer census investigations
had ehown fewer mortgages than
was supposed, the increase in ten-
ant fanning was a bad sign, and was
considerable in degree ; that re.
latively the value of farms had de-
creased in comparison with other
property in the United States;
that the prices of crops had greatly
fallen, and that this had made the
paytnent of mortgages more and
more •difficult.
In a recent census bulletin lately
issued at Washington the mortgage
indebtedness of Missouri, incurred
in ten years, is set down at $537,•
027,754, nearly double the public
debt of the whole Dominion of
Canada. Between 1880 and '89 no
Less than •448,085 real estate most•
gages were made in that State.
The debt remaining in force last
year was $214,609,772.
A comparison is made with the
neighboring States of Alabama,
Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska
and Tenn.oseee as to the ratio be-
tween the debt in force against
acres, and the estimated true va!ue
of the mortgaged acres. This is as
States. Per cent.
Alabama 21.62
Illinois.. . 43.13
IKana sas ass 38.25
1i iasotiri ........ 58.31
Nebraska . , 44.47
Tennessee 50.02
A like comparison is made be-
tween the mortgaged and the taxed
acres in the States mentioned, which
presents the following results :—
States. Per cent.
Alabama `71.63
Illinois.... ........... 30.78
Iowa 46.95
Kansas 61
Afissouri 25.41
Nebraska 58.13
Tennessee 31.65
The per capita mortgage indebt-
edness of the States mentioned is
as follows :—
Per capita
States, indebtedness.
Alabama $ 25 •
Illinois 100
Iowa 104
J:lnsas 170
•. ►•lf
1'top.,41010tt ,htttleby.
I M45 t) gray t4ae ala clo Ort;, 1
Sleep .baby, weep,
i heel' de ,!setup blow' htir ora;
fileepr-i y, Yl$ap. •
ace a eigga1; at',da gray coon .sheat,
1 heah de eelto of ole old horn's toot,
An heah an owl, in de wilt! weeds hoot ;
Sleep, baby, sleep.
A'getor's figruntifl' inythe ole. tlp3ou-.i
At a fat pig or• .WiItthin' nde fine ;
Sleep, baby, sleep,
Ills teeth ant big se' wide, au' white.
An' he ant ohueldiu' at de great big bite
IIe'Y gwlne to bab oaten dat plilo•nite
Sleep, baby, sleep.
I heah de wild geese flyln' by ;
Sleep, baby, sleep.
De air am ringin' wid dere cry ;
Sleep, baby, sleep.
It's gwin° to be colo but you sm •tom
As de hoppin' lizard an' de little itwe bug,
So PO leave you now wid a good.r+t,c k •e
Sleep, baby, Sleep.
—New Orleans Picayune.
The Weeping Willow telegraph office
faced the level prairie. Up and down be-
fore it, like shining ribbons, lay the rail-
road tracks, converging mysteriously until
distance blended them into one.
Back of it flared the wide main street,
with stores and cottages indiscriminately
mingled, which marks the disconsolate
prairie town: Beyond, inclosed by ' a
white picket fence, straggled the desolate
The only thing in plenty which nature
supplied was room. There was an
abundance of space. It was quite a walk
to cross the street. Neighbors' houses stood
aloof. " Nobody was crowded, even in the
The telegraph operator, satiated with
landscape, leaned back, stretched himself
prodigiously, yawned audibly and collapsed.
in his chair, which creaked in vexed
remonstrance. He tossed a remark over his
shoulder, "So this is what you are yearrrin'
for, Dave ?"
Dave took his cane, and, limping to the
door, viewed the inertness in silence. Then
he roused himself and said cheerfully :
"A telegraph operator is all I'm good fur
since I got hurt."
"Seems like the com'ny might have done
more for you when you got smashed np in
their own accident. 'Twouldn't have hurt
'em none to keep you as a conductor,"
grumbled his friend.
• Suddenly the afternoon stillness was
broken by excited voices and the sharp
barking and yapping of clogs. Joe brought
his feet to the floor in a hurry.
"I can't leave the machine, Dave. Go
and see what the rumpus is about. I bet
Brier Rose is up to somethin'. It takes
that there girl to stir up the boys. No,
Foxy," he said to his terrier, who . was
whirling around in an ecstacy of anticipa-
tion, "you stay here. If Brier Rose is at
the bottom of it, a little ' feller like you
might get lost in the shuffle."
Dave obediently limped up the' street,
where, in the midst of a 'crowd of rough
men, stood a girl holding some little animal
high above her head, while the dogs leaped
and snapped around her.
The girl, with scarlet cheeks, begged and
scolded and threatened thein all, to their in-
finite amusement.
"Call off your dawg, Jim," she said
fiercely to the owner of the largest, whose
leaps sometimes almost reached the quiver-
ing little object in her hands.
'Throw down the beast an' I will," he
"If that there dawg gives another jump,
I'll pizen him before sunup," she said
Jim made a lunge for the dog, and sat on
him to keep him down, while the crowd
hooted in derision of his obedience.
"What's all this ?"Icried;Dave, coming up
and pushing his way through their midst.
"Brier Rose is being held up !" cried a
The crowd yelled with delight. The
girl's whole face became white with rage as
he singled out the speaker.
"You'll pay for that, Ben Mills, as you've
paid before," she said.
"Call off those brutes," cried Dave rap-
ing the nearest dog with his cane. "For
haute, to tease a woman !"
"Look a hyer, stranger," said a young
ant, menacingly. He towered above Dave,
who stood his ground. •
"I'm Larne and no account in a fight," said
ave ; "but half a man ain't goin' to see a
'man tormented.
"\Yho in thunder—" began his threaten-
"; but Ben Mills laid a hand on his, arm,
"Hold on, Jim," he said • that there's
ave Comstock, conductor of the smashed
p No. 7."
"Not the feller that got hurt savin' the
aby ?"
"The same !"
"Sho, stranger'." said the mollified Jim.
"You're welcome to interfere. Give us
er hand. We would'nt hurt her for no -
in,.' Bless my stars ! Brier Rose can
ke care of herself better'n most men,"
The dogs were all held now, and the girl
it her tired arms clown. She looked
riously at the man, whose brave story she
pew by heart as she heard him defend
To bo sure she had been defended be -
re ; there was hardly a man who would
t have risked his life to save hers, but
cy teased her unmercifully when they
t the chance. Dave's interference was
a new line. She did not quite under-
nd it, but it appealed to her at once.
When Dave went back to the station to
I Joe, the latter roared with delight.
'Just like her ! Exzattly like her !" he
cd, slapping his leg so inhumanly"' that
lame friend winced for hirn.
'Who is Brier Rose?" he repeated, in en-
cl. to Dave's question. "You don't know
ch if you don't know old Bryan's Baugh-
. She's the best known girl from Horse-
. Gap to Powder Cr•ilc, Old Bryan's
n engineer on the road ever since the
ck was laid. All eyes she was then, as
is now. What wasn't eyes was temper.
ce now, Ravin' that now she bosses the
a is addition to old Bryan. She can run
engine with the best of 'em. Bryan's
girt her all the tricks, and he thinks the
rises and sets for just her."
Strange she would defend a gopher,
err she's so hard on the boys," observed
That's just it. That's Brier Rose ! She's
more tame pets ; she's friendlier with
beast in `Veepin' Willer than with
of the boys. She ain't even got a head
anybody but old Bryan ; yon notice I
e no mention of heart coucernin' Brier
e ; I don't keep to tall' of what she ain't
—and just now she's specially bewitched
t him. After keepin straight for forty
s he's taken to drink. The girl knows
lose his job if the company gets wind
and she watches him like a hawk."
.Vhat's Bryan's run ?"
Horseshoe to Powder Crik, She knows
y inch of track and siding. And I
you could see her handle the critter.
knows all Bryan does, and she's a heap r
quicker calc'latin' than the old man.
wuth while to see her oil and clean the
ine. She goes over it spry as a kitten."
he's handsome," said Dave, simply. t
!mph ! Handsome is as handsome t
observed .Joe, grumpily. "She is r
as ico and hard as a ma. It's my e
of it
Belief that: he ain't got no heart eagle as
ether wifnmle. Anct easey t 140el'a
In spite of what he had heard, or perhaps
because of what he has heard, all things,
even the melancholy' town itself, grew rose
colored on Dave'a sunny, eyes. With his
totalling cheerfulness he waited hop@lesaly
for hews of his appointment at Red 1 alley,
and hovered, as if fasainated,,around D' ngine
Ner the boys nor Old Bryan were slow
to notioe this, the latter having accepted
such attentions periodically from all the
young men. It was so inevitable a proceed -
mg that up to the time of the Middleton's
dance they paid no attention to it.
But that night something extraordinary
occurred. '
The next day, as Brier Rose rode down
the street on her hardy little pony, the boys
gathered around her eagerly, notwithstand-
ing the fact that site had a stout little
whip in her hand. They had something
new and strange to tease her about.
"Brier Rose," called out Jim, as she drew
rein, "you don't care nothin' about dancin'
do you ?" '
"You'd ruther set all the evenin',
wouldn't you, now ?"
"D'you like the name o' Dave, or dg you
reckon you'd rather have Comstock ?"
Rose looked from the ono to the other as
the bottled up taunts fell rapidly upon her
ears, her cheeks and lips growin ,, scarlet.
For once her ready tongue failed her.
Small need to ask them what they meant.
Too well she knew. , But was her subjuga-
tion apparent in such a trifle ? And so
soon ? And Dave as yet had said nothing.
Emboldened by her silence, they went fur-
"What does he say about, it ?"
The shamed crimson heaped to her very
temples and receded, leaving her face piti-
fully white. Her wounded pride now pant-
ed for but one thing—a way oub. Probably
he knew it, too. Site saw him coming down
the street.
"Do you love him? Say, Brier Rose, do
you love Dave?" cried the one furthest from
her whip.
Her courage came back at -Dave's approach
and the spell of her unwonted silence was
"Do I love him?" she cried, looking him
fairly in the face. "I come nearer to Matin'
She turned her horse sharply, and the
blows the boys had expected fell on her
fiery little pony. He craned his neck and
went up the street on a dead run, but fast
as Rose flew the grieved look in Dave Com -
stock's blue eyes kept pace with her.
That night Joe fidgeted around, unable to
decide whether or not he should speak to
Dave about the occurence of the afternoon.
Dave's genial smile and cherry hopefulness
were gone. .He sat with his face buried in
his folded arms.
Joe coughed noisily and said' nothing.
Dave looked down at his poor maimed
"Joe, do you know that little baby I
saved from the wreck had brown eyes like
Brier Rose? 1 tint ember the baby smiled
when I held it out to the men. You know
my foot was eu tght and I couldn't move.
I've never seen Brier Rose smile at are that
way. If I had saved her perhaps she would.
Do you think so, Joe?"
At home, Rose was thinking of the story
of Daye's bravery in the wrecked train, of
the lives he had saved, ot his defense of
And to -day in return she had mocked
him. Aye, if the look he gave her evoke
truly, she had cat him to the heart. lears
—tears in the eyes of Brier Rose !
The position of telegraph operator at Red
Valley was given to Dave Comstock. The
afternoon freight, heavily loaded, had just
pulledslumsily out of the Weeping. Willow
station, with Dave ou the rear platform of
the way car.
The 44, having come down on the rear
of the freight as second engine, now stood
on the siding, waiting to back to Horseshoe
for the midnight express.
Old Bryan was up in a crowd of men in
front of the post office. Brier Rose watch-
ed hon anxiously. As long as he kept away
from the Owl she felt easy. He knew she
was watching him. He also knew that she
would not hesitate to come after him, if the
Owl proved too strong an attraction. There-
fore lie kept away.
She trod fearlessly along the side of the
boiler, rubbing the hand rail with a black
oil sodded cloth. She touched the engine
as if she loved it. Every part of it shone
like the sun. Every valve worked with
precision. Every screw was secure. Joe
laughed to see her fling a shovelful of coal
into the furnace like a born fireman.
His own machine called his attention
from the 44. Then Rose heard lain cry out,
and, springing down, she rushed into the
"A runaway engine coming this way !" he
said hoarsely. "Spite work of a discharged
engineer. No one on her—going twenty-
five miles an hour—a single track—Dave's
train only going fifteen—the 44 and that ore -
car on the only siding between here an dRedValley. My God 1"
""Where is it?" cried Brier Rose.
"It broke away from .Horseshoe Gap.
Message in from Prairie City. It's already
passed Prairie City, headed straight for
here. It's bound to catch Dave before his
train gets to Red Valley."
Rose turned white to her very lips. She
covered her face with her brown hands.
Only for a moment, though. 'Plied she flung
back her head and looked Joe full in the
"I can save him !" she cried. She sprang
for her engine and climbed into the cab,
"Rose ! Rose !" roared Jim in dismay.
Rose turned her white face toward him
imploringly. "Be at the switch, Joe, and
listen for my signals, as you value Dave's
life !" she cried. Then she pulled the
throttle valve out to its full extent. The
engine shivered all over, and at fifty-two
miles an hour the 44,' driven by Brier Rose,
leaped down the track tos meet the run-
There was not a moment to lose. A cer-
tain number of miles, lessening every mo-
ment, lay between the lumbering freight,
with Dave on board, and the cruel, senseless
runaway engine. Between them was Briar
Rose, with ,lust a chance of safety.
She knew that a loosened rail or any
obstruction would hurl her to her doom,
and still not avert disaster from Dave. The
whistle of the 44 shrilled out an unearthly
screech continually to warn even the birds
from fluttering too near the messenger of
The engine rocked from side to side at
the dizzy rate of speed. For the first tune
the oclor of hot oil made Rose feel faint.
She hung half out of the cab window, pant -
ng for breath and ber hands clinging
crazily to the window f6r support.
Suddenly she saw smoke in the distance.
Larger and larger grew the black speck on
he track. Faster and faster flew the 44
o meet it. Nearer and nearer carne the
unaway. When sl:•• e-adil plainly see the
hape of the approaching engine she closed
the throttle '�vlth a rush teat macre the 44
tremble. She reversed her engine, end at
less than twenty-five miles all !tour began
running away from the runaway.
Slowly, almost imperceptibly, it gained
on leer bravo engine. A horrible fear took
pelf icssion of her that it. was coming too
slowly, and that' they would both reach
Dave'a train before she stopped the run-
away. She changed the speed and let the
engine gain on her faster.
"f can signal .for the siding if I fail,"
thought Brier Rose. • "Jot will obey nay -
signal." But ehe shuddered.
In sight of Weeping Willow at last. The
44 whistled frantically. Rose signalled for
a clear track, and only a train length apart
the 44 and the' runaway flew past the little
station platform, crowded with every man,
woman and ohIld in town.
Joe understood her plan now. He bound-
ed into the station, frenzied with excite-
ment, telegraphed to Red Valley what
Brier Rose was doing ; then, from sheer
nervousness, he squeezed Foxy until he
yelped wildly.
Out of ' sight of Weeping Willow and
Dave's train in the distance, nearer and
nearer came the runaway. Rose braced
herself for the shock. Crash I came the
cowcatcher of the runaway into the unpro-
tected rear of tho gallant 44. Rose had
loosened her hold, and the concussion flung
her to the floor, with her soft cheek against
the cab seat.
Faint with her fall she gathered herself
together and shut off the steam. Then with
the nose of tlie runaway viciously pushing
the 44, Brier Rose crept like a cat over the
tender, down over the trembling engine, and
on her !rands and knees she crawled over to
the runaway, up along the boiler side into
the cab, and crashed the throttle shut when
the 44 was within a car's length of David's
When she came to herself she was in the
Red Valley station. Dave was bending
over her, and calling her name with tre,n-
bling lips. She opened her eyes and smiled
into his face.
"Oh, Brier -Rose, how could you do it?"
he whispered !Atli a shudder.
,`I did it for you, David—for. you."
They Had Little Hope, slut a Useful 5
ply of Imagination.
A couple of nten who looked as tho
they had never been on the water bef
met for the first time on the deck of on
the Fall River boats.
"Where are you going to?" asked
"I'rn going to Newport, where are
going ?"
I'm going to Fall River to look for a j
and if I don't find one there I'll try nay 1
at New Bedford," said the first man.
"I never knew you could go to Boston
water before," murmured the second In
"do you think there is any chance
getting sea sick ?"
"I guess not," replied the first inriividu
"but what are you going to do in Ne
part ?"
"I am going to try to get the position
bathing master at one of the big hotels.
weigh 300 pounds, and naturally 11
like a cork. You see, the weight that c
ables me to earn a living during the wint
is just the thing to pull me through t
summer on the crest of the wave of to
"What do you work at during the wint
that makes your weight tell in your favor
"I drive a coal cart, and am alw
weighed with the coal. What are you goin
to do in Fall River ?"
"Oh, I am just going to look around
see what I can find in the way of ligh
employment. Do you know about Fa
River ?"
•S Nething•af) all, but if you~Vii<•t -,rnn
anything about Detroit I cap pour out thinformation wholesale."
"I suppose if I was going to Detroit, an
wanted to know something about it, i
would be just my luck to run up against
man who could tell me something about th
White Mountains ! I suppose you are fro,
Detroit ?"
"I used to be when I drove a Woodwar
avenue car,"
"You are pretty stout for car driving,
broke in the other. "I should think wire
going down hill it would be necessary t
have a conductor as heavy as yourself t
stand at the rear end of the car to keep i
from toppling over the horses."
"Please don't talk in that unkind way
for I am very sensitive. I had to weep
little while ago when I heard a man dow
stairs ask a friend if he thought the Fal
River line weighed me when I bought my
ticket, and charged me so much a pound for
my passage. I am very easily mortified
about my weight • at the same time I
would not care to be as thin as you are,"
"It's a mere matter of taste," said the
other. "You can stand cold weather better
than I can, and I can boat you all to pieces
crawling under a bureau to pick up a collar
button out of a crack. What are you go-
ing to do if you can' get work in New-
"I dunno. What are you going to do it
you can't find work in Fall River or New
Bedford 7"
"1 dunno."
"The outlook is dismal. Suppose we lis•
ten to the music and drown our sorrows in
"All right ; but I could drown mine abet•
ter in a couple of good, hot, greasy crullers.
I wouldn't ask for 0offep :.:.' 4
"`And if I couldn't get a cup of coffee �I
wouldn't ask for the crullers- But I'd
rather have a plate of beans than both. It's
awful to be broke in such a place as this,
isn't it 7"
"Yes ! but it isn't half as bad as being
broke in the far West and having to walls
home through snow drifts on a railroadtrack."
That's so ; there's nothing like being
satisfied, is there?"
"Then let's be satisfied."
"All right."
"And we'll go and get a drink of ice
water and try to imagine it champagne,
eh ?"
"That's just what we'll do."
And away they walked and drank each
other's health at the cooler ; and, in imagin-
ing the water champagne, proved that they
were possessed of the happiest imaginations
on all that floating palace.—Detroit Free
ri p.
e of
A Money -Making Sob.
Mr. Nicefellow—Ah, how de do, my lit-
tle man I Been helping your sister, I sup-
pose. She told me she would be busy for a
little while with some household duties."
Little Man—Yep. I tried to help, but I
wasn't much use."
"I suppose not."
"No. She wanted me to carry some
water, but I couldn't curry much at a time,
and it takes a lot to get ink out of carpet,
especial ly red ink."
"Red ink ?"
"Yes, Sis always writes her letters to
Mr. Warmhear't in red ink. He says it re-
minds him of the way she blushes when he
kisses her."—Street & S'mith's Good News.
MOs• gII AY) DAUG1v:14,
A F41111 LAltoltE I IJl,nn TWO Wp•
51BN Ai 1s4 Ring; MP*
A alta laborer named'altor
Bitter last Wodnesday uigltt1t1bk>:.
into Mrs. Ginter's house and attack
ed her. In the struggle Mrs, flu•
tees screams aroused her daughter,
who wee Bleeping upstaire, and whit.
immediately cave to her Mother's
rescue. Leaving Mrs. Ginter,
for thereupon attacked Miss Gi
Both women fought valiantly Y
protect their honor, and in tlid'
melee the Bone of Mte. Ginter, aged..
15 and 16 yeara respectively,
ed home from a visit to the city,.
and seeing them Bitter fled, leaving
his clothes on the porob. The lade
gave chase and run him into a
swamp, finally overtaking and over-
powering him.
Binding Bitter's Begs and arras
fast with binding twine and cover-
ing him with marsh hay to protect
him, the boys left him in the
swamp, wont to Union Mills, scour.
od the assistance of Constable John- t
son, and, returning to where Bitter
lay, brought him to the city for in-
carceration in the county jail. Mra.
Giutor and daughter were severely
handled in the fight and are pros;
Hezekiah Shepherd, a wealthy
farmer, 90 years old, who lived at
Drakeville, Ia., was burial! recent-
ly in a coffin in the shape of a chair -
For fifteen years Mr. Shepherd had
been unable to rest except by sit-
ting in an easy chair, and in that
position he proposed to die. His
friends, tried to dissuade him from
his eccentric notion, but he had a
cabinetmaker construct the curious
casket. It was substantially built
of white oak, with walnut trim -
IA Inge.
It was kept on exhibition in Mr.
Shepherd's room six weeks previous
to his death, and he took especial
satisfaction in displaying it to his
He left instructions to have his
body placed in this casket in a sit-
ting posture, the wrists strapped to
the arm of the casket, the limbs to
its legs and the head and neck to
the back. A glass panel was plac-
ed in front to expose the face of
the dead man.
Comptroller Wemple and New
York State Treasurer Danforth
estid eesel:atatho-Bnfalo stoke will
cost•tho state about $275,000 for
the pay„subsistence and transporta-
tion of 7,500 National .Guardsmen
sent to Buffalo. Erie county will
pfobably have to pay the bill in the
end, but at first the money will
have to be drawn from the general
fund of the state. If the railways
present a bill for the property des-
troyed, cars burned, etc., after the
sheriff was formally notified to pro-
tect the railway yards and failed,
their bill of expense for Erie county
will foot up probably $400,000.
There were about 530 men actually
on strike, so that at the lowest
estimate the taxpayers will have to
pay about $550 for every switch-
man who quit work. As one of the
politicians said : "New York is bet-
tor off than Pennsylvania was after
the railway rio's of 1787. So much
property was then destroyed that
the state had to pay $4,000„000'
damages, and the taxpayers of
Allegheny county, including some
of the railway employees who
struck, are still paying interest on
the money.”
—A case of attempted criminal
assault is reported from Trenton, a
few miles west of Belleville. At an
early hour Thursday morning the re-
sidents in the east end were aroused
from thoirslumbers by cries of "Mur-
der 1" issuing from John Majean's
dwelling. When several men
reached the house they found Miss
Majean and Miss Edgar lying in an
unconecioue state in their night
clothes on the floor. It appears
that about 2:30 a. m. a man effect-
ed an entrance into the house.
The members of the family were
all away except the two girls, Mise
Edgar keeping the other lady cow -1
pany for the night. The scoundrel
had gone into the girls' room and
attempted an assault upon Miss
Majean, stifling her cries with his
hand. He did not know thht the
bed was occnpied by another sleep-
er. Miss Edgar slipped out of
the opposite side of the bed, and
gave the alarm which startled the
neighbors. The man then made his
—John Howard and wife, of
Seattle, Wash,, are walking from
Seattle to Chicago. They contract.,
ed to do the trip_between March 10
and September 1, and the early part
of last week reached Cedar Rapids,
Iowa, ahead of time.