HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-09-07, Page 1•
'4'1I1.i11$ M+ I . Q per Annum, I1.30 in Advance.
VOL.. XIV -NO.. 20.
Mr. P. Malogntson, barrister of
Lucknow, wee in town on Sunday.
Holy Communion at St. George's
last Sunday.
Mrs. Hale, of Clinton, was in
town on Friday.
Mr. A. Kay, of Stratford, wasin
town on Sunday.
Mr. Herbert Cooke was visiting
in Bothwell the past week.
Mr, and Mrs. Johnston returned
to Toronto • the past week.
Mr. and Mise Shannon aro visit-
ing relatives in Alpena.
The students of 1892 model class
commenced their course last week.
• The United Empire is due here
this morning.
Mr. Shoreland, of Detroit, is
spending a few days in town.
The steamer City of Windsor was
in port on Thursday and Monday.
The Town Council held its regu-
lar meeting on Friday.
Mr. H. Cook, barrister of Blyth,
was in town last week.
Mrs. G. Moorhouse left yesterday
for her home, Saginaw.
Mr. and Mrs Conquest are the
guests of their relatives Mr. and
° Mrs. Holt.
Mr. Hilton Holmes, of the Bank
of Commerce, returned from his
holiday trip last week.
, The steainer Monarch took on a
large quantity 'qf freight when in
port on Saturday]
Mise and Miss Grace Pulley have
returned from a long visit to Wiar-
Mrs: Miller, nee Ferguson, left
yesterday on her return to her home,
Mrs. Grant has moved into the
house in St. David's Ward, recently
occupied by Mrs. W. T. Hays.
Miss A. McKay returned last
week from Manitoba after a long
visit, to relatives in 'that Province.
Mrs. S. J. VanAlatyn, of Wyan-
dotte, Mich., is visiting in Goder-
Mrs. C. and Master Gordon Wil-
liams, of Wingham were in town
on Saturday.
Mrs. M. Ferguson is apparently
recovering from her recent severe
Mre. Bastedo and children re-
turned to their home, Toronto. on
]'eat :of Custoins'
was in the Ciroular town on Thurs-
Mr. and Mre. R. Seeger, of Cleve-
land, were visiting relatives in town
the past week.
Mies F. Ball's Sunday school
class pit-nie'd on the fiats last Sat-
urday snot noon .
Mr. Ansley Burrows, of Windsor,
a one time piiiill of our" high school
is visiting .relatives in town.
The foundation is already in for
Mr. R. Radcliffe',, house on the cor-
the corner of West and Wellington
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Pollakowsky,
of Mitchell; who were in Goderich
'this week were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs Hoffiich. • ,
The steam yacht Uarda of Wind-
sor arrived in this harbor on Satur-
day with a full list of pleasure
The schooner Mary with 415 tone
of oral for the North American
Chemical Co. arrived in port on
A number of Indiana encamped
on Attrill's banks last week, and are
apparently doing a big trade in
bows and arrows and baskets.
Last week our old townsman Mr.
M. G. Cameron, of Toronto, was so
seriously ill that his parents were
called to hie bedside. At this writ-
ing the gentleman is recovering.
Mr. A. 13. Henderson, Of Sarnia,
who died in Goderich on Thursday
was interred in Maitland cemetery
on Saturday, the I. 0. F. conduct-
ing the funeral. The floral em-
blems were magnificent.
"Rev. Canon Young, of Goder-
iob, at the request of Bishop Bald-
win, met in conferenc with the re-
presentatives of the congregation of
Christ Church, Forest, and St.
Paul's, Thedford. on Tuesday to die-
cusa the question whether any
feasible arrangement could be made
whereby Thedford could be pro-
vided for and Forest enjoy the whole
attention of its pastor. After a very
full and frank discussion of the
question with the congregation, and
the representatives ot each together,
no available plan presented itself,
and so Thedford promised an in-
crease of its assessment and each
will try , and develop lay efforts
within itself as largely as possible,
and thus if not relieve, at least
encourage and assist their overwork-
ed pastor."
INDRPZND$NI' IN, Iikk 214.010S-ArOUT/f4k I+y IVOr$TNCi
Mr. Robt. Downs, of Clinton, w
in the circular town on Shursu
Mr. and Mrs. R. Raueford,
Clinton, were in Goderieh on I `i•
day. •
Messrs. J. T. Gorrow anti
Holt returned from Old Orch". d
Beach on Saturday.
The schooner Enterprise arri:.d
in port this week to laarig
supplies for the Northern fish
'Mr Lewis Allis, who was to n
to the City Hospital, London, a
days ago, died there Thursday fr+m
a stroke of paralysis. Deceased
a native of gugland, and had b u
a resident of London for sev:;al
years. He was a musical inst';u-
ment agent, and was aged
The funeral will take place fr'
the residence of his nephew, R.
Cullis, 257 Wellington ,,tree
Query—le this the same Lewis Alli
who ran a book store in Godericl
in the 50a
The remains ef-the Into Florence
Robinson were interred in Maitland
cemetery on Friday afternoon. The
deceased was but 18 and died from
that dread disease consumption after
a not very long illness for that corn -
plaint. In 1891 the deceased took
a 3rd-elitescertificate, then studied
for a 2nd ; but a few days before
the examination her medical attend-
ant prohibited further attendance at
the Collegiate. That she was not
forgotten the numerous beautiful
floral tokens that covered her last
resting place fully testified. Gener
al sympathy is expressed for Cap-
tain and Mo. ]Robinson in their
The School Board met on Mon-
day evening, Mr. Crabb presiding.
Present Messrs. Acheson, Ball,
Chrystal and Colborne. Minutes
of previous meetings read and
approved. The Principal's report
showed an attendance of 312 boys
and 291 girls. The follow accts.
were ordered. to be paid: Jno.
Butler $6.00; R. Tichborne, $2 62;
Runciman Bros., $35.00; G. N.
Davie, $100. Tho Board, on ap-
plication, gave Mr. Geo. Woods a
testimonial, as to his efficiency as a
teacher. The Secy. was directed
to instruct the Town Clerk to hold
and election in place of the late
Geo. Swanson. The board then
"Eloise A. Skimings, composer
of the-"Narfoi a1`'March," etc., etc.,
accompanied by Mrs. McGillivray,
of Kingston, wife of Engineer Mc-
Gilliyray, of the Government tug
De Lisle, called upon the officers of
Dredge No. 9 and tug De Lisle one
day lately, and presented them with
a copy of the "National March,"
which was so graciously received by
H• 11,. H. Princess Louise, when in
Canada, on Her Majeety'a birthday ;
also a terra cotta vase, decorated
with "No. 9" surrounded by the
emblems of Great Britain, Ireland,
France and Canada, surmounted by
an anchor—all pen etchings by Miss
Skimings. The vaso held a bou-
quet of No. 1 house flowers, in the
centre of which the sunflower
reigned supreme,. Capt. Smith and
Engineer McGillivray, in the
absence of the other officers, thank•
ed Miss Skimings for her thought-
ful remembrance of all on board the
Government dredge No. 9 and tug
De Lisle, also for some elegank
verses inscribed to the officers and
A meeting of council was held at
Londesboro on Mondoy last, chiefly
for the purpose of making estimates
of monies required for the current
expenses of the year. The rate for
the township will be three-tentba of
a mill lower than formerly, -and as
the court requires $4,000 from this
municipality the county rate will
have to be higher by at least one-
tenth of a mill. The total school
taxes of the township is $4107
being a little lower than last year,
and the estimated requirements by
the trustee boards of each section
are as follows, for S. S. No. 1 $350
No. 2 $400, No. 3 5450, No. 4
$360, No. 5 $400, No. 6 5340, No.
7 $400, No. 8 5615, No. 9 $340, R.
C. Separate $275, Union No. 5.
$160, Union No. 1 $17. A letter
from County Clerk with cop;' of
motion passed last session of Coun-
cil was read, asking the Municipal-
ity to take a vote of the elector's at
the next municipal election ea to
whether or not a house of refuge
shall be erected in the County of
Huron. Councillors Lasham, Mac-
donald and Snell were instructed
to examine Di+ re bridge, and if
necessary have it raised and repaired
and also build a breakwater and
repair bridge on S. R. 30 and 31,
Con. 7. Council adjourned to
meet when called by the Reeve.—
Mr. Jno. Eason, ie visiting hia
daughter in London.
Sail boat &00trrpriee is expected
from Port ert this week.
Several pool() from Seaforth
were in town Sunday.
Mr. Joiaaton of Goderich was in
town o. Sunday. Our girls are
very attractive.
ltJr. Win. Jowitt has been visit-
ing in Port Huron for the past few
Messrs. Dickson, Wilson and
Porter of Goderich sized the town
up on Sunday.
If all reports be true we will
likely loose our much esteemed
pastor, Rey. Henderson.
Rev. Stewart, of Clinton, per-
formed divine service ruorning and
night at Si. Andrews church hero
on Sunday.
-Rev Tully and fam'ly of Mitchell
broke up camp last week. No
doubt the pleasure and benefit of
this outing was no exception to the
A lodge of the order of Inde-
pendent Foreaters ifs been orgauiz
ed here. 'Teirest meeting was
held ori Frid night. The lodge
will likely prove a success.
On Friday last a large crowd of
Seaforth people cam over to spend
the day at the 1 o and a most
glorious day th did spend. The
Sun will like) give full particulars.
It is reported that the wind is
blowing throught e whiskers of
a Sartorial artist�om the gentle
breeze will rv& W to Bayfield and
plant him in Vusineas here. This is
what we want.
The school building is now ready
for opening. We bel"ove the job
is a very satisfactory ne as far as
work is concerned ut people have
a right to inspect the work as they
will have the pleasure of paying
for it.
The last of the season 1 The
English church of this place have
decided to hold Sunday School
picnic) on Fri y. We hear the
1Jirplish chu Iteople of Varna
and Goshe may join in this. If
so the aff r will likely prove one
of the best of the season.
Mr. John Wightman Jr. is re-
covery from an attack of inflamma-
Messers. D. and W. Scott left on
Thusday for a trip to Manitoba and
the Northwest.
Mr. S. and Miss Tucker of Turn -
berry spent Sunday with friends
near this burg.
Rev, A. J. and Miss Tucker of
Turnberry spent Sunday with
friends near this burg.
Rev, A. Y. Hartly of Bluevalo
preached in the Presby tori an church,
Sunday morning and evening.
Harvest Home services will be
held in Trinity church, this (Wed.
nesday) evening.
Mr.J. Sillies ar. has returned home
after a few weeks trip through the
Old Country.
Mr. J. and Miss Pattison of
Winghan spent Sunday at Mr. C.
Regular meeting of the Young
Peoples M. I. A.ssociatiora of the
Presbyterian Church will bo hold
this Wednesday.
Messrs John Taylor and Frank
Vannorman pulled 4 • acres of peas
on Mr2John Owen's farm on Sat-
urday, nothing but scythes being
Two of Geo. Nott's children are
down- with the scarlet fever. •
Lewis Crich' s children aro down
with scarlet fever.
Fletcher Turner is gradually
sinking. There seems to be no
no chance for recovery.
John Landeborough has rented
his hundred acre farm to John Rut-
ledge at an annual rental of $300
John Dale, of Stanley, h
bought Cyrus Turner's 100 as
farm for $4,200. This price is co
sidered a- bargain.
Josiah White was taken suddenly
ill on Thursday last with cholera'
morbus, but is now considered out
of danger.
Several weddings are on the tapir,
but dame rumor is so often at fault
that we shall not mention names
just now.
Our prayer -meeting young men
should not engage In the "festive
hop" while returning from Turners.
The gravel is not easy waxed and a
pointer may save sole leather and
shoemaker's bills.
Bayham has a very interesting
bay. Hii name is Johnny Dennis.
He is only 11 years old and weighs
190 lb's.
P rely Personal Paragraphs
r. J. 1'. Doherty is in Toronto.
arry Cantelon was in Clinton over
5 day.
ra. A. )3. Holloway is holidaying
at Iytb,
. Jackson, jr-, was in Seaforth on
S urday.
Ire. O'Neil returned to Milwaukee
o Saturday.
fr. lohn Mason, of Blyth, was in
rnton last week.
Mrs. S. Rance is visiting friends in
ondon this week.
Mr. John Goodwin, of Sarnia, was
town for a few days.
T. Jackson, jr., is on a business
isit to the Queen city. -
R. Downs was visiting at Hensel'
n Sunday of last week.
Mr. W. Beesley, of Beesley & Co.,
as in Toronto last week.
John F. and Mrs. Spooner returned
rota Detroit on Saturday.
Mr. E. R. Watson, of Goderioh,
wail in Clinton last week.
Mr. Charles Schelegel was in town
from Platteville last week.
Miss Thompson, of Seaforth, paid
a visit to frienda in Clinton.
Mr. Joseph Gowdy paid a visit from
Guelph to Clinton last week.
Mr. James Stavely has returned
from a trip around the world.
Miss Elwood,of Goderich,was visit-
ing with Miss Farran last week.
Mrs. Medd, of Londesboro., is visit-
ing her son J. G., Queen street.
Win. Moore, .of Hensel], was in
Clinton on Tuesday of last week.
Mr. Lockie, of Waterloo, was the
guest of Dr. 'Turnbull on Sunday.
Mr. 'and Mrs. James Horney, of
Winthrop, were in Clinton on Satur-
Mr and Mrs. Richard Ransford are
enjoying a trip up to Duluth this
Mr. A. H. Plummer-,ofBlyth, paid
a visit to friends in Clinton last
Miss Maggie Holmes returned from
an extended visitto Britain last
The Kincardine Review says Mr -
Cole, of Clinton, spent Sunday by
the lakeside.
Mrs. H, Foster and daughter
Alleathea have returned from their
holiday visit.
Mr. H. C. Brewer and Mrs. Brewer
left on Saturday for a two weeks'
trip on the lakes.
A. S. Weeks, P. L. S. will be at.
Wahuapitae, Algoma, for several
week s surveying.
Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Bayfield,
and Rev. Mr. Stewart exchanged
pulpits on Sunday. --uttOr4.43
THE NEWS -RECORD had a pleasant
call on Saturday From Mr. Charles
Mason, of Brucefield.
Mr. W. T. Whitely, Her Majesty's
Collector of Customs at Clinton, was
at Goderich on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mackie of Toronto,
werg transient visitors to Clinton the
early part of last week.
Miss Lena Leslie returned on
Friday from her visit to friends in
the vicinity of Belleville.
Mrs. John Bitten, who is on a visit
here from Detroit, was last week
among friends at Goderich.
Mr. N. Wilmot will remain in town
permanently and may by found at
Biddlecombe's jewelry store.
. Mr. D. F. Macherson Sundayed in
Fingal and Mrs. Macherson and fam-
ily returned home with him.
Mrs. J. W. Irwin returned on Fri-
day from a ten weeks visit to Britain,
France, Belgium and other places.
Master Fred Gilroy, of Clinton, is
spending a few days at Kincardine
with his cousin, Master IIy. Seller.
Mr. Ben Tomlinson will pursue
his chosen vocation on Oct. 17th at
the Toronto Veterinary Infirmary.
We learn from the Tinzes that Col.
Hoare, of Clinton, was a guest at Mr.
James Snell's, Exeter, last Sunday
week. _._.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hanley spent
a very enjoyable day recently at the
residence of j4 rang. , -Kearns at
Messrs. Cook & Cook were in town
over Sunday and returned to the
eastern and northern apple fields on
Mr. W. J. Patterson, B.A., of the
Clinton Collegiate Institute, has been
appointed principal of the high
school at Carleton Place.
Messrs. B. Hodgens and A. T.
Cooper left Monday for Toronto,
Montreal and other business centres
in the interests of their respective
W. J., son of Mr. Wm. Crooks,
Goderich township, Inas taken a posi-
tion in the Palace dry-doods store.
Being a model young man, he will no
doubt get along well.
Mr. Geo. N. Watson was in Clinton
from Alberta, N. W. T.,last week. He
is in the legal business and was some
years ago secretary of the Clinton
Conservative Association.
Mr. W. B. Carling, of St. Paul,
Minn., is visiting his brother T. M.
here. W. B. resided here twelve or
thirteen years ago, and tho two
brothers resemble each other like
two plump peas. Mrs. Carling (and
child) accompanied W. B. as far as
Exeter. The lady was previously a
Miss Foster, of ,Seaforth and one of
the noted local musician some years
*'choly Personal Paragraphs.
]Mfr, Ben Allan, of Goderioh, was in
town Monday on business.
Mrs. Kinyon and Miss Keiff,of Caro,
Mioh., who were visiting Mrs. D.
McCorvie, returned tb their home on
Mr. Wm. Long, of Uxbridge, bas
taken a position in the varnishing
department of the Doherty organ
works and arrived here Monday.
Mr. Thos. 0. Cooper was on a,
pleasant visit to Goderich recently.
It was the first time he had been to
the county town in eight years.
Miss Charlotte Engels, of Sebring..
villa, who passed the junior leaving
examination (second class) at Sea -
for the Collegiate Institute will attend
the Clinton Model School.
Mr. James Miller left on Saturday
by boat from Goderich on a business
and pleasure -trip to Sault Ste Marie,
Mich. He took with him a quantity
of eggs, apples, and pears.
Mr. W. McQueen, B.A., of Toronto,
is filling the place of Mr. Patterson
in the Collegiate Institute. He is a
specialist in mathematics and is a
superior gentleman for the position.
Mrs. S. Davis, Miss Cooper and
Mrs. Caldwell returned from a forty
days visit to Hartney, Bossevain,
Winnipeg and other points in Mani-
toba, Last Saturday. They spent a
very enjoyable time.
Mr. Macpherson, wholesale fruit
merchant of Winnipeg,, a former
resident of Clinton, was in town on
business last week. Besides looking
after fruit he made a purchase ot
some horses in this vicinity.
Lieut. Hugh Barry Combe, who has
been enjoying himself hugely in a
tour of the New England States, is
now on his way to Ottawa and is ex-
pected home the latter part of this
week or the early part of next.
Charles Stewart, leader of the 33rd
Battalion band, formerly of Clinton,
while working with a gouge chisel in
Broadfoot & Box's furniture factory
at Seaforth en Tuesday accidentally
let it fall on his left foot inflicting a
severe wound,
Mrs. J. W. Riter and child return-
ed last week from a month's visit
to friends at Sault Ste Marie. The
latter part of the downward
voyage to Sarnia by boat was
somewhat rough. She came by train
from there to Clinton.
late visitors to Clinton are the names
of: -H. E. Wilson, J. C. fledly,J. 11.
Webber, T. H. Flett, A. H. Mann, J.
A. ISepotie, M. McFarlane, H. Taylor,
and P. J. Conroy, Toronto; F. W.
Culbert, H. Hazard, J. Morrow N.
Jeffry, Geo, Roberts and B. Moore,
London ; C. P. McNulty, Detroit ;
Thos. K. Foter, J. Green, and E.
Overs,, Hamilton; C. C. Sabin)
sleA ori -,' J. H. Eberts, Chicago ; J. C.
Smith, Burlington ; B. B. Silver,
Brockville; N. C. Arnold, Wm.
Luinsden and J. Moule, Stratford ;
and E. Penroy, Brantford.
Additional Locals.
Fon MANITOBA.—Ephrain Butts
hipped a car load of stock, apples,
etc., to Manitoba this week.
was in Goderich Monday with a
view of fitting up a bowling alley
Miss MURRAY will arrive home
this week, after holidaying for a
time, and will resume her music
shipped a conaidorable number of
thoir world renowned instruments
to foreign parts the past week.
merit of considerable interest to
shippers of live stook was handod
out Monday by Mr. Justice Falcon•
bridge. It will be recalled that in
a collision between two G. T. R.
trains at Winona on the 16th of
Sept. last, a valuable trotting horse
named Henry It., bolouging to Geo.
D. Robertson of St. ,Catheriues,
received serious injuries and had to
be destroyed. The owner sued the
G. T. R. Company, the jury award-
ing him damages of $5,000. Again-
st the decision the Company de -
marred, claiming that under a clause
in their contract of transportation
made with Robertson, their liability
was limited to $100. His lordship
ver•ruled the demurrer and affirms
e finding of the jury which tried
e issue.
The annual show of the Ashfield
and Wawanosh Society will be held
in the driving park, Dungannon,
on the 13th and 14th of October
and the directors are determined to
make it the best show ever held in
that village. The prize list con-
tains a large number of special
attractions, including speeding in
the ring, both trotting and running,
lady riding and driving, etc., and
for which a large amount of money
is offered. The Dungannon
grounds are admirably adapted for
the purpose and will afford all who
WIIIX'P.Iry op as PnbIIeberii
Mr. Joseph '1'amin, of Gorrie, was
in town on Sunday.
Mr. Joseph Carter returned from
the Northwest this week. °
Mr. John A. Tanner left here on
Wednesday on a trip to old Eng.
Rx -Reeve P. Kelly shipped several
catloada of cattle to Montreal on
Mr. and Mrs. Cannon, of Buf-
falo, were the guests of rhino host of
the Cummerciel this week.
Farmers are abont through with
the harvest in this section and a
large average of tall wheat is being
Mrs. Newton who was visiticg
her daughter Mrs McKellar for
sometime past returned to Siiathroy
on Tuesday.
The excellent choir of the Eng-
lish church Blyth rendered the
musical portion of the harvest
thanksgiving service in St. Mark's
church, Auburn, on '1'ueeday.
Ou Thursday evouiug next a
harvest thanksgiving service is to be
held in Trinity church, commenc-
ing at 8 o'ctoclr. Several of the
clergy from a distance will take
part and give short addresses ou
the occasion. A special offering
will be takeu up in the interest of
of chtrrch debt. All are welcome.
On Sunday morning a large con-
gregation of all denominations at-
tended the Roman Catholic church
to witness the rite of confirmation
administered to a class of seventeen
candidates by Bishop O'Connor, of
London. The choir from Clinton
rendered the musical portion of the
service excellently.
Ou Wednesday evening a gipsy
social, under the auspices of the
Hopeful Gleanere of St. Andrews
church, is to be held on the church
grounds where refreshments will be
served, after which an excellent pro-
gramme consisting of music &c. is
to be rendered in the basement of
the church. Admission 15c and
10c. Blytikband will be in attend-
ance. Don't fail to put in an ap-
H. J. D. 000%E,
Oatoe one door north of the bank, QUEEN
Dr. Young and John Melville
have spirited horses.
Mr. John Boll has returned from
the wilds of Muskoka.
Goderich Township.
Gabriel Reeves, of Seaforth, has
placed lightning protecting rods on
the barn of Henry Beacom, Bay-
field Line. Mr. Beacom is well
pleased with the job.
A shiprneTrt of apples for Dayton,
Ohio, was wade yesterday at Galt.
—The petition against the return
of Mr. Pridliam, M. P., for South
Perth, conies up for trial on Thurs-
day Sept. 8.
While kneeling with his family
in prayer on Thusday night, Mr.
John Kearney, a well-to•do farmer
of Perry township, was struck 1st
lightuipg and instantly killed.
• Montreal has exported in far this
season 74,199 head of cattle,against
64,991 for the save period last sea,
The now binder twine nranufac,
turing company at Brantford will
employ 50 hands. The main fact-
ory will be 45x200 feet in extent,
with a warehouse of 40x200 feet
Dlrs. Edward McManaman; of
Salt Spring, Cumberland, N. S., has
given birth to triplets, two boys
and a girl. This is the third time
in succession that this lady has thus
distinguished herself.
Mr. Case, eldest son of Mr. Wm.
11. Case of Beaconfield, was seriously
hurt by a Irick from a horse whilst
plowing on Monday. The animal
etruclr out with both hind feet,
causing serious injuries to Mr.
Case's left shoulder and the left
side of his face.
—On Saturday, as Rev. S.
Acheson, accompanied by his wife
and little daughter, was driving on
the London Road, about a mile
south of Kippen, his horse allied at
a bicyclist and turning sharply,
upset the buggy and occupants into
the ditch and freeing himself made
good time back to Kippen. Mr.
Acheson and daughter escaped in,
jury. Mrs. Acheson received a
severe shock, and was badly bruised
go a splendid view of the races aril ( about her face. The hngey wa:
other contests. a !most a total wreck.