HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-08-03, Page 8etr SOI O PflQN CE4. This Ca2{EAT 01;011 11 •C1111E. this suecee .11.4 t.iUNSZ,.,I%i UGN (UX iswitllunt''a parallel in the history of medicine. All dtuggiete are author- ized to sell it ou a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure Can strcoee$• fully stand. It you have a Cough Sore Throat, or 13ronchititr, use it,.for it will.•cure you. If your cbild has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread, that insidious disease CON*. SUMPTION, eGat.'4 fail to use it, it will cure you or cosh nothing. Ask Your Druggist for SHLOH'S CURE, 'Price 10 cts., 50 cis. and •1,00. If your Lungs aro sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25 ots. To Advertisers. All changes o9 Advertisements, to insure insertion in the current issue, must be received at the office not later that: Monday noon. Copy for changes received later than Monday noon will hetreafier be at the Adver- tiser's o4vn risk. WHITELY de TODD, Publishers. [he Huron News -Record $1.50 a'Yoar—$1.25 In Advanco iVednes'lav August 3rd, 1892. LOCAL NEWS. in and Around tare Rub, Zow*. iit1k, L3QAr. NoTress.—Ail notices in , these columns of meetings or entertainments, previons to holding of the same,at which an admission fee is chargod,orfrom which a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will be charged at the rate of ten cents per line. 1HE MOST LARGELY CIRCULATED PAPER IN THIS SECTION. 011, WHAT A COUGH 1—Will you heed the warning. The signal per- haps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourself if you can afford for the sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your couch. It never fails LOOK OUT, BREAKERS AHEAD.—A large number of accounts, amounting to nearly $1000, have been placed in the hands of our solicitors for collec- tion. If they are not attended to upon notification costs will be incurred. Avoid this by remit- ting AT ONCE. We must have the money. WHITELY & TODD. An active and trustworthy boy can ,find profitable employment at THE NEWS -RECORD office. WANTED, Butter and apples— Highest price paid in cash or goods. CANTELON BROS. CYCLE CLUB MEET, AUGUST 5TH, AT SEAFORTH. il3f,O in prize will be contested for in eight rakes. Mso final lacrosse match for the cham- pionship of Western Ontario, St. Marys vs. Seaforth. Football match in the evening. The games will be contests between athletic giants. 33rd Batt. Band. Good sport and solid chunks of fun. Low railway fares from Clinton, Holmesville and Goderich. See forth and go forth to see Seaforth on Friday, Aug. 5. Ex MAYOR WHITEHEAD is con- fined to the house these days through illness. MR. E. E. BAPRow, of the Mol sons Bank, has returned and resum. eel his duties here after a couple of week's vacation which has some- what relieved his countenance of "the pale cast of thought" and given it something of a ruddy tinge which, doubtless was acquired white listens ing to "what the wild waves were saying" or to the purling of the limpid brooks. -Lam- asso. — The match here Thursday last between Seaforth and Clinton resulted in a victory for the farmer by 3 to 0. The first goal was ,vigorously fought for during an hour and a quarter when Seaforth captured the Clinton goal, The second in about twenty minutes and the third in quicker time. The day was exceedingly warm and it was very hot work. There was a very large attendance and the spectators seemed thoroughly interested. FIRE. -1 fire commenced about 4 o'clock Tuesday morning in Harry Cantelon's large brick building on Albert street which wan used by P. W. Haywood es a carriage shop and C. Copp as a blacksmith shop. The interior and roof of the building were completely destroyed and a portion of the walls. Mr. Hay% wood lost five or six buggies, tools etc., and C. Walker lost his tools. he tools of Mr. Copp were also dee etroyed. The steamer was on hand in good time, Copp's lose about .1 $300, no insurance; Ilaywood's $1000, insurance $500. The build. ing was insured for $1500 ' HU..N w5 l` gt:t04P keaeived pltassattt Bali (?.W ¥r, Otte, II F4 whir, the Q4he1; deb "no mil,. leen 'wee recruiting ter a $OW dtlya and we were right glen to moot Pititsoyat —We were recently whown a .medal with the following apgrIvieg t Presented by the Loyal Oraugulen of Haron to Mr. • Juln Stewart, 1 rrister, as a mark of re. ,spent for hie triumphant defence of the County Master, Mr. SVtn. Holmes, and othole, when charged with ,baing violated Baldwin'e party Processions Act au the 12th of July, 1846, The medal is greatly prized by Bro. Stewart, as it lyse handed down from his lather.—Toronto Sentinel. DASH IT.—Maeked "hug parties" are coming in vogue some localities and aro a dra card at church picnice. By pa fifteen cents a man is allowe hug a girl, but he is first blind ed- It is pleasant for the re the company to.eee how wad a fled' man gets when on remo the bandage from hie eyes he he has been hugging his own and fifteen cents gone for not except as revenue to the. chu "Daeh,it, let's go home Maria," what one of the disappointed exclaimed. Mn. FRANK M. ZELLER, of Dul Minn,, the affable Secy., of Pennsylvania Iron and Steel was in town for several days week. Though a dyed -in -the• American, he generously conte that Western Ontario and the Ca dian Northwest, of which he seen seen cousiderabe, is right it" as well as other portions of continent to which we belong. also holds a very high opinion of young ladies of Clinton and, tho we dare not affirm it, tie may pardoned'for surmising that th is one bright particular' star in local galaxy of bright and pre young ladies that shines more splendently in his sight than any the others. THE MEAN THING.—A goo looking, well•to do young bache was being teased by the you ladies of a club for not getting in ried. He said "Pel marry the g of your club whom, on a secret vo you elect to be my wife.' The were nine members of the clu Each girl went in a corner, a used great caution in preparing h ballot, and disgui sed the handwr ing, The result of the vote w that there were nine votes cast, ea girl receiving one. The you man remains a bachelor, the club broken up, and the girls are a mortal enemies, united in the on determination that they will nev speak to that nasty man again. FRIDAY morning, after the' heavy rains theivater courses on our streets had an atnplitude of that liquid ineral called water. It did not ine like a diamond of the first stet. In fact this particular water rried in solution a vast amount of ayey and vegetable matter that ve it the reverse of a bright and arkling appearance. Its muddy nsistency prevented it iron.)find- g an outlet into the sewers rough the ordinary metal pat - o. Whereupon Doc. Blackall, uneillor Doane and others got ng poles and commenced stirring 5 largo body of it collected in nt;''' of the Grand Union Hotel. sooner had they succeeded in acting an outlet for it through grating than a perfect vortex or ir'lpool was formed, and the en- ing water emitted a sound, re- mbling a miniature Niagara, that ght have been heard less than eral miles away, astounding some ple so that they were led to culate as to the possibility of the lionable volcanic eruptive force ing found its way beneath the d of town of Clinton, and were paring themselves for a hegira view of a possible repetition of fate of Pompeii, when the "Doc" red them that "all's right with world," especially that part of it wn as Clinton. EAD.—There died in Goderich nship on Sunday July 31st , es Patton, for many years and it failing health a few months compelled him to retire,clerk of erich township. The funeral •, place to Goderich cemetery Tuesday August 2nd and, in o of the busy season, the attend- ee was one of the largest. De- ed came with his parents from ty Fermanagh, Ireland, and ed here about the year 1834, father having been a Peninsular er who bore the marks of ser - by tho lack of an arm. Deceased gad 75 years and 9 months. He a thoroughly upright man and of the most efficient municipal e in the Province. The de d Dire. W. J. Paisley of ton was one of his daughters, al others and one eon survive all grown up, also a widowed daughter of Mr. Wm. Wal - formerly of Goderich, who back in the 50'e and 60's was known is municipal and pol- matters. THE NEWS•REOORD de its sympathy to the Borrow• eiativee on the lose of a bus• and father of whom it may be ally said "He wore the white r of a blameleea life." ging iu wing ying d to t'old- et of mar. viug finds wife hing r oh. was ones uth, Tho Co., last woo l des na has "in the He the ug h be are the tty re - of for ng ar- irI te, re b. nd er it - AS ch DI; IS 11 e er m eh w ca cl ga sp co in th in Co lo up fro No eff the wh cap 80 ml seV Imo ape fast hay goo pre in the assn the kno to w Jam unt ago God took on spit dan coag coon seal the eoldi vice lyse 0 was one clerk cease Cern sever Lim ife, ace, way ell tical exten ing r band tl'uthf Howe 1 ow G OV Paving bought from a Wholesale Firm the balance of their stock of Black SILK GLOVES, ,We offer them to you at about I HALF REGULAR PRICE Why not get a pair ? —9— Millinery 0— Millinery Department. Profits not considered, as Summer Stock must be cleared out. ,Hats at 3.5c. 0 Beesley &O6'y. "The Talisman," By° Sir Walter Scott. 0 Students desiring the above Book will be able to procure it from us. Sent to any address, post free, for 20 cents. --o—__ We have the latest novelties in Hair Pins. A great vai iety of Lunch Baskets. Very beautiful Work Baskets, A fine stock of Books to su' t everyone. Our Books have been greatly admired and the price will suit you. 0 — Robins -:- Bros., Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. CLINTON'S civic holiday, Friday, August 5th. MR. ED. WATSON, of Goderich, was in town Thursday. DR. LoGIE, of London, formerly of Clinton, was in town Saturday. bliss N. FAIR, Clinton, and her sister, Airs. (Dr.) Campbell, of De'. troit, are holidaying on the lakes. MISS IRENE HADLEY, ofaToronto, is the guest of Miss Jackson, High view Residence. THE SOCIAL on the grounds of Messrs. W. Manning and A. Arm- strong Thursday night for the hobo - fit of the Ont. St Methodist church choir was quite a success.. Pro.- coeds ro'.coeds about $48 JUDGE DOYLE and J. T. Garrow, M. P. P.• were in town Weduesday while going to and returning from Wingham in connection with a court of revision there. BANKER WILLIAMS, and others from Godericb, was in town Thurs- day to take in the Lacrosse contest here between Seaforth and Clinton in which the former was victorious, AT St. Paul's church during the offertory on Sunday evening a beautiful duet, "Rock of Ages," music by Glover, was sung by Miss McWhinney, of Toronto, and Mies Combe of town. THE CLINTON ORGAN CO., have issued full sheet posters announcing their first annual excursion to Kin- cardine on August 16th. The fare is low and there will be a lacrosse match between Kincardine and Clinton at the former place, and other sports. CLINTON TO THE LAKESIDE,—The Kincardine Review of last week says :—"We see by the Hinton' NEWS -RECORD that arrangementeare being made by the Clinton Organ Co. to run an excursion to Kincar- dine on the 16th of Auguet. The Kincardine Lacrosse Club are are arranging a friendly match with Clinton for that day. We trust these trrangemente will be effectual- ly carried out and that Clinton will pay us a visit on that day. Kin- cardine would do well to make the 16th our civic holiday that proper entertainment may be given our neighborri from Clinton." Mits. A. H. MANNING is Bufferin from pneumonia, but is recoverin g g. LACROSSE MATCn.--There will be a match this (Wednesday) evening be- tween a team from the Doherty organ works and a town pinked team on the park grounds at 7 o'clock. The game will be an interesting and exciting one. TliE advertisements of Jackson Bros. and Gilroy and \Visman were received too late toshange !hie week The former announce specialties in. underwear and clothing, while the latter have "cut prices square in two." ST. PAUL'S CHURCJr•—There will be o special collection in thio church on Sunday next, as also throughout the Diocese of Hurou,in aid of the church in the Diocese of Newfoundland where the Cathedral, Bishop's house, Sunday and Day Schools, Synod and Orphanage were burnt during the late fire in St. John. THE WOODSTOCK Times thus re- fers to a former resident, and mar- ried man, of Clinton :—"Frank Pilcher, former » a member of the 22nd Battalion band, is io:3lved in a racy scandal up in Strathroy. He was band-mastor there and for some time accused of undue in- timacy with a Miss McDernlaid, milliner. To hide their shame They eloped." REv. A. McMtLLAN and wife, of Auburn, have returned from Scot- land whither they went last August,:. the gentleman to pursue his theolo•y, gical studies. They have been stay- ing in Clinton with their relatives Dr. and Mrs. Gunn, for a few days it one may 'express an opinio formed by a half hour chat with the gentleman,helea wide awake an energetic minister and should be euceessful in catering for th spiritual wants of the moat critical' congregation. AUOTIONEERS, BEWARE 1—It ap- pears from a recent legal decision that when an auctioneer is employ- ed to sell farm stock or other goods, he must make a careful search in the proper offices to find out if any man has a chattel mortgage or other lien or claim against the same, otherwise he will be held liable to any one who may such a claim, and whose rights are interfered with. He virtually guarantees the title to all goods sold by him. s The weather we are at'present having is of such a nature as to demand the lightest And coolest -clothing obtainable. The numerous cases of sunstroke can be attributed to the wearing of unseasonable Hats. 5 We are fully persuaded that every man or boy should wear a Straw Hat. Remember, The goods we are offering in BOY'S HATS at Twentij Five Cents Black, Blue, Brown, White and Mottled. IN 0 JACKSON DROS The Noted Hatters,Clothiers and Furnishers Clinton and Seaforth. 1=1=3=••••••••11Nalt We Have Special Bargains FOR THOSE WANTING Sumrnerlirij Goods now. 'much sibly carry must do it We take stock on August lst and must have as Summer Goods cleared out by that date as we pos- can. We would rather sacrifice 4."Little now than one season's goods into another. This season's goods be sold this season and they will be if the price will We do not profess to be giving the Goods away, but are sellingSummer Stuffs, goods that we don't want to carry over, at prices that will interest you. To `give you an idea of what• -we are doing : PARASOLS. The price of every one greatly reduced. We and want the balance You can save from 25c we have left has been have sold a big lot entirely cleared out. to $1 00 on a Pra,.o1 a now. A LOT OF PRINTS .at '7 cents, fast colors, regular 10 cent goods. A big lot of , COTTONADE REMNANTS in lengths of 11 to 5 yards, a great deal cheaper than you can buy them by the yard. A few pieces of FANCY DRESS GOOD; at 40c. and 50c., reduced from 60c. and 75c, MILLINERY Department. What's left of our Tritnmed- Rats at greatly reduced prices and any untrimmed one for 50 cents. MEN'S GOODS. Your choice of our Fancy Straw Hats in two lots, one at 25c., the other at 50c. A few Men's Reversible Washing Ties, 3 for 50c. o --- Estate J. flocigens, DRY GOODS PALACE, CLINTON, ONT. G