HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-07-20, Page 8• �.f PTION - This GREAT COUGI.1 otilig, this sutceseful C'ONSEMP'i 1CN it ti'ithc.nt a parallel -ie the hir1oty of reedioine. All druggists are author- ized tet sell it on a positive guarantee, a Lett that no other oure eats rtuccess- fully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child lute the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CON, SUAIPTION, don't fail to use it, it will cure you or Deet nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOI'1'S CURE, Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and 61.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25 cts. To Advertisers. All changes o/ Advertisements, to insure iilsertdcn in the current issue, must be rcceired at the once not tater than Monday noon. Copy for changes received later than Monday noon brill hereafter be at the Adver- tiser's own risk. 1VHITELY efe TODD, ihtebli�hcas. Me Huron News -Record $1.50 a Year -$1-25 in Advance Wednesday July 2.Oth 18912. LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the I1ub, Zottitt Talk. LICAL No'ricns.—All notices in these columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the same,at which an admission fee is 21iargod,orfroniwhich a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will bo charged at the rate of ten cents per line. THE MOST LARGELY CIRCULATED PAYER IN THIS SECTION. OH, WHAT A COUGH 1—Will you heed the warning. The signal per- hFps of the sure approach of that moreterribledisease Consumption. Ask yourself if you can afford for the sake of' saving 50c., to run• the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails LOOK OUT, BREARERS AHEAD.—A large number of accounts, amounting to nearly $1000, have been placed in the hands of our solicitors for cLec- tion. If they are not attended to upon notification costs will be incurred. Avoid this by remit- ting AT ONCE. We must have the moody. WHITELY & TODD. WANTED, Cherries, Black Cur-, rants, etc. Highest prices paid.- 713-tf AN FELON" BROS. An active and trustworthy boy can find profitable employment at THE News-Recoste office. Mn. A. D. FISIIER, who, when he resiled iu town tea known as "Sbancy" and an expert kid on the street with the mouth organ, now holds, at a good salary, a first clase position in one of tho watch de- partments in Messrs Kent Bros., Toronto, the Largest ret°Itil establish- ment in their lino in the Dominion. 1•Iis friends will be pleased to know about his almost wonderful success and wish him still.further prosper- ity. He was id town last week. THOMAS CIHAMBERS and Robt. Field*, both of Guelph, were corn' mitted to jail by the Mayor of Palmerston the other day ou ,a cherge of. stealing a gold watch, chain and locket, from•tho Mansion House at Palmerston, from one Nellie Atchineon, daughter of the proprietor. Is this the same Cham- bers who took principal part in the shooting sensation at the Comnler- cialllotel here some mon the ago, and afterwards acquitted on several charges in Goderich 1 The best thin, that could happen this thief and desperado is to have a seeciol railroad accident instituted for him, POINTERS FROM THE. PRESS.— Seaforth Sun:—The Royal Arch Masons have reproved their chapter from Clinton to Seeforth.—Brussels Poet:—Mrs. (Rev) W. T. Cluff and children made n holiday visit with relatives at Clinton.—Blyth Stan- rlard:—\\"m. Powell, of Clinton, attended the picnic on Fr'iday.— Honsall Ohvercer :—Mise 11—raffle Smallacombe spent the last few days in Clinton and Goderich.—Mise F. Coxworth spent Sunday in Clinton. —The Toronto Sentinel says its readers will be pleased to learn that W. Bro. A. M. Todd, Couuty Men- tor of Huron, is convalesceut again. —East Huron (Gorrie) Gazette :— The Misses Keine, of Clinton, are guests of their uncle, Major Keine, at present.—Mr. Jas. Young, of Clinton, preached to the Methodist congregation in the toren hall here on Sunday evening last, giving an improseive discoorso —Kincardine Reviele :—Mr. T. Rnrnball was in J' incardine inet week. R, GzasoW ioi flow praotio. UR' iU Detroit, :4icb, Mas Tots; of•" Simeoe, and 1\iise $ybl Toms, of Goderich, ate visit. Iles 11Tiss Doan. llfiss ltiroWaJNN1T, of . Toronto, is the guest of Miss Hallie Combo due week. • Ms. A. C. CRisr, of the Han•il•' ton Post office. le visiting at the hove of Mrs, Sbilton. FRIPAy's rain and the cool atmos• pbere following was refreshing to the great majority of people. Miss TwtToua;L and hererister Mabel are holidaying with friends in Michigan. DR. FINLATSUN, formerly of this vlace, now practicing in Detroit, is isiting at the home of Mr, Geo. Gordon.. FRANK HovoENs left on Fri- day evening for a two weeks holiday to Duluth and badly, by .the United Empire. Ma. E. E. BARROW, of the Mol eon's Bank, is spending his holiday allowance on a visiting tour to several cities of Outario aud Quebec. Tun Clinton fife and drum band at Bayfield on the 1211i July was an attraction that will long bo remem• bored. The boyo were in good trim and played well. A QUEER FUTURE of the present weather is its extreme chilliness. Overcoats and winter clothing knock all the poetry out of the traditional balmy. zephyrous, rose- Iaden month of July. MR. JAMES F. INNES, recently of Guelph, now operates the electric ticker at Cooper's C. P. R. tele graph office, his predecessor, Mr. \V. Watson, having secured a situs• tion in west. THE HURON MEDICAL ASSOCIA- TION met in Seaforth Mechanic's Institute yesterday, Dr. Worthing ton had to do' with Influenza and Dr. Gunn had a case for presenta— tion. ON Tuesday evening 'last three carriage loads of jovial humanity drove from here to • Goderich to have a sail .on Huron's waters and they brought their purpose to a very happy accomplishment. MR. A. A. SCOTT, Of Carleton Place, and brother of Mr. James Scott, Jr., of this place, conducted very acceptably the seivices in Willis church on Sunday last. He will occupy the same pulpit next Sabbath. No ONE should be misled by what may be a false aud. specione fairness of the eeather into returning the uinbrella he borrowed during the wet term. The sunshine of the past few days may bo only a cruel decoy. ON Friday evening the heavy wind occasionally brought the elec• tric light wires in contact in front of Jackson Bros. store. , As a re- sult the lights would flash like lightning and many thought the air full of electricity. IN case any of our readers con template attending the Sullivan - Corbett fight at Now Orleans on Sept. 7, we will announce that the price of tickets has been placed by the Olympic club, under whose auspices aud in whose club -house the fight is given, as follows. Gen• eras admission, $15, reserved seats $20, box (6 chairs) $150. It was on Wednesday evening last, on.tho arrival of the 9.17 train when a reportorial interrogation point presented i'.self to Mr. Thos. Jackson, jt'., with its hat off' and directed conversation as to his health and how• it was affected' by the ocean trip from which ho had just returned. We are euro all will be glad to know he looks and feels very much bettor. Me, TADS. JACKSON, Jr,, has re— turned from a visit to the land of which we form a part, beyond the sea, although it ie not a part of the continent to•which we belong. The gentleman looks as if he had been benefitted in health, and his bud - pees ventures will doubtless give a healthy tone to the pocket and per- sona of the customers of Jackson Eros. BART OF THE NEW CRIMINAL CODE.—Everyone is guilty of an offence, and liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceed- ing $50 who sells or gives any pistol or air gun,or any ammunition therefor, to a minor under the age of 16 years unless he establishes to the satisfaction of the justice before whom he is charged that lie used reasonable diligence in endeavoring to ascer tain the age of the minor before making such sale or gift, and that he had good reason to believe that such minor was not under the age of 16. 2. Every one is guilty of en offense, and liable, ou summary conviction, to a penalty not exceed fug $25, who sells any pistol or air gun without keeping a record of such sale, the date thereof, aud the name of the purchaser, and of the maker's name or other mark by which such arm may be identified. SIX q.— For the next six weeps. we shall give our attention to the reduction of our stock of Summer woods, and during that time we shall not; give goods away, but we slia)1 give Some of the Greatest Bargains we have ever been pleased to offer you, Note a few of the prices : Ladies Skirt Embroidery at 35 Dents. White Muslin at 3'e and 7 cents. worth double the price. Ladies' and Children's Hose at half price. Ladies' and Children's Vests at 10 and 12e.cents each. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT BARGAINS prevail here. Hats are cheap. Ladies' and Children's for 35 cents. Sailors at 10 cents. r These facts we present for your consideration. Come right along, for we shall meet your expectations and give the best of satisfaction. i eesle oV. We Rave Begun to Take Stock We have a lot of ' ODD ARTICLES That we will give --Great Bargains in. As we give the • The Very Best Values --:- IN Curtain Poles and Window Shades, the sales go right on in spite of the lateness of the season Special values in Wall Paper. o•bin s 0 — IMF/ moo • ros., Book Store and News Depot, Clinton., Additional locals on other pages. MANNiE FINCH has resumed his position in Beattie's livery barn, and is found just the right man in the right place. Tun LUCKNOw. Sentinel had this to say hast week :—Mr. David Cantelou, of Clinton, the apple king, dropped into the Sentinel office ou Wednesday. He says the fruit prospects this year are very good and he expects to ship be- tween 30 and 40 thousands barrels of apples this fall to Manitoba and the Old Country. nrarleet. Me. Tiros. 0. Coorca d'olebrated his S4th birthday yesterday. Mr Cooper is yet able to walk up town quite smartly, emdkes his pipe and convdr'ses on live issues, In a short time Mr. Cooper will have been married 60 years, and from present appearances both ho and Mrs, Cooper will . be spared to cele- brate that" event, and THE NEWS - RECORD trusts muny future ones. WHILE the Orangemen wore away at Arthur on Tuesday borne practi-' cal joker,hastily manufactured a flag which bears some reeemblanco to the stars and stripes, and ran it up on the pole in front of the town hall, where it still hangs, limp and dead in the still atmosphere, a fit emblem of the lifeless annexation sentiment said to be held by a few Canadians. The flag is a v;ery home made affair and clings convulsively to the pole as if it would like to climb down from the atmosphere to which it does not belong, and hide itself in a holo along with Myers and others of that stripe.—Gorrio Gazette. Is IT TRUE.—A daily newspaper is responsible for the folio wing puzz:e: Take a strip of cardboard thirteen inches long and five wide, thus giving a surface of sixty•fivo inches, Now cut this strip diagonal- ly, as true as you can, the result be- ing two pieces in the shapes of tri angles. Now measure exactly five inches from the larger end of each strip and cut each in two pieces. Take your four pieces and put them in the shape of an exact equare, and it will appear to be just eight inches each way, or sixty four square inches—a loss of one inch of super- ficial measurement, with no diminu• tion of surface. The question is, \Vhat becomes of that inch 1 Carr. JOSEPH BECK was in Clin- ton on Monday. FRUIT MARKET IN LONDON, ONT. —Strawberries per quart, 5 c. to 9c., Gooseberries 3c. to 6c., Red Currents 10c. to 12c., Raspberries 10,:. to 12e, Cherries 10c. to 12c. THE HEAVENS presented a very brilliant appearance on Saturday night about 10.30. The Northern Lights seemed to extend and cover a large area and were a novel and gland sight to witness. THE employees of the Clinton Organ Co. intend running an excnr- sion- to Kincardine about the 16th of Aug. There will be accommod-t- tion for all who would like to go along and enjoy a day at the lake side. Particulars will be given later. A. T'ourtlsT'S TAr.ic.—A letter from. 11r. John Johnston dated Hamilton, Dale., July 14, states that the gen, tleman hada splended trip from here. He is having good shooting— loys of Id ctsr r,rl itrtealls totstl4e•.a spoil at bilirnI{irer. There is a prospect of a very large yield of wheat in that section. He has been at Mr, Coanels who he says is a "jolly coon". He asks to he rotnenbered to 1I. Stanbury, J. Riter and Capt. Todd. A CLosa GALL.—During the storm oil Friday afternoon there were some strange freaks of light- ning on the Base Line, about a mile from Clinton. At the'resid- once of Mr. John Colclough there was a dangerous and lively scene for a few seconds. Eddie Johnsto' of Clinton, and Miss Cololough were near the house when the thunderstorm came up, Near them were several poplar trues and a wire clothes line running from one of them to the house. Tho light- ing struck the true with the wire and followed to the house —split- ting in twain the lies prop— and entering winded its way to the pantry and slivered a board ofl;then disappeared in the cellar. Miss Colclough and the lad Johnston were in the meantime prostrate outside, but soon recovered consc- iousness A severe shock was fortunately the worst, bet the death call was very close. Several young towl close by weie killed from the shock. nowledge o: r thing begets the want of that thing, what- ever it may be. Let us say ADVERTISING �= W.�CYW4WIY.II •4:'R:.�I.F Y''1.i Gmi>.. .L +.':Y3lt ht'i'1 •. :L.'I. '.:t..�k.' ..vl. is one of the means of conveying and inter- preting knowledge. We believe there are yet a number of people who have had no knowledge of OUR HAT PRICES (iiY' >5S, T`. dl(,nb;.•xk'Jan:,<'J(`u . at'�'r :'iC�k.$?' ^ e:S`N.., ph. •.PV ., i:q,'.,O, •Zd•,•Wk' '^"�i•r • • MI= OW • for the balance of this season. We are still offering STRAW FIATS, -&-13 4J'• -..V,�'r74,r�1✓d�, e .;, N„'r3'N13tliG'. a•'!x PA:Intr;iO4fr2tvi�{1i.;}.^-''..'a .6,i:«,44 'i :��+..''/.'r'>t� .`�t0ir'' . the regular prices of which were 75c., 65c., 50c.; 45c., 40c., 35c. and. 30c., AT 25 CENTS. • -•- a.. Aft+✓+7�:°Y•fi• r y.i.Yr•• ,... ••L'pti�zr.'c.:�?r:,✓.i; ..,4r'. "!'F;tr,,ii;VV. .i':' ... �s• ii •r% You may not have known that you needed one. , Now being aware of the fact, come, ste and purchase.' . I 0 c 8 The Noted Hatters,Clothiers and Furnishers Clinton and Seaforth. .tale O ave Speoialugaing FOR THOSE WANTING 311 Of r noas now. We take stock on August lst and must have as much Summer Goods cleared out by that date as we pos- sibly can. We would rather sacrifice a little now than carry one season's goods into another. This season'sgoods must be sold this season and they will be if the price will do it. We do not profess to be giving the Goods away, but are selling Summer Stuffs, goods that we don't want to carry over, at prices that will interest you, To give you (an idea- of what we are doing : PARASOLS. The price of every one we have left has been greatly reduced. We have sold 'a big lot and want the balance entirely cleared out. You can save from 25c to $ L.00 on a Parasol now. LOT ..OF PRINTS at 7 cents, fust colors, regular 10 cent goods. A big lot of COTTONADE REMNANTS in lengths of Li to 5 yards, it great deal cheaper than you can buy thein by the yard. A few pieces of FANCY DRESS 600Dcf at 40c. and 50c., reduced from GOc. and 75e. MILLINERY Department. What's left of our Trimmed Hats at greatly reduced prices and any untrimmed one for 50 cents. MEN'S GOODS. Your choice of our Fancy Straw Hats in two lots, one at 25c., the other at 50c. A few Men's Reversible Washing Ties, 3 for 50c. Estate J. HocTijers, DRY GOODS PALACE, CLINTON, ONT. A•