HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-07-06, Page 61101.4tiOlA *Mt due to the preaonce of %A . cto '. acid in tiro lblood, ie racer eUeotutlli 'cuy red' by tlio use of ,A.yorau Sareapa. rata,. Do aura .you get Ayer'a• and k►o outer, and take it till the poisotioua avid is thoroughly expelled from the 'eyatem, We. challenge.. attention to thi• testimony "About two years ago, after suffering akin that was lugged Away to cellar:' anti stable, In the MOWN; the wind had gone down ana the tido lead of rho mein wreck almost Wended; An eeeasjg.t?eiwave would easels it and stove a huge sidfr with an undulating motirnn, but 'there wee no sign of a body near, by, not' could we find out anything of the cumber of eoule that had perish' ed. for nearly two years from rI hzi do r, ttjeamfeet, and av ng r e ver cue out,'Mug ,able bwalkotiilydi gied In s few days the our fellows remedies, including mineral 'waters, that had been washed ashore had without relief, X Saw by au advertise- been 'buried in the little graveyard meat la aebicaggpaperthat aMall /lad that held so elegy of their brother been believed of • dice diatreaslug corns plaint, after long suffering, by taking eailore, and with the exception of a Ayer'a Saraaliarilla. I then decided to few bite of timber that floated in make a trial of this medicine, and took it regularly for eight months, and am pleased .to state that it has effected a complete cure. I have since had no re- turn of the disease." -Mrs. R. Irving Dodge, D.0 West 125th st., New York. "One year ago I was taken ill with inflammatory rheumatism, being con- fined to my house six months. I came out of the sickness ycry much debili- tated, with no appetite, and my system disordered in every way. I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength and soon recovering my usual health. I cannot say too much in praise of this well-known medicine."—Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. H. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, %REHABED BS Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1.; ria bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. .nae Huron News-Recot a .50 a Year—$1.25 In Advance Wednesday, July Otic, 18.92 • ST. ENODOC'S GHOST. STORY FROM TH14 ROCKY COAST OF CORNWALL. The young man was whistling "Beautiful Nell." In a seat not far. away from him sat an old mac. After 'a while the old roan moved intoa vae.tut place near the whistler and remarked : "I do not want to annoy you. Neither do 1 wish to disturb you, train of thought, but that tune you were blowing always makes me think of ono of the most pathetic iuuideuts in my career. And if you don't mind, I'd like to tell you about it. I'm au old fellow now and I like to talk.'' There tsar nn objection and by this time „everybody in the place had dawn avuuud the ,'lel fellow, who went ahead. '• lily boyhood days," said ho, "were passed ou the rocky and ►yeird cast of Notth Cornwall. My honto was near the mouth of the River Camel, tho.only safe harbor of refuge fortis a oor'west gale ha• tween Tintagel Heed and Laud's End. "'`It was a bad place to get into, but with care a vessel (night !pass Pentire Poiut, Greenway Beach, and the leer, and thus reach a safe anchorage. - POLSEATB BEACH. "Right around Pentire Point was a bio flat sand beach called Polseath, It was a beautiful place in Calm weather, but when the full force of the, ground sea Caine on it was terrible in its grandeur. Huge waves—not to be compered with our own Michigan swells—broke over this bench. and mtny'e the time I've seen some poor fellow struggling for life in the surf on Puleenth Beach, iu sight perh tps, of his home. Ouoe, I remember well— but I was going to tell about that tune. "One day, in the afternoon, the boys inTrriiiiiizzi k school heti juei been released when along cattle the informatiop, that a big• foreign barque was beating for Padstuw harbor. There was a nor'wester blowing, and people said that the r'rew of the bark were not aware of the danger they were in. Away went the school boys, 1 with thetn, and when we climbed the cliffs and looked down upon Polseatll., the sea Alm!,was breaking there was truly 'awful. I had never eaten anything like it. occasionally the Marco Primogeuitu had paused out of existence with ell her orew. "Soon after this came a story that • 'the ohurohyard of St. Enodoo, where the drowned sailofa were, was haunted. Farmers on their way up the valley ft'otn Rock to Tru- betheriok declared'that they had j'requeutly heard a plaintive voice singiug iu the churchyard. These told their neighbors, and soon the whole pariah of St. Miuver was talking about St. Euodoc churchyard and its ghost ST. ENODOC'S GHOST. "This, however, was nit the first time that the good Cornish folk had heard such stories of St. Euodoc Iu lac', there were many people alivc'iu the 'pariah who could re• call the time when the old- Quaker burying ground near Treglints had harbored the most marvelous ghost of modern times. Thia specter was able—well, I will confine myself to St. Euodoc. "Bray hill near the old church- yard, was the highest spot in the parish. It was no small job to reach its top, but once there the view was nagtrificent. The river Camel could . be traced for miles. Peds'ou town looked like a trap ou paper. Pentire Point seemed jutt beneath. Polseath and Greenaway and Darner Beaches were close at hand, and far off was Tint.tge! Head, while on a clear day Lpndy Island was distinctly visible. Nuw, to. reach Bray Hill it was neceasary to pass close to St. Enodoc church yard, and this proximity of the haunted spot kept all the timid away from this glorious height. ON BRAY HILL. "One day to the Cornish folk on that northwest coast came the tid• i'ngs that a wouderful comet had made its appearance and was visible away off iu the west, - And Bray Hill was the only place from which a good view of it was possible. But Bray Hill was all too near to St. Euodoc churchyard, and as the tnysleriouschauting had but recently.. been heard by old Sam Sleeinau, the sexton of the parish church, who had bean setting some rabbit nese on the common it was decided -by -the good people that the comet might be worth seeing, if a glimpse of it could be had without encountering St. Euodoc and the ghost. "Now, my fathor was a man who didu't care very much about ghosts. He was inclined to believe that for all the mysteries with which that coast was surrounded there could be discovered a reaseuable explana- tion. In fact, it was told of him that he once undertook to look into the Quaker burying ground specter, but this he alwaye denied, although, privately, my opinion has always been inclined to the belief that there was sorno truth in the story. THE AUSTRIAN BIRK. "Through the haze, just oil Pen• tire Point and between that and the famotes Gull Rock, we saw the fettle, flying the Auatrian colors at half mast and upside down—Asign of distress. She was pluugiug shout at a terrific rate, but not a stieh of canvas was set. One moment s'ie would be on her beam elide, and then again, after a plunge,. she would seem about to heal right hr the racks. And while we looked on she came direct for the beach. - "Well, it didn't take that sea long to finish her. She was a 'spike' ship anyhow, and the mo- ment she struck away went her masts, and when the first sea had clear- ed her all we could see was a mesa of wreckage. "Then we rushed to the beach. In came the broken timbers. With these occasionally was the battered body of a sailor, hut when night came on there wat no sign that a life bad been saved. Eight sadly broken corpaee had been tenderly carried above tide mark, and We had discovered that the bark was tbo Marco Primogenito, loaded with coal, but that was al L AFTER THE WRECK. "All night •the wreckers watched the beach, and many's the bit of that 060104 oa>; OW./ '!'here lyes 'ho mow for `doubt, 'Ter perhaps five imputes we. stood Wand • listened to that song,' repeated•ever and over•. 'fire voice wee mit particularly musioal, but it eoundod uucanl#y.., Theo tiny father Wetted. • Without a word he wallted directly toward the graveyard. Logg ago the gates had beep broken and carried away, I3ut.just at the entrance to the yard woe a stone Blab, resting on masonry about three feet from the ground, It was shaped like a coffin aGO was used as u rebtiug place for the bodies that • were carried there f ,r burial. The bearers always stopped st the gateway, laid then' burden on this atone, and waited until the rector moved .down the graveled walk, say, '[ am the resurrection and the life,' Then the proeeesion moved again. WHAT IT WAS. "When we came to a point about twenty feet from the gateway my father slopped and appeared to be gazing at the stone. There was a good star Tight `and ei jeete were easily discernable. 1 louked were he was gazing and there, on that Blab, eats figure, which, even as we watched it, broke out into song. 'Beautiful Null' was sung two or three times end then thy' father shouted. The figure muved and walked toward no. Then T was soothed, for on the gravel 1 could hear the sound of feet. No ghoet could do that. "The man that stepped up to us was above the average height. He wore sailor's clothes and his face was covered with a beard. But all my father's questioning could de- velop nothing. The man was a mauiao. At intervals he would break out into , his song and the eti'sot, was btrauge. I was rather inclined to be •afraid of this' queer individual, who, after gesticulating wildly, singing wildly, pointed toward the sea cud thou ran off over the sand duues, singing 'Beautiful Nell.' THE YOUNG MAN'S DEATH. "BEAUTIFUJL NELL." "At any _rat_e._,_on_e afte_rno>an__my_ father announced to me that he and [ would climb that night to the top of Bray. Hill, where we would look at the famous comet. Now, under no eircumetenees was I in the habit of opposing my father's wishes . He had a way about him when he ex pressed himself to mo, that seemed to carry with it the intimation that there was no appeal So, ghost or •IIO$1,1lbOfS1+-I,cVt'.Ik$* ydxt ins r, v ,,. a walk past St. It;rrotloo s 'd ti in"t7 ' , , zit, '. ;,atgiy''i littached a wire arrangement to the top of to the top of Bray. the front door and fastened It to "Well, we caw the comet. It the triggers of a double-barreled. was a great eight. Theo down the eliot•gun, placing it in Ruch a posi.. hill we went. Along the sandy tion that any one pushing the door common we moved, while rabbits open would receive the two charges scampered across our path and in the lower part of the lega. After everything else was quiet. Then taking. a trip to Wallaceburg, the the old church yard came in eight young'man returned in the evening and no sooner had we turned the tired and hungry, and forgetting in sand -hill behind which it lay, titan his haste to get into the house all to my horror and to my father's about the trap, sprang to the front surprise came the sound of singing p n g g door, and, pushing it open, set off We stopped as if turned to stone, the machine and two charges of and upon the night air floated out : coarse shot found a lodgment in his Beautiful Noll, with beautiful eyes, knee. The injury is a very severe Fair as the morning and blue as the and painful one, as over 28 shot skies, entered hie knee. Beautiful hair and teeth as well, Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Nell. SV k14MEX. \,fQ!,#!r [♦AU411a 4N1).., 1,► liz 4 t A' I can .recena ►rn4 `Di4, h'owler's i;xtraot of Wild Strawberry far summer vent. plaint 40, dl41'004, *LI have EPA it is my family, both ter children awl adult,, with the test reeultr. F. E DyNN, Clear Ureekt Qat; The usual anttr'k'residential oleo tion message was sent to the Senate Last week by X'reeident Harrison, in regard to the diecrimivatiou against Americana itt Violation of the pro- visions of the treaty of Washington. President Cleveland sent a similar utetsage to Congt'eee four years ago, and the railroad bonded eyatew was to be wiped out in retaliation for the alleged wrongs. The message and correspondence were re. ferred to the Foreign Relations Committee, of which Senator Sher, man is chairman. He said to -night that the problem was a dil%tcult one to solve awl would require mature deliberation. The fact is now as it was four years ego, the financial in• tereste of too many Republicans are involved to permit interference +vitb the bonded system of Canadian rail. waya, and the political complexion of the Seneteeand the. House is to- day jnot the same as it Was four yeare ago, so that the result will be the Route—nothing. "Next day the story of the ghost fell fiat. My father •bad seeu the live man, had talked to him, and in the parish he had a way of convinc- ing •people that what be said was, worthy of consideration. St. Euodoc church -yard was decided to bo no longer dangerous, but still there was a mystery as to who and what this strange man could be. He was never seen again alive, but ono morning, about a week after, Ilia body was found in a pool at Greenaway, where the tide had left it. I•[e was buried in St. Enodoc churchyard, and about a year later r$oatue the explat>;atiou of his mystery. He was the sun of a wealthy English family, and had gone to' sea against the wishes of his phrentts. I[ hid Shipped in the Marco Pritnogonito, and after a long search, when this fact had been discovered, his fate was learn ed and his body exhumed and taken to the vault of hie forefathers. He had been •washed ashore in the wreckage unseen, and probably in• sane from fright or injury had wandered about the cliffs and eaud- hills, singing his wierd song and giving to St. Enodoc the founda- tion for a ghost story. "But whenever I hear `Beautiful Nell' my memory turns back to that Cornish coast and the ead end of that young man." And the old fellow relapsed into a reverie. He was again in his boyhood home, and the roar of the firealee.ra--was-oneo--msr-e-in -•iiia--ears: The young man did not whistle again just then. SHOT BY HIS OWN BURGLAR TRAP. Theod rel Pickering's house, near Wallaceburg, Ont., wits robbed by tramps recently during his absence,. and he resolved to fix a trap for the THE GHOST. "The effect was startling My father held my hand, and had it not been for his presence I should have --, well, I don't know just what I should have done. I was horror stricken. I was stupified, and I do believe that my father for a moment was almost as badly frightened. Remember, it was midnight. We wets near an old church and grave- yard, both declared to be haunted. 'We erere Cornish folk, and, there- fore, it is to be presumed, supersti- tious, and here in the very spot said to be haunted, we had run right into the very evidence. There was no mistake about it. The song PLUCKY MICHIGAN WOMEN J. B. Joubert, keeper of a restaur- ant at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., has for Home time past been printing and scattering band bills which con- tained disparaging remarks about Mrs. Archie Johnson and Mrs. Ida Dean, who keep a rival restaurant. The, other night the women waited until Joubert closed his plane, and then following him to Main street one of them seized him while the other laid on a score of blows on the man's face and back with a stout horsewhip. The man howled with pain, While a great crowd gathered and cheered the women on. Joubert is badly injured. No matter what may be the ills you hear froin iedigeatiou, a dose of Ayer'. Cathartic Pi'ls will ea,ee you withou' question, Just try thein once and be assured ; they ha,re much worse dyepep• +is cured, You 'II find them nice add amply worth thepriue. —James Walker, alias William Hume, wee arrested at Robert Legatee, in West Missouri, Friday afternoon by Detective Graham of on a charge of Reducing Selina Hicks, a 14 year•old sirl front Miss Macpherson's home at Stratford. The accused was employed by a Benjamin Bailey, who took the girl frotu the Houle as a servant, an.t it was while they were 1)06: in Mr. Bailey'a service that the alleged of fence was committed. The girl was sent hack to the Home when her condition. became known, and is et present in the Refuge' in Londre'. Walker is an unmarried Ei:glish- mau about 27 years old, and looks a rough fellow. li NOTHING SO GOOD. DEAR Sias,—I have ueed Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry in my family for number of years, and tind nothing so good for diarrhaaa and sick .bunt.toh as it has proved itself to be. Mits. D. A. WILSON, Ridley P, 0., Out. —Mr. Johnston, a merchant in the township of Bentinck, was driv- ing with a man named Glave be- tween Laml:.sh and 'Hanover, when the horse they were driving took fright and ran °away, Johnston -told hie comrade to jump Sllava jumped free of the rig and is un- hurt, but Johnston in jumping caught his foot in the sutkey and was dragged a considerable distance and killed. He leaves a widow, and several children. "Excuse me, but when I saw you a year ago, your face was covered with pimples ; it seems to be all right now." "Yee. sir ; that's because I used to Ayer's Ssraparilla, the greatest blood medicine in the world. I was never so well in my life as now," —Hiram Walker at Sona offer the County Council of Essex $25,000 end the choice of three sites, if they will erect the county buildings in Walkerville. The only stipulation is that the buildings erected -be as good-- arc Aimee in Chatham The offer has reference only to the coun- ty buildings proper, and not to the jail, which can remain in Sandwich. 013, MY HEAD I Thatsplitting headache, aching brow and irritable feeling can be immediately relieved and permanently cared by Bur- dock Blood Bitters, the best remedy for headache, constipation and all disorders of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. The NEWS -RECORD —Rey. Father Boul at, formerly curate of Goderich, has been ap- pointed parish priest of the Simcoe Roman Catholic Church in place of Rev. Father Trailer, who has been transferred to Offs, Middlesex county. Is in a better position than ever to turn out The Very Finest Printing At prices as low as any other office in the West. Those in need of any class of Job Printing should call on THE NEWS -RECORD, Albert Street, Clinton ADVICE To MoTnERs. •Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a nick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth t' If so send at once and $et a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup' for Children Teoth Ing. Its value is inoateulable. It will relieve nHererimmedintel . on De endo thepaorlittle s y P P it, mothers; there 15 no mistake about it. It euros Dysentery and Diarrheas, regulates the stomach and bowie, puree Wind Colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Status, and is for sale by all druggist's throughout the world. Prioe 26 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "MRs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING Svavp."and take no other kind. O66y —Mr. Ehret of New York, a famous horseman, has purchased a colt out of moonlight by Dandie Dinmont for $10,000. Moonlight was formerly owned by Judge Finkle and Dandie Dinmont is own- ed by W. H. Millman. Good for Oxford county. A CLINTON FURNITURE 'ARER00I[3e For the House Cleaning season we have a complete Stock of BEDROOM SU ['I'S, DININGRO0V1 SINUS, PA1 LOR SUITES, ODD CHAIRS, CENTRE RE 'TABLES, HALL RACKS, PICTURES, 2101 URE MOULDING, CURTAIN POLES, Etc. Etc., We handle no trashy Furniture, yetepur prices are away down. Call and inspect our Stock whether you wish to buy or not. • sos_WPII CHIIzE-Y- Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. SUE REEIAVCE. GENTLEMEN,—We have a family of seven children and have relied on Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for the past ten years in all cases of diarrerea and summer complaints. It never fails us and has saved many doctor'e biile. J. T. PARKINSON, Granton, Ont. The FOR C000 ENVELOPES ewslleooFd FOR FI12010 ESTPRINTING FOR NICE BILL NEARS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALT, DEPARTMENTS THE CELEBR.iTED Ideal Washer wand Wringer a THE BEST IN TUE MARKET Machines Allowed on Trial am alto agent for all All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill. Call and see me. J. C. WEIR, CLINTON —Howard Reid, a lad of twelve years of age, residing in South March, Carlton county, Out., com• mitted suicide by strangulation yes- terday. The case is a particularly sad ono. The father of the lad, Arthur Reid, ie a woll•known and prosperous farmer. His son tivas 10 have come to Ottawa with him yes• terday, but attired to be allowed to take his holiday some other day wheu the shops would all be open. He went out to the bar'u to feed come fowl he was raising and was •not again seen alive, His sister found his body, euapeuded, by the neck by a piece of roller towelling. It is believed by those who know the lad that be took his life while suffering from temporary insanity,the .result of an injury to his foot uvlifell caused him intense pain for a con- siderable trine, and which nearly caused an attack of lockjaw. GIVES GOOD APPETITE. SIRS, -1 think your valuable medicine cannot he surpassed, according to the benefit I received from it. After sufer- ing from headache agd loss of appetite for nearly four years, I tried B. B. 13. with the greatest suooese, finding it gave me great relief and good appetite. I now enjoy good hea th which 1 owe to your valuable medicine. MISS MINNIE BROWN, London, Ont. —Williatn McGnire, publisher of the Tileonburg Liberal, who has been indicted by the grand jury on the charge of writing an article of an intimidating nature concering James McKenzie, of' Brantford, catne nearly getting into trouble by commenting upon the action of the grand jurors and others concerning the case while before the courts. S G. McKay moved to have him committed for contempt. Mr. Dowler, on behalf of McGuire, of- fered a most humble apology, which His Honor Judge Finkle said he considered satisfactory. MEMBER OF THE LEGISLATURE. In addition to the testimony of the Governor of the State of Maryland, U. S. A„ a member of the Maryland Leg- islature, Hon. Wm. C. Harden tesifiee as follows : "740 Dolphin St., Balto„ Md., U. S. A., Jan. 18,90. Gentlemen : I met with a severe accident by falling down the back stairs of my residence, in the darkness, and was bruised badly in my hip and side,and suffered severely. One and a half bottles of St. Jacobs Oil completely cured me. Wal. C. HARDEN." Member of State Legislature. .0 —A petition has been filed against the return of W.F. Maclean for East York. _ -..ae- - ....it, _ _. ...,4..1. iAli1gYi iht ' tiilt tt!•i..-:,ill., r7t2..;: d BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive trte'ir paper regularly from the carrier or tsarnryh their local, post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this Qf ce •T,Subsor; . . ks-_.may.-. - commenee at any titn'e ADVERTiSEIIS, Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisemen's, to ensure insertion, should be handed) in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our hooks are open to those who mean business. . JOB PRINTING. The Job Cepartntent of this jour- nal is Otte of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class -of '-work-is guaranteed at ,very lom prices. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS, MARKS DESIGN PATENTS COPYRICHTS, eto. Icor information and free Handbook write to MUNN Sc CO. 861 BROADWAY, NEW YORK.Oldest bureau icor securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us 1s brought before the public by a notice given free o1 charge In the 5zientifir ' arena Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly Illustrated. No intelligent man should be without It. Weekly, :8300 a voar; 81.50 ala months. Address M & 1't: nLISUERs, =Broadway. Now York. SPENCERIAN 1! STEEL PENSI ARE THE BEST. Established 1860. FOR No. 1 No.2 No.3 Works, ENGLAND. Expert Writers ti No.1O Accoun- tants Corres- pondents Bold Writing No.27 Bust- DOSS Sold by STATIONERS Everywhere. Samples FREE oh receipt of return postage 2 cents. SPENCERIAN PEN uu., BANE W YOAWKAY', —t.._ ...cLc. •