HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-07-06, Page 5ioniteteiiiriezawar' ...esteems) HE APOTHEOSI$ FLIM FLAM. 'VS'hell, a Merchant tells you he is GIVING AWAY GOODS yott can count to a moral certainty on the statement be- ing false. There must be some profit or merchants can't live, But OUR STOCK MUST GO ! and therefore we offer everything at the very smallest possible margin consistent with Honesty and Fair Dealing ! 0— Plums eel & Gibbings, MONTREAL II OUSE. r� THE HUB GROCERY, 0 Sugar is on the Advance. We have a Carload of Extra Standard Granulated Which we offer at WHOLESALE PRICES in barrel lots -also a reduction by the 100 lbs. Now is TEuE TIME to bay your Sugar fur preserving Fri;it, CM' Hillwattie Tea always on band. VT Orders taken for best Scranton Coal, - o-- S*t:�; i B ��l CREAT RA/LROAD STRIKE 18 NOW OVER; BUT'--- - --- SUGAR IS ADVANCING. 0 HAVING PURCHASED TWO CARS at the lowest prices this year direct from ItEDPA'I'FJS AND' ST. LAWRENCE REFINERIES, Montreal, 1 am giving my old customers and as many new as will come, : sue R AT WHOLESALE PR OESU 1' Special Cuts in Barrel Lots to the Trade.and Jobbes.-541 0 l J. W. • IRWIN, - Noted Grocer, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CLINFON. rcennwthelevalramerrascgrarertansr No Combination Here I. 1 .OAR BNDER TWINE COMPOSED OF Flax, Silver Composite & Best Manilla Brands Leave your orders with us at once in order to 'ensure prompt delivery. Quality the best and prices as low as the lowest. Heaclquarters for FIOT AIR FURNACES, both Wood and Coal. Call and get quotation:3. HARLAND BROTHERS, Iron and Hardware, Clinton WHEN YOU WANT -A READY -FADE SUIT OR AN ORERED SUIT Or anything in MEN'S FURNISHINGS, come and see what we can do for you. We carry a very fine range. Just now we are offering ----A LINE OF ODD PANTS !---- At a great deal less than their value and itlis worth your while to come ,and see. 0— T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. Groceries ! - Groceries Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, c€c. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. • :r. it raw iiron News',record .ter%Q 4'grist-i41.26,.In A4)'t1w9. l'i`e 41110400,0 ►lltl Gait, 1893 Adtlltiouttl Locals. rikTa, P. 1V. LH.rvward will in a low Weeks leave for'St, 'Louie. 1s4.i HARRY CANTELON was in 'town over Sunday. MRS THOS. TiPt,ING, of Detrgit, was in Clinton last week. 91Itss EiguA .DOA\ is home from Toronto' to'Tend the holidays. - Ma, W. JACKSON was in Seaforth Monday. MR. JAS. Hiatus left on a tr'p to Toronto Monbay. M.se L zzlf. SwnII.T, of Woodstock, is hero visit�n:,T her brother and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Blatchtnrd. Miss NELLIE Waissen,who lied been in town for .louse days, returned to Detroit on Monday. MISS MALL, a former resident of Clinton, is here from Londou visiting friends. Mr. J. W. .fa.`kman is repairing his barn, Mr. W. MuWhinny is doing the work. Mrs. Orr and son, of Chesley, have been visiting at Mr. .Jacob Ryan's the past week. MR. AND MR'S. W. II. G ;oessisLow, of Detroit, are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and 1).rs. D. MoD.,nald, of town. MR. AND MILL Joiix JnrINSTON, Rattenbury street, left yesterday on a trip to Dakota and the Canadian Northwest. MR. AND MRs. S. Brown, of Ash, field, are visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. '1'. U. Cooper, town. hiss CORA WILLIAMS, of Bramp- ton; la rt visiting Miss Emilie Doan this week. .1 LEX. 11}CLE0D, who WAR n SW. (1«.11t >+;iti, deigns Bruce, left for the Northwest on Tues lily to take a trip for the benefit of his health. OUR VICTORIA CRICKET CLUB suc- ceeded in defeating the'Forest team, at the latter place, on Dominion Day. Tam lawn party liy the Church Woman's Guild of St. Paul's church on 'Tuesday of last week, was a suc. cess. Owing to the wet weather the affair was held in the town hall. About $ i8 wore lc.ttred. Tun Clinton Orange Lodge will hold its reg,llar meeting on Monday evening next. On Tuesday, July 12, the members will meet at 6 a. m. al.al at 7.30 leave by conveyances for Bay- field. LACROSSE MATCH AT GODERIC1I The third of the series of matches for the championship Ontario was played in Godorich on, Dominion Day between the Dauntless and Hurons. 'l'he match was looked forward to with great interest and six or seven hundred supporters went up to Goderich to sea the Dauntless club of Clinton win. And their confidence had not been mis- placed, for the Dauntless won by 4 goals to 1. The Hurons were no match for the Clintonians at lecrosse. It is a matter of extrein 3 regret that the Hurons used "brute force" on the field and on the streets. Correct lacrosse does not permit of Sullivan displays or wob. law. People paid 25 cents at the gate to witness the game, not to listen to orders to "crack him over the head with your stick" by those who were in author- .._f.ty..and .supposedto keep order. The only thing that prevented the Clinton boys from being mobbed was the delegation of friends from Clinton and elsewhere. In several instances when the Hurons could not. get the ball scientifically they "slugged" their opponents. ,Not then satisfied they would throw down. their sticks and indulge in fighting. When the game was finished the Umpire and Captain from Clinton had to be safely escort - ed by their friends off the field. And when the Dauntless club were driving from town they were stoned by some of thie Hurons and their backers. Sveral have wounds from this last nest that will not be forgotten for some time. We do not think the better class of citizens of Gode- rich appraise of such conduct, al, though several stood by and saw the contemptible and unmanly work without offering any protection to -the visitors. As far as the game was •concernbd, the Hurons were not "in it" from the beginning and scored the second goal because one of the Dauntless was ruled off by the referee without sufficient reason. Nor was this the only time the Referee displayed hie want of know- ledge of the game, as all through, .according to general opinion, he favored the Hurons. There is one thing certain, as long as the Huron Lacrosse Club is composed of such unprofessional and ungentlemanly players the Dauntless will never con- test with them again. NOTES. The playing of Burden, Jamemand Gibbings and Ross, of Clinton, was much admired by all, while Runci- man, "Hec" Hays and McVicar, of Goderich, displayed good lacrosse and anted like gentlemen. That last shot by Burden was a dandy. Burden bad a bone in his hand broken by a Huron's stick. Ohl what a difference between Seaforth and Goderich players. Mr. Clark, recently of Ottawa, of Western 41411041091011, 1 o,ais, DtfNCAPI4 ;4ipA41,is'en has gene t() 111orttenit :to eke out a fottune folr'. lawselt IiEN ANeeesoN, who has been in Hargraves Bros. thug store, Torot t is borate for a week'e holidays, Mats HATTIE. Qo11na is hnfne from the (%uu.i.r%atory of Maisie, Toronto, having graduated in her 2ud year. Ma. JOHN %VISEMAN has returned iron a visit of eoveral days at St'. Marys, Bayfield. Mr. John Essen, of London, is up here for the summer. Mrs. Anderson and family, of Lon- don, are guests at the Commer- cial. OBIT—The remains of Mrs. A. Mar. tin were interred in Bayfield ceme- tery on Monday. Deceased had been a ri sident of this place for a number of years. PERSONAL.—Mr. Alec. Frazer is is the guest of Mr. John Fraz;;r—Mr. Ken Moorebogse is again on the scene of action.—Miss Lottie Martin is visiting in Toronto.—Mr.; Wm. Fowlie was in town Iasi week.—Miss Maggie Gardiner, of Montreal, is home on a visit. --Silver Jack is home for vacation. We hear that Geminhardt is go ing to Moosomin and that Clark is going to buy him out, and get the old, box furnished up anew. We are glad to see Mr. Kenny Moorehoese hack again to this village from Unc'e Sam's Dominion. He is a great favorite with us here. Mr. Clark the mail contractor is to drop bread all along the to :d from Seaforth to Bayfield. But King makes as good as any of then, and we don't forget his prat kind. nes' in keeping us fat and in good condition,. Mr. Beattie will coutinne to run a passenger stage frorn Bayfield to Seaforth and the intermediate villages of lirucofield,. Varna, an 1 the Goshen Corner, We are very glad of thin, as no elan was so at- tentive to the comfort of bis passen- gers (particularly the women) as the same Saul Beattie, and the ladies to this day speak of his comfort alibi buffalo robes, and how he kept then) so cosy and warm, when they were with him. What is the nod of mourning over spilt milk ! Frank is now like one demented that ho did not put in for the mail contract. But if the Post 011iae authorities could only site his old_grirliron of a horse he would no more have got the can, tract than Jiulmy Stugeon. The Baine Frank is trying to grab at everything and now is going to get a pound net—Corn. 1' ilr ;Flaw. Dr..Mebolield, M. P. is expected home this week. Miss L. Dey, teacher, is home for her holidays. The concert in the hall on the 1st wise well attended. Our races on the 2Sth June, not- withstanding the unfavorable weath- er the day before, proved a success. \Val. Begley and wife, of Blyth, were visiting at the Eclipse restaur ant last week. Mr. Elliott, of the Win;;ham Times, who hen been on the sick list for anute tiny, want to Brants ford on Monday to see if the change from business will be beneficial to his health. The Foresters had large demon- stration htire on Dominion Day. -The procession to the park was a largo one. The afternoon was spent in games of all -sorts. The fan and- tamborino drills by the children under the leadership of Miss Hough- ton did credit to the lady mention, ed. Londesboro Geo. A. Newton was in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Woodman were visiting their daughter in Ripley last week. Rev. Mr. Leech and family arrived last week. Mr. Leech preached in the Methodist church on Sunday. Rev. M. Hamilton started in addi• tion to the regular afternoon service, an evening service at7 o'clock p. m. The Sons of England did not meet' on Friday night, their regular meet- ing night, they will meet to -night in- stead. Mr. J. T. O'Brien has his restaurant running in full blast now. We wish him every success in his new under. taking. The rveather has been very wet all the spring and unless it settles down soon farmers will have trouble saving their bay crop. The strawberry festival in connec- tion with the Presbyterian church, given on the let July, was in every way a success. After all had par. taken of all the strawberries and cream and other good things they wanted, they repaired to the church where a good programme' was pre- sented. At about 10 p. m. all sep- arated well satisfied. Proceeds— A. Woodman and B. Lawrason were in Guelph last week attending the session of the Grand Lodge, 1.O.G.T. They report a good meeting. One measure passed was the fixing the capitation tax at 8c. per quarter in. stead bf 12c. as formerly. Districts may impose a tax of not more than 30. per quarter on all members in their respective districts. This is a many spectators said, made a very move in the right direction and will partial referee. be endorsed by the Order in general, What does Old Siomean by this. • terrible }lot weather Why, he is juat red hot lead because 1IARI.A,NA BROS. have eeowre4 gonLrel of alias eectictl far the CELEBRATED LEHICH VALLEY COAL :- and have purohasf•d several cars to be delivered this month, It is admitted by all to be TIIE BEST and it is claimed that it will give 25 ,per cent fnoret beat to the ton than any other Ceal produced. Why use common oeai when this coal can be purchased at the earns price. Call early, so as to secure low price, as owing to a, strong combination of the Railroad and Coal Companies higher prices are anticipated this fall, Harland Bros., Iron and Hardware, Clinton. Iloadquarters for HOT AIR FURNACES, both Wood and Coal. Call end get quotations. -M 16 —rM..rW...a.nd..y Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best work• inansbip and material. *iirAII the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Pricee to suit the times. ate' FACTORY—corner Ixuron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON. ['all Wheat 0 75 to 0 80 Spring Wheat.-- ........ 0 73 to 0 78 Barley .. C 40 to 0 50 Uats.. 7 20 to 11 30 Peas , 0 57 ec, ts CO Apples,(wi'nter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes ,.. 0 25 to 0 30 Butter ..... 0 13 to 0 14 Eggs, per Ib 0 06 to 0 06 flay 11 OU to12 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef 0 110 to 0 00 Wool 1) 18 to 0 16 Dressed Hogs 5 00 to 5 25 .CAUTION. E.+Cla PLiL'G OF THE jTIijrtIe Navij O. h, J3:1REED IN Ii'I I)NZE LETTERS. NONE .OTTER GENIJII,E. Sends oar Tele bats 135` ' THE C. P. R. TELEGRAPH OFFICE AT Cooper's Book Store, Clinton. TENDERS WANTED. For repairs to the Gymnasium and water- closets of theCiinton Collegiate Institute, to be 'received up to the 15th inst. For partieulare apply to the undersigned, JAMES SCOTT, Chairman. 713.1E TEACHER WANTED: For S. S. No.10, Goderich Township, with 2nd class certificate. Must be rxpericnced. Duties to commence immediately after present holida3 s. Applications to he addressed to JOAN CLUFF, Trustee, 313.31 . Clinton P. 0. From all. Stations in Ontario ON THE LINES OF THE TICKETS WILL BE SOLD For Excursion leaving TORONTO 11 p.m,pn June 28, 1892 Good to return until AUGUST 7th; JULY 18 & 19, 1892 Good to return until AUGUST 28th, To the following points at rates named) NESBITT,ORAIOXBOW $23 D0 DELORBIIl1NSCARTH OMIN�Wi ► ,v' REGINA MOOSEJAW YORKTON PRINCE ALBERT CALGARY EDMONTON . $30,00 $35A0 $40,00 The Winhipeg Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition will be hold from July 25th to 30th in:lueive, and July 18th and 10th have been fixed upon for excursion to enable passengers to attend the exhibition, An Auction Sale of Cnnadian Pacific Ttnilway Lands will be held at Edmonton on July Gth. Passengers taking advantage of the excursion of Inc,n28th will reach Edmonton in time to attend the sale. troy fartherparticulars apply to any Agent oY the Company, To Farmers and `°Planters ! As I do not intend to canvas the country, I can supply feu with First -Class Nursery Stock guaranteed true to name, for letter order•., sent to me only, as below : Per 100 Standard, Apples, 5 to 7 feet, $18 00 Standard Apples, 4 to 5 feet, 15 00 )'luras, Ist class,41 to 6 ft, perdoz 5 50 Plume, 3. to 4.1 ft, per 50 Pears, Standard, 1st class, f 5 to 7 ft., per doz 6 00 Pears, Standard,5 to 6 It., per doz 5 00 Cherries, 5 to 7 feet, per doz 5 50 11-;T•All Small Fruits and Orna. mental Stock at equally logy prices. It will pay you to order early. All Canadian grown sto.k and reliable. • Give name of varieties wanted and number.. ALEX. WEIR, 700-3m • Clinton P.O. $10 Reward, I will pay a steward of 510 for information that we! lead to the convic,icn of the party or parties n•ho poisoned my Spaniel dog, "iiea;ott,' On or ahmltJuac17(1, JOHN P. St'OONI+R, Clinton, June 20th, 1;03. 711.21 HOUSE PAINTING All person, wishing to have their houses papered amid decorated inside or painted outside, iu lir-t•class'style and at moderate prices, will find it to their advantage to call on C. WILSON Painter and Paper Hanger Shop on Rattenbury Street 027-3m J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dea,er, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new model: M•All these makes in key and stein winders Also pend int sot watches. J. BIDDLECOMBE, 'CLINTON. SERVANT WANTED. "'Enquire at once of Mrs. Dr. Campbell, Seaforth, Ont. A middle aged woman preferred. GODERICN MARE \01B1(S1 J: C. Stevensont Furniture Dealer, Clinton, is our agent for Clinton and vicinity. W. M. Mohring, oflBenmlller, is our Travelling agent. Orders entrusted to either of the above will have our best attention. Monuments supplied in CANADIAN, SCOTCH, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites, a well as Ill all varieties of marble. Give Mr, Stevenson a call before ordering elsewhere. JOHN A. ROBERTSON. Manager. QTRAY STOCK`. ADVER TISEMENTS inserted in Tun "'- NEWS Rxconn at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock 11 yon want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call on Tews-Reocord. MONEY TO LOAN On farm property at 57a per cent. Apply to 0. A. HARTT, Clinton, NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to me I shall at once toke proceedings. Remember this is the last warning I shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, Goderioh. Goderich, Sept. 7th 1801. DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three one•acre lots in the Town of Clinton are offered for sale. They are situp con on Raglan street, not far from the Doherty Organ 'Factory and Collegiate Institute, adjoining the former residence of 3lr. J. 14. Combe and in the neigh- borhood of first-class residences. For tonne, eta., apply to 881tf ARTHUR KNOX, Clinton. New Blacksmith Shop O EORGE TROWHiLL has opened out a gen• UT oral Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Conley, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert street, Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Work in all its branches. Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work in the above linos. 407-tf GEORGE TROWHILL. Tile NeRecor for Prinhillg re. lb