The Huron News-Record, 1892-06-29, Page 6„. .�. 11 . - -,Z P r a e , . . , \' , 4. ” l , r !r. h - .: a , K t .w • - t _ . ' A . •, t , I . .. i}Il�h'MA E - ., .v ;.,,, i +.,...! � -. ft"111w_ 11w_ 11..: iT ..a.a,,,.ne...+. ;a 19,.« n• ...: .,,x„^,mr.««,-..v9"'"11i"+•t"",,,y,",�e'^'•'•"'.,,•....rxmbr,i.:rm•a,x-re+end'+*Illnan.'r.;+-�.n,mm�!o+,ey,. ... . _ � ; � 4NTI,:01oA"i:l-��tf��I�l�.Z. - of Q.ttr'vutllltry'lttara tl)st theta ja ,axl 14 , (,.�;'f1W'AT WILL LU`t',�1Q ,�•,� Ulaiar (Iupstio9 ad well as kta Irlale t1Nr#'lpl5"lltI,11 talc 1lt 0 . 11^1n I I I , I . I . e I ­� tt + 9i - n ,,%, , i Ili !alta Q.f his lltlq J' otures int (�;hl. queatiou, t.o trp', 91-0, which would. W A k'AQV1Tt DIALd t cr 11 V 11", `' I 5 "afore"p Offar>w pxl+ol fot4isnu, i 1 4 Rr pall' i;Y(it tivltH!> tl}pulti tltp Tart'IppNrp ail not of ttrllutnJ►.l fully, 1 ho -do. Q.CG']a. b i #LRauo'flututhgllrutl(dliall,t �ages, tttutlzofthaX.4r4111. 4: 6rulVulvefsaty lnat.un that tttp Ukxtor reSts4auoo ld �,...�,. 5; �,: wrequently, tills catises it;Uultuatiau J.ttal.lge .loan 1'1. littrisa, of the a worn Orange mcivaf)leat had bean �1 1f) Myer, Q. 7,, a£ Uri lgati ' unci tltauevtlof: an autlidm, J1rQ.Q401: glli.kod Starers Suprolaa Court sni'd: 'llttally dispolled.t' yillH Coputy Grown Attorney of -11 0"'•'"''z" ., e7.tpeetomn.t or anodyne Is equal to r, ,''Colt Qf, you tnuat Clave read ,T his- , � - - Ayer's VILerry Pectoral, ;R osslote t try (�f England null the UaitHll _ Dtl&rin, has beef) Advocating an, Nature in ejoeting the mudus, allays THR4 BLACK WATCH. ilexation tut' snn1H time past, but hn � NEWS.,.RECORD r� I I?txitatlon, inttltces repos@, and 3,$ t110 wtatvs, • If there arc sotile ut' you /� tlloStpopalaroiallpougltcurps, wlto, havct opt, llulvevur; tela eooaar -^^^-"' has come to the and of.his tether•v! «(QF Lheizlanypleparattolaitbefoie'tho you du it the beG4ov, as I inust as. Qnt'nht;ll Afariazine : It mayseem nblio for the unrll Of enlds, con;f,a+ $true (+ tll'iG Cha first exploit of the Tilrl A.ttornpy•Gon0ral has aHked ronothitis, tend Idudred diseases, there sumo that you h.tva a ktagtvledt;e at' >; i f for his resignation. f 'Is none!, the range otY'ny.ex?eri. our history. Tito load who lt,tve 131atill 1Vatph wltioh has hat n re- 6 �S 111 a better position tllall BV11 GI' t0 turn out V ' 4pfi l,s 'urivti(iiel�rva,, serry as; . not a gonat'al knowledge .of rytlw corded if) history was a motley; 14I2+. A1yHrs has mpt the request � subjecthistory of Tau l%nd anti of the Goo• but such is 1110 ons,. 10 1713, fuer by taking high and mighty ground. The Finest followed Ars ago, so coughs. About four I ears after tbuir furinntion as n ry ri 1; • Very Printing a 0 ,}oars agc,lvhon sp atllioted, i' was ad- stitueiun and I(tws of that oouutry is Y 6 lies refused to rani n, as, hes Havfy 'Mr ` 'visedtotryAyer's-CherryPeeforaland certainly derelict its a ofti elu. It trun',they wuro nlarchud 1oto Eug• to lay all other remedies aside. I slid , 1u12d uudururdurs for klandOTs, An such an act would make hits a party \ so and within a lwpk leas wpll of my is essential to o elver underitundin9 , 1. 011 and cough. Since then % have of our constitution to snow solue ideal pruvalled aulaug Cho wvu tit,tt to his sten oond+nlnation. He pre- i�,t pr]CCS as a04V ILS ani' Otilt3r 0�1CtQ 111 ti1G' wCS1;. Those iN' always kept this preps ,tion in the the wets to bH sE ut to Cha )Vast „ h house, and I�eol evmparatively secure. thing of the circumstances nudt:t 3 fact= to l(�t't(le G'avernatent disul'+ss 111 n(:(3d Of any class Of JOb' Ett'int'lTla Sl1011ltl Gill Mrs. L. L.1Browu, Deallrk, Miss. which it was fra11►od, and Justus ludias, thou detested for their bad Ilial, and thuH take "t11u full odium 5 , s',,p�, ow year$sgoltoolsaseverecold Harlan told of Lite rights of the clfulate. Otto hatitired of'thaut du „ 011 LHL' NJ:v43'1aI;COI.D, wliio'h affected m lungs. I' had a ter- parson a» tugu{arod by Cha }u1rH of ee -ted and slit utr for Scotlatul in n of d1al11IH61D� .all Ot11Ch11 for NXertliH• rible cough, and passed night after h11dv. overtrllon,tho iiltrelichod itig tile right of free speecll, 1 "�''� 0 a-" t night without sleep. TI10doctors gave the mother' country. theulaely+!H, and I'ur solea filo+) re. !3y (Vireccion of the Attorney•AID&VPt j �JJ����,�� 11 ` me up I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, OUR GREAT MOTIIEIt C,OUNTR) , wbiohrelievedmylungs,inducedsleep, Ei fn::4ed to surruudor. Three tin" + r, ' and afforded the rest necessary for the Some pe,' In object to thu Grrill a General, hill private secretary, S. i. recovery of my strength. By the coh: 'mother' cougttry lieJsaid, "belirvinE� teHdar"'vaY" r;li(lt, fttl(1 thrr i'Hnlalntl• j�aHGH'Io, of) tl'!ay cJ n rota to )):Iyer$, Inger , , tinual use of t e�Paetoral,a permanent that Ln laud Marl nut always 11,,01, er dlafle,l into othPt• regimente• calling his attention to the hopro- azs�ts�ras�xlzrm an curevitaseffected.-Horacoh'ttirbrothers S This tli,l. out p Hvaut Gh0 ro(+t of the t i0t of. hie nutiau if) sdvooetin, _,._._.. ._ ___ _..... _._ _ . __ _..__.� _--- __. _ `_w.-- - --- Roolcingham­11,Vt. a good mother. lie would quasiiuu p' y t, CION q;lpl•l�Zr��'](�� such opiaioa. but a man who duos lihelt Walsh from wiuniug great annex„tion whil0 haldiu,� au otlice �l U i U �jj�t�J1111, {"�f�CheruPectorall not love his country is worse than a credit during til,) 1' fundal,; can) under Governfaii , w4pocially as j Ayet V 1811 11 pai;;n, (speoil,lly at I: unt.enuy,+' ' heathen, Dna of his papers bad been a orifi• hot fhu [louse Cleaniu'+ season the have a coritpleto Stock of whorl, thuv ware cheored evert b 1' rnsrannn s7r 'll•;n land and America are of Cho Y cisul upon a }Taller by the Attornt+y : $ the ])nice lot Luulbitrlaud) ill person, B.EDR00}'1 SUITS, ( ° Df, J. C. Ayer & Co., LoWeN, Mass. came people;' ho cutlti11not they having had the 11Ouor l,0 bo General, 111ehvad of his (1Ppartumut, ylnL��C;liU01T SiJi'I`ES, i '.: 0oidbyallDrug,Blate. Paiso@x; stxtotttes,*t .' I They speak tine $little ulurrue;rA. first in the front ;',;alts and 1',st in Sir Oliver dill not than Co_2,,§eull,.atH P.'~ltJ,UEt SUI'1'JJet, I f - At the tlwe our t tGhrlH ware dridw❑ action. ODD UfIAI1'ti, Cho rear on that n)Hmoin}J1e tlo}. CE Ji'1'Ia,,rABLES `• ' __ -. `, into rebellion I;agl,irtd was guveru At A1Hxnudrin in 1801 Cho Myers replied, contending that, ' _�. �- - , HALL) RACKS, ��� ��►�/ �/�/�1�„�D�ra ad through the annney of It Itro, Pltcl't 1iTntclt greatly distiuT;uished whiles hrr admired Mr. ;flower, ha PIC1'UIiES, and although the king of - tle1u tbemsvlvNs ca rtwialrf Lite »tiul(1'ard believed his position dill slot pro. PICILIRE MOULDI\(x, FeltYy;tr-$1.26 InAdvantle reigned, nulthor guvvrnel, Tho of the hrauclt I'luviucibla La;iun,” vent hint frau) advocatin;; what he e CU$TAI1i POLES', Etc. Ilia, .>' C --.-. _•--- -, M :+ -o' r- real puwnr by which hn:,land is which was lust in a' later' Chou�P, believed the trees ultare»G of the We handle no trashy Furniture, yet our prices are away down. Call and .�-._. 13'iJv.?Tnestlttl9', •'~utile, '300 idt I$Jn, controlled is the Hoole ofCommuns bill, reutkou by'a privtite of t11a eountry lie said Ile did not ad- inspect our Stock whether you wish to buy or not., ' t", —�-_�.._._—_;�; Justice Harlon thi+n spoke of the Minorca 1�t,giu,r,ut, anal riluced in t'Ocato 21 •ration, bu,t uulan houcir• �--�C9 �-� �-�o g-�- � I '' .:\C'J':iAlIOU1 Uicif'1r.t�SIA• ! close union bettvoon the l:r�iellltiva ' ub1H to b"th countries. lie sail: ,;T_ 0`S��s�- '�-•�-��-�����_ r r, Cho Chapel leu}'ut. SVhitehtlll' lrtarHnitt><i•a Dealer .feel 1llelilcrt:adi�r. ', :; N}`rrr.,q eww"❑ . f t.Ito+•„rn`r.,:h ,n,l livor and P tHautiv0 branches of IhH Eng They rHcalvE+d 11tH t11nnlfa ui' Lite "At the risk of being durclPd ynilcy 'k,1 •' oo,1411%+ruli,lvrl)••i)••i,., I)t,(p•:' in in I" ligh Governnf,)nt, as worketl by this 11ighLiud SOalrJty, whie�1, some of impertinence, or at )Past Of in), llj:, bivei rise U,,)tri illo."l, 1; 101 ihra„ tom• t d Jlf. (slnd3tunN �" " Syate111• 111, q lit@ yearn later, prusouted :hull with n propriet}', I,ut wir,h utoti�•eH aq loyal plaints n•re oura.1141 by la. li. i� , wrricii �� . 1, + a•,ty oil the &L, ttl'tan, tivir, h•,wobi 411'1 Ill regard t0 such form -of govern- B;lvor vaso. a9 ever tOWRIAa a 90041 GOVel-11111el,t t''"` ,,, Ill Inti, Rud ten.,; nn(1 r.r c.og0A.tis thr fluent and its consequouCPs. Then The Iilack 1Vntch and the Ninety and a loader whom I have always, � FOPi GOOD ENVELOPES Pnti•r,,yst4'rn, th'w t,', irivelt tn'i•1 ri)'' be ill»d0 n •)costal inquiry into the adtnirr'd uud supported T say that r. F�le�S EEi�Eoul �GIt�T�1a s r rt ;nn4 ,rtuni, b..! l,l0"'1 nt„( ^ HecOnd 1-Iigi,lau(L!ri were lung re. , Y t P'P '1 ri'�hts if LiteafO Cls if) this cuuntr ,, I cannot understand why theThe Un gym{ ' at�(,`�{1 tyrTgp tSl �f g pct.11 41-ti� "i-'u,lla trnphlt„. e:, t I �• Illatllbel'ed at 1'>In�aale. 1VhH1'H they , } (S(<<,] ;" ('�Ta pt y 9l, �♦�l�j ���q,ja�,q�,�,;i Ctti� �VZ,-.-----_ a, 4110 titno of Cha i'armatwp of/ tlty were quu•tered before the battle Of At:toruPy',Gt.nr.ral aliauld place him• tt119gYI! flay p4dlyt.i''gU� pX �G GE��'EG����j(�'1!,� ,1--T.inutPlrl,l. t (.a•.rnP'tuor Au'rera ill Luustttu.tult, YHg:1rt3Hd as L+ualt3h Waterloo. !'hP}' kr,l,t shop for self i;t ,h petition r)f seta coital t.o t'' l o subjects. Re explained that Lite their Hosts uliuded Ih" ch}ldren and those he aucusi;s of trying to trans, + luebcc Sie I, msec+l '1'i!1'•} nail } worn aifeot'ionately st•ylod' Laa;+atits f -r thair country to another." THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALT, DEPARTMENTS 7i, lova of feoadoin and the tresvrva r per( Lady '1'i110y nnt.iu; rt•uau4 cululribtl' tion of !fl'e, liberty, and property ), r i;, *,., tors sire to the U tetionft)d nlsnwrinl �.cu9satia. Uu JlltlH Lo they were lir. Il,tstHliO simply Y(2plitzd that ,�,,T, __ _. ,1 were as doatr to the English paupla summoned front these peaceful the Atlorney-General . t•e,retttd __-._. -_ � --_ - f hV. ;': fund of Kiugst•uu• than as the lav to the people of the r El?l9: �fl}rl,H,'yllg ,l a(+ � n _ a r n . '',' es, __ Y occupations by the harsh sound of :flyers could not see the firers O, his GU94HE SS AIINGURCEWIE@'l;Ti. - ' :CIIG; ItF�T iCSU'tVN, Utlited States at present. Tile the ldbroch, "Cuulo unto elle still I OI,'ection» and reminded him that ---- i ...� Llr..ltt�iR`,-I,),1n rr+entnuit+nrl 1)r. F,Iti•• :1"rutin:tl idea of the Anglo Saxon hill live yon flash, "to "fight lik0 Ikelhad taken cul oath of allc>�ialwe t �� ` ,fly •EgJ�,ayr*g1i*yIDy;�; .y:. `�( .t.. racy is local soli-govarnui@nt, he r 19pualw P,0 s lt,r'r L•`x,rect of Willi tit,r,wh.-rry fur hel'oea' at Waterloo. to her )Majesty to obtain tale ofliut We will at all banes bo JlCasect. to ! �r,r - 1 RI'^hell. I W0,581's + ,. suinnier 4)om (int and ilitrth(P+.. I n ---- _..-._ Ila hotels. ] (1 . '; - is!,,••e fist•O 1, in u\y f oywy for tau yhmv. "At the tinvo our.constitlltiou was ����q•y�g p 2'tSCCEG9 'ttel)ts Uf 7!82(!3 f1'Ua,L 0211' Jceh' ',"'-, forol`illtron xnd with the r:eafvat eat• " t, CUr1UUS col,:\, Alyerq replied that in tdoli; the � acs scrilrei•s. Ire. want a and cu;•res. •.",tr framed, he said, the king could not t9 a , irf,w:ion' 1'tv Any new tax except b "rant of -- oath he believed ho wad takilic, tilt. •i'f T�: BE IN THE M ALCKE T' p)andent, if) every locality, vot a7readb Vit.; II - - :tI RB Il'R.,�B 1'iC111v, Y' Y I Y r, �., oath to )ter Ala ttyty' "dins t as tile,' Air,' A I-,nl, man, P,nrli:s2neut. Any government thal, L —1 .exD wvullA. 1 ' p Y �flsacblillcs Allowed on Tri, re1laese7ated,taseazdusR> LltiiL>v:te(c6. tlllbidillteol. or at leant the repro '� ,p, , ---- --- has almollite po"Iyor to tax its people T''rO1n Litebe')I11nry Of Ilia lh12'd i� t + p '—'--' ' ,, t.,. e v e.t:ntative o. the t✓atladian people. nan also went for all IsuHSQ*#11 $: RS. is":ii• --O II JIll1• J II)H chtl l'ghR aY 21nRt tVlt.}lUtlt 1l nllt Ol' l'OBLI'1cS4i(ln h:,s a11t11 the CIURe Ut'1•ha tenth Cenll7 !" Y' -11, „r •,;, ,S`}t(•t'1fl' �1tIfUI1 uf' 4f,ti (:O,)Iliy Uf alaVt» TUT Alih''?lits. A'T.rin the } ltl a CUUlltry W1tHCH a CHpablle:a,t ]er�p� �p�.y 7�ii�t r J b' Ireland was known as Scutia. The form of uverun,ent nPvails the �}�� �nPicultu it Implements Patrons who do not receive mein tE ' ` 1,Tua',, will 110 9Lt'tnllh'1tOd alt hreviou» a»sent and authority at people of that idA.ud had boon call• oath is ny�ito Of a 1P, ,nae to the , , ? .) / J f' • �a )er rer7tla7 h 7 ant the artier or #• b�dl(t01tu11,,3melius lrvin;� r;etln; 1, ,lli:lnlnut'tvas ur•cP Hlry for vverti od lav the lL,mtns "Sault,' hauau .Tc�Pf3T00iT10 �OS1t0FillrS M�iII. thr7urlt tltet'r loccil )vst�lces zr.'i!l }'�` a3 aommissioinlr, ut)w ins'. No elan could be ooln• , pro1,1P, If) this couu,ry a rruwuad j}, 1 1 :,' ') � ,; file name. The Romana, however Ilea(), who by Cha war does not confer a favor by re))ortin; at this ` - witted to pli,un Lut' by legal war- called the is1!ur(i Iurni. and tho,na Gall and see "rue. •GUI:LPIT GOsSll'• r•,+nt anal the favt of the "Iflit or rule, but simply reign», is into.rpns, —._ office at once. SztGscri1)tloars 7atast w 1,1. , o' LiVe•Uallia was Ell, Or Erie, wjlinh, - ` �" ;,. D15.1R $(R:+,- I !,ave 1,A, ., tri'ahlea fol• itlno'IenCi, Of R criluit1 it char"e ed, and ITU 011U tBt1,H(trvP, I)1H UOa'ntry, !< eC/71L771C17L'C at a7L?/ ti7lte. 110 doubt, gave MIO name Irol,;1id, J. '' �`_'�� '1��� � a' ` ov,'r :t ya,t!• wi+'t .ii,.k hat,l "The and Pio.' intist Le decided in the public , .wh.ich was adoj)ted in the elpvonth `l hteh nutans his owtl'peo. in a a rt E N � '. " � 'Ott, " �--- • sto,TJa'•11, 1%,:0!*ri.;r• ;,,y'P,...vny groan COltrtR. publle capacity without first, takilt�.�. ______._tom.' -- ---- . uoril I tried K T I , whi:th +nears a �t century, still came to be universally -. - AliSTi'l✓Ai:'Q'tlSE118' 1 used- tiholit 503. A.' T)„ a large an oath of allegiance if) lvhith the complained of, your letter to that ),uf,nt cure liefure I hal filTiah•!rl the ` Dun ritOCGss or LAW. narne of taR QuHea is mentioned as Aciccrtisers2villgllease bear ill a)Li>rd first iJrt.le, I rsoomin•)'i it, All a 01fP Cryo y(n1 will Reo that l:n *llnd .11nmber ofthe cat9 veli(+rated from „ effect will bo, considered in Council that all "changes'r of actcerlisea7ra):sa, cure far headndh t 2.11 R11 my frirncla• wait ilrt as o- lour of the freHdunt Irelail l and coloniv, d the woA anti representative Of Ghe pHOpIH tnH['elt'• t110llah.,rvith what result I am unable to ensure i'nsertiazz should be haudrd `' `� $4SS6 ANt:ff: \'1C VCLTY, Guelph, Oct. J J .Further on hEl says ")_Tar can 1 he I• and liberty of its subjects at that north of Scotland. and g(tve their Y to $talo. in not later than AloND,%y xowN, o/ #. wrong consist if) publicly advocatil g = -The f unnt, aaul2ail of t}]o flay as our country 'is jealous of onr9 >aamo to the lator latter country. Ira WILL NOT RLSIGN` each zcee Y these Yiewa, If tbero ill anything Si u ,. county of I;rueO has tlaai(led that all now. A man could not be deprived - , , M er's r0 1 is as follolna : •s; treasonable or disloyal it. con- y' p Y 1. i, taxes for county pnrpuses b(, raised of hit3liburty tvithoutdao process of }vnEr rotiltsetMr 7v, . lists in entertaining the Views, Sir, -Replying .to yours of the d;;fS10ELA'lr;gt; N. ,.;, on land vaiii-ve, with the excaption Tale. Those filar tvorcla, du» pro- It wal about the year 1600 and I do. and not in pro a(rat- 16th lust. I dusire you to under T1aF, !Tnws•RFooRD has a larger - ' M` ,. c^s3 of late' contain a world of Y , i I p o Y g ^ 4 I of 5 per cont on personalty• if) the reign of James I., when forks in, tI•em. If this be not so, the dib- stand that I would be guilty of a circulation than any other I)a)mr int k woaniug. There is nota tout of ltnro first introduced ipto I:nglsnd, tinction between a loyal and dies. t this section, and as an advertising )�.' ptopa,ty anywhorH in this couutiy dereliction of principle if I Rant in G;; DU;VN}'.ILI.H DOING,'Q. This •' piece of refinement " we are loyal elan is ono of coura;;o and tned-han has feav equals in Ontario. *.. Chit Cho government can not take 1 m resitrudtion. T can only express Our boots ore o)eu to those u9to I t.#eatlem_`n,-1 had a l:-ntltnbe f.,r a tol.t, was derived from the Italians. cowardice merely. .1 take it that y 1 t i. for i;s Own use, but it muRG be done gestion that4,11-4 lnug time, +tai seri q llar(look Mold If) a curious book Of Lravvle, pubith• the Christian dispnnaatiun under my surprise at your sago nzectn business. .+r' ltittnrs Rdv;trr;s^'l, I ['t 4 b,ttlr`, and 1tY dllH pl'00069 Ot latV. 'lho'oivner e i fn the pear hill, tlto writer w11ich wv lives, uHhrred in a ucty T ehoultl by each an act bocomo a �.'i::t ietiot only relievwl nla st the tittle but trust he given a fair compensation art r to m own candownation. I s»y6: doctrine which is one of its most party Y I hive riot h'•en L,there l since with fur it, is kilt Iotivo to the GOvernuiput, Of JOB PRIN'llL G. ' haadiona %tilt chink I h,tv•, cern the 14%pt I observed a cuetottp in 0.11 those dietiuouiahed char acttriatirs as roar �r�k. , of it Iwlwlm nlC,:tti, Dii-inv;