HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-06-29, Page 5uron News-R1Qora x4,140-4144' in Atiywnye tidtk Slay, Joao it;itll, 1$9;d iQBEgr. NT ORSGN .la :1eor040 taear PineOuning4 Ulta.144,0ort 1a on a visit at • St,. Olair, Mich, • MRS. JOUN SOMITQ? 3s visiting Additional LaCltis, relativoa and friends at St. Clair, Mn. ,T, P. Donlon' attended the \2ioh; ,,oloaiog oltero'i"s"ea. at 'Whitby Ladies „AIM LIZ= WATSON and Mr. College last week. ( Geo. Potter, of ,Blyth, were the Tsg Clinton Cricket Club will guestta of Deputy reevp Kennedy on iii' Play in Forest on Dominion Sunday. ay Of ria 0 13. the• • Couno .. legally ind.ustr REV, of Loam for a few when ret Mr. Wal Walwin's and they a visiting M her• parents Manitoba. COPP, the painter, le getting up a TRS. jouN CALLANIaERaud Bessie, flag for L, O. L. 103b, Varna, It London, Suudayed with friends will be a bandaome piece of work Upton. when finished. Last year Mr. Copp got up one for L. O. L. 3.06, which 13, O$LER, Q. C., has advised is giving good satisfaction. finance eummittee of Pal ie it that municipalities cannot A NEW DEPARTURE. --The Lon. grant a bonus to aay in• don Free Press :-Rev, Dr, •Strong - y whatever. man, Methodist clergyman, at God• oriel) ou Sunday last, occupied the MR. WIGLE, wife and child pulpit of the rector of the English tugton, Out.. were in town Church at.Lucknow, Rev. Mr. Con• hours Saturday afternoon ner, the latter assisting in the ser - ruing Isom a visit to Rev. vice,. , win, of Bluevale. Mr. wife is a Goderioh lady P ro at present in that town MI i Mrs. Geo Cox and RIGHT KI necessity of pr Parth with a aped and indil; to provide for t sad Government Chamberlain,. pr . ordered prisoners fined in the coon nished with civlli says that unless built it will be ne an addition to the g can bo kept separate elasaee, The next tl hear is that the conn has received notitieat building independent the aged, infirm snd in only crime is that they to take care of thomsely SIR OLIVER MOwAT. by tion as to the sale of tobac cigarettes, etc looked physical health of the boy might have taken a poin file Elizabeth, N. J. counci recently passed an ;ordinance prohibits girls under 16 fro tending public dances withou parents and guardians. The alties of fines and 1mprioson are to be imposed on often girls and societies holding' • pie permitting violations. At the o ing picnic of the season•,, the po raided several public garde ejecting the girls. Many were s prised and willingly went out, b others used all .sorts of subterfuge Their names were taken for investi gation. Ono association appointed a committed to assist the. police. .t The rains caused a sensation. A. CONFERENCE of the people called the Plymouth Brethren but who, we believe, are content 8'o be called Christians, Was held in Cliuton several days last week and conclud ed on Monday. They do not be- lieve in an ecclesiastical system or salaried clergy. Their preachers are supported by voluntary offerings and they do not solicit, nor will they knowingly accept, offerings from any one who is not a spiritually saved Christain.' They invited the public generally to attend. On Sunday there were about500 persons • in their hall where able expositions of the primitive Christianity, which they hold is a good enough for mod• ern times, were delivered. They hold that the ordinary assembling in churches on Sundays or at other times is not God worship, but a mere formality devoid of the essen- tials of a spiritual foregathering with God. They break bread every Sabbath which they consider one of cisseutials of worship. There were attendants here from various parts of the Province and the adjoining States. UBLIC SCHOOL REPORT. r • Promotions from Senior Third to prior to leaving for ,Fourth, Miss O'Neil's Division. The examiner does not know names No of TALK. -The of pupils, • Marks obtainable, 480 , oviding the county of --32, 353; 12, 328; 22, 333; 30,330; poorhouse for the 11, 329; 38, 338. 8, 323; 10, 308; ent who are unahlo 34, 308; 36, 30S;7, 304; 6, 303: 37, believes has veeeiv- 291; 3, 252; 31, 278; 13, 274; 17, recognition. Dr. 270; 28, 269; 40, 2'69; 4, 259; 21, ison inspector, has 259; 26, 254; 1, 252; 9. 252; recoln- of that class con• mended 23, 274; 19, 256; 25, 256; y gaol to be fur- 18, 253; 14, 251; 29, 243; 5, 240. ani clothing, and Promoted to sr. 3rd, marks ob- a poor•houso is tainable 380:-M, 264;. A, 231; d, nursery to build 244; 1, 207; 14, 201; 4, 200. aol, where they Promoted to jr. section of er. 3rd: from rritniu 0al _-e G K, B, Z, U, 2, 3, 13, T, F,b, ingcofe pen e� er, q, U, 6, r, R, D, , E, k, J, H; ty of Huron ion to erect a 21, S, p. of the jail for The next class in Third book will digent whose consist of the fallowing :-Y, f, H, are not able m, C, L, n W, Q, 15, i, a, 8, 0, 0, 88. V, I, 16, 17, 5. his textile - 'the remainder of the Thirds with the following from 2nd book will co, cigars, form the junior third: -8, L, S, N, after the D, OI 6, C, 12, Q, 18, A, M, 2, 11. s, but he TA following in Miss Wiisou's for from .division aro advanced a grade: - 1 which 4, 27, 3, 26, 16, 30, 23, 5, 9, 31, 38, which 10, 14; 7, 33, 34, 15, 24, 1, 29, 32, m at -19, 31, 135, 12 28, 36, 8, 37, 25. their promotion to 2ud book in Miss Pan" Leslie's division: -Lily Fostar,John manta Moffat, Annie Hay, Stanley Baer, ding Lottie Cook, Donald, Stewart N. 11106 «robb,Percy Johnston, John Ander- en- son,Maud Saunders, Fred Robinson, lice Gordon Cunningharne, Jennie Rob - ns, inson, Maggio Hillen, Augusta ur• Fremlin, Nettie McCuarg, Jbmes t. Spinier, Wm. Cook, Maud Cooper, • • Frank Dayment, Ed. Bowers. • W11at does 04 Sc.] mean by this terrible het weather Wby,'he 10110.•redhot mad beaauae HARLAND BI;OS, have .acetated control of this aectiah'for .the CELEBRATED LEHICH VALLEY COAL ° p and have purohased several cars to he delivered' this month. It is admitted by all to be Till; UST and it is claimed that it will give 25 per oenia more beat to the ton than any other Goal produced, Why use common coal when'this coal can be purchased at the frame price. Call early, so as to aecure low price. as owing to a strong combination of the Railroad and Coal Compantes higher prices are anticipated this fall, Harland Bras., Iron and Hardware, Clinton. Headquarters for PHOT AIR FURNACES, both Wood and Coal. Call sad get quotations. Viamin Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS -all of the best work-. manship and material. pt -All the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. j FACTORY -corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657-y ABOUT STRAWBERRIES.-SiraW- burriea are now at the height of their season, and the amount of good things in which they display au important part are many. They wall soon be leading a helping hand in raising church debts, paying off Sunday -school mortgagee, floating gently in company with a piece of orange on the tops of mint juleps, being jammed between two sheets of half -cooked dough by the board- ing mistress and called "atrawberry short cake." Any one that has ever eaten one of these cakes com- pounded by an amateur cook, and has laid awake all night wondering if he couldn't, die before morning and end the suspense, looks on the strawberry season with horror. There is now being manufactured what is called strawberry rum, and it ie claimed that after drink- ing it for one week a strawberry blossoms out on the end of the drinker's nose. Strawberries are sold at all manner of prices. In the markets nine cents will buy a quart, while at the church festival three berries are givn for a quarter unless it happene to be a fellow's own girl that is waiting on him, when he gets four -if he's with some of the other boys. If alone he'll get a heaping dish fel topped off with ice cream. A B c 0 1, G J K 11 N 0 P Th will b fit for no ot11 the cla be step end of t well the pul;lishe subject. indolent, tarty. Tb gill be pre Jute 1894. both classes pushed forw g C• C ^p 8 N dY a D C m U •1 y ,, r • 50 50 80 100 OU 4.04 25 25-510 :38 21 11 00 8 24 11 14-119 38 40 18 20 35 43 14 15-807 39 23 17 10 11 27 12 13-152 37 38 14 10 12 36 14 14-175 38 38 24 16 10 31 14 13-184 39 32 26 5 18 31 15 14-175 39 45 33- 10 24. 40 15 14-220 :35 31 27 5 8 . 13 15-135 36 82 35 00 6 313 14 14-173 35 33 37 14 16 28 15 14 -192 32 36 25 10 9 14-126 34 43 40 10 26 17 10 13-102 37 36 39 10 19 47 .. 13-201 32 25 42 10 38 50 13 12-2.12 40 39 37 10 15 35 -176 33 35 10 00 4 24 12 13-141 Send 'Your Telegrams e above is the junior 4th, It e seen that the pupils are not the principal's room, but as er arrangement can be made e will be taken in, but will t at jt nier work. At the he terir if they. do not work names of the pupils will be with the marks in each Most of those pupils are ome do not attend regu- ie class and Mies O'Neil's pared for the entrance in Most of the pupils in are too young to be and before that time. BY In The Matter of E. M. Stewart, of the Village of Oonstanoe, in the County of Huron, In- solvent. Take notioe that the above named Insolvent has made an assignment of her estate and effects to the undersigned in pursuance of the Act re- specting assignments for the benefit of creditors, chapter 124, lt. 8, 0., 1887, and that creditors are hereby notified to send to the undersigned par- ticulars in writing of their olaimc, proved by affidavit, with vouchers, if any, pursuant to said Act, ou or before the tenth day of June 1892. And further, take, notice that .,after the said date I will •proceed to distribute the aovets.of the said Insolvent amongst the parties entitled there• to,haviug regard only to the claims of which notice shall have boon given and that I will not be liable for the assets or say part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose debt or claims I shall not then have had notice. EDGAR SAMPSON, Assignee, 51 and 53 Front Street., Toronto, Ont. THE C. P. R. TELEGRAPH 709.2t, EXECUTORS NOTICE, OFFICE AT Cooper's Book Store, Clinton. To Farmers and Planters ! As I do not intend to canvas the country, I can supply you with Pirst-Class Nursery Stock guaranteed true to name, for letter orders sent to me only, as below : Per 100 Standard Apples, 5 to 7 feet, $13 00 Standard Apples, 4 to 5 feet, 15 00 Plums, lst class,41 to 6 ft, per clot 5 50 Plums, 3,'1, to 4'_, ft, per doz 4 50 Pears, Standard, 1st class, [5 to 7 ft,, per doz 6 00 Pears, Standard,5 to 6 i1, per doz,5 00 Cherries, 5 to 7 feet, per doz 5 50 la•ZT All Small Fruits and Orna- mental Stock at equally low prices. It will pay you to order early. • AV- All Canadian grown -stock and reliable. Give name of varieties wante'i and number. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat.. Barley Oats.. Peaa Apples,(winter)pe Potatoes Butte Eggs, per lb Hay Beef Wool Dressed Hogs 080 to 085 0 80 to 0 85' C 40 to 0 50 3 29 to 0 30 . 057 to 060 rbag 0 40 to 0 50 . 0 25 to 0 30 ..... 013to014 0 06 10 © 06 11 00 to12 00 .,3 00 to 400 000to000 018 to 018 . 5 00 to 5 25 ALEX. WEIR, 709.3m Clinton P.O. CAUTI ON. EACH PLUG OF TRE jTlijrtIe }I IS MARKED $10 Reward. Great , . x'izi . SAle new on. Aler ALL OUR PRINTS TO DE CLEARED AT COST, 124,c, Prints going at Lie., about ¢,000 yards, alt choice patterns, and war- ranted fast colors. 1�Oo, Prints going at 80. These are goo is made for wear and not for sale only. Sateens ! Sateens! 20o. Sateens 16o., 15o. Sateens for 1210. The cheapest SATEIttNS ever offered in Clinton. JUST RECEIVED, some fine goods in DELAINES, both dark and lightt grounds, all wool, selling at 25c. Pursuant to Chapter 110 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. Notice le hereby given that all creditors and other persons havingclairnslupon the estate of John Irwin late of the town of Olin- ton,in the Comity of Huron, Custom House Oflloer,deceased.who died on or about the 46. day of April A.D.1893,0re regnired to send by post pre- paid or deliver to John Parker Thomas of the wty of Belleville In theCounty of Hnstiugs,Solicitor for Messrs. Donald Gunn and Wm. McCoy of said City of Belleville executors of the list will and testament of said John Irwin, on or before the 30th day of June next 1899, a statement of their names and addresses, a statement of their ac- counts the fall particulars of their claims and of 111,1 ecnuritiog (if,auy) held by them ; and after the said host named date the said executors will pr0- 0,ed to di+tribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the ohoims of which notice shall have been given as above required and shall not he Belie for theassete ur any part •thereof so distributed to a0y porann o1 whoa. claim the said executors hall nut nutirooat the time of the distribution thereof or 0 part thereof, Dated at Belleville this 25th day orMay 1892. J. PARICII[t THOMAS, Solicitor for sa'.d Executors. I will pay a steward of 810 tor information that Will lend to the conviction of the party or parties who poisoned my Spaniel dog, "Iicatow,' on or about Juno 17111, 1892. JOHN F. SPOONER, Clinton, June 20th, 1892. 711.21 • EXECUTORS NOTICE. ,. All persons indebted to the Ev'ato o'Cahe late JOHN IRWIN, in 11s lifetime of the Town of Clinton, are required to settle the sumo with C. A. Hawn, Esq., 13arrieter, at Ci .:ton. All elafnl9 unpaid on 1s1 July next will bo placed In court for collection. Dated 15th J&um, 1392. J. PARKER THOMAS, Solicitor for Executors, Belleville, Ont vg B. IN BRONZI; LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENRIN 711..2t . E. House For Rent or Sale, Six -roomed house on Orange street. Clinton. Comfortable and in good repair. Hard and soft water. Garden in co5neetion. Will be Bold or rented on reasonable terms. Apply to 7001f JAMES COOK, Clinton. HOUSE PAINTING 703.11.• All persons wishing to have their houses papered and decorated inside or printed outside, in lirst-class style and et moderate prices, will find it to their advantage• to call on C. WILSON, Painter and Paper Hanger Shop on Rattenbury Street 697-3i n H. J. D. 000KN., BAIii1I5TER, SOLICITOR,-NOTAItY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, &C. -)TONES TO LEND,- 011ie° over Bell's Harness Shnp, QUEEN ATRbIET, BLYTJ. 100 Hats. Hats, Hats. Some fine lines in Fedoras, the correct Hat for this season. Fine Fur Felt selling at $1.50. Chriety,l tiffs from 25o. up. SERVANT WANTED. Millinery. Some new Summer Shapes and Flowers just arrived. Our 50c. CORSETS, the grandest value in the market. Ask to see them. Ordered Clothing. We are showing some nice goods in Tweeds. Nobby Suits from $12 up. Fine Black Worsted Suits at $20. Come and leave your mr alure. __0__ Enquire at once of Mrs. Dr. Campbell, Soaforth, Ont. A middle aged woman preferred. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford -now model. t rAll these makes in key and stem winders, Also pendant set watches. J. BIDDLECOMBE, !CLINTON. GODERICH MARBd.E FORKS, Plumsteel & Gibbings, • MONTREIAL Ip OUSE. THE HUB GROCERY. J. C. Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, Clinton, is our agent for Clinton and vicinity. W.M. Mohring, ofjBenniller, is our Travelling agent. Orders entrusted to either of the above w111 have our boat attention. 0 Sugar is on the Advance. We have a Carload of Extra Standard Granulated Which we otter at WHOLESALE PRICES in barrel lots -also a reduction by the 100 Ibe. Now is THE TIME to buy your Sugar for,pt•eserving Fruit. tW' Hillwattie Tea always on hand. ip.7 Orders taken for best Scranton Coal. Monuments edppliedin CANADIAN'SCOTCH, �VF.0E, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites, i z r •ri rivtrietiee of marble. Give Mr, Stevenson a call before ordering elsewhere. LoUU's Starcfl Enamel. JOHN A. RORER PEON, Manager. o ---- Geo. Swallo CITRAY- STOCK ADVER 1- TISE\1ENTS Inserted in Tire NEws Raman at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock 1t yon want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call on Taws -Reword. This is an article worthy of every lady's attention. It you want to save time and labor, buy a box. if you want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last much longer, buy a box. If you want the starch to stay in the cicthes on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a box, If you want everything to look like new, such as shirt bosoms, collars, cuffs, lace curtains, etc., buy a box. tt'Erery Storekeeper keeps it now, and where the merchant does not keep it we want a ilvely agent to represent us. bfanufacturod by 55--tf W. J. LOBB ilolmesv,lle. MONEY , TO LOAN On farm property at 5} por Copt. Apply to C. A. HARTT, C•inton, NOTICE. CREAT RAILROAD' STRIKE 18 NOW OVER, BUT ---- SUGAR IS ADVANCI "t; G. ---- 0 HAVING PURCHASED TWO CARS at the lowest prices this year direct from REDPA'I'I-IS AND ST. LAWRENCE REFINERIES, Montreal, 1 am giving my old customers and as many new as will come, • SUGAR AT WHOLESALE PRICES. There being some misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to me I shall at once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning 1 shall give. CAPT. W51. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, Poderich, Coderich, Sept. 7th 1891. DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Dar Special Cuts in Barrel Lots to the Trade and Jobbers."` O J. W. IRWIN, - Noted Grocer, Three one•aere lots in t110 Town of Clinton aro offered for sale. They are situated on Raglan street. not far from the Doherty Organ Factory and Collegiate institute, adjoining the former residence of Mr. J. H. Combo and in the neigh- borhood of first-class residences. For terms, etc., apply to 661tf ARTHUR KNOB, Clinton. THE WALES HOTEL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CLINTON. No Combination Here! 1 CAR BINDER TWINE COMPOSED OF Flax, Silver Composite & Best Manilla Brands l Leave- your orders with •us at once in order to ensure prompt delivery. Quality the best and price as low as the lowest.. • Headquarters for HOT AIR FURNACES, botli Wood and Coal. Call and get quotations. . HARLAND BROTHERS, Iron and Hardware, Clinton ALBERT -ST. NORTH, CLINTON. The undersigned has assumed the proprietorship of the above Hotel. The premises are being re- fitted and first-class accommodation can always he hart for man and boast. The bar is supplied with oply the best Ale, Lignor, Cigars, d.•c., and special attention will also he given to the dining room department. There is excellent stable aocotnmodation. The public is respectfully colited.e of e general c 684-3m JOHN T. LEE, - PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop WHEN YOU WANT A READY- [ BE SUIT OR AN OREIREiaSUIT GEORGE TROWIIILL has opened out a gen- eral Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by SIr. Gnulev, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert street Clinton, Ont. Binckemith and Iron Work in all its branches. Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public aro invited to .all before ordering any class of work in the above linos. 497 -tit GEORGE TROWHILL. Or anything in MEN'S FURNISHINGS, come and sea what we can do for you. We carry a very fine range. Just now wo are offering ----A LINE OF ODD PANTS !---- At a greatadeal leas than their value and itis worth your while to come land see. 0 T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. Groceries ! - Groceries ! Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, (go. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. Tic esRecorft for Pl7ul�� • a