HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-06-29, Page 3Weerree r+..= M. QRY-RAI' iwws. If Ttgia young lady has three brothers; -each one of whose picture is combined in the abo'vo ppo�rtrait. The manufacturers of PEARLI.. • °'". 'Jf'OA�I, THE LAT$5T SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY FOR CLEANSING AND PRESERVING THE TEETH. *Ill also a hendaomo Gold Watch to the person. who can make out the faces of the throe RST brothers FI ; to the second an elegant pat of genuine DIAMOND EARRINGS; to the third a PIANO LAMP in Antique Silver ; to the fourth ,.either a SILK DRESS PATTERN or a MOSAIC= Box playing six pieces ; to the labia a beantlful pair Of PRARL OPERA GLASSES; • to 'the sixth an elegant MANTEL CLOCK; to the seventh a pair of SOLID GOLD CHAIN BRACELET$, with Padlocks, and to the eighth • a COIN SILVER WATCH. . .Each contestant is to cut out the picture rebus and make•a cross with a lead pencil on the three brothers faces, and send same to us, with ten three -cent Cunadtan postage stamps earlifoam, before J or 3o cents in ellver) for ono package of July aoth, 2892. The envelope postmarked,first which contains the -three brothers' faces correctly marked will re- ceive the first prize the balance ip order as received., For the !last correct nnswrr we will also give a handsome Gold Watch; to the next to the last a complete BUSINL SS EDUCA- TION; to the second to the last an elegant pair of genuine DIAMOND EARRINGS ; to the third from the last a PIANO LAMP in Antique Silver ; to the fourth a swiss MUSIC BOX playing .six pieces ; to thefiftha SILK DRESS. PATTERN; to hesseventhalan (elegant MANTEL CLOCK. and a valiiable I>rias will also be given to evory person who is able to a,tswer this Picture rebus correctly until Zoo prizes have been awarded if there should be that number answering correctly. Nothing is charged for boxing and packing prizes. We shall offer • extra premiums to alt who are willing to help entirely Paws, duce Our of ect is to iintroduce and - attract attention to Pearlifonni, which is the onlq preparation wboae manufacturers are t willing to offer a reward of gree to any dentist sous cantthe tetethit Ladiesawhot haves used Poarlffoa2n cannot say too much in its favor. A mouthful of pearly white teeth is the sure result of its constant use. It is re- commended by the leaders of the profession everywhere, ask your dentist what he thinks of it. PrizesPin the above Pis ortraittyRebuis are to be carefully awardedstrictly as deserved. Ad- dress, E%QQUI$ITE TO LET MTG. 00., 170 Tonga tat., Toronto, Ont. .The Huron News -Record al .G0 a Ye..i-$1.25 to Advance. WcdlteSsTaY, Jute 491h. 1S1:1. CURRENT. TOP1C1S ,Many causes have been alleged for the notion of 1I r. •• 13laine iu terminating his relations. wLt'tl the . Presideut so. abruptly. The foal Cause, however, was not ttivcloeed until to -day. The • Canadian u1Ti• Clads who came to Washington to�, trill: over the questions pending be- F / tween the State 1)eparttnent and the Dutniuion had had one conference the -day preceding the resignation, and met on Saturday, June 4, to contioue the discuaiei0n. ills. Blaine atteude(1 the Cabinet fleeting, ori Juno 3, but reiuuiuud only half an hour, excusing himself because of his desire to proceed v'it t the busi• Hess of the Canadians. 'At the Seturdsy meeting con- ference he was making; a statement of his views of the points in dis- pute, and what in his judgment. was the question at issue and the renod•y for the differences between the two tour tries. There was also present John W. Foster, who has been at tending to much State Departweht work during Mr. Blaine's absence and illness, and in the midst of the remarks -ref Mr, Blaine, he is said to -.have.- fxltort it !3, "r + ';;` suggestion tha"'' the 'views 5tlst ex- ' predsed ivonld hardly hsvo the President's approval. "Gentlemen," said the Secretary, "this Conference is adjourned," and . he quickly left the room, penning ilia resignation, while his indigna- tion was at iia height. ittr. Rioter assured the Canadians that Mr. Blaine's action would not make the • slightest difference in the object of their visit, and that they could re -- turn to Ottawa at once and resume the discussion by correspondence. They accordingly left on .the 4 o'clock train. There were other causes of 1rritat.iuu which Mr. Blaine thought hero intended to melte his softy iti the department disagreabl', but after the 1 t oilia- ` tion he was subjected to in rho presence of the Canadian of"ci'sls, he could not remain in the oaico another moment. and ilei that rot - son the exact limn, 1'2:45 p, ii., was written on the !otter thst it liught hereafter ap.'er that between the boot t of the riljuurnutcnt of the conference and his r'Isigllation there wss but a very (:lit f si:,i'ee of time, .� —Ow Satertlty evening; ;ti r, I'rltricic O'Leary, of 0t9asher, was in l,'ulerburo, end with his neig!I- 11 took the evening (.r. P. in for Indian River. At that station 1412 arid °:iters •rr.te on t11 platform when the expr'•.rs )''til' 11 out, and a It(.)t,;hbUr with when) 11e inns talkil.•g gu i ! tisture1115' sh,,ve.l hila back wilds, '1'1212 uiilortnl:.".ta mall f1'll ori the I>lat.f"11:1 to 1h'a rails,'atrd h fiei;giii Il"llO ••;i111,i1 was ,A AT' HEA.. PiitST MISS SUBURBAN'S APPRECIATION OF THE SOENES IN T -IE NEW PLAY! . d wetting Pictorial gaudy from Ileal Lilo --A arcet Mobilo J+'ece and •Iiow Its Owner's Inmos .motions were IteAeot- ed The90on-•l.xI)ertenoe AS a Facial . 'Veaob ,.N Time UritTATN Is RUNG U)' FOR TIIE FIRST ACT. �cCC SS' THE LIGTIT COMEDIAN MAKES HIS FIRST O POINT. t1 12121 INGENUE BOXES 'rill: flAms OF THE LEADING JUVENILE. • lt;'•t to it AT T11E UNTR.tNCE OF TITS VILT,I.1N O0i THE • sCEN E, •,s U'111:'1 P12 1!1:1:"2•::) r.3 4'241' ort, P P12a II1:rtu :AN r,E11 A'' T•::: ,::1(, t:•:8 • 12Q.NEQi.ML Cana 1 Donegal Cilstle, the ancient seat Of the O'Donnells, Barts of Tyree!), UM, ovorluoltieg tbo waters of Done- gal, Bay, is one of the chief attrao tions pn the uortliwest coast of Ira. land, Lilo "the round towers of other days," it reminds the traveler of these great old houses that exist• ed ere the tread of the despoiler or the fury of war had strewn the path of their progress with the ruins of former glory. Since there Is hardly a tree° of Badlyahannon Castle, the p1ineipal seat of the O'Donnetls, Donegal Castle, as their secondriry resideuoe--now stripped' of its roof' and gutted or otherwise divested of its architectural Leauty—is all that reulaine of these festive hulls, where bnrda sung. or bagpipes discourse sweet musk, and whose ro s otueo sheltered "lair ladies and btavamen," It is an oblong building of varyiug height—portion three stories land portion five connected • with each other—and a model of which there is eufuo talk of exhibiting here at thn np)rroaching Word's Fair. Donegal Castle is inclosed by a river upon one side, and defended from appruaeh on the land side by a son11•cii'culai' wall where' Wes formerly the melt) entrance Oiel' Which tens a porch surmounted by Ionic colunins, On the ent.rlli',atnr, hbUve wan engraved the 31'1335 u. .ne O'1)o8nellS, while •frum a turret pole, visible to it great portion o1' the surrounding country; floated a largo greets Illi, this being probably tho last manorial residence where "rho hart> without the Croton" was displayed by - indepeudeut' Irish princes. of Ulster, that paragraph of St. freedom Of',.Ireland 'praoti9ally ap.-. 1atlfew where it is bald "the firet colnpliAed. O',l'eill 000,03 he ali ell be last alld the Net sb.all be should lead the assault. TlleO'Don. first " bas been well verified. Ulm• ?lei wd .t e, lag;hn ter, the last province to accept Fag iw ll o00eeoulqueneenoof waivthe jinaart)ousyts, aandd lislt atony, has moat firmly adhered contemptible pride thus aroused, toits customs and constitutions, neither would loyally support -the fells! 1N now (1111itleti2'ely th* tiret in 'other. Englieh esteelu, an it is also the • A CRC/WINODEFEAT.roost ricltly endowed with wealth and material prosperity of any Irish % The result was that instead of province, achiehving the victory they amici. Near Donegal Castle is the Salem gated' both were completely defeat- Near gap of al Ca ole is through ed and their followers routed with g slaughter. Both Hugh O'Neill end which the O'Donnells passed to and Red Hugh O'Donnell fled to Sala, leo in their warlike and predatory tuarica whore both lived aseneion, ex itir4ious front Te'erinaIlagh to Try era of the Spanish coot and died at ,connell, and which, like the parte at Salamanca'soliciting eicl from Philip Thermopylae, was one of great of Spain to once more invade the inrpOrtauce. In. the neighborhood country which the rivalry of both there in ale.) an old abbey built by iiad lort. But the Spenierda were the O'Donnells and bestowed upon Hick'. and diegusted with the treach, the wanks of thei Cist.erciau order, °roue attitude of the Irish to their who swarmed into Irelaud in the country, and Haverty relates that twelfth twittery. The power of the on the eve of the battle of Kineele moan% yet rennins ie Irelaed, but one ,Bernard Oge Mc111ehon sent to that of the () Donnell8 has vale- the English lines for a bottle of ished. whisky, and next day in thanking Having thus viewed Donegal hilt donor for the present, notified Caetle, let us take a gland) at those the English of the state of aflitira in who lived in it. The O'Donnells the JrieIi camp. He (deo states were grrat territoriul as well as that large numbers of the men of trading lords in Ulster 500 years Munster were In the enemy's ranks, ago, They owned the fishing rights and that Dan Jur1n del Aquila of the river, and exported vast could not "count upon their assist, quantities of salmon to Z'railco and sweet," which Is entirely incotnpati• Spain, their hostility to England tele with any other a..aunlpti0n than shutting them out from the nearer that the Jesuits were secretly at the and more valuable Markets of Great bottom of the trouble. -_[Vide Hay. Britain. They were fond of guar- erty'e history of Ireland, page 484 ] t'i'ling; with the 0'1sTeills, of the The melancholy picture which, the neighboring County of Tzyonl', or poet (1'Ic\yard) draws septet's after - with the 1LAGuir 14, of the Southern ward, he sees a solitary woman Comity of Fermanagh, and about weeping over the grave o£ O'l)on- them widitltt of the 81xrce'nth century cell, at Valladolid, in Spain, is a AN HISTORIC Prr.E. Ualloe_li O'Donnell, then Lord of sublime elegy and crowns the Luis. Ilonegal Castle is au 1211310210 pile, I)'r(oiue.11, Nought for and obtained fortunes of the House ofTyrconnc'll : closely connected also will) 281)88 English support to aid Idol in revel. "0, woman of the pi:•reing wail, niay be termer( the last bold stand ling the inroade which the 0.Neilis Who meanest (lel you wound of clay, were making upon his territory, With sigh and roan, of the Irish people fur that 142114,- g ))eudouee ut their country .which Sir Henry ) idney, then England's "swore long before 1u'uund a grave has nate pHpaed into ae►dreant, or End Deputy in Ituluul, and CalIn green'lyrconiioll one coups tinct eliness. . which was 01100 1.0110F .,11111 ICON legit O'Donnell entered into a treaty Nor Stlwhen ch tBeau 13ui1•Cbe's banners wave fittingly described by Richard L)1U1' under which O'Donnell resigned' Such grief as thine could ne'er have pined Shies, t118 colleague and friend of certain righty and claims in consid• Cotn))anionless. O'Cuunell, es "a brilliant but un - In of ass stinee from the Lard 1ie'`ide the wave in Donegal, attainable 1'aucv."- We say the last Deputy against his neighbors the In Antrim's !;loos or fair ]Jro:bore, Or I:fllaloc, bold 'stand, llecauso while share O'Neil's, in that period, ellen the No day 0.00ld pass hut women's grief hail been' scrimmages iuuurnereble following interesting c„Iloquy is said Would rain upon that burial ground . rl in 1(i 11, lino ]slur fur the Brasile at to have ur•ig;inated : Fresh floods of tears. Auf brim, Decry g1ue1 the Boyne, or Said O'NeillO'Neillto O'Donnell-1tPIt is some relief to turn from the cabbage ;arden tights with pitch- ale tribute or if—” y sad fate of the last Earl of Trycou- forks, es in '98in '48 and '67, bel, to know 'that the intercourse 1)une;al Cast1H ,)rrobably 'sate the Said O'Donnell to O'Neill•—"I between the O'1De1 bells and the only' effort which could really be owe you no t1ihute, and if---" ()curt of Spain, which originated in In the Police Court the name of dignified as 'a national struggle, or Sir henry Sidney wee glad to the barter of Donegal salmon for Iloln)r'8 will long be a memory. by tt•e glorious n1211)8 of war. The keep up negotiations between the Spanish wines, continues to our his fearlessness and absolute leek rebellion .of 1641 was .really 'au two 1(218)4 princes upon this inter- day. The direct descendants of the of reverence for the traditional armed religious revival instigatedestine, but not very cordial • basis, Earl of Tyrcounel'l are now the dignity of the bench was 003)12nn- by, prieete and secretly •directed by But in 1581 Etrglautl found it notes. Counts O'Donnt,ll, of ,Spain, who• silly getting him into trouble with thane:" • • eery to draw away troops from ire- have frequently. been prime 011811_ the Colonel. In Judge McI)ougall'e Donegal Castle has, therefore, it land to fight in the Netherlands, tern or other oflicer8 of state in that court also the btWyer's pugnacious melancholy interest for I1islitnen. awl The O'Dotnlell having a son country. But l)onegal Castle„ disposition caused more than ono • A portion of it has now neither a who• exhibited proofs, even at an their quondam Irish home, still 'sharp passage that enlivened 'pro-, roof nor a floor, but its windows early -age, of being a much more stands in all the majesty of its. eoedings that otherwise would have with their ancient mullions and sensible and daring bran than his battered glory, to attest rho fully of boon uuboarably dull. square gothic Or'ilameetation are father, and one who, when he sac- pride, and the fatal results of dis- raft, uOLMES'' I,TPII. still entire, and betray something of ceedecl1.S the chiefteiicy,the English union and 41i8131041 It was granted Mr: IIultnea was the third and its former magnificence. The had good reason to fear, they de- by J.uues 1, to Captain Basil Brooke youngest Holmes, of square pile is composed on the vi.ee(1 a plan fur the lad's abduction in 1611, end sold during the •last V)uggilam.iu Tho of At110r5Iwo 800s erre ground floor of a vaulted apartment, from Donegal. century to the faintly of the Irish Mr, It, II. I'Iolmoe, of Clarke e from one corner of which rises r'1 AN ABDUCTION, Earls of Agan, to whom it has since Tlolmes, barristers, Toronto, and narrow spiral staircase, connnni- y ning Belonged and in whose hands it is Dr. W. Z. Ilolmes, of New York, Ancor(Iin '1 one idol Winn a chi eating with the t)nngnotting (tall by was seen to enter the Bay of Done• rapidly falling into dNcay'' who graduated recently at Trinity a small arched doorway of sculptur- gal flying from the masthead the Medical school, Toronto, and his ed stone. There aro, Do traces of color% of Spain and laden with Span •- two skims, Misses Mina and Maggie the steps save those of the doorway I J. G. IIOLi1I1;S DEAD. = ga into the hall, which is arched with. ish wines. The captain tient his Holmes. 1010 the l,lwhich granite. The then disguised as Spanish sailors AN OVERDOSE OP MORPHIA TAKEN IN Born at Blyth, Huron County, ereaa hall with its noblegragranite. win- ashore, with samples of his cargo to MISTAKE THE CAUSE. Ontario, Mr. Holmes was only the gentry throughout the colnitry, ttvent dews was evidently a magnificent Of course to th°.chief of the O'Dou. . y -seven and had hardly reach - apartment, being 120 feet long, 50 John -G. Holmes, the well knoivu ed the zenith of his fame as a latee foot wide, and 27 feel high. Chace bells the mein were instructed to yang barrister,aiod about 5 o'clock ver, lie was a diligent student is pet a chimney at ono end, richly pay marked attention, and after the last Friday morning at his boarding while attending Clinton High adorned with the O'Donnell arms. company. at Donegal Castle had house, 257 Jarvis street, Toronto. School, and uutil he opened , his Th12 groat'hall is arched. overhead, tasted of the excellent vintage the He had taken au tiverdoso of [nor- law office he never did anything -but and frotn' it several smaller-iiji7+iit- purveyors evere instructed to offer phia, throngh mistake, and though attend school, college or --the lini- ments open upstairs, to exchange the cargo for some, of his physician and Dr. Oldwright versity, always displaying unusal O'Donnell'e salmon, which he caught worked with hire for ' some tide ability and application. Just four in large quantities in the weirs of they could not bring'hinl round. years ago this month he was the the river rend under the castle walla, Mr. ITolmes tools the morphia in gold medallist in modern languages Seeing that this was an excellent the evening, and as soon as he had at the Toronto University, and ho opportunity for developing trade, swallowed it, realized that he had stood head of the list and far in ad• the offer was accepted, and young taken too much. He called his vanes of the nearest competitor O'Donnell was induced to go °on Iaudlady'and asked that Dr. Burton, when he passed his law examina- bo.erd, being specially entertatkel of Blear street, bo sent for. Thou tions for barrister, by the captain, who invited him and he went into a stupor. The physi. Ito MIS a hard worker in his his followers to the hospitalities of clan caro.', end with Doctors Dixon oflice, often staying More until late rho cabin. To these it is presumed and 011lwiight worked over hint all iu the night. they did ample justice, and when night, but ho did nut recover con- 11e had lived with George Cartor all were "good and drunk," as 111 sciOusuela- fur the past seven years. saying is, the hatches were cloned Mr. liolmes had not boon ill, "I cannot realize.', said Mr. Car - down, the ship put under sail, and with the exception of is sore thrbat, ter, "that he is dead. Around tho tltr, heir of this O'Donnell), eft er a for which ho was being irnate,l by honan he was always 1'.11l of fun rnd calm "oyage, found liinniwlf a prix- 1)r. Barton. IIs h'id been in. tho joviality, and was 21(44 1it'e of tho otter in Dublin Castle, learning tiro habit of taking morphia for his place. Last ovenin;; at dinner ho Queen'it Engli,h root ltd of plottingthroat. '.vas in his usual 0(011d." treason among the gsllaw-glasses of he two were A COMP.%SION.r: STonY. the North. The tannest took plass onat '�;i,l0n- int 11113 ol'Oat(°wt Odill))alli0ll 2899 nal'• illy the int'rntent being � From here, however, be escapers, haps Frank II;lgur.. 1 .Tables 0^:'.I•'tol . " and retnrnine to his people after viten to be, RBC's together, both in The family worn nb•>ut to remove three years of captivity, the young, daytime met t.:1. ev:iiili,, and as it to'I'urentuf:ton \Vin;h'im'i•>l 1e' ire en was received With great a1.- hnp•t'rnc(I "Jr. II=1;:ou u•ay prc•ro)It front 1,1:3111:...:. But L11i+m,'lur2:a)ly r'!An)ntim,w, 11)3 212111•!1' y'i('alillg( ip 121 JI'•. 11010:(1 loom when i:d took event to,1' 1)r(P`� t,,1) lheehi(:21oin:'y (In(1 this fttP)ily nt tl>i:s iu 11.:un f01 tits fu 21 (lu.a�, be:n;T carri_,I out, lowers all )1111'.•1gIr1,g thiel u:f,hilr,'g "If was ah•,"t 11131," said 1\ Ir, 4h. Ilelm,'i 21.1: ouga,g 1 to a loyalty. :1 tont Pie wline . t11101 Hague, "41::11 \Ir. lfolma.a was in y"'d'''. 1 uly of 1'r 81.1,•:12', liee.10 young O'Neill, who eel 1eon b,,(1, but c.•11:1 not sleep. He had 1•.11b..1. nron.,llt opat elle v.-want'i11ldalieth h•'en trunhlt'd with S1+ep,1,)::n^ps fur Merl ('"c'ep'•=1 fowl leeebine(, 4.211 the ;•,gest ui'' 14 g,.e', a4 Its hal a -- 8a•0 cbiofLainw j'titt:ing h.an.1s and ,.1 '' t'o''-' .....,2)?f 9'lti•;IS. -rent insn V C it,,'-* On 100 11,11111, ,1'l4t A:11111 .', , t t.1n 1 no1,1 brinier, Miring, fJi,•,•s ni-2'1:• 28(2 uirrm t:i)i i,•I;;b<h 11.4ww. Poi; 1''.; (2,1')143 to 31' up 110 1'n1 "1' i° 'r•nl;tr,i••1m- ill r'y%111 1. !It:+ li l ,.' 7,1 fl' l tn,,h IU 1"alt,(:' a h>'r.:. irl 4 9'10et 1 1 .' � 'I, 1 �.II ., , en 11 (1 Cn1nIt':ttadl'1 the war sante, r,f't )'1?,):,, linin, ,°111 .rlt)1.'1'1 :. t :1 r R R•, , 1' -'' 1, i'1 n, .Y"1n..,' Inc 1, I,i 11 !.r ., ' •'I' 1 a t'1 ',1,.,,..11,71,1L., ., f 1- 2, t 1;11. 1;•) j,:rtl � 1 ',tp • •1.1 ,lc a p1'2r,: :•‘1:,...,:,,,,r,..:� It>;)i nut r: 4:120 2'') titer, :411'1 t 1e l,)'83) ^ '11'1. ." ' h p ly Ilii) • i ..r•1n', i):'1,1 7(Y they' ,4 , I, • ;. 1 tl:r, �;, lin rl.;t;' S,> till• 0 11.1 ret:;r"1 tl>at .'i' "1' ,'1i1' *Ti,.I' COPIII ry, '.e1:(1•., :Hilo vi .0r- ::1'•thi' n tt'aA 27i, '•''i' i 'r ,'1 i• r'> )nom :I1 ,1 r.• i', tri, 11111): 11114!; , ...1 4. 2 ;-2r 12 Il, '' ,1), •x,'(,11 1::1:w, 1'rti!' ' 1)12 slid. ra' was booming vttt'y .drowsy. Mtn; had better try and keep aIle awake Fsauk,' he 'eaeelaiuleil, as be goer up and went into another room.' However when Dr. Barton ar- rived, which was inside .half an hour and a few tutnutee before eleven o'cluok, the young lawyer was uu00ue0i0us, and all efforts to Po030 in )Liar the slightest ray of C0)1sai0usuesa )'ailed. The ouly preoeptible aeti0n to indicate lite was a feeble breathing. The stomach pump was wvikod and all the ideas of ruedicalscieuco applied, but insucceaCful{y. Bveu binding on t,ho• soles of the Ieet did not cause u noticeable movement of life, so intense was the stupor. '1'li.e medical mon (lid not cease their etforla until death told thaw it was uo use trying longer. I+I15. UOL2IIEt3' Pills&ONALITY • J. 11. Holmes Was one of the most striking figures in the city of Tol'out.o, 11 alae 3troag physically and ineutally, and his bull dog courage forced a weer to the front in law, politics and the various socie- ties with which he was connected. He first became prowliueut at the tita0 of the Equal Pights agitation, his speech at the first big meeting of the Pavilion being one of the principal ter(tures of the evening. Shortly afterwards Mr. Meredith took advanced ground oft the school and lagguege question, thus placing the loader. of the Opposition and the Equal Righters on much the saute pilafolm, Consequently when. the general elections fur the tato- vfuce come on in 1890 Mr. llolmes felt free to accede to a t('qu('st pre- ferred by Mr. Meredith peisonelly aid contest South Helen. in tee Conservative interest, Although his candidature was not successful the rising . young politicieu did manage to p1111 Jate the ulaj- 0)lty in Ow,Libor stronghold from 500 to 150. When the death of IT. E. C1, r'ce created a vacancy in '1'erouto, Mr. Holmes was lllrntionr(] among those available a.4 party r,An(11,1 ite.s. The e Young Cowserva'ivus were about evenly divided be weed i!leckstock and the redoubtable J.G , and when the former dropped out, it was even up whether Holmes or Iient would get the convention. However, an artangetlleut was made between the two and Kent' Wee cl10s0n. The banqueting hall is another vast apartment, and was lighted by several gothic windows, the 're- mains of which attest their shape and beauty. On doorway with a Saxon arch—tile only specimen 'of this kind ofarch perceptiblet3'rourh• Ont—cotlneuta tiro t.vo wings of the castle, namely, the portion three and that five stories high, so that ghosts going to tho banqueting hall would have to pass through a con- tinuous suite of rooms. At the end of the oblong portion opposite to the ltoep there is a thaws of built hip, evidently 'frons the careless style rind inferior masonry in which they are constructed, being the ser- vants' ap5(111180ts, su tl111 even Irish chieftains studiously held to the practices of R federal ane, and 0121]9' rd 11111(1'(4( '1l8h1nCh1J11 to 1:0 )5bs0rV' (1 b('t;7ee1) their Oten gearter1, 8:111 1110 4 of tlo-ir retain(re, Indeed it le largely arobahle, the masses ut 0.11 people would' lin no bear r 0!!' i1'1'1 y (r1)011LPIIR2t r "6 l!ll Ilo lords of 'd'y'roonnell, then 1.111'y are 00.1er their pre', l:t 15r1 3- 1:'1,11s who ale the dee••nllnt4 of .,� 1•;ng !i4h s,',1ti"gra. '1110 is after all .i '•I r'rur r•t: •cr! tli.11 in t!:it, isle' of M,;ure's "our l','212,15 28(212 then' at ,tl Lot Ills' (3"12,!r;'tt'.:1," sieve tVI•an• 11'', V:l1"11 ^f 1,'ifit(' O1' 1<Urfgrl, 21 r.fri •sly (I• i,"iit,�, sl!d is still • TV': ':it, ',•. t'., 11:t% .l , :\C (I: ti Err:. 1"1 r,'4 ..tli1,n'•) ;: a;• 1. : 1 , f ) backing down andhadnot. lima, noticed ,' %t tow•. ':'te• '' noticed raw over him, and, i)•f11'n it „o }' lee') :eat 1,-1\• ea-, 'erns, not teas Siol•lee,l lead eat off 1..).11 his i e 1.1.81:•147 •1 '. : C legis and cras!)ui hit heal. lf'l sr: s dead 281)811 p'.elt 2 l up. lie 11881.5. 14 i' a wife awl 322 2 children. Dr !, '! • r, • r; .,, ,. :11 Coroner, twee 110tifie(1, hilt did nut 2' .d 1121 it! nue-. think au inquest accessary, the Ohl 11•, IOWI'S' 8, 1)04 i" (0.2 °i 2.11 112' i1 .'1. 111) n:.1 2111 (1''11'4 in Tr1•i:, ,'l. 's•'•l to, • en' 11. •i•y w(:',1.)' 1.1.11,)•;;;'1' r Iiintin':Ip v1.0 }0 l •1:) 511.1 `1) •:... ;lie 1 11 1 :I 1 11 (.) '1 ,( 1 2. ui I". i' 1;:11 1' ,. .11 .f is ...1 1 e, ,, 1 1 ,,.3-11 1, , t i '1e ('a?; I1 ,P• a':, Ili : :i C. .1 •t•.>' 1,f tile 1..agli:l; 0(2)28n. In the ea•:'• "•1' 2 I1.e1 1t. L ' 1„ 11,2. c C. I 'I think I lilt, t'.!: ) 1• ' III tl Loa notch 4f (11' 4•'ot;h (if i '1 1, ,1 112, fn' r alt s:'3!I", 1 11i,1 rl"'•1. 18 t'lt':li t 2 1 1, •I 1. r1w'-ill ..l11 C.. ) st::'2!.,r Von 111'1 ' 111tet' 1e11 Doi'' 1'',• SI' . t , e )0'.11 . t1,' 2.1 !tee t(.! tlll'.,il 1)r. llti':,37, 1 Will -_.T,1 .^Ill 2813 . 2 Ii )�IV•,li 111 th 'I' i 1'..• • „ ' ,. , ! 1 . 1 it. I :1? all light. for 1111'.,, I' :l lie'h Not t.'. J1 ''1'.'i"n ".t. ,fp ii 0 t' r f.,,1.. ,:e 1 1, e.:,, 1. 1;211 lei 1,"'2;. ,]q.,. 1• 1..,1, 11(♦'1 :11' ..1 t;,.! 11, l;' „' („ ]; • '... "1 Wr(:t 4208 2111 8111.2,) T)r 111)'. , ttlo 1'`1•1':l 01 5.1141001 Ho r•h:v ort rower weal') Lc bre:;t'n, itr.;l t11' t ton and return,2d. Mr. ]iol'nes . the croak(] of non service. ° d ••r