The Huron News-Record, 1892-06-29, Page 1Tweetn "41.40 nee feenrump it 45 Iu *avant1st or The Hot Weather, tl'he Clinton.Ligitiir Store is 'well Mocked with all lines of 8eason.able goods* We have the best makes in 'the market of. ALES AND PORTERS, In bottles and wood. Or if there. aro those who would rather have Standard t• WHISKIES,'fiRANDIES OR WINES for general oreMedieal " use, we can supply the detnand at the lowest possible rates. When in need of anything in this line don't forgot that the Clinton Liquor Store is the correct plane to go to. J. W. RIMER. Cloderich. Mr. Harry Clucas is in town. Mr. Thee Jackson, sr., of Clinton was in the Circular town on Wed- nesday. Mea G. H. Oakes was in Goderich last week. Mr. Reynolds of Clinton was in town last Thursday. Mr H. Cantelon of Clinton visited Goderich the past week. Mr. W. B. Holland of Dun- gennon was in town last week. Mr. Jno. Oakes of Clinton spent Wednesday in Goderich, -e A. Worthington of Clinton was in town on Wedneeday. Mr. T. C. Doherty of Clinton was in the Circular town on Thurs- day. Mr. F. Seymour of Detroit is visiting relativee in Goderich. Mrs. L. Elliott left last week on a month's visit to relatives in Manitoba. A. strawberry resgival was bald last evening on the grounds of Mrs. McLean. Rev. Dr. Strongman preached his farewell sermon in Victoria street ciemrch on Sunday: • Manager Williams of the ,Bank of•Commerms attended the Synod of the diocese nal London the post week. Mrs. Lowe of London is %visiting fierelaughter .Afire E. R. Watson - - seelMiss " Potts aetutned' fling irr§ week, her School being closed b a+plow the Eetranco Examination to Ile held therein-. Holy Communion at St. Georges Hast Sunday. Mr. J. Kiley, was visiting rola• ,rives in Clinton on Sunder. Messrs. P. Sheppard and Hy Ball were in Minton on Senday. Mr. W. Heusie of the Bank o Commerce is 'en town this week. Mr. Bird has replaced Mr. Baird in the Banlc of Commerce in this .town. Misses Minnie Cooke, and Miss Maggie Martin of Detroit were wieiting in Cicrltdn the pant week - Mise Minnie Acheson ,a•eturtled Thome from Whitby College' the past •s>aceek, he spring -session of the Court l'.Chancery was held last week, • 'The bicycle races will bo a feature of Donsirnion Day's games. The lacrosse match will be hotly contested. The Music en Dominion Day wiM be ample in quantity and No. 1 in quality, • f Mr. H. J. D. Cooke, barr•ieter of Blyth, was in town last week.. Robt. McKay returned to his •homq, Chicago, on Friday. There was a very largo attendance at the A. O. U. W. picnic at the Point.Farm on Saturday. Rer. R. Howard preached his farewell sermon in .St. George's on Sunday. And tfrem to-moreow our Setatol pupils will have eight weeks .ef holidays. The games on the square, girl'a, boy's and men's, will commence at 10.30 a, na. Mise Smith of' Minneapolis is visiting her sister Mrs. R. P. Wil- kinson. Mr. and Mrs. Eaton of Toronto spent the past week in the circular town. Mise Atrill of Toronto was in Ooderieh the past week. Mrs. (Dr.) Holmes• returned on Friday from a ten weeks visit to I3ritish Columbia. Rev, Rogers Howard returned to Goderich on Thursday, and leaves this week to take up his appoint• went in Windsor. The Rev. gentleman will be much missed as (kiting his yeae's stay here he was was an active worker in the parish. .rNA04f,tvghx'Vy NAKOS,-l4f/fG'?1!,fiAk xN ,IYOZW VO . CLINTON'. UURON COUNIT, ONT„ WEPNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1892. l Godealeht The" Collegiate Instituic'Entranoe Examination ie now in progreee,, . There was a large exauraloo'party in town "On Thursdays Z,x'eter, Roserv,ille, H'anes% Nippon; . and Bruoefield eaoh haying repreeenta- tivee. There will be an open meeting of the Collegiate Institute Literary Society tomorrow evening. Dredge No. 9, the tug Belisle and throe scows arrived in port last week. Work was oomrnenoed 'on Friday and will be continued until the required depth is obtained, . The excursion train on Domiu• ida Day will arrive at 10.30 a. m, and leave on the return journey at 10.30 p. in. thusaltowing'tho vial• tors the opportuuity of witnessing the finest firsworka display ever seen in Huron. The li'enesotung's Warriors will be in full war paint on Dominion Day. The supplementary estimates con- tain a grant of $15,000 for Goderich harbor and $8,000 for Port Albert. Jas. WTiggins' yacht Speedy, and Captain Babb'e fleet of row boats will be ready for pleasure. seekers on the first. The steamer AreatUa with 23000 bushels of wheat from Port Arthur for the Big Mill arrived in port on Sunday. Although' the Beatty boats rarely brought iu a bigger cargo than that on the Arcadia they were often reported as striking some- thing that other ships with equal loads deftly miss. Mr. Loftus Dancey is vising at the family residence East street. Mr. E. 'Hoor of Chicago was the guest of Mr. Wei, Smith the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Welsh, of Stratford spent Sunday with rela- tives in town, The ,L-eadia commenced unload- ing at d Q. se. and finished at noon Monday. The schooner Ko fiw , Captain Jno M••cDonald, with a cargo of coal for P. MacEwen arrived at her dock on Sunday. Ur.. C. A. Barker, of Seafortk, was in town on Monday. Mies C. Lawrence; of .Lucknow, was %i'a Goderich on Monday, Mr, F. E. Coombe, of Kincardine, was in the circular •teswn this. week,. -3.112E911'.;9Ily (1''[uwll sen of.,•Fort Hunan, is visiting her cousins rehe ;w isees Craig. Mr, Chas, Wi1Iieals, Phen. B.,deft yesterday for Toronto, where heecas received an excellent appointment. 1Lcnrniller Seven years ago Abraham Fainter, of 23eriruiller•, a -small hamlet not many miles from Clinton, in the township of Colborne, was one of the happiest of anent To day he is one of the moat •disconsolate, and of' coerse, there is a woman at the bottom of it. Seven years ago, as hoes been stated, Fisher, led to HL,men's altar a ~blushing bride.; to- day he is scouring the country to find Whet has, become of her. Ini •cou- vereetion with a vee Press reporter yesterday Mr Fisher stated that they .had had no enamel to speak of during all thone years; that their married Life had ,been an unusually hippy one, notwithstanding ,their union has • not been blessed ,with children. And this is why he .can- not account for dais wife's strange action in picking up and getting out without letting him kn$w• her intentions, Be •eecuses hie wife's strange conduct bey stating that he fauoiod that she was out of cher ruled, as she was troubled wins a cancer. When at was suggested that oho might have eloped, Fisher scouted the idea. "No, no," staid he, steno would reser run away with anybody." According to Mr. Fisher"sstory, his wife left Goderich Tame -ley afternoon can the 4 o'clock train (presumably ' for London. Fisher, who was w-erking in the field, din not miss her until he re• turned to the house at six o'clook, when he was thunder'etruck to final that she kad gone, bag and baggage. He at once gave the alar m and hastened to Goderich to intercept her if possible,failing inthis be took the train on Wednesday for this city, arrived here Wednesday night He searched every hotel iu the city, but nowhere could he find his run- away wife. Mr. Fisher says that his wife is tall, alight of figure and dark complexioned. She would be wearing either a black Henrietta dress, with a netted Jersey waist, or a 'light•brown challie, as these were the only two dreesea she took with her, She had only a limited amount of money, and her husband thinks she surely must bo laboring under mental aberration, He is staying at the Royal Hotel, and saya it he does not succeed in find- ing her tiara afternoon ha will re- portthe 'natter to the police apd invoke their aid to 'find her•. --Lon• don Free Presse. Whjglalttil. Intended for lest week. Mr. A, Carc, who' has boon, on the eek list for a couple of weeks is again attending to business. There will be a laorosse match between Palmerston and Wingham, hare, on the let of July. The L, O. L. of Winghatn intend going to Kiaoardine to celebrate tris 202nd anniversary of the BJyne. The infant child of Mr. Martin died oh Saturday. Our firemen secured second money at Walkerton last week ; they ala) got half the prize money far best dressed team, • Stratford be- ing considered equal. Mr. Wilson's Snare Nellie 13, took first money in the green trot at Walkerton. T. C. Sperling, of the Eelipao restaurant, has put in the electric light. Mr. M. Loyd who has been preaching in Michigan is home on a visit. The Rev. W. Hill is visiting at home. Baylfield. •Mr. War Atwood is home on a short visit, Mr. Edge of Seaforth is spending a;week in town. Miss Sheppard of Torouto, who has been visting her brother here for some time, returned home last Wednesday. Miss Hall's well known evang- Eats were in town one day last week with a picnic. Mr. and Mrs, David Ried of Goderich spent Sundey here. Mr. Baldwin of Seaforth was in town on Sunday. Two frame houses on Louise St. in fair condition a'nd good sur- roundings owned by Mrs, G. Thom - peon .of Manitoba were sold one day last week for the 'surprising sum of $150. The re'nairts of lilts. Thompson of Goderich Tp., passed through here on then' way for interment in Hayfield cemetery _un,,.,5?,onday last - A tribe of horse jockies were in town on Saturday and Sunday. Several trades were wade and res port has dz one of our villagers got sold. Mrs. Martin, on Main St.., ria res pairing leer house and store adding several new improvenients- • Severs' prominent sports from Seaforth were in town on f+srnday per safet•ss. We do not li'lseto give them away but we believe 'eke Sea., forth gide should know soeaething of it. Ree. Mr. Thiberieau, ,pastor of the Methodist station bere,opreached his farewell sermon on Sunday to a small audience. • Mr. Bert. Colodny, ofGrodericb, was Ira -town on Sunday,. Mr, Murdock Ross leftean Friday for up lake to bring home his yacht Dautitlet;a which bas been undergo- ing repairs, lea] •old carmegalleon square. rigged fore and after owned by Mr. Jas Sturgeon caused emaasiderabie excitement on Saturday night by' tenanting ' head tirs't, on the road. Why the humane officer has not authoriaea this specimen -orf an anim- al to be -suet we do riot know. On Saturday last a few picknielc- ers. from Seaford.), •CI•i•nton and Bruceliiield spent a day .at the lake here. On •Senday at St. Andrews church a service was bold for the children, ,the churcis being beauti- fully decorated. "We've got something at our house you haven't got," So said the Geat.ina;;ra►jt boy. And we are proud to •ea!e, after viewing bis menagerie, ,that he did honor to his George Washington training, The novelty being of a double headed calf, perfectly Formed in every detail, three ears, four eyes, two .nroutlls and four nortrils. Tide omriosity died shortly after birth. Mr. Aleck Ferguson, whileelimb- bag after a coon, fell to the ground some fifteen feet seriously spraining hie arm. Well; Aleck, you had better not chase coons any more. � Goderich Township L. O. L. 306 will hold their regular meeting on Tuesday, July 5th, ihatoad of the previous Mon- day. IleliIeesville. The service in the English Church here will be in the evening at 7 o'clock instead of 11 a. m .ha usual. 7'r►eltcl*r►etftlt. , llI;th, . Sslrool shirts for summer holidaj'e on Thursday the .30th of June, The Xlran and hie wi$resu to- gather with a number o£ hie friends plc nio'd at Bayfield last week. They spent a very enjoyable time in the Park and rowing on tine Lake. This was a select crowd ", but as no ono person h`'a'dentho privilege 'of doing the asking we could all have gone if we had wanted to. We hope that the young gentle. man who had the pleasure of seeing another young roan take away his best girl to see the Town had no thought of committing suicide •by drowning. (But he can if Ire likes). One of the picnickers had a nar. row escape frdw getting a good ducking. 13e careful in the future, William, when you are away from hove, On Saturday last 111r. Will White would have been caught by the 10 o'clock train had it not been . for Messrs. F. Britton and Ed: Ball calling to him to stop. Upon look- ing up the cause ho perceived the train coming about ten rods off and that ho was within a rod of the trach himself. It was a close shave, for had it not been for the two men calling to hirn he would have been struck.,, This ought to learn him and others a Lesson to always be on the look out for a train when about to cross the track. •Mise Sarah Watters left for Dakota on Tuesday the 27th. • Messrs, Fowler, Noble and Brit- ton took in the trip to Port Huron last Wednesday. Mr. W. White has engaged for the haying and harvest with Mr. Geo. Crich. Mr. J. E. Ball's dog gf, his month full of porcupine quills on Monday. • Stanley. Mr, Robert Disney of Chicago, on his route to Boston, visited friends in Goderich Township and Stanley. Tho Garden Social held at Mr. William Clark's on Wednesday 22nd, was not as successful as it might have been, owing to the weather being so unfavorable. Mrs. Eckardt, of Markham, is visiting friends in this vicinity. 1EIr,. Thomas Brownett had his tam ''raked last week, and ere are busy finishing it. Mr. Wm. Coats, of Clinton, and H. E. Huston, of Exeter, have been ap- pointed by the County Council to meet in Kippen on July 6th at 9 o'clock, a. in., to arbitrate in the matter of school section boundaries between Hay and Stanley townships. The oouaacii met at Varna June 27, at 1 o'clock p. m. Members all pres ent. A bylaw was drawn up and passed authorizing the township treasurer to borrow $500 for current expenses ,for township work. The petition ,of the ratepayers of Union school section No. 0 Hay and Stanley was laid •over for further considera- tion. Alex. Mustard's account of $180.29 for timber and lumber for tp. purposes was ordered to be paid. Me council then adjeurned to meet again on Monday, August 22nd., at oaae.o'olook p. m, G. J. •Sin WART, Clerk. • London Road litems, • Mrs. William Gleeson, of White oleurch, is visiting ,her brother, Ur, Wm.'•Grant. The young people -of the London Road held their annual pic.nie at Bayfield on Saturday ; all kinds of Sparta were indulged in, with selec- tions ny the bagpipes, until dusk, when all returned hone well pleased with their day's fun. Mr. F. McKennie returned home to tDakota on Tuesday. A certain young lady in frequent- ly peen peraenbulating the London Road at nights lately, all alone. The people are wondering what she is doing, but t guess they have for-' gotten that this is leap year. • Mr. George Grantam still lingers very low, with nb hopes of recovery. Sitrnrraerhil. The annual picnic in connection with the Sunday School and Day School here will be held in Mr. Mc, Loughlan's grove on Saturday t 2nd prox. A splendid time is pected. Let everybody come. Mr. Wnr, J. McBrien's horse grit frightened one evening last week when tied to a post at the store and broke the bridle leaving it at the hitching post. It then made for home at a 2:40 gait, It was hitch- ed to a fine top buggy but strange to say it turned three (3) corners and turned completely round three (3) time before it was caught and there was no damage done except a bent axle. Divine service in the English Church will be at 11 a. m, instead of 7 p, n1, as usual. Miaa Anr;iial'1nu►iiton returned flow Toronto en 'i'r:uradaa. Mr: Win. Moutry and family re• from a week's visitRainougst friends in St. Marys, on Saturday. Some of our sports took in the races in Winghaw on Tuesday. Mr. Duncan Meilar, W. - Strath. ray, was visiting friends . in town tins week. Mr. Lamont, of Winnipeg, is the guest of banker Tanner at present. Our local cattle buyer, E. Watson, shipped, a couple carloads of cattle on Monday to Montreal.' On Sunday evening after the churches,,,owae closed a number of Plymouth Brethren from Clinton took up position on the market square and gave the' natives an open air service for a couple of hours. They drew a large crowd but we don't think that they made many converts, • The Young Peoples' Christian `Atrociatlon of Trinity Church in- tend holding a garden party at the beautiful residence of James Potter, Esq., East Wawanosli, on Wednes- day (to.day), admission 15c." and 10c. Proceeds in aid of S. S. Library. As this ie a worthy object let us all go and have a pleasant time. Holy Communion in Trinity church on Sunday morning next. Friday next being Dominion Day this burg intends to put on its hell - (lay appearance. As there are to be no sports here most of our citizens intend taking in 'Goderieb or Wing ham. Our public schools close on Thurs- day for the summer vacation. Miss Lizzie Watson was visiting in Clinton on Monday. Mrs, (Rev.) Higley and fancily are visiting relatives for a short time in the neighborhood of St. Thomas. Rev, T. E. Highley intends (D. V.) to preach a special sermon to the members of L. O. L. of Bel - grave and neighborhood in Trinity church, Belgrave, on Sunday after. Hoon July 10. 4 SCENE IN THE HOUSE. Sir Richard Cartwright got him- self into a tight place in the Ilouse the other day by relying on Grit enreeseatatements. 1 The question be• fore the IHnuse was the fairness of the distribution bill. John Charl- ton asserted that the Grits had a 'majority of the popular vote in Ontario but were gerrymandered out of representation in Parliament, Clark Wallace denied this. Sir Richard rashly supported Charlton. We are Garry Sir Richard is not a reader of THE NEWS -RECORD, for ho,will find iu our issue of April 6th, 1892a;tabulatedstatement taken from the blue books and the returns received by the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery up to that date, caro• fully compiled by us,whieh shows a popular Conservative majority in Dominion elections of between 6,000 and 7,000. Mr. Chariton starlted the house by announcing that while the. Libera]s•ofOntario were in,a minority in House they were in a popular majority in the coulitry, d How did he make that out, aske Clarke Wallace. Here Sir. Richard Cartwright came to the rescue and said that tits figures ofGeorgeJohnson, the Dom., inion statistician, showed that "George Johnson never mad any such • statement," was Mr. Wal lace's report. "Oh, yes, he did," answered Sir. Richard. He had seen the state. anent. - Clarke Wallace defied him to pro. duce it, and as Sir Richard did not happen to have his figures by hint he dispatched a page in hot haste somewhither. In the meantime he took occasion to remark that the member for West York was beneath hie notice, anyway. 'Twos that that roused theldander of Clarke Wallace. IIe had never been obliged to travel up and down the Dominion Iooking for a constit- uency, he said. He had eat for the same constituency ever since he bad first entered tib,House. No otherconi3t{'ueney would have him, snarled Sind ichard, "But he never had to wring the bands of people weeping because they had to vote for him. This was Sir John Thompson'a contribution to the debate. By this Sir Richard bad got the figures for which he had sent, but they turned out to be the production not of the Dominion Statistician, Mr. George Johnston, When he had finished Clarke Wal- lace asked Sir Richard to prove Mr. Charlton's ures of theatatisticiay n and he hadent by the $ not done ad. Sir Richard replied with a suspicion e Wiaxwzp v &!z'Opp, krtUlf�t+dkk THOLE NO:, 712' of warmth that he bad edpitted that • the figures which he had pro.cluc.ed were not those of the Dominion ,Stetiatician, But be bad seen such figures eomewherp, although he could not produce them then. reon of tis di brought Sir etitrRichard to the pointgue at which he said' that Clarke Wallace had wilfully and maliciously reisstat • ed the case. • Babel was ' revived. "Order, order," "Withdraw, withdraw," yell- ed the Goverritent supporters, Sam Hughes' mellow baritone leading the chorus. '.Then West York's darling craved silence that he might rise to a point of order and demand an apology "I am quite in order,' snapped Sir Richard, who was new as mad as the proverbial wet lien and looked about as nice as the proverbial singed cat. "The member for West York was twine corrected, but be twice re- peated the falsehood," Another bedlam was let loose. "Sir down, sit down," barked Moe Mullen when Clarke Wallace rose to press his point. Acting Speaker ,big, broad Ber- geron •of Beauharnoia let the uproar run its course- Boyle, of Monckj was aching to inflict here. figures upon the House, John Charlton also yearned to unburden himself. Both were many times on their feet but the House would have nothing of either. "t)rder, order order." "Chair, chair, chair, ' the 'Minrsterialists shouted in gleeful chorus until their voices fell away in sheer fat- igue. Finally the chairman rose to rule. Much had been said an both sides; each side •'should withdraw, Such was his ruling. Picture the House in a state of wild confusion, business standing still and every back bencher yelling till his weazen cracked ; Sir John Thompson sitting with mask unruffled Mr. Laurier laughing merrily ; Sir Richard savage and Clarke Wallace coolly pertinacious. Mr. Wallace got a hearing at last. "I challenged Sir Richard," he said, '•to produce his figures. He said he could but he didn't. The figures which he has produced are false." He paused a moment, "Now, I guess we're even," be said smiling sweetly on Sir Richard. The boot was on the other leg now, and it was the Opposition that clam- ored for .order. "They are square now, I guess was Bergeron's ruling. The House laughed uproariously. Boyle spoke for a while and it being six o'clock, the Speaker left the chair. NEWS OF THE WEEK —Parliament will not sit on Dom- inion dayn, —An agent of a syndiceto is in Manitoba purchasing all the milch cows he can obtain for shipment to Japan. —The . petition agrinst the elec. tion of Archibald illillar, Conserva- tive, of Prince Edward, has been withdrawn. —Tho late Hon, Alex McKenzie flied worth $53,585 of which $14,- 700 was iu cash. —The British House of Commons ,has authorized the Government to purchase the telephone trunk lines throughout the country for £,000 000. —Hon. Thon;al Ballantyne i Spealjetwof the Ontario Legislature, has been chosen to represent the Woodstock Board of Trade in i .ce, groat congress shortly to be h Engl. °!d. "' --claroandfui estimates pleeo t'he loss of property by recant floods be• tweon Cairo,I11. and Mentphis,Tenn, at $6,600,000. Nearly all this loss falls upon the farmers, and in nanny cases they have lost h•oo.es, crops and stocks, and even their Lands are washed baro of soil as to, malt() thgm valueless, They aro helpless, hnot left wait. g furand tslio helpould theybe prior alitor.tys- lice.;, ready to give to others,' IHI ItTIIS. /ensure—In Goderich township,. on the 26th inst., the wife of Itlr. Geo. Miller, of twin sous, DEA TIiS. THOSIi',90N .—In Huron township, on 21st inst., hfargaretThompson, relict of the Lite John Thompson, of Goderich tp., aged 87 years. COTTAGE FOR RENT A frame cottage on Albert street and half acre of ground and fruit trees. Hard and soft water. Stable and driving shed. Will be rented reasonable with or without ground, Apply to CHAS, SPOONER Ornnd union Hotel, Clinton, 712-tf STRAY CATTLE Came 81, con. a,rTo the hip of Hallesure of tt, on orrabout'the Stith of June, SIX YEARLINOS--three steers and three heifers. Tho owner is requested to prove property, pay espenaos and take them away. W. J. McDRIEN, Hallett, June 220d 1802. Euro P,O. 712.,4t