The Huron News-Record, 1892-06-22, Page 8d
successful CONSUMPTION QUp,E,
iswithout a parallel in the ]ristoty o1'
medicine. All druggists aro author-
ized to sell it ou a positive guarantee,
a test that uo other cure eau success-
fully stand. /If you have a Cough,
Sore Throat', or 13roucbitis, usb it, for
it will scum you. If' your child has
the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief is sure. If you
dread that insidious disoaso• CON
SURiPTION, dor.'t fail to use it, it
will cure you or cost nothing. Ask
your Druggist for SHILOH'S CU1:1Fr,
['rice 10 ots., 50 eta, and $1.00. If
your Lungs are sore or Back lame,
use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. '25 eta.
Ori, WHAT A COUGH I—will you
heed the warning. The signal per-
haps of the sure approach of that
more terrible disease Consumption.
Ask yourself if you can afford for the
sake of saving 50c., to run the risk
and do nothing for it. We know
from experience that Shiloh's Cure
will cure your cough. It never fails
OrI'ERTORY 111 St. Paul's church
next Sabbath will be in aid of the
Sabbath sellout.
Tun ladies of 'the Rattenbury St.
Methodist Church will give a social
and Lawn party ou the first of
AN outside show has secured the
Clinton town hall for the evening
of Nov. 4. The is a rare instance
of being forehanded.
Clinton, recently of Chicago, has
. accepted a situation in Denver,Col.,
1000 miles west of the Garden
THE Bishop of Huron has are
pointed Rev. W. A. Young,13. A.,
rector of Goderich, to be Canon of
the cathedral church in Stratford in
place of the late Rev. Canon Patter-
FRIDAY night\Irs.Fair,eenr.,had
the mi,forture to accidentally break
one lee as she was preparing to re-
tire for the night. We hope the
results. will not be serious. Slie is
about 90 years of age.
Mu. L. 11IANNING is placing new
sills uuder his house on 'Maple
street, and overhauling the whole
inside. Mr C. Beacom,of Summer-
hill, has the' contract. In the
meantime Mr. Manning has taken
up his residence in the house on
the opposite side of the road, ro-
ce,ntly vacated by Tom Clark.
Duri-ng,.-aLie a minute§ on Sun-
, day afternoon, between 6' and
o'clock, more rain fell d�ti t•ino '=it'd
given time in Clinton than the old-
est inhabitant had any previous
knowledge of. It could hardly be
called rain, for the water came down
in immense sheets of liquid moisture,
as though the sluice gates of the
empyrean reservoir had boeu sud-
denly and totally removed for the
time. •
TUTE.—The following subjects will
be discussed at the Winghum inset•
ing of the \V• H. F. I. to be held
June 2ud : lir. 1). A: Forrester,
Clinton, on drainage ; Mr. W.
\Veir, Clinton, on the silos ; Mr.
.James Conuolly, Goderich tp., will
introduce the statute labor question.
We hope all will try and help us to
discuss these subjects, especially we
would ask the different township
councils to help discuss the statute
labor question; Mr. Hamilton,
Blyth,. .County life as
against Citve life at the evening
meeting. Other subjects will lbs
discussed both afternoon and even-
MONDAY morning before S o'clock
a scorn of waggons Laden with fat
hogs were on 1.lie Clinton market
ready for delivery to the purchasers
and shipment. Tho extra. demand
for Canadian fed hogs Allay be
Awing to the stipulation in the re -
rent contracts let by the Dominion
Government fur supplies for the
Mounted Police and Indians, etc.,
in the Northwest, that the pork and
bacon shall bo of Canadian pro
duction so that nothing but the
best will be furnished. This will
likely be gratifrying to Mr. Cam-
eron, ex -M. P., whose bowels of
commission for the poor Indiana,
in the matter of moat food 'worn so
fearfully agitated a few years ago.
Sonth Huron semi-annual county
meeting was held in Clinton last
\Veiluesday. There was a very
large attendance from Hullott,
Stanley and Goderich Districts. A
letter was road from the Goderich
celebration committee, stating that
they had abandoned the prom-
ised 13th celebration. on- account
of not receiving sufficient finan-
cial encouragement froiu the town
and also in consequence of monster
celebrations being hold at other.
points. It was unanimously de•
cided to hold the county celebration
at 'Reynold. And the brethren
there are making groat preparations
for a gala day. ''The other business
of the meeting ray of a routine
nature, and a six hour session bro-
right a very hirinonioua and in-
teresting meeting to close,
U114.141;9108, of 'l'QrePtQ, ie visit•
lois Mrs. Arehibelct and other
friends in towu. '
M Ise Writs, of Toronto, • is visit-
ing her brother and other friends in
Mr. J. S. Jackson and Dr. Frank
Beldon, of Seatorth, Sundayed in
MR. Jos. CLARKE, of t1ronto
Saturday Aright, was a visitor in
town part of last and this week
MR. AND'MRS. MAY, of the mile,
were paying a visit to friends in
Clinton last week.
Tan fiend with a rancorous mania
in the way of dog poisoning put in
over time last week And captured
four victims.
been attending the Blind Institu\e
et Brantford, is Eine for the hull
day term.
Miss. AGoiH MoGAnvA spent a
pars of last week in rustic enjoy-
ment at Mr. Middletou's, Goderich
A NEW sidewalk was last week
Laid on Mill street. It will be of
great service tp the residents of that
neiglibel hood.
WE,, were pleased to havo a call
last week from Mr. Johnston, of
the Goshen Line, Stanley, one of
the Huron pioueeis.•
Tun old Royal, on Ontario street,
is recovering from the effects of the
late fire. The building is being re-
AT the thirteenth annual meet-
ing of the High Court of Canadian
Foresters held in Stratford last week
Mr. 'John Smith was appointed to
the Good and Welfare Committee.
MR. W. J. PATTERSON, of the
Collegia,e Institute, preached and
performed other duties thereunto
pertaining in the . Willis Church
last Sunday.
Mus. Jos.' Whitehead left Wed
nesday last to spend some time at
her previous home near Ottawa,
iu the - prospect of retrieving her
departed good health. Mr. White-
head accompanied her as far as To
By bltyin.;'
it of our Cold Wave and S" m-
A DRESS of our White Embroidery, White Lawn
Must' or a Black Lace dress.
IN BUNIYIE MILLINERY we have all the latest
novelties om the fashion centres, suitable for the
warm we' her.
TIIE chairman of the cemetery
committee, Mr. S. J. Anlrewe,
has called for tenders for the
purchase of the hay in the
cemetery, to be received by him up
to Saturday, June 25th.
THE Caledonia .Advertiser writes
up a glowing obituary on a resident
of its town and cicses the article by
saying, "The deceased has also
owed us $2,50 on subscription for
about triVe-yealrya-Malt—
-IraM •TUE junior member of THE
NEws•REconD is indebted to Messrs.
John Johnston and J. W. Riter for
health invigorating, and pleasure
drives of late. This pure Canadian
ail' of lilts is medicine for the strong
and weak, especially the latter.
IT is Iretlictod by a weather
prophet great repute that July
this year will give us as hot weather
as wo have had in 40 years. The
hot weather, it is predicted, will ex-
tend into August, atter which. the
rest of the mouths will ho showery
and cloudy. .
Miss IJ. V. 1J'ox•rox, M. D", and
Miss Isa Simpson, a6 o e time of
the Model School staff and 'econtly
of Winnipeg, the former aving
quite lately attained her degr a and
the latter engaged in the p osecu
tion of 4tudy, returned to town last.
A storm of unusual severity came
this way ou Wednesday night last.
It lacked nothing to Inako it a great
success—as a storm—combining a
heavy rainfall from above, down•
wards; and on both sides of the
streets; a high wind and great elec-
trical disturbances. It has been
hinted that should it have the hardi•
hood to again come this way Clin
ton's enterprise will harness 11 sonie-
liow and sot it to -work as a motor.
John Wynn were among the many
who came down from the County
town on Wednesday last to view
the contest and back tlioir town
Lacrosse club in their match against
our Dauntless. It was however the
uuoxpectod which happened this
time, and the proverb will prove
itself true again on July lat. when
the torous are booked to again meet,
unless their expectations, and those
of the Goderich people generally,
change. .
I)oG PoisoNEns.--Some ill dis•
posed people are to bo found in all
communities. This class of unce•
sirable people have been distribut•
ing poison in Clinton of late. It
is generally harmless and valuable
canines that get the bait first.
Mrs. N immins' Newfoundland dog
was a victim of poison the other
night. J. F. Spooner's pet spaniel
has also died from poison. The
animal was a greal rat and greatly
admired and valued by Mrs.
Spooner. Several o`,hers have also
poen poisoned, If the minions of
the law can fasten on these
ruthless dog poisoners they will
probably refrain from their poison-
ous work for some time to Como.
SP AL DRIVES in Rosiery and Gloves this week,
We Aim to Select and Sell only such Goods as
will fill the expectations of the buyer from first to
last, and particularly that of quality and price.
®..gym.`- —.__.--- --._
ll a Baby Carriage for $3. 50
Our best value in Fancy Bass Hairpins are four fi)r five
,cents. Cheaper and more costly ones in great
See our Fancy Baskets, Lunch Baskets, and Pic-Nic Bas-•
kets. Big variety—small price.
e Great Bargains in small lots of Window Shades.
Brooches, Cuff' Buttons, Collar Buttons, &c., good and
We will sell our Curtain •Poles, with brackets, ends and
rings, for 25 cents each, and make you a present of
enough screws and pins for each one
" It is after the
Manner of Man
To Wear SHIRE'S."
We will not- say what the styie of those
Shirts should be. Different forms necessi-
tate the wearing of different styles of shirts.
All we say is, we can supply all kinds.
Wite spirts
JT1ae to OrilBr.
- '0 -
In Madras, Crepe and Silk and Cashmere
mixtures. See these goods before purchas-
ing elsewhere.
The most attractive goods in the market
to -day for using in Ladies Blouses are
in our possession. See these patterns.
The Noted Hatters,Clothiers and Furnishers,
Clinton- and - Seaforth,
Book Store and News Depot, Clinton.
MISS EVA FARRAN has gone on a
visit to friends in Shelburne.
Mils. J. W. RITER returned - on
Friday from her Toronto visit.
REV. J, EDGE, of Acton, was
noticed ou the street ono day last
THE 13th of July will be celebrated
by the county of South Huron at
J.ts. FMR, Sr , spent Sunday in
Detroit visiting his daughter Mrs.
Dr. Campbell.
11Pris. GEtf'-iuCtirt.tY; OntaTi $ St.
is visiting her son James, Elmwood
Avelino, South London.
L 0. L. 710 will hold a degree
and general business meeting on
Monday evening, July 4th.
SPRING LAIinS of anjr size realize
a handsomo pried. but lamb is yet
a luxury for the great Majority of
Messns. Remit tiC MILLER pur•
chased a horse the other day that
is said to be a flyer—considerably
under 3.30.
PTE. Yonxq, No. 4 company,took
a leading part and made a good
score at the recent Battalion (33rd)
rifle league thatch at Seaforth.
Miss L WowentsGTON is home
from Chicago, on a visit. Her
numerous friend will be pleased to
see her.
Winthrop, were visitors at Mr. Geo.
Hauley's one day last week. They
also visited friends at Goderich and
MR. AND MRs. Ho0NEY of Win-
throp, paid Mr. A. \C. Todd a visit
last Wednesday. The lady and
gentleman afterward visited relatives
at Exeter.
TETE firsttho Association lacrosse
matches came off on the Agricultur-
al Park here on Wednesday
tween the Hurons of Goderich and
the Dauntless of Clinton. A stub-
born contest resulted in' victory for
the home club by four goals, to one.
1t is staid that when the report of
the game result reached Goderich
there was a% once it sudden rise in
thn quotations of sackcloth en,i
Mn. J. P. Sheppard is nursing a
hand painful and swoollen with a
knocked in the head felon.
inously decided on Monday evening
to celebrate the 13th July at Bay-
Ma. \\WILMOT, at one time of Clin-
ton, is in town. IIis many friends
mill be pleased to sec him. He
looks well. .
mot, jeweler, rind Mr. Cross, black-
smith havo returned to Clinton
from the laud of the brave and the
home of the slave to the South of
us, and brought their - tools of
•trade with them. -
Jous G. HOLMES passel[ away on
Friday morning at 5 o'clock in his
boarding house, Toronto, from the
efl'ests of a self administered dose of
morphine, the strength of which lie
had fatally underestimated. A few
minutes after taking it he felt that
he had made a mistake and nt once
requested his friend Mr. Clague to
call a doctor; an emetic was admin-
istered and alt done that could be
to keep him awake but without
good result. The skin on his. logs
was worn off in many places by toe
rubbing to which t,eey were sub-
jected while his arms wore dark with
bruises given by those who sought
to rouse hint. Ile was still a young
man, being just twenty. eight. He
was born in Blyth and commenced
his educational career in the town
of Clinton and graduated from Tor-
onto University in 1885, at. once
commenced the study of law and in
1888 was called to the bar since
which time ho steadily rose in his
profession and attained distinction
particularly in criminal cases. Ile
had also ambition for political hon•
ors and first became prominent at
the time of the Equal Fights agita-
tion, contested South Huron in the
Conservative interest but was beaten
by Mr. Bishop yet pulled down the
Liberal majority from 500 to 150,
and when 'Toronto was made vacant
by the death of Mr, H. E. Clark,
\Ir. llolmes was mentioned as a
likely candidate but did not allow
his name to be proposed, and sup-
ported Mr. Kent. The funeral
took place at 3 p. tn- Monday from
257 Jarvis St. to St. .fames'
cemetery and was attended by sev-
eral of the fraternities to which be
1,8Q0 Yards Now Prints
Worth 10 Cents, '
Wide widths. Good Colors.
--o —
65 DOZEN -
Cents Each. You pay 10c.
for them elsewhere.
Also the Prettiest Lot of
English and klllerioall Challies
shown this season. These are NEW GOODS just in this
week. The colors are good and the patterns are lovely.
When you see them you'll want then'[. There's nothing
better for a Blouse or a Dress these hot days. Tlicy are
marked at quick selling prices. Ask to see them.
0 —
£Iate J. Hoclijaijs,