HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-06-22, Page 5;4 t T48 ►lurpn NewRccor,a .fie u Y4.ar-41„2-6 In Advance 1'1edne tl y, .fluff 13nd, 1S9 Godcru;lt Township. School sections Iaros. 8. 9. 10 will hold a union picnic on Friday afternoon, this week, in Mrs releh's grove, Bayfield road. Amusements and games of all kinds and full baitkets. Everybody conic. Spring crops aro looking excel• lent, and the general yield promises to be immense. The Orangemen of this township are all making ready fora great day at Bayfield on the 12th July. There was a heavy storm Thurs. �sr day night—wind, hail, rain and thunder. The rain was. needed ; the damage light from wind and hail. lVfr. Geo. A. Cooper, of the 9th con, bas a field of rye that would bo hard to bent. It has been headed out since about the 28th May, and aume of it stands seven feet high. On the average it would hide a regiment of soldiers, and the one acre of it will yield more than three last year. Fall wheat is fully headed out and looks well, the best for many years. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON. 080 to 085 080 to 0 S5 C 40 to 0 50 3 29 to 0 30 .057 to 060 Fall Wheat... Spring Wheat Barley Oats.. Peas Apples,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes 0 25 to 0 30 Butter ..... 0 13 to 0 14 Eggs, per lb....... . . ....... 0 06 to 0 06 11 00 to12 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4.00 Beef . 0 110 to 0 00 0 18 to 0 18 Dressed Hogs 5 00 to 5 25 Hay Wool. ... CAUTION. IEa.C11 PLUG OF THE lTlijrtle Navu • • IS MARKED IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE. Send lour Teleuams BY THE C. Pe?Re TELiEGRAPH OFFICE AT Cooper's Book Store, Clinton. House F.or Rent or Sale. Six -roomed house on Orange street, Clinton. Comfortable and in good repair. Hard and soft water. Garden 18 connection. Will bo sold or rented -on reasonable terms. Apply to 700t1 JAMES COOK, Clinton. H. J. D. COOKE, 3AnRIBTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, &C. _—MONEY TO LEND.— Office over8011'R TlerRE , BLVTShop, QUEENN SERVANT WANTED. Enquire at once of Mrs. Dr. Campbell, Seaforth, Ont. A noddle eget. woman preferred. — GODERICH MARBLE WORKS, To Farmer's and Planters! As 1 do not intend to canvas the country, 1 can supply you with First -Class Nursery Stook. guaranteed true to name, for letter orders sent to me only, as below : Per 100 Standard Apples, 5 to 7 foet, $18 00 Standard Apples, 4 to 5 feet, 15 00 Plums, Ist class, 4 to 6 ft, perdoz 5 50 Plums, 31 to 41 ft, per doz 4 50 Pears, Standard, 1st alas., 15 to 7 ft., per doz 6 00 Pears, Standard, 5 to 6 ft, per doz 5 00 Cherries, 5 to 7 feet, per doz 5 50 7 All Small Fruits and Orna- mental Stock ate equally low prices. It will pay you to order early. - All Canadian grown stock and reliable. Give name of varieties wanted and number. ALEX. WEIR, 709.3m Clinton P.O. MONEY TO LOAN On farm property at 6.4 per cent. Apply to C. A. HAR'I°1', Clinton, NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re- ••ard to wreckage, let It be distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and falls to report to me I shall at once take proceedings. Remember this le the last warning 1 shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, t.:oderich. Oodorich, Sept. 7th 1891. M. 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, Etc., Onus :—Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Ste. GODERICDI, - - O T• Money to loan at lowest rat ADMINISTRA1ORS SALE fieal Valuable Estate --IN TIIE— TOWN OF CLINTON. With the approbation of John Hoskins Esq. Q. C., official Guardian of Infants, these will be sold at public u.aclien by David Di( kinsou, anetioneor, at the Central Rotel iu the Town t f CLINTON, on Saturday 25th- day of June, 1892 at 2 o'cloak the following property viz. Building Lets or snbseotion0 numbers three, font nod seventeen iu Crombie's SurvoY of 'Poen ,eis.nu tubers, two '{undred uinl lifty two and Iwo hundred and. fifty til,co.in.-rho.-tostmef Clinton. iu trio County of Baron. 'There are erac'o l :man sail Lots three and four two eubtani tail brick stores two stori, 0 high hnv- irg each n frontage en Albert at e.•t MIL? feet and a, depth of 51) feet and a flat roofed extension to rear of 30 feet. Tho main buildings nre oofed with shi r glee Laid in noarcar elasced as A I for insurance. The foundations are stone. with good cellars; the stores are fitted with shelving and counters suitsble for ordinary meront tile business. :Safi) Lot Seventeen is stttuatc in tb,• rear of slid Lot Four sepal ni ra therefrom by a Lane running nt the rear of said building Lots fronting on Albert street and has erected thereon n large frame store house. The property is situate opposite the Prince of Wales and Central Hotels, the -armors Hotels of the tnwn,ou the mein business err et and are in every way convenient and commodious business places. TERMS.—The property will be offered (first) en bloc (secondly) Lots fent and Seventeen to- gether (thirdly) iu separate Lots. The properties wi!1 be sold sahjeot to reserved bide fixed by the official guardian, Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale and the balance to the Vendors in 30 days thereafter without interest ; or if the purchaser desire one half of the purchase money may remain on Mortgage at six per 0c11`. interest for a term of years. Theinrchasers shall bo required to sign 011 the day of sale n contract for the completion of purchase. Tho other conditions shn11 be standing conditions of tho High Court of Justice. For further particulars apply to C. R. Comman- der Eeq. London, Out., or to the undersigned. MANNING & SCOTT, Selieitors for the Tinge Corporationpf Onto rio, Administrator. -• DAVID DICKINSON, ' Auctioneer. Clinton May 23rd, 1892. 'Thera will be offered at the same time and place and eubjoet to shallot terms and conditions building Lot, Sixteen in Crombie`e Survey afore- said in the said Town of Clinton at the roar of said Lot three the property of Cbas. R. Comman- der, Beg., London, W.I. MANNING & SCOTT. Vendor's Solicitors. DAVID DICKINSON, Auctioneer. Clinton May 23rd, 1892. J. C. Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, Clinton, is our agent for Clinton and vicinity. W. M. Mohring, ofjDennailler, is our Travelling agent. . h Orders entrusted to either of the above will have our best attention. Monuments supplied in CANADIAN, SCOTCH, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites, aE as in all nsof marble. Give Mr. Steyenson a ca11 before ordering elsewhere. J0s1IN A. ROBERTSON. Managhr. L TRAY STOCK ADVER 1J TISEMENTS inserted in Tins News RECORD at low rates. Tho law makes It compulsory to advertisgge stray stock If do bof adyoetter than'eall on reiwe-Ituocord on ill not f' DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three one.acro iota in tho Towr. of Clinton are offered for sale. They are situated on Raglan street, not far from the Doherty Organ Factory and Collegiate Institute, adjoining the former residence of air. J. H. Combe and in the neigh. borLood of first-class. residences. For terns, etc., apply to 6011f ARTIIUR KNOX, Clinton. HOUSE PAINTING All persons wishing to have their houses papered and decorated Inside or painted outside, in first•clase style and at moderate prices, will find it to their advantage to cell on G. WILSON, Painter and Paper Hanger Shop on Rattenbury Street 097-3m OH, MY i x What does Old Sol wenn by this terrible hot weather 2 Why, he is just reel, hot mad because HARLAND B1106. have scoured control of this section for the CELEBRATED LEHICI1 VALLEY GOAL :-II and have purchased several cars to be delivered this month. It is admitted by alt to be THE BEST and it is claimed that it will give 25 per cent more heat to the -ton than any other Coal produced. Why use common coal . when this coal can be purchased at the same price.' Call early, so as to secure low price. as owing to a strong combination of the Railroad and Coal Companies higher prices are anticipated this fall, Harland Bros,, Iron and Hardware, Clinton. Headquarters for (TUT AIR FURNACES, both Wood and Coal. Call and get quotations, You are the Person vtmunasua Who gets the benefit of OUR GREAT le We are offering a REDUCTION of 20 Cents Off Each Bollar 0 OUR ENTIRE STOCK Goiiig WITHOUT RESERVE $1 00 for $ 80 2 00 for 1 60 3 ®® for 2 40 4 00 far S 20 5 00 for 4 00 AND -SO ON FB()M TIIE finest Lines to the Coarset. THE WALES HOTEL, ALBERT -ST. NORTH, CLINTON. Tho undersigned has assumed the proprietorship of the above Hotel. The premises are being re- fitted find first•elass accommodation can always he has for man and beast. The bar Is supplied with only the best Ale, 1.ignor, Cigars, hc., and Special attention will also be given to the dining, room department. There is ekeellent stable accommodation. The patronage of the general public Is respectfully solicited. 684.3m JOHN T. LEE, - PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop 0 GE0R0E TROWHiLL has opened out a gen• eral Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Oauloy, oppoeito Falr's lumber yard, Alpert street Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Work in all its branches. Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public ore Invited to pall before ordering any class of work in the above lines. 497—tf GEORGE TROWHILL. Opposite the Town Na11.• Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES;, Fu'An-I fit. ;,1.1.7."' ' . �. a� i �""f'� t,'r of the hes r�ork- manship and material. �'°Al1 the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 6,57—y Tonsorial Change A. E. EVA,NS, Having purchased the business and shop fixtures of Mr. Emerton, is now located at the stand of the latter, Smith's block. .11y strict attention to business and first -ekes work, 1 hope to retain the patronage of my old and 51r. Emerton's customers at.d secure many new ones. A. E. EVANS, Tonsorial Artist J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth TCTmmas, and-l>belfo�rr "—now modal. 4t All these makes in key and stem winders, Also pendsnt set watches. J. BIDDLECOMBE, !CLINTON. Lnbb's Starch Enamel. This le an article worthy of every lady's attention. 1f you waut to save time and labor, buy a box. If you want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last much longer, bay a box. II you want the starch to stay in the clothes on the line in spite of rain or frost, bray n box, It you want everything to look litre new, such as shirt bosoms, collars, cuffs, lace curtains, etc., buy a box. agFEvery Storekeeper keeps it now, and where the merchant does not keep it we want a lively agent to -represent res. Manufactured by W. J. LOBB 65—tf Ilolmesville. In The Matter of E. M. Stewart, of the Village of Conatance, in the County of Huron, In- solvent. Take notice that the above named Insolvent has made an assignment of her estate and effects to the undersigned in pursnnnce of the Act re- specting assignments for the benefit of creditors, chapter 124, R. 8. 0., 1887, and that creditors are hereby notified to rend to the undersigned par- ticulars in writing of their (anima, proved by affidavit, with vouchers, if any, pursuant to said Act, ori or before the tenth day of J-pne 1892. And farther, take notice that after the said date I will proceed to distribnte the resets of the said Insolvent amongst the parties entitled the•e- to,havingregnrd only to the claims of which notice shall have been given and that I will.not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persona of whose debt or claims I shall not then have had notice. EDGAR SAMPSON, Assik eo, 51 and 53 Font Street., Toronto, Ont. 709-2t, 1XECUTORS NOTICE, KEEP OOOL!> w... fisierasemairwawswavortawisewassina •t'-,t3y wearing light•weigbt CLOTHING Something Special ! Double width 13LAOK GR1 NADINES, silk fit,isli, selling at 250 a yard, worth )15c. Another case of those Se FLANNELETTES to hand today. Something Choice 1 Pursuant to Chapter 110 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that all creditors end other persons havingclaimatapon the estate Of John Irwin late of the 'town of Clin- ton in the County of Huron, Custom )Tonle Officor,decensed,ehn died nn or about the 4th day of April A.D.1892.nro regnired to eend by postpre- .T rt l sliver to nhn Parker Thomas of the Caid o ity of Belleville in thcConn ty of Hastings,Solioitor for Messrs. Donald Chinn and Wm. McCoy of said City of Belleville executors of tho last will rind testament of said John Irwin, on or before the 30th day of Jnne next 1802, n statement of their names and addresses, n statement of their ac- counts the full particulars of their claims and of the securities Of any) held by thorn ; and after the said last named date the enid executors will pro. oeed to distribute the asrets of the said deceased n mongst thepartins entitled thereto having regard only to tho claims of which notice shall have been given as above required and shall not be liable for the assete or any part thereof so diatribnted to 'any person of whose claim the said exocotors had not notieo at fbe time of the distribution thereof or a part thereof. Dated at Belles:110 this 25th dny of May 1899. J. PARKER THOMAS, So"eitor for sold Executors. 708-5t. o' In EMBROTD] RED SKIRTINGS and ALL OVER EM, BROIDERY. See these.- - The rest of our PARASOL STOCK' to he cleared out AT COST. 5 dozen LADIDS VESTS, selling at I0 cents each—it snap if you want any. 10 dozen Ladies' FAST BLACK HOSE; just to (land to day, to go at 10c a pair. Our Stock of Boots and Shoes Is very complete and our prices as cheap as possible. Ws will not be undersold. We are showing a grand range of CHA LLIES at 7e., 10c. and 12?rc., 30 inches wide, A few choice patterns in WOOL DEL.AI°NES just received. STRAW HATS are in great demand just now. See what wo can do for you in the hat line. Plumsteel & Gibbings, MONTREAL. 110USF. THE HUB GROCERY. 0 Sugar is on the Advance. We have a Carl read of Extra Standard Granulated Which we offer at WITOI,ESALE PRICES in barrel lots—also is. reduction by the 100 I(s. Now is THE TIME to buy your Sugar for preserving Fruit. Hillwattie Tea always on hand. Orders taken for best Scranton Coal. 11 0-- 9 Cht CREAT RAILROAD STRIKE IS NOW OVER, BUT ---- SUGAR 15 I DVANCIN , 0 HAVING PURCf3ASED TWO CARS at the lowest prices this year direct from REDPA'1'IIS AND ST. LAWRENCE REFINERIES, Montreal, 1 am giving my old customers and as many new as will come, SUGAR AT WHOLESALE Q RICES. xi' Special Cuts in Barrel Lots to the Trade and Jobbers. 0 J. W. IRWIN, - Noted Grocer, WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL, CLINTON. No Combination Here I 1 CAR BINDER TWINE • COMPOSED OP7 Flux, SilveP--Composite 8 Best Manilla Brands 1St' Leave ypur -orders with us at once in order to ensure prompt delivery. Quality the best and pricca as low as the lowest. Headquarters for HOT AIR FURNACES, both Wood and Coal. Call and get quotations. HARLAi D BROTHERS, Iron and Hardware, Clinton. WHEN YOU WANT READY-MADE SHIT OR AN OREIREDI`SUIT Or anything in MEN'S FURNISHINGS, come and see what we can do for you. We carry a very fine range. Just now we, are offering ----A LINE OF ODD PANTS !---- At a greatideal less than their value and itlis worth your while to come ;and see. 0 T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. Gr000FIes ! - Groeeries Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, ego. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and we cansupply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton,