The Huron News-Record, 1892-06-22, Page 1TEB,JII$ —0.50 per Anru tun 81.25 ,n Advance. INDlPRNDRNT IN 4.44 Ti 4NGS-•-,NRO.2 fl4J LN NOTHING lyil.1TELY 4 TODD, 1utbllebets VOL. XIV. -40 29. CLINTON. HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1892. For The Nat .Weather, The Clinton Ligrior Store is well 'atoaked with all lines of seasonable .goods. We have the beat makes in he market of. ALES AND PORTERS, in bottleeet and wood. Or if there are those who would rather have Standard WHISKIES, BRANDIES OR WINES for general or 'Medical use, we can supply the demand at the lowest possible rates. When in need of anything in this line don't forget that the Clinton Liquor Store ie the correct place to go to. J. W. RITER. THE COUNTY COUNCIL. The Council of the County of Heron met at Goderioh on Tuesday afternoon, last week, all the members°uoing present. The minutes being read a curreetion was made, on motion of M. Y. McLean and e., seconded by Finlay Anderson, making the usual grant of $300 to Agricultural Societiee payable to Branch and hlortioul- turtd'Societies only, instead of to Branch, Horticultural and Riding Societies, the former being the intention of theCouncil when the grant .was voted. Thus corrected they were adopted. The Warden briefly addressed the Council, oatliating the business likely to come up daring the 'Session. The first business on the programme was the reading and eoneidering of COM ML'SIC/M5ONS. letter was read from Mr. F. G. Neelin, of Seaforth, the contractor for the country printing, agaolegizing for the very imperfect and and unworkmsnlike. manner in which the county minutes were printed. A eomnunicotiorn was read ?from the county solicitor, rehative to the Rune bridge in Wingham,•e. ,matterwhioh has •been in dispute for ,some time between the Council and tate township of Urn - berry. The opinion•ef the Solicitor was to the effect that the said bridge, being on a division lrouedar5 line between Erst eVa.wanosh on the •one side and Turn - berry and Wingham on the other, the Council are, therefore., liable' for ice etern tion and mainteaanee. A communication was read:from Mr. -fames Cochrane, Wcrden of Greq, point- ing out the detects,iil the present eystem d' representation - .in County ,Ceuncils, showing the weal: ,;s inte in -.the scheme ,proposed by Hon. Mr. Hardy., at the fast Session of the.'Legielature, and ad- vocating a scheme -evolved by himself. 'This communication was referred to the :*penial committee. term reported in favor .of the present system. A resoultion was•read from the Morris "Townshap Couod!,,claiming cotupensa- tion, under an Aot passed in:20J0, for the cost and tnaintonaAce of bridges in •that township of ;°O0 feet Le length. alis document was -referred to a Special .committee to enquire into the case and import at the next sitting of tlie.Council. nes communication from Gaoler Dickson - asking that .$2' paid by hitt: to an .assistant, who aeted in his place during hie.illnees, and a motion to grentxf200 to ,aes?st in the erection:of a, look up in the eow,n of Seeforth, were referred to the EExeeutiye committee. The Council then adjourned k meet ,again at 10 a. m. on Wednesday. • SECOND OAR—ctr EDNEsDAY. Ceencil resumed at the appointed hour, and after routine busieeec the following commundoatiene were rear' and •°flat used of : J?rorn the Secretary of the Searorth Collegiate Institute, rea:tive to t'se time for the 'commeueetnent of payment of eonnty grants ; from the Secretaries of the three Riding Farriers' Inatitattea, ,'faking for the usual annual grants, a ere referred to the Executive committee, A request from the Reeve of Bayfieid, to have 'N:aria McCoy, an indigent Meaner person, made a meesoty ward ; tho re- ports o£ the county treaeerer and made - tore were referred to the Finance fro:n- initree. Appeals from echos! •eectio.ns in Ste- phee, litay, Stanley and Morris were in- ferred teethe Educational committee. TSE COUNTr eC A(•L, The repett of the Gaoler was referred to the +C eenty Property committee. This report stated that there is not a eriminelln the strict sense of the word,.' in gepf ; -but there are ein males con-.' fined, fear of whom are insane and none ot thont Uf i► dangeroue type, and .ail awaiting removal to the asylum. The other two inmates -are vaLrrante. A let- ter was also read from the Provincial In• ,spector of Prisons, Mr. tiChamberlain. Ala reported having visited ahe Gaol on ithe llth of May, and'made the following cetereuce to that Institution : This gaol le in a very poor condition, and ought to be thoroughly re -modeled as anon as tlaoesible. The water closets are,placed in the yards, and are in a very insanitary state. Good sewerage should be pro- vided, and the town water laid onto the premises. The bode, bedding, cat and corridors were in good order. fhe food supplies are obtained by contract, and the dietary is in aeeordance with gaol regulations. Thebooks are well kelt and the discipline and management goer'. In future when old people are committed to gaol for vagrancy, they are not to wear the prison garb, but suitable eivilian'e clothing mart be provided if they have not sufficient of their men. This was also referred to the County Property committee. ENGINEER'S REPORT. Mr. Ainsley, County Engineer, re- ported having lst the contracts for bridges on the county houndarics of Perth and Middlesex. the former. to Mr. a Lang, of Ethel, and the fatter to Mr. o Hardy, of Exeter ; also haying put a top g floor of two inch hemlock on the Bay• ,decd bridge, which he thinks trill last w until the bridge will require to be re- newed. New floors have else been put on Sleek's, Sumnterhill and Benmiller bridges, and these bridges are now in a good state of repair., ale examined the bridge known as Graham's bridgo on the lake Otero road in Colborne, and found it to be 21' feet between the abutments, The materials of the bridgo appear to be sound and sufficiently strong, but it should hays guards plaoed on the side,' to prevent acoidente. All the bridges on that line o road between Godorioh and Amborley, of the same dimenstone, are n einteine by the County, except 'hie one. ri quest of the Reeve of Mullett he examined two bridges on the gravel road north of Clinton, in the township of I-Iullett. The one near to Clinton, opposite Mr. Churchill's farm ie 23 feet long, and in a good state of repair. The one at Londesboro has a floor 40 feet long, and he thinks 25 feet long would be sufficient. This report was referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. COMPLIMENTARY. Moved by M. Y, McLean, seconded by John Beacom, that thin Council desire to express their siucere satisfaction and thankfulness that Mr. A. H. Manning, reeve of Clinton, is sufficiently recovered to be able again to attend to his duties in this council, and we hope very shortly to see him fully restored to his wonted health and vigor, and we authorize the County Treasurer to pay Mr. Manning bisWfull sessional allowance for tee last January session.—Carried. LET Twill LUGaT SHINE. Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. McEwen, that this council regent the warden and treasurer to advertise in the leading papers of the county, three insertions after every January and June meeting, the amount of sinking fund on hand fur investment.—Referred to the Executive Committee. A IQ'KtLLOP DITCH. A motion by Mr. Bennowies, seoondede Mr. Morrison„ to pay John Carpenter $20, eharedor cleaning ditch on boundary of Logan and McKillop, the county of Perth having }paid the same amount, was referred to the Road and Bridge Com. mittee. Council then adjourned -until 10 o'clock, ,. Thursday. 'CLUED DAY^rLHUFKSDAY, At the opening of thetCouncil on this day, after preliminary -business, and the reading of a few accounts and some un- inrportent correspondence, the following reports were read and disposed of : .CRAHAM'f •BCSDO E. The special Committee appointed et January meoting to •.et:amine into the matter obeeraham's bridge at W iogharn, reported as follows:: Your committee beg leave to report that we examined the locality of the brldge oa the 24th of May; heard all the evidence we could obtain and hacre,also examined all the minutes of km County Commie siuce 1872 un to date bearing on the ,matter. lt"rom the evidence we believe that Graham's bridgo wes originally built by the ee dv- erws ent aeRd afterward kept in order by the Cottet;if until it was abandoned, and Fisher's bridge adopted by the County CesreeiI,in its place. ',We find that oweug to change in location of bridge e, few parties • tiring near the road leading to the a4;andoued bridge are now coospol'ed to go around by the iron bridge, which occasion,/ some inconvenience, the die- tauee ttu -and from the town of Winghatn being increased seven -sixteenths a . a {cine. From evidence heard at IN Ingham we believe an agreement wes'made in 1830 or 1881 by the then Reeve of Tasrnberry, to build a foot bridge oa :the Bite of the obi/bridge to eatiefy the.inter- ested panties, The .'work was not gone )n with ou account e'' an objection hav- ing beeo.entered agaimet a foot bridge by some of eke parties now asking for its erection, who then, demanded a 12 -font bridge. 'Me find the,t an opinion eras obtained ;from Mr. M. C. Cameron at the.Juue-seesiou in hce6, as to the Reba ity of the:County in the matter. tee ad- viacd that like County -could not he cost, palled-to,:'obuild 'Greliam'e bridge, but that rt would not be advisable to pasa►a by-law closing up the road allowanee, as it would ttt".erd good reason fur argu.meet that parties iuiurtousy affected woi:ld be entitled to compeesation. We find that enotinne were hetrodnced in the Counts' •Cew.ucil in the year '76.79-S0-.81, askiug, fin the first ple3e, the county to build o bridge and afterwards to pay the aggrieved parties tl;a sum of $600 in full of their claim against the County.. Theee /notions on each occasion were. lost. the the last vote taken in 1:.:1 the majority against the motion was 24. The Committee have been informed that a grant of .$11410 was at one time offered to the patties and refused by them, but they can't find any minute to that effect. We dud that tl:e bridge asked for would require to :t:e i40 feet long, and that there are two,wnsh-outs in the grade at the South erad of the old bridge, ono be- ing 80 feet long and 10 feet deep and the other GO feet long and 12 feet deep, and that the mainter.mice of that section of the road woul3 be costly. The Commit- tee believe that the Counci:i, when as- suming Fishot^a bridge in 18E;•1 were re- lieved from any ,coat in rebut:ding Gra- ham's bridge, and that the township of Turnberry is the proper party, if any, to afford relief to the complainants. The Committee, although not admitting any legal right to do eq, would reeenunend that to effect a final 'settlement of the matter, that upon the township of Turn - berry ,undertaking to build a sLitable foot -bridge and relieving the Comity of any further responsibility therewith, that the sum of $300 be granted to the Turnberey council to assist in building said foot -bridge. This report was referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. etre DRAINAGE COMMITTEE. The epeeiai oommittee appointed at the January meeting to meet with the Drainage Cowan lesion appointed by the Ontario Legislature repitrted as follows : All the members of the committee ex- cept Mr, Mooney, and in addition the Warden and Mr. Oliver, met the mem- bers of the Drainoge Committee at the town hall, Clintou, on the 15th March and following day. That tho enmmittee nd commission together went carefully ver the Acts a fatting drainage and sue - (rated sneh changer) and additiona as were thought desirable. The committee ere niece pleased with the courtesy of WHOLE NO, 711 the membere of the eommisaioo and from the practical kuowledge of drainage mat - tore shown by them, we are setiefied teat they will be able to frame a report satisfactory to the people. Thor/mutts cion informed the committee that after they should complete the taking of evid- ence a aet of gttestione would be prepar- ed and sent to each member of the com- mittee and others giving evidence, so th eb the questions can be oonstdered and answers tient in before they \complete their report. The members of the com- mission expreeeed their approval of the methLd of giving evidence by a commit- tee adopted by your cotencil and coueid- ered it the most eApedttione and satis- factory method of taking evidence, and they believed the meeting at Clinton the most profitable they had yet held. This report was received and ordered to be printed in the minutes. T1IK ILOUsE OF ItErFUGE, Moved by Mr. Pcoudfoot and seceded by Mr. Britton, the;t the council of each municipality iu the county be requested to take a vote of the °lecture at the next municipal elco ion as to whether or not a House of Refuge be erected in this county. INSURING cOCNTY BrlerneGS. A committee composed of the \Vendee, Clerk and Treasurer was appointed to look lifter the insuring of the county buildings and report at the January meeting, LOWERING THE INREREST. Moved by, R. B. McLean and second- ed by A. T. McUuuald, Out the rate of interest be reduced to 5 per cent. on loans of the county funds negotiated after their date. Referred to the Exe. cutive Committee. THE OLD FLAG. Moved by Mr. Beck and seconded by Mr. Kay, that the care taker of the Court House be instructed hereafter to have the oouuty fieg put on the flag pole on the Queen's Birthday, let July, and every day that the Governor-General proclaims to be a day of general thanks- giving and during, the sessions of the county council.—Carried. The council adjourned until 10 o'clock Friday forenoon. FOURTH DAV.—FRIDAY. The first order of business of import- ance this morning was the presentation and reading of the report of THE EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE, The committee this year showed a dis- position to take matters may. After a couple of sittings and looking over the ground pretty thoroughly, they decided to leave the eque.lizatioe the same as last year and reported the sad table to the council, which was read. Moved by Mr. Eilberand seconded by R. 13. M.aLean, that tine report of the Equalization Committee be referred bank to the committee to have the total figures corrected,_ ape that the committee add a column to the schedule showing the local aetpesmeut per acme—Carried. REPORT OFE,'.OAD AND CIRIDGE CO}tentreF 1 he Road and Bridge Committee re- ported reuommeuding as follows:: That John Carpenter be ,paid $25, this being Huron's share of work doue• by hitn on drama on boundary between McKillop ank Logan ; that a now bridge be built on the gravel road•uorth of Londeshoro'; that the road coon nissioners' report be adopted and that all repairs recommend- ed therein he carried out ; that the peti- tion of the couueil•of Motris be referred to a committee of the whole councillor 1 conaideration,; inseference-to the report of the eeeciacommittee on Graham's bridge, it is recommended that n order to have a final settlement of the dispute and relieve the county of Huron tom all future liability, as to conetruction and maiutenenee of -a bridge in this locality., that this council pay the 'earn of $300, whidh shell be considered as a final settlement, and, that the said $300 be paid by 4;he•eugineer of tine county to the eontraotor or other person entitled to receiver. thnme:es upon first having ob- trined from tl:e ratepayers•luenefitted by the construction .of the sand bridge an agreement to be approved of by the county solicitor, indemnifying this count cil from any farther liability. Moved by Mr. Coleman and seconded by Mr, Retie -that that part of the report referring to tera3sam's .Bridge be struck out and that no action be taken on that matter.—Lost. Moved by M•r Holt and seconded by Mr. 13eac.om, that the clause of the re• port- relating to Grahatn's bridge be amended by etriking out all the words after " therefore," and insetting the following : " Ulna first having frotn the township of Tarnberry and the town of Winghant se aereemont or bond to be approved of by the enmity solicitor, in- .dernnifying this council from any liability either past or future in connection with the bridge or road:"—Carried. The report was then adopted as amended. THE EDUCATIONAL REPORT, The Educational Committee reported mashing. the following recommendations: Ia e' ferenee to the petition of rate pay- -ere elf ay--ere•uf School Section No. 11, Hay, and Unten Section No 1, Hay and Stanley, the Committee recommended that, Ilia Honer Judge Toms, William -Coates, Clinton, and H. E. Huston, Exeter, be appointed arbitrators in this matter ; in reforenoe to the petition of John Schroe- der and others, asking for the formation of a new Union school section between the towaehips of Hay and Stanley, the Committee recommend the appoint- ment of the same geutletnen as above recommended, a committee to examine into the matter ; as to the petition of Thomas Maaoder's and others, of the township of Morrie,asking that the south halves of lots 28 and 30 on the 7th con., and the north half of lot 28 on 8th eon. of the toe nshipof Morrie,bo detached from Union school section, of Grey, 'Morris and McKillop, at Walton, and aided to school section No. 4, Morris, the Com- mittee recommend the appointment of Mesare. Uriah McFadden, Grey W. J. Johnston, Morrie, and Thomas E. Hays McKillop, a committee to arbitrate in the rnalrer. Tho Committee further recommend that townehlp clerks who have not sent in maps of.lschool sections and parte of ,'.heel sections contain'd in their mubioipalities, to ihe County Clerk far use by the Cennty Council for refer- • ence, be inetruotel by tie ::ouutX C ark to do so at once. Tide tepert was adapted without' a needment, neeieIZA'INti BUUIoESS. Moved by .lir Hamilton, eeeonded by Mr. Mooney, that after the finish of two eittlugs of thio o unoil the different com- mittees report as far se they have pro- ceeded with the work, A BRIDGE WANTED, Moved by Mr. Cox, seeouded by Mr. Beacom, that the County Eogineer be in- structed to examine the two bridges on the 13ayfleld cunoeseion, Goderich town- ehip,, known as Duulop'e anti Pereun'e bridges and report at next meeting of the Cuunoil, and if reported favorable that they be pieced on the •list of County bridges. —Carried. NO DECEMBER MEETING. Moved by Mr. W. H. Kerr. seconded by Mr. Taylor, that this Council diepenae with the December Soseion of the Comity Council for 1892 —Carried. " TILE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executiye Committee reported as followe ; That the aocbuut of William Dickson, gaoler, for the price of a wash- ing machine for use in the jail ba not paid ; in reference to the letter from the frame official askiug for the sum of $24.50 paid by him for assistance during his illness, it was decided not to reuomweud any action ; that the County ^Lork be instructed to send a notice to all the Division Court Clerks and Bailiffs that when any books are required by them for use in their otliue, that the same must be produced through hien ; that the usual grants of $25 be wide to each of the Farmers' Institutes in the county, each Institute having held the requisite num- ber of meetiuge ; in reference to the grant seked fur to assist in the erection of a new lock-up in the town of Seafotth, it is recommended that this sum be paid when the lock-up is built. In reference to the applications front Goderioh, Clin- ton and Seaforth Collegiate Institutes for the proportionate cost of the mainteutnes of °trusty pnpils attending the respective Institetee, as provided by Vic, 54, Chap. 57, See. 31, and eubss quont Sections, the Committee having agreed with the repre• sentetivee of the different Iustitutee that they are to be paid the sums to which they are entitled, provided the respective Secretaries file a doola alien with the County Treasurer that their statements are correct. that the deliverance of the Committee on this subject last January be repealed. In reference to the motions of Metiers,. Stewart and R. 13. McLean, respecting the 'advertiaing of Sinking Fund atonies and the rate of interest thereon, the Committee recommend that no action be taken, as it is consider- ed that the SVardeu, Treasurer and soli- citor have to present full power to deal with the S.nking Fund. The report was adopted without amendment. TRE_ELLU LIZATION l;INISriED. The corrected report of theEgealizaeion Committee wab submitted and tho Coun- cil, after votiug down an amendment by the representatives of Hallett to have tkat township reduced one dollar per acre ; a motion by thorepresentativee of West Wawanoah tar the reduction of that township by one dollar per acre, and a motion by Messrs. Beacom and Iiay, to have Hay township raised two dollars per acre, the report was finally adopted without change. The usual motion, that in the event of an appeal from the equalization, the final equalization be left to the County Judge WWI carried, COUNTY VALUATORS. A motion by Mr. Beek, seconded by Taylor, for the appointment' of three County Valuators, as provided by Stat- ute, the yaluation so made to be adopted as the basis fur equalization, 'was voted • down. COCHTY TREART:RER'S ItEPOise, The County Treasurer submitted a statement of cash ou hand and estimates of the remount required to meet current expense„ showing a balance of $22,900 in treasury, after all •claims on hand ate provided for, and ,','•king the Council to authorize the Warden and rreaeurer to borrow a sum not exceeding $20,000 for current expellees should any portion of it be required. He also gave the follow- ing statement of non-resident land col. lectione between January let and- April 20, 1892. Aehfiele S Colborne Goderioh.. Grey klay Mullett Morris Stephen 179 Turpberry 268 East W awanosh Bayfield Brussels 45 58 5 87 8 00 3542 '85 88 66 9 09 54 94 25 22 9 00 9 00 $GS1 04 THE SCHOOLEQCIVALENT. The following are the amounts requir- ed to be raised by the several municipali- ties as equivalent to the legislative school grant : Ashfield, 8439 ; Colborne, $245 ; Goderich, $322 ; Grey, 466 ; Hay, $451 ; Howick, $535; liullettt,365 • ; McKillop, $326 ; Morrie, $359 ; Stanley, $290 ; Stephen, $107 ; Tuckersn.ith, $343 ; Turobury, $282 ; Uaborne, $291 ; West IV'awauosh, $?37 ; East Wawanosb,± 257, making a total of $5,602, THE COUNTY rROPERTY. The Counts Property Committee re- ported having visited the jail and found it clean and in good order ; also recom- mend sundry small imprineemente in the country building, Witte reference to the Jail Inspector's report recommend- ing there -modeling of the jail, after careful considerable it is recommended by the Committee that no action be taken. THE FINANCE REPORT. The Finance Committee reported re. commending the payment of sundry accounts, and made deliverance on the following matters : The request of Mr. George Wood, Reeve of Bay- field, to have Maria McCoy, an indiger.t insane personmade award of the county, was recommended, to be paid quarterly at the rate of $100 per annum, commen- cing June let, 1592. The rate of tax- ation for the r• rn'ent year recommended ie 1 mill,and 13.20ihs oil the dollar. MORttra' CLAIM. The Special oeutmittee appointed to enquire into the claim of the townehlp of Lgorrie, on eco:mut of bridges, reoom• mended that the township of Morrie be required to furnish a statement of the kind, oharaoter and cost of any bridge .pr bridges proposed to be built that will conte within the act under which they snake their claim, and a certified statement showing the amount paid out for bridges in their municipality in oaoh year during the last ten yeare, giving length of bridge, material used and also amount levied in emit year for local purpoeee ; that when the townehip of Morris files with the County Clerk the information asked for, the township clerk shall at ouce correspond with the clerks of all the other municipalttiee in the county, caking for the same in- formation for the use of this Committee. The Committee have not been, able to procure the advice of the Solicitor on the interpretation of the act, owing to hie ab• sence,but intend to do so as soon as Deem. eery information is furuiehed the Com- mittee showiog the jetties, of the °beim of the township of Morrie. The above reports were all adopted without amendment. MISCELLANEOUS MOTIONS. A motion to order a copy of the Mun- icipal World, a paper published in St. Thomas, devoted exclusively to the due cuasion of municipal n,attere,each member for the Council,wae voted down.; a motion to rescind the one poesea at the first session of couuoilamending the minutes respect- ing Agricultural Societies shared the same fate, while one authorizing the Consolidated Criminal Act for each Reeve and Deputy•Reeve. the said books to be the property of the respective mun- icipalities, was carried. After passing a number of by-laws the Council adjourned about ten o'clock Friday night. Godericlt Lawyer Beet, of Seaforth, spent Sunday in the Circular town. Mr. and Miss Bradford, of Lon- don, are visiting at the Wakefield farm, Goderich tp. Mr. John Salkeld, jr., and wife and Miss Salkeld were in guelph this week. The Government engineers have nearly completed the outside survey of the harbor and river. The fieeting of this port is falling off considerably. Bass and pickerel were caught the past week, but only small catches were made. Miss. Lowess, of Brantford, is visiting her cousin Mrs. A. J. Moore. Holy( Communion at *tag next Sunday. The eteamer City of 1Vindsor made her usual calla the past week. Mr. IIarry Clucas Ives in town this week. Mr: Ross Raetall, of Kincardine, was in Goderich on Thursday. Mr. R. H. Collins, barrister of Exett r, was in town the past week. Dr. and Miss E. Worthington, of Clinton, were in town on Thurs- day: Mr. Geo. Woods, of Bayfield, was in the Circular town last Thurs. day. Mr. W. H. Floody, of Blyth, was in the Co. town the past week. Mr. H. Harris, of Ripley, was in town on Saturday. 14Ir. Jno.'NrorgaZ.,.• s;, dein, was in Goderich last week. . Miss M. Osborne, of Blyth, was visiting in town the past Week. Mr. D. Reynolds, of Clinton, was in the Circular town the other day. The residences being built for Rees Price and collector Fal'row will be ready for roofing inn a few days. Mr. Goo. Swanson, althoug:lt seriously ill, is still seemingly hold- ing his own, A young man while bathing at the mouth of the river lost week got out of his depth and would, aC- parontly, have boon drowned but for the opportune arrival of a boat. Mrs. Hy Holmes returned to her home, Acton, on Friday, Miss Campaign left on a visit to Elora the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Tanner have re. turned to Toronto, Mrs. Rattenbury, of Brucefield, is the guest of Mrs. Hy. Rothwell. Mr. Jas. A. McKay was in town from Wiarton last week. Mr. Baird, who was for some time in the Goderich branch of the Bank of Commerce, loft town the past week for Chicago. Quite a number of tickete were sold in Goderioh for the Guelph excursion, ]Meeting of Liverpool lodge No. 140, S. 0. E. B. S. this evening. The tribe Monesetung is hard et work preparing for the Big Pow 'Wow on Dominion Day, And the marriage bells are still ringing. Mrs. Whitely, of Luckuow, was in town the past week. Mr., Dirs., Mies and Mr. S. Mal. °°mean visited Luoknow on Satan day. Gotdgrielli. Mrs, Little, of Luekrtow, visited Goderioh last week. Miss (Tooke was iu the Queen City this week. A marriage yesterday, one to, morrow, and more to conte. Mrs. Uy. Cooke is visiting relatives at Bothwell. Messrs. A . Whitely, Toronto, and Hy. Whitely, ot Belleville, were in the 'Cireular town on Sat- urda. Lasyt meoting, of this term, of the Collegiate Institute Literary of Thursday of next week. The midsummer promotion ex- aminations of the town schools are now in progress. Mr. J. H. Colborne was on Thursday eleoted by acclamation to fillthe unexpired term of school trustee R. W. McKenzie resigned. Mr. Juo. Lee, of Clinton was visiting Mr. Wm. Luber!), of Salt - ford, this woek. • The schooner Greyhound arrived in port on Monday to load salt at the big mill, for Wiarton. Barrister Dickenson, of Wing• halo was in, Godericlt yesterday. "'The City of Windsor was in har- bor Monday morning. Mr. P. Kelly, ot' Blyth, was in the Circular town yesterday. The schooner Carter, Captain M. McDonald, sailed last evening for Thessalon for lumber. There was an entertainment in the lecture room of Knox church last Friday evening. Tho Jute session of the County Court was held last week. There were several civil cases settled, but no criminal ones come before the court. The -dredge to work in thiekarbor wasexpected here on Sunday, but not snaking the anticipated progress up the river, did not show up. Anyhow she will make a start this week on the much needed work,. and will remain until a complete jobs made. Port Albert The storm at this piece ou Friday night of last week was very severe. It was accompanied with heavy rain, and a tido wave which raised the water at.the harbor four feet, mak- ing it pretty lively for fishermen '7:; Itsar boats. It would have Leen_simhly grand if the water had kept up, dredging would not be required at presnt. However, the water in the lake is on the •rise be- ing up about eight inches higher than it was a month ago and the prospect is it will continue rising until it gains its original height. The continual off -land winds are not favorable to our fishermen, con- sequently they aro praying for au old fashion northwester. Let her go, Galligher. Our town is rather quiet just now and not much interesting ne ns, a few cases before the chief magistrate last week to dhow the reason why a moo ntain (y) could notsit on aMcCon- -nell. Sir William kicked and the affair Was adjourned,. to the police court. $5 or 10 days. .. -The; preel: set --for, teteefwetiers is good, the crop looks A No, 1, and , if the rust does not strike the wheat all will be well. I-Iowever, if the - ptitatoes are as plentiful in the full as the potato° bugs are at present, Irishmen need not grumble. hug can be bought for 10 cents per., bushel. Owing to the groat necessity of harbor improvements, etc., and the dull times at the dock, several of eur'young men were obliged fro seek em•vloyment eisewhere. Our boys aro-p.-etty ambitious and they like steady e 'eiployment and good pay. They welt' fortunate euough to strike Iiidd's big establishment at• Goderich, and yteur scribe being in the Circular town L t10 day last week took a stroll up tq at so "thee boys" but I had no idea of the manro.itude of the business carried on L w thicen- Toseph torprisin y0tlllo gentleman, . ane, Kidd. In fact there was a hum r no mistake. Salt works, saw mil. ' stave factory, shingle mills, cooper shops and chopping machines, all in full blast. Every man in his place and a place for everything, About 2o men are engaged and up- wards of $I,000 in wages are paid out every month, I took particular notice that this large establishment is carried on convenient to a ship- ping point, the Grand Trunk sta- tion. ta•tion. Here is a pointer for Port Albert. With the great water power here Mr. Kidd's business could be carried on at a much less expense than at Goderich. but the great drawback here is our lack of shipping facilities and I creme to the conclusion as I jogged along home that we roust have harbor and rail- way connection before we can carry on our present business economical- ly or inelece others to mak() rise of the immunes n•1` -'•r paver that is wasletl here every day.