HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-06-15, Page 8ti SHILOH'S CaNSU PTION CURE*, This GREAT COUGH CURE, this successful CONSUMPTION CURF, iswithout a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are author" ized to sell it on alpositive guarantee a test that no other c wooer' succes fully stand. If you have a Coug Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, fo it will ours you. If your child ha the Croup, or Whooping Cough, rase it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread tliat insidious disease CON,. SUMPTION, dot fait to use it, it will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOI1'S LURE, your 10 cts., 50 .Cts. and $1.00. if yonr Lungs are sore or"Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25 Cts. To Advertisers. 411 changes of Advertisements, to insure insertion in the chtrrer.t issue, must ire received at the office not later than Monday noon. Copy for o/ angel received later than .Monday !coon will hereafter be at the Adver- tiser's own risk. lr1117'ELY :G TODD, Publishers. The /lurch News -Record 4:.50 a Ye..:—$1.25 In Advance. ti'l. eduesdav .Rine l5th,.f89':. LOCAL N CAWS. In and Around the Hub, (ZirOIVIl 'Atilt. aCAM. No•rtens.—M1 notices in These columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the saine,at which en admission feeis .1I?arged, Or from tyleid , a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, trill be charged at the rate of ten cents per :Ills. THE', MOST LArh itl.Y t;I t:CCLA'"!;U PAPER IN't•irts SECTION. 014 WHAT A COUGH ! —Will you heed the warning. The signal per - hairs of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourself if you can aflor•d for the. sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cute your cough. It never fails CORPUS CHRISTI to. morrow. Mus. J. W. ILI•rEn is on a visit to the Queen City. ...��LtssLL`i.. I�trTt ia.yisitae;friends ° in the vicinity of HillstIreeu. Dis, GIIJSoN was the guest of \V B. Dickson, Brussels, for several clays. _ 1L GA r rv, town, h is taken a position in the store of .Jameslrwiu, Di teasels. Mn. AND MRs. F. W. WATTS were guests at the Sherlock—Floody .nuptials last week. Mits. Wm. COATS, Sn., will visit her son, Rob.W., at De'tr'oit this week. De. \VM. GUNN'attended a mot, ing of the American Medical Aesociation in Detroit last wet*. Mu. Maclean .I)CwSLEY has so far recovered from his recent serious illuess as to be out last week. :tics. II. W. STEEP of Coning• wood is visiting her parents Sir. aud Mrs.-'Jo•hn Jackson. ONE of the mbs't severe thunder• storms of the season enveloped Clin- ton and vicinity last Thursday . noon. A NEW SIDE',WALiC on Mill street would meet with the unanimous approval of citizens in that neigh. 'bothood. And it is badly needed. A telegram • watt last Saturant received here announcing the arrival of'tlr, 'i'. Jackson, jr, Britain. Mtsu DosoTtrC f UQLLAliAN return- ed to town last week after havip0 spent a couple of week iu sportive rumination iu the oiroular town of the Signal and Star. MR, WALTER COATS, of Ping=�'• hatn, formerly of Clinton, lost his only eon recently. Mrs. Wet. Coats, tar„ town, attended the funeral. Ws. BEAR much oriticiara of the local climate lately, Some people don't know When they're well off, Why, the one thing that keeps it front snowing is that conditions are favorable to its raining, THEIRS died in Toronto on the 8th inst Arthur Forsyth, infant son of Allan and Winnie Read. Mr. Read is well kuowu in Clinton and has the sympathy of his friends in his end hour LAs•r Saturday's daily Mail con- tained pictorial iLltistrations of Sea - forth, showing its leading citizens, buildings, foot hall team, &a. The J:.epositoe says the town has notbeun done justice and is disappointed with the work. Tau Stratford 7'imcs has ceased publication, having been purchased by the Herald printing cowpony, who will merge its circulative in o that of the Herald. There will now be two English papers and one German paper published iu the. city. CANTELON BROS. made a ship- weii last week of 3,300 pdunds of choice butter. This firm haudles an immense qurtntity of produce annually, Last yearCantelon Brum. haudled over Fix thousand baskets of cherries and plums and this year they intend cluing more extensively than ever into the buying aud sell- ing of all kiuds,of fruits, JorrN Saturn, the invincible,, left yesterday fur Stratford to represe.ut Clinton Court at the n:eetiug of the High Court of the Canadian Older of Foresters which is iu convention there this week. The nhembets of our local court know the right elan to send to such meetings fur our Jobe Smith is the John. Smith of the Order,and in some accomplish- ments of the world. DIot1E PoWER.—IThore was freight ed through Clinton per G. T. R., one day last week. front Goldie, McCulloch and Cos. mammoth es- tablishment, Galt, Out., a 150 horse pow'e fi iidein compound: W-1reeloo• Engiuo and Boiler, for Mr. P. Kelly, Blyth., It would eeettt that if, Mr. Kelly eau u+gt•spottt`COaah.li .he has nerve enough to secure a "150 horse power tandem." "Wait for the w•aggou and we'll .all take a ride." • MAC, CANTELON liar his left ear bandaged now-a•days. He is one of the stagers at lacrosse and was wounded at a practice match. II. W. Ball, a nimble player, unin- tentionally committed the deed. The wound was an ugly one, the ear beiug" badly lacerated by a stone accidentally getting into rho In crosee stick with the ball as the latter was being thrown, Mac. will likely be at his post in the contest with Goderich to day. Rev. G. F. SALTON. at cue time of Clinton and Goderich, will be stationed at Brussels for another year. Oen cricketers were defeated at Exeter on Friday. The Clinton team will now got down to business and make it watm fur all comers. THE DAUNTLESS LACROSS Ci.uu meet the Hurons of Goderich on their own ground to -day. A close game is expected ; one worth going to see. 7 MISS AGCIE ANO.MIt. JAMES Me- Muucuu: are in Ilarriston this week attending the nuptials of their friend Miss Bessie Waddell who .is not unknown in town. M.R. AND MRS. P. W. HAYItARD returns i on Saturday from St. Louis where they found it so warm that the temperature in Clinton on ;t Sunday was (4 polar frigidity com- pared with it. Facts Worth Remembering. A line of Flannelettes at 4 cents, worth 9 cents, A lot of Ladies' and Children's Gloves in Lisle and Taffeta at 10c., worth 2Oc,, in black and colors. Another let of Taffeta and Silk at 1.5c , worth 30c., in, cream, black and tans, Some of those all -Silk left yet at 20e.,,;worth double the . money, in black, cream, tuscan, sky blue, fawn, brown and mauve. If you want the best wearable 'Black Silk Glove in the market ask for our Silk Milanese Glove. A line of Parasols at 45 Outs, worth $1. A big pile of New Lace Curtains that are selling f t and winning new friends every day. A big department and a big assortment that is a general favorite with our lady patrons is our line of STYLISH MITJLINERY. The most complete range of styles and the very newest novelties are always fourlll in this department. BEESLEY & COMPANY. Have you seen our 4 IABY Ok'RIAaE? It is a great bargain. Have you bought some of our 23 cent CURTAIN POLES ? \.Tour neighbor did because they had such a beautiful finish, Did you take advantage of our low prices in Wall Paper & - - - - Window Shades. Our prices have attracted -customers frorn Seaforth, and disturbed the minds of tradesmen m surrounding towns. —mph wain to 'i'''i dollar or twenty-five (dollars "go a long way way in WINDOW, .S HADES or WALL PAPER give us a call. obins ros0, Book Storo.and News Depot,. Clinton OH, MY kE What does 01(1 Sol mean by this terrible hot weather ? Why, he is just red hot mad because IHAItLAND BROS. baye secured control of this section for the ON Tuesday Juno 7th Rev. Joseph Elliott, ian now p stor ofnhOnt.iesby, CELEBRATED •LE lCH VALLEY COAL tewas united in marriage to 'Miss .Rose, only diughter of .Mr. John Essen, v and have purchased sevei•al cars 'to he delivered this month. It is admitted by all to beTIII BEST and it is London, formerly of Bay[ield. The ceremony was peiformed by Rev. claimed that it will give • W. J. Hill, rector of the church'of St. John the Evangelist, in the 25 Dior Gore dare .11eat to to Toll '-; presence of only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott left on a trip to Montreal. The groom is well known -in Clinton having attended the High School here for some lime.' BANK IlounERT SCARE.—Ono night last week a party of young ',e.ople were toturning home late. \V hen passing down Albert or Itattenbury street a light was notic— ed it Mc'Caggert's'bank. The idea of a bank robbery seized the party at once. M r, 2t1 c'I'nggart ' was notified and a messenger despatched for Chief Wheatley. \Vhen they arrived on the scene all was dark and quiet. It is the custom of Mr. M. McTaggart to nightly visit the bank and ascertain if all is well, and on the night in question wee mak• \VE are pleased to see Ed. Iiolmes' FRATERNAL VIsvT.—Clinton Star ing the usual visit when the young out again, although it may take the Lodge 378, I. 0. G. T•, paid a people made the discovery. ailing Bink all summer to become fraternal visit to Seaforth Lodge on LANDLORD van 'I'h NANT.—At the strong ngain. Wednesday evening last, of which last session of' the Ontario Legista- A NEW swindle is being the San says :—Tho members of turn au amendment was made to the worked among the farmers by a Cliuton Star Lodge paid a friendly Landlord and Tenant Act, which is sharper. IIe canvassed the neigh- visit to the members of Iluron not generally known. By the new borhood some time age taking orders Lodge on Wednesday night and enactment guy tenant falling into tor evergreens. The order is given brought es very large and interesting arrears for tent, with tho exception for a box of shrubs a fuot squarer, to programme with them, consisting of of tho first month's liability, leaves contain about fifty phtuts or so at vocal music by quartette, duets„ himself open to ho seized, and no five cents each. But when the foot solos, headings, recitations and an goods or chattels which be may square box comes to hand it con- orchestra consisting of eight pieces, possess are exempt from this seizure. tains in some instances 2,500 Plants namely, four mouth organs, one Everything goes. Before this costing $225 instead of 50 for $i'..50. autoharp, too guitars and one amendment the necessary articles It is estimated th it at least $50,000 triangle. The members of Iluron such as a stove, six chairs, personal will be taken out of the vicinity of Lodge also took part in the pro— clothing, etc., could not be seized St, linty,a by the swindle, if the gramme witho readings music solos T for rent, but now all that is chang- farmers do not Succeed in the sit and duets. \W a were treated to an ad and the nail who falls behind is entered against, the proprietor of the open serenade by the members of open to have seized and sold every nursery at St. Catharines who Clinton Lodge. It is to bo hoped article of personal property which supplies the evergreens.-131•ussels that they will repeat their visit agtin before very long. SACRAnENT of the Lord's Supper was observed in Willis Church last Sabbath morning. In the evening Rev. Mr. Shilton occupied the pulpit, Mr. Stewart conducting the service in Ptnttenbury St. church. ItTu, WILL IftTLRnCE, of the Tinton Road, was thrown over an embankment into a gravel pit Fri- day, by his teem becoming ob- streperous, and he was quite serious - 13r injured, though no bones were •0■ . • Our Weekly. Reminder Of what ! you all cry in a chorus. _ Well, of something that you scarcely need be reminded of, which is that than any other Coal produced. Why use common coal when this coal can bo purchased at the same price. ORDER E LYa IT 18 HOT l Every mon in the country, except dead men, would feel the heat of th last few days, and the winter under,•lothing he has been .wearing would simply tend to increase the heat. Every lean should now replace his winter flannels for Light, Cool it albri.ggan or so as to secnre LOW PRICE. as owing to a strong combination of the Railroad and Coal Companies higher prices aro anticipated this fall, Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton. Ifeadquarters For lIUT AiR FURNACES, both Wood and Coal. Call and get quotations. Natural Wool Underclothing. In the matter of Gentlemen's Furnishings we hold the confidence of the community and our word is considered the best obtainable authority. We' therefore venture the opinion, that sp'alciug from t xderienoe, we believe every man should wear Light Summer Unclerwear 1 Not only for the consideration of hFalth, but also for the comfort there is to be derived froni it. What mate is there that has, not at some time experienced the discomfort of a shirt that seemed to have a desire to act as an.ear muff' right at a time when such a covering was least needed. We have, and we therefore advise all to he comfortable,. Buy two suits of our Balbriggan. 'Underwear at 41,25 a Suit. Beautiful limes at 75c., $1.00, $1,25 and $1.50 per Suit. Remember, the best stock of OUTING SIIIR'I'S, of every pattern and quality, to be found at our establiahonent. The Noted Hatters,Clothiers and Furnishers, Clinton and. Seaforth. broken. i ho may be possessed of. I Post. • 0 10 DURING JUNE. 0 cents a yard will buy Fine Sateen Prints, were made to sell at 121 cents. In 1 cents a yard will buy some lovely things in New 2 Summer Prints, elegant patterns, dark and light grounds. cents -,a -y'az'*s# ,t :tE4>a�ods--i-ti the 1U following shades—Fawn, Navy, Myrtle, Grey and Brown. 1 CE nts a yard ° will buy double -width Grenadines, nice .patterns, fast black. 20 cents a 'yard will buy Fast Black Satin Stripe and Check Muslins and Fine French Spleens. cents a yard will buy the finest line of Fancy . Delaines in Town. 40cents a yard will buy double-witdh Dress Goods, stylish materials, good colors, worth '5() cents to GO cents. 50 OUR HAT SALE cents a pair will buy Kid Gloves that were 75 cents and $1 a pair. Last Saturday was a great success. Did you get one of our cheap Bats ?—a great many did and were well pleased. Don't think these are old, out of date goods ; they are not ; they are this seas on's shapes. We have still a few left and till they are. gone A DOLLAR BILL gives you your choice. Estate J. Hoijes, DRY GOODS PALACE, CLINTON oNr. 0