HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-06-15, Page 3A *_ r fuu9rporutsd 4y Astor Parllaalelit 3365 C�,PI.'pAT,t, �- $2,000,OQO 0, OOQ Bead Office, NtgNTREAL• < J. TI. R. Al2L$ON, Pretillsu t �. WOLFRASTAN THO:IIAS, beneral Manager. lJotls discounted, CollectionsnJade, Draft$ issued, Sterlinkk' and A.morican ex, ;oh'ange boubllt lint'' ?old at low- est current rates. ISURGST ALLOWire ON DBPOSITs. Aloney advanced to farmers on their own notes vith one or more endorsers. No mortgage re- luired as security. H C BREWER, Mana§er, s'ebruary.1884 VGINTON G. A X :Taggart BANKER, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. AGV V,ERAL BA.VKIVa BU -31 -VES -3 TR.4 YSACTED. rotes Discounted. - • Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed ort Deposits• Clinton, June Sth, 1391 658y �81xt15Ib'� eT ►T, C. Bruce, L.D.S. Surgeon Dentist. Graduate Roy`s( College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Under Graduate University of Toronto. Mee—Keeter's old stan4, Coate' Bloek, Clinton. N.B.—Will visit Blyth, professionally, every tfonday at Atason's Hotel. 675-y C. H. COCK, t :entfato of Dental Surgery, Honor Gra•luate dof the Toronto School of Dentietry. , Nitrous Oxide Gas admtuistered for the. painless xtractimn teeth. omod—Smith's Block, upstairs, opposite Vile Post Orifice, Clinton. r; r Night Bell answatred. 492y ' .eciztllll. DitS. 'GV NN & GIBSON. I!r!J 0"S`2 S iCE OntarfeSt. a few doors east of Albert W. GSGUNN- R J. GIBSON.. DR. TURNBUL'L. .T. L. Turnbull, bf. B, Toroutc Univ. ; X. D. ; 7. \[., Victoria Univ. AI. C. P. 't S Onf ; Fellow nb of- the-a•bstatriemt_ sousrty -0f . Edlur6tr Late of London„ Eng., and Edinburgh hospituls. Jdice:—Dr. Iicwslev,s stand, Ratt'oubury St.' Night sails awwored at G.rsaad Union Hotel. EioMic night' diefl at front entrance, J. W.;SHAW, M. D. C. M. J. W. Shaw.., M. D. C. M., rhysicfan, Surveoh" Aucouch," eta Office in 'the Palace 'Week, itattenbur • ilt., formerly occupied by Ur. lb eve, Clinton One MA_N'NING & SCOTT, Barristem, tkc.. ELLiOTe-e BLOCK, - CriLINCON.' Money to Loan. e. H. MLKNING. JAS. SCOTT.. �AVI!Sq . & JOIINSTe'i?, Law, Chancory,and Conveyancing. ollice—West Street, next daor to Foot OtRco, Goderich, Ont. 67. HLFS, solicitor, •e+ Office, corner of (Z,• squire and West Street, over Butler's Book Store, Godet.ch, Out. . 6T Maxoy to lend at lovrest rates of interest.• E• CAMPION, Bmrrfster Attorney, Solicitor in Chanczry, Coriveyaentc'r, &c. Otxue over Jordan's Drug Store, the toon's formerly eccu pied by Judge Doyle, k•:�• Any amount of nfamey to loan at lowest ates of icatorbst. - r161Ct1;4tX�CI?�%if1.�. ---- I . W. tr ALL, �IICTiO\,Cf ft for Huron (1ounty. Sales at- tended to -in any part ed 'the County. Ad- dress orders be, 001)HRICH P Q. V-17. C1!tIA.S. HAMILTON, A UCTIONEER, land, loan ane insurance agent Blyth. Sales attended in'tewn and country;, Qn reasonable to -pals. A list otdenns and villare for sale. Ma•Tey to loan on real estate, at, ow rates of iater�st. insurat3ar effected on all Lassos of property'. ;Totes and -debts collected. Voods appraised, and sold on car scission. BSnk- eupt stocks bou;ht And mold. Blvth. Dec, 1e 1FR0. Photographers C CLINTON. Life Size Portraits a Sweialty, i Lowy to Wend - ONEY,toland in large .or small sums o good mortgages or personal security a he lowest eutrent rates. A. HALE, Huron Pt Clinton. Clinton, rob. 26, 1881 lv 1 Buffing b0s,frvnt►ntan 4140AS000; hall (wa fron0rig 911 Ratted yry $treet; 901ior471 bloc.ot iu eopGrate lots, to edit porch "o, For turthai partloulareitpply totUO ondersl&nta.�,, DfN;J.L^Y, Glintnnt 3Ht' As 09 VR WV. The Clinton Lot)Q, No. 144, waste !n Biddle eonrts� (fall, opposite the market, the 1st And 3rd. Friduye n each nlont 1. Visitors cordially in. viten Sro.4 aAn, M. W.; J BuAa, Itecoider. 6996 �Ir®I�,mCrSilI��eae>ar„-'s ,*11koplas. 1,11"TNTON Lodge, NO, 84, A. F. & A V latest s every hrlday, on or after the moon. VieltUlg brothrd�l aordiaih melted. R10H HEYWOOA, w. n. O%V EX BALLARD, Sso Clinton Jan.14 1890. 1. ,490 L. 0. L. No. 710, ex.,INWON9 Meets uscoNp Monday of every month. flat), sad Rat, Victoria block. Vislting brethren always made wol00TnaI. ' WA, WALI{ER, W. M P CANTELON, Sec. THOS. IIEARNS, D -M, Jubilee Preceptory No. 161, (Black Knights of Ireland) Meets in the 'Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednesday of every mouth, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. Visiting air Knights will always -°ceive a hearty welcume. A. M. Toro, Worshipful Preceptor GEORGE HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor PETER CANTELON,.Registrar Royal Black Preceptory 3971 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets h1 the Orange Ilan, Blyth, the Wedue day after full moon of every month. Royal Black Preceptory 315, Black Knights of Ireland, Meets In the Orange hall, Godericb, the Third Mondayof every month. Visiting Knights always made welcome. W 11 MURNEY, Preceptor, Godericb P 0 JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderich P 0 S. HURON ORANGE DIRECTORY. 1892 Nantes of the District Masters, Primary lodge Masters, their port office ad• dresses and date of meeting. A. M. TODD, W.C.M., Clinton P.O. BIDDULPIl DISTINCT. .Sohn Neil, W.n JI., Centralia P. O. 21.9—Itobt. Hutchlason, Greenway, Fri- day oil or before full mmm. 60—Thos. H. Cota'mcy, Lucan, Saturday on or before fall melon. .493=10cha'rd 11wi-ins, • Imearij- tired= netday on or before full moon. "'G—William Naggart, 'GrandBe11d,U Wednesday ova or before full moot,). 090—W. E. McRoberts, NLtpleurove,'� Weditesday con or before fnll moon, I� .9294—Henry Lacrtsrook, Neter, Ist Fir- 1 day in eack,,mouth. 11©71—John halls, ISllmtctlle, Saturdrvl oil or before full moon. ,1.097—James CworlleN, 1-ylvan, Mond -ay on or befog. full meein. {1'210-011hert (d,•ieve, Moray, Thursday on or before fullimoon. il,343—G. La%imon, Ormliton) Tuesday on or before lull,moou. G10—Joshua Em-xtable, Centralia, Crl- day on or-etterifull moon. C,oD ,,rC1I f)ISTRICT. ANdrew Nlilllai., W..II.M., Auburn it'_ 0. 14:i—Willis Bell, Goderich, Ist. Merday in each manth. 493—Andrew D4iliian, Auburn, Fn:day on or befe-.efrill rnoon. 182—Charles '1lweediy, Goderich, last Tuesday sal each^ ,month. 1.8E—AflaluCanteloc, 1•Tolmesville,tion• day onobefore+BRll moon. 2(3—James elle, Saltford, Ilyd kWed- nesdlly itI•eacll,',nieinth. 305—Matthew- Sheppard. Clintax, 1st Monday Ie each month. RULLBUT UISTitICT. James Horneg„ W.D.NT., Winthrol;; P.O. 710—Wm. W&4,kor, 'Alnton, 2nd Mon. day in each mont.1. 813 ---James Nornay, Winthrop, last Wednesday before full moon. 923—Thotuas Dlclbyeen, Snmm.�:4ni11, t st Nloudn- i•n each month. 825—John Brisanell, Chisclhumt, Ist Monday ir.•each.month. STANLEY D:S)TRICT. Rohan -Nichols*n, W.D.M., IBlakelF.0. 24-3-ames Pollack, Eayfield, 2nd '"r.aes- (lay in each month, 308-4ames Keyes, Vcxna, 1st TueFday In ench month. 833—IVm. Pollm.'k, 'Bayfield, Ist Wed- no6day in eaei4 •mou•th. 738—.Tshn Ile rry,-Hensalt,1st Thuraday in each montbL. 1035—William Ibathwdli, Varna, Set Thu,rsday in each month. la'NoTe'.—Any omiscione or other errors grill be promptly corrected on writing direct totthe t0ounty blaster, Bro. A. Al.'Todd, Clinton P.O ILL HEADS, NOTE He..o.•a, ;Lotter Heade, Togs, StatementA, Circulars, Buatnesa Cards, Envelopes, Progrmnmea, etc., etc., printed in a workmos,- like manner• and .at%lots rates, at THE NEWS-REOOR.1) FOR SALE. ; I The propperty at present oeoupied by the j undersigned as e, residence on fihe Huron Road, in the Town of Goderich, eanaisting of one helfaf an acre of land, good frame house —story and a half --seven rooma, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses, There Rre also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for ally Fersan wishing to live retired. For further pa,rticulnre apply to E. CAMP[ON, — 542 t B-arrister, uoderieh. MONEY. PROPERTY FOR SALE OF 111 RENT.—Advertisers will find "'The A largge amount of Private money to loan. Low R Newa•Reoord" ono of the best medium. esiI t raG! Tf interest C. A, ARTT, in the Counts, of Huron. Advertise la, Solicitor fid "Tie News-Recaro"'—fI'he Doable Ofrculatlo0 OFfice Perrin'$ Block. Tann to Thousands• iiatds as los sa cnp, f ,f •4 TO THS FARMERS Stu..t ,ya11. .o't n fG t eand olw. he oN eM9 'et J tuanufautur9 nolle but. tire, 1f14e'roraTncH� lfatvare o,I uhsfie (hat $ell cheap, all thuU ,Rave vol Eo lips, Gall ant! of prisee, OrOorp ,/''malas` Walt' p�ro�lalply atsn7do�ci to �• HARNESS EMPORIUM. BLYTII, ON P ~ .1, E. BLACKALL, Vetoringr} a Surgeon, honorary graduoto of ,. UntnrioVotm•lnaryCollegs,t.0ats diseases of"all don)estlo•unlwOs oa the most i orn and sch. file principlop. tom} dabs attended to night or day. Otittle hmuedIttoI west of the old Roi'a! Hote), Uutarlo stroot. Residence— Albert street, Clinton. 649-31" ABEL S.:WEEKES, Civil Engineer, 4 - P. L.ISurveyor, Draughtsman, etc. Office—Upstairs in Perrin's Block, Clinton, `Ont ALLAN L I INE IIZOTAL 31AIL STEA11SHIIPS. RFDU TION IN RATES. Steamers sail regularly from Portland and Halifax to Liverpool via Londonderry DURING TAA WINTER MONTHS. Cabin, 610 and upward.. Second Cabin, $25. Steer, -go at Icw rates. No Cattle carried, STATE: j LLAN E LiOF NL 1} ALLAN 1V LINE:. STEAMSHIPS - NEW :YORK AND 'GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, $40 and upwards. Second Cabin, $25. Steerage at low rates. Applv to H. tic A. ALLAN, Montreal ; or to 1. O. PATTISON or WAI, JACKSON,Uliutou. tion to an individual about to be see, SbRlt I ever liberate myself FOR FIRST CLASS, Y beheaded and thou to accurately ob- from this accursed hand? Let HAIRCUTTING AND 'SHAVING. serve the sensations felt of the•nlo- loose, you monster! Vainly do I Go to A. E. EWANS, FAsnIONABLE meth of torture. 'struggle with both Iny hands. BARBER, 2doors rastofNEW.-.RFCORDOf- The celebrated German rlainter, What Is this I fret? An open fico. Special attention iverl tOiijgN.B AND CBILx� n EN's �iaircuttiug. NViertz, , whose works are collectedwound and toy blood flow• POAIPADOUIt HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY In the nlusee Wiertz, Bruxelles, inbr, 1'111110thino but a (lead relit might be consideredea precursor of from the body !' such a test. Wiertz was not an It was only after long suflariur A adept in occult sciences. His in- that must have seemed endless that as vestigation was impelled by goner•- , the decapitated head realized its osity of sentifneut rather than separtion from fhe body. through vain curiosity. What oc• Wiertz had ag•tin suhsitled into eupied his mind was the legitimate Spfingsolnnnlence, and Dr. D— con- tinued his interrogatories. h r he was ceaselessly haunted by the 'What do you see now ? Wheredesire to penetrate into the rays• are you ? teries of death through the tortured of the guillotine. The painter answered : eI fly COP!-® S Is it true this anguish endures into open space like a wheel hurled but a second? What dons the cul- through a fire. lint—am I dead? WALL PAPER grit think I What doe -s he feel at Is all over with me? Oh ! if they the fatal moment when the deadly would oruly join illy body, with my anal Paint Slop knife falls heavily upon his neck, head again ! Oh, men have mercy ! JIS STOCKED WITH,; All such questions harassed the Restore my body to me and I shall A SELECT ASSORTMENT: hind of the Rrtist. \Viertz was a live again, I still Oink. I still close acquaintance of bl. M—, see. I vet remenlbAr everything. —et--• . the physician in attendance at the There are my judges clad in'lark I prison in Bruxelles, and was like- robes. They utter my sent ce . f nerican and CaRadian wine an intimate f•tiend of Dr..D— Oh, my poor bereaved wife ! illy f a srientist who had for morn than wretched, unfortunate child ! You WalT l Paper (thirty years devoted himself to the love no looYou abandon' study of Itypnotisln. The latter me. if oul.y youu would unite me tvITII BORDERS'S MkTCH frolic live cent. with illy body 1ribould•be with you rolls to the fiuestOttievQgg;ought lily Papers had" ufteti 'h'ypn'otized thtr--paitrterr,' - and Paints for Spot Cash, and rappractical ew-abain. NO pertence justify tate in saying that all Wanting to who 'had already .proved to 'b0 0. ! you aro insensible Of decorate their hwcses inside or paint theta Dalt• WOIlderfttldy susceptible SUb,]6Cv. lily entreaties, But I loveyou still,' side will find it to their advantage to give'nre ar my poor elarlings. Let me but 'em Wiertz,, iertse favored with the permis- bravo Vou still, Iuy poor darlings. Q+�• 3hon,soakk: of Oliver Johnston`mblaekgnitli 810n of :11. i11--, ,,110 p1'160ll Of?`itCl- suop, and dirmAly opposite Ur. J. Chfdlcy's al, and +he Consent Of Dr. D-- Let ilio but embrace you. 'Cyiotne, rosrdenee , my little child. No ! '1�ousbudder determiaed upon the following ex- with fear. Olt, unFortunaw, you ®t.TE�.L1 COPP neriine h : IIs tvoudd place hirtatself aro Rtaired with my blood'! When t.T undes�the guillotine, Whore ,,rias see will thishastly racking a d ! End 7 Practi,orll Paper Hang randmalvter ered thead of the condemned rolls Is not theeritninalActowedttoeternal into lthe basket, aad thece be allow- ed Ito be put to sleep b1Tough punishment, The I eKillap Mutual Fire hypnotism and ordered. to ;pet:tetrate. W1 'I tke sleeping srtist describ- thelmental and bodilyeensa'tions of Qd these sensations lite bystanders the executed. Prept+xatory to this' noted that the orbs in the severed insurance Copy. tog', a few daye before a daoapitation.l liead were inime-nocly dilated an'1 ooeurred, he s'abmitoed to rite put to 1rxpres8ed undesetilbable agony and d Isolated owtls Proper- steep by Dr. D---,, who'influenced intense' pleading. The bewailing ` Farm ri P- bittl to identify lihn-setwith differ- continued : ty Only Insures? eml; people ,iia order to road their -No, uo ; such torture cannot last oFP[ctiare. tx Vhougilts—to pene•ate 'their very forever ! God is uierciful ! Now all Time. Z. hays, Presideait, Son?crtb P. 0. ; W. emuls and a a-soiences--•std as to o•x- belongcng to ewrth fades from my 1, Slraosrim. Sctcy'.Treas, Seaford: 1',•O. ; John perience all the •eentimeclts which 8jght. I see afar M 'thtl remote Yaanah, d!anar;cr, ScafoDinvC'9h fi, n,i 'agitated th'ecal., .• Wiertz proved a distance a '-star, .4istening and (UtaFCPOay, most fittiump;ersOn for se delicate, a Jas. Lmadfoot, Seaforth ; Dondkl Ross, Clin- © Y HcintRiating. 401), bow restful it tore- G;.l•;iel EIIi"tt, Clinton.; •George watt., , rL31selon, nlUett be theCe�• IAOw relieved I Harbooic; Joseph Evans, Bomdhv,00d; J. Shan. non:, WoltGo;Thos. Garbett, Cltlnon.s About t b fiNlallrtes-grevlon-6 to- feel'! 'NIy entire being is soothed Aaenrs, tthe arrived of ,,die 'cDndonined on by the gentle balm of peace and Tidos. Ntilans, Harlock.; Roht blcbllllmr, sea• . 'the day of e1 eeu'ti0-n WmortZ, BeCOm- calmness.. arait What tranquil slutu- foatba ; 8. Carnochaa, Sec.forth. t'Iohn O'Sullivan �! an.40cc.6-iurdtq Auditrss, panied by hie frie-nd, Dr. D—, her I shall have 1 Oh, what Parbos desirous to offeat insurance or and two witnesees, prooeeded to the ecstasy !' trA,nsaet•ctlter• business%%ill ba lln"riptly attend- (alto-on ttend• y edto-on?.;,plication to any cf the above officers, :guillotine, a ad,bJere, placing them - t d&mssen to their respective postcfices. selves cioe'e to the festal basket be- I T'k'ese werte'the last words uttered neath the aeWhedd., but unexpected by Viae hypnotic suhiect. Although by the public, AViertz was hypno still in this sleep, he failed to answer a�ppp�i �/ �gp� n tized by tl>re doctor., , While in this any'furthPr q&estioning. Dr. D-- FDD18[tt:8 OF i OU.N'0 AN® ULD condition Dr. obliged him to at this point examined the head in Organic Weakness, Memory, Lack of -condition hi m4eeLf with +tdie victim to the basket, touching its forehead, its A,uer,,•y;, 3Phvsical Decay, positively cured by y t ItaueltoA's 'teitalizer. atrso Nervous Debility, ,,follow mivutel+y all'hie thought, and """les., its teeth all was icy. Dirrnnose Of Sight, Loss eaf Ambit,.^n, Unntnesa i:.to feel arl�dl ea •roes aloud the sense• The head Was dead. to 1.Sarry;irunted Devebatpment, -loss of Power p' Pains fn vita Beek, Night Emie"cions, Drat., in •tions affecting the eriltninal just at Thds grPwsomo experience of the Urine, Seminal Losses, SJcaplessrreae Aversion p to Society, unfit for Study, Excessive maul. .f rthe motnealt when tate knife •entered genes etc„ aro, Event bottln ' painter Wiertz has been reported in guaranteed. his neck. I+Ae ordered tllim finally, NiI the scientific centres of Germany. 2ence goldfor yearly. rerfrese tlo guaranteed. stem Phvnnacst�30SYoneelSIELTontfo,Ont.ua�S r'fust as the hoed fell,ofi into the M,, Larelet, Wiertz's bio,rapher, basket, to awake an effort to .enter gives his version of its therein, and a :that brain and analyze the last collaborator of a St. Petersburgh rthoughts there iimrprenod. papar called Yovosti published an lU�lofl t. "d d ; The throe friends that accom.pan- accurate study of it. 42 r,'e;d the pailate�retood the-rejnbreath• Will ever again an emotional Iia .,d A` 0less silence, SIDW40usly aWaiting -de- 10, elopmente. The tread .of feet over_ sulliect so peculiarly endowed as '� ®1 5 4 3 A _ head warnstfte•m,,.flat the condemn_ Wiertz be found to repeat such an (MCCa'� 0 � o io living led by ,,rile executioner to accurate experiment? L tib p ?f t° o Eli tb, death -dealing machime. It is not at all likely that there %he culprit ascends the scaffold; will be imitators, as it is more am -other instant and the .guillotine painful to suffer with the subject of .a will have accomplished its bloody the guillotine than to look At L4rbe E werlk. 'Monsieur de Paris' when lie sep•. na The doctor watehee Wiertz and arates a head frons the body with � E nobiees that he is extremely per. the.greateRt skill. M m E turbed, He supplicates piteously — to be .awakened, The anguish op. —Hon. J. C. Patterson presanted d pressing him is intolerable. But it a petition from the mayor and citi- is too date; the knife has fallen ! zens of Kincardine, praying the New Firm in the Old Stahl. What do you feel? What do Government to cause a new survey you seeV questions the doctor. T69 andormigned havlt,g pnrahased the old of the easterly shore Of lake Huron entablidked meat basineas o/ Dir. Arthur Coact(, Tho painter, struggling with eon. and the southerly shore of the Man - begs to ia/orre the plibliokhathe will continual,, 18iODB as It has heretofore been eaaVed on. vu . answers, moaning: "A itoulin island to be made, in view ga*bfeatsofall kindaln season. orders taken thunderbolt hasfallen ! Ob,horrorl of the receding of the waters of lake and delivered asnsnal. The head blinks; the head sees ! pri Highack e paid for cheepskina, hides Huron of late yearsyand whish has, earl, s"It sutlers horribly ' It he$ra and tallow, y • , it is alleged, made navigation dan- a17 -tf JANEA. LORD, it thinks, but cannot comprebend gerous in many plates. 0 Gy{� _._ _.-..-.,..._�.».,,,...,�.. �....,:.,.,•.,.,....• ��,,..., ._�_ ....,..:......�.. may — - AND OBSTINATE DISEASES, gaf -.c pESTROYSANDREMOVES WORMS OF• ALL: KINDS IN'CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEETAs SYRUP ANO 'CANNOT -HARM THE MOST•. DJrLICATi CFItLr "�01A103d$ •>,+•A+au "Te'�•nnat sir v rTI ••oa •aslt.sxaun�au •sane aaa,vN'Plos pas q 10 n{ o,ad to rdl- e1 to to pi.dric dr6vTa) sise —'81 91,8.8Sna4 rQa Aq P108 •p1Ao 11eglso etilpem oz AntDaosos eq7 pati pne qoil; u` eau pAucA1ojC aria 8n{onpoa so 1u1 .land au[88ntp anogtTA•o+. mo soli{Dads eeogy •paterg t esittialp oqT soz omo iu{oad9 v st og13. ads alBu{4 JCtaAU -oldoodoggRgpasnsaunS 41MI aaeoaolYe,i seaaonsg7TAf,eal7ovadOavAladAlsavaA' S =ro7peep.fsuo'4dTaoseadpeandead n{Inbuava., Pal, 111aV11Aolase.:eDTeLnclda,aAalAd[4 iSA3H1NdwnH WELLS & RIC11ARDSO Co. Agenti• DIONTREA THE KIN TO HEALTH. `M $ucaols,l?:i.dln.eys an i.•i�cc. carr}irb „fl g1'alhlall\' ri1t11UlIt \Vef.nl'ibing I!:, - ft'] !:, :ill the IIt111l1rIl1CS nn 1 foul huu•t r f the• ,.e:rciinns at the snore timC c1d.ity of 'the St.a� r.^•1, :ut,: P;il Ot"Sire's._, . 3popsm.`!'lei:. L11PP, 1i: ziness, T.deartburn. Coy:-C?.?1::t1:10Y1, 5-y.aesa of the tSk-Ju, DI•op:'- L`:L•1.- ,AeSs Of vision,Jailnll..ce. Salt 1;; ;1:I11, erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttenng of the Heart, Nervow-ness ;;,__d General ,Debility • all these and many other. Simi. iv' ('6Innlaint; vieH to the hnwpy influence ;.(pie Bottles 10c ; Regular size $:C For sale by all dealers. T. HILBURN A CO.. Proprietors, Toronto V) V nl U F-� ' a .sa, F W V '' i', •,} a4 woo.. fill a V o �za w Mi W Q • O r . n'. «,«w.ar,r..n mm•;x•MP'�.m.:e,,,..+-,.s•r.,,:iy. ' , z..m......ry•,.anran.,,n :,.,..,.. .•rcn�w�,.•u.;-va. '. r to aE to rj) m O cre o LARA '�•�+/y, $1 lu OR RETTERI • _trl''4� . JACOBS oTt Ti'hc'll Y'0R.1.�, © tliR GREAT R9M9QY VOR PAIN, jr ' f `rXa M +,Nle net Sxr ID V VI $ MoNXof f1kos(+ oleo, have, sugoiva jrun; ' HiM ATII / 01MONZQ ARQNV0UQ.4#, C ,40S, on AAlflhf Q1' Inar,SprnIls, rV rT ; .. Eruteea: Cutn, Wands Soreness .QA7Jr,($, ZAYQ S0404s, 1Jstlu Ito" � , Stiffness, Swe�lingo, Saakfxohe; NOV.5 ralgla, Saintloa, Burns. r i 3 , a THE 6HAR4ES A. YOCELER COMPANY,, PeAlIY1ci more, . Olfineidlan De otr TORONTO, ONT. How I OASEMULYDIOMEN g ? The Huron News -Record what has eforhapp Of Pur Cod Liver Oil and its 4It looks for its ,body.. It seems St.50 a Year -•-51.25 in Advance, as If the body wuat,join it. It expects H POPHOSPHITES _ the final blow. It awaits death —Olf Mine Anal Soda. - Il 'T 18 ALMOST As PArAT.1IIrX i Wednesday Jnne 15th, 188% but death will notcowel' AS MZLlc. IT Is d WONDERFUL While Wiertz was giving utter. ILDS .0 PRODUC.U.B. It 4s used an,i i , CAN THIS BE 80, OR NOTI anee to these shockin; sentences the endorsed Ll/ I'kyAEofanA, droll all i,nitations or substitutions. Nord by — other witnesses,who had noticed the all Druggists at Goo, and si.o0. THE SEVERED MEAD, Head falling through the bag t0 the ;SCUTT .v BUTiXE, Itet[aniltn, -- bottom,of the basket, crown down, WHO CAN PENETRATE THE MYSTERY ward and bleeding neck upward, AS TO WHETHER OR NOT IT IS ! observed that it was looking at CONS010usI thatu wit-li month widely dlstendt'd§jffl and teeth titrhtly clln0 lied. TitoThe*double exee;ution by decapi• Satur- arteries still pulsated palpal ly,tation, which took place on where the knife had severed theinday, April 23rd, at Goerlitl, Gar- and the warmblood Spurted out, many, of the two murderers, Knoll splattering the eyes, the face, the A SURE CURE and .Heydrich, caused ecrious dis- (lair, FOR BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, I Y cession Of the aunebronidln Of in Th© painter centinurd his lamen, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK flioting death by beheadiug. This tatiollN, HEADACHE, AND DISEASE$ OF THE bringsh x l'►ilge t0 mind that Only one exp01'l• 'A h.: what hand IH ,,lila Strangling STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, ' t enceWag loft b0 added the me? Ali enormOuH, merciless hand. THEY ARE MILD,THOROUFH AND PROYFr IN ACTION, AND FORM A VALUABLE AID glories of hypnotism: It had never Ob! this pressure erutihes 'lire. TO BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS IN THC been thought to transmit n suggpa• Nothing but a ]arae red cloud d0 I TREATY ENT AND CURE OF CHRONIC tion to an individual about to be see, SbRlt I ever liberate myself FOR FIRST CLASS, Y beheaded and thou to accurately ob- from this accursed hand? Let HAIRCUTTING AND 'SHAVING. serve the sensations felt of the•nlo- loose, you monster! Vainly do I Go to A. E. EWANS, FAsnIONABLE meth of torture. 'struggle with both Iny hands. BARBER, 2doors rastofNEW.-.RFCORDOf- The celebrated German rlainter, What Is this I fret? An open fico. Special attention iverl tOiijgN.B AND CBILx� n EN's �iaircuttiug. NViertz, , whose works are collectedwound and toy blood flow• POAIPADOUIt HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY In the nlusee Wiertz, Bruxelles, inbr, 1'111110thino but a (lead relit might be consideredea precursor of from the body !' such a test. Wiertz was not an It was only after long suflariur A adept in occult sciences. His in- that must have seemed endless that as vestigation was impelled by goner•- , the decapitated head realized its osity of sentifneut rather than separtion from fhe body. through vain curiosity. What oc• Wiertz had ag•tin suhsitled into eupied his mind was the legitimate Spfingsolnnnlence, and Dr. D— con- tinued his interrogatories. h r he was ceaselessly haunted by the 'What do you see now ? Wheredesire to penetrate into the rays• are you ? teries of death through the tortured of the guillotine. The painter answered : eI fly COP!-® S Is it true this anguish endures into open space like a wheel hurled but a second? What dons the cul- through a fire. lint—am I dead? WALL PAPER grit think I What doe -s he feel at Is all over with me? Oh ! if they the fatal moment when the deadly would oruly join illy body, with my anal Paint Slop knife falls heavily upon his neck, head again ! Oh, men have mercy ! JIS STOCKED WITH,; All such questions harassed the Restore my body to me and I shall A SELECT ASSORTMENT: hind of the Rrtist. \Viertz was a live again, I still Oink. I still close acquaintance of bl. M—, see. I vet remenlbAr everything. —et--• . the physician in attendance at the There are my judges clad in'lark I prison in Bruxelles, and was like- robes. They utter my sent ce . f nerican and CaRadian wine an intimate f•tiend of Dr..D— Oh, my poor bereaved wife ! illy f a srientist who had for morn than wretched, unfortunate child ! You WalT l Paper (thirty years devoted himself to the love no looYou abandon' study of Itypnotisln. The latter me. if oul.y youu would unite me tvITII BORDERS'S MkTCH frolic live cent. with illy body 1ribould•be with you rolls to the fiuestOttievQgg;ought lily Papers had" ufteti 'h'ypn'otized thtr--paitrterr,' - and Paints for Spot Cash, and rappractical ew-abain. NO pertence justify tate in saying that all Wanting to who 'had already .proved to 'b0 0. ! you aro insensible Of decorate their hwcses inside or paint theta Dalt• WOIlderfttldy susceptible SUb,]6Cv. lily entreaties, But I loveyou still,' side will find it to their advantage to give'nre ar my poor elarlings. Let me but 'em Wiertz,, iertse favored with the permis- bravo Vou still, Iuy poor darlings. Q+�• 3hon,soakk: of Oliver Johnston`mblaekgnitli 810n of :11. i11--, ,,110 p1'160ll Of?`itCl- suop, and dirmAly opposite Ur. J. Chfdlcy's al, and +he Consent Of Dr. D-- Let ilio but embrace you. 'Cyiotne, rosrdenee , my little child. No ! '1�ousbudder determiaed upon the following ex- with fear. Olt, unFortunaw, you ®t.TE�.L1 COPP neriine h : IIs tvoudd place hirtatself aro Rtaired with my blood'! When t.T undes�the guillotine, Whore ,,rias see will thishastly racking a d ! End 7 Practi,orll Paper Hang randmalvter ered thead of the condemned rolls Is not theeritninalActowedttoeternal into lthe basket, aad thece be allow- ed Ito be put to sleep b1Tough punishment, The I eKillap Mutual Fire hypnotism and ordered. to ;pet:tetrate. W1 'I tke sleeping srtist describ- thelmental and bodilyeensa'tions of Qd these sensations lite bystanders the executed. Prept+xatory to this' noted that the orbs in the severed insurance Copy. tog', a few daye before a daoapitation.l liead were inime-nocly dilated an'1 ooeurred, he s'abmitoed to rite put to 1rxpres8ed undesetilbable agony and d Isolated owtls Proper- steep by Dr. D---,, who'influenced intense' pleading. The bewailing ` Farm ri P- bittl to identify lihn-setwith differ- continued : ty Only Insures? eml; people ,iia order to road their -No, uo ; such torture cannot last oFP[ctiare. tx Vhougilts—to pene•ate 'their very forever ! God is uierciful ! Now all Time. Z. hays, Presideait, Son?crtb P. 0. ; W. emuls and a a-soiences--•std as to o•x- belongcng to ewrth fades from my 1, Slraosrim. Sctcy'.Treas, Seaford: 1',•O. ; John perience all the •eentimeclts which 8jght. I see afar M 'thtl remote Yaanah, d!anar;cr, ScafoDinvC'9h fi, n,i 'agitated th'ecal., .• Wiertz proved a distance a '-star, .4istening and (UtaFCPOay, most fittiump;ersOn for se delicate, a Jas. Lmadfoot, Seaforth ; Dondkl Ross, Clin- © Y HcintRiating. 401), bow restful it tore- G;.l•;iel EIIi"tt, Clinton.; •George watt., , rL31selon, nlUett be theCe�• IAOw relieved I Harbooic; Joseph Evans, Bomdhv,00d; J. Shan. non:, WoltGo;Thos. Garbett, Cltlnon.s About t b fiNlallrtes-grevlon-6 to- feel'! 'NIy entire being is soothed Aaenrs, tthe arrived of ,,die 'cDndonined on by the gentle balm of peace and Tidos. Ntilans, Harlock.; Roht blcbllllmr, sea• . 'the day of e1 eeu'ti0-n WmortZ, BeCOm- calmness.. arait What tranquil slutu- foatba ; 8. Carnochaa, Sec.forth. t'Iohn O'Sullivan �! an.40cc.6-iurdtq Auditrss, panied by hie frie-nd, Dr. D—, her I shall have 1 Oh, what Parbos desirous to offeat insurance or and two witnesees, prooeeded to the ecstasy !' trA,nsaet•ctlter• business%%ill ba lln"riptly attend- (alto-on ttend• y edto-on?.;,plication to any cf the above officers, :guillotine, a ad,bJere, placing them - t d&mssen to their respective postcfices. selves cioe'e to the festal basket be- I T'k'ese werte'the last words uttered neath the aeWhedd., but unexpected by Viae hypnotic suhiect. Although by the public, AViertz was hypno still in this sleep, he failed to answer a�ppp�i �/ �gp� n tized by tl>re doctor., , While in this any'furthPr q&estioning. Dr. D-- FDD18[tt:8 OF i OU.N'0 AN® ULD condition Dr. obliged him to at this point examined the head in Organic Weakness, Memory, Lack of -condition hi m4eeLf with +tdie victim to the basket, touching its forehead, its A,uer,,•y;, 3Phvsical Decay, positively cured by y t ItaueltoA's 'teitalizer. atrso Nervous Debility, ,,follow mivutel+y all'hie thought, and """les., its teeth all was icy. Dirrnnose Of Sight, Loss eaf Ambit,.^n, Unntnesa i:.to feel arl�dl ea •roes aloud the sense• The head Was dead. to 1.Sarry;irunted Devebatpment, -loss of Power p' Pains fn vita Beek, Night Emie"cions, Drat., in •tions affecting the eriltninal just at Thds grPwsomo experience of the Urine, Seminal Losses, SJcaplessrreae Aversion p to Society, unfit for Study, Excessive maul. .f rthe motnealt when tate knife •entered genes etc„ aro, Event bottln ' painter Wiertz has been reported in guaranteed. his neck. I+Ae ordered tllim finally, NiI the scientific centres of Germany. 2ence goldfor yearly. rerfrese tlo guaranteed. stem Phvnnacst�30SYoneelSIELTontfo,Ont.ua�S r'fust as the hoed fell,ofi into the M,, Larelet, Wiertz's bio,rapher, basket, to awake an effort to .enter gives his version of its therein, and a :that brain and analyze the last collaborator of a St. Petersburgh rthoughts there iimrprenod. papar called Yovosti published an lU�lofl t. "d d ; The throe friends that accom.pan- accurate study of it. 42 r,'e;d the pailate�retood the-rejnbreath• Will ever again an emotional Iia .,d A` 0less silence, SIDW40usly aWaiting -de- 10, elopmente. The tread .of feet over_ sulliect so peculiarly endowed as '� ®1 5 4 3 A _ head warnstfte•m,,.flat the condemn_ Wiertz be found to repeat such an (MCCa'� 0 � o io living led by ,,rile executioner to accurate experiment? L tib p ?f t° o Eli tb, death -dealing machime. It is not at all likely that there %he culprit ascends the scaffold; will be imitators, as it is more am -other instant and the .guillotine painful to suffer with the subject of .a will have accomplished its bloody the guillotine than to look At L4rbe E werlk. 'Monsieur de Paris' when lie sep•. na The doctor watehee Wiertz and arates a head frons the body with � E nobiees that he is extremely per. the.greateRt skill. M m E turbed, He supplicates piteously — to be .awakened, The anguish op. —Hon. J. C. Patterson presanted d pressing him is intolerable. But it a petition from the mayor and citi- is too date; the knife has fallen ! zens of Kincardine, praying the New Firm in the Old Stahl. What do you feel? What do Government to cause a new survey you seeV questions the doctor. T69 andormigned havlt,g pnrahased the old of the easterly shore Of lake Huron entablidked meat basineas o/ Dir. Arthur Coact(, Tho painter, struggling with eon. and the southerly shore of the Man - begs to ia/orre the plibliokhathe will continual,, 18iODB as It has heretofore been eaaVed on. vu . answers, moaning: "A itoulin island to be made, in view ga*bfeatsofall kindaln season. orders taken thunderbolt hasfallen ! Ob,horrorl of the receding of the waters of lake and delivered asnsnal. The head blinks; the head sees ! pri Highack e paid for cheepskina, hides Huron of late yearsyand whish has, earl, s"It sutlers horribly ' It he$ra and tallow, y • , it is alleged, made navigation dan- a17 -tf JANEA. LORD, it thinks, but cannot comprebend gerous in many plates. 0 Gy{� _._ _.-..-.,..._�.».,,,...,�.. �....,:.,.,•.,.,....• ��,,..., ._�_ ....,..:......�.. may — - AND OBSTINATE DISEASES, gaf -.c pESTROYSANDREMOVES WORMS OF• ALL: KINDS IN'CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEETAs SYRUP ANO 'CANNOT -HARM THE MOST•. DJrLICATi CFItLr "�01A103d$ •>,+•A+au "Te'�•nnat sir v rTI ••oa •aslt.sxaun�au •sane aaa,vN'Plos pas q 10 n{ o,ad to rdl- e1 to to pi.dric dr6vTa) sise —'81 91,8.8Sna4 rQa Aq P108 •p1Ao 11eglso etilpem oz AntDaosos eq7 pati pne qoil; u` eau pAucA1ojC aria 8n{onpoa so 1u1 .land au[88ntp anogtTA•o+. mo soli{Dads eeogy •paterg t esittialp oqT soz omo iu{oad9 v st og13. ads alBu{4 JCtaAU -oldoodoggRgpasnsaunS 41MI aaeoaolYe,i seaaonsg7TAf,eal7ovadOavAladAlsavaA' S =ro7peep.fsuo'4dTaoseadpeandead n{Inbuava., Pal, 111aV11Aolase.:eDTeLnclda,aAalAd[4 iSA3H1NdwnH WELLS & RIC11ARDSO Co. Agenti• DIONTREA THE KIN TO HEALTH. `M $ucaols,l?:i.dln.eys an i.•i�cc. carr}irb „fl g1'alhlall\' ri1t11UlIt \Vef.nl'ibing I!:, - ft'] !:, :ill the IIt111l1rIl1CS nn 1 foul huu•t r f the• ,.e:rciinns at the snore timC c1d.ity of 'the St.a� r.^•1, :ut,: P;il Ot"Sire's._, . 3popsm.`!'lei:. L11PP, 1i: ziness, T.deartburn. Coy:-C?.?1::t1:10Y1, 5-y.aesa of the tSk-Ju, DI•op:'- L`:L•1.- ,AeSs Of vision,Jailnll..ce. Salt 1;; ;1:I11, erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttenng of the Heart, Nervow-ness ;;,__d General ,Debility • all these and many other. Simi. iv' ('6Innlaint; vieH to the hnwpy influence ;.(pie Bottles 10c ; Regular size $:C For sale by all dealers. T. HILBURN A CO.. Proprietors, Toronto V) V nl U F-� 9 .r. O Cry .. , 3r .sa, F W V �• : Pal to a4 woo.. fill a V o �za w Mi W Q • O A.I•�-�� :�N '. r to aE to rj) m O cre o � CLI o • w © 3D ID V rV rT ; Z -IN THE •- two -jVIVO tofa H , 1 ik