HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-06-15, Page 1rataftti,ata-4140 per Ant tt ► Stotts An Aavanee• { %RD•13'1'ENP.5141' pt, ,tail+ MNOS—X t 1101.4k U 1VQ'L'LW 0 OL .X17. -7 -NO 28. .For The HO Weather; E rhe Clinton Liquor Store is well stocked with all lines of seasonable goods. We have the best makes in the market of. , ALES AND PORTERS, in bottles and wood. Or if there are those who would rather have Standard WHISKIES, BRANDIES OR WINES for general or Medical use, we can supply the demand at the lowest possible rates. When in need of anything in this line don't forget that the Clinton Liquor Store is the correct place to go to. J. W. R TER. Godenleh Dr. Reg. Shannon was visiting in Cornwall the past week: Mr. Stanley Hays, barrister of Seaforth, spent Sunday in town. Mt: Harry Parsons was in town this week. Mr. R. W. McLeod, of Kincar- dine was in Huron's Co. town on Saturday. Mr. J. T. Hicka, of Mitchell, visited the circular town on Thurs- day. Mr. Chas. \Arilliams,.Phm, B,, re- turned house from Toronto on Sat- urday. Mr. H. Clark, of Kincardine, was iu Goderich the past week. Mr. T. C. Doherty, of ainton, was in the Co. town on Friday. Mrs. Chilton returned from Washington last week. Miss Malcomson returned on Saturday from a visit to lllemiltou and other points. Sunday was the hottest day of the season so far. Duzaus of each day other fish, and river, and he lunette a bed hand. with -rod and line who does not take home a ' The steamer City of '1Vindror made her (regular .galla the past Me. R. Le7'eurrel;fteading,'Mr. A. week. Johnston; seRections, Miss M. Dick, As a me, cin• fishing, beats nave eon ; solo, Mr. G. Fraser ; reading, had rather light lifts the past week. , M. Summetville:; recitation, Miss visitors hauling harbor may out be seen perch and frcnt iV Werai v 4 n'OOJ , Pun tanere .CLINTON. HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1892, !11 oderteJi • Mr. Chas. Garrow has returned from Woodstock college. Mr. Rubt, McKay, of Chicago :is visiting at the parental residence. Mr. Wm, Holmes, of Torok), was this woek viaiting the old home, Regular meeting of Liverpool lodge No. 140, S. 0. E. B. S. next Wednesday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Coleman, of Sea - forth, were iu town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Isaacs Salkeld are visiting in the neighborhood of Stratford. Miss. Forgusen returned from Detroit on Friday. Tho June scission of the counts- court omitycourt opened yestordey before His Honor Judge Toms. The fall Assize curt commute on Monday 19th Sept, before Alr•. Jus- tice Street; and the Chancery Conte on Monday 31st Oct. before Chan- cellor Boyd. Mr. Robt. Holmes, of the Clinton New Era, was in the Co town on Monday. Mr.Wni. Johnston, 0I New West- minster, B. C., was iu town on Sat- urday visiting his brother, Mr. IL Johnston, and his sister, Mrs. Marl- ton. Mr. S. Hannah, of 13ryfield, was in Goderich this week. Miss Itoehl, who was brought to Goderielt a month since, suffering from consumption died on Monday. Our city fathers meet on Friday. The schooner Iiolfage, Capt. Jnu. McDonald, lumber laden, run into port on lfonday on Iter way -to the River, ou, account of bead winds. L.O.L. No. 182, will hold a special meeting on Thursday, June 16th and not on 15th as announced , The brethren aro particularly re quested to be present at illus meet- ing to complete arrangements for the coming 12th July.. Visiting brethren always welcome. Also regx.lar• monthly meeting of the Home Circle next Ntenday even- ing_ At the open meeting of the Col- legiate Institute Literary Society on nettesels. First debate of the Young Meu's Liberal Conservative Club of Brussels took plane on Friday even. ing. Subject: Resolved that the National Policy has been bonofioiel to Canada. Jas. Bowmen, Fi. Dennis and Ward Farrow spoke for the affirmative and Jas. Irwin, D. Robinson and R. L. Taylor tor negative. J. I). Ronald occupied the chair. Ilis decision in favor of the affirmative was received multi greet cheering. The next debate of the Club will take place ou evening Juno 17th. Much interest is taken in the Club and it is bound to succeed. ''.9' 1111111terilill, The p.Lthmasters have ruled their little day Aul all our mats are now pronounced 0. K. This is the explanation of all who this way travel, "Hots pleasant is the jolting of the wag- gon o'er tho gravel,la" At a meeting olt the L. 0. L. No. 928 on Monday evening the 6th • inst., font. new members were initi• aced and two joined by certifioate. NIaster Caryl Draper sowed ashes itt his eyes ono day last Week and is under tnedioal attendance. His eyes will be all right in a short time. Tho I. 0. G. T. entertainment promises being a grand snccess. Mrs. Walters, of Goderich, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Benja- min Graiuger. Mr. Sxntuot Lowery, of tile' 15th con. Goderich tp., is not improving as rapidly as lily many friends would wish.. Messrs. Beacom have erected a woodshed for Mr. Frank Mcllveen, :`Ir. Grainger has put tile drains in his garden iu tho place of lum- ber ones, the latter having filled in and become useless. Mr. J. 1I. Lowery has purcha5gd a new bicycle instead of the wheel recently accidentally broken. The one he now has is first, class in every respect and (suits J. II, cow• pletel,y. lyirday evening the 'following pro- I4iic. gtaauino w;y;:pr:eaaubc:.:,...�Sc?lo;;+tltgt ?. -Gi�abb�'rotidctan A'Cr NV'�Struthere•'- '`Lt.-dT.sv<> Griz-irl-rtleEt-spitrt-t-last ' �' "t week in the eft+omlar town recruiting recitation, Miss E. Potter; solo, strength. Miss Mary Fee spent Saturday and Sunday witlt friends at the Nile. Mr and- Mrs. Love, of Etills Green, spent Suuday with M•:. A'uug- Mrs. Wil Bigley is visiting at her parent, lir. Thos. Boyd. Mr. IL Iaolnnss, of Clinton, will preach next Sunday at the Nile, morning and evening. The Rev. Mr. Pear gees to the camp meeting at IKippers.. Mr. Alf. Gledhill was at the Nile on Sunday. Mr. Albin has bought a Fete driver to take hie beat girl out with. He will not depend on strange horses any mere. On Saturday June Ilth Mr. and Airs. Richard Morrow celebrated their golden wedding, it being fifty .years since they were united in the Lortd•-ora Road Items. bonds of tnatritirony. They were married in St. James St. parsonage, Montreal. by .the Rev. Mr. Squires. There was present at the party, on Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Jacor s 1Jit tow, Mr. Charles Girvin, sr., Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Fear, Mr. n an and tier ladyship's guardian, and :',urs. John Dustow, Mrs. A. tl,s guardian failed to exorcise as i\lcWhiun'ey and family, Miss Mary mush manners as.ruight beeaspect• I'ce, Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Echlin, oil ;from a person of his position. Mr, and Mrs. Will Morrow, Mrs. And he quietly stied the young Richard Morrow, jr. and •children. rnar:'s horse out to pasture on 'the Altogether, it wasene of these times long acre, hut uo•tlt`.ng daunted, •the that we often wish would come youi:g man further renewed his of- oftener, when friends and n-eighbore feetfons the past week or.ao. The meet for •social enjoyment. We rua istrate took the law in his corn wish the old couple many years of hands and administered punier- married Iifeyet to come. meet by spoiling thie Welshman's A few evenings ago two young crista' stiff hat and giving those men, a farmer and the tail -sawyer things which peo.pl•e usually hear in a certain mill east of this city, with a sharp tickling up, besides a came with a ear loaded with deadly - few slurp kick on the shins occas- weapons to take part in a noisy sionally. But on Thursday after- demonstration at the Nile. Being noon last this young Welshman, , ahead of time and wishing to avoid thinking turn about fair play, fol- . collisions they switched off at the lowed the magistrate towards Clin- hardware emporium and unloaded ton and ,quitely halted him on the the ah flIery. There being no lock road end used som•othiug that r the door they secretes] the double Thi re will be a champion La- crosse match on the Agricultural Park grounds on Dominion Day, Mr. Wililtiarn Swanson., of Hamil- ton, ton, was at she family residence .last week. 1e, Strang; Wueetion drawer, Ms. VRI. I. Strang, 11. Si . ; solo, Mr. ',les. il'hompson. Our •peeetle •have given freely towards the fund'•f'or the celebration •of Duminien Bay, thus assuring a :good time on Fain Canada's si'1•rver Nomination for the ascent trus- 'birthday. Every preparation Inas toeship of .at. Patricks art the town-' Ibsen made,, and rthis year in at;di- hall to -morrow evening. tion to the nsritd athletic games, There will be a special meeting; Lacrosse, aced Bicycle races, au in - of L. 0. L.,%182. on the 'iisi th inst. .creased fire works display, and •eail- Comtsaenoiug to morrow, any hind , `'ng on the (take. the celebrated WTar 'Canoe Minesotu'rg, manned by 24 •worriers and •corurmanded by big 'chief, Win Kitt will give an •es:hibition of the manoeavet'e that 'earned sncia ,praise at the BigPow ?Wow at Detroit last summer. of fish may be caught with hook and line i.trpublic watese. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. ildolmes, of Acton, was (last week rieiting rclat tives in the "'Circular to wn. On Saturday there wean some six picnic parties visiting at Attrills point atone .tome. Messrs. Aldan Seeger end Chas. , TRO'UB'LE WILT, COME T6 •,TIIL •Garrow suacomatriculated matriclated ilr1rse of Famse:tt>.•—A short .time • last week. her. Seager will aanted ago a Welsh friend called to see one 'Trinity abs Mr. Garrote Toronto there our fair yottrL bufrieu, brat l - !University. there happetas to be bufrieudhy:€oel- ings existing between •this young Mess Holanes, of Londrs, is visit- iing in Goderich. rho Distr•i,ot Deputy, Taro. Jack. s,on, of Clintclr, officially visited Liverpool ledge No. 140, :f i. 0. E. Iiii. S. in this town last Wednesday evenfn;, Depy. reeve ,Reit is around again after t no weeks coafrnemsnt,throegh a rheumatic affliction. llev. Mr. Rogers was in Laudon the past week, and on Sundays was duly ordained as a minister of the Church of Euglend. Ata meeting of 4it. George's,con- gregatdon last Friday evening, Messrs Radcliffe, Seager and holt were elected a committee to coneslt `-ss, with tke Bishop on the appoi.at- went of a rentor. Mr, Jas. Graham . returned last avoek front a lengthy visit to the Motherland and continental Eta• rope. The schooner Carter, Captain Murdock McDonald, arrived at her dock last week with 240,000 feet of lumber from Thessalon for Mr. N Dyrment. The Carter is- laid up for a rveelc waiting for timber at the mill. Mrs, (Judge) Johnston and Miss Graham were in the Queen City for a few dais the past week. Misses Minnie Couch and Hattie Irwin, of Clinton, epent Sunday in the Circular town. The editor of the Signal was a speaker at the annexation meeting in Windsor the past week. sounded nearly as loud ae n police• man's bateu on a board (fence. So now it is Mr. Magistrates turn to ,eerry lots of bruises ou his Legs and arms which will require several applications .of St. Jacobs oil to fit them for mount labor again. So now, Mr. Magistrate, in the future before you t'ry to inflict such law on visitors, please pause for a moment and think if ever you were a boy yourself ; then if so, use the golden rule—do unto others as you would like to he done by. —The steambargs Kincardine, salt ladeu, is ashore at Winfield Basin, 2i miles from Tabermor•ay, Ontario. Laureled cannon under a bellows, sharking the place particularly, and then wended their way on foot to the Nile, intending to return or their load about midnight, The train containing their friends from Dungannon having arrived, they Hastened to get their fire arms to give them a salute, but what was their astonishment on reaching the place to find the artillery inissing. All their search for the whole load has, so far, proved unavailing. They do not wish to advertise their loss, but would like to find the fire- arms, p•,rticularly the double bar- reled cannon which is rather heavy for a hoy to carry or for a men to LINO when shooting at a mart:. WIIOLE NQ' 71Q tg cirri$ i$aVfieitii: Mr. John oiliest. 3(d line, 1e19' • ;1st•, leen. .11epotuald Kul Mr. cumpleiely rteuvered front his re cent 111ness% ]1 11srvy iott returned from the A•Irs. Geist, Henderson, who was confined to her room with a Very severe attack of inflammation, is now able to bo about once more, Mrs, Win, Anderson is still very poorly, no change beiug•notioable, Mr, Henry Botio, of Brigden, spent a few days with his cousiir, Mr Thos. Bone,.)r., laat week. Mr, Geo. Henderson had his barn raised and on the evening of the raising he very kindly invited the young people of the neighbor- hood to epond it few hours in the "merry mazee of the dance" which you may be sure was not ion(; in being accepted as Mr. and Mrs. Henderson know bow to snake young people enjoy themselves. 111re. Jas. Andersou, of Sullivan, is at present visiting at the resid- ence of her brother-in•low, Mr, Quintin Anderson. Mr. Robt, McGuire, having re- turned from the North- w ret, is so- journing under the parental roof, on the let line. 'tins, I%. Forsyth, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm. Anderson, has returned to her tomo in Sullivan. Miss Lizzie Ireland is spenJing a few weeks with friends fn Son• forth and Tuckersrnith, Messrs. "Eh" and Johnnie Saun, ders, of Ethel, spent Suuday visit- ing "friends" on the 3rd line. Tho Court of Revision met in the Town Ilan May 30th, 1892. Mein hers all teresent and subscribed the oath required by statute• Appeals were disposed of as follows Str'etten, assessment reduced 560; Jno. Hanna, complaint dismissed; John Kelly entered owner N. lot 13, con. 8 ; Edward Ward entered M. F.S. r 12, con. 9; Chas. Ham- ilton and James Potter entered owners S. ?r, 28, con. 7; David Fleming entered tenant N. W. pt. 11, con. 6 ; Alex Catupbeli and James Aitehoson had each a dog struck oft'. On motion of Proctor and Kirkby the court of Revision was then adjourned to meet agaiu ou the 27th of June. aeon nail dareinss- w ass, then pioaeed= cid with, the Reeve in the chair. Moved by George Kirkby, second- ed by C. A. Acme' that Alex Clark be allowed 20 cts per, rod for put- ting in a pipe 'drain on sideline between lot 10 and 11 con 5, Jas. Proctor to inspect the work, Car - vied. Moved by Geo. Kirkby seconded by T. Caldbick that the taxes collected on the several churches in the tOwnship last year be remitted as they were illegally assessed, Carried, 11lovedby Jas., hooter seconded by Geo. Kikby thrt C. A. Bowe be instructed to have the bridge on sideline between lotsa5 and 6, eta. 9, put in a proper etabe of repair.—Carried. Moved by T. Cald'bick seconded by Jae. Proctor that this Council expend $200 un the east and 5200 on the west gravel roads, providing the cet:ncils of •Ge•ey and East Watva- nosh expend equal sums,—Carried. A•eommufiication from James Craig its reference to ditch on 7th and 8th concessions was read and filed. 13:y -laws numbered 5 to 14, 1892 wase read thcee times and passed, On motion of Proctor seconded by Caldbick the following accounts we'r'e ordered to be paid :—Albert Hughes, repairing road at lot 19, con. 1, 55; Misses Exford, charity, 56; Thomas Sheridan, removing floodwood and repairing bridge, 53.50; Isaac Ferraud, repair ing culvert 53; Frances Wright, gravel $2.22; corporation of Blyth, shovel- ling snow on wort gravel road, 51; Geo. Jackson, remission of church tax, 5236; Chas, McCIellcnd, do 8'2.40; Wnr. Wray do 53; W. J, Johnston, do 52.,60; John Watson, assessor's salary 580 ; W. Clark, part salary, $40. Moved by T. Caldbick seconded by James Proc- tor that C. A. Howe be instructed to expend 560 in repairing road at lots 4 and 5 con, 7.2-- Carried. Council thon adjourned to meet agaiu after Court of Revision on the 27th Juno next, W, Cr,Ang, Clerk. Remember the lacrosse match to- day (Wednesday) on the Agricultural Park, Canton,, at 3 o'clock, between Clinton and taoderich. The mer- chants have, kindly consented to close their places of business from 3 to 5 o'clock, so that all can attend. The game will be one of the most exciting ever played in this locality. Duke last week. Beytield will be more arproeiated in future. Our photographer, Mr, Cook, has taken some views of harbor and river with sail boats and row boats. Holy Communion will be ad ministered in Trinity Church • Pitt Sunday by the pastor,' Rev. Mr, Newton. Mr. Malcolm' Armstrong, of the Bronson Eine, has attained the 'tonere of an M. D. He very successfully passel: the Counci'. Mr. Chas. Logan who has liven at- tending a medical college in Detroit, has auto been successful in passing tide years examination. Mr. Geo. Stanbury hat successfully passed this year's exatuination nt Toronto Uuiyereity, The best wishes of this taper accompany these gentle men, Mr. Peck and W. Johnson, who are attending Goderich Collegiute, spent Sunday here. An ice cream party was held. at resideuceiof Mr, Jno. Whiddon one evening lust week. The select of Bayfield's fair were present. Otitis says he never tasted, such delicious ice cream. Two Safetya from Goderich passed through here on Sunday en route to Seaforth: .A company of the wandering Arabs commonly known as gypsies encamped in one of Baytields boauti ful groves last week. .Breezy Bayfield now presents itself characteristically in every sense of the term, but more especi• ally it presents attractions for visit, ors which are unknown elsewhere. The river hotel presents every ac- commodation, and boating cannot be brat. Several young ladies of Goderich painted the town black one everting last week, anis while. perambulating the kalsotnined side walks were met by three sports of Bayfiel 1; sur- prising is the agility if some of ocr boys when there is anything in it, but don't get lost on a back street. A -big jubilee at the 8. A. liar racks wilt be held on June 16th. The famous Welsh minstrel, Staff Captain Griffiths, will be present. Come everybody. Saturday a small picnic from Goderich spent a few hours in our village, atnoni; them was Mr. Prouds foot, of the firm of Proudfoot & Garrow. Always something new, so Israel thought or be did think when Dan and Bill were making mince•weat of him. Intended for Inst week. The new Captain of the S. A., Francis, received a notorious wel- come from the howling soldiers here. The new Capt. is likely to be a favorite with all. Bayfield must yet be attractive, for we notice some of the Varna '.toys here very.often; its too bad But two is csmpany and three a crowd. The mail route contract between here and Seaforth has been let to Mr. Clark of that place. As Mr. Clark comes well prepared for that business in every way no doubt of his snaking it a success as it has been by the previous carrier. I. 0. F. held a business rneeting last week for the appointment of new officers. Several new mem- bers have joined ; and reports of more intending to join. Mr. Wm. Shaw, of Seaforth, per Safety, spent Sunday here. The frontage of pe post-ofh2o has. been greatly improved by the lower- ing of the platform and the nidi• Lion of a few bricks, Life insur- ance will not bo so necessary now. A large hole in the sidewalk, which has caused many a tumble, has been at last filled with gravel. Rev, Mr. Newton was seen down town the other evening with one of the most beaming faces we have noticed for months. Upon enquir• ing we found Mr. Newton had found himself •prosentod with a daughter. We are very happy to congratulate him. Mrs. McMurray and eon oUClin- ton, are visiting friends here. Mr. Garroch, of Listowel, spent Sunday here. Timbers ere being hauled for the repair of the harbor. The work moves very slowly, but hopes aro entertained for more speed pretty e0on. Tindall end Booth, evangelists, of Clinton held a meeting in the town roll on Sunday ; a fair crowd turn• ed out, Miss Sheppard, of Toronto, is the guest of Dr. Sheppard. Mr. Jno. McLeod, of Peter• borough, is home on a visit. 1ls:p,yxic14 Mise Mary Weiwin, of Goderich, iatvisiting at,lter home here. Mr. H. Hutton wns in town kat. week. Rev Mr. Henderson was in Blyth over Sunday. Mr. -Scott, of I3rucofield, was in town this w1 ok, "1lsld ou there Era Expoitition 1 We've got a say in this aull.don't you bot your silver penny on it." Such were the words uttered by a yonket' on Franlcfurd St. But while we notice the other mouth- pieces in ouch rapid notion that a smash is inevititple and to assist our neighboring (Gentiles we will always be found on hand. Let her went 1 ,you'ia doing good, Scribe! Rev. Mr. McLean, of Blyth, oc- cupied the pulpit of St. Andrews church on Suuday to a large and appreciative audience. Al r, Chas. Dewey, of Sauble line, returned Hit week from a trip through parts of Manitoba. Mr. Dewer does not speak any too favor. able of the new country. Lilyt)t, Miss Susie Brownlee has return- ed from a two mouths visit iu the Forest City. Miss Maggie Moore is at present visiting Miss Ruth Jones in Sea - forth, Reeve Hamilton attended the County Council held. in Goderich last week. , Our local eagle buyer, E. Wat- son, is in Mo:itreal these days. Rev. A. McLean officiated in Belgrave on Sunday evening. There was no service in St. An Brews Presbyterian church on Sun day evening, opting to the absent of the the paste. Rev. T. E. Higley and F. W Tanner, Esq., visited Goaerich o Monday. Mr. John McKinnon left here o Tuesday as delegate to High Cour of the C. 0. F. which is bein bold in Stratford this week. Our town daddies held a court o • reviatha. of the assoesmont..re•11 i Industry Hall ou Monday evening The large • boiler and engine fo P. Kelly &' Son flouring ruins ar rived at this station on Friday from Galt.. • Mr. W. Moutry, brickmaker, has just finished a rriarge kiln of brick which has turned out to be of excellent quality and fur which he is receiving a ready demand. The membertt; of the G. 0. F: No. 89, Feet iu their hall on Tues- day evening, when the goat was brought into requestion once more. There has been a movement foe sometime past to start a lodge of the S. 0. E., in this burg, but we have not heard what encouragement the parties iutetested have received. We should think there is material enough here to start a good lodge. Mr. Hugh McQuarrie is visiting friends in Totonto and elsewhere. e • • 0 n n t g f r ' On Sunday afternoon at 2.30 tit members of the C. 0. F. No. 89 and visiting brethren will march from their hall to Trinity church for Divine service whorl a special sermon will be preached to�them by the incembent, Rev. Bro. T. L. Higley. Everybody welcome. The Wednesday evening service in 'Trinity Church has been discon- tinued until further notice. The Young Peoptsf,t ,,association will meet as usual On same evening at 8 o'clook Beitgrt ave. The Foresters of this place wili- attend the .Demonstration in Wing - ham on Dominion Day. Rumor says 000 of our young • bachelors will join the nt•my of • Bonedicts shortly. Mr. Jno. Hopper, of A1gorrxt,, is. visiting friends iu this viciuity. Mr. B. Elliott, V. 8 , of Tees• water was in to.vu oa Seinday. Ho has fully recovered front his attack of consumption which speaks well for Dr. Godfrey of this place. Tho cheese factory has reopened and Mr, Leee't will soon have all be can do as there is quite a comber of now patrons. Mr. H. Johnson, of Bluevale, was in town on Friday. Mr. J. Anderson was in Wood- stock last week. Mr. Thos. Scandrett is having a stoue wall built underneath his barn. Don't fail to take in the big pic- nic in Benmitler grove on Friday next. Miss Christie Tucker loft on Tuesday for Brandon, Man. Mr. B. Coates, of Clinton, was in town on Sunday. ',ir. and Mrs. .I. Hopper, of 1Vinghatn Suudayed in town.