HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-06-01, Page 5iottuton l ergs Record '.l,r119'a Year -406.1n Aevaneo, r'I deestiaiy Axttc. list, LW NEWS NOTES. -It is itaiiti that 1400 livea were, lost by the gre..t atom on the island of 'Mauritius.• • --sit cost a Alichleau 0obo0l teacher $67 and costa to take one of his " big girl " pupils on hie ;time and bpank her in good old. fa9liioned• style. —The payments of sugar bounty Under tbe McKinley bill on account of .production for the present fiscal year have been practically completed. The bounty amouted to about $7, 500,000. The estimate for the ensuing fiscal year is $10,000,000. ---The city of Arkansas is ,cos• plotely under water. All the stores are flooded out and the tops of houses are visible only on the back streets. All the train on the Iron Mountain are abandoned on acs count of bad condition of the bridge over,Boggy Bayou. —'A special from Wellington, Kas., says a cyclone passed over that place, killing and injuring 500 people. The storm passed directly through the centre of the town, wrecking everything in its path. Fire broke out in the wrecked dies tridt, and is now burning fiercely. —The election of reeve, at Brus- sels, to fill tho vacancy caused by the resignation of J. M. Mclutosh', was held on \Vedhesday. '1'110 can- didates were W. H. Kerr, of the Post, and George Baeker, grocer. The contest wee a keen one, and resulted in the election of Mr. Kerr by a majority of 50 votes. —Mrs. John Robertshaw, ono of the oldest settlers in Woodstock, died on Wednesday from'congestion of the lungs. Deceased was 83 years of age. Her hnsbiand, who died a year or so ago, •left an estate veined at. .$65,000, which will now go to Mrs. John Peers, of Wood- stock, and M r+. (Dr.) Hill, of Nor- wich, daughters of deceased. —Harry Garbutt, of Wingham, the alleged forger, who has been in Toronto jail for over a year, went back to Texas last week in charge of Detective Lucus, of, that State. In. spector Star „accompanied thein as far as Port Huron. As stated a few day ago, Garbutt abandoned the appeal at Osgoode Hall and will now stand his trial in Texas. —For a lore; time one of ' the most noted inmates of St. Joseph Hospital has been Mr' Johanna Mertens, of Joliet, Illinois. She was born only about a year after the nation declared its independ once of Great Britain. Ireland was her birthplace. She di iI yes- terday at the ripe old age of 115 years, being the oldest pe:son in Will County. —Great dissatisfaction exists among the Church of England people of Petrolea at the removal of Rev. It. McCosh, .rector of the parish of Chatham, without the con;, egatiun having been consulted in any way. Tile proceeding has tended to do the Canrsln th are mush harm an 1 is like ly to result in a division of the con• gragation, as some of them openly express their intention of applying To 11ava' a Tiranoh -oral "Refornti3d- Episcopal Church established there. Itis stated that negotiations are already on foot with that object in view. —A. very successful and enthus- MARKEV ImP( Wrs,'. (porreete(l oRe7 xaeteay MtterpoQjl.) r�1 oi,,ltiT911. Fit( Wlieab.. tF..fr„..s' 0 80 to 0 85; Spi'ini Wheat„,.,1....... 0 80 to 0 85 Berley...•..,.,,,eses..,,.tr. C 40 to 0 50 0014.4 .....;$9.401.•,!!“4,1,••0 329 to to 30 Peas Applee,(winter)per hag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes."... ...... . .... 0.25 to.0 30 Butter .. 0 13 to 0 14 Eggs, per lb 0 06 to • 06 11 00 to12 0- Cordwood 3 00 to 400 0 Beef ..000 to000 Wool 0 18 to 0 it Dressed Boge 5 00 to 5 25 .CAUTION. EACII PLAIC OF THE TflurtIe Navu IS MARKED T. & B. IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE. EXECUTORS NOTICE,. Pursuant to Chapter 110' of tho Roviesa Statutes of Ontario. Notice is hereby r Ivan that all .roditors end other persons having claims upon the estate of Jo:Iu Irwin late of to town of Min- ton .n the County of lin on, Custom HOAHa Otaoor,deeeased,who died on or about the 4th day of April A.D.1'i92,ererequired to send by postpre- puid or deliver to John Parke:• Thopaas of the City of Belleville 13 thoOouutl• of Has tinge Solicitor for Masers. Donald Gann and W.n. McCoy of Laid City of Dente/21e er_euntms of the last will and toatatneot of said John twin, oa or before the 35th day of June next 189.2, a etetemont of their names and addresses, a statement of thele ac• crumbs the ,.uil particulars of choir claims and of neouritfes Of any) held by them ;and of er the said lest named date the said executors will pro. eyed to dietribu.o the as to .s 0: the said deceased amongst theparties en ti dad tbe-stn having regard o tly to the eleime of which no dee sha 1 have Neon given es above regaled and ah,.11 not be 1 ible for .he assets o: any part thereof no distributed to an. pe 'son of who. olei n the said exccntors had.' not notice at the :me of the distribution thereof ora part thereof. Dated at Te_ e,:Ile this 25th dae of Miry 1893. J. PARKER THOMAS, Solicitor for said Executors. 703.5t. NOTICE - There hoirg some misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let it be dtatinetly understood that if an,; person takes possession of any kind of wroelra•;e and 'Am to : sport to me I shall at once take,procoediege, Re 'somber this is the last wareieg I shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB Receiver of Wrecks, Coder:ch. Goderieh, Sept. 7th 1991. MONEY TO LOAN Oe farm property at 5h per cert. Apply to C. A.: 1,,,,.r C in.o THE: •CEM r4I ti'E'D Ideai Wasfl6ril 4tancl ginger THE BEST IN THE IIIARKETJ 19iatchfues 11sl'an17ed ea Tr°al am a't,o a+ent 'o: All Agricultural Iffplemots Ware 'oom oppoz&e Fair's M'' ” - _ J. B. WEIR, CLINTON iastsc meeting of young mik - held at Brussels the other evening for the -purpose of erganiz'ng a Young Men's Conservative As"ocia. tion, Addresses were deliverers by Mr. James Taylor, and by Messrs. E. W. McIntyre and A.. Elliott, who represented the Toronto Young Men's Conservative Association. The Chairman was Mr. James Ir- win, the President of the new club, to whom, with Mr. Ward Farrow, the Secretary, great credit is due both for its inception and formation. The young Conservatives of that town have made a good start, and intend to keep up the work all along the line. —Richard Waistell, of Mc- Gillivray towehip, charged with big- amy, was tried before His Honor Judge Toms, at Goderich on Wed- nesday. Richard bad been married in 1849, to Susannah Cook who • is still living, and on March 19, 1889, had a second ceremony per. formed by Rev. Mr. Clement, at that time Methodist minster at Exeter, to Ann Cobleigh, of Mc- Gillivray. The certificates of both marriages and other conclusive evi- eoce were adduced. It was shown, however, that the prisoner and hie wife had not lived happily together, and that some five years ago she left him and went to Michigan. In February, 1889, Waistell went to Michigan to induceSusannah to come back to him,which she refused to do. He then made overtures to Ann Cob- leigh, and was married to her on the 19th of March following. HieHonor found the prisoner gniltly, and under the circumstances set fourth allow.. ed him to go on sapended sentence, under a bond of $500 to appear for sentence within five days when called for. BUQGf 3 S, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best ivorlr., Menhir and Material, WrAll the lateet styles. an4 mot improve, mote. All work war:anted. Itepeirifg'and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times, KW' FACTORY—oorner Huron anti Orange Streets, Clintoxi. 657•-y WHEN YOU WANT A ENTTY-11.1114 NIT OR AN ORERED SUIT Or anything in MEN'S FURNISHINGS, come and see what we can do for you. We carry a very fine range. Jtjat now we are offering I ----,fit. "'LINE OF ODD PANTS !---- At,a great deal less th• n their value and itis worth your while to:come and see. ---0— T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. Gr000Fies ! - Grooeries.! Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, eke. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, rew Goods, and we can 'supply the wants of every household at vel, close figures. I)o not buy until you inspect our si;ocl-. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Craton. SERVANT WANTED. Sud' lour Telekfaras Enquire at.oneo of Mrs. Dr. Campbo'l, Seaforth, Ont. A middle aget: woman preferred. "WEV E NSO N Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Colu'nihus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new model. FITA11 these makes in key and stem winders: Also pendant set watches. J. DIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. Lolh's Starch Enamel. This 19 an art:ole worthy of a've'•y lady's attention. • 11 you want to save time and labor, buy a box. 1f you want your ironed clothes to loop neat and rte n and to last much longer, buy a box. It you waist the starch to stay in the clothes on the line In ep'te of rain or frost, buy a box, If you want everything to look like new, such ns sill, . bosoms, collars, ends lace curtains, etc., buy a box. iffri.1very Storekeeper keeps it now, and where the u'e•..haet does not keep It we want a lively eget . to represent us. Manufactured by 65—tI W., J. LOBB, lion mesville. STRAY STOCK ADVER TJSEMENTS inserted in TON News REcoal at low rates. The law makes it compuleo.y to 'advertise stray stock 11 yon Want any kind of alvertieing you will rot do better than call nn neae•Reocord. THE WALES HOTEL, ALBERT -ST. NORTH, CLINTON. The unde-signedhas assumed the proprietorship of the above Hetet. The premises are being re- fitted and fleet-clr•s accommodation man r'wa-e he hao we. man and beast. Tee bar is anppl''d 'w',th only t e best Ale, Liono Cigars, tee., and special attest on will also be given to the dining room dons tment. There is excellent stable act•ommodr"o1. The patrorage of the general public le respectfully solicited. .13S4 3m JOHN T. LEE, - PROPRIETOR NOTICE Thacouacilof the Corporation of the County of H on w"1 meet in the Court (louse, Gode - leb, on Tuesday Juno 7th, 1891, et 3 o'clock p. m. W. LANE, Co. Clerk. May 20th. ADW1NISTRAIORS SEC Valuable Real Estate ---IN T11E-- TOWN OF CLINT6N• With the anprobation of John Hos"ne EH'•. 0, C., official (iearthen of Infants, the e will bet,old'nt public auction by D.tv:d Del ieson, auctioneer, at the Ceutral Ilotel iu the Tow .1 of CLINTON, on Saturday 25th clay of' June, 1)92 at 2 o'clock p. n ., the following property '. z Ilr'idle g Lots or tubeeclione nnmhere thrr, fo • a d. eeyent'on in Crombie's 9 •vey of 'Town Lacs numbers two hundred and "ty two and two hnodred and fifty th •ee iu the town of C.' ton t o Co: ty of 11 on. There are erected upon said Lots three and four two subtantial brick Storrs two etorirs high hav- ing each a frontage on Albert atroet of22 feet and a denth of 50 feet and a B ttroofed extension to rear of 30 feet. The mainbuildi•igs -ire roofed with shingles laid in mortar olaased as A 1 for Insurance. The ._foundatlons-ate.atruiewit .geeda"jlei;5J the atone_ are fitted with shelving and conntere euite6)e for ordinary merc!.ntile beeinoee. Said Lot Seventeen in situate in the rear of skill Lot Four separated therefrom by a lane running at the roar of maid butleing Lois (routing on A'bert street and has erected thereon a largo frame store house. The property ie situate opposite the Prince of Wales and Central Hotels, the farmers Hotels of the town,00 the main business street dnd' are in bvery way conveeient and commodious business places. TERii18 —The property will be offered (first) en bloc (eoccndly) Luta four and Seventeen to- gether (tb'rdly) in separate Lots. The proper ties v. ' be Bold subject to reserved bids fixed by the official guardian. Ten per oerit of the purchase money to bo p. id on the day of sale and the balance to the Vendors in 33 days thereafter without interest ; or if the purohaner dealre ono haft of the purchase money may remain on Mortgage at e'a per cent intermit for a team of years. The purchase:a sha`: be require 3 to s'• on the day of sale a cont:net fo • the completion of purchase. The t her conditions Anil be standing conditions of the High Court of Justice. For !nether particulars apply to 0. R. Comman- der Esq. Loudon, Ont„ cr to the undersign '.. MANNING & SCOTT, Sol'c'tore for the Trusts Corpo_ .ion of On; 1.. i, Adtr lislrator. DAVID DICKINSON, Auctioneer. C ' aton May :3rd, 1.892. There writ be offered at the same time and place and sub feet to similar terms and cone -,'ons building Lot, Sixteen in Oronibie'e Survey afore- said in the said Town of Clinton at the rear of Maid Lot t'sroe the property of Chas. R. Cor nan- der.,'Li`eq , ` aloe, Out. : 'NNi'G & SCOTT. Veudo. a Solicitors. DA\ D DICL?N80N, Auctionr sr. Clinton May 25 el, 1-92. DESIRABLE LOTS I'OR SALE. Three ono•ncre lois in the Town of Clinton ere offered fot sale. Thee me situated on Rzq'an street, not far from the Done •try Organ Factory and Colle;•iate Institute ie'jo sing the former residence of Mr. J. H. Com'io aril in 1.90 re'gh. borhood of flret.class residences. For tonne, etc., apply to e01tf ARTHUR KNOX, Clinton. GODCRICH MARBLE WORKS, J. C. Stevenebn, Furniture Dealer, Clinton, Is our agent for Clinton and vicinity. W.M. Mohring, of,Denmiller, Is our Travelling agent. Orders entrusted to either of the above will have our best attention. Monuments sopplind in CANADIAN, SCOTCH, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites. a well as in all varieties of marlin o. Give Mr, Stevenson a roll before ordering elsewhere. JOHN A. ROBERTSON . Manager. BY THE G. P. R. TELEGRAPH OF FION AT tlqui Cooper's Boak.Store,Cliuton, New Blacksmith Shop 10P,CE TROWII ILL has opened out a gen• �T e!•al Blacksmith and Repair Shop In the building lately occt'pied by Dir. Cauloy, opposite f'air'e lumber yard, Albert street, Clinton, Out. L'lacLsmith and iron Work in all its brauchea. Eloise -Shoeing promptly attended to and antis. faction guaranteed. The public ate invited to :all before ordering any clave of work in the above Biles. 497—t1 GEORGE TROWBILL. M. O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, Eto., Orrioa:—Cor. Hamilton aed St. Andrew's Sta. GODERICH, - - ONT• Money to loan at lowest rat HOUSE PAINTING All parsers wishing to have their (douses na,erod and decorated inside or painted outside, in first -close stele and at moderato prices, will tend it to their advantage to call on C. WiLSON, • Painter and Paper Hanger Shop on Rattenbury Street 697-3m 'House For Rent or Sale. 81x--oo-ned home on Orange fit-eet, Clinton. Cowin-. table and In good repair. Pard and soft weter. Garden le connection. Will bo sold or rented on reasonable terms. Apply to 700t1 JAMES C0OII, Clinton. Blacksmith Wanted. A journeyman blacksmith to run shop in the Village of Saltford. Must be a good horse-shoer as well as a good general blacksmith. Address J. '1'. GOLDTEIORPE, Sal'tford P.O. March 30, 1392. 699- 4t LOST OR ABSTRACTED. In mien's, youth's and•boy's ready to wear clothing, 200 suits to be cleared out at price. flake it a point to see these suits. - SHIRTS ! ' SHIRTS ! SHIRTS ! We presume you wear them, 40 doz. summer. shirts in Cotton, Shaker Flannel, Ceylon Flannel, Silk, and Cashmere, in all sizes these will all go at A. price. 30 doz. CIIOICE TIES in Four in: Hands, Derbys, Ascots, Bow and Windsor Scarfs from 5o' up. Childrens Peak Caps and Turban Eats about 20 doz., regular price 50c going at 25c. Our Black Waisted Suit at $20 is a corker. Summer suits to order from t 7.50 up, fit guaranteed. Great values in Lost, mislaid, or abet 'acted from my residerce on lot 73, con. 7, Goderich township, two prom- o notes—one made byWilliam Curry for iseor, s n 51250.00 in my favor, and which fell due some time in the year 1890; an(', ono for 875.00 made by Thoruae Rameay In my favor. The public are cautioned to not purchase either of the above notes, as I have received payment of come. ROBERT RUSSELL. March 30, 1892. 099-4t NOTICE All nervone holding accounts against Hon. J. C. Patterson, arising out of the late election in West Huro.,, are requested to hand them forth- with to the u ,deeeigred for settlement. JOHN BUTLER, Financial Agent for J. 0, Patterson. Goderich, Feb. 26, 1992. Cou►t of Revision for Stanley tp, Notice is hereby given that the Court for the re- vision of the Asseesmont Roll of 1892 for the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, will hold Its first sitting on Wednesday the 25th day of May 1892, nt ten o'clock a. m. in the town hall in t se village of Varna, when all errors and omissions in ronneetinn with the roll will he at- tended to. Persons interested will please take notice ani, govern themselves acro dangly, 0.,1. STEWART, Tp. Clerk. challies, Bedford Corgis, Delaines, Nuns Veilings, Prints and Sat - teens. Dress and Mantle making a specialty. Plumsteel & Gibbings, MONTREAL I1OUSF. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE 0 We have just received a package of a new pattern of Glass ware, consisting of Glass Setts, Pitchers, Tankard Jugs, uoblets, Fruit Bowls, Casters, Shaker Salts and Peppers, Orange Bowls, etc., etc. We have also a Line of Bedroom Setts coming in. Extra value. We import our Crockery direct from England, which enables us to sell at low prices. Sole Agents for Hillwatta Tea. Gcoe Sv:4ll 0 9 r ai 1J o CREAT. RAILROAD STRIKE 18 NOW OVER, BUT ---t- SUGAR IS ADVANCING. ---- • 0 '--�AVING PURCEIASED TWO CARS at tbe lowest prices this year direct from REDPATEIS AND ST. LAWRENCE REFINERIES, Montreal, 1 am giving nay old customers and as many new at, will come, SUGAR AT WHOLESALE PRICES. pig Special Cuts in Barrel Lots to the Trade and Jobbers.—6W 0 J. W. IRWIN, - Noted Grocer, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CLINTON. , Ise News-Hepoffl FOR -- The Finest Job Printing Posters, Dodgers, Circulars, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Blank Forms, Tags, &e. superior Work. . Lou) Prices.