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The Huron News-Record, 1892-06-01, Page 3
EMU 8I VE8 :12/RECTORY raa 1tJLjiZ ll&! Incorporated by Adel Parllatnent 185ti- CAPITAI,, $2,000,000 IPSTs - - $1.100,000 Dead °Mao, - MONTRZA.I: J, FI, R, MOL9ON, President. 1. WOt,t'EI STAN THOMAS, General Manager; Notes discounted, Collections made, 'Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex - : ;change bought and sold at low- est current rates. INTaaOST ALGowsa oN DseOsiTS, F$i�1V2�2•tS- Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsers. No mortgage ro- qutred as security. February. 1884 11, C. BREWER, Manager, CListon G. D liicTaggart BANKER, ALBERT .STREET, CLINTON. A GENERAL BANIC/..VG BUSINESS 'PRA YSACPED. votes DXneoamtetl. - • Drafts Issued. laterest Allotted on Deposzte. Clinton, June Sth, 1301 653y ignagegmmensamneneemomarevaremagegmemmoommumm pelnt.ilfl'•tj. His::::'. T, C. Bruce, L. D.S. Surgeon Dentist. Graduate Royal College at Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Under Graduate University of Toronto. flies—Keefer'@old stand, Coats' Sleek, Clinton. N.B.—Will visit Blyth, professionally, every Monday at Mason's Hotel. 575—y G. H. 000K, iaentlate of ,Dental Surgery, Honor Gra Nate dol the Toronto School of Dentistry. ;!iitrous Oxide Gae adininistered for the painlese xtraction teeth. Office—Smith's Block, upstairs, opposite the Post Office, Clinton. Aar Night Bell answered. 492y 34edirax. DRS. GUNN & GL SO!1. FFICE Ontario St. a few doors east of Albert Q .St. W. GUNN- It. J. GIBSON. ©R. TURN;_' ULU L=ti'ttrn'aull,Jr, Al, Toronto Univ ; M. D.; C. Si., Victoria Univ. 11. 0. I' sh S. Ont, ; Fellow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh, Late of Lenddn, Egg„ and Edinburgh hospitals. Office i—Ur. D.,wsley's stared, Rattcnbury St. Night calls answered at Grand Union Hotel. Electric night bell et front entrance. • J. W. SHAW, M. D. C. M. 6. W. Shaw, M. D. 0, SL, Physioinn, Surgeon, t a Accancher, eco. tiee in the Palace blocs, , Rattenbary St., formerly occupied by Dr, Reeve, Clinton Ont. HB 8UI30 DI118R.oDlgrs•tolf sale tomr,ell8lbie. bulidingZetaJrentingnnAlbert 8treetl 'ASS $Wp tfe4ting 9n Eattgn pry street,, $itb@r cti Jec or hi yeparate. tote, to suit pnrchasere, tor further art•ealati appiy.t9the yndersigud, $, TiDif;it.K'l iraunt9M 41 A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meets in Iilddle comb's Heil, opposite the market, theist and gid FritiStaye in each month. Visitors cordially in- vited. R. STONItuAm, AL, W.; J. DEAN, Recorder. 399y ittOoititc. (MINTON bodge, No, 84, A. F. & A. meets every Friday, on or after the tuoon. Visiting brethren Cordiaily Invited. RIS;H HEYWOOD, w. v. OWENBALLARD, Sae Clinton Jan. 14 1890. 1. L. 0. L. No. 710 CLINTON, Meets seooNm Monday of every month. Hall, 8.id flat, Victoria block. Visiting brethren always 90 made welcome. W8I. WALKER, F CANTELON, Sec, THOS. KEARNS, D.M• reeleiginlialeissar A tad gittoltto Jubilee Preceptory No. 181, (Black Knights of Ireland) Sleets in the Clinton orange Hall, the second Wednesday of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. Visiting Sir Knights will always -^'•eive a' hearty welcome, A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor GEOaae HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor PETER CANTELON, Registrar Royal Black Preceptory 3911 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Blyth the Wedne day after full moon of every month, Royal. Black Preceptory 315. Brach Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hail, Codericb, the Third Montlaytefevery month. Visiting Knights always made welcome, W H 181.1ItNEY, Preceptor, Goderleh P 0 JAMES RUSK, Registrae., Goderich P 0 S. HURON ORANGE DIRECTORY. 141;92. Nantes of the District Masters, Primary Lodge Masteis, their post otirce ad. dresses and Ktate of fueetkolg. A. WI, TODD, itilf.C.M., Clinton P.O.; BIDDI L,P11 DISTRICT. John Neil, W.D.M., Centralia P. 0. I8.0—Robt. Hutchinson, Greenway, Fri•) day 00 or tstefore full moan. t42—'Phos. II, Coursey, Lucien, Saturday, on or befsvre full moon. 493—Iticharn Hodgins, Lamm, Wed • neaday ewer before full moon. S G—Williatgt Haggart, Grand Bend, Wednesday on or before full moon. 820—W. E. McRoberts, Mapleoroue, Wedueyday on or before frill mons. 1024-11enry Lambrook, Exeter, 1st Pri- day in each' mouth. (1071—John Halls, Elimvi.+Efe, Saturday on or brfere full moots.. ; 11097—James Cathers, Sylvan, Monday 9C" on or before full moon. 1210—G11best Grieve, Mer,xy., Thursday on or before full mood. 1;.343 —G. Lawson, Crediton, Tuesday 01) or before tail moon, (610—Joshua Huxtable, Centralia, Fri- day on er atter full ancon. M1'IANNIING & SCOTT, Barristers, 4,c— •C LIN TO N ,c..,_CLINTON Mtrr:ey to Loam.. A. S3. MANNIN1. LTAS. SCOTT. LPY;VFSON & AldILNSTON, Lav;, Chancery,and• Conveyancing,. OiBce—West Street, next' doer :to Post Office, Goderich, Ont. 57. 1113 C. HAYS, Seliritor, dc. Clflce, corner of square and West Street, over Butler's Book Store, Goderich, Ont. 07. • tiSY Money to len6 at lowest melts of lliterest. C"AMPION, Barrister,Attornex, Solicitor in • Chancery, Con-•eyancer, &c. Office over+ Jordralle Drug Stone, the rooms formerly oceu• pied ley Judge Dorf.. ar fray amount 41- money to loan at lowest ' atee and interest. 1.11•. ,, 11. W. BALL, AUCTIONEER for Huron County. Sales at- tendert to in any part of the Conety. Ad- dress orders to Gonaatoap 0. OAy. Cfl %S. HAMILTON, A UCTIONVER, land, loan and inenranee agent ,'1 Blyth. Gales nttende0 in town and eeuntry, nn reasonable terms. A list of farms and village for sale- Money to lean on real estate, at ow rates of interest. Insrwance effected on all lasses of property. Notes and debts corrected. Goods appraised, and sold oa'eommiseion• Bank. sept stocks bought and sold. Bluth. Dec. 19 2880 Photographers cOSIE tEN 9 CID • OLIN TO 9. Life Size Portraits a Sneoialty. Wiley to putt 'Uri()HEY to lend in large or smell some o AM good mortgages or personal security a the lowest current rates. I1. RALE, Huron st Clinton, Clintifn, Feb. 25,1881 ly Nis 4 MONEY. cunt of Private money to loan, Low interest C. A, HART'. G0fJ'8fI011 DIS'rSLroT, Andrew Mil Han, \V.D,M,, vtuburn,l,1.0. 1145—Willis Bell, Goderich, 1st Monday in each •month, [153—Anch•ew Mililan, Auburn, Ftildray on or before fIIl moon. 'I32—Citarlec Tweedy, Godorieh, last Tuesll,lr In each inonth. 1'80—slit t r;aiiietar 7:7411e, Mon- • day,on or before Culi .noon.. 20'2—Jaynes 1vVeiIs, Saltford, 3rd 'Wed- nesday a'n each atonal. 3$G—Matthew Sheppard, 'Clinton, tst Monday in each mantis. HtJ LETT DISTRICT, fTe nos Hornet', W.l'.\I., Winthrop P.O. 7r818—Wm. Walker, t•linton, 2nd Mon- day iu each mont.e, ,ail—James iBoruey, Winthrop, last Wednesdttly before full az;oon, :028 --Thomas Mcllyeen, Summerhill, . 1st Monday in each moeth, '82e—John Mantel!, Chisnlfitu•rst, Jet Monday in each month. STANLES DISTRICT, Robert Nicholson, W.D.M., 134alae P. O. 24.---4mes Pfelit.'ck, Boy1elclt led Tues- day in each month, 3O8 --James Kegtes; Varna, 1st Tuesday - 'fn each month, 83S—\\'m. Pollock, Bayfield, list Wed- nesday in each mouth. 733—,John Perry, Hensel], lst Tthuredaay in each molehill. 1035—William Rath well, 'Varna, 1st Thursday in each month. im-AtoTR,—Any omieeions or other errors will he promptly corrected on writing direct to the County Master, Bro. A. M. Todd, Clinton P,0 BILI' HEADS, NOTE He..der, Letter Heads, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Ena,elopes, Programmes, etc., etc.,reinte•i in a workman- like manner and at lost rates, at To NEWS -RECORD FOR SALE. Study ysur, owtt tnt.'r4at viii ,vhero YoJA, eatsfti♦t AOilante "`,liameosol I manufacture none but cue Sasser&Toed, •eu!areof 8110p8 4e0 304 .31001 Its they iiav} got to flee , d Stall antiet prices. Orders by mail pronipiy attended to HARN SS EMPORIUM, 8114TT11 , ONT • J. E. BLAl1KALL, Veterinary Surgeon, ho,,orary graduate of Ontario Veterinary (Milcgo, treats diseases of ail doutestie animals on the most modern and seientlfle principles, arcane attended to night or day. Office ammedi itely west of the old Royal Ilotei, Outariu street. Iiesldeuce— Albert street, Clinton, 8481 -Stn ABEL S.:WEEKES, Civic Engineer, - P.. L,tSurveyor, Draughtsman, etc. Office—Upstairs in Perrin's Block, Clinton, •Ont ALLAN LT EN • ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. REDUCTION IN RATES. irteamers sail regularly from Portland and Halifax to Liverpool • via Londonderry DURING Ties WINTER MONTHS. Cabin, 310 and, upsard., Second Cabin, 325, Steerage at icw• rates, No Cattle carried, STATE ALLAN IN S LINE. St'EAMt;u1t'S. NEW :YORK AND "GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, 840 and up.v.udl, becomi Cabin, 325. Steerage at low rage. Apply to H. & A. ALLAN, ,Montreal ; or to A. 0. PATTI80N or WM. JACKSON, Clinton. FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVING. Go to A. E. Li -VANS, FASHIONABLE BARBER, 2 doors east of NEWS- RECORD of- : rice. Speeial attention given to LADIES AND CHILDREN'S Haircutting. POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY CO PP'S WALL PAPER and Paint Shop 11S STOCKED WITH A SELECT ASSORTMENT American and Cai agian Wall Paper WITII 1101W1ERS TO MATCII, from floe cent rolls to the finest gilt ' Having houghtt>vy Papers and Paiute for Spot, Cash, and my,practical ee• pet knee juetify,tnc an sttiveg that all venting to decorate their houses inside or paint then] out- side will Rind it to' their advantage to give me a, cal 1,:l __ 637' Shoo, eolith ofrOliver Johnston's t,Qaeltemith ' shop, and directly!opposlte Slr. J_ Chidley's residence JOSEPH COPP Poeetical ,Pvper Hanger and Painter The Pilelilllop Mutual Fire I Iasuranoe Uompany. Farm and Isolated Town 'roper= qty only Insured. OFF'CEn9,t Thos. C. Hays, President, Seafortk 1;'. 0. ; W. • J. Slu mr,y�,, SeeyTrens„ Seafortl, P, 0. ; John Hannala,itlana:;ut, Seaforth P. 1nia8CTOas, Jae, kroadfoOt, Seaforth ; Donald {toss, Clin- ton ; Gabriel 1ltt•"tt, Clinton ; Geowge Watt, Harnck; Joseph Evans, Beechwood.; J. Shan• non, Woiton:; Thoa. Garbett, Clinton AGEiNTS, Thos. Heilans, Earloek; Robt.Sea- forth ; B. Carnoolwat, Seaforth, John ed`Sul41clH31nn, livan and Gee. 'flu rdie, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or ttinsact,other business will be promptly attend• cd to on ,r•;pplication to any of the above officers, addressed to their•renpective post odious. ERRORS OF YOUNG AND OLD Orgauie'Weaknees, Failing Memory, La:k of Enemy, Physical Doyay, positively cured by }Inaction's Vitaliser. Also Nervous Debility, Dimness of Sight, Bonn of Ambition, Unfitness to Marry, feeunted Development, Loss of Power Pains in the Back, Wight: Emissions, Drain in Avereion to Society, Seminal Losses, for Study,, ExceSleeplessnessive Indul- gence, etc. etc. Every bottle guaranteed. 20,000 sold yearly. Addrene, enclosing stamp for treatise, J. E. H+AZELTON, Graduated Pharmacist 308 Yonee St., Toronto, Ont, Mar MINIIENNISIMM•MAMMIMMINFIlt The rly the unJe sigeodoos atresidenceresent oonrthe Hied uron Road, in the To of Goderioh, consisting of one half of an Acre of land, good frame house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses, There are also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any person wishing to live retired. For further particulars aply to b42.tf E. CAMPION, Barrister, Goderich. PROPERTY FOR SALE OB neacT.,Advertlsers will and "The 11 ;, Nowa-Record" one of the best medium■ in the C odicltor &c. "The ounty of Huron, Advertise In licito Block, ,- News-Rec.rd".. The Double Circulation Talkie to Thousands. Raton at tow a9 any. New Firm in the Old Stand. The nndersigned haring Carc1ased the ofd estabog»b to»hed inf informat thesiness of Afr. public that be willthur continue iConch, WI it has heretofore been carried on. 8 •Meats of all kinds in Beason, Orders taken and delivered as nsaal. Highest cash price paid for sheepskins, hides and tallow. 017 -tf JSMLEA. FORD. .CIRL'a DACE " eaycoThg.at " St., lac urn,,Phft g► stater tb}t ht;l thein fell and`utruck her knee against a curbstone. The knee began to swell, Ilecntrte .ve>"y painful and terJriitiated i.r�• what doctor;; call '•` �vtiite 3weiling,"' $he was treated by the pest medical Glen, but grew w(ao�Irsse. +Finally , n Ila 1/"S/ VIL completely reduced the swellin1g killed contents iand cured her "ALL RICHT I ST. JACOOS OIL D10 OM ea 'Qufix ► o ,J'zsit nessommwernismissinesiessarrannisesmetessaggsmonnimissmsgimmeteasisomiesemsignemomonnessummeng The 'lurch News -Record with a Snap ; 1"You cant einol,e here ," "Oi'm not smokin'," said Pat, with calm good temper. Conductor collected the r' et of the faros on our seat and back 1 gait "I say you' can't stnuke hese 1 he reiterated angrily. "Oi'm no: smokin'," returned the offender, meekly., "You've got ,,,y�'r p:pe in y'r mouth!" yowled file conductor Pat's eyes wolce up. "And Oi'vo got rete fent in me boots, too, but Oi'In not walkiu'!" he retorted, crushingly. "Tenth street," yelled the con• ductor, and started o f again. UM a Yeat-41 25 In Advance. !'Ire(tnesdlav .Dolle 1st, 189H. IN A COUNTRY STORE, Sumo of the 1>assongers at one of the depots near here were telling stories the other day, and a travel— ling man was relating hie experi- ence in a country store in a small town in Huron county. lie said Ila was there nearly the entire after - bow), and had occasion to note the pecalien'itiee of the storekeeper, who 'curried a geuer31 stock, bot a pretty small one. Every little while a customer would come into the store and inquire for some article that the merchant did not happen to have in stock. For instance : '-Have you any dried beef, Mr, Cashdrawer?•' "No, wo h.ve nn dried beef to day, but we have some nice codfish. John, show this lady .the codfish." "Do you keep any such thing as to icks for those big. round lamp burners?" "We gener- aely du, but we happen to be out just now, We have sumo line cotton clothesline, though," eel), gale wanted me to briug'homo some confectioners' ginger. Have you got any of it, Cashdrawer V' "Sold the the last ounce about au hour ego, Henry. We've got an excellent Reticle of toilet soap, though." "Do you keep ready-made tlaunel shirts?" "Have had then[ all winter and sold three to a lady yesterday, which cleaned the stock out, But we have a large supply of overalls. John, show this lady the overalls," EVIDENCE IN JAPANESE COURTS, London Tines : A Japanese journal, desciibing the matinee in wh>rcb witnesses are sworn end evidences titken in native courts of justice, says Chet with the Japtlnose anything to which le man afiaxes his. seal is considered more sacrad than what he may say. Hence each wit - nese is required to make a declare• bion to the eff'ece that with a mind free from bias fin favor of ten• against •either of the letigatiug ,pasties, and with perfect fairness, he will give evidence, and, after tbie has beeu read out by the recovsler of the court and handed to the witness in the form of al document, the latter is expected to affix his seal to it. i1.'he same p!lgn is adopted with the statemeut of facts which, in the *course of the examination he under- eeoes, a witness (hakes in cour'. 'The purport of his -evidence is written out by the recorder, and be- tfore leaving %the court be kis requited to make what corrections are uecee• -eery to ropier the writteaa statement a trustworthy record of lies evidence sod to guarantee lte correctness by affixing his seal. Though this pro- cess occupies a good deal of time, it precludes,the possibility of the evidence given being ineerrectly ie - ported, which, in, trials where the d•eeieion of the court dependtelrtrge- ly on oral evidence, is a matter of much moment, IIE WASN'T SMOKING. He sat on the rear seat of a crewded cable car, between a pig- tailed Chinaman and myself, and bate to back with a stylish girl in a fiat sailor hat with quills in the back end a long feather boa, who discontentedly sat bolt upright in order to avoid touching him. He wore a Actunel shirt of inde- terminate color, overalls, enormous boots bedaubed with yellow mud, and an apology for a hat on his grayish red bristles. His huge black hands rested on the handle of a pick -axe hold be tween hie knees, his small gray eyes looked out over them meditatively, hie flabby lipe, besot by a throe days' stubble, closed peaceably upon a villainous little dudheen, from which, however, no smoke issued. . T towa hims lucid jerks brak grud had e disco wear ly : ho conductor made his way rd us, jingling his bell, swung elf on the back platform—also entelly upon my foot—madly d the bell rope, twisted the o wheel as though he had a ge against it, and when the car topped and started again with eating jars and jerks, fixed his y gaze upon me and said, cross - "Fares, please 1" I handed him a nickel, and watched Pat fish out a similar coin from some mysterious recess and pass it over without moving his eyes from the perspective of ear track. No danger of mistaking that solitary coin, my friend. Then the conductor's eyes fell on the little black pipe, and he said, A RECIPE FOR HOUSE- KEEPERS. We give a recipe for•cooking hus- bands so' as to make them tender and good. It is as Iollowe —In buying your husband do not be ,guided by tho silvery appearance as in buying mackerel, nor by the golden tint, es if you wanted salmon Be sure and select him yourself, as tastes differ. Do not go to market for hitn, as the best are always brought to your door, It is hotter to have 130E0 0111088 you w patiently learn how to cook hi A preserving kettle of the fin porcelain is bast, but, if you iia nothing but an earthenware pipit it will do with care. See that t linen in which you wrap him nicely washed and mended, w the required number of buttons a strings neatly sewn on. Tie him the kettle by a strong silk cord ca ed comfort, as the one called du is apt to bo weak ; they are apt fly out of the kettle and be buru and crusted on the edges, since, li crabs and lobster's, you have to co them while alive. Make a el steady fire out of love, ueatnees, cheerfulness. Set hint as near t as seems to agree with hint. If sputters and frizzes (io not be an ons ; some husbands do this un they are quite done. Add a lit sugariothe formol' what confectio emeriti kisses, butno vinegar or pe per�oti any account. Do not stick a sheep Instrument into him to see he is becoming tender. Stir h gently ; watch the while, lest he 1 too fiat and close to the kettle at become useless. You cannot fail know when he is done. If tietrmaterl, you will find him ve digestible, agreeing nicely with y mad the children ; and he will kee as long as you want, unless you b mime careless and set him in I cold a place. far 111 m. est ve in, he 1s ith nd In 11 tv to ed ke ok ear nd ll is he xi• til ile n• p- ny it i llf ie Id to Ad 1•y 01.1 1) 0• 00 e become Iltltiosok fretful, without Otter• gy, thin and weak. Fo'tf And build them t1p8 by,tihs 140 of psi OF PURE COD LIVER OiL AND HYPQPHOSPHiTES Of, Lime anal 1Sodo. Palatable as Milk. AS A PI8HY}NTIVE OIi CUBE OF COUGHs OE COLDS, iN 80TH THE OLD AND TDUi00, IT 18 UNEQUALLED, Genuine made by Scott & Bourne, Belleville,. Salmon Wrapper: at as Druggists; 600, and 61.00. A suRE CURE FOR BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK HEADACHE, AND DISEASES OF THC STOMACH, LIVER AND VOWELS. THEY ARE MILD,THOR000H AND PROMPT 1N ACTION, AND FORM A VALUABLE AID TO BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS IN THC TREATMENT AND CURE OF CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. DESTROYS AN OREMOVES-WORM S OF'ALL) IUNDSL1NICHILDREN ORE ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND), CANNOT•I'•IARM THE: MOST•{ S',pE „It^A?C CHILD =• HUPIIREYS.' Da. IlumrnnETs' SPECIFICS r- 3scientiflcalryand carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many' years in private practice with success,aud for over thirty years used by the people. Every single spa, elite is a•special euro for the disease named, These Specifics curd without dragging, purg- ing or reducing the system, and are In fact and deed the sovereign remedies oftbeWorld. LIST OF PRINCIPAL Noa, CURES. PRICES. 1 Ir,lvers, Congestion, inflammation.., 25 2Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic.. .25 3 Crying cone, orTeething ofInfants .25 iiarrhea, orChildren orAdults..., .25 Jia senteryy, Oriping Bilious Cone— x,45 Cholera DIorbus, f'omiting gggg T Coughs, Cold Bronchitis .2s Neuratagia, 'toothache, Faceache..,2 Readaches, StcicHeadache, Vertigo 2. 10 Dyspepsia, Bill us Stomach 11 t3a�p ,tossed or Painful I'oriods.2i 1'2 1VhlFtes. too Profuse Periods '' i CrouiPs, Cough, DifdenitBreathhtq..,�,t 14 Salt 1Gheuw, Erysipelas, Eru tions 15 Rheumatism, ItheumatloPans 16 Vever and Aguc, chins, Malaria.,,, ,.,1 17 Piles, Blind or Bleeding . 3V 10 Qaearrh, Influenza, ColdlnthoHead 20 Z beeping Cough VtotentCougha, „ 2 General nt b Ifty,Pfiyslca1Wcaknet1 .50'„ 2,22100 Ktdncy Discasc00. 50., 2 Nervousl)obility 1. 3 Urinary Weiekness,Wetting Bed 32 Diseases oftheHeart,Palplteuon1.0(t 8010 by Druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt of price, De.and Limgoldrme ,urn,Lesnve'e 1lnagneenee: , (114 vague) ridIly bound to Motu, IRf11IPHREYB' 1151). CO., 111 A 119 wlillate 81., Noetnrk . SPECIFICS.. wElAi & RICIIARDSO Co. Agents NIONTREA THE KEY T4 HEALTH. TIIE PROPER WAY TO SIT. 373 S•raAINUPON THE SPINE OR MU CLES 1P THE POSITION 1S CORRECT. A proper aitting''pastti quires that the spino shall be kept straight, and that the support 'need- ed need-ed for the upper Bart of the body shall be felt in the right place, says the Ladies' Home Journal. Therefore, sit as far back as possible in the chair, so that the lower end of the spine shall be braced against the back of the seat. If this back 'is straight the shoulders will also rest against it, if not, they will have no point of support, and it will be found that they do not need it. This position makes no strain upon the ligaments of the spino, It al'• otos a proper position of' the should• ors, consequently of the chest, con- sequently of the lunge, stomach and every other organ. Their work is carried naturally and comfortably, as isalso the blood, which, iu a wrong sitting position, is seriously interfered with. With the feet resting squarely upon the floor, the hands resting easily upon the lap, perfect equilibrium, and consequently perfect real of the body, is secured. There is no strain upon any part of the body ; n0 muscle or organ is required t0 do more than its legitimate amount of work. The arms should never be folded, for this position not on• ly causes a strain upon the spine, and all the other evils already re• ferrel to, but, in addition, places the tveight of the arms' upon the stomach at.d the diaphragm, thereby increasing the labor of digestion and respiration. Placing the hands be• hind the heck, if possible, is a good attitude to take occasionally, giving, as it does, the fullest expaneion to the whole upper part of the body. s - Unmet;, -ll the ct ''o r., • 1 is (48114 'Bowels,-11tdn^ya ;!id L.ive.'', c: rryirg 'ages•lttdtyt,itltoutweak cliin} in. .-sicttt, ill ht r nl' a ties ani G„'I ht , e f the =� lr tl' `t• rh,5 s�l.ie `time Ct..»c`ca*r2_ .117- iota t,;r of tile Stau.:tch, Turin• Buie .;5 , -, L' 'l:%�l:;ta•• __r,zt'tt'1:1e^ Lzis^- ;tn.SS, 'tiotal't':L'r7. Cm a ipai-iczz, C=;r i e.3.1 of the b11zir. Drep7'r, +.; I o t) YLTi.S.on„ Jaun(lice. Salt T+hctlmn 4ynYa�tjCzat Ytliiil, 3''Ilt'toring of t'•= :`-e:tr t, N(1 tott ,nese a•:•:.d Ci en2?rat =\ebil.itt ; ill those aril maul' whet. sin)'i, !''ince vi•1'1 to the h'r,py intiuenco r TU7l,b`T:' BLOOD BITTI its. • ::a:tipIc Bottles 10c; Regular size $1. For sale by all dealers. ire ILIi1JIm0LN S CO„ Proprtetorp, Toren/IP `Had J• P hereon, secretary of state, contributed $100 towards 1 the fund for celebrating the inarigu•' ration of Windsor as a city. f`ii tO z bQ a. to p ym a0 W r. ! .13,4 4,4 A 4a ail UV i o b O C24 UV w --.IN THE. CWO "41 MU tow ti A