HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-06-01, Page 2I.PTIQ'N, $ e Ito ,tical: ;ItagQg, Oa14;bo ucc s s .., sful1y t hetiked'by the Inrpndpt u:le of Ayer'p Clte>Flry lf,*oct0ra'1. Alorefl ie the, later pertocla of that di. ease, the me ough le wonderfully relieved by 4,1 have used A'r 's Cherry Pectoral, with the best e4eot to my Practice. This wonderful preparation once saved MY life. I had a constant oou h, night sweats, was greatly reduced gin Beeh, and given up by my physician. One bottle and a halt of the Pectoral cured me.^te-.A,. J. Eidson, . D., Middleton, Tennessee. The doctors said I was ino p 1 "Several years ago I was several' ill. o sur tion, and that they could do nothing for ala, y Ayes°OY myyoFectorat. Aftert'taking this niedicipe two or three months^T was cured, and my health remains good to the present day."—James Bircltard, Darien, Conn. "Several years ago, on apassagehome from California, by water, I contracted so severe a cold that for some days I was confined to my state -room, and a physician on board considered my life in danger. Happening to have a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used it freely and my lungs were soon restored to a healthy, condition. Since then I have invariably recommended this prep- aration." --J. B. Chandler, Junction, Va. AyBr's Cherry Pectoral, • YAEPARED 8v Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, (to'.d by all Druggletas Price ¢I; al:bottle.,"6e COiIS1l*PP00IL �iillll•fl!d. Vin tons aeries having Ari 9181 V1cYstnt'att, retiree r a) pr , had platted lu hie . angle ley ikA I%ttiet Iutliamittelon arae ehefartputa of a ahuple vegetable se>no4Y Xitr tbeeoe@'tty wed pertultneut oaf's iii t onsnmptioe, brtagt,hftie, Vacant, , Anthem and Oil throat ►nit ea iai uo dv a ra i maintop d v forpert/ells ry llsAhs,alyoa Sea. p ,u fur FftlrvunH,Uubtlityq ren n►! Nerrvtls aotpgsiytute, after havtt#gtested1tawogd.,rful emotive powers to thhnaands of cases• hay felt It hitt dutyto make It known to hie sofiet'iusr tallows. Actuated by this unitive a•Id a &lull% to relieve human sutterllug, /win t reeip+s,in Outtuauud ft ett M laFrenchall or kuglish, with e tui die, c+tfnus for iropuriu;( and using. r eat by mai , by addressing With ammo, miming titin pater. .Auva•,82OPoirsrs' ccfc,ifochester, .1'. r h `-IuroY; News -Record ,10 u Tear•-S1.y5 in Advance gYl'erforsr! ay. June let. 11*;9`5 —It is stated that StewartM ulvey, grand master of :he grand ()rouge tudgi'; Winnipeg, will be the candi- date of the Croeuway government ill llorris, Mau. • Anvten To Dl•Tnrns. Are you disturbed at night ,.ud broken of your met by' a sick child angering andteying with pain of Uuttiug Teeth? It so Heist t ones 0.11,t a bottls of "Mrs. Winslow's 3a [ thing Syrup" for Children Teeth lug. its vela., is lnwtlealebla. 11 will relieve hupoorlittle sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is ntymtetake.aboat i1. It swires tomach cud bowels, sures t Wti& tregulates softens the gurus, redu'•es iulbamnnatiou, and glees tette andenergy tothe whole aystem. "�lrs Wiusluw's Soothing Syrup" for elude.... teething is pleasnut to the taste and 18 the prencr'it+t•lou of one of the oldest and best female physioiane and nurses in the United States, an'l is tar suis by ail dm/gist's throughout the world. price 25 users n bottle. Be Imre and ask for ''111(5. WII1SLow'a SoO•ru1Nu $raur;"and Galt no other kind, 036y SAN IYAICll. Srft6, F n' t'i'e teens 1 euff•i'ed fI••n n0008.1•• uud 13 o,i.t get no relief until I u.'eri FI y.aid's Yellow 0 1, anal marl say 1 ii ,•1 nn het'er remedy for it, Jutta ata-nt:kuAN Studwieh, Ont. —Fruth two to six inches of snow full ill lllaine on Smalley. 13 ria, •-• uptio,.a ..1 a•l hie.., a.++ ,..tn ''i'+tt,r•w , thi'o•' off p is.... ',oat ;tl,• ,n, Tulle rtt•t,.14 to•1 In,at:,:,,:•p -I,WI ,..ue•b aux„ elirstu lata veil ,n ,t •••ta'll , thr••ut•h the p• pias excret+,rt• ,.'i,,u.•.l , ',y tbu not. ol t1; er o SKI 1'0 j) 0r11 tt. _,A. tiisl•atch !ruin India reports an epidemic u( cltulera 111 1110 Lash- metu valley. Tis., vn:vi ' li n• are strauglhcned by the 11,0 of A.., i's t:he,rty t••utoral. tt:.n g alt • , l o' 18ll. Bin erre, aeN,rh and 1141 toirr '0 1)•.r.r,inn tl't_ i.,•at .4,14 s'It rear.••ly f"a itli'atii•u un+f w•('ak,eti ••" the 1h:'it It0.1 lungs. eo.1 tor all t:ff ;tion:( of the voca' 0r4dnR. --Reports front points iu A.rkan• Sas show an appalling st tte of af- fairs caused be the (leech. THE 11YVolt; L!t:CRoss have p'tvaeti by and we c.n new consider the bee; protectitm at(•tiont rlisiusn. Thera is unrestriutc•1 ret,iN rn it�a .1 'sen- timent b itwe"n all p•�ep' 1A in pronouncing G irdi•cit Blond Bitters the very heat blond rut•iti r, dyspepsia and he+nacho remedy, and general tonic ro- uevating, nnaliciue beim a the public. —London, Out., has nuw eleven Methodist rburohes,thb curlier stone of the Ceuteuuial church having been laid in the emit end of the city Tut'•aday. The new church wilt coat $13,000 and have SPat'n,4 capa- city for 600. V lt. C Q Qkl�kN't 8 AliD' TIP . • ;' faller came tat hole today 'a'showea • a book to lee ; ChM 'at ra surety uughter have•. -twelve part[', 'rad on watt ffev. He said ez bow 'twee sure th tell .me It)1I I'k wen'er know, ".v' called the .thing .a Crolopsf--or *White kinderso. Hoe old book --a It teemed a oust, reeler sort o' Ariz• Until I est hi n gneetioue, waste I seen he'd t..1d me lies. ""Tells pv'y•hiee ?"' saye I. '"That's good—in fan', sir, the,c's th. Deet Kind of a bunk 1 over teed, but thick I'd like h tee[ B fore 1 buy her. Lemma eel ! W ht,, doee the vulu•ne lav About, the pri )e t.o , 1 the oowln' your f .r nate 'a' hay ?" I thought he'd ,flop for lungisiu' when I ant the feller that. N' when I ant him "'W'het's the joke?" he looked altniglhty 11 tit. "'I doq't prrgnoatiutte,"•says he. "TI a' 0.10'6 the p'int!' says I. "What 1'oa a at n' v u ie, 11 the blare thing prvpuesy?' 'N' then he tutn••d the paves (pick, ehowe(1 Ire lots a' attar Ab•.tut Egyptians, and u rquib about ai Earl named Dual. But ween I set hint 1f it'to1J a cure for tater bug., Ile raid it didn't, but it had e. history of :ugh! CO.d1'L1'ITiON. In order to am:attain the views 1•f chemists th•onglo ut Ureat Britain tie to :whim of the remediee f r outward ap pllcatiou hal the largest hale and great• dot popularity, '•Flee Chemist and 'Drug- gist' o,stitured a post lewd euwpel.IU 1l, each dealer to 1101115 r u a p(1a: curd the p<eparation which had the Imps' sale ud was the mea'; popular with e.tat.•mere and the publisher rt calved 635 of thee% evade, with the !c,llowiug re- sults t St. Jatsobs oil • E It 0118(18 Embrocation K dlnway'8 Ointment Alluoek's Mestere 13 )w'e Liitiuteut, Pain Killer V tsellnb Cuticura .uatieriug —A. Yoking Men's Conservative sins has been formed at Brussels, Ont. THE DREADED LA GRIPPE. Full:awing this scourge of humanity c me it trait of evils in the 3181)9 81 us- e iau,'e c lde, e •aryls, 1 ing troub ee, etc There •s .O • tiiedy etriTiontpt; milt" ar the a+ma time elfectusl and ptsasunt, as Mob trays Cod L ver 0.' Emu:ova with W til Cnerry o ri li y ltop•lunphites, wench is the Latest 11,1 b :at combination „f 11 ,iii. u'ln'a it•I;lwt, t'etll9ll.itl. t'l1:e 5D and $1_00 per bottle. -Little Juhuny Mortis, • aged BOVen, was drowned in the mill pond at St. diary's last week. The dem.nd for the " Myrtle Navy t16•tlets ie .till on the increase, and from every tlutrter the firm who m.ke it aro receiving unicliette i testirnnuy, of its gr••:vah in p thi(,' favor. A cen'leman Ston clue • f the mimeo ;shwas • f Like Bur sat wri•.•.a, " Y air 'Myrtle Navy ' i en ;evade dole 80140 to itne lonelineee tut trio ntiucea l•fu. I doa't know how our rivoi a 1014 got along without it. 11 tnorr• tV.o.:k CA 1 out they w 111,1 risk etvlm• min: to tae trod 11iu•d to rept nu ish 11, It a•il $4 of .l,tng,^', and 1 believe they w lead cr.,Pt the 1•fa 111 'rioter alt the Sante errand if tr. vt na ant Inure than an inch t"tick. No other tobacco will satisfy tit ni? Total 384 172 32 11) r 4 2 8 035 COMPETITION VERSUS MONOPOLY. os.'hoot • Alt whlnt:.edAti, 'allay,' . t t o aiu u i is np >!na�Q cola 6 tlo d tn.. p p an him than iti wuuiil PA tl lnil�bing. jackass, I lney •have bruited a Ay oft his neap if I, 11 til bat my ravolx -t a f h morning t this- .0 r verebutXfii►dnlye q i It long way from home Whin/tit My. tvuety weapon. "But you got so full Of visky dot you vas robbed in anoder place," interposed \Ir. Juaohe'. "That is false on its -face, your honor, A. cowboy never gets druuk enough to loose his tool," re- plied Bill with indignation. expect you are right, Fox," Rah' the Court, "you may do twenty fuer hours, and, iu the meantime, I will neo about thin game of shooting flies off the coats of Gorman gro• ecce." "Well, 1 didu't touch hien, any- how," said Bill eulltily as he re- turned to•prieou below. ONTARIO CROP BULLETIN. 'N.1 111 be derronl if that thorn book he 58841 W.,11Id telt en [Hush Hot a'+ytt ii gt eau any p.140Faever core to touch ; t claw 1--I chucked that V' Ihuu—h.lv pert young swindler flout the place So qu oh he hadn't, time to tat, his smile dew., ott his free ; 'Nd after bhp I threw his Lag 'n' twelve- port Cyulopeo-- My great-grandfethor'a almanac's still good enough fur me 1 --Joule Keseitice Bans, in the Editor's Drawer, in Harper's Mai)0ru1.e for Juue, They were all listening, wheu Ray cattle ill, IP a young roan who Woe upholding the single -tax timer!, with confidence and with eagerness, 'as souiethiug which in its operation would relede0 the individual eu'-r- pies to free play and.to real c>m• petition. lluglles broke in upon him. "That is pricisely what I object to in your theory. I don't want that devil released. Competitiou is the Afreet that the forces of civilization have bottled up after a desperate struggle, he is always making fine promises of what he will do for you if you will let hint out. The fact is he will do noth- ing but mischief, because that is his nature. He is Beelzebub, he is Satan ; ill the Miltouic fable he at- tempted to compete with the Al- mighty for the rule of heaven; and the fallen angels have been taking the consequences ever since. Mono• poly is the only prosperity. Where uurupotition is there can be finally nbTiE"ciisilsCU-Mid defeat- for one silo or another. That is self- evident. Nothing succeeds till ,it begins to be a monopoly. Tule' holds good frotu the lowest to the highest endeavor—from the com- mercial to the aesthetic, from the huckster to the artist. As long, for instance, as an author is young and poor"—Rey felt, looking down, that the speaker's eye turned on him —"he mush compete, and his work must be deformed by the struggle; when it becomes known that he alone can do his kind of work, he aonopolizes and prospers in 11ie full tne080) 0 of has powers ; and bo realizes his ideal unrestricted- ly. Competition enslaves, monopo- ly liberates. \14Te tntrst, therefore, have the greatest possible monopoly, Ono that includes the whole people economically as they are now in- cluded politically . Try to think of competition in the political admiuistratIOn as we now have it in the industrial. It isn't think- able 1 Oi',.yes 1 . They do have it in those Eastern countries whore the taxes are farmed to the higheat bid- der, and the taxpayer's life is ground out of him." PLAYFUL BILL OF TEXAS. 80114 CI' HIS ECCENTRICITIES'. • San Francisco Post : The)Tin- cipal characters Before .fudge Love, of the police court, tide rnoruiug were Bill Fox, a co whey from Texas, and Hans Jacobs, the keeper of a combinati•in saloon and grocery un Minna street, between Fourth and Fifth. Bill was in the dock, dressed only as g,)td cowboys are in the habit of dre'siug. His slouch hat was un- derre arm, and his Torg flowing hallus somewhat matted for the want of a cotnb. The usual revolver in his belt was absent, however, and in consequence he wore an air of dieouet, which plainly said that he considered himself ouly half a pian without it. He was only•chargnd with being drunk, but Iians Jacoba'wanttd him charged with assault to -murd«lr`, and in order to get a warrant he ad to tell the court about it, "Well, Mr. Jscolis, what do you want this warrant for 1" asked Prose• outing Attorney Colton, "Yell, he vas shoot at leo night." "Who shot ,at you 1" asked Colton. "Dot roan dare mit de long hair. He vas a vild cowboy." "What did he shoot at you for 1" "Yoost to make me some fun, he said." "How did it happen 1" , —Farmer Joseph Brown was severely bitten by a vicious horse neat' Ilanovei, Ont., yesterday. OE_',LTII Di;t'ARTMENT. A (lucid Suggestion. 13ycw°t'p%tion is meant irregular ac- tt(ft of the brwel', often palled onetive- „ ,,and 0numouly 08.140,1 by dy'spst- et(.. uegttet, ex :ea' in eating or drinking eta it is a serinua complaint and not to lie nogi,u':ed nu,ier any eironnsdtan'cs as it leads to inn:tire blood, he:Ache, ilebI ity, levers, arc. A uniformly suc- oeaeful -eine ly la Rlraloult Blood Bitters which, if faithfully tried, never fails t, &Brett a prompt and lasting cure even in the worse 0888s. Tlis following extract tram a letter from .alt. J.R. id Corson, 13inff, N. W. '1'., Rpnaks for itself:—"I have bleu troubled with c,aotipalionand general ,lehility and was induced to use your 13, 13 l3 through e-eing your adver- ti4erneot. I now take great pleasure in recommending it to all my friends, as it completely cured me." -•-The Dominion government cruiser Curlew, intended for service on the Atlantic coast, was launched at Oven Sound Tu"sdiiy afternoon in the presence of a large connotes of people. b'AL I. IV I -L EAT:' • ES FOR STUPID PEOFLEI r Ir thew o without o -r The past winter has proyed a very favorable one for fall u'h,•:tt, and the ,crop—parOcularly the early StWi—presented 811 exueptioually p ronlisieg appearance when spring opened, Bet protected by a sufficient depth of allow, it 80ffered but slightly front winter killing. The snow left very rapidly, and fast growth was wade until about tine end of the first week ill April when the fields looked at their beat Prost)/ ui: fits, sunny days anti co winds theft followed, so that t th 'time of writing the lveat,ler Wat• par ticularly detrimental to growth, an itis reported that on this account the young crop has re1eil eft a no ticeable set back and now presents 10 eolllewhat browned appearance. The fear of a C011trt)Uatl3e of such COI.ditjotls was causing much anxiety 0(111 Walla 1110411 Wea1110r w88 earnestly looked for, its with its 'ad. vent, if not too long delayed, the crop will uldoubteuly quickly re• cover itself. As regards the con- dition of the crop on various soils, —although there is much unifor- tnity.—it is looking particularly will u11 light warn) luams and wells drained clays and clay foams. On black mould and on iow lying wet lanais it hall 81(1rred to smile ex tentes from frost. Tho damage from insects etc., appears to have been inconsid- erable. Tho Hessian fly did slight injury in souse localities on early aowu fields as did also the wire worm on recently broken pasture lan(19, . Practically, the only (infer - orable reporta as to the cmlditici, of the crop cense flour the county of Essex and vicinity, where, on ac• count of local drought, the crop slid not sttirt' the winter in very eatin- factory shape. Excepting in this locality, the present indications are that, very little winter'wheat will he ploughed up and, provided the criti- cal time between now and the mid- dle of May is successfully passed, the prospects for a good crop are promising. last Mr. "Yell, you see, ho comes in my ahtore und he said gif him or drink. I says you have class bolt beer and he says yes,--kva. I draws de beer und puts it mit de counter on ven he roars like one of dose Texas steers and kick do beer fon de coun- ter. I told him I don't like dot business and be could dake bis drade avay. By jimmine, he bulls oud a great pig pun and says, 'Trow out er bottle of tarantular yuice mit a horned toad in it.'" "Did you obey 1" - "I didn't have got no much shtuff in de alltore." "'then what did you do 1" "I doldt hitn don't shoot. I would dry to get some, and vete I vas lookin' bang 1 vent his gun, and I daught dat my nose vas shoot avay." "Did you run out then V' "No; I ehtai'ted, but he says come batik mit you or I makes a pig hole in you vot a dog jumps through." "Did he shoot again V' "No ; 1 gif him visky, an' ask him vot for he shoots me: He says dare vos a fly fun my nose, and he kilt him." "Was there anyone else present 1" • IV port are ono of the bright ones and can mai the above rebus you gnat receive a reward which will payvon many tlm••s over for your truub:e. The Proprietor of TEM LAMES' inerRORIM,I WEEKLY(, fere either a tiro[ -class Upright FIauo er n cheque for Throe lflund.r::d Dollars to the person who Rends toe Milt correct solution of the above rebus, a rcw..r,i ' f a pair of eunuine I)inrnond Ear alive for the second correct solution, a con let•1 Baldness T'dtscattion ata Commercial ollege for the third'-nrrect solution ; n sold Gold Watch each each of the next three correct solu- tions, a Silk Dress pattern (t6 yards in any color) for each of the next two correct solu- tions, an olega:at Diamond 13r000h (solid gold) for each of tho next ten. Every one sending a solo don must enclose with the. same ten three cent stems for 30 • cents in stiverl f ,r ne. mouth's trial subscription (rive copies) to THE LADIES' PiO- 7i'OILIAL WEEKLY, Canada's high-class' illustrated newspaper. The envelope which contains correct solution bearing first postmark will receive first reward, and the bal- ance in order as received. For the correct solution received last is offered a Swift Safety Bicycle yelled atci40, for the next to the last will be given a I•air of genuine Dumped Ear Hinge, for the third, fourth and fifth from the last will ba awarded an elegant solid Gold 'Watch; to•the sixth. seventh, eighth. n'uth and tenth from the 11Tt will each bo awarded either a Shit Dress pattern (le yards in any color) or a Swiss bitable Box, playing six pieces. If there should be as many as one h', •+dyed persons sending correct solutions to this rebus, each will bo rewarded with a valuable Prize. Names of thoso receiving leading rewards will be published in prominent newspapers throughout Canada. Extra premiums 1711 be offered to all who a•o willing to assist in increasing the subscrip- tion list of this popular illustrated weekly. The object in off ring this prize rebus is to at- tract attention to and introduce ourublication. It should not be classed with eateh-penny affairs. Yon can easily ascerm in as to our reliability by inquiring through, any •nmmerced. agency. Perfect impartiality is guaranteed in giving the re. wards. All solutions trust bo mailed on or before Juno ist, 1891. Address: LADIES' PICTORIAL WEEKLY, t. (33) TORONTO, CANADA. Cut the above advertisement out. Job Printing. he NEWS -RECORD Is in a better position than ever to turn out The 'Vier Finest Printing °At prices as low as any other office in the Weef�t. Those in need of any class of Job Printing should call on THE NEWS -RECORD, "1 think,'' said the school hmaatet•ly- looking elan, "ave all feel this in- stinctively. '1.'(.e trusts and the syndicates aro doing our work for us as rapidly as we could ask." A voice, with a German heaviness of accent, came from one of the foreigners. "But they are not do- ing it for our sake, and they mean to stop distinctly short of the whole people trust. As far back as Louis Napoleon's rise we were expecting the growth of the cor- porate industries to accomplish our purposes for us. But between the corporation and the collectivity there is a gulf, a chasm that has never yet been passed." "Wo must bridge it 1" cried Hughes.—From "The World of Chance," by W. D. Howells, in Harpers' Magazine for June. anneneretnroartarsintiorearrnamerimide • i�asllerTISE CELERtTED �S�eTIi1ST IN 'S'RSEd�IARchines Allowed tmn Rnt also a;ent for all Ageicultr�pal Implemrerooln opposite Fair'sCall and see me. �r���, Meal ate-�r��r— TSSE HET MI Trial All Implements yea Mill. J. CLINTON "No, sir." "Why didn't you blow a police whistle 1" "I vos going to, but he said he vould plow, too." "Blow what 1" "Do top of my heat off." "Then you did not blow 1" "I should ehmile not," said Mr. Jacobs with a shrug of hisshoulders. "Von he drinks a pottle of my viskey ho goes oud, and I don't see see him some more tell he vas arrested in anoder saloon for drunk." "What have you to say to all this, Bill Fox, of Texas?" inquired the Court." 13i11 arose slowly to his feet and looked as picturesque as a bandit chief, as he exclaimed : BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. • Albert Street, Clinton sesta CLINTON . FURNITURE WARER001VI8, • For the house Cleaning season we have a complete Stock of BEDROOM SUITS, • DINING'ltt:)OSUITES, PARLOR SUITES, ODD CHAIRS; CENTRE 'TABLES, HALL RACKS, PIC r'URES, PICTURE AMOULDING, CURTAIN POLE, Etc. etc., We handle no trashy Furniture, yet our prices are away down. Call and inspect our Stock whether you wish to buy or not..; jo S H 1P11 01-11ID ]L HIS"_ Furniture Dealer and undertaker. CORRESPONDENCE. We will, at all times be pleased to receive items of .news front our sub. scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or through their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this ogee at once. Subscriptions mail commence at any time. he FOR GOOD ENVELOPES FOR FINEST PRINTING W -S,..- tc___Or - -FOR 'N ICE -BIL -L -HEARS __-..- FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALJ. DEPARTMENTS smopmealkimalllipanommEMMEmMidis J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Seth `aRocktonl Cneu"'model. Thomas, and el. tip A11 thers Alse pend Ant ley and stein wind set watches. - { J. BiDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. Ian Strcli Enamel. ADVERTiSERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. -- CIRCULATION. Tan NEWS-RE00RD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. JOit PRINTING. The Job Department of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is gua:"anteecl at very tom prices. • • tl This is an article worthy of every lady's attention. If you want to save time and labor, buy a box. It you want your Ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last much longer, buy a box. It you want the starch to stay in the clothes on tate line in spite of raid' or frost, buy a box, If you want everything to look like now, such es shirt bosoms, collars, cuffs, lace curtains, etc., buy a box. Every storekeeper keeps it now, and where the merchant does not keep It we want a lively agent to represent 119. 1Ianufactured by W. J. LOBB 65—tf Ilolmesvitle. v /g QTRAY STOCK ADVER TISEMENn Toe NNaws RR pate at low rS ati es. The haw makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If yd kinof advertising ewill not better thancall ,owe-Rocord THE WALES HOTEL, • ALBERT•ST. NORTH, CLINTON, The undersigned has assented the proprietorship of the above Hotel. The premises are being re- fitted and first-class accommodation can always he had for man and beast. The bar is supplied with only the best Ale- Liquor Cigars, kc., and special attention will also he given to the dining room department. There Is excellent stable a6commopation. The e of the general public le respectfuliytsolicited.684 $m JOHN T. LEE, - PROPRIETOR. SPE `STEEL ARE THE Established (860. FOR No. i No.2 No.3 Works, ENGLAND. Expert Writers. No.i6 Accoun- tants. Durres - pendants °�wenll�wat.�..t.. ...itt •tut-.1;�::: Bold Writing N Nu* o.27 MSS Sold by STATIONERS Everywhere. $amptesFREE on receipt of return postage 2 cents. SPENCERiAN PEN CO,, S'NE V YORn 86. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS DESICN PATENTS.' COPYI21CHTS, etc. For information and freo iinndbno'k writs to MUNN k CO. 11111 1;noADWAY, Nitro YORE. Oldest bureau for scenting patents to America. Every patent taken out by us is brougbt before tbo public by a notice given freo of Charge in the rzi nt thh incvit n Largest Circhlatinn of any retr'nti11f paper in tie world. Splendidly lllus•rared. Nn intelligent year; should be without o. Weaklyy, 83.00 rt t cnitasne1+S,z3Gu oadway,dNow MUNN York. N do CO., •