HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1892-06-01, Page 1TERDJ8 edti.6O tee Annum, *1.915 In Advance. I.lJD1lP.iSINDd4NT' IN 4L1 Valnics-•-NSUg'jl4. CN NQTpRNG WH i7'FI,Y ac W'4Do, V041hhlr•rI VOL, .XIV.-NO26. .CLINTON..HURON COUNTY, ONT., W1±;DNLSD.A." • JUNE 1, 1892, • For Standard and Seasonable Goods at R'ght Prices, go to the Clinton Liquor Store. ' J. W. BITER. Goderich. Pinafore stile to -day. Mr. W. Hutchison,of Winnipeg, is viaitfng at the parental residence. Toe schooner 'Carter sailed for Thesenlen on Monday evening. There was a public meeting last evening to make arrangements for celebrating Dominion Day. Treas. Ward, of West Wawanosh, was in town on Monday. Mr. A. Munro, who was seriously ill -the past week is now around again. Mrs. Jamieson (nee Stitt) and children of Massachuseette, are vis• iting Mrs. Christopherson. Mrs. G. M. Doe is visiting in Chicago; Mr. G. N. Davis returned'. on 'Thursday from a visit to Clinton and London. Mr. Geo. Fowler, of Goderich tp., died last week aged 80, surviving his wife but a few weeks. Mr. Juo. Runciman caught the first pickerel in the river this season while trolling on Thursday. Mr. and Mrsa William Watson, of Toronto, were visiting in Goder• iah and vicinity the past week. The District Deputy will visit Liverpool lodge No. 140, S.O.E.B.•S. at its regular meeting this day week . Mr. Allan Seager left for Wood- stock on Thursday. 0 Mr. J. D. Swanson last 'peek emccessfully passed the third year law examination. The Schr. Canter, Capt. Murdock McDonald, freen 'Tessalon; wi't b a canto of lutuber tfor Mr. N. Dyment, reached her do: k on Saturday letter - moon. The Schr. Parafore, Capt Mritch- ell, sailed for the Sauble on Satur- day night to load lumber for this port. The Pinafore was in port the past week undergoing repairs, having sprung a leak on her last trip/. Regular meeting of the ptehlic .school board neat Monday. Mr. R. Logan, of Seafortla., was in town lastThureday.' The South liftmen Teacher'sCon- 'vention will be'heid in the Cemtral school on Friday and Sat. ^ r'y of this week. On the eyning of the first Clay a °elect•entertainteent 'will be given in the Opera Howse, a .speech by Mr. J. T. Garrow being a leading feature. Mies Marion Ailtien, who was so eeriously i11 a few weeks sizioe, is 'reported to -lie on the road to reanv- .ery. The well known trotting petition, "Goderich Chief," took the eh'ief prize at Dungannon on the 24th. Mr. Geo. Swanso though appar- ently bolding his ow is not regain- ing his strength as feet as we would like him to. • Dr. Shaw, of Clinton, was in the circular towel en Sunday. Sunday being very fine drew -crowds to the park, the harbor pieta and the cemetery. The ball ended most sszccessfully, between forty and fifty couple be- ing present. Several times during the evening there were ten seta on the floor and when those forming them were all dancing the lancers the steno was the most brilliant we have seen in the home of the Cir- cular City Canoe Club. At the meeting of the Collegiate Institute Literary Association on Friday evening the following pro- gramme wee presented : Address, Chairman; Solo, Mises McKenzie, Mies B. Wilkinson ; Recitation, Mies B F•arraw, Mies Dickson, Mise McConnell ; Question Drawer, Mr. Strang ;'Reading, Mr. Howell, Miss Robinson ; Impromptu Speeches, Misses Williams and LoTouzel, Messrs. Johnston and Dickson; Chorus, Glee Club, "God Save The Qeeen." • Goderich The Sohr. Mary wl.h a cargo of coal for the Witter Worke arrived in port on Sunday. Mr. W. T. Whitely of the Cus- tom's Dept., Clinton, was among his friends in the circular town last week. Mr. Barrow, of Clinton, spent Sunday in Goderioh• Among those attending the C. C. C. C. Queeu's Birthday Ball we noticed Misses Irwin, VanTaesel and Gibson and Messrs. Fair and Davis of Clinton ; Mise McIntyre and Lawyer Hays, Seaforth ; Mise McCormack, Brussels ; laws or H. J. D. Cooke, Blyth ; Mr, McKenzie, Stratford; Mr. E. Gingras, Ottawa; Messrs. Percy Walton, J. Waugh and D. McKenzie, Loudon ; Meeurs. G. Galbraith, C. Simmone and E Walsh, Toronto ; Messrs. G. Morris, Scarf, McLean and Bruce, Guelph. Blyth, II. J. D. COOKS, BAltaUSTEI, SOLIOITOR, NOTARY Sumac, CONVEYANCER, &C. —110 VEX TO LLND.— OlCee over Boll's Re: Less Shop, QUEEN [iTiiEET, BLYrtr. 700 .Inspector Paisley, of Clinton, was in towu on Saturday. Mr. John Denholm is shipping from this station this week several • carloads of loge for Button's chair factory, Wiugham. Mr. Alfred Lawrence,of Welland an old Blythite, was visiting old ac quaint.tuees during during the past week. Our local cattle buyer, Mr. 1 Watson, met with a misfortune on day last week by gettiug one of h thumbs severely lacerated whip triini sing Amite poles with h s j'tcknife. , ' Lawyer Cook has moved int Hamilton's brick block, where lei will hang out his shingle in future: . The members of the C. 0. Fore esters, No,. 89, contemplate having their annual sermou preached tcli thein shortly in Trinity Church. Rev. F. W. Campbell is attend ji ing the Methodist Conference in3 Guelph this week. A district meeting of the L. 0. rel is to behold in the {Orange hall of Wed net,uf ay. h Profeesor Meek is to give anotdeee of his •celebrated entertainments, under the auspices of the Euglish Church., on the evening of the '6tif of Joao, in Industa'y Hall. e'roa ceeds in aid of cheetah funds. Wd bespeak a toll house. Holy Communion in Trnnit Churcth on Sunday morning next Sacrament of the Lord's Seppe was a$uilnster'ed an the Presbyter tau church ou Sunday morning last. In the eveni i, Rowe. Mr. Ilareilton, of Loe desb•`;=., occupied the pulpit preaching,- : ` earnest and thaught- ful diecoursAto 4 good congregation. Several wheelsi eu from the Hu b took a spin over to our hamlet on Monday evening. [Too late Ear. Mast woek] Mr.Abort Brownlee, of Leaden, is vier ting under the parented roof these days. . Re•s.ve Hamilton is visiting the Queen City this week. • Mr. J. Ernigh, ;proprietor of the Commercial. visited tho Forest City on the Queen's birthday. Mrs. John Kelly is visiting her daugheer in Detroit thie week.. Rev. 11Ir. Hughes and lady of Wingham, were in town on Fri- day. Quite a nurnbea' of temperance people were in town on Friday at- tending the District meeting the order. The Vueon's Birthday was observ- ed here as a general holiday, the most cf the natives going to other pointe of interest to celebrate the day. Our band, under the loadersiph of S. Gidley, left on the early train on the Qaeon's Birthday for Exeter where they hid been engaged for the day. Mr. E. - Watson shipped a car- load of hogs from this station on 'Monday for Montreal. Hiss Felina Floody's many friends will be glad to hear that she is fast recovering front her seri- ous illness. On Tuesday evening the regular meeting of the C. 0. F. No. 87 was held in their hall when another in- itiation took place and several ap- plications received. This Order is booming in our midst at present. On Tuesday the body of the late Mrs. McMillan of Ripley, mother of Mr. John McMillan of Morris, arrived here for interment. The remains were followed by a large number of sympathizing friends to the Union cemetery. Mr. John Tanner, principal of high school, Listowel, is visiting under the parental roof for a few daye. Colborne. 7 be semi•annual meeting of the Goderioh district L. 0. L. will be held in the ball ol'No. 153, Colborne, on Tuesday, Juuo 14th at the hourot• 3 o'clock p. w. After the Dist Lodge is closed the Royal Scarlet Chapter will be opened and several advanced td that order. A good attendance is requested by order of the D. M., A. Millie:). The Breth- ren of L. O. L. 153 will have their hall enlarged for the district meet- ing. -f7-- Mc1ii11op. WisTueor, May 25, 1891. A. M. Todd, Esq., Clinton, Ont. DEAR SIR AND Bao,—The following resolution was adopted at the last regular meeting of L. 0. L. No. 813. We the officers and members of L. 0. L. No. 813; McKillop, desire to teuder you our sympathy in your sickness, and hope and trust that yeti may be restored to health and strength again, to perform your duties as our County baster of Sonth Huron. Signed in behalf of the Lodge. R01T. SCARr.RTr, Rec. Seo. [Noce.—Bro. Todd is recovering nicely and hopes before long to be at his post of duty.] ,Snnnnerltill. Mies Sophia Kilty, of Clinton, was the guest of her brother G. M. last woek. The` Good Templars' postponed entertainment will now take place ou.the evouiug of the 17th of June./ Messrs. Christy and Henry Bea-' com are re•planking the bridge over the little Maitland •here. The old planks were getting very thin. Dr. Asa- :riair who has been rus tieating with his brothers and other friends in this neighborhood for a short time has secured 'a suitable location in the province of Quebec in which to continence his career as' an M. D. We wish the gentlemen not only success in relieving pain and lengtheuing life, but also a fair share of financial success. Mr. and Mrseer. S. Miller spent a few days among friends near Bel. grave. Master Caryl Draper of "The Fork" 'dislocated hid elhow and partly dislocated his shoulder by a fall on Saturday the 21st May. Surgical aid was procured, but for some time the little sufferer will carry his aria in a sling. Mr. at. J. Draper had a colt bad- ly cut by a "barbarous' wire fence one day last week and but for the tituely arrival of a "vet" he would have bled to death. Bob has been often reminded lately that misfor- tunes never conte -singly, although bleseerugs generally do. • Londesboro (Crowded out last week). District Lodge No.. 24 I. 0. G.. T. tizet in the To.tuperauce Hall. Blyth, on Fridays 20th., W. 4i-. Broekonshire, D. C.. T., presiding. These were 14 lodges represented by at least 150 representatives. 'flee reports of the delegates were very oucouraging and show 'else order to -bo flourishing in this District- The secretary's report show:, a gain of 212- uiembors mise last meeting in January last. The treasurer's repute shows :—Receipts $2„,5..58; expenditures, $197.415 ; balance on hand, $388,53. Mrs. W. T. Scott, G. S. J. T., was present and ably assisted in the proceediaigs. In the afternoon she addressed the Juveniles in the Methodist church and w as well pleased with the turn- out,. She congratulated B 9th Juvenile Templars se being one of the beet in Ontario. In the even- ing there was a public meeting in the Temperance Hall which was crowded to the dogs. Splendid addresses were delivered by the Rev, E. W. iIughes and Mrs. W. L. Scott after which the audience join- ed in singing that beautiful hymn, "God be with us till we meet again." The meeting was then closed by Rev. Mr. Hughes pro- nouncing the benediction. The following are the officers for the current year :—D. C. T,, Robert Somers, Blyth; D. C., D. Suther- lands, Winghane;D. V. T., Isabella Webh,St. Helens; D. S.J.T.,Frank Metcalf, D. Sec-Treas.,B. Lawrasore Londeeboro; D. Chap. Rev. E. W. Hughes, Winghatn; D. M., Mr. Yellowlees, Clinton ; D. D. M., Annie McIntosh, Constance; D. G. 'Miss Washington, Clinton ; D. S„ Wm. Wightman, Belgrave; D. A. S., Clara Moffatt, Blyth; D. P. C. T., W. F. Brockenshire, Winghatn. Arthur Woodman, of Londeeboro, was elected delegate to the Grand Lodge. —Mrjor Walsh, of the Dominion coal company, says that coal from Souris the mines will be laid down in Winnipeg at $4 per ton in six weeks from now. V , Nile. Mr. 'George Sheppard has the masons building a stone foundation under his barn. Ile intends putting another bout to it to make more stabling for his large amount of stook. Mr. fierce, fr'oln Kinloss, has the stone work and Mr, William Mc- Whinney tl}e frame work- The Rev. Mr. Fear preached on Sunday evening from the 119th Psalm, 10.E verse : "Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" He showed how the word is a fight in the world, in the home, in business and social life. And as we have received the light so shall we be'acooiintable for our works accord.. ingly. Mr. Joseph Hetherington will preach next Sunday evening. Mr. EIoover, of Westfield, was at the Nile on Sdnday lest. • He seems to be 6rying to Curry favor with some of the Nile girls. Stick to it, Jim. If y9u keep the right bow on your neck you wilt win. It behooves you to have her. Mr. William. J. McIntyre, of Col- borne, was married on Wednesday to Miss Mills of Wawanosh. We wish the newly married couple all the joys this world can afford, and hope that all their trouble will be little ones. Mr. R. Mcllwain sold his blank driving mare to Dr. Whitely of God• erich tor a[s good figure. The Dr. knows a good horse when he sees one. Miss Shorts, of Westfield, is visite ing friends in this neighborhood. Mrs. and Miss Reid, of Godericb, were at the Nile on Sunday last. Mr. Hugh Girvin, our cattle buyer, has a fine lot of cattle on hand; he bays only the hest. John Dustow has sold his fine lot of steers to Mr. Beckler of Ben• iniller. Witrghani. Miss S. Beatty of °Aleadville, Pa., is in Wingllam on a month's visit to her sister, Mrs. R. Tennant. Mr. John Foster, of Paisley, has been iu •Wingbam calliug on old friends. Harry Garbutt, of Wing!iam, who was arrested in Toronto last summer on a charge of forgery in Texas, and who has been in gaol ever since, has been taken back to Texas in spite of the numerous trials he has had. It is doubtful whether he will ever get back to Canada. The lockup was full on the 24th. evening;-bu,tf there was very little disturbance in town. The promenade concert in the rsnk on the 24th was well attended Dr. Fowler and wife and Mr. EIomuth left ort Monday for the Old Country taking ship at New York. We wish them a pleasant voyage. The trees in town are fast adorn. ing themselves with a green garb which very much improves the gen- eral appearance of our enebree city. Messrs. Crossley and Hunter, evangelists, gave their ferewell[eer- mons to a packed house on Sabbath evening last. At 20 Minutes be. fore the titre for meeting the church was crowded to the doors, and shart• ly after service began Rev. Mr. Hunter received a note from •out - aide asking them to .seine to the Park stating there was a big ootgre- gation outside. The meetings here were a grand success. Eighty -.six jjoins _l p%the Methodir,t church on B"an- �� - Goderich Township ' Commit met at Holruesville May ,2Sth aa.oaurt of revision. Members qualified according to statute. The revision of the roll was proceeded with and the following 'motions carried : Moved by john Beacom, seconded by James Connolly, that the appeal of W. J. Patton, be not granted. Moved by the same teeetes- the appeal of Thomas Murch be not granted. Moved by Jas. Connolly, secouded by Samuel Sturdy, that west pt of lot 95 be put on road division.l o. 13. IMIoved by James Connolly, seconded by J. Beacom, that the assessment roll now revised be passed. Minutes of last meeting was read and passed. Moved by J. Connolly, .seconded by S. Sturdy, that the petition of T. C. Pickard and 24 others allowing the residents of Holmesrille to• do their statute labour in the lengthening of sidewalk in the village under the supervision of T. C. Pickard be granted. Mov- ed by J. H. Elliott, seconded by J. Connolly, that the following persons be allowed to do their statute labor on side road first con : Charles Brit). combe, Samuel Furse and R. Ful- ford. Moved by John Beacom, seconded •by S. Sturdy, that bylaw No. 3 now read be passed. Moved by J. Beacom, seconded by J. H. Elliott, that the following accounts be paid : Wm. Wakefield, balance for assessing $15. postage $2. Hanley Cantelon damages to buggy caused by road being out of repair, $8. Clerk, tape line for use of councillore, $2.40. Goderich Star, for printing, $10. Adjourned to meet last Monday in June. NIXON STURDY, Clerk. slay. Donnell met pureuant to udjunru- ment in the towu hall on Saturday, May 21; all the motubors present. Kalblleish—Sohnell, That the following ohange be made in the aeaosstnent roll : John Dutnart, dog struch oft'; Lot 24, L. R. E., two dogs struck off; Central part lot 9, Con. 15, assessed to Henry Kr'euger ; Ed. Marshall, struck orf ; henry Yager, one do struck off; E. lot 16, Con. 54 reduced $100. Carried. Voelker — ICalbfleish , That a new road division to be known as 15 A, and consisting of 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 in Con. V be formed with Alex. Munn as pathmaeter, Caried. Kalbfleish—Schnell. That on request of MessrsGies and Sohwalm. the clerk be instructed to notify all portiea affected by the Little Marsh Drain that the matter of cleaning out said drain will be taken up at next meeting of the council. Lots affected are 22 to 28 inclusive iu Con. 10 and 18 and 19 on North Boundary. Carried. Turnbull—Voelker. That the reeve and treasurer be instructed to borrow on the credit of the muni- cipality the sum of $2,000 to meet current expenses. -Carried. . Turnbull — Voelker. That the following be appointed Road Com- missioners: North Boundary, H. Gies and Charles Troyer; South Boundary, Henry Yager and Daniel Shaeffer : Centre Road, Div. 1, R. Carlisle •; Div. 2, G. Parker; Div. 3, H. Worm ; Div. 4, Nelson Meese. Carried. The following accounts were ordered to bo paid : J. Hildebrand, care of Curry, $12. M. Witmer, culvert. Sauble line, $1. J. Curtz, culverts, $7. C. Holbein, culvert, Bronson lino, $5 - Dr. Thompson, attendance on Margaret McVeigh, $30. Kasper Weber, repairing hole in Centre road 75 cents. Sant. J. Latta, part salary, $40. R. Hicks, contractor, H. S. D. $274.00. Council then adjourned to meet again on June 25th at 10 a. m. •. SAM. J. LATTA, Clerk. • St " "ey. The members of the Council meet ou May 25th at 10 o'clock a. m. as a court Revision, Weu. Clark absent. The Reeve was appointed chairman, The following changes were made in the roll: Jas. McCly- mont, Henry Dawson, and Robt. Elliott each one dog taken off. John Rathwell one bitch taken off and ono dog put ou. S. D. 12 of 15, con. 1 was assessed to Mary Simp• son as owner, and N. H. of N. H. of 19 and S. H. of 18, L. It. W. was assessed to Angae Murray as owner. The assessment roll then finally passed, andthe court closed. The conceit resumed their seats.at one o'clock for general business. Rufus Keys was refiitided one dollar error in dog tax in 1891. John Tough was paid $71 salary and stationery; Mrs. Jas. Wauless, Sr., -was paid $45 for keeping and at tending to .Donald McKayto May 23rd. Samuel Reid was paid $20 for keeping Wm. Thompson to Feby. 23rd 1892. Jas. Johns was ap- pointed Commissioner for Bayfield Road and Wm. Kain for townline between Hay and Stanley. The trustees of S. S. No. 4 were paid $50, balance of general school grant for 1891. Joe. Fisher's gravel acct. '$27.30 for 1891 was ordered to be paid. The following appropriations were paid for the, township loads. Con. 2 and 3 $50; con. 4 and 5 $85; con. 6 and 7, $40; con. 8 and 9 $40; con. 10 and 11 $40; con. 12, and 13 $65; Sauble lino $100; Centre line from Parr to Babylon $20; Babylon to Goshen, $15; Goshen to Bronson $50; Bronson to Sauble $10. Car- nie's.sidoline, $10; McGregor's $15; Innis's $30; Mcllveen's $10; John- ston's $10; . Baird's $10; Cur•rie's $15; Sharp's $15; Boyce's $20; MoNair's $20; Reid's $10; McBeth'e $30; Screenan's $25; Bayfield road, $100; South Boundary, $250. The Council thed adjourned to meet again on Monday June 27th next at one o'clock p.,,m. G. J. STEWART, Clerk. BIRTHS. MONTGOMERY —In Blyth, on May 19th, the wife of Mr. Henry Montgomery, of a eon. MARRIAGES. MOSE—PIERCE.—At the paarsonage, Hay- field, on May 24th, by Rev. Mr. New- ton, Mr. Wm. Mose,Bruasele, (formerly of Goderlch Tp..) to Mi"e Jennie Pierce, only daughter of Mr. Tilos. Pierce, Brussels. —South Dakota settlers continue to pass into Manitoba. W HOLE N p.. 708 Additional Loath). Me. T. L. Foneune woe in Windsor last week and r o'ed the dignity with wi ioh the newly mode eity'displayed its honors. ° Mas., J. Cumber jr. is visiting in Toronto at the home of her Meter, Mrs. Clark, and the while Joe has adapted :Milton's line ''Short retire- ment urges sweet return." Mtt. W. Se • had remodelled his agricultural imp era v%are. house on Ontario street an will doubtleea be prepared to' meet visitors there who may requite nee chines that will deftly capture the sweet•aeented hay and the golden grain. A NATION'S Horanaelo are largely .the measure and expreesion of its patriotism, and upon their due ob. servance depends the degree of es- teem in which they will be held by other natione This axiom is worthy of consideration when de- termining what Huron's county hub should do in the way of the proper observance of the coming twenty-fifth anniversary of our Dominion's birth. July first ehpuld bo kept in commemoration of the most important event in our history ; nor should its importance be lessened by permitting it to swallow up any other holiday. It' adjacent towns have not made a move in the matter could not en- ough inspiration be found in Clin- ton to arrange for some demon titra- tion Of the day here. What are our seval sporting clubs for if they do not give us an occasional day when the service of mammon is under suspension? • DRAMATIC DOINGS. Intended fo: last week. Anything but inviting was the prospect last Thursday eveniug, . chill rain falling and the sky o'er - cast with a mantle of clouds heavy' and sullen, yet there was sufficient; interest in the theatre going people- of our town, in the appearance of our local talent in the Mennel Bone - fit drama "Hazel Kirke," to brings in front of the foot -lights a house,, the financial measurement of which, was a little over fifty dollars. We• had hoped that the combination of pleasure and good deede would attract a larger audience, yet, the opposiliou .of• the elements and a counter attraction iu town same evouing being considered, one may say "well done." It is pleasurable • to record the success of the rendi- tion of the various numbers under the direction of Mr. Harty Hart, who has proved himself a qualified teacher of the dramatic art in bring- ing our amateurs to such a state of proficiency as he did ; and a very excellent actor in his caste of "Pitta- cus Green," the hero of the play. Miss 1t1CHardy was prepared for the character of rho heroine "Ilazol Kirke," but on account of a lame• nese it was found necessary to pro- cure for it Mies Graham of Luck - now, who took it in a way to com- mand the ‘admiration of _the most critical. Miss Kate Read, in "Dolly Dutton," by the facility and dexter- ity with which she disposed of a labyrinth of gestures, smiles and ex- nressions inspired the ' audience with. a warm glow of enthusiasm. Miss Shute and Mies VanTassel had very pretty parts and their appear- ance ou the stage was in the highest degree praiseworthy. Mr. H. T. Rance, in "Dunstan Kirke," showed the occult magic of his power as an artist. This heavy and intricate caste was' executed in a way which made many envious of his talent and seieuity. Messrs. Spaldiug and Barrow had parts not entirely suited to them yet 'did very well even iu their embarrassing situation. Will Harland and Harry St^.nbury wero- the funny men, and funny mon they wgre with a naturalness and grace becoming the play. All did well. There vas veneer, but it was genuine and appreciable. Between the third and last acts a feature not in the program was introduced by Tor Rance. He thanked the audi- once for their patronage in a few well worded remarks, and then the shadow of the impending crisis seemed to deepen and his imagina- tion was taken captive as ho deploy• ed the fact that the stage's mechan• ie and appointments were quite un• fit or a town of Clinton's importance and conceded devotion to Thespian, dramatic and other phases of Intel• lectualart culture. Tor is eloquent, yet he could not utter opinions hot enough or faotte strong enough to satisfy himself. His oration was received upon the wings of popular applause. —Michigan has 104 million, aires, forty.five of whom call Detroit their home. The state has. also the largest number of impovers isbed farmers of any awe in the Union, population considered.